Teachers of the department of Special Pedagogy
Мажинов Бағдат Молдахметұлы
Лауазымы: Білім беру бағдарламасының көшбасшысы, PhD
- Information
Мажинов Бағдат Молдахметұлы
Лауазымы: Білім беру бағдарламасының көшбасшысы, PhD
Абай атындағы ҚазПИ-дің «Бастауыш оқыту педагогикасы мен методикасы» факультетіне 1986 жылы түсіп, 1993 жылы Абай атындағы мемлекеттік университетті бастауыш мұғалімі мамандығы бойынша аяқтады. 2003-2005 жылдар аралығында Алматы индустриалды-педагогикалық академиясында екінші жоғары білім: «Экономика және менеджмент» бакалавры дипломын алды. 2011-2013 жылдары «Қайнар» университетінде «Психология» мамандығы бойынша магистратурада оқып, «Әлеуметтік ғылымдар магистрі» дәрежесімен бітірді. 2014-2017 жылдары Абай атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Педагогикалық университетінің 6D010500-Дефектология мамандығы бойынша PhD докторантурасын оқып, 30.12.2017 жылы «Жоғары оқу орындарында мүгедек студенттерге білім берудің ұйымдастырушылық-педагогикалық шарттары» тақырыбында PhD докторлық диссертацияны п.ғ.д., профессор З.А.Мовкебаеваның жетекшілігімен қорғады.
- 1991-жылы Алматы қаласы, Медеу ауаданындағы Б.Момышұлы атындағы №131-мектеп-лицейде музыка пәнінің мұғалімі болып жұмысқа тұрып, 1994-1998 жылдар аралығында осы мектепте директордың оқу-тәрбие ісі жөніндегі орынбасары қызметін атқарды.
- 2001-2004 жылдар аралығында Алматы индустриалды колледжінде директордың тәрбие ісі жөніндегі орынбасары
- 2002-2004 жылдар аралығында Алматы индустриалды-педагогикалық академиясының тәрбие істері жөніндегі проректоры қызметін атқарды.
- 2004-2006 ж.ж. «»Шағын кәсіпкерлікті дамыту қоры» АҚ жетекші маман, бас маман.
- 2007 жылы Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ психология-педагогика факультетінде оқытушы, аға оқытушы.
- 2009-2014 ж.ж. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ психология-педагогика факультетінде деканның, кейіннен педагогика және психология институтында директордың тәрбие істері жөніндегі орынбасары қызметін атқарды.
- 2014 жылы Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ «дефектология» мамандығына докторантураға түсті.
- 2017 жылдың тамыз айынан бастап Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ «Арнайы білім беру» кафедрасында аға оқытушы.
- 2018 -2020 ж.ж. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Педагогика және психолоия институты директорының ғылым және халықаралық қатынастар ісі жөніндегі орынбасары.
- 2020-2021 ж.ж. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Педагогика және психология институты «Мониторинг, ғылым және халықаралық ынтымақтастық» бөлімінің жетекшісі.
- 2021 жылдың 1-қыркүйегінен бастап, Қазақ ұлттық қыздар педагогикалық университетінің «Арнайы педагогика» кафедрасына білім беру бағдарламасының көшбасшысы болып тағайындалды.
- Инклюзивті білім беру
- Арнайы педагогика
- Үш Импакт-фактор базасына енген шет елдік басылымдарда мақала:
- Model of formation for readiness to work within inclusive education in teachers - International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. – 2016. – V.11. – Iss.11. – P. 4680-4689;
- The ratio of students of higher educational institutions for joint training with disabled people - 31 st International Congress of Psychology ICP. - 2016, Yokohama. Japan / Teaching Psychology. P. 248-252;
- E-Learning Environments Problem- Based Learning - International journal of Advanced Science and Technology, (2020) 29(7s), 346 – 356.
- Жеті ҚР БжҒМ Білім және Ғылым саласындағы бақылау Комитеті ұсынған ғылыми басылымдар
- Тоғыз халықаралық және республикалық конференциялар материалдары жинақтарында жарияланған.
- 06.05.2015 жылы ҚР ЖОО-дың ішінде ең алғаш құрылып, осы уақыт аралығында қоғамдық жұмыс негізінде қызмет жасап келе жатқан Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың «Мүмкіндігі шектеулі студенттерді қолдаудың консультациялық-практикалық» Орталығының ұйымдастырушысы
- Абай атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Педагогикалық университетінің “Құрметті қызметкері.”
- Абай атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Педагогикалық университетінің 90 жыл” мерекелелік медалі.
- Б.Момышұлы атындағы №131 мектеп-лицейінде үздік жұмыс атқарғаны үшін медалі.
Orazayeva Gulzhan
Position: Associate professor, candidate of Sciences
- Information
Orazayeva Gulzhan
Position: Associate professor, candidate of Sciences
Gulzhan Orazayeva was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty "Pedagogy"in 2010. In 2017, she was awarded the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. She started her career at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. In 2009, she held the position of head of the Department of "Special Pedagogy". From 2012 to 2017, she was the director of the National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Pedagogy. From 2017 to 2020, she held the position of head. Department of "Special and Social Pedagogy" of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. From 2020 to the present, he holds the position of Dean of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.
Gulzhan Orazayeva, continuously conducts scientific research in the field of education. She has contributed to the development of fundamental projects commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science, participated in various scientific research, led many scientific projects.
- Specialty «Defectology, Karaganda Pedagogical Institute;
- Assistant Professor in specialty «Pedagogy» (DTC 0001642;
- By the decision of the Committee on Supervision and Certification in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Protocol 6), the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences (REINTEGRATION 0000520).
- Member of the expert group on the examination of textbooks, teaching materials and teaching aids;
- *Lecturer of advanced training courses of the republican online courses held on the basis of the RSU NNPCRSIO 19-20. 10. 2020
- Lecturer of advanced training courses of teaching staff at Kaznatszhenpu 24.05. -04.06.2021
- Lecturer of retraining courses at Kaznatszhenpu in the direction of "Speech Therapy"
- 2020-2021 Chair of the Of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council in the direction of 6B018 Social pedagogy and self-knowledge
- Member of the Coordinating Council for the program of moral and spiritual education "Self-knowledge" in Universities.
- Inclusion of parents of children with special educational needs in correctional work
- Introduction of innovative technologies in correctional and pedagogical work
- Training of teachers in the conditions of inclusive education.
- "Organizational and technological foundations of special education, psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in general education preschool and school organizations" : 2013-2015 years .
- "Scientific and methodological support of special education": 2016-2018.
- "Scientific and methodological support of training, psychological and pedagogical support, social rehabilitation of children with SEN": 2019-2021 LJ.
- "Conceptual foundations for the modernization of the training of special teachers in the conditions of credit technology"
- *"Scientific and methodological support of the educational process in the preparation of special teachers with the Kazakh language of instruction".
- Monograph. Включение в коррекционную работу родителей детей с особыми образовательными потребностями. Алматы . Альманах. 2020 ISBN 978-601-7636-27-2 102 с.
- Внедрение инновационных технологий в коррекционно-педагогическую работу в условиях кабинета психолого –педагогической коррекции. Наука и жизнь Казахстана . Международный научный журнал. №673 2020 ISSN 2073-333Х СТР.202- 206
- Коррекционно-педагогическая поддержка детей с особыми образовательными потребностями в условиях кабинета психолого-педагогической коррекции. Наука и жизнь Казахстана . Международный научный журнал. №673 2020 ISSN 2073-333Х СТР.206- 214
- Методологические подходы включения родителей детей с особыми образовательными потребностями в коррекционный процесс.
