Department of practical foreign language
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
About the department
The Department of Practical Foreign Languages, part of the Institute of History and Foreign Languages, was opened in 1960. The first head M.G Begimbetova headed the department for 16 years. She was the first teacher of English language education for Kazakh girls since September 1945. From 1977 to 1983 the department was headed by senior lecturer R.G. Grillborzer, and from 1983 the head of the department was Ph.D., associate professor Zh.M. Moldazharov. In recent years the chair was headed by Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor K.A. Kurmanaliev (1987-2000), Senior Lecturer B.N. Karabaeva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Z.D. Tuyebekova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, headed by Associate Professor K.A. Amiraliev, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Sh.B. Bainesh. During these years, teachers of the department taught practical lessons in English, German, French, Chinese, Arabic, Korean, Persian and Latin. The department has the best educational work of the Republic of Kazakhstan, veterans of labor Aimanova Sh.A., Martynova A.I, Shaimerdenova G.K., Limanskaya L.Ya., Tynalina F.K., Naimanbayeva Zh.B. Alisherova, V.I. Reznikova, T.N. Nazarbayeva are retired. The department of the whole-institute practical foreign languages was established on September 18, 2003 by the order of the rector of the institute № 202. Associate Professor S.A. Asanbayeva held the position of head of the chair from 2003 to 2012.
Since 2012, the Department of Practical Foreign Languages was part of the Faculty of Kazakh Philology and World Languages. The head of the department was Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Kanseitova U.R.
From 2019-2020 academic year, the Department of Practical Foreign Language was headedby candidate of pedagogical sciences, R.O. Ozgambayeva.
From September 25, 2020-2021 academic year, the acting head of the department is Pazilova Bakiza Ablazovna – senior teacher, master of pedagogical sciences. There are 10 teachers in the staff, including 8 master senior teachers and 2 masters. There are 2 part-time doctoral teachers.
The Department of Practical Foreign Language provides practical classes on "Foreign language", "Applied foreign language" to first and second year students of two universities and 4 institutes.
All teachers have a basic knowledge of higher education in Kazakhstan and work based on employment contracts.
The scientific direction of the department for 2019-2021 is "Actual problems of teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic specialties in the context of the updated educational content and ways to solve it". All members of the department work in the scientific direction, because this topic is directly related to the work of the institute. Therefore, it is very effective and interesting.
Every year teachers improve their skills.
From July 7 to September 1, 2020, the American Embassy hosted the WORLD LEARNING “The American English (AE) E-Teacher Program”, an eight-week English language course for teachers,where Senior Lecturer A.S. Orazbayeva took part in it. The theme of the program is "Teaching Grammar Communicatively". She scored 94.5 points in the course and received a certificate.
From September 14 to October 30, 2020, the Embassy hosted a 20-hour in-service training course "Methods and content of teaching English" conducted by American teacher Wendy Finlayson.Pazilova B.A.,F.M. Myrzakhanova, Dzhumagulbaeva R.P., Sadyrbaeva B.A., G.A. Berniyazova, took part and became the owners of certificates. The “Coursera” course was attended by the teachers of the department B.A.Pazilova and F.M.Myrzakhanova. They received certificates for participation.
On November 27, 2020 at 16.00 literary evening "Abai - single, Abai wise" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great poet, scholar, thinker Abai Kunanbayev was held in English on the Zoom platform. The 1st and 2nd year students took an active part in this literary evening and demonstrated their knowledge.
From 19 to 28 November 2020 teachers of theinstitute held an essay competition "Native Land". The essay competition held in English, was attended by the 1st and 2nd year students of all institutes on a voluntary basis. More than 30 works were submitted to the competition.
Schoolchildren also took part in the competition for experiments. It was attended by several students, for example, school "Ulagat School", № 177 secondary schools and the school named after A. Sherimkulov in Badam village, Ordabasy district. Eligible essay holders, i.e. students, were given separate places and certificates.
Providing continuous and professional education based on the best world practices and formation of up-to-date knowledge based on scientific research.
Educational programs
Gabdul-Muttalip Saltanat Magauyaqyzy
Position:Teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
- Information
Gabdul-Muttalip Saltanat Magauyaqyzy
Position: Teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
- Master's degree: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Philology, specialty Foreign Language: two of foreign languages.
- Bachelor's degree: Abylai Khan Kazakh University of international relations and World Languages, Faculty of pedagogy, specialty foreign language: two foreign languages.
Articles published in the publication:
- 2024, «Білім беру мекемелерінде ақпараттық технологияларды қолдана отырып ағылшын тілін тиімді оқыту» Современные научные исследования: проблемы и перспективы Международная научно-практическая конференция. Zernograd, Russia
- 2023, “Modern information technologies in the development of written and speech skills” International scientific-practical research conference. Dallas, USA
- 2023, “Using authentic of foreign language teaching” «Көптілді білім беру мен зерттеулердегі инновациялық лингвистикалық тәсілдер мәселелері» тақырыбында өтетін халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция. Almaty, Kazakhstan
- 2023, “The acquisition of foreign language vocabulary through innovative interactive methods” International research conference on society and personality, innovation management and technology in the era of globalisation. Monchester, UK.
