Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education Methods

    • Education

    • About the department

      Due to the fact that in the primary level of secondary schools, the majority of teachers and educators of preschool organizations had a secondary specialized education, in 1971, at the Faculty of Philology, the Department of Preschool Pedagogy was formed in the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology (Preschool).” In 1990, the faculty opened the specialty “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education.” Among those who stood at the origins of pedagogical training of personnel in primary education and preschool education were: K.A. Aimagambetova, B.Zh. Zharisheva, A.K. Menzhanova, K.M. Mendayakova, O.P.Kereeva, I.B.Islamkulova, Zh.I.Idrisova, T.A.Levchenko, M.T.Turskeldina, S.N.Sartbaeva and others. Along with theoretical knowledge, they trained future specialists in pedagogical skills in their fields and introduced them to the teaching profession. Currently, candidates of pedagogical sciences T.B.Bainazarova, R.A.Nabuova, R.K.Karsybaeva, L.E.Ageeva and Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) A.D. Syzdykbaeva, E.N. Agranovich, S.M.Nurbekova, R.K.Izmagambetova work at the department. From the 2012-2013 academic year to the 2021-2022 academic year, the department was headed by candidate of pedagogical sciences T.B. Bainazarova. From the 2021-2022 academic year, the name of the department was changed to “Pre-school and primary education”, the head of the program was Master of Education, senior teacher A.D. Kariev. From the 2023-2024 academic year, according to the decision of Protocol No.4 of the meeting of the Board of Directors, the department is divided into “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” and “Preschool education”. The Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education is headed by Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), senior lecturer S.M. Nurbekova. According to the results of the “Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency”, IAAR took the following places in the direction 6B013 “Training of teachers without subject specialization.”

      • 2nd place in 2019;
      • 2nd place in 2020;
      • 7th place in 2021;
      • 3rd place in 2022;
      • 2nd place in 2023.

      These results are an indicator of many years of fruitful work by the team in preparing highly qualified teachers.

      Mission of the department

      The mission of the department is to train competitive primary school specialists, provide the educational process with innovative technologies, in accordance with the development goals of the University and the best world experience in the field of education.

      The international cooperation

      Faculty and students participate in international conferences, publish scientific articles in international publications, and organize international conferences at the university. Lectures from foreign universities are held within the framework of concluded agreements on cooperation in the field of education and science. International cooperation of the department is carried out within the framework of the following conditions and agreements: Bishkek Humanitarian University. K. Karasaeva (Kyrgyzstan); Kyrgyz State University named after. I.Arabaeva (Kyrgyzstan); University of Nigde Omer Halisdemir (Türkiye); Mississippi State University (USA, Mississippi); International Academy of Teacher Education (Russia, Moscow); Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I.Herzen (Russia); Kiev University named after Boris Grinchenko (Kyiv, Ukraine); Ural State Pedagogical University (Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg); Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagin (Kyrgyzstan); Amur State University named after Sholom Aleichem (Russian Federation, Makhachkala).

      The following types of joint work were carried out: joint development of double diplomas and global educational programs with strategic partners, as well as the development of academic mobility of students at the Ural State Pedagogical University (Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg); identification of strategic international partners/universities with Kyiv University named after Boris Grinchenko (Kyiv, Ukraine). Development of international projects with the Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagin (Kyrgyzstan) on the topic “Scientific and methodological support for the training of PhD doctors in pedagogical areas”; A joint project with Sholom Aleichem State University (Russian Federation, Makhachkala).

      In 2015-2018 Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences I.B. Islamkulova,

      Acting Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences T.B. Baynazarov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences G.U. Baitashova took part in the international project “Modernization of medical education in universities.” Within the framework of the Erasmus + ModeHed project, cooperation agreements were drawn up between universities: Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Fergana State University, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Andijan State University, Kokan State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent Medical Academy, Association of Medical Teachers of Uzbekistan, Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarova, South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy. Based on the results of this project, I.B. Islamkulova and T.B. Bainazarova published a textbook “Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Preschool Hygiene.”

      Holders of the title “Best University Teacher” in 2017 - T.B. Bainazarova, in 2019 - A.D. Syzdykbaeva, in 2022 - R.A. Nabuova. The scholarship holders have undergone training at the best foreign universities, advanced training in leading educational centers in Europe, and have also published educational and methodological manuals. The department has developed and implemented an additional educational program (MINOR) “STEM education in primary school.” The “STEM Education in Primary School” program will allow the use of scientific methods, technical applications, mathematical modeling, and engineering design, which will lead to the formation of innovative thinking among students.

      The university operates the REMS in the direction of “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, which addresses the following issues: interaction between representatives of higher and postgraduate education organizations, employers, accreditation agencies and other organizations in order to improve external and internal systems for ensuring the quality of higher and postgraduate education; preparation of recommendations for improving state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education, classification of areas of training for personnel with higher and postgraduate education; control over the provision of supervised areas of personnel training by teaching staff, literature, electronic databases and other necessary resources; examination, review of textbooks, educational and methodological aids, test tasks, educational and methodological publications of various levels in areas of orientation with higher, postgraduate and additional education; preparation of recommendations for improving the content and teaching methods of educational programs, taking into account the expectations and requirements of the employer as a consumer of educational services; In order to develop recommendatory methodologies for the creation of internal and external systems for ensuring the quality of the educational process, analyze and summarize world experience, including foreign universities.

      The following textbooks and teaching aids have been published by the professor staff of the department: Nabuova R.A., Zhubandykova A.M. “Criteria-based assessment in elementary school”; Zhienbaeva S.N., Ageeva L.E., Tekesbaeva A.M. “Implementation of qualifying diploma projects”, Almaty 2020; Levchenko T.A., Ageeva L.E., Agranovich E.N. “Research activities of master’s students in pedagogical specialties”; Asylbaeva F.B., Syzdykbaeva A.D. “Theory and methodology of educational work in elementary school” Almaty 2020; Kariev A.D., Fishman B.E., Agranovich E.N., Bainazarova T.B., Ageeva L.E. Pedagogical support of internal research (project) activities of primary school students. Textbook. Almaty: Printing Service and Co. LLP, 2022; Karsybaeva R.K., Iskakova L.M. “Methods of teaching literature in elementary school” Study guide. Ed. “ADAL KITAP”, 2023; Adamkulova N.M., Bainazarova T.B., Taranshieva B.B. “Labor training” Methodological instructions. Almatykitap LLP 2023.