- Materials of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference CHALLENGES IN SCINCE OF NOWADAYS 26-28 ноября. Вашингтон. США. Сб. Scientific collection «Interconf» №3 (36), ноябрь 2020. Стр. 464-468. ISBN 979-1-293-10109-3
- Успешное становление читательской компетенции у детей с особыми образовательными потребностями. Наука и жизнь Казахстана . Международный научный журнал. №6/3 2020 ISSN 2073-333Х СТР.213- 217
- Современное состояние оказания коррекционной педагогической помощи детям с особыми образовательными потребностями в условиях кабинета психолого-педагогической коррекции. КазНПУ им.Абая Вестник. Серия «Специальная педагогика» №3(58). 2019. Стр. 17-21
- Роль дисциплины «междисциплинарная работа логопеда» в подготовке будущих логопедов. Международный научный журнал (Гос. регистрация: №9875-Ж 09.02.2019
- Болшақ арнайы педагогтарыдың кәсіпқойлық негіздерін қалыптастырудың заманауи үрдістерді. КазГосЖенПУ Вестник №2 (78) 2019.стр.240-246
- Арнайы педагогика: оқуылық/құрастырушылар: Оразаева Г.С., Абаева Г.А., Төребаева К.Ж., Қартбаева Ж.Ж.-Қараганды. 2014, 262б. ISBN 978-601-224-475-5
- Логопедия негіздері (дəрістер жəне СӨЖ тапсырмалары ). Оқу құрал:
- К.К. Омирбекова, Г.Н.Тулебиева, Г.М.Коржова, Г.С.Оразаева . Алматы: Нур-Принт, 2014.- 62 б. ISBN 9965 – 14 – 978 - X
- Научно-методическое обеспечение коррекционно-педагогической работы с детьми раннего возраста с ограниченными возможностями: методические рекомендации: Коржова Г.М., Оразаева Г.С., Кенжеева А.К., Яковлева Е.П.- Алматы, 2014, 52с. ISBN 978-601-7131-29-6
- Опыт применения международной классификации функционирования, ограничений жизнедеятельности и здоровья для оценки развития и составления программ социально-педагогической абилитации: Ерсарина А.К., Оразаева Г.С. Казахский Национальный педагогический университет им. Абая. Хабаршы. Серия «Специальная педагогика», №3(46), 2016, С. 56-61
1. Lecturer of advanced training courses of the republican online courses held on the basis of the RSU NNPCRSIO 19-20. 10. 2020
2. Lecturer of advanced training courses of teaching staff at Kaznatszhenpu 24.05. -04.06.2021
3. Lecturer of retraining courses at Kaznatszhenpu in the direction of "Speech Therapy" 2020-2021
4. Moderator of the section " Inclusive education: involving children, parents, teachers. Festival of Pedagogical and scientific initiatives 09.11.2020
5. Speaker of the International Forum "Self-knowledge: a mission in the name of the child "20.11.2020
6. Speaker of the Forum "Contribution of students and young teachers to the implementation of the SDGs 2030"
7. Speaker of the round table "Development of the educational space of the CIS countries: challenges and opportunities" 30.01.2021
8. Member of the Organizing Committee, speaker of the international scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in science and education" 23.04.2021
9. Speaker of the round table "Development of the educational space of the CIS countries: challenges and opportunities" 30.01.2021
10. Moderator of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of theory and practice of special education" 13.04.2021
11. Moderator" Modern trends of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education: science, practice and cooperation " 20.11.2020
- Medal «Ы.Алтынсарина» уд. №381 от 29.09.2014.
- Medal « Қазақстан халықы Ассамблеясына 20 жыл» 2015.
- Medal «25 –летию независимости Республики Казахстан» 2016 .
- Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the contribution to the development of educational and methodological support of education in 2021.
Shokhambekova Anar
Position: Lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Shokhambekova Anar
Position: Lecturer, master of sciences
2008 -2011 Graduated with honors from KazNPU named after Abay, specialty 5B010500-Defectology (speech therapy).
2012 -2014 magistracy of KazGosZhenPU in the specialty 6M010500 Defectology.
2018 - 2021 PhD doctoral studies KazNPU named after Abay in the specialty Defectology.
- 2017 KazGosZhenPU teacher of the department of special and social pedagogy
- 2014 2017 Methodist of the rehabilitation center NNPC KP
- 2012 Teacher-speech therapist of the rehabilitation center NNPC KP
- 2011 Pedagogue-psychologist in the nursery kindergarten number 85, Almaty
04.15-16.04.2021 14 International Scientific and Practical Conference "Special and Inclusive Education: Problems and Prospects" Kamenetsk-Podolsky, Ukraine
8.04.2021 International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of the Autistic Spectrum. Theory and Practice "Warsaw
01.21-30.01.2021 "Speech therapy taping"
26.10-07.11.2020 "Features of speech therapy correctional work with children with OOP"
20.08-29.08.2020 "Psychological and pedagogical support of children with OEP in a secondary school (in an inclusive education)"
11.02-19.02.2020 “Psychological and pedagogical support of children with OHP level 1-2. Interdisciplinary work of teachers ”.
20.05.2019 - 24.05.2019 "The system of teaching children with special educational needs in Lithuania and Europe" - Lectures of Professor of the Shauliai University, Doctor of Social Sciences, Laima Tomene (Shauliai, Lithuania), Almaty
October 20, 2017 - Republican seminar on the topic: "Kazakh tilinde oktyn suileu tili bzylkan balalarғa psychology-pedagogicals қoldau kursetudin uzekti museleleri", NNPTs KP, Almaty
16.10.2017 - 25.10.2017 - Refresher courses on the topic: "Modern approaches to the organization of work with preschool children in special preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan" No. 1132, NNPC KP, Almaty
09/14/2016 - Republican seminar on the topic: "Actual problems of psychological and pedagogical support of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)", NSPC KP, Almaty
"Science and life of Kazakhstan" No. 11_2 (145) 2020. "The role of the discipline" Interdisciplinary work of a speech therapist "in the preparation of future speech therapists"
"Science and Life of Kazakhstan" No. 9_2 (143) 2020. "Modern approaches to the problem of training future specialists (speech therapists) for interdisciplinary work"
"Bulletin" of KazNatsZhenPU No. 3 (79) 2019 "Interdisciplinary communications of specialists in the educational process in the context of a comprehensive school"
"Bulletin" of KazNacZhenPU No. 6 (71) 2017 "Features of correctional work with children with complex developmental disabilities"
Uvalieva Marzhan
Position: Lecturer, Master of Sciences
- Information
Marzhan Uvalieva is a graduate of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. In 2009 she graduated from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, bachelor's degree defectologist-deaf teacher. In 2011 she received a master's degree in pedagogical sciences with a degree in Defectology.
She began her career in 2011 as a teacher at the Department of Special and Social Pedagogy of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
Practicing speech therapist since 2015.
In 2016-2017 she worked as an experimental teacher at the National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Pedagogy.
From October 2019 to October 2021 she worked as a speech therapist in a special kindergarten for children with severe speech impairments No. 26, Almaty
2005-2009 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named Abai, bachelor of defectologist-deaf teacher;
2009 - 2011 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named Abai, Institute of Master and Doctoral Studies (PhD), Master of Defectology
2021 - present Kazakh National Pedagogical University named Abay, doctoral studies (PhD)
- Formation of oral speech among students with hearing impairments
- Inclusive education
- Barrier-free education
- The state of pedagogical activity on the formation of oral coherent speech of younger schoolchildren with hearing impairments at reading lessons - Psychology in the Kazakh school-№2-Almaty, 2010, co-author, Ph.D., associate professor Movkebaeva Z.A.