- 2022, “The internet and world wide web’s role in foreign language teaching” International research conference on technology, science, engineering and economy. Seattle, USA
- 2022, “The Internet and World Wide Web’s Role in Foreign Language Teaching”. International Research Conference on Technology, Science, Engineering and Economy. Scientific public organization “Professional science
- ”2021, Аутентикалық материалдарды ағылшын тілі сабағында сөйлеп үйрету мақсатында пайдалану», International scientific and methodological online conference "Independent Kazakhstan in the global space of scientific research". Almaty, Kazakhstan
- 2021, «Ағылшын тілі сабағында аутентикалық материалдарды қолдану», XXIV International Scientific and Methodological Online Conference SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: LANGUAGE, INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES. Almaty, Kazakhstan
- 2020, Жеткіншектердің ерік-жігерін көтеру мақсатында тренингтер жоспарлау», REPUBLICAN ROUND TABLE MATERIALS "Topical issues of foreign language education" in the framework of SRAL "Modernization of foreign language education, its modern theoretical and integrative fundamentals and the methodology of its interactive competency-based modeling" Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kumarova Kuralay Altynbekovna
Position: Teacher
- Information
Kuralay Kumarova graduated with a bachelor's degree from the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan and studied for a semester at the University of Rennes-2 in Rennes, France. She holds a master's degree in "Foreign language: two foreign languages" from the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. She started her career at the Kazakh university of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai khan. Since 2022, she has been a teacher of the Department of Practical Foreign Language of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- 2019 – 2022 PhD student, Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University
- 2016 – 2018 Master's degree program " Foreign Language: two foreign languages ", Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- 1999 – 2003 Bachelor's degree in "Foreign Language: two foreign languages", Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- Formation of pragmatic competence of students of FL specialties based on interactive technologies
- 2022 article Шеттілдік білім беруде коммуникативтік құзыреттің компоненттері»// Вестник Торайгыров университета, Филологическая серия, №3 (2022), Павлодар
- 2022 article «Шетел тілін оқытуда білім алушылардың прагматикалық құзыретін дамыту: қиындықтары мен шешімдері» Конгресс молодых исследователей-2, Университет Гази, Турция
- 2019 article «К проблеме активизации мыслительной деятельности высокого уровня для эффективного овладения иностранным языком»//Переводческий мир Аль-Фараби и трансформация межкультурных исследований в аспекте изучения иностранных языков. Материалы междунар. научно-практ. конф. – Алматы, КазНУ им Аль-Фараби – 2-12 апрель, 2019
- 2017 article «Пәнді шетел тілінде оқытудың психолингвистикалық негіздері» // «Қазақстанның үшінші жаңғыруы: Әйел. Қоғам. Білім және Ғылым» атты Халықаралық симпозиум - Абай атындағы қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, Алматы қ. 21-22 сәуір 2017 ж.
- 2007 article «К проблеме контентно-базируемого обучения иностранным языкам» // Компетентностная ориентация в развитии высшего профессионального образования в республике казахстан: состояние, проблемы и перспективы. Материалы респ. науч.-практ. конф. - Алматы: КазУМОиМЯ им. Абылай хана, 2007. - 248 с.
Berdaly Alina Arystanbekkyzy
Position: Teacher, master of pedagical sciences
- Information
Berdaly Alina Arystanbekkyzy
Position: Teacher, master of pedagical sciences
He started his work experience in 2018-2019 as an English teacher at school No. 179. Then, in 2019-2022, he continued to work as an English teacher at gymnasium No. 140. Currently, he works as a teacher at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
Bachelor's degree: 2014-2018
- Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- Foreign language: two foreign languages (English, French)
Master's degree: 2019-2021
- Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- Foreign language: two foreign languages (English, Turkish)
Published articles:
- "The value of the CLIL method as a new direction of teaching subjects in a foreign language" series "Multilingual education and philology of foreign languages", №1(29), 202001.03.2020. Page 4-9
- "Organization of the process of formation of the academic educational environment of a competent university, design of the process of formation of academic competence" Higher School of Kazakhstan 2 (32), 2021, pp. 25-30
- "Organization of educational and cognitive activity of students based on theory and methodology" bulletin of KazNU al-Farabi series international relations and law 1(84) 2021 p.93; p. 164;
- "Case technology as one of the innovative methods of the educational environment" bulletin of KazNU al-Farabi series international relations and law 1(84) 2021 p. 183;
- "CLIL technology as an innovative method of learning foreign languages at a university". Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. The Messenger. Series "Multilingual education and philology of foreign languages". No. 1(33). Almaty, 2021.
- «The Internet and world wide web’s role in foreign language teaching» International Research Conference on Technology,Science, Engineering & Economy, Scientific public organization «Professional science», Seattle, USA, September 22, 2022.