        • Nurbekova Saltanat Molotovna

          Position: Leader of the PhD educational program, Senior lecturer

        • Information

        Nurbekova Saltanat Molotovna

        Position: Leader of the PhD educational program, Senior lecturer


        Nurbekova Saltanat Molotovna graduated from the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in 2003 with a degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education. In 2014 she graduated from the Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, received a Master of Science degree in pedagogical sciences in specialty 6M010100 - “Preschool education and training.” In 2019-2022 studied at the doctoral program of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in the direction “8D012 – Pedagogy of preschool education and training.” In 2023 she defended her dissertation on the topic “Development of the creative potential of preschool children through play” and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).


        • 1992-1999 primary school teacher at Panfilov secondary school Kogaly, Gvardiya district, Taldykorgan region.
        • 2000-2001 primary school teacher at the Eltindi Batyr secondary school Almaly Panfilov district of Taldykorgan region.
        • 2001-2006 teacher of the SPUE Nursery-Garden No. 108 in Almaty.
        • 2006-2011 methodologist of the SPUE Nursery-Garden No. 108 in Almaty.
        • 2011-2014 Head of the SPUE Nursery-Garden No. 5 in Almaty.
        • 2014-2019 Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University.
        • 2019-2022 doctoral student at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
        • 2022-2023 senior lecturer at the department of “Preschool and Primary Education” of the Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University. Since the 2023-2024 academic year, the leader of the program of the department “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education”.


        • Creativity of preschool children, neuropedagogy, management in higher education.


        • Integrative approach to the quality of preschool education in the development of the creative potential of preschool children // World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues (WJET) Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022., P. 909-914.
        • Мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың  «креативтік әлеуетін»  дамыту мәселесі// «Вестник» Академии педагогических наук Казахстана. Алматы,  №1 январь, 2021 г., 153-162 стр.
        • Мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың креативтік әлеуетін дамытуға қолданылатын ұлттық ойын түрлерінің жіктелуі// Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая серия «Педагогика и психология»  Алматы, 3 (52), 2022 г. 263-272 стр.
        • Using types of games to develop the creative potential of senior preschool children  // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. «Pedagogy» series, №4 (108)/2022.  P. 22-30.
        • Development of the creative potential of older preschool children in play activities// Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Bulletin. «Pedagogical sciences», Almaty, №4 (76), 2022.,   Р. 251-257.
        • The role of improving thinking in the development of the creative potential of senior preschool children// VII international scientific and practical conference SCIENTIFIC HORIZON IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL CRISES Tokyo, Japan , 6-8.02.2021, №41 February, 2021., Р. 273-276 
        • Теоретические основы развития креативности у детей дошкольного возраста// I международная научно-практическая конференция «DÉBATS SCIENTIFIQUES ET ORIENTATIONS PROSPECTIVES DU DÉVELOPPEMENT SCIENTIFIQUE»  Париж, Франция 05.02.2021., 5 том стр.115-117
        • Play as a means of developing the creative potential of preschool children// BORYS GRINCHENKO KYIV UNIVERSITY Pedagogіcal Education: Theory and Practice Psychology. Pedagogy Scientific Journal № 36 (2) 2021 (July — Desember) Р. 31-37
        • «The genesis of the development of the creative potential of older preschoolers through games»// II international scientific and practical conference INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND BUSINESS IN MODERN ENVIRONMENT: WINTER DEBATES  Dnipro, Ukraine 4-5.02.2021., Р. 87-89
        • «Мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың креативтік әлеуетін ойын арқылы дамытуға отбасының тигізетін ықпалы»// «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2020: CENTRAL ASIA» XI международная научно-практическая конференция 11 декабря 2020 г., № 6 (11).  г. Нұр-Султан , 49-53 стр.
        • Baynazarova Tursynai Beisembekovna

          Position: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor

        • Information

        Baynazarova Tursynai Beisembekovna

        Position: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor

        +7 747 403 37 60

        Baynazarova Tursynai Beisembekovna

        Baynazarova Tursynai Beisembekovna-in 1987 she graduated from the bachelor's degree of the Kazakh National Women's University. By the decision of the Committee for Control in the field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 23, 2009, Baynazarova Tursynai Beisembekovna received the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. She started her career in 1987 as a kindergarten teacher in Almaty.  Kindergarten teacher No. 224, 152, 139, teacher of the Kazakh language of kindergarten No. 339 (August 1987-January 1992) 1992-1993. teacher of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of the Almaty City Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of pedagogical personnel.  Since 1994, a teacher of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, from 2001 to 2012, a senior lecturer of the department, from 2012 to the present, head of the Department of preschool and Primary Education. Baynazarova Tursynai Beisembekovna-head of the department for 10 years. In 2017, she became the owner of the title "The Best teacher of the university", in 2018, by the decision of the award board of the Republican Council for Public awards and titles, she was awarded the badge "Bilim beru salasyn uzdigi", the Jubilee medal "Kurmet Belgisi" for her contribution to the development of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.


        • Pedagogy and methods of primary education, Bachelor's degree, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute;
        • Preschool education and upbringing, Bachelor's degree, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute;
        • In 2009, she received the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.


        • Expert of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Textbook" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
        • Chairman of the section of the directions "non-subject specialization" of the Working Educational and Methodological Council of the Kazakh National Women's University, UMO, GUP;
        • Member of the Academic Council of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University;
        • International expert of the Agency of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan for Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations (certificate No. ST-014198)
        • Member of the editorial Board of the journal "Vestnik" of the Kazakh National Women's University;
        • Academic expert of the NCAOKO Agency;


        • Aesthetic education of younger schoolchildren on the basis of interdisciplinary integration
        • Theory and technology of teaching fine arts in primary school
        • Methods of visual activity in preparatory classes
        • Pedagogical support of research (project) activities of younger schoolchildren


        • The project "Modernization of medical education in universities" in 2015-2018-ModeHed project of the Erasmus +program. (International project)
        • Member of the working group on the project of the Ministry of Education and Science "scientific and methodological support for the training of PhD doctors in pedagogical areas"of the Zh. Balasagyn KSU, Bishkek (International project)
        • Pedagogical support of research (project)activities of primary school students, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, 2020-2021, Order No. 347 of 14.10.2020;


