Department of Choreography and Art Management
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
About the department
The Department of dance was founded in 1987 with the music Department was a branch of the choreography. It was founded by the first Kazakh professional choreographer, People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor D. T. Abirov.
In 1992, it was formed as a separate department. Until 2006, this department was headed by a cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor G. Zh. Karamoldaeva.
In 2005, the candidate of Art History Toigan Ospanovna Izim, a highly qualified specialist, became the head of the department. She made a great contribution to the development of the educational process.
Currently the Department is headed for excellence in the sphere of culture of Kazakhstan, senior lecturer Sabzaliev Roza Bolisovna.
Famous graduates of the specialty "Choreography" people's artist of the Kazakh SSR – Raushan Baiseitova, people's artist of the Kazakh SSR, Sayragul Nursultanova, Honored artist of the Kazakh SSR Kadyrov Myra, Honoured worker of Kazakhstan Kuralay Sarkytbaeva, Honored worker of Kazakhstan Aliya Tristicula, Honoured worker of Kazakhstan Rakhmetova Saul; ballet soloists of Opera and ballet named after Abay Mancia Karakulova, Rave Makhmutova, Galina Bulgaria, Lyudmila Makarceva (her daughter Maria Makarceva – second generation), Love Makarceva, Janelle Tukeeva, Usina Alena, Komkina Ekaterina-Safronova; many soloists of the classical ballet of Bulat Gazizovich Ayukhanov, teachers of the choreographic school: Nazira Abdulina, Tatyana Vishneva, Olga Adyrkhayeva; soloists of the Gulder youth ensemble, the Saltanat ensemble, soloists of the Uyghur Theater and many, many others received higher education in our university.
Currently, our graduates work in all cities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Holland, Canada, Greece, Switzerland, Italy, USA, etc. On January 5, 2000, the Tomiris Ensemble was established at the department. The leaders of the ensemble "Tomiris" are Sabzaliev R. B. and M. M. Agabalov. The ensemble participates in International and national competitions and is the winner of International republican and competitions. For the convenience of students, a hostel, dance halls, and a dining room are provided. Since 1991, under the leadership of G. Zh. Karamoldaeva, she actively participated in the opening of the specialties "Cultural and leisure work".
The department has a student drama theater "Zhan Sarayy", as well as an opera theater "Oner Zhastan...".In the composition of the Opera "Oner zhastan", was the students received education in this specialty. Under the guidance of Professor A. Isagulova created the ensemble "Shattyk Zhyry", which became known throughout the republic.
Today, the brightest pop of Kazakhstan, the graduates of Cultural and leisure work, were members of the group "Quzdar-AI":Roza Alkhozha, Gulmira Method, Genipa Sadykov, Zhazira Batyrbekova, Gulnur Orazymbetova, Dinara Malakova, ASEM Kudaibergenova.
Mission and International relations
Develop teacher-leaders who know how to create, develop and disseminate cutting-edge knowledge and values in education for the benefit of the country and the world.International relations
- South Ural State Pedagogical University for the Humanities
- State Academy of Choreography of Uzbekistan
Educational programs
Kusanova Anipa
Position: Leader of educational programm, senior lecturer, PhD
- Information
Kusanova Anipa
Position: Leader of educational programm, senior lecturer, PhD
In 1996 he graduated from the Almaty Choreographic School named after A. V. Seleznev..
From 1996 to 2012 -ballet dancer of the Abai State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater.
In 2005 he graduated from KazNAI. T. K. Zhurgenov, Faculty of Choreography, specialty choreography.
Since 2012 -Senior lecturer at the Department of Choreography and Art Management of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- In 2017, he graduated from the Choreography Faculty of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts and received an academic Master's degree in art history in the field of choreography pedagogy.
- In 2021, he graduated from the doctoral program of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts with a degree in 6d040600 – "Directing".
- Responsible for hourly workload and work curriculum
- Adviser for full-time students of 3-4 courses
- The compiler of the OPO
- Development of modern forms and artistic means in directing choreography of the Astana Ballet Theater.
- «Учебно-воспитательный процесс в хореографическом коллективе». Журнал «Вестник Академии Педагогических Наук Казахстана»№3(65), Алматы, 2015. – С.112-117
- «Раздел аллегро на уроках классического танца (1год обучения)». «Қыздар университеті» Алматы, 2015
- «Проблемы формирования профессиональных качеств педагога в современных условиях: опыт высшей школы казахстана». Журнал «Центра Болонского процесса и академической мобильности» МОН РК. Астана, 2015. – С.49-51
- «Өскелен ұрпаққа хореографиялық тәрбие беру». Научно-методический журнал «Педагогика и психология» № 2 (27) Алматы, 2016. С.118-122
- «Театр современного танца “Самрук” прошлое, настоящее, будущее». Журнал«Хабаршы» №5 (65) Казгосженпу, 2016. С.142-145
- « Problems of inheritance of pedagogical experience in system of the higher choreographic education of Kazakhstan». Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Вопросы хореографического искусства и образования конца ХХ-начала ХХІ в.в.», КазНАИ им. Т.К.Жургенова, Алматы, 2017г.-С.166-169
- "The education process in the choreographic team". Научно-методический журнал «Педагогика и психология»Алматы 2017г.
Sabdalieva Rosa
Позиция: Acting associate professor, master of sciences
- Information
Sabdalieva Rosa
Позиция: Acting associate professor, master of sciences
- In 1998, she graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in "Teacher-choreographer" and was accepted as a teacher at the Department of Choreography.
- In 1998-2005 she worked as a teacher;
- From 2005 to 2011 - Senior lecturer;
- Since 2011 - Acting Associate Professor;
- From 2011-2021, Head of the Department "Choreography and Art Management".
- Since 2021 Acting Associate Professor
- On the basis of the department in 2000, the dance ensemble "Tomiris" was created, since the foundation of the dance ensemble "Tomiris" has been the artistic director.
- In 2012, she was awarded the badge "Excellent student of the Sphere of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- In 2021, she was awarded the diploma of the Minister of Education and Science A.Aimagambetov.
- In 2012, the developer of the bachelor's degree program in the specialty "5B040900-Choreography", "6B02102- Choreography".