- “Development of oral coherent speech of students with hearing impairments at reading lessons” - “Humanities ylymdar zhaңa kezede”, atty zhogary onu oryndary aralyk undergraduate student men doctoral students ylym-tәzhіribeoik conferencesyldary., 2011 Ph.D. associate professor Movkebaeva Z.A.
- "Features of the development of oral coherent speech in hearing impaired schoolchildren" Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Bulletin, Series Psychology, No. 6 2011
- On some problems in families raising children with hearing impairments, Kazgoszhpu, Bulletin, a series of pedagogy and psychology, No. 5 (59) 2015 No. 5 (59) 2015
- Multimedia games in the formation of mathematical concepts of children with general speech underdevelopment. Materials of the 69th scientific-practical conference of students, undergraduates, PhD doctoral students and young scientists on the topic: "Youth and science - the present and the future", April 12, 2016 co-author Zhagiparova G.
- Training of vulnerable pupils for the period of literacy, Bulletin of KazNPU im. Abai, Series "Special Pedagogy" No. 3 (50), 2017, co-author, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor K.Zh. Bektaev
- Questions of preliminary alvafit in a special school, Bulletin of the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical University No. 2 (68) 2017, co-author, Ph.D., associate professor K.Zh. Bektaeva
- Teaching in Braille for children with visual impairments / Methodological recommendations / Ph.D., associate professor Abaeva G.A., Uvalieva M.Z .: Almaty: NNPK KP, 2017. - 40p. ISBN 978-601-7131,
Ermagambet Aliya
Position: Senior Lecturer
- Information
Ermagambet Aliya Ykylasovna-studied at the Almaty State University named after Abai in the specialty of Defectology (1997-2001), by the decision of the State Examination Commission of Almaty on July 3, 2001, she was awarded the qualification of a teacher-defectologist.
In the specialty of Defectology, she studied at the Abai Almaty State University for a master's degree (2001-2003), by the decision of the State Attestation Commission of May 26, 2017, she was awarded the degree of Master of defectological Sciences. In the specialty of Defectology, she studied at the Abai Almaty State University for a master's degree (2001-2003), by the decision of the State Attestation Commission of May 26, 2017, she was awarded the degree of Master of defectological Sciences.
2004 - September 2021-currently works as a teacher of the Department of Special and Social Pedagogy of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University; from 2001 to 2003-a defectologist of the Republican Children's Rehabilitation Center "Balbulak". From 2010 to 2012, she worked as a researcher at the National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Pedagogy. From 2016 to 2021, he works in the correctional and developmental center "Tich and Spich", and since 2021-in the correctional center" Step Forward", as a speech pathologist.
- "Nazarbayev Intellectual School: organization of university education" (270 hours), February-March, Astana, 2015;
- "Clinical grounds of speech disorders in children", certificate No. 0342 (48 hours). Republican Center for Advanced Training "Association of Speech Therapists and Speech Pathologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan", November 2016, Almaty;
- "Psychotechnologies in the work of a psychologist" (36 hours), Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, November 2017, Almaty.
- "Organization of correctional and developmental work with children with general speech underdevelopment", correctional center Teach and Speech, 2019.
- "Application of information technologies in the educational process", Center for Communication Technologies, Almaty, 2020;
- "Speech therapy massage" correctional center Tich and Speech, 2020.
- "Fundamentals of psychological and pedagogical support in inclusive education" Kaznzhenpu, 2021.
Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection "Ways of using sensory integration in correctional work with children with special educational needs" PROJECT:
Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection "Ways of using sensory integration in correctional work with children with special educational needs"
- "The specifics of the use of art pedagogy in the correction of the emotional sphere of children with sensory alalia" "Collection of articles of the Republican scientific and practical conference" the problem of spiritual and moral education of the young generation in a modern school", December 2020;
- "The importance of continuity of correctional and pedagogical support for children with OOP in lockdown conditions". International Forum "The future of the education system in the context of the covid-19 pandemic" collection of articles, February 2021;
- Features of the formation of communication skills in children with autism spectrum disorders".Collection of articles of the international conference "Theory and practice of special and inclusive education", April 2021;
- "Scientific circle: features of the organization of work". Republican Socio-political newspaper "Bilimdi el" No. 17, May 4, p. 16. ARTICLES:
- "The specifics of the use of art pedagogy in the correction of the emotional sphere of children with sensory alalia" "Collection of articles of the Republican scientific and practical conference" the problem of spiritual and moral education of the young generation in a modern school", December 2020;
- "The importance of continuity of correctional and pedagogical support for children with OOP in lockdown conditions". International Forum "The future of the education system in the context of the covid-19 pandemic" collection of articles, February 2021;
- Features of the formation of communication skills in children with autism spectrum disorders".Collection of articles of the international conference "Theory and practice of special and inclusive education", April 2021;
- "Scientific circle: features of the organization of work". Republican Socio-political newspaper "Bilimdi el" No. 17, May 4, p. 16.
"Letter of thanks" foundation of the first president, 2020 for contribution to the creation of an inclusive environment Awards
Omirbek Saltanat
Position: Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Sciences
- Information
Omirbek Saltanat
Position: Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Sciences
Omirbek Saltanat graduated from the Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abai in 1992. In 1999 she defended her thesis in developmental and educational psychology at the Abai Kazakh State Pedagogical University. She began her career in 1993 at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology of the Abai Kazakh State Pedagogical University. Over the years, she worked at the Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abai, the Caspian State Technological and Engineering University named I.Yessenov, Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilyov.
Candidate of Psychology of the Abai Kazakh State Pedagogical University
Department of Defectology
- Children with special educational needs
- Formation and development of self-awareness and self-esteem in children
- Inclusive education
- Applied behavioral analysis
- Modern innovative technologies in special education
- Socialization children with autism
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- ABA therapy
- Omirbekova K.K., Omirbek S.Zh. Organization of speech therapy work with children with speech underdevelopment. Stady guide. 9 pp.
- Omirbek S.Zh. , Khalykova G. Possibilities of using computer technologies in speech therapy work with preschoolers. Science and life of Kazakhstan №12-4, 2020.
- Omirbek S.Zh. Kalieva A.K. Innovative methods for the correction of dysgraphia in primary school children Жен ПУ Вестник № 3, 2020.
- Omirbek S.Zh., Anyarbekova A. Effective ways of using the laptop technique in children with speech impairments. Science and life of Kazakhstan №11-4, 2020.
Kassymzhanova Gulnar
Position: Senior lecturer, Master of Sciences
- Information
Kassymzhanova Gulnar
Position: Senior lecturer, Master of Sciences
2017 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University; teacher of the department of special and social pedagogy.;
2014-2017 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University; part-time teacher, teacher of the department of special and social pedagogy.
2011-2017 SF "National Scientific and Practical Center of Correctional Pedagogy"; the senior methodist of the CU courses, the head of the Republican courses of professional development of teachers of the sphere of special education, the researcher of the special laboratory for teaching children with special educational needs with the Kazakh language of instruction.
2003-2011 PSF "Special boarding school № 7 for children with intellectual disabilities"; educator, teacher-defectologist.