        • Scopus, Pubmed, zbMath, MathScinet, Agris, Georef, Astrophysical journal деректер базасында:1. Formation of research competence of the future elementary school teachers-in the process of professional training. Arts and Humanities ; Social Sciences Journal 2013; 3(3) - P. 200-209. Aigul Dzhumanazarovna Syzdykbayeva , Tursynay Beysembekovna Bainazarova, Elmira Nyrmahankyzy Aitzhanova
        • Самопознание как условие профессионального становления будущего учителя. Байназарова Т.Б, Рысбаева А.К. 70-72с     (2013)
        • Главная задача педагога детского сада – раскрыть творческие способности и талант каждого ребенка. Т.Б Байназарова. Международная научно-практическая конференция на тему: «Психолого-социальная работа в современном обществе: Проблемы и решения», Санкт-Петербург. Институт социальной психологии. 9 марта 2013 г.
        • Организация учебно-воспитательного процесса в начальной школе на основе межпредметной интеграции. Т.Б Байназарова. Вестник Казахского государственного женского педагогического университета   (2013)
        • Эстетическое воспитание учащихся начальных классов на основе меж предметной интеграции. Т.Б Байназарова. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Психолого социальная работа в современном обществе: проблемы и решения. 354-356с (2013)
        • Балабақшаның оқу-тәрбие үрдісінде ұлттық ойындардың алатын орны және оларды пайдалану ерекшеліктері. Т.Б Байназарова. ҚазМемҚызПУ Хабаршысы 8, 168-175бб (2014)
        • Профессиональные качества как условие развития исследовательской культуры будущего учителя начальных классов. Т.Б Байназарова. материалы IV международ.науч. конферен 13, 182-185с (2014)
        • Интеграция предметов «Изобразительное искусство» и «Познания мира в эстетическом воспитании младших школьников. Т.Б Байназарова. Электронный журнал "РОНО" 5, 68с (2014)
        • Организация учебно-воспитательного процесса в начальной школе на основе межпредметной интеграции. Т.Б Байназарова. Вестник Казахского государственного женского педагогического университета 3 (53)(2014)
        • Дамыған мемлекет әлемдік бәсекеде есесін жібермейді. Т.Б Байназарова. Алматы ақшамы 4, 137б (2014)
        • Методическое пособие по педагогической практике для студентов специальности. Т.Б Байназарова. 5В010200 «Педагогика и методика начального образования»(2014)
        • Методика обучения грамоте. Учебное пособие. Т.Б Байназарова. Алматы: «Алматы-Коркем» 9, 50с     (2014)
        • Бастауыш сынып оқушыларының еңбек және бейнелеу іс-әрекетінде шығармашылығын қалыптастыру. Оқу құралы. Алматы: «Қыздар университеті» баспасы, 2014. ISBN 978-601-224-465-6. Т.Б Байназарова, Ф.Б Асылбаева. Алматы: «Қыздар университеті» баспасы (2014)
        • Бастауыш сыныпта бейнелеу өнерін оқытудың теориясы мен технологиясы. Оқу құралы. Алматы: «Қыздар университеті» баспасы. Т.Б Байназарова: «Қыздар университеті» баспасы, 107 б (2015)
        • Бастауыш сынып оқушыларына пәнаралық кіріктіру арқылы эстетикалық тәрбие беру. Монография.-Алматы: «Қыздар университеті баспасы», 2015.- 134 б. Т.Б Байназарова. «Қыздар университеті баспасы», 134 б (2015)
        • Lifelong learning in education process: problems and perspectives. T.B Baynazarova, A Orazbayeva Materialy 10 «Miedzynarodowej Naukowi-Praktycznej Konferencji «Wyksztalcenie I Nauka Bez Granic – 2015»
        • Formation of research competence of the future elementary school teachers-in the process of professional training. A.D Syzdykbayeva, T.B Bainazarova, E.N. Aitzhanova International Education Studies 8 (4), 200-209рр (2015)
        • Future Teacher Training For The Children Under School Age Reative Abilities. Development R Massyrova, T.В Bainazarova, K Meterbayeva, I Smanov, G Smanova. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 190, 164-168рр (2015)
        • Эстетическое воспитание детей дошкольного возраста посредством рисования. Т.Б Байназарова. «Символ науки» 8, 181-183бб ​​ (2016)
        • Скопус: Information of pupils` communicative competence on the basis of developing listening skills to syntax training. G Tekesbayeva, T Bainazarova, R Karsybayeva, F Assilbayeva. Journal of Language and Literature 7 (3), 39-43р​​ (2016)
        • Үш тілді білім беру үдерісінде кіші мектеп жасындағы оқушыларды көп мәдениеттілікке баулу. Т.Б Байназарова. Бастауыш мектеп. Республикалық ғылыми-әдістемелік және педагогикалық журнал, №3 2017.-Б.11-13
        • Ұлт тәрбиелейтін университет. Т.Б Байназарова. «Жетісу» газеті 3,4​​бб (2017)
        • Артпедагогика. Учебное пособие. КазГосЖенПУ. Астана. 2018. – 119с. Т.А Левченко, Т.Б Байназарова
        • Elective courses – courses on selection. TB Baynazarova, T.S Zhumasheva, G.K Karimbayev, A.E Konyrbayeva. Uluslararasi Kazakh tarihi – kulturu ve edebiyati sempozyumu 11, 978-605р (2018)
        • Multicultural education of children of preschool age. T.B Baynazarova, A.T Utebayeva, Z.B Rakhmetzhanova, F.O Talipova. Uluslararasi Kazakh tarihi – kulturu ve edebiyati sempozyumu 10, 98​​р (2018)
        • Этнопедагогическое наследие Казахского народа как фактор духовно-нравственного воспитания студентов ВУЗа. Р.К Дюсембинова, Т.Б Байназарова, К.А Тулежанова. Вестник Бишкекского гуманитарного университета им. К. Карасаева, 410-59 (2018)
        • Волонтерство как средство возрождения ценностных ориентиров подрастающего поколения в Республике Казахстан. Т.Б Байназарова, А.Д Сыздықбаева. Педагогические науки 2 (89), 172с​​ (2018)
        • Современные тенденции развития дошкольного образования в мире и Республике Казахстан. Т.Б Байназарова, А.Д Сыздықбаева. Наука и жизнь Казахстана 2 (57), 2073-333с​​ (2018)
        • Формирование компетенций самоорганизации у студентов посредством применения современных информационных технологий. Т.Б Байназарова, ЕН Агранович «Новинато за напреднали наука – 2018» 2, 8736-05-6​​
        • Модернизация дошкольного образования как важнейшая задача высшей школы. К.М Метербаева, Т.Б Байназарова, Б.Л Смагулова​ (2019)
        • Macrostructural representation of the student subjectivity. А.D Kariyev, T.B Bainazarova. Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті,189 б ​​ (2019)
        • Modern system of preparation of teachers on preschool education in Republic Kazakhstan TGMKYA. Baynasarova T. 3rd International Communication in the new world​​ (2020)
        • Бастауыш сыныпта математика сабақтарында оқушылардың білім деңгейлерін арттырудағы мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті Кариев А.Д, Т.Б. Байназарова. Наука и жизнь Казахстана, 146-149 б ​​ (2020) 
        • Особенности развития физических качеств детей дошкольного возраста в условия детского сада. Т.Б.Байназарова, Кариев А.Д, Сыздыкбаева, А.Т. Искакова. Доклады Казахской академии образования, 48-57с​​ (2020) 
        • Педагогическое взаимодействие преподавателя и студентов как условие повышения эффективности учебного процесса в вузе. Т.Б.Байназарова, А.Д. Кариев. Наука и жизнь Казахстана, 136-140с​​ (2020)
        • Компетенция педагога в различных направлениях профессиональной деятельности. Байназарова Т.Б.Наука и жизнь Казахстана, 42-46с​​ (2020) 
        • Бастауыш сынып оқушыларының математикадан өзіндік жұмыстарды орындау арқылы білім деңгейлерін бағалау. А.Д. Кариев, Т.Б. Байназарова. Вестник Академии Педагогических Наук Казахстана, 89-93бб​​ (2020)
        • Макроструктурное представление субъектности студента. А.Д Кариев, Т.Б Байназарова. Вестник Казахского национального женского педагогического университета, 189-193с​​ (2021)
        • Этнопедагогическое наследие казахского народа как фактор духовно-нравственного воспитания студентов вуза. Р.К Дюсембинова, Т.Б Байназарова, К.А Тулеужанова. Вестник Казахского национального женского педагогического университета, 130-137с​​ (2021)
        • Модель процесса, обеспечивающего формирование и развитие умений учителя осуществлять педагогическое сопровождение деятельности учащихся. А.Д Кариев, БЕ Фишман, О.А Фокина, Т.Б Байназарова, Е.Н Агранович. Мир науки. Педагогика и психология 9с (2021)
        • Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, Vol. 12 (2) Date of reception: 119 Dec 2020 Date of revision: 18 March 2021 Date of acceptance: 15 June 2021 Saparova G. S., Saltanova G., Tanirbergenova A. S., Sabirova Z., Yessekenova A.A., Bazarbayeva K. K., Yegizbayeva S. A., Makasheva N. O., Bainazarova T. (2021). Collective Learning Method. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, Vol. 12(2). 95 – 100.