Bimagambetova Zhibek Tobulbaevna
Position: Program Leader of the Department for Applied Foreign Languages
- Information
Bimagambetova Zhibek Tobulbaevna
Position: Program Leader of the Department for Applied Foreign Languages
Bimagambetova Zhibek Tobulbayevna -in 2003 entered the Al Farabi University graduate school. In 2006, she successfully defended the dissertation and was awarded the degree of candidate of philological science. To date, Zhibek Bimagambetova has published more than 180 scientific articles at the international and national levels and about 45 certificates of professional development.
Beketova Dana
Position: Teacher
- Information
Dana Beketova is a graduate of the Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylai Khan
She graduated from the bachelor's degree of the above-mentioned university with a degree in Translation. She also has a diploma of the second higher education in the specialty "Jurisprudence", D. A. Kunaev University. In 2018, she received a master's degree in pedagogy (two foreign languages) from the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
She started her career as an English teacher at the Secondary School named after B. Sokpakbayev
- 2006-2007 "FASTSYSTEMS" LLP Clerk in the department of translation and correspondence administration.
- 2010-2015 Al-Farabi, KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY as a leading specialist in the accreditation and rating department.
- 2015-2017 "Start" Educational center. Director of the Language center, English teacher.
- 2017 -2019 "Balabaksha Zhanuya" LLP Head teacher .
- 2019-2020 Al-Farabi, KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Philology, Literary Studies and World Languages, Department of General Linguistics and Foreign Philology Teacher .
- 2007 Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan Faculty: Translation Studies /Department: Translator-referent (English).
- 2012 D. A. Kunaev University Faculty: Law Department/ Jurisprudence
- 2018 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University Faculty: Master's degree in Pedagogy, two foreign languages.
- 2017. International Symposium. "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: Women. Society. Education and Science" " Cooperative Language Learning the development of students' communicative competence"
- 2017. "The technology of learning in cooperation as a means of forming communicative competence among students" of " Abaya ,KazNPU Vestnik. In the series of multilingual teaching and foreign philology.
- 2017. "The model of realization of the natural environment through teaching a foreign language in cooperation "Actual Science" international scientific journal.
- 2019. "Teaching a foreign language in cooperation as a way to realize the natural environment in the classroom" VI International Farabi Readings.
Assel Bazilgalamova
Position: Teacher
- Information
Assel Bazilgalamova graduated from Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abai Kunanbaev in 2005, majoring in Kazakh language and literature and English. Assel Bazilgalamova began her career in 2005 as a guide at the Museum of the History of Almaty. In 2006 she worked as a leading specialist in the educational and methodological center "Til" of the Government of the city of Almaty. Since 2007, she has been teaching English at the Department of Practical Foreign Languages of the Kazakh national women's pedagogical university. In 2011-2012, she was a representative of the Ministry of External Evaluation of the Achievements of the Unified National Testing. In 2015, Assel obtained a Master's degree in “International Education” from University of Leicester in UK under the International “Bolashak” Scholarship. Her academic specialisation for Master's dissertation was the area of Blended Learning.
- MA, International Education, University of Leicester, (UK)
- BA, Finance– Academy of Economy and Law (Kazakhstan)
- BA, Kazakh Language and English language teacher– Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Kunanbaev (Kazakhstan)
- Leadership and management
- Blended learning
- Internationalization of Higher Education
- Trilingual education system
- Potential Applications of Blended Learning to the Development of Higher Education in Kazakhstan. 2014-2015.
- Trilingual education system in Kazakhstan. 2018-2019.
- Mukhpulova, R., Mustafaeva, G., Bazilgalamova, A . (2019) Implementation of the CLIL method together with learning strategies in teaching a foreign language for natural sciences students. Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. Journal №3 (79), pp 161-166.
- Mukhpulova, R., Mustafaeva, G., Bazilgalamova, A . (2018). Pedagogical Technologies of Distance Learning. V International Symposium on the Study of Turkic Worlds. pp184-187
- Mukhpulova, R., Mustafaeva, G., Bazilgalamova, A . (2018).
- Language Learning strategies in Foreign Language. V International Symposium on the Study of Turkic Worlds. pp 199-202
- Bazilgalamova, A. (2012). The use of ICT in teaching English as a foreign language. International scientific-practical conference "Multilingualism: problems and prospects" of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshbayev.
- Bazilgalamova, А. & Tuyakbayeva, S. (2012) .Professional development of students is a requirement of professional education. Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Journal №4 (7).
- Bazilgalamova, А. & Tuyakbayeva, S. (2012). Pedagogical opportunities for teaching young people in the process of learning a foreign language. Republican Methodical and Pedagogical Journal. Foreign language at school. №3.
- Bazilgalamova, A. & Tuyakbayeva, S. (2012). Use of new technologies in teaching foreign languages. International scientific-theoretical conference of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi "Kazakh language education: new scientific programs and innovative teaching technologies." pp 250-253.
- Bazilgalamova, A & Bulbul, M. (2011). Pedagogical opportunities for teaching young people in the process of learning a foreign language. Republican Methodical and Pedagogical Journal. Foreign language at school. №2 (50).