2012-2014 KazSWPU Academic Degree Master of Education in the specialty 6M010500 Defectology
2009-2011 KazNPU named after Abay. Academic degree of bachelor of education in specialty 050105 Defectology
1983-1988 APIFL Speciality: German and English languages. Higher education
Psychological and pedagogical training of parents for the upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities
- «Современное состояние семейного воспитания детей с особыми образовательными потребностями в Республике Казахстан.» International Scientific Journal «Наука и жизнь Казахстана» Almaty №7/3-2020
- « Инклюзивті білім беру жүйесінде ата-ананың орны мен рөлі.» «Казақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі» international scientific journal Almaty №11/2 (145) стр 252-2020
- «Analysis of the state of parent-child relations in families raising children with intellectual disabilities.» Научный журнал «Хабаршы» КазНПУ им. Абая. Серия «Психология» г.Алматы №4 2020
- "Peculiarities of raising children with special educational needs" Материали за XV международна научна практична конференция Новината за напреднали наука-2019, Volume 6, стр.75-81 София «Бял ГРАД-БГ ООД» 2019
- Publication of the article "Bastaush syyny oyushylarynyi korip қabyldau қabiletterinіy erekshelikteri" in the journal "Educational and innovative technologies" №3-2018.
- Publication of the article "Ziyaty zaimdal'an balalardy ruhani-adamgershilik tұrғysynan tәrbileu museleі" in the journal "Modern education in school, college and university" No. 3-2018.
- A typical curriculum of the "Russian Language and Literature" subject for the 5-10 grades of the basic secondary education level.(with non-Russian language education) according to the updated content) 2017
- National Academy of Education named by I.Altynsarin. Tthe developer of standard curriculums on Kazakh language for students with mild and moderate mental retardation. - 2016
- Participation in the development of standard curriculums in the Kazakh language on subjects: "The World around" for students with moderate mental retardation of the 5th grade, "Culture of behavior", "Craft", "Music and rhythmics" for students with moderate mental retardation of 5-9 grades, "The world around" for students with mild mental retardation of the 5th grade.
- Publication of the article "Тандай - жұтқыншақ аппаратының қалыпты және патологиялық жағдайында сөйлеу тілі мен дыбыс айтуының бұзылуы" The Herald (special education), No. 3 (50) 2017.
- Production of the article "Мектеп жасына дейінгі сөйлеу тілі бұзылғын балалардың қарым- қатынас біліктіліктерінің ерекшеліктері " in the collection of materials of the international scientific and methodological conference "Development of the methodology of research and educational activities in the context of the spiritually moral revival of Kazakhstan society October 13-14, 2017"
- Developer of standard curricula for students of special correctional schools commissioned by MONUC under the supervision of SF "NSPC CP" in 2017.
- Publications of the article in the collection of materials of UNESCO's 10th International Summer School, Republic of Poland, Warsaw. Topic: "Modern trends in working with families with a child with special educational needs in the context of Kazakhstan". 2016.
- Publications of methodical recommendations of the State Institution "NSPC CP ", " Дизартриясы бар мектеп жасына дейінгі балалармен жүргізілетін тузету-педагогикалық жұмысының технологиясы " – 2nd volume, 2016ж. Theme: " Мектеп жасына дейінгі дизартриясы бар балалардың моторлы аясын дамыту бойынша тузету-педагогикалық дұмысының технологиясы ".
- National Academy of Education named by I.Altynsarina the developer of standard curriculums on Kazakh Language for students with mild and moderate mental retardation. - 2015.
April 2021 Kamianets - Podilsky., Ukraine of the XIV international scientific and Practical Conference "Special and inclusive education: problems and prospects"
April 2021. Republic of Poland, Warsaw International Scientific and Practical Conference "Autism spectrum Disorder in theory and perspective"
The certificate of 15.09-24.09.2016. The Republic of Poland, Warsaw, UNESCO, the 10th International Summer School, the Academy of Special Pedagogy. M. Grzegorzewska. Topic:
"The contemporary problems of children and childhood in multicultural societies-theory, research, praxis".
The certificate of 08.11-10.11.2013. Republic of Bulgaria, Bourgas, Center for Innovations in Education "Protecta", Consultative Center "Dani". Topic: "Pedagogical technologies in working with children with mental retardation." Pedagogical interaction of school and family ".
The certificate of 04.11-16.11.2013. The Republic of Bulgaria, Burgas, Bourgas Free University. Topic: Contemporary European Models of Social Corrective Support to Children with Limited Abilities
Kabdyrova Ainur
Position: Senior Lecturer, PhD
- Information
Kabdyrova Ainur Askarbekovna-2005-2009 graduated from the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University with a degree in 010500-Defectology. In 2009-2011, she studied at the Master's program of the Institute of Master's and Doctoral Studies of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named Abai, upon completion of which she was awarded the qualification of Master of Pedagogical Sciences. In 2015, she entered the PhD doctoral program in the specialty "6D010500-Defectology" of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
In 2013-2014, she worked as an experimental teacher in the research department at the National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Pedagogy. From 2014-2017, she worked as a teacher-defectologist at the rehabilitation center at the National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Pedagogy. From 2020 to 2021. She worked as a methodologist of the advanced training department at the National Scientific and Practical Center for the Development of Special and Inclusive Education.
- Bachelor «Defectology, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University;
- Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Magistracy;
- Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, PhD.
- Inclusive education
- Students with disabilities
- Special educational needs
- Teachers ' readiness to teach students with disabilities
- З.А. Мовкебаева, Danuta Al-Khamisy, Кабдырова А. А. Развитие инклюзивного образования в Казахстане: актуальные проблемы и пути развития Orientacje i przedsięwzięcia w edukacji osób ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi Monografia wieloautorska AKKA Siedlce 2017 Польша
- Movkebaeva Z., Kabdyrova A. A., Duzelbayeva A., Denissova I., Tynybayeva L. «Отношение студентов высших учебных заведений к совместному обучению с людьми с инвалидностью» Students attitude towards co-education with disabled people in higher education institutions Journal of Entrepreneurship Education.- 2017. – Vol.20. – Iss. 3. – P. 11 (United States) Scopus
- Кабдырова А. А. Готовность педагогов высшей школы к реализации инклюзивного образования: проблемы и перспективы развития Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі Наука и жизнь Казахстана, Science and life of Kazakhstan Халықаралық ғылыми-көпшілік журнал Международный научно-популярный журнал International popular-science journal №4(61) 2018 ПЕДАГОГИКА Астана 2018
- Кабдырова А. А. Современные формы и методы подготовки преподавателей вуза к реализации инклюзивного образования Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая ВЕСТНИК Серия «Педагогические науки», №3(59), 2018 г.
- Кабдырова А. А. Возможность педагогического моделирования как результат формирования готовности преподавателей вуза к реализации инклюзивного образования Научный журнал Павлодарского государственного университета имени С. Торайгырова ВЕСТНИК ПГУ Педагогическая серия № 4 (2018) Павлодар
- Кабдырова А. А. Отечественный и зарубежный опыт подготовки преподавателей вуза к обучению студентов с особыми образовательными потребностями Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая ВЕСТНИК Серия «Педагогические науки», №4(60), 2018 г.
- Кабдырова А. А. Инклюзивті білім беру кеңістігін кеңейтудегі гуманистік идея Хабаршы Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая Серия «Психология» №3 (64) Алматы 2020
Kulnazarova Gulnaz
Position: Lecturer, Master of Sciences
- Information
Kulnazarova Gulnaz
Position: Lecturer, Master of Sciences
Gulnaz Tulebekovna - Graduate of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. In 2012 she graduated from the university with a master's degree. In 2018, she entered the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University for doctoral studies.