        • Co-chairman of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern problems of education in the field of physical culture and life safety". Presentation of the report in the plenary session. March 9-10, 2021, Yekaterinburg
        • Presentation of the report in the plenary session. IV-th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of theory and practice of teacher training", dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the organization of the Pedagogical faculty and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, corresponding member of the MANPO, Professor N. O. Maatkerimov, Bishkek-2019
        • Moderator of the section of the international seminar "Topical issues of social problems and ways to solve them" organized by the Institute of Social Development and Entrepreneurship. Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 24.05.2021
        • Nabuova Roza

          Position: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

        • Information

        Nabuova Roza

        Position: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


        Nabuova Roza is a graduate of the Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute named after N.V. Gogol. In 2008 he defended his dissertation on "Formation of readiness of students for the organization of extracurricular educational work in primary school." He began his career as a primary school teacher in school of Zhanakorgan district of Kyzylorda region . Head of the department of special, additional education and development of educational work of Kyzylorda oblast department of education (January, 2005 - April 2007) Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the Kyzylorda Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Educators (April 2007 - March 2013). In 2015, AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” completed the training course for trainers on the in-service training program for primary school teachers in the Kazakh language in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed jointly by the Cambridge International Examinations Council and the Faculty of Education of Cambridge University. - Trainer on the updated educational program in 2015. Roza Abdrakhmanovna deals with the criteria-based assessment of primary school students on the basis of interdisciplinary integration and the specifics of the application of the updated educational program in higher education. To date, about 70 articles have been published, including: scientific journals recommended by the Control Committee for Education and Science, the international publication SCOPUS, the proceedings of international scientific conferences and joint articles with students. His scientific articles in foreign languages ​​have been published in foreign publications. (Germany, Turkey, etc.).  By the decision of the Academic Council of the University in 2019, the monograph "Theory and methods of training teachers in the organization of extracurricular educational work in primary school" was approved and published in 2020. In 2019, by the decision of the Republican Educational and Methodological Association of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the textbook " Dimensional Assessment Technologies" was approved and published in 2020. In 2020 and Zhambyl humanitarian college named after Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University brother   faculty "updated on" the organization of the educational process in the educational program features 72-hour training course was held. In the year 2019 from Dusseldorf (Germany), "Deer in the Modern World clock: Identicnost and Intercultural Communication". Participated in the international scientific - practical conference. Internship at the University of Bonn. Roza Abdrakhmanovna is a teacher-scientist who sums up her own ideas for the training of future professionals. Republican competition of students' research work (11.03.2019y.- 26.03.2019y.) Ordabekov Laila took the second place, "Youth and Science: Present and Future" 70, 71, 72, took part in the Republican scientific-practical conference, the top ranked tags . Republican systematic scientific research work: as an expert in the national examination of textbooks and educational complexes, a member of the Commission to consider the results of the subject on the chip, Daryn Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Festival of pedagogical ideas" as a member of the jury of the national competition Participate in Click, a qualified expert. In 2021, the textbook Measurement Technology of Assessment "Criteria assessment in primary school" was published in English. According to the results of 2020, she was named the "Best Teacher" for research work of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Roza Abdrakhmanovna was awarded the A. Baitursynov Medal of the Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for her significant contribution to the development of the higher education system of the country and her work in training highly qualified specialists.


        • Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences;
        • Primary school teacher, bachelor's degree, Gogol Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute, (Kazakhstan).