- Bulbul, M. & Bazilgalamova, A. (2011). Pedagogical foundations of the formation of patriotic feelings of university students. Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Journal №4.
- Bazilgalamova, A. (2008). Teaching a modern foreign language in a new way “Professor S.M Isaev: Theoretical and Methodological problems of Kazakh Linguistics and Literature” International Science-theoretical conference. Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical Institute. pp 344-350.
- Fourth Central Asian Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development and Innovation. Kazakhstani PhD Association of United Kingdom. March 15-19, 2021 Online
- Teachers are changing the school world. Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. XI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Teachers Changing the World of Education. October 24-25, 2019 Nur-Sultan.
- 18th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Studies. Research presentation. 6-7 August 2019, Japan. Nagasaki University.
- Second Central Asian Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development and Innovation, Kazkahstani PhD Association of the United Kingdom and Loughborough University. April 4, 2019, Astana International Finance Center, Nur-Sultan.
- Second Central Asian Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development and Innovation. Kazakhstani PhD Association of the United Kingdom and Loughborough University. March 18, 2019, Loughborough. United Kingdom.
- Forum on Internationalisation of Higher Education in Kyrgyzstan. 2018 International Forum of Universities of Great Britain and Kyrgyzstan, organized by the British Council and the British Embassy in Kyrgyzstan. January 1, 2018 Bishkek.
- Annual International Forum. 17-23 January 2018, Loughborough University, UK.
- Commercialization of research projects. British Council. EXPO-2017, May 21st. Astana.
- 2nd Central Asian Education Forum. As a poster presenter, March 25, 2015 University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
Berkutbaeva Makhabat Zakankyzy
Position: Senior teacher, Master of Pedagogical Science
- Information
Berkutbaeva Makhabat Zakankyzy
Position: Senior teacher, Master of Pedagogical Science
Berkutbaeva Makhabat Zakankyzy is a graduate of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan.
She started her career at school in East Kazakhstan as an English teacher.Since 2005, she has been a senior teacher of the Department of Practical Foreign Language of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- Master’s degree programme in "foreign language two foreign languages" at the Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International
- Bachelor's degree Specialty in German, Faculty of German at Kazakh State Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
- The effective ways of using ICT in foreign language teaching
- The role of innovative technologies in the professional activity of the teacher
- Б.А.Садырбаева, М. З. Беркутбаева «Антропонимдердің прагматикалық аспекті» V халықаралық түркі əлемі зерттеулері симпозиумы АЛМАТЫ 2018
- Г.Ж.Бүркітбай, М. З. Беркутбаева «Мультимҽдениет қалыптастыруда тілдің әсері» V халықаралық түркі əлемі зерттеулері сим позиумы АЛМАТЫ 2018
- М. З. Беркутбаева «Үштілді жарнама мәтіндеріндегі тілдік басылымдылықтар» Этномәдени бірлестіктердегі оқыту курстарында қазақ тілі мен ұлттық (ана) тілдерді жеделдете оқытудағы топ құру маңыздылығы мен құндылығы республикалық әдістемелік семинар – тренинг 25.10.2019
- Karlygash Kenzhigozhina Karlygash Nurmuhametova Makhabbat Berkutbayeva Assem Meiramova Taniya Kapesova «Phonetic features of spoken English and Kazakh languages (theoretical and experimental research)» XLinguae, European Scientific Language Slovak Republic Journal Issue n_2_2020
- Г.Қ. Абдирасилова, М. З. Беркутбаева «Сөз мәдениетінің этикалық аспектісі» Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршы-Вестник журналы Филология сериясы 2020 жыл №2(72)
- Б.А. Садырбаева, М. З. Беркутбаева «Ағылшын есімдерінің зерттелуі» «Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі» халықаралық ғылыми журналы 2020 жыл № 6/3
- М. З. Беркутбаева «Ағылшын тілі сабағында ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологияларды қолдану» «Абай мұрасы – рухани жаңғырудың қайнар көзі» атты ON-LINE негізіндегі Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция АЛМАТЫ 12 мамыр 2020
- Б.А. Садырбаева, М. З. Беркутбаева «Ономастикалық кеңістіктегі бейресми кісі есімдерінің ерекшеліктері» Белгілі түрколог ғалым, «Парасат» орденінің иегері,профессор Әбжан Құрышжанұлының 90 жылдығына «Түркологиялық кеңістіктегі гуманитарлық ғылымдар: тарихи сабақтастық пен өзара ықпалдастық» атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық on-line конференция АЛМАТЫ 4 желтоқсан 2020ж
- Rysbekkyzy Nazerke, Makhabbat Berkutbayeva «The effective ways of using ICT in foreign language teaching» Белгілі түрколог ғалым, «Парасат» орденінің иегері,профессор Әбжан Құрышжанұлының 90 жылдығына «Түркологиялық кеңістіктегі гуманитарлық ғылымдар: тарихи сабақтастық пен өзара ықпалдастық» атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық on-line конференция АЛМАТЫ 4 желтоқсан 2020ж
- М. З. Беркутбаева «Әлемнің тілдік бейнесі – қазақ және ағылшын антропонимдерінде» «Тәуелсіздік және тілдер:тілдік емес мамандықтарда шетел тілдерін оқытудың өзекті мәселелері» атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік онлайн конференция АЛМАТЫ 30 сәуір 2021ж
Jumagulbayeva Raushan
Position: Senior leсturer
- Information
- Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. 1985. Teacher of English and German
- The academic degree of Master Of Pedagogics.Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University, 2011-2013.