She began her career with a special correctional boarding school No. 7 for children with intellectual disabilities. From 2019-2020 she worked as a teacher at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Gulnaz Tulebekovna constantly conducts research in the field of education. She has published articles in international scientific journals.
- Defectology, bachelor's degree, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University , (Kazakhstan, Almaty)
- Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, (Kazakhstan, Almaty)
- Development of a culture of interpersonal relationships among students with intellectual disabilities
- Creation of favorable conditions for socialization and adaptation of students with intellectual disabilities in society.
- Organization of extracurricular educational work of students: 2012-2014.
- Development of a culture of interpersonal relationships among students with intellectual disabilities: 2018-2021.
- Theoretical foundations of the development of a culture of interpersonal relations among students with intellectual disabilities. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University . Bulletin. Series "Special Pedagogy". -№2, (57) Almaty, 2019.123-128
- Features of the formation of a culture of interpersonal relations among students with intellectual disabilities. Science and life of Kazakhstan. No. 7/1 2019.
- WAYS OF FORMATION OF A CULTURE OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS IN CHILDREN WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES. Materials of the republican scientific and practical online conference "Problems of spiritual and moral education of the young generation in the modern school." Almaty, December 10, 2020
- 2019 - International conference "30 years of inclusive education", organized by the Council of the European Union. Special Pedagogical Academy named after Grzegorzewska, Poland, Warsaw
- 2018- “Devlet Siyasetinde Gazeteciligin Yeri: Ülfet Gazeteci Örneginde” Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi. Prof.Dr.Asem Nauşabaeva Hekimoğlu
- 2019 - "Education system with special educational needs in Lithuania and Europe" Professor, Doctor of Social Sciences, Laima Tomenienė (Siauliai, Lithuania)
Galiya Sabyrzhanovna
Position: Associate Professor, Candidate of sciences
- Information
Galiya Sabyrzhanovna
Position: Associate Professor, Candidate of sciences
Galiya Shubayeva is a graduate of the Almaty State Medical Institute named after S. D. Asfendiyarov. In 1996, she graduated from the specialty "Pediatrics". In 1998, she graduated from the clinical residency of the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2001, she graduated from the postgraduate course of the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2002 she was awarded the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. In 2009, by the decision of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor in pedagogy.
She started her career as a researcher at the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2005-2007, she worked as a senior teacher, acting associate professor, associate professor at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai; in 2007-2008 – a senior lecturer at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov; since 2008, she has worked as an associate professor, and currently works as an assoc.professor at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
Galiya Shubayeva continuously conducts scientific research in the field of education. He is the author of textbooks, teaching aids, educational and methodological recommendations. For his contribution to the development of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University in 2014, he was awarded the jubilee medal "Kurmet Belgisi". In 2021, for her contribution to the development of the university and merits in the training of specialists, she was awarded a letter of thanks from the rector.
- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Scientific center of Pediatrics and pediatric surgery;
- Pediatrics, qualification of a pediatric doctor, Almaty State Medical Institute named after S. D. Asfendiyarov.
- Member of the scientific and educational-methodical Council of the Institute of pedagogy and psychology
- Health status of children with special learning needs
- Health-saving technologies in education
- Scientific and methodological support of special education (National Scientific and Practical Center of Correctional Pedagogy): 2016.
- Special training programs of updated content (correctional cycle) for the level of primary and basic secondary education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: 2016-2020.
- Nurseyitova J.J., Abayeva G.A., Shubayeva G.S., Karayeva T.N., Rakhimova A.T. (forthcoming) Organization of pedagogical correction support for children with dyslexia at primary school, Journal for the Education of gifted Young Scientists.
- Shubaeva G. S., Tuyebayeva D. K. (2020) Indicators of speech development in children with dysarthria of Primary School Age, Science and life of Kazakhstan.- No. 7/3. - 241-245 P.
- Shubaeva G. S., Musirova Zh. (2020) Indicators of motor development and self-care skills of children with cerebral palsy of primary school age, Bulletin of Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University.-2020.-№2(82).-180-189 P.
- Shubayeva G.S., Nurjavova A.A. (2018) Self-assessement of the physical development of children with cerebral palsy, International Research Journal.-№12(78).-ч.2.-с.182-185.
- Shubaeva G. S., Nurzhavova A. A. (2018) Features of physical development and health of children with cerebral palsy, "Bulletin" Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Special pedagogy series.-.-№1(52).- 95-101 P.
- Shubayeva Galiya S., Baydosova Dinar K. (2017) Diagnosis of formation of health-competence in preschool children with intellectual disabilities, European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology.-№1.-.-p.11-13.
- Galiya S. Shubayeva, Aisulu A. Tayzhan, Dinar K. Baydosova. (2015) Comorbidities of children with intellectual disabilities, Asian Social Science, Vol. 11, No. 16, Р. 168-174.
- 2021, April 13, presentation of the article "Features of the study of early speech ontogenesis in children at risk", conference "Integration of theory and practice of special and inclusive education", Almaty, Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University
- 2020, January 24, presentation of the article "Features of facial motor skills of children with dysarthria", conference "Actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology", Almaty, Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University
- 2017, presentation of the article «Relationship formation motor skills and self-help skills in children with cerebral palsy», Congress "Mind technologies: Retrospective and perspective”, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2017, April 28, presentation of the article "Features of the formation of Health competence of children with preschool intellectual disabilities", Conference "Modern preschool and primary education: theory, methodology and practice", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor K. A. Aimagambetova, Almaty, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University
- 2017, April 12, presentation of the article "Application of health-saving technologies in the education of children with mental retardation", conference "Youth and science – present and future", Almaty, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University
- 2016, April 12, presentation of the article "The use of correctional gymnastics in young children with motor disorders syndrome", conference " Youth and science – present and future, Almaty, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University
Sikinbayev Bauyrzhan
Position: Lecturer, Master of Sciences
- Information
Sikinbayev Bauyrzhan
Position: Lecturer, Master of Sciences
Bauyrzhan Berdievich - Graduate of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University a.n. Abai. In 2011 he graduated from the university with a master's degree. In 2018, he entered the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University for doctoral studies.
He began his career with a defectologist in gymnasium school No. 65 in Astana. From 2012-2018 he worked as a defectologist-speech therapist at the National rehabilitation center for children. Bauyrzhan Berdievich constantly conducts research in the field of education. He has published articles in international scientific journals.
- Defectology, bachelor's degree, Kazakh National Pedagogical University by Abai, (Kazakhstan, Almaty)
- Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Kazakh National Pedagogical University by Abai, (Kazakhstan, Almaty)
- Education and upbringing of children with special needs
- University inclusion
- Innovative directions in the field of education
- Development of family potential
- Didactic aspects of hearing-speech rehabilitation of Kazakh-speaking children with a cochlear implant
- Chulembayeva A, Autayeva A. N., Butabayeva L., Kapalova S.K. Sikinbayev B.B «Evaluation of oral speech of Students with hearing impairments with perspectives of special learning technologies», World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, Volume 13, Issue 3, (2021) 502-513
Denissova Irina
Position: Associate Professor, Candidate of sciences
- Information
Denissova Irina
Position: Associate Professor, Candidate of sciences
Excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.03 "Correctional Pedagogy" (No. 936) - the degree was awarded by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated October 23, 2007 (Protocol No. 8), the topic of dissertive research: "A differentiated approach in preventing and overcoming dysorphography in children with ONR" Graduated from the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay, 1979-1984) diploma with honors (No. 407836); Specialty "Oligofrenopedagogics and speech therapy"
- She began her career in 1984.