        • Chairman of the Conciliation Commission at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University ;
        • Member of the Academic Council of the Higher School of Pedagogy and Psychology
        • Member of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council on the specialty 013 - Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education
        • 01 3 - Design team on "Educational programs" in the specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education." 2020-2021 work in commission groups


        • Criteria-based assessment system for primary school students based on interdisciplinary integration
        • Features of the use of the updated educational program in higher education
        • Features of the use of criteria-based assessment in higher education
        • Application of the criteria-based assessment system in the case of distance learning


        • Theory and methods of training teachers in the organization of extracurricular educational work in primary school: 2011-2018 .
        • Features of the use of criteria-based assessment in higher education - 2016-2020


        • Natalya N. Khana, Sholpan Zh. Kolumbayevaa,  Rosa Nabuova , Ra issa K. Karsybayevab, Manshuk B. Kurmanbekovaa, and Aigul Dzh. Syzdykbayevab. Evaluation of the Program Effectiveness of Research Competence Development in Prospective Elementary School Teachers. I nternational journal of environmental & science education 2016, vol. 11, no. 18, 12299-12316.     
        • Kenenbaeva, M. Zhaparova, B. Mombek, A. Iskakova, Rosa Nabuova A. Meterbaeva, K. The Modern Methodology of Shaping Professional Competence Among University Students : Academic Journal Man in India Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities ISSN 0025-1569 ) . - 2017, 97 (6): 261-273)       
        • Akgul Zhubandykova, Saira Zhiyenbayeva, Rosa Nabuova Bakhytzhamal Arzanbayeva, Alima Yelkeyeva. Increasing the Level of Education at the University: Technology and Control. Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 03-Special Issue, 2020.     
        • Laura Taytelieva , Aigul Iskakova, Saira Zhienbaeva, Rosa Nabuova. Development of Readiness of Future Preschool Teachers to Innivative Activity . Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2020; 19 (4): pp. 247-256 doi: 10.17051 / ilkonline.2020.04.126 .         
        • Sakenov D.Zh., Zhumabaeva ZE, Sailauova NS, Shyntaeva NS, Zhubandykova AM Nabuova RA On the methodology of formation of professional competence of students. Bulletin of ENU named after .L. H . Г умилева . A series of humanities. // Astana. - No. 1 (2017, 116) . - ІІ часть, С. 250-257 .     
        • Nabuova R.A, Zhubandykova AM The way to form students' self-assessment is feedback. Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. // Almaty. -  № 2 (76) 2017 - pp . 78-84       
        • Nabuova R.A, Zhubandykova A.M Formation of critical thinking skills of students through interactive learning. Bulletin of Abai National Pedagogical University. Pedagogy and psychology series. // Almaty. - №3 (32) 2017     
        • Nabuova R.A, Zhubandykova A.M Features of criteria-based assessment. Bulletin of NPU named after Abai. Series of pedagogical sciences. // Almaty. -  №1 (53) 2017 - pp. 35-40.     
        • Nabuova RA, Zhubandykova AM The condition for achieving high results is effective lesson planning. Bulletin of Abai National Pedagogical University. Pedagogy and psychology series. // Almaty. - №1 (57) 2018     
        • Nabwova R.A, Jwbandıkova AM . Formation of value orientation of primary school students as a psychological and pedagogical problem . Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences // Almaty. -  № 1 (January-February) 2018 -   pp . 59-65 .     
        • Nabwova R.A, Jwbandıkova A.M, Sultanova Zh . Features of the application of the ideas of the updated educational program in the educational process of the university. Bulletin of NPU named after Abai. Pedagogy and psychology series. // Almaty. - №2 (62). 2019, pp. 248-255.     
        • Nabuova R.A, Zhubandykova A.M, Sultanova Zh.S. Problems of qualitative study of the theory of constructive learning in higher education. Bulletin of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University № 1 (81), 2020, pp. 176-181. ISSN 2306-5079 Postal code 75138 .     
        • Nabuova RA, Zhubandykova A.M Updated knowledge: short-term planning and problems in the planning system. Science and life of Kazakhstan, International scientific journal, /7 / 3. 2020 192-196. UDC 378. ISSN 2073 - 333X, Paris, March .       
        • Nabuova R.A, Zhubandykova A.M The condition for achieving high results is the effective use of formative assessment in the learning process. Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences // Almaty. -  №2 (March-April), 2020 -   pp. 122-130.       


        • Nabuova R.A, Zhubandykova A.M Professional culture of future teachers. Priority areas of development of science and education: collection of articles of the International scientific-practical conference. In 2 h. Ch. 2-Penza: MCNS "Science and Enlightenment" - 2018. –P.177-181 .       
        • Nabuova R.A, Zhubandykova A.M , Izmagambetova R.K The importance of reflection in the learning process . V International Symposium on Turkic World Studies. October 11-13, 2018. - pp. 129-133. Almaty.       
        • Nabuova R.A, Zhubandykova A.M, Autalipova U.I The importance of developing students' critical thinking skills. VI International Symposium on Turkic World Studies, Baku Eurasian University (Baku, Azerbaijan) June 13-15, 2019, pp. 343-349.        
        • Nabuova R.A Problems of intercultural dialogue, polylogue and intercultural discourse. Problems of intercultural dialogue, polylogue, and of intercultural discourse. "Man in the Modern World: Identity and Intercultural Communication." International scientific conference. Dusseldorf, Germany. July 8-11, 2019 Pages 247-255.  M international collective monograph.       
        • Karsybayeva Raisa Kanabekovna

          Position: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor

        • Information

        Karsybayeva Raisa Kanabekovna

        Position: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor



        • From September of 2008 to the present, Professor of the Department "Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education" in the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
        • From 2005 to 2008 - a teacher of subjects  "Psychology" and "Professional Kazakh language" in the humanitarian college "KazNur" in Almaty.
        • From 1998 to 2005 - a teacher and head of primary classes at the Republican School of Gifted Children named after A. Zhubanov.
        • From 1993 to 1997 - a primary school teacher secondary school after Syuinbay, Zhambyl district, Almaty region


        • June 14, 2011 - The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the decision of the Committee on the Control of Education and Science received a degree of candidate of sciences (diploma 0005803  protocol № 5, Astana) Order number 87 from 03.09.2011.".
        • Specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" (Kazakh State Women's University, 1994-1998) (Diploma KV 0187310).


        • Since 2020 - member of the editorial board of the republican scientific and pedagogical journal "«Tərbiye kˌұraly»".
        • 2021 Served as an expert in the jury of the city competition of design works for teachers of secondary schools “Uly dala tulqalary. Ұly dalanyң ly esimderi "
        • In 2015, he worked as an expert on the content of textbooks "Native language", "Literary reading" for grades 2-4.


        • Issues of teaching and learning in primary school based on the updated educational program;
        • Ways and methods of forming spiritual and moral values of primary schoolchildren in the context of the content of the "Literary subject".