- From September 2017 to present -Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physics, faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty;
- Teacher of English at the State Pedagogical College №2 , Almaty (September, 2015 – August, 2017);
- Senior Lecturer of the English Language Department for special purposes of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty (September, 2004– August, 2015);
- School-gymnasium №144, Almaty. Teacher of English(September, 1999 – September, 2004);
- School-gymnasium№36,Almaty .Teacher of English(August, 1997 – September,1999);
- 1. Independent work of students in a foreign language: Dzhumagulbaeva R. P, Buitova R. K-Bulletin, KazNPU named after Abai-2010.Philological Sciences No. 3(33) p. 79. ISSN 1728-7804
- 2. "Methodology of work on the pronunciation side of the studied language": Dzhumagulbaeva R. P / Vestnik, KazNPU named after Abai. 2013 "Multilingual education and foreign philology" No. 3. ISSN 2307-7891
- 3. "Game teaching of English to children of primary school age": Dzhumagulbaeva R.P, Kosanova G. A-Bulletin, KazNPU named after Abai. 2013 "Primary school and physical culture" No. 4 (39) ISBN 1728-7839
- 4. "Motivational security and the variety of stimuli used in the English lesson": Dzhumagulbaeva R. P-Vestnik, Abai KazNPU, S (Philological Sciences) 2013 ISBN 1728-7804
- 5. The role of expressiveness in pedagogical communication in the process of teaching a foreign language: R. P. Dzhumagulbaeva / Abai KazNPU, Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference "Modern and actual problems of pedagogy, psychology and ethnopsychology in the educational system", January 16, 2015. ISBN 978-601-298-333-3
- 6. Psychological features of teaching motivation in primary school /Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Practice in the contemporary society: problems, experience and prospects’, KAZNPU, 2018.
- 7.Levels of perception in the process of text analysis / Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Key issues in modern science»,Sofia . Byalgrad. 2018.2017
- 8.Innovation technologies in teaching foreign language /Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference «Use of Innovative teaching methods». Almaty.2017
- 9 On the issue of communicative adequacy of audio texts: Dzhumagulbaeva R. P., Mirzabayeva Zh., Manapova G. K / Bulletin of Kaznzhpu No. 4, 2019, pp. 154-159-ISSN 2306-5079 10. 1. Dzhumagulbaeva R. P - " SHET TILDERIN OKYTU INNOVATIALYK TECHNOLOGIYALAR LINGUISTIKALYK EMES FACULTY OF ECONOMICS". GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATION 2020: CENTRAL ASIA No. 1(12). December 2021 "PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES" 11 Dzhumagulbaeva R. P. DIRECTIONS OF MODERNIZATION OF THE LEARNING PROCESS LISTENING SKILLS. MATERIALS OF THE XVII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE SCIENCE AND CIVILIZATION-2021 30 January -07 February, 2021 Volume 4 SHEFFIELD SCIENCE AND EDUCATION LTD 2021 12. Dzhumagulbaeva R. P. Manapova G K "Kaznatspu-The key to success" Newspaper-Kulan Tanu May 2021
- 10. The project method as a technology of a personality-oriented approach: Dzhumagulbaeva R. P., Myrzakhanova F. M. / Materials of the 15th international scientific and practical conference .Poland, 7-15April 2019 Pages 99-105 - ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6
Manapova Gulzhan Kyrykbaevna
Position: Senior lecturer, Master of pedagogical sciences
- Information
Manapova Gulzhan Kyrykbaevna
Position: Senior lecturer, Master of pedagogical sciences
- Specialty - English and French languages (Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, 1987-1992), by the decision of the State Examination Commission was conferred the qualification of a Teacher of English and French languages.
- Master’s degree program in “6M011900-Foreign Language: two foreign languages” (Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai, 2012-2014), by the decision of the State Attestation Commission of June 9, 2014 was conferred the academic degree of Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
- 1992 - 1995 - Teacher of English in Zhambyl region, Lugovoe district, Kogershin village.
- 1995 - present - senior lecturer of the Department of Practical Foreign Language of the Institute of the Kazakh and World Languages, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. Total work experience - 29 years. Over this period, she published over fifty scientific articles, 1 teaching aid and 1 textbook. Constantly works at improving her skills.