- 1984-2001 - rhythmic teacher, speech therapist, deputy director for educational work at a special correctional school No. 9 for children with severe speech disorders, speech therapist of the highest qualification category
- 2001-2007 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Correctional Pedagogy, RIPKSO
- 2008-2012 - Head. Department of Information and Methodological Support of the NNPCCP;
- 2012-2018 - Senior lecturer at the Department of Special Education of KazNPU named after Abay;
- 2018-2019 - Deputy Director of RIPKSO
- from September 2019 to June 2020: art. Teacher, Department of Special and Social Pedagogy KazNWTTU
- Since September 2020. to the present - acting associate professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy KazNWTTU
Specialty "Oligofrenopedagogics and Speech Therapy" (Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay, 1979-1984) diploma with honors (No. 407836);
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.03 "Correctional Pedagogy" (No. 936) - the degree was awarded by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated October 23, 2007 (Protocol No. 8)
- "Interactive methods in the training of defectology students,"
- "Formation of functional language literacy of students with special educational needs"
“Integration of the "EDUPLAY," "MULTIKID" into the educational and corrective process” – Israel/ Tel Aviv, (2007), certificate for coaching; EDUSOFT Project (Israel): Training (in English)
"School partnersheep": UK-KZ: Astana-Durham-Stockton - - trainings and master classes in special schools of Darham, Stockton (UK) - 2009
"Management of the process of assessment of educational achievements of students with special educational needs." (2018-2020) - ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan
“Department of Online” -, International Project. Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Institute for Education Development 2019. https://adu.by/ru/glavnaya-stranitsa.html?start=5
"Educational and methodological support of the process of introducing inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2013-2014) -MON of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KazNPU named after Abay
"School partnersheep": UK-KZ: Astana-Durham-Stockton - - trainings and master classes in special schools of Darham, Stockton (UK) - 2009
"Speech therapy rhythm." - textbook for students of the specialty "Defectology"; Almaty, "Ұlaғat," 2019. - ISBN 978-601-298-685-3 (Stamp UMO RMS MON RK 2017)
"Inclusive education." Textbook for students/Movkebayev Z.A., Denisov I.A., Oralkanova I.A., Zhakupova D.S. Almaty, 2013. - 200 C., ISBN 978-9965-14-320-6
"Pedagogical diagnostics of educational achievements." - Methodological manual. M-Lambert Publishing House. Dusseldorf, Germany, 2015. – ISBN 978-3-659-75962
Methodological recommendations for the preparation of teachers for the introduction of inclusive education/Movkebayev Z.A., Denisov I.A., Oralkanova I.A., Zhakupova D.S. Almaty, 2013. - 167 C., ISBN 978-9965-14-129-4
Publications abroad (2015-2021):
«Web of Science” I.Denisova. Speech therapists ICT competence as a factor of students with SEN orthography competence “European proceeding of social and behavioral sciences”, v 111,p. 227-235 Doi : 10.15405 / epsbs. 2021.06.03.31 ISSN:2357-1330 https://www.europeanproceedings.com/proceedings/EpSBS/volumes/vol111-amurcon-2020-2021
«Scopus»: Students Attitude towards Co-Education with Disabled People in Higher Education Institutions // Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. – 2017 Vol: 20 Issue: 3 https://www.abacademies.org/articles/students-attitude-towards-coeducation-with-disabled-people-in-higher-education-institutions-6917.html
Unconventional ways to prevent dysorthography// II International Scientific and Practical Conference Scientific issues of Modernity Dubai, UAE. – Vol. 3 p.3 3-40. – ISSN 1719 201546-48;
Realization of emotional component of eurhythmic’s lessons in special schools // Topical Problems of Modern Science and Possible Solutions. Dubai, UAE. 2016. – Vol. 5 p. 64-68 ISSN 2413;
Prevention of dysorphography in children//Vesnik adukatsi (Minsk). – 2015. – № 3. C. 55-60;
Logorhythmic means of correction of external and internal speech design//Pedagogy and modern aspects of physical education Ukraine, Kramatorsk, 2019. - S. 349-357). – ISBN 978-966-379-883-7;
About the special conditions for using the computer in the work of preventing and overcoming letter violations//International Science Project. " Turku, Finlandia. – 2020. – Ch.1 No. 32. C. 5-14
Scientific and theoretical basis of assessment of educational achievements of students with special educational needs//Gazette of KazNPU. Series "Special pedagogy." – 2018. – № 1. - C. 98-103
Emotional component at correctional rhythmic's lessons//Management in education. – 2019. – № 2 (93). - S. 56-61.
Interactive methods in the training of students - defectologists//Management in education. – 2019. – № 3 (94). - S. 31-37.
The results of research on the features of the development of communicative competence of children with ZPR//Management in education. – 2019. – № 4 (95). - S. 91-98
The development of phonemic analytic slills of students with broken skills//Management in education. – 2019. – № 1 (92). - C. 22-28
Theory and methodology of educational work in a special school "for students of specialty 5V 010500. - Almaty, Printing house "Ulagat," 2016
Correction of speech development deficiencies (5-10 kl). Correction rhythm (0-4 kL). Music (5-6 kl) [Electronic resource]. – 2017. - URL: Altynsarina NAO http://nao.kz/loader/fromorg/2/25 Correction of speech deficiencies for children with ZPR (5 kL). Correction rhythm (0-4) [Electronic resource]. – 2016. – URL: http://nao.kz/loader/fromorg/2/25
Participation in conferences International:
- April 13, 2021, Almaty International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of the theory and practice of special and inclusive education" - moderator of section 2 and speech "Creation and promotion of an interactive lecture as a free Internet resource"
- April 17-19, 2019 International conference "Pedagogy and modern aspects of physical education." Ukraine, Kramatorsk: member of the Organizing Committee, presentation of the article "Logorhythmic means of correcting external and internal speech design"
- January 12, 2019. Virtual conference "Pedagogical Science and Education." Belarus, Minsk, Institute for Educational Development Presentation of the article "Use of information and communication technologies in speech therapy for development of phonetic imaginations of younger-school students//
- April 25, 2019 Kazakhstan, Almaty. NCPC "Orleu." Republican Forum (with International Representation) "Adult Education of the 21st Century: Modern Trends"
- Member of the organizing committee. Presentation "Teaching to Work for Results: Thinking about Innovation in Education"
- Anniversary international conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor R. A. Suleimenov. Kazakhstan. Almaty. Conducting the Master Class "Integration of Multimedia Educational Systems into the Corrective Process"
- April 22-23, 2015 XI International Scientific Conference, Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin, St. Petersburg,. Publication of the article "Positional word model as a means of preventing dysorphography in children with general speech underdevelopment"
- April 3, 2020. Republican webinar "Features of the use of remote technologies in corrective and developmental work with children with SEN." Presentation "Factors in the use of remote technologies in meeting the special educational needs of children"
- Republican Webinar "Professional Development. Competencies of special teachers. April 7, 2020 Presentation with the message "Psychophysiological factors of effective inclusion of students in the educational process with the use of DOT
Agybayeva Saule
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Agybayeva Saule
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
Agybayeva Saule-graduated in 2006 with a bachelor's degree from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and in 2008 received a master's degree in pedagogy and psychology.