        • The role of the works of the poet Baurzhan Zhakypa in the formation of patriotic personalities // Karsybaeva RK, Tekesbaeva AM International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. Omer Halisdemir University in Nii. 2020.
        • The importance of new approaches to teaching and learning in the formation of creative activity of young schoolchildren: Karsybaeva RK / Science and life of Kazakhstan. International scientific journal.№ 11/2., 2020.
        • The role of music in the formation of creative abilities of young schoolchildren: Karsybaeva R.K / Herald. Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abaya. №7 / 3.2020
        • Formation of personal values ​​of young schoolchildren on the basis of ideas of spiritual revival: Karsybaeva R.K Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abaya. Scientific-methodical journal on pedagogy and psychology №1 (38) .2019
        • Features of the organization of independent work of students: Karsybaeva R.K. Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abaya. "Series of pedagogical sciences" № 1,2019
        • Accounting for age and individual differences in the development of personality of young schoolchildren: Karsybaeva R.K. / Herald. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. №1-1 quarter 2019
        • Possibilities of the organization of research activity of students of primary classes / Karsybaeva RK, Asylbaeva FB Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. №1, (77). 2019.
        • Implementation of programs for raising the qualifications of teachers of higher educational institutions / Karsybaeva R,K, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. Series "Pedagogical Sciences" № 2 (62), 2019
        • Features of the organization of extracurricular activities in the primary school of Science and Life of Kazakhstan. / Karsybaeva R.K. International scientific journal. № 2 (78) 2019.
        • Pedagogical values of local history on formation of personality/ Karsybayeva R.K., V International Symposium  on Turkic World Studies- Kazakh Woman Teacher Training University , 3 part  2018  ISBN 978-601-224-964-4
        • Social education for elementary school students: Karsybayeva R.K. / Herald. Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abay "Series of Pedagogical Sciences", № 1 (57), 2018.ISSN 1728-5496
        • Innovations in education: the nature and social aspects: Karsybayeva R., Izmagambetova R. / Bulletin. Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abaya.Series of Special Pedagogy, No. 1 (52), 2018. MPC 35.013
        • The influence of educational technology on the formation of spiritual values of elementary school students: Karsybayeva R.K., / Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abay. Scientific and Methodical Journal of Pedagogy and Psychology №4 (33), 2017. ISSN 2077-6861
        • Formation of creative activity of elementary school students on pedagogical technologies: Karsybaeva R.K,. / Herald. Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abay №3 (55),  2017. ISSN 1728-5496
        • Gifted as subject of psychological-pedagogical analysis - Zhubandykova AM, Karsybayeva RK, Izmagambetova R. / “Abai Kunanbayuly Kazakh culture, historical and literary symposium” March 20-23, 2018. Antalya. ISBN 978-605-9885-82-9
        • Creative activity of elementary school students and their content: Karsybayeva R.K., / Conference "Actual problems of functional literacy of students in modern primary education", Kazakh Women's Pedagogical University. Almaty, November 11, 2016,
        • Structural features of the development of critical thinking through reading and writing: Karsybayeva R.K. / International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern and Primary Education: Theory, Methodology and Practice", Kazakh Women's Pedagogical University. Almaty, April 28, 2017, ISBN 978-601-224-872-2
        • The idea of “​​Magіlіk el "is the international scientific-practical conference" Development of scientific and educational methodology in the context of spiritual and moral modernization of Kazakh society ", - the great intellectual breakthrough of our ancestors: Karsybaeva RK Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi. Almaty, October 13-14, 2017. ISBN
        • The use of didactic games in the educational process of elementary school students: Karsybayeva R.K. / Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Bulletin, Pedagogy №5 (59). 2015.ISSN 2306-5079
        • Ways of modernization of primary education: Karsybayeva Kazakh International Women's Pedagogical University International Forum dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 15.09. 2014. ISBN 978-601-224-565-3
        • Formation of the aesthetic and moral culture of primary school students: Karsybayeva R.К., / International Scientific and Practical Conference. International Center for Science and Education. Moscow, 2013ISBN
        • Place of music education for elementary school students: Karsybayeva R.K. / Journalist of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai № 2 (38). 2013.


        • Information of Pupil’s communicative competence to syntax training. (Information of student communicative competence based on the development of listening skills in syntactic learning.): Khan, NN, Kolumbaeva SZ, Karsybayeva R.K., Nabuova R.A., Ormanbekova M.B., Syzdykbaeva A. / 5-December , 2016. ISSN 13063065. (Scopus)
        • Evaluation of the program effectiveness of research competence in prospective elementary school teachers (Assessment of the effectiveness of the program of research competence of future teachers of primary school): Tekesbaeva G, Baynazarova T, Asylbaeva F, Tekesbaeva A / 3.08.2016.ISSN 2078-0303 (Scopus)


        -Formation of creative activity of elementary school students on the basis of pedagogical technologies: Karsybayeva R.K. / Monograph. Pages -210 pages. ISBN 978-601-7796-44-0

        -Theory and technology of reading and writing: Karsybayeva R.K. / Tutorial. 2013 - p. 148. ISBN 978-601-224-557-8.

        -Formation of creative activity of primary school students with the help of pedagogical technologies: Karsybayeva R.K. / Tutorial. 2013 -117 pages. ISBN 978-601-224-489-2


        • VII, which took place on October 20-23, 2020 in Turkey-Niida (online). Participated in the International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World and presented the results of the research in the presented scientific article (in the form of a presentation).

        • In October 2020, at a methodological practical seminar for teachers of the Kazakh secondary school No. 1 named after D.A. Kunaev in Kapchagai "New approaches to teaching and learning in the context of modern education" in teaching and learning "Literary reading and the Kazakh language". “Shared his innovative experience.

        • April 27-28, 2018, organized by the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, a guest of the scientific and practical conference "Textbook" Modernization of educational resources: experience and prospects, presented questions and suggestions for the textbook.

        • In August 2017, made a presentation on "Ways of Modernizing Primary Education" at the "August Conference" with the participation of school teachers in Almaty, organized by the Department of Education of the city of Almaty.

        • On April 14, 2017, moderator of the Republican educational seminar "Methodological features of working with the educational and methodological complex" Mathematics "Grade 2 in the context of the updated content of education" Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn".

        • Participated in the international scientific-practical conference "The Idea of ​​the Eternal Country" - a great intellectual breakthrough of our ancestors: "Development of a methodology for research and educational activities in the spiritual and moral revival of Kazakhstani society" on October 13. -14, 2017 at the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi., Article presented.

        • On January 21, 2017, between the faculties of "Pedagogy and Psychology" was held a methodological seminar "Features of the updated educational program" with the teacher of the Department of Preschool Education: Myshpayeva G.M.

        • February 14, 2017 at the secondary school-gymnasium No. 124 of the Almalinsky district of Almaty with the participation of primary school teachers and internship curators of the Department of Career and Career and the internship “3rd year of primary education and practical. -methodical seminar "Changes in the updated educational program" for 4th year students.