- Methods of lingua-cultural competence formation among students of non-linguistic specialties
- 2000 - Owner of the diploma "The best teacher of Foreign languages department"
- 2014 - Jubilee Medal " Kurmet Belgisi" (Honorary badge) in honor of celebrating the 70th anniversary of Kazakh state women’s teacher training university, Certificate No. 337 of September 2, 2014.
- 2017 - Letter of gratitude for contribution to the development of teaching and methodological process during lesson sharing experiences on the theme "Training technologies and innovative methods in modern education system" in winter school of qualification improvement.
- 2021 - Letter of Gratitude for the development and work on the training of specialists from the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- 2021 - Letter of gratitude from the Scientific and Methodological Center for New Technologies in Education in Almaty for the city competition of project works “Uly dala tulgalary.Uly dalanyg uly esimderi” - “Great personalities. Great names of the great steppe” held among secondary school teachers.
- • Teaching manual «English topics and texts for students» G.K. Manapova, S.A.Asanbaeva, E.K.Manapov /Almaty: Polygraphy –service К. 2012. 162p., ISBN 9965-753-46-6.
- • Textbook “Applied foreign language” R.M.Baizoldaeva, G.K..Manapova, G.K.Nurbekova/ Аlmaty, “Қыздар университеті” edition. 2016. 210 p. , ISBN 978-601-224-773-2
- • The structure and semantic development of the common paronym words of Turkic language: their theoretical and methodological basics Scopus, Journal of Language and Literature Vol.7.No.4 ISSN: 2078-0303.ProgressIPS LLC
- Azerbaijan November, 2016, 5 p.
- • The specifics of the evaluative metaphor in English (based on the texts of artistic discourse) Scopus, XLinguae, Volume 14 Issue 2, April 2021, ISSN 1337-8384, eISSN 2453-711X 10 р.
- • Role-playing and business games in foreign language lessons. RISC International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Science: Current State and Development Ways" p.181-185, 09 April 2016 (Russia), ISSN 2412-9712
- • Formation of communicative competence through the use of cooperation technology. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Scientific Achievements-2016 ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6 22-30 January 2016
- • Linguistic and regional studies in teaching foreign languages. Bulletin of Kazakh state teacher training university № 1 (61) 19.02.2016
- • Using independent work in teaching process. Materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern scientific potential -2016” ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6 February, 28- March,7 2016
- • Development of critical thinking through reading and writing. Materials of XII international Scientific and Practical Conference "Fundamental and applied science-2016" p. 32-34, October 30- 07 November 2016 (England), ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6
- • Key competencies are the reality of modern education in Kazakhstan. Materialy XII miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji Perspektywiczne opracowania sa nauka I technikami -2016 07-15 November, 2016
- • Using situational awareness in foreign language lessons. Materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference Moderni vymozenosti vedy-201727.01.2017-05.02.2017
- • Using visual aids in foreign language lessons. Materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference Бъдещите изследвания-2017 15-22, Февраль 2017
- • CLIL- innovative method of learning foreign languages. Materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Industry of the European Continent”. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6 22-30 November 2017
- • Natural approach in second language learning. Materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Achievement of high school -2017”. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6 15-22 November, 2017
- • The use of role-playing games in foreign language lessons. Материали за ХІІІ международна научна практична конференция Бъдещи въпроси от света на науката-2017 15-22 December, 2017
- • Application of the method "Brainstorming" in teaching. Materials of XIII international research and practice conference “Conduct of modern science-2017” 30.11.2017-07.12.2017
- • Professional development through peer observation. Materials of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Technology: Step into the Future" ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6. 22-28 February 2018
- • Project technology as the formation of linguocultural competence of students of non-linguistic specialties. Materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Cutting-edge science - 2018” ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6 . April30-May 07, 2018
- • Using authentic materials in teaching foreign language. Materials of XIV international research and practical conference “Conduct of modern science - 2018”November 30 - December 07, 2018
- • Formation of oral speech skills in English lessons. Republican scientific and practical conference "Modern information and communication technologies in education, science and practice" in the framework of the third modernization of Kazakhstan. 16.05.2018
- • Anglicisms in modern Russian language. Republican scientific and practical conference "Modern information and communication technologies in education, science and practice" in the framework of the third modernization of Kazakhstan. May 16, 2018
- • The impact of the Internet and social networks on young people. Republican scientific and practical conference "Modern information and communication technologies in education, science and practice" in the framework of the third modernization of Kazakhstan. May 16, 2018
- • Using MOODLE as successful E-learning . Materials of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Efektivni nastroje modernich ved” 2018. 22-30 April,2018
- • “English phraseological units and their classification.” Materials of the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Efektivni nastroje modernich ved” 2019. 22-30 April 2019.
- • “On the issue of communicative adequacy of audio texts”. Bulletin of Kazakh state teacher training university № 4(80), 2019
- • On the issue of problem learning at the present stage. XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference Sofia “Бял ГРАД-БГ” ООД 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria January 15-22, 2020
- • “Ағылшын тілінің маңызы”. Republican scientific-methodical pedagogical journal “Болашаққа бағыт” February,2020
- • “Formation of skills of self-educational activity through the use of ICTs in foreign language lessons”. International scientific-practical conference “Personality. Cognition. Creativity” dedicated to the memory of Professor Sapar Imangalievich Ospanov. 11.11. 2020.