- «Портфолио как метод оценки и повышения качества обучения в вузах РК» «Ұлт тағылымы» № 4/1, Алматы 2010г. 0,10
- «Роль педагогики в подготовке специальности «Менеджер хореографического коллектива» в педвузах РК «Поиск» № 4/2, Алматы 2010. 0,15
- «Теоретическая характеристика педагогических условий формирования профессиональной компетентности будущего педагога-хореографа в педвузе» «Бастауыш мектеп» № 12, Алматы 2010г.
- «Портфолио как технология прфессионального обучения в вузах РК». Материалы междуна. науч.-практ. конф.: «Глобализация социума и современное образование: Педагогика высшего и среднего образования в новых социальных условиях» г. Саратов РФ 2010г.
- Значимость педагогики в подготовке специальности «Педагог хореограф» в педвузах РК
- «Научно-методическое обеспечение художественного творческтва значение хореографии в формировании эстетического, духовно-нравственного развития личности» Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции "Инновационные явления в современной культуре Казахстана". Алматы 324-328
- «Значение хореографии в формировании эстетического, духовно-нравственного развития личности», "Проблемы и перспективы инновационных технологий и повышении качества подготовки педагогических кадров» Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции. Алматы 497-502
- «Подготовка будущих руководителей-хореографов в условиях модернизации», «Ауезовские чтения-8: научные достижения – основа культурного и экономического развития цивилизации» Международная научно-практическая конференция. Шымкент 240-243
- Мақала аты: “Формирование творческих качеств личности студентов в процессе написания научно-исследовательской работы при подготовке педагогов хореографов в вузах РК” // «Би мұрасы және білім берудегі хореография өнерінің замануи мәселелері» Шара Жиенқұлованың туғанына 100 жыл толуына арналған ғылыми материалдардың жинағы, Астана қаласы , 2012 жыл
- Сабдалиева Р.Б., Николаева Л.А. «Formation of professional essential qualities of teachers at University» Г. Боземан (штат Монтана, США) 12 қараша 2012ж
- “Из истории женского образования Вв Казахстане: Становление кафедры хореографии Казахского государственного женского педагогического университета” Қазмемқызпу 70 жылдығына арналған “Нұрпеиіс оқулары” аясында өтетін “Қазақстан жолы 2050” және тарих ғылымы: жетістіктері мен болашағы” атты Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конфер. Алматы каласы, 2014 жыл 127-130
- “Дорога к вершинам мастерства” “Қыздар университеті” газеті № 1(108) Алматы 6 наурыз 2014 ж.
- Қазақстаның жоғарғы мектеп қабырғасындағы «Сұлулық және денсаулық бағдарламасының мәні» «Хабаршы, Алматы, 2013ж 131-135
- «Становление кафедры «Хореография» Казахского Государственного женского педагогического университета», ҚР Білім және ғылым министрлігінің «Қазахстанның жоғары мектебі» журнал Астана, № 15650 каласы, 2015 жыл
- “Қазақстанда әйелдер арасында хореографиялық білім беру және оның даму тарихы: Қазмемқызпудағы хореография кафедрасының құрылуы”, Қазмемқызпудың 70 жылдығына арналған “Қазақстан жолы 2050” және тарихи ғылымы: жетістіктері мен болашағы” атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік корференциясының материалдары Алматы қаласы, 14 наурыз 2014 ж
- «Problems of the pedagogical assessment of professionalism in choreography» Педагогика и Психология № 1 (26) 2016 г.;
- «Значение хореографии в формировании эстетического духовного-нравственного развития личности», Қазақстанның Жоғары мектебі №4/2016
- «Методика формирования профессиональной компетентности будущих педагогов – хореографов при подготовке бакалавра», ІІІ – ші халықаралық ғылыми тәжірбиелік конференция “Quality management search and solutions” Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2017 ж., 27-29 қараша
- «Будуший педагог-хореограф и основы формирования его профессиональной компетентности в условиях вуза» ISSN 2073-333X МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ Наука и Жизнь №8 2020
- «Народная хореография в современном мире» Республиканская Онлайн конференцию магистрантов и молодых ученых «АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ СОВРЕМЕННОСТИ» сборник и сертификаты, 08 июня 2020г. В соавтор студентка бакалавра 3 курс 4х.г. обучения Михеенка А.
- «КӨПМӘДЕНИЕТТІ ҚОҒАМДАҒЫ ӨНЕРТАНУ: ДӘСТҮР МЕН ЖАҢАШЫЛДЫҚ» І Международная научно-практическая ONLINE-конференция Время: 11 дек 2020 02:00 PM Алматы
- «Жастардың қарым-қатынас мәдениетін дамытудың дәстүрлі жолдары» Ғылыми-практикалық конференция 2021г.
- «Тенденции и перспективы развития науки и образования в условиях глобализации», Сборник материалов Международной научно-практической интернет-конференции. №61, Переяслав (Украина), 2020.
- «Жастардың қарым-қатынас мәдениетін дамытудың дәстүрлі жолдары», Ғылыми-практикалық конференция 2021
- «Будуший педагог-хореограф и основы формирования его профессиональной компетентности в условиях вуза», ISSN 2073-333X, МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ, №8 2020г., соавтор Николаева Л.А.
- С 2012 года разработчик образовательной программы бакалавриата специальности «5В040900-Хореография»\и «6B02102- Хореография»
- Рекомендация по разработке «Портфолио» для творческих специальностей в вузах РК
- Р.Б.Сабдалиева, аға оқытушы Н.В.Ликучева «Хореографиялық мұра» пәні бойынша әдістемелік оқу құралы
- Соавтор и разработчик авторской программы для школ искусств дополнительного образования. Программа по дисциплине «Казахский народный танец». ISBN 978-9965-889-90-5;
- Учебно-методическое пособие: «Балаларға арналған қазақтың сахналық билер» 2020 г. Типография Казнацженпу, 77 бет.
- Монография:«Принципы обучения педагога -хореографа» Алматы 2021г. 8 п.л.