        • May 5, 2017 at the pedagogical faculty of the Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata held a leadership lecture for students and teachers on the topic "Updated educational program in the content of primary education."

        • Syzdykbayeva Aigul Dzhumanazarovna

          Position: Associate Professor

        • Information

        Syzdykbayeva Aigul Dzhumanazarovna

        Position: Associate Professor


        Syzdykbayeva Aigul Dzhumanazarovna began her career as a kindergarten teacher (2003), was the head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology (2007), head of the pedagogical department at the Taraz College Parasat (2009), Deputy director for educational and methodological work at the College of Informatics and Economics of Almaty (2010). From 2010-2013, senior lecturer at the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. In 2016, she successfully defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 6D010200 Pedagogy and methods of primary education on the topic: "Formation of the research competence of the future primary school teacher". From 2019 to 2022, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Currently, he serves as a professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education.


        • Abai KazNPU, post-doctoral studies (2019-2022). Abai KazNPU, doctorate 6D010200 Pedagogy and methods of primary education (2013-2016).
        • Taraz State Pedagogical Institute, Master's degree 6N0103 Pedagogy and Psychology, MTB No. 0011446 (2005-2007).
        • Zhambyl Pedagogical Institute, higher Pedagogy and Methods of primary education, ZHB No. 243656 (1994-1996).
        • Abai Dzhambul Pedagogical College, secondary professional Teaching in primary grades of secondary school, primary school teacher, head of children's fine arts OAB-I No.0004606 (1990-1994).


        • Professional teacher training
        • Research competence of the teacher


        • Syzdykbayeva A. et al. Training of future teachers for the implementation of continuity of preschool and primary Mathematical education / Cakrawala Pendidikan Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Vol. 41 No. 2, June 2022, pp.531-540. DOI: https://doiDOI:
        • Syzdykbayeva A. et al. Formation of primary school children self-esteem on the basis of criteria-based assessment / Education and Science, Volume 23, No. 7 (2021), pp. 147-169.- DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2021 -7-147-169.
        • Syzdykbayeva A. et al. Collaborative environment as a means of forming success of a future teacher of elementary classes in project activity / Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment, Volume 8, No.3, 2020, pp. 370-376.
        • Syzdykbayeva A. et al. Organization of teaching practice of future primary school teachers in the context of dual training system: Kazakhstan experience / International Journal of Educational Management, 2018.- Volume 32 Issue 5, pp. 942 – 954.


        • IRN AP13268830 Academic fraud of subjects of postgraduate education (on the example of national universities).
        • IRN AP19678139 Assessment of socio-psychological opportunities for intensive growth of well-being of young students in Western Kazakhstan
        • IRN BR21882318 Customization of the system of formation of network communicative culture, digital etiquette of teachers and students in the "on-line community" of the university


        • Exploring and Establishing Approaches to Pedagogical Research in International Teacher Education" at the University of Sussex, UK Brighton, 2023.
        • Ageeva Larisa 

          Position: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor

        • Information

        Ageeva Larisa 

        Position: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor


        From 2008 year until now – Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, c. Almaty.

        From September 1997 to September 2008, an elementary school teacher, head teacher for educational work in secondary school No. 61, c. Almaty.

        From September 1990 to September 1997 a teacher of an elementary school in a secondary school No. 135, c.  Almaty


        • Almaty State University named after Abai 1993 - 1996 from 7.05.96. ZhB-II No. 0115249, reg. No. 25841. Specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education"
        • Academic degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, dated February 27, 2008 ((ҒК 0001431, protocol No. 3).


        • Social cooperation of primary school students;
        • Ethnocultural competence of future primary school teachers;
        • Preparing teachers to develop cooperation skills for elementary school students.


        • Badge "Excellence in Education", certificate No. A075, 2018
        • Letters of thanks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017, 2018, 2019)
        • Gold medal to them. A. Baitursynov (2019).


        1. Course of the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, "NIS" level courses for teaching staff, Astana, CPM. Registration TO No. 000120. 02.02. - 03/20/2015. 232 hours.

        2. Course "Features of the phased implementation of 12-year education" and "Harmonization of educational programs of higher education" National Academy of Education. I. Altynsarin. 06.29 - 02.07. 2015.32 hours.

        3. Course "New approaches in the educational process". Registration No. 00064.7.11 - 20.11.2015. 72 hours.

        4.December 14, 2018 Future Learn TEACYING PROGRAMMING INPRIMARY SCHOOLS (4 weeks 2 days). 08/07/2019 - 09/08/2019 Turkey. Modern Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Education Scientific Training Program (120 hours).

        5. 16.07 2019. Certificate BZ No. 019922.FAO "NTSPK" Orleu "IPK PR" in Almaty. Course on the educational program for advanced training of teaching staff in primary school subjects (120 hours)

        6. June 2020. Certificate No. 0081 Kazakhstan, Academy of Sciences. "Oқүlyқty adisnamasy zhane avtorlardyk kusibi daғdylaryn zhetildiru" (72 hours).

        7. 05.08.2020. NIS “Learning to study remotely” (40 hours).

        8. 426-AVISO-20 Courses of the consulting company "ISO Implementation Agency" program "Training of internal auditors of the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015 and the recommendations of ISO 19011: 2018" (72 hours).

        9. 06.02.2021 Certificate No. 057 Kazakhstan, "Organization of distance learning in primary school" (72 hours).

        10. 10.05-21.05.2021 "Methodology of Applied Research" (72 hours).