- • “The role of home reading in teaching students of non-linguistic specialties”. VIII International Scientific and Practical conference SCIENCE AND PRACTICE: Implementation to modern society. Scientific collection “Interconf” December 26-28, 2020.
- • “The peculiarities of advertising texts”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific community: interdisciplinary research”, Scientific collection “Interconf” 26-28 January, 2021. Hamburg, Germany.
- • " Application of project technology in foreign language lessons ". Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific horizon in the context of social crises”, Scientific collection “Interconf” 6-8.02, 2021, Tokyo
- • Sociocultural component in the content of teaching foreign language. Proceedings of the XXIV-th republican students’ scientific conference on the theme "Youth mangilik el - the guarantor of Independence" in natural, technical, social, humanities and economic sciences. Volume 6 11-12 March, 2021.
- • Trilingualism is a confident step into the future. Collection of materials of the I International online meeting dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the republican scientific and practical conference of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Youth and Science: Present and Future" April 15, 2021.
- • Collaborative learning as a model for the effective implementation of the educational process. “Тәуелсіздік және тілдер: Тілдік емес мамандықтарда шетел тілдерін оқытудың өзекті мәселелері” халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік онлайн конференция, 30.04.2021ж.
- • Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University is the key to success! (Image article). Zhambyl region, Turar Ryskulov district, "Kulan tany" newspaper, 21.05.2021.
Turganbaeva Toty Tleugazievna
Position: Senior teacher, Master of Pedagogical Science
- Information
Turganbaeva Toty Tleugazievna
Position: Senior teacher, Master of Pedagogical Science
Since 1995, senior teacher of the Department of Practical Foreign Language of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- Germany,Munich Institute of Goethe , July 2003
- Spain, Valencia Polytechnica institute de Valencia, November 2015
- Lithuannia, Vilnius Educological institute of Vilnius March, 2017
- Certificate:TOEFL ITP May,2021
- CORSERA Institute of Georgia March, 2021(online)
- Awarded the ‘Eren enbegi’ Sertificate of Honour for contribution to the development of the Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, September 2, 2004
- Awarded the degree of teacher of German and Russian", (1990-1995) Date 20 June 1995 Kazakh national university of World Languages
- Awarded the degree of teacher of English and German", (2000-2002) Date 30 April 2002 Kazakh national women’s Teacher training university
- Awarded the degree of Master of pedagogical sciences in 6M010300-Pedagogy and psychology, Date 20 June 2017 Kazakh National University named after Abai.
- Blended learning in Kazakhstan
- Awarded the ‘Kurmet Belgisi’ Jubilee Medal for contribution to the development of the Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Certificate No. 339 of September 2, 2014
- Actuall Issues in modern science \ Materials of the XIII International scientific and practical conference, Bulgaria, 2017
- «Formation of intercultural competence in learning a foreign language in modern society» Materials of the XIII International scientific and practical conference Kazakh National Medical university after named S.Assfendiarov , May 2017. Almaty
- «Formation of intercultural competence in the prozess of a foreign language» Kazakh National university after named Al-Farabi, January 2018. Almaty
- CLIL methods in the direction of natural sciences: /KazNPU Abai , Bulletin №2(62), 2019.
- Formation of intercultural competence of students in professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language: KNWPU April ,2018.
- «The aspects of specialists’ professional ethic qualities enhancement in training». Scopus International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilition ISSN : 1475-7192 Volume 24 Issue 9
- Materials of the International scientific and practical conference «Cognitive interests of students in foreign language through indefendent work» March, 2021
Soltanmuratova Gulzhan Melisovna
Position: Senior teacher, Master of Pedagogical Science
- Information
Soltanmuratova Gulzhan Melisovna
Position: Senior teacher, Master of Pedagogical Science
Gulzhan Soltanmuratova is a graduate of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan. She graduated with a bachelor's degree from the named university with a degree in
"English language", and also holds a master's degree in " Foreign language: two foreign languages”, at the Kazakh National University named after Abai.
She started her career at "GYMNASIUM No.2" in Almaty, as an English teacher.
Since 2002, she has been a senior teacher of the Department of Practical Foreign Language of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- Master's degree program " Foreign language: two foreign languages”, Kazakh National University named after Abai.
- Bachelor's degree in “English language", Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan.