Amankulova Layla
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Amankulova Layla
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
Since September 1998, an employee of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (Almaty).Since September 2017, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Culture for Educational Work.From 2005 to 2006, Deputy Director for Educational work of the boarding school for gifted children named after A. Zhubanov.Since September 2008, Master's degree, senior lecturer of the department "Theory and methodology of cultural and mass work " (Almaty)
- 1991-1994 awarded the qualification of "organizer of cultural and leisure activities", "director of mass performances" of the Kaskelen School of Culture.(diploma with honors) TSAB-INo.0004290
- 1994-1998 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute Faculty of Music Pedagogy awarded the qualification of "music teacher" (OG0042121)
- 2002-2004 graduated with honors from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of "Kazakh Philology".(ZHB0060639)
- Organizer of educational events
- Adviser to full-time students of the 3rd year
- Trade union member
- Script Builder
- Host of the concert at the Institute, moderator
- Organization and conduct of leisure activities
- The concept of mentality in modern Kazakh lyrics
- Artistic creativity
- Script mastery
- Topical issues of traditional song art in Kazakhstan: 2014-2016
- The concept of mentality in modern Kazakh lyrics: 2020-2021
- Fundamentals of screenwriting: 2016
- Bulletin of KAZGOSZHENPU No.6 (60) 2015
- National Library" features of the formation of cultural and leisure activities of youth " 2015 p. 42-46
- Fundamentals of screenwriting skills by L. A. Amankulova / Epigraph Publishing house 2016 textbook 8 tr. ISSN 978-601-240-735-8
- "The specifics and path of the formation of acting on the theater stage."Journal of KazNPU Bulletin No. 3, 2016 pp. 70-72
- "The role of cultural heritage in the formation of cognitive historical thinking students "(3) 2017 188-190бет
- "Historical truth and artistic solution in the novel D. Dosjanova" AK Orda" "Zerde and attention" №1(4), 2017 pp. 10-13
- "The place of the folk song in traditional art" to them.Abaya.Journal Bulletin of KazNPU November 30, 2017175-p. 177
- "The development of the native land is the main landmark"" QYZDAR YNIVERSITI No.4 (170) 2018
- "Celebration and staging of mass holidays "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University "Science and life of Kazakhstan" No. 2 (57) 2018 65-69bet
- "Spiritual formation of youth personality based on traditional song culture".
- Science and Life of Kazakhstan No. 3 (58) 2018
- "Youth and Science": Present and future 70th Conference.(12) 2017 p. 326-328
- "The place of folk song in traditional art"" Named after Abayazhurnal Bulletin of KazNPU (3) 2017 p. 173-175
- "Encyclopedic works as a source of universal, general knowledge" Scientific works of VIIREiS No. 4 (38), (December) 2019 p . 123-131
- "Psychological features of the formation of new innovative technologies in the field of physical culture and sports"
- Materials of the international conference "Education, physical culture, Tourism and sports innovations" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War on April 24, 2020, Almaty, Kazakhstan pp. 233-236
- "Artistic features of the traditional song art of Kazakhstan"
- International edition of the Turkish Ethno-cultural Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Ahiska" December 11, 2020 p. 11-12
- Metaphoric conception of national character in Abay Kunanbayev’s works
- Site of Biblioteca Digital Revistas Clentificas y Humanisticas Vol.36
- Nom,91 (2020) ISSN:1012-1587/e- ISSN:2477-9285
- "Certificate of achievement" Total core 507 06/24/2020
- "Traditional ways of developing the culture of youth communication" Scientific works of VIIREiS No. 3 (41), (September) pp. 198-205, 2020.
- "The place of national historical values in the education of youth " Scientific works of VIIREiS No. 4 (42), (December) pp. 84-89, 2020
- The role of historical military personalities in the formation of future officers "International G. T. conf.on the topic "Global initiatives of Kazakhstan and contribution to international security " RNMI. Collection of materials from 21.04.2021 Almaty p . 303-307
- Encyclopedic collection "Great names-holders of knowledge without borders" Almaty 2019 P. 16
- International scientific and practical conference "Traditional ways of developing the culture of youth communication""Art criticism in a multicultural society: traditions and innovations" December 10-11, 2020 pp. 125-131
- The importance of theatrical performances in the celebration of "art history in a multicultural society: traditions and innovation " 10-11 winds. International Scientific and Practical Conference 2020 p. 134-139
- Modern trends of festive events in scenography "Art history in a multicultural society: traditions and innovations"
- December 10-11, 2020 International Scientific and Practical Conference pp. 139-144 The importance of speech skills in organizing an evening on the topic
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Art Criticism in a multicultural society: traditions and innovations" December 10-11, 2020 pp. 163-167
- Methodology of the thematic evening "Art history in a multicultural society: traditions and innovations" December 10-11, 2020 International Scientific and Practical Conference pp. 31-34
Kopbayev Alpysbay
Position: Acting Professor, Senior lecturer
- Information
Kopbayev Alpysbay
Position: Acting Professor, Senior lecturer
Kopbayev Alpysbay Myrsydykovich is a graduate of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.
- P. I. Tchaikovsky music school in Almaty (1977-1983);
- Specialty "vocal" of the Faculty of vocal and choral singing of the Kurmangazy State Conservatory (1983-1988).
- Formation of students ' vocal abilities. - 2017. - No. 1. - p. 63-65.
- Valiullina R. N., Tadzhmagambetova Sh.zh. (2017) method of projects as a medium for the development of critical thinking in the disciplines of musical culture / way of Science, International Journal of Russia. – 2017. - №6 (54), 68-69 p.
- Valiullina R. N., Kadirova R. (2018) Polyazic aspect in the program of musical training of students in pedagogical specialties / the way of science, international scientific journal. 2018. - №3 (4). - p. 144-145.
- Valiullina R. N., Tajmagambetova Sh.zh. Kraevedical component in the course of musical education of students in pedagogical specialties / way of science, international scientific journal of Russia. - 2018. - №8 (4). - p. 62-63.
- Tajmagambetova Sh. zh. the key to the future of the nation / Almaty Akshamy. – 2018. - №3 (47). - 1-2 p.
- Belgozieva U. B. songs: A Systematic vocal and pedagogical educational and methodical manual. Methodological tools. - Almaty, 2021.
- Ability of the organizer specialist with managerial skills / scientific achievements of the Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics and communications. – 2021. - №2 (44) – 2 p.
Kospagarova Asem
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Asem Kospagarova-graduated from the Bachelor's degree of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenova in 2005. In 2016, he received a master's degree in the humanities from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
He began his career as an editor of the art department of the newspaper "Zhas Kazak uni".
In 2005-2008, the editor of the magazine "Keruen" of the M. O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, since 2008, a teacher of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Over the years, the university has published several awards, articles at national and international conferences, published textbooks and monographs.
- Master of Humanities, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan);
- Art history, Bachelor's degree, Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenova (Kazakhstan).