        1. К вопросу о социализации личности учащихся младших классов // Вестник Каз НПУ им. Абая. Серия «Педагогические науки». – 2004. - № 3 (8). – С. 120-124. ISSN 1728

        2. Содержание учебно-воспитательного процесса в начальной школе как средство формирования социального сотрудничества // Высшая школа Казахстана. – 2007. - № 1. – С. 96-103. ISSN 1360-1749

        3. Бастауыш сыныптардағы «Қазақ тілі» бағдарламасының мазмүны жеке адамның әлеуметтік белсенділігін дамытуына мүмкіндікі // Вестник Каз НПУ им. Абая. Серия «Педагогические науки». – 2007. - № 2 (14). – С. 90 – 92. ISSN 1728-5496

        4. Социализация личности младшего школьника //Вестник Евразийского Национального университета им. Л.Н.Гумилёва. Серия «Гуманитарные науки», Астана. – 2007. – № 1 (53). - С. 202 – 206. ISSN 1028-9364

        5. Формирование социальной активности младших школьников через социальное сотрудничество в ЦЦП / Вестник Каз НПУ им. Абая «НВП и начальная школа», № 4 (19), 2008. – С. 57 – 59. ISSN 1728-7839

        6. Этнопедагогическая компетентность как фактор воспитания культуры межнациональных отношений / Сибирский педагогический журнал. Новосибирск, № 8, 2012. – С. 130 – 136. ISSN 1813-4718

        7. Этнокультурная компетентность будущих педагогов: Учебное пособие./ Т.А.Левченко, Л.Е.Агеева, Е.Н.Агранович. – Алматы: Изд-во «Қыздар ун-тi», 2013. - 232 с. ISBN 978-601-224-460-1

        8. Развитие устной речи ребенка в поликультурной среде. Учебное пособие./ Агеева Л.Е., Агранович Е.Н. Алматы: Издательство «Қыздар ун-тi», 2013. - 172 с. ISBN 978-601-224-457-1

        9. Этнокультурная компетентность как фактор профессиональной готовности будущих педагогов. «Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe: Achievements and Perspectives». Proceedings of the 6 International symposium (Vienna, January 15, 2015) – С. 82 – 97. ISBN 13-978-3-90-3063-01-3, ISBN 10  3-903063-01-0

        10. Дифференцированное обучение учащихся начальной школы как средство развития индивидуальных особенностей. МКО-205-05, Чехия, Карловы Вары - Россия, Москва, 30-31 августа 2015 г. – С. 294 – 301. ISBN 978-80-7534-045-0,ISBN 978-5-00090-0809-2

        11. Исследовательская компетентность как компонент профессиональной подготовки будущего педагога / Вестник КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби. Серия «Педагогические науки», № 3 (46), 2015. – С. 86 – 93. ISSN 1563-0293

        12. Психолого-педагогическое образование родителей. Учебное пособие для педагогов и родителей. «Қыздар университетті» баспасы. Алматы, 2016. – 234 с. (Левченко Т.А., Агранович Е.Н.). ISBN 978-601-224-285-0

        13. Prevention of Suicidal Manifestations among Youths: Art Pedagogical Aspect// Kassen G., Ageeva L.E., Bulatbayeva A. and other. Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016. №10 (1) Р. 20-27. ISSN-1815-9346

        14. Творческая компетентность как компонент профессионального мастерства педагога. / Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая Серия «Педагогические науки», № 1 (53), 2017. – С. 120 – 127.  ISSN 1728-5496

        15. Социальная активность школьника как качество целостной личности. Материалы VI Международной научно-практической конференции «Наука в современном мире», Москва, - 2017 – C. 97 – 98. ISBN 978-5-9909666-1-1

        16. Организация дифференцированного обучения в школе. / Республиканский педагогический и научно-методический журнал "Начальная школа Казахстана", 2017, № 3. - С. 35 - 37. ISSN 0207-5474

        17. Подготовка педагогов к формированию навыков сотрудничества учащихся начальной школы. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Педагогика начального образования: традиции и инновации», 27-28 апреля, Москва, - 2017. C. 8 – 16.  ISBN 978-5-4263-0488-8

        18. Формирование толерантности младших школьников посредством ознакомления с традициями и обычаями этносов. Материалы ХХIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Наука сегодня: теория, практика, инновации», Москва: Издательство «Олипм», 2017 – C. 256 – 260ISBN 978-5-9500262-5-6

        19. Социальное сотрудничество младших школьников в образовательном процессе/ монография/ Алматы:      «Полиграфия – Сервис и К», 2018  - 260 c. ISBN 978-601-7419-24-0

        20. Повышение квалификации педагогов предшкольной подготовки в РК в условиях перехода на обновленную программу образования. / Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н.Гумилева. Серия: ПЕДАГОГИКА. ПСИХОЛОГИЯ. СОЦИОЛОГИЯ. Нур-Султан. – 2019. – № 1 (126). - С.87- 95. ISSN (Print) 2616-6895, ISSN (Online) 2663-2497

        21.    К вопросу о формировании коммуникативной компетентности младших школьников / Вестник КазГосЖенПУ, №1 (77) 2019 – С. 210 - 216 ISSN 2306-5079

        22.    Agranovich, Ye., Amirova, A. Ageyeva, L., Lebedeva, L.,  Aldibekova, Sh., Uaidullakyzy, E. (2019). The Formation of Self-Organizational Skills of Student’s Academic Activity on the Basis of ‘Time Management’ Technology. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(22), 95-110.

        23.    Формирование предметных компетенций будущих педагогов начального образования как условие готовности к педагогической деятельности / Вестник КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби. Серия «Педагогические науки», №2 (59). 2019. – С. 37 – 45 (в соавторстве с Левченко Т.А.). ISSN 1563-0293

        24.    Syzdykbayeva A. D., Kinzhibayeva F. B., Meterbayeva K. M., Tekesbayeva A. M., Ageyeva L. E. Training of Future Teachers for the Implementation of Continuity of Pre-School and Primary Mathematical Education. International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence. Vol.12, No.3s, 2020, 212-225 ISSN 1869-2885, ISSN 1869-0459

        25.    Развитие креативного мышления учащихся предшкольного класса в процессе дополнительного образования / Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая Серия «Педагогические науки», №2 (66), 2020. – С. 309 – 313 (в соавторстве с Левченко Т.А.)

        26.    Формирование креативного мышления будущих педагогов начального образования. / Международный научный журнал «Наука и жизнь Казахстана» №7/2, 2020. – С. 136 – 143. ISSN 2073-333X (в соавторстве с Левченко Т.А.)

        27.    Научно-исследовательская деятельность магистрантов педагогических специальностей. Методическое пособие: Левченко Т.А., Агеева Л.Е, Агранович Е.Н./ - Алматы: Издательство «Қыздар университетті», 2020. – 80 с. ISBN 978-601-346-053-6

        28.    Дипломдық жұмысты орындау.  Әдістемелік кұрал: Жиенбаева С.Н., Агеева Л.Е, Текесбаева А.М./ - Алматы: Баспагер «Қыздар университетті», 2020. – 82 б. ISBN 978-601-346-045-1

        29.    Преемственность дошкольного и начального образования как условие успешности развития личности ребенка. Международная научно-практическая онлайн-конференция «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТРЕНДЫ В НАУКЕ И ОБРАЗОВАНИИ». 23 апреля 2021 - С. 216 – 220. (Ю.А.Дмитриев, Е.Н.Агранович) ISBN 978