From 2018 to 2021, he completed a doctoral degree in Defectology at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
Since 2008, she has been working as a senior lecturer at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
2001-2006. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty), Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science (Bachelor's degree), specialty "Pedagogy"
2006-2008. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty), Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science (Master's degree)
* specialty " Pedagogy and Psychology”
* specialization "Manager in the field of education"
2018-2021. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Specialty Defectology. Doctoral studies.
- Assessment of educational achievements of students with special educational needs;
- Assessment of educational achievements in inclusive education;
- Features of adolescents with deviant behavior.
- Особенности социализации в подростковом возрасте. Халықаралық конференция жинағы. София «Бял ГРАД-БГ» ООД, 2014. С.Е. Агыбаева., Ж.Г. Айуп., Г.И. Салғараева
- Өзін-өзі тану сабақтарында этнопедагогикалық материалдарды пайдалану. Халықаралық конференция жинағы. Чехия, 2014. С.Е. Агыбаева., Салғараева Г.И.
- Жеткіншектердің компьютерлік ойындарға құмарлығының психологиялық мәселелері. Materials of the XI International scientific and practical conference. 2015. С.Е. Агыбаева., Ж.Г. Айуп., Г.И. Салғараева
- Жасөспірімдік кезеңдегі агрессивті мінез-құлыққа өзін-өзі бағалаудың әсері. «Қазіргі мектепке дейінгі және бастауыш білім беру: теориясы, әдістемесі мен тәжірибесі» атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары 2017ж. 28 сәуір.
- Девиантты мінез-құлықты жасөспірімдердің әлеуметтік-психологиялық мәселелері. Қазақстанның жоғары мектебі. Халықаралық журнал. 2017ж. №2.
- Бұқаралық ақпарат құралдарының девиантты мінез-құлыққа әсері. ҚАЗАҚСТАННЫҢ ҒЫЛЫМЫ МЕН ӨМІРІ Халықаралық ғылыми-көпшілік журнал №2/3 (57) 2018 ПЕДАГОГИКА. Астана 2018. С.Е. Агыбаева., Г.Б. Токтагулова
- Қазақ отбасындағы балалардың қарым-қатынас мәдениетін қалыптастыру ерекшеліктері. «PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN SCIENCE»: Materials of the III International Scientific-Practical Conference March 28-30, 2018 (Seoul, Korea) Seoul, 2018. Г.Б. Токтагулова., С.Е. Агыбаева
- Оқушылардың бойында рухани–адамгершілік құндылықтарды өзін-өзі тану пәні арқылы тәрбиелеу. MATERIALS of the III International Scientific-Practical Conference "INTEGRATION OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY TO THE GLOBAL CHALLENGES OF OUR TIME" February 26-28, 2018 (Kyoto, Japan) Volume III Kyoto, 2018. Г.Б. Токтагулова., С.Е. Агыбаева.
- Жасөспірімдік кезеңдегі агрессивті мінез-құлыққа өзін-өзі бағалаудың әсері. MATERIALS of the III International Scientific-Practical Conference "INTEGRATION OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY TO THE GLOBAL CHALLENGES OF OUR TIME" February 26-28, 2018 (Kyoto, Japan) Volume III Kyoto, 2018. С.Е. Агыбаева., Г.Б. Токтагулова
- «Инклюзивті білім беру ортасында ерекше білім беруді қажет ететін бастауыш сынып білім алушыларының оқу жетістіктерін бағалаудың теориялық негіздері». Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы журналынның 2019 жылғы №1. Алматы қаласы. С.Е. Агыбаева., Г.С. Оразаева
- Принципы и содержание оценивания учебных достижений детей с особыми образовательными потребностями. «The Europe and the Turkic World: Science, Engineering and Technology» Materials of the IV International Scientific- Practical Conference. May 1-3, 2019 (Istanbul, Turkey). Volume II. ISBN 978-601-267-399-9. 211-215стр. С.Е. Агыбаева., Г.С. Оразаева
- Особенности оценивания учебных достижений обучающихся с ООП. V Международная научно-практическая конференция «Перспективы развития современной науки» 11-13 марта 2020 г. в г. Сеул (Ю. Корея). С.Е. Агыбаева., Г.С. Оразаева.
- Педагогикалық-психологиялық практикум. Оқу құралы. ҚазмемқызПУ, 2016жыл. 124 бет. Б.П. Мырзатаева., Г.И. Салғараева., С.Е. Агыбаева.
- Педагогикалық психология. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. ҚазмемқызПУ, 2017 жыл. 149 бет. И.А. Абаеуова., С.Е. Агыбаева., Г.Б. Тоқтағұлова.
Ospanova Ainur
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of sciences
- Information
Ospanova Ainur
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of sciences
Ainur Ospanova-graduated from the Bachelor's and master's degree programs of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
Work activity: in the field of correctional and developmental education of children with special educational needs began in 2008.
Since September 2018, she has been working as a teacher at the Department of Special Pedagogy of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. (Almaty);
Since November 2020, he has been combining the position of a senior researcher at the National Scientific and Practical Center for the Development of Special and Inclusive Education. (Almaty)
September 2017-August 2018-primary school teacher and speech pathologist-speech therapist of the municipal state educational institution of secondary school No. 65 in Almaty
October 2016-August 2018-speech therapist of the state educational institution kindergarten No. 90 in Almaty.
July 2008-September 2016 speech therapist Municipal State Institution "Urdzhar medical and Social Institution" of East Kazakhstan region.
Bachelor's and Master's degree in Defectology, KazNPU named after Abay
- Correctional and developmental speech of children with special educational needs.
- Competence of a speech therapist in special education.
- Development of inclusive education
- Almagul Kalykbayeva1, Akmaral Satova2, Akbota Autayeva3, Ainur Ospanova4, Aigul Suranchina5, Uaidullakyzy Elmira6 «Using self-assessment instruction to develop primary school students’ self-esteem in inclusive practice in Kazakhstan». Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences Volume 16, Issue 4, (2021) 1631-1642
- Ospanova A. S. Modern methods and technologies of sound reproduction correction «MODERN TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION» Materials of the international scientifically-practical online-conference. April 23.154 pages ISBN 978-601-346 -084-0
- Taszhurekova Zh. T., Seisenova A. D, Ibatova G. B, Ospanova A. S "Formation of the language system of the native language in the course of speech ontogenesis of children of early and preschool age" methodological guide. Almaty: NNPC AIBD " 2020. -186 p.-ISBN 978-601-08-0156-1
- Taszhurekova Zh. T., Seisenova A. D, Ospanova A.S «Sсientific approaches to the problem of formation of the language system of the Kazakh language. In early and preschool age». Bulletin of KazNPU named after. Abay, series "Psychology", No. 4(65), 2020
- Оspanova А.S. Organization of methodological work with children with limited opportunities of school age to form ideas about the environment / ISSN 1728-7847 Bulletin of KazNPU named after. Abay, series "Psychology", No. 4(65), 2020.
- Ospanova A. S. Interaction of parents with special teachers in inclusive education. ISSN 1728-7847 Bulletin of KazNPU. Abay, series Psychology -2020. №3 (64).- 142-144str.
- Ospanova A.S, Zhigitbekoba A.D. «Research of social and emotional skills of children with autism» / ISSN 1728-7847 Bulletin of KazNPU. Abay Series No. 1(62), 2020 65 p
- Ospanova A.S «Psychological and pedagogical differential diagnosis of children with disabilities» / ISSN 1728-7847 Bulletin of KazNPU. Abaya Series No. 4 (61), 2019 209 p.