- Philological model of the future teacher of a foreign language in multilingual education
- Awarded the ‘The best university edition’ certificate for contribution to the development of the Kazakh academic labor and social relations, Almaty, 11.04.2015
- Awarded the ‘Kurmet Belgisi’ Jubilee Medal for contribution to the development of the Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Certificate No. 337 of September 2, 2014
- For productive work in the field of education and contribution to the preparation for the «Language Olympiad» she was awarded with the "Letter of Gratitude".10.03.2014
- The first Sunday of October is Teacher's Day. On October 5th at the Kazakh State Woman’s teacher training university was awarded the title "The Most Educated Teacher" and published in the newspaper of the University of Girls’. №7 (105), 2013
- Actual issues of Multilingual education: Soltanmuratova G.M / Bulletin of the Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Pedagogical Sciences series, No. 1 (41), 2014, ISSN1728-5496
- Trilingualism workshops in higher education: Soltanmuratova G.M / 45, Republican Teachers' Social network , 01.05.2013
- Grasping Grammar: Soltanmuratova G.M / Scientific and methodical journal, Foreign Language at School №2 (56), March/April 2014
- Training Activities for vocabulary: G.M.Soltanmuratova, R.M.Baizoldaeva, B.Matai /Student’s book, Teacher’s book 2013. ISBN 987-601-7099-15-3
- English language: G.М.Soltanmuratova /Collection of exercises in English for students of non-linguistic specialties. - Almaty: 2012. ISBN 9965-753-49-0
- Foreign language for kids \ Materials of the XIII International scientific and practical conference, Prague, 2019
- Actuality of trilingual education / Materials of the XIII International scientific and practical conference, Sheffield, 2018
- Developing essential skills of young children’s academic success in teaching foreign languages: G.Soltanmuratova, A.Aldibekova, B.Ibraimova/ Republican Scientific and Practical Conference «V International symposium of researchers of the Turkic world », from 11 to 13th of October, 2018. ISBN 978-601-224-964-4
- Actual Issues of Polylingual Education: G.М.Soltanmuratova /Republican Scientific and Practical Conference «Materials of the XIII International scientific and practical conference», Sheffield, from 30th of September to 97th October 2018. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6
- Philological model of higher education through foreign language specialist: Soltanmuratova G.M / «Actual issues of Multilingual education development of Modern stage» materials of International Scientific and Practical Conference, devoted to the 70th Anniversary of the Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University. 25 April 2014, ISBN 978-601-224-872-2
Kairanov Maksat
Position: Teacher, master of sciences
- Information
Maksat Abdil-Malikovich Kairanov graduated from Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov in 2015 with a bachelor's degree. In 2021, he received a master's degree in pedagogy from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
He began his career in 2014 as a teacher in the subject "Linguistics" at school-lyceum No. 24 "Economics and Business" named after. Mukhtar Aryn for gifted children with education in three languages, Taldykorgan city. In 2015, he was drafted into the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and served in the National Guard of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. After serving in the army in 2016, he began working as an “English language” teacher at secondary school No. 25 in the city of Taldykorgan. In 2017, he moved to the Kanabek village of the Karatal district of the Almaty region, where he continued to work as an “English language” teacher. In September 2021, he began working at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
Maksat Kairanov constantly conducts research in the field of education. He has published articles in domestic and foreign scientific journals.
- Foreign language: two foreign languages, bachelor's degree, Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurova (Republic of Kazakhstan);
- Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi (Republic of Kazakhstan).
- Efficiency use of formative and summative assessment in foreign lапguаgе teaching // Bulletin of KazNPU im. Abay, series "Multilingual education and Philology of foreign languages" - 2020. - №3 (31). - S. 22-29.
- Efficiency use of formative and summative assessment in foreign lапguаgе teaching // VI International Scientific Conference of Farabi Readings "Farabi Alemi" among students and young scientists. - Almaty, 2020.
- Efficiency use of formative and summative assessment in foreign lапguаgе teaching // Вопросы гуманитарных наук (Россия) – 2021. – №3 (114). – 82-83 б.
Baktiyar Aruzhan
Position: Lecturer
- Information
- Training of foreign language teachers
- Kazakh Ablaikhan University of International Relations and world languages Bachelor of Education GPA 3.62
- Foreign Languages: Two Foreign languages English and Chinese Kazakh Ablaikhan University of International Relations and world languages
- Academic Exchange Program
- English language and literature
- Ajou University, Suwon, South Korea
- "Peculiarities of implementation of linguo-didactic aspects of teaching international discourse" Kazakhstan in the international education space. International conference of KazNPU, April, 2022
- 72-hour training course under the program "Blended and Hybrid Learning in Foreign Languages", KazNWTTU, Training Center, November 7-25, 2022.
- Practical course: "Methods and technologies of initial foreign language school education", (72 hours) JSC "Orleu" BAO - KazBMZU, April, 2022.
- Webinar on ELT Assessment Literacy, British Council, February-March 2022.
- Professional development course on the topic "Development of digital competence of teachers", JSC "Orleu" BAO, 2021.
- Practical course: "Modeling the subject content and technology of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language in the framework of the areas of social and humanitarian, natural science, economics, engineering and technical profiles". (72 hours), KazUIR&WL, 2021
- The winner of the Open Doors Russian international scholarship project in the direction of "Linguistics and modern languages", RF 2021.
- First place in the republican subject Olympiad in Chinese language, Almaty, 2021.
- "The best volunteer teacher of the week of 28.09.2020-04.10.2020" UCAN non-profit organization