- Secretary of the meeting of the Department
- Advisor to 1-2 full - time students and 2-Yr 2-Yr 2-с students
- Developer of the OP
- Organization and conduct of leisure activities
- D. Doszhan's prose
- Creativity of B. Zholbarysuly
- Screenwriting and directing
- Literary creativity of B. Zholbarysula: 2008-2012.
- The artistry of dukenbai Doszhan's prose (1991-2013): 2014-2016
- Basics of screenwriting skills: 2016
- 1. D. Doszhan artistic thinking. Sbornik conference, G. Pereyaslav, Ukraine, January 2020
- 2. Zholdasbayeva M. M. "modern trends in organizing a concert program "art history in a multicultural society: traditions and innovations" December 10-11, 2020 international scientific and practical conference P.139-144
- 3. Kumisbayeva N. M." The place of stage costume in the organization of the event "Art History in a multicultural society: traditions and innovations" December 10-11, 2020 international scientific and practical conference P.139-144
- 4.Modern Society and contemporary image in D,Doszhan's novel "AK Orda" / / scientific conference, organized by the Public Foundation "Zhanashyr". 2017.
- 5. new directions and festive performances in the organization of student leisure // material 70-idea of the Republican scientific and Practical Conference of students, undergraduates, PhD students and young students on the topic "Youth and science-the present and the future" April 12, 2017 368-370.
- 6.the theme of religion in the works of D. Doszhan. // Materials of the scientific and methodological conference "library studies bibliography book Studies" National Central Library Almaty, 2016, pp. 113-118.
- 7. Plan of the nation - the future of the nation // material 70-idea of the Republican scientific and Practical Conference of students, undergraduates, PhD students and young scientists on the topic "Youth and science-the present and the future" April 12, 2016 340-341.
- 8. fire in the mouth Baktybay poet!"//Material of the II Republican scientific and practical conference.Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Kazakh University Almaty, 2015 y. 169-173.
- 9. artistic originality of D. Doszhan's stories / / material of the II Republican scientific and practical conference. Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Kazakh University Almaty, 2015 pp. 173-177
- 10. poetic art of B. Zholbarysuly / / material scientific and methodological teaching. Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Almaty, "Kazakh University" 2015 y. 119-124.
- 11. D. Doszhan's stories on children's topics / / material of the international scientific and methodological conference. Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abaya 2015y
Kyrkynbekova Balzhan
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Kyrkynbekova Balzhan Tastanbekovna -graduated from the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A. Yassawi with a degree in performing arts in 2003. In 2012, he received a master's degree in Art history from Abai Kazakh National University.
He started his career in 2003 at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University - Deputy Dean for Educational Work, office registrar of the faculty, senior lecturer.
Over the years of work at the university, he has completed several advanced training courses, published articles at national and international conferences.
- Master of Art History, Abai Kazakh National University, (Kazakhstan);
- Performing Arts, Higher education, H. A. Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (Kazakhstan).
- Adviser of full-time students of the 1st year
- Stage language and acting skills
- Ornament in jewelry art
- 1. Quality education and science in the modern education system: a factor of competitiveness". International Scientific and Practical Conference.
- 2. Ornament in jewelry art. Orazkulova K. S., Bulletin, №3 (45) 2013.
- 3. The sanctity of Kazakh jewelry, continuous art education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, International scientific and Practical Conference. 2012
- 4. Independence and Kazakh girls. In independence, the activist and the girls, the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. 2015
- 5. Ot auyzdy Baktybai akyn! Kospagarova A.K., New directions of modern literary criticism. II Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. 2015
Belgoziyeva Ulbossyn
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master's degree
- Information
Belgoziyeva Ulbossyn
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master's degree
Ulbosyn Belgozieva - graduated from the Bachelor's degree of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute in 2004, in 2013 she received an academic master's degree "Master of Education" in the specialty "Music Education" at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
He started his career in 2004 as a teacher of the discipline "Pop singing" of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute.
From 2004-2021 to the present, he has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Choreography and Art Management, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Sciences and Arts.
During the years of work at the university, he was awarded several awards, became the winner of republican and international competitions, published articles at republican and international conferences, published textbooks.
- Music teacher, Bachelor's degree, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, (Kazakhstan);
- Master of Education, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, (Kazakhstan).
- Chairman of the Academic Council at the Department
- Adviser of full-time students of the 1st year
- "Aesthetic education of high school students at school through the heritage of folk composers"
- Creativity of folk composers «Ақан сері, Жаяу Мұса, Мәди Бапиұлы, Үкілі Ыбырай»
- Electronic collection of songs «Күн шыққанда күліп оян»: U.B.Belgozieva /"Alem muzic" 700 MВ Almaty, 2006
- Electronic collection of songs «Жүрек сыры»: U.B.Belgozieva /«Sound Breeze music production studio» 700 МВ Almaty, 2008
- Electronic collection of songs «Халқымның әндері – бойтұмарым»: U.B.Belgozieva /«Dastan Studio» 700 MВ Almaty, 2010
- Formation of aesthetic culture of the individual through the heritage of folk composers. Study guide. /Publishing Center of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. 2010.
- Ways of spiritual development of youth and adolescents through national values. U.B. Belgozieva, A. Tleuberdi. /Materials of the XXXI International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Humanitarian space of Science: experience and prospects" on April 15, 2021. Collection of scientific papers. Ukraine ISSN 2523-4900 pp. 91-95.
- Fundamentals of youth education through the heritage of folk composers. U.B. Belgoziev. /Materials of the I International scientific and practical online conference "Art in a multicultural society: traditions and innovations", within the framework of the project "Abirov Alemi". December 10-11, Almaty city: Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, 2020-180 p.
- Patriotic education of high school students at school through the heritage of folk composers. Belgozieva U.B. /materials of the International scientific and practical seminar "Rukhani zhangyru: theory and practice of patriotic education", Almaty: ONON Publishing House, 2018. - 200 p.
- Мethods of aesthetic education of high school students through the heritage of folk composers: Belgozieva U.B. /Republican scientific and methodological, pedagogical Journal "Zerde men Zeyin" scientific article No. 1 (4) October, Kyzylorda, 2017
- Synyptan thousand zhumys barysynda zhogary synyp okushylaryna halyk compositorlaryn muralary arkyly estheticalyk tarbie beru: U.B.Belgozieva /Kazakh National Academy of Choreography article in the scientific journal "ARTS ACADEMY" No. 3 (1) September Astana, 2017
- Mekteptegi zhogary synyp okushylaryna estheticalyk tarbie berudin zertelu zhai: U.B.Belgozieva /L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University Materials of the International scientific and Practical Conference "Development of the pedagogical education system in the context of globalization processes" dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Department of Pedagogy II - part Astana, 2012 pp. 141-145
- Historical and educational significance of Kazakh folk songs: Belgozieva U. B. / Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abaya "Bulletin" No. 3 (35) A, 2012 ISSN 1728-5496
- Formation of aesthetic culture of the individual through Kazakh song art: Belgozieva U.B. / Kazkhsky national Pedagogical University named after Abaya," National Education " No. 5 (15) A, 2012.
- Heritage of folk composers and problems of National Education: Belgozieva U. B. /Kazkhsky national Pedagogical University named after Abaya, scientific article" pedagogy and psychology in the system of Education " A, 2011
- Didactic models of listening to National Music for schoolchildren: Belgozieva U.B. /Republican scientific and methodological Journal "Ethnopedagogics in the education system", 2010 ,No. 3 (33) pp. 55-59. ISSN 1814-7100
- Formation of aesthetic culture of the individual through the heritage of folk composers: Belgozieva U.B., Karamoldaeva G.Zh. /Kazakh state women's Pedagogical University "Educational Institution Press Center" Almaty, 2010. STR 76 / ISBN 9965-455-6
- The image of beauty and chastity in Kazakh poetry and its educational significance: U.B. Belgozieva /University of foreign languages and business careers international scientific and practical conference "Ways of development of education in school" No. 8 Almaty, 2010, pp. 104-106
- Theoretical foundations of aesthetic education of students of general Secondary Schools: /Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan "Vestnik" No. 4 (37) A, 2010 pp. 76-81 ISSN 2070-4046
- The importance of universal values and national cultural values in the development of the individual: Belgozieva U. B., Maigaranova Sh.M., Imanbayeva S.T. / International scientific and practical conference "Inter-Cultural Relations in Kazakhstan in the process of globalizatsi" Taldykorgan, 2010
- Value-oriented education the basis of personality formation: Belgozieva U.B., Imanbayeva S.T. / Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi "Vestnik", No. 1 (29) Almaty, 2010. ISNN 1563-0293
- Educational significance of Sal-Seri's works in the formation of aesthetic culture: Belgozieva U.B. /Republican scientific and methodological Journal "Kazakh language and literature "Ulagat" No. 4 Almaty, 2010. STR. 117-122
- Theoretical foundations of aesthetic education of students through the heritage of folk composers: Belgozieva U.B. / "Ulagat" No. 4 Almaty, 2010
- Tlani hayli badarin alicastrum patrioti tarbie berud Maisy: W. B. Belgazeta, S.T. Imanbaeva, G.Sh. Omirbayeva /Kazakhstan during the great Patriotic war "Collection of materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the great Victory" Astana, 2010 Page 139-145
- Kazakh ndern iread ethnopedagogical mmchat: W. B. Belgazeta, G.J. Karamoldaeva /The Kazakh state women's pedagogical University "Pedagogy in the educational system" And, 2010, No. 3, стр17
- Mektep okushylaryn halyk compositorlaryn ander arkyly estheticalyk madeniyetin kalyptastyrudyn mumkindikteri: U.B.Belgozieva "Search" No. 3 A, 2010 pp. 252-256
- Musicianyn kainar kozi - omirdin ozi: U.B.Belgozieva /School of Kazakhstan A, 2010 No. 8 Pp. 19-22 ISSN 0206-3409
- Kazakhstan aestheticalyk tarbie berudin kalyptasuy men damu tarikhy: U.B.Belgozieva /Higher School of Kazakhstan "Heritage of the nation" No. 2 (1) 2010 Pp. 106-109
- The role of music in the upbringing of preschool children: U.B.Belgozieva /University of Foreign Languages and Business Career of the International scientific and Practical Conference "Ways of developing education at school" No. 8 Almaty, 2010 Pp. 22-28
- Okushylardyn estetikalyk madeniyetin kalyptastyru: U.B.Belgozieva, S.T.Imanbayeva /National Academy of Education named after Y.Altynsarina "Professional of Kazakhstan" No.7 (86) A, 2010. pp. 55-57 ISSN 1683-1640
- Specifics of mastering pop music with secondary school students in extracurricular time: U.B.Belgozieva, B.M.Bekmukhamedov /Pedagogy of music education: searches and prospects of development of Almaty, 2007. pp.197-203, UDC
Doskaraeva Anar
Position: Senior lecturer
- Information
In 1995 he graduated from the Almaty Choreographic School named after A. V. Seleznev. From 1995 to 2020, he was an artist of the Abai State Opera and Ballet Theater. Currently, he is a senior lecturer at the Department of Choreography and Art Management of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- In 1995 she graduated from the Almaty Choreographic College named after A. V. Seleznev
- Secretary of the State Department of Choreography
- Adviser to students of the distance department of the 1-2 course
Asanova Madina
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master's degree
- Information
Madina Asanova - graduated from the Bachelor's degree of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov in 2010. In 2014, she also received a master's degree there.
She began her career as a teacher of sports ballroom dance at the Republican Variety and Circus College named after Zh.Yelebekov.
In 2012-2017 he was a teacher of the Department of Choreography Pedagogy at the T.Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, since 2014 he has been a teacher at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
- Master of Arts, T. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, (Kazakhstan);
- Bachelor's degree in Choreography, T. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, (Kazakhstan).
- Advisor for 1st year full-time students
- QED compiler
- Choreography in Kazakhstan
- Sports and ballroom dance
- The relationship between basic and core disciplines
- Folk stage dance
- 1. Aldabergenova M.R. The influence of classical dance on the development of professional skills in the preparation of ballroom dance performers // Scientific Journal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Izdenis» ("Search") humanities series, (№ 1(2) / 2013).
- 2. Aldabergenova M.R. Orientation of profile disciplines on the formation of a sports ballroom dance teacher // «Khabarshy»of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University philological series, No. 1(147) 2014.
- 3. Aldabergenova M.R. International scientific and practical conference «Choreographic art of the XXI century: theory, practice and prospects of development» article «Formation of teachers of sports ballroom dance in the modern concept of education» KazNAI named after T.Zhurgenov pp. 89-95
- 4. Aldabergenova M.R. Republican journal of scientific articles «Khabarshy» article «The trends in academic majors affecting the development of sport ballroom dancing educator» Kazgoszhenpu pp.20-25
- 5. Aldabergenova M.R. II International Symposium of Studies of the Turkic world. Article «The importance of oriental themes in the study of folk stage dance in creative universities of Kazakhstan» pp. 156-158
- 6. Aldabergenova M.R. «G-global communication platform" article: «Classical dance as a basis for the development of performing skills in the direction of modern ballroom dance» Category: Education and science. Published on January 11, 2016.
- 7. Mukhamedova K., Aldabergenova M. 69 scientific and practical conference of students, undergraduates, PhD doctoral students and young scientists on the topic: «Youth and science - present and future» article: «Modern dance as a means of intellectual development of personality» Kazgoszhenpu 12.04.2016p.335-336
- 8. Alshimbayeva R., Asanova M. Questions of connection of literature and choreography in the Kazakh ballet. Collection of articles of the 72nd Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists «Youth and science: present and future» April 9-10, 2019. - Almaty: ed. «Kyzdar University»,- 445 p., p.391-392
- 9. Asanova M.R. Competence of the future teacher-choreographer. International Scientific Internet Conference «Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the context of globalization». Section pedagogy. Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, May 31, 2019. 47 issue.
Kuketov Berik
Position: Teasher master,of sciences
- Information
- 2005-2006 ballet dancer of the ensemble "NAZ" at the City Philharmonic of Astana.
- 2007-2008 teacher of Korkyt Ata KSU, Faculty of "Arts", Department of "Choreography". g Kyzylorda.
- 2009-2013 Choreographer of Almaty College of Economics. g Almaty.
- 2013-2020 specialist choreographer, head of the Sports and Dance group "Allegro" Kazakh Academy of Tourism and Sports. g Almaty.
- 2020-2021 teacher of Korkyt Ata KU, Institute of "Traditional Art", Department of "Choreography". g Kyzylorda.
- 1. "I.A.Moiseev - the creator and artistic director of the folk ensemble of the USSR." Global science communication. G. Cranendonck 2009.
- 2. "I.A.Moiseev ensambilin kazirgi tandagi halyk biine ykpaly". "Traditional worldview systems and contemporary art".Materials of the international scientific conference. Almaty 2009.
- 3. "I.A.Moiseevtin kazirgi tandagi halyk biine ykpaly". International scientific and practical online conference "Innovations in Art and Culture: actual problems and ways of development" Kyzylorda 20
- 2016-2020 opening of its own dance studio "Allegro".
- 2016 trip exchange of experience in the work of the dance group of Loret de Mar. Barcelona. Spain.
- 2013-2018. participation with the dance group "Allegro". at international competitions. Ukraine, Turkey, Georgia, Spain, Russia.
Bakirova Samal Abilppattashovna
Position: PhD, Associate Professor
- Information
Bakirova Samal Abilppattashovna
Position: PhD, Associate Professor
- Samal Bakirova - graduated from the Kyzylorda Humanitarian College named after M. Mametova in 2010 with a degree in teacher-organizer, in 2014 with a bachelor's degree from M. Auezov South State University with a degree in Choreography, in 2016 with a bachelor's degree from the Kazakh National University of Arts with a degree in Choreography Pedagogy.
- He began his career in 2012 as a performer at the Shymkent City Opera and Ballet Theater. From 2014 to 2016 he worked as a teacher-choreographer at the School of Arts No. 1 in Astana, since 2016 he has been working as a teacher at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- Master of Arts, Kazakh National University of Arts, (Kazakhstan);
- Bachelor's degree in Choreography, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University (Kazakhstan);
- Kyzylorda Humanitarian College named after M.Mametov (Kazakhstan);
- Advisor for 2nd year full-time students
- Responsible for the science of the Department of Choreography and Art Management;
- сhoreography in Kazakhstan
- pedagogy in choreography
- folk stage dance
- Bakirova S.A. Қазіргі заманғы жаһандану жағдайында болашақ педагог-хореографтардың кәсіби құзыреттіліктерін қалыптастырудың негіздері // Международная научно-практическая конференция «Наследие Абая – сокровищница мировой культуры», посвященной 175-летию Абая Кунанбаева 147-151 стр. (21 ноября 2019 год).
- Bakirova S.A., Kulbekova А.К. Technology of realization of professional competencies of future teachers-choreographers in the process of independent work. // Education: Traditions and innovations: Materials of the XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference: Russia and Europe: the Connection of Culture and economics. Prague, Czech Republic. (December 27, 2019) 35-39 p. ISBN 978-80-88005-54-4
- Bakirova S.A., Kasteeva Z.A. Effective ways to use modular training in teaching professional disciplines in the specialty choreography. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(1):243-247.
- Bakirova S.A., Izim Т.О. Features of the model of multi-level continuous choreographic education of the Kazakh National Academy of choreography. International scientific journal. Science and life of Kazakhstan. №8 2020 ISSN 2073-333Х. 14-21 p.
- Bakirova S.A., Izim Т.О. The main pedagogical principles used in the training of specialists in the field of chorographic art. Scientific journal "Academy of ARTS" Kazakh National Academy of choreography. №3 (16) 2020 ISSN 2523-4684. 11-18 р.
- Bakirova S.A., Izim Т.О. Features of the organization of distance education in the field of choreographic art. VII International Symposium on the study of the Turkic world, organized by Omer Halisdemir University. 20-23 2020 ISBN: 978-605-70218-3-0. 2-part: 978-605-70218-5-4. 589-596 р.
- Bakirova S.A., Izim Т.О., Zh. Kair, G. Saitova. The role of folklore and various types of art in the development of Kazakh dance. Talent Development and Excellence. Vol.12, No. 1, 2020, 2996-3005 p.
- Bakirova S.A., Izim Т.О., Zh. Kair. Choreographers who played a significant role in the origin and development of Kazakh stage dance. National Association of Scientists (NAS) № 62, 20207 ISSN 2413-5291. 4-8 р.
- Bakirova S.A., Kulbekova А.К. Technologies for the formation of students' competencies in the implementation of educational programs in choreographic art. International Scientific Journal. Science and life of Kazakhstan. №12 (2) 2020 ISSN 2073-333Х. 154-160 стр.
- Bakirova S.A. Pedagogy of choreography: teaching features and principles // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2021. – № 3(48). – С.38–49: DOI: 10.51889/2021-3.2077-6861.05 URL:
- Bakirova S.A., T.O. Іzіm, G. Yu. Saitova, L.A. Nikolayeva Choreographic art features: Creative concepts and innovations in teaching. Thinking Skills and Creativity. Volume 41, September 2021, 100901. https: //
- Samal Bakirova, and Anipa Kussanova. “Small Forms of Contemporary Choreography Directing of Kazakhstan: National Content and Supranational Scenography”. Central Asian Journal of Art Studies, vol. 7, № 2, 2022, pp. 76–92, doi:10.47940/cajas.v7i2.522.
Doszhanova Ainur Zhenisbekovna
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Arts
- Information
Kazgoszhenpi, library and bibliography. 2001. Kazgoszhenpi, Cultural and leisure work, Bachelor's degree in Teacher and organizer of cultural and leisure work in schools and extracurricular institutions, 2009. Master of Arts (KazNPU named after Abai)
- 2003 - 2008-Kazgoszhenpi Student Club plant;
- 2008 – 2009 -Head of the T. Zhurgenov Registration Office;
- 2009 - 2014 -Department of concertmaster " Theory and methods of cultural works " Kazgoszhenpi;
- 2014 – lecturer at the Department of "Theory and methodology of cultural works" Kazgoszhenpi.
- Advisor to 1st year students, full-time department.
- According to the Department of Choreography and Art Management, there is a response on the topic and topics.
- The history of the development of cultural and leisure work
- Modern trends in the development of cultural and leisure work in Kazakhstan.
- Organization of leisure activities abroad.
- Impact factor: "The implementation of the principle of trilingualism in music lessons in elementary school " International scientific journal "The Way of Science", No. 3 (37), 2017.. Impact factor of the Path of Science magazine - 0.350 (Open Academic Journals Index, Russia);
- in the international scientific journal "SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: MODERN TIME", volume 2, No. 2. an article on the topic "review of foreign studies on the importance of cultural recreation" was published. Astana, 2023
- From June 14 to 16, 2023, at the X International Symposium on Turkish World Research, organized by the University of Niide Omer Halisdemir (Niide, Turkey), the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan) and the Baku Eurasian University (Baku, Azerbaijan) in Almaty, Kazakhstan, an article was published on The theme is "Religious beliefs and artistic worldview of the Saks."
Esdauletova Marzhan Muratovna
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Arts
- Information
Esdauletova Marzhan Muratovna
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Arts
2004 - 2012 Artist of the drama theater of the East Kazakhstan region named after Zhambyl. 2012 - 2023 Teacher at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov. Since 2023, senior lecturer at the Department of Choreography and Artistic Management of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- 1997–2001 Kazakh State Institute of Theater and Cinema named after T.K. Zhurgenov, acting specialty
- 2014–2016 Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov, Master of Arts
Research project:
Research in directing by Rustem Esdauletov
Published articles:
- “Development of the Abai theme in the works of Rustem Esdaulet.” Messenger of Abay KazNU, series “History and political and social sciences”, 1(48), 2016. - P.340-342.
- “Elements of acting in the teaching profession.” “Cultural artifacts of the Kazakhs in the global research space” International scientific and practical conference “Revival of national identity in the context of the formation of an intellectual nation” within the framework of the annual science week of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov, Almaty, April 14, 2020- P.142-14
- IV International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Aspects of the Development of Education, Science and Culture”, Astana, 05/20/2023. - pp. 60-64
- From February 24 to 28, 2014, he took an advanced qualifying course in directing at the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts.
- Certificate “Pedagogical Psychology” of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 02/24-03/07/2020. , “Modern forms and methods of theater pedagogy” Altai State Institute of Culture 2021.
Zhalgasbayeva Kanagat
Position: Teacher, PhD
- Information
Zhalgasbayeva Kanagat- graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in music and song teacher in 2001 and in 2020 completed a master's degree at this educational institution.
He started his career as a music teacher at secondary school No. 133 in Almaty. (2001-2015) Over the years, Kanagat Baymuratovna became the I-th winner of the competition "Almaty-Teacher of the Year 2010". At the international competition "The Best music teacher of the XXI century" in St. Petersburg, the II place became the "laureate".
2015-2016 Deputy for educational work and music teacher of K. Satpayev Secondary School (Kaskelen)
2016-2018 music teacher at secondary school S. Altyn Auyl (Kaskelen)
Since 2020, she has been working as a teacher at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Doctoral student of the II course of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi.
- Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan);
- Bachelor's degree "Music and song teacher", Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (Kazakhstan);
- Organizer of events among full-time students;
- Attracting students to various creative concerts within the disciplines of «instrumental training» and «piano»;
- Conducting research work of students in the discipline "instrumental training" and "piano"
- The art of playing a musical instrument
- Creative work with students on individual performance
- Conducting research work of students in the discipline "instrumental training" and "piano"
- "Features of teaching music according to the updated curriculum" Modern trends in the development of science and education (Volume 5) Material of the International Scientific and Practical Conference December 24, 2018 Prague, Czech Republic 59-65b
- Republican scientific and methodological pedagogical journal "Bilim times", "methods of conducting music lessons in accordance with the new content of education". Almaty, 2019 165-166 s
- "The specifics of music teaching in the context of an updated curriculum" at the YI Turkic World International Symposium, Baku, June 13-15, 2019.;
- "The specifics of the formation of national values among the younger generation through the Kazakh musical art". Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata international scientific and practical online (on-line) conference "energy and resource-saving technologies: experience and prospects". 2020, April 29.
- "Pedagogical features of teaching the subject "Music" for primary classes". Scientific works of VIIREiS. 2020.06.
- "Integretive technology as the base of primary schoolchildren’s speech activity formation" Published in Talent Development and Excellence in 2020.06
- "Traditional ways of developing the culture of youth communication" Scientific works of VIIREiS No. 4(42), (December) B, 84-89, 2020
Smagulov Miras
Position: Teasher master,of sciences
- Information
Miras Smaglov graduated from the Jusupbek Elebekov Pop and Circus College in 2012. In the same year, he entered the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory and in 2016 graduated from the Conservatory with a degree in Art Management.
In 2020, he completed his master's degree at the I. Zhansugurov university.
- Jusupbek Elebekov Pop and Circus College (Kazakhstan)
- Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory graduated Art Management. (Kazakhstan)
- Master's degree at the I. Zhansugurov university. (Kazakhstan)
- Variety singing
- Art- management
- 1. Ways to develop pop singing skills in the future music teacher. Scientific and methodological collection of the International Multidisciplinary Congress, Akdeniz University, 2019, 106-108 pages.
- 2. Teaching pop vocals in the process of professional training of future music teachers. Scientific journal "Bulletin of S. Dimirel"
Duisenbay Zhamilya
Position: Senior Lecturer, master of Arts
- Information
2014-2018 graduated with honors from the Kazakh state women's Pedagogical University, Faculty of Arts and culture, Bachelor's degree in cultural and leisure work;
2018-2020-master of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov, Faculty of «directing», specialty «Directing mass productions and shows».
- Master of Arts, T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, (Kazakhstan);
- Art and Culture, Bachelor's degree, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan).
- Head of practice (training and production);
- Advisor for full-time students of the 4th year;
- Secretary of the State Department of Economics in the specialty «Cultural and leisure work».
- Acting skills;
- Stage speech;
- Technology of Show programs.
- «Elim zhurip otken zhol» (historical theatrical performance) 2014-2018
- «Modern director's interpretation of national traditions in theatrical productions» 2018-2020
- «National traditions as the basis of the work of a modern director». Trends in the development of modern theatrical art within the framework of the implementation of the program «Rukhani zhangyru», Published in the Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Almaty, November 19-21, 2018
- «New director's interpretations in the classical productions of the Kazakh people» by the NNPU (based on the MVK) Almaty
- The newspaper «Steppe and the city», «Director's search in the use of traditions», 2021 May
Balaussa Nazhatova
Position: Lecturer, master of Arts
- Information
In 2018, the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University received a scholarship on the specialty "choreography", in 2023, the Kazakh National Academy of choreography received an academic master's degree in pedagogy of choreography.
- From 2018 to 2021, teacher-choreographer schools of the village Uzynagash worked
- 2020 -2021" Almaty Technological University "ATU G. Almaty (head of the student dance ensemble "Tumar")
- 2021 - 2023 "IBM SCHOOL" Astana (teacher-choreographer)
- 2023 Ballet with 2 years Astana-Almaty (teacher-choreographer)
- With 2023, the Department of choreography and art management of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
- From 2024, the artist of the state ensemble of folk dance "Altynai"
- Advisor to students of the 1st Year of training
- Answers for research at the Department of choreography and Art Management;
- choreography in Kazakhstan
- pedagogy of choreographic research
- Kazakh tanets
- "Genesis of male Kazakh dance and its features in performing practice"
- Қазақстан кәсіби өнерінің қалыптасуындағы тұлғалар «Arts Academy» - ғылыми журнал Казақ ұлттық хореография академиясы. Нұр-Сұлтан, 14.10.2021 143бет 143-149 (ҒТАХР 18.71.01)
- Роль личностей в становлении профессионального искусства в Казахстане Научный журнал «Молодой ученый» ООО «Издательство «Молодой ученый», 11.2021 155бет 522-525 (ISSN 2072-0297)
- Хореографтардың жасөспірімді би өнеріне баулудағы ерекшеліктері «ӘБІРОВ ӘЛЕМІ» жобасы аясында ұйымдастырылатын «Көп мәдениетті қоғамдағы өнер : салт-дәстүрлер және инновациялар» атты II халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық online -конференция. Алматы, 10.12.2021 70бет 70-73 (ISBN 978-601-346-119-9)
- Аға буын балетмейстерлері мен бүгінгі балетмейстерлердің қазақ би қойылымдарындағы ерекшеліктері «Өнер және мәдениет: қазіргі заманның өзекті мәселелері» атты ЖОО ішілік студенттердің ғылыми конференциясы. Нұр-Сұлтан, 11.04.2022
- «Астана балет» театрының репертуарындағы ұлттық тақырып»Қазақ ұлттық өнер академиясының бірлескен жобасы. (Т. Қ. Жүргенов және Ресей театр өнері институты — ГИТИС) «Қазіргі заман контекстіндегі хореографиялық өнер және кәсіптік білім» халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция. Аталмыш ғылыми жинақ РИНЦ қатарында.
Sarkytbaeva Kuralay Serikkhanovna
Position: Senior Lecturer. Master of Arts
- Information
Sarkytbaeva Kuralay Serikkhanovna
Position: Senior Lecturer. Master of Arts
From 1985 - 1993 - Almaty Choreographic School named after. A.V. Selezneva, specialty - ballet dancer.
From 1993 to 2023 - leading soloist of the ballet of the Kazakh National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai.
In 2001 she graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in cultural development and organization of artistic creativity. Qualification - manager, head of choreographic disciplines.
Since 2024 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Choreography and Art Management of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
In 2021, she graduated from the choreography department of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov and received an academic master's degree in art history in the field of choreography pedagogy.
In 2023 - Department for the formation of test tasks. National qualification testing and state certification in technical and vocational education - was the developer of a test on the history of choreography for teachers of special disciplines and accompanists.
Performing and teaching activities of Sairagul Nursultanova in the context of Kazakh ballet.
1. Sairagul Nursultanova Zhane Kazakh ballet onerinin tarikh - Magazine ҚР БҒМ Білім зән ғылім ғыліNDағы бақылау мітімі (БҒСБК) ұснған ізімдеBar. The journal is on the list of recommended ones by KKSON MES RK KAZAK TARIKH Almaty, 2020. – p. 48 – 52.
2. The use of modern methods of training future teachers - choreographers in creative universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Collection of materials of the 26th International scientific and practical Internet conference “Problems and prospects for the development of modern science in the countries of Europe and Asia” Ukraine, 2020. – P. 115 – 117
3. Professional training of future ballet dancers - Collection of materials from the international scientific conference within the framework of science week “Cultural artifacts of the Kazakhs in the global research space” Almaty, Kaz.NAIim. T.K. Zhurgenova, 2020. – P.217-222.
4. Professional training of future ballet dancers - Collection “Pedagogical works. Seleznev readings. - Almaty: AKHU im. A. Selezneva, 2020. - pp. 80–85.
5. “Extraordiary students of the great teacher D.Abirov Sairagul Nursultanova” - Collection of materials of the I International scientific and practical online conference “Art in a multicultural society: Traditions and innovations” within the framework of the project “Abirov Alemi” December 10–11, 2020, Almaty.