- Ospanova A.S. Features of psychomotor development of children of early age under normal and patologicheskih States / ISSN 1728-7847 Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abaya Series No. 4 (61), 2019 213 p.
- Ospanova A.S. Pedagogical prerequisites for the application of Bloom's taxonomy in inclusive education / ISSN 1728-7847 Bulletin of KazNPU. Abaya Series No. 2 (59), 2019 80 p.
- Ospanova A.S. Features of the application of constructive learning technology in an inclusive environment / ISSN 1728-7847 Bulletin of KazNPU. Abaya Series No. 2(59), 2019 84 p. Correctional work with speech disorders in primary school children. Constructive learning-a factor that determines the inefficiency of the educational process / institution "innovative educational center "TUMAR" constructive learning-a factor that determines the inefficiency of the educational process / ISBN 978-601-276-433-8 VL 3 UDC 376 BBK74. 3
- Ospanova A.S. Yskyryk zhane yzyn dybystar / collection of methodological developments of special and general pedagogical orientation volume 2 2017 44 p. 7 KBZH74. 00 123 p
- Ospanovа A.S. Features of communication of autistic children: / Republican scientific and pedagogical magazine "Pedagogy zhne oyushy psihologii" - Almaty 2017 №3 (39) 10 pages
- A.S. Ospanovа Modern approaches of communicative abilities of children with autism: / republican scientific and pedagogical journal "Pedagogy zhane oyushy psikhologyasy" № 3 (39) - Almaty 6 2017. 13str
Abdykalykova Madina
Position: Lecturer, Master of sciences
- Information
Abdykalykova Madina
Position: Lecturer, Master of sciences
Madina Abdykalykova-in 2010 she received a bachelor's degree in Defectology at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University, in 2019 he graduated from the master's program at the Eurasian National University. She started her career at the National Center for Children's Rehabilitation. Since 2019, she has been working as a teacher at the Department of Special Pedagogy, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. In 2020, she entered the doctoral program at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University, where she is currently studying in the second year.
- Bachelor «Defectology, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University;
- Eurasian National University, Magistracy;
- Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, doctoral studies
- Practice-oriented training
- Working with children with autism spectrum disorders
1. «Нарушения голоса», Журнал Вопросы реабилитологии, №1 15.02.2018
2. Әлеуметтік педагогтың экологиялық іс-әрекетін ұйымдастырудағы ерекшеліктері. Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия үлттық университетінің ХАБАРШЫ ғылыми журналы, №5 (120) 2017, 164-167 бб.
3. Студенттердің әлеуметтік белсенділігін арттырудағы волонтерлік қызметтің рөлі. IV Международной научно-практической конференции «Интеграция научного сообщества перед глобальными проблемами современности» г.Саппоро (Япония) 13-15 февраля 2019
4. Әлеуметтік педагогтың экологиялық іс-әрекеті арқылы ізгілік қасиеттерін қалыптастыру жолдары. Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік семинар «Жасыл экономиканы» дамыту жағдайындағы білім жүйесін экологияландырудың ғылыми тәсілдері» Астана қ. 27.04.2018, 170-174бб
5. “Болашақ педагогтарды тәжірибеге бағдарлап даярлаудың ерекшеліктері" 13.04.2021. Международная конференция «Интеграция теории и практики специального и инклюзивного образования»
6. «Современные подходы к проблеме подготовки специальных педагогов (Логопедов) к междисциплинарной работе», Наука и жизнь Казахстана №7/3 2020
1. Speaker of the international round table "Issues of professional training of future special teachers". 27.04.2021.
Issayeva Laura
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Issayeva Laura
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Specialty " Defectology "(Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, 2005-2009), by the decision of the State Attestation Commission dated May 25, 2009, he was awarded the qualification of defectologist-speech therapist and an academic bachelor's degree (MB-B Diploma No. 0171135)
- Specialty " Defectology "(Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, 2009-2011), by the decision of the State Attestation Commission dated June 18, 2011 (Protocol No. 6) awarded the Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences (IOOK-M No. 0008803)
- Member of the IKSAD INTERNATIONAL Association (Republic of Turkey).
- Special education
- Inclusive education system
- "Theoretical and practical aspects of early childhood development with special educational needs in the context of inclusive education", 2018-2020
- "A model for managing the development of students' professional competencies through effective interaction between the department, the resource center and a special educational organization", 2020-2023.
- Қазақ этнопедагогикасы негізінде мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың дүниетанымын қалыптастыру. – Алматы: «Формат», 2018. –63 б. ISBN 978-601-224-959-0
- Психомоторлық дамуы кешеуілдеген ерте жастағы балалардың моторикасының даму ерекшеліктері /nevruz zýrvesý i. uluslararasý abay kunanbayoðlu kazak kültürü, tarýhý ve edebýyati sempozyumu slar 20-23 mart 2018 antalya özet kýtabi – 79-82 sayfa N Iksad Publications - 2018© ISBN – 978-605-9885-82-9
- Особенности работы учителя – логопеда в условиях инклюзивного образования в республике казахстан / NEVRUZ ZÝRVESÝ I. Uluslararasý Abay Kunanbayoðlu KAZAK KÜLTÜRÜ, TARÝHÝ VE EDEBÝYATI SEMPOZYUMU slar 20-23 Mart 2018 ANTALYA ÖZET KÝTABI – 121-123 sayfa N Iksad Publications - 2018© ISBN – 978-605-9885-82-9
- Актуальные аспекты работы современного педагога-психолога /Сборник статей 3 международной научно-практической конференции «Психолого-педагогическое сопровождение личности в образовании: союз науки и практики» - М.: Изд.,Перо, 2018 – 187-191 стр ISBN –978-5-00086-676-4
- Ерекше білімді қажет ететін балалы отбасындағы ата-ана мен бала қарым-қатынасына қажетті ерте түзете-дамыта көмек беру. ҚазМемқызпу, Хабаршы №1 (73) 2018. – 137-143 бет. ISBN – 2306-5079
- Особенности возникновения эмоционального стресса у детей старшего школьного возраста/ Социально-гуманитарные вопросы развития сферы образования в Казахстане: материалы республиканской научно-практической конференции. – Алматы: Каспийский Общественный университет, 2018. – 185-188 стр.
- Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в системе образования для лиц с особыми образовательными потребностями. Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет. ХАЛЫҚАРАЛЫҚ ҒЫЛЫМИ-ПРАКТИКАЛЫҚ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ "ТЕОРИЯЛЫҚ ЖӘНЕ ПРАКТИКАЛЫҚ ПСИХОЛОГИЯНЫҢ ӨЗЕКТІ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ». 24.01.2020 ж. – 74 бет.
- Инклюзивті білім беру жүйесінде ата-ананың орны мен рөлі/ Қазақ ұлттық қыздар педагогикалық университеті.«Қазіргі мектептегі жас ұрпаққа рухани-адамгершілік тәрбие беру мәселелері» Республикалық ғылыми-практикалық онлайн конференция 10 желтоқсан 2020 жыл. – 33 бет.
- Бастауыш сынып оқушыларының әлеуметтік-мінез-құлқының даму мәселесі/Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі.- №11/2 (145)2020-256 б. Алматы.
- Инклюзивті білім берудегі әлеуметтік педагогтың рөлі/ Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі.- Алматы.№11/2 (145)2020-252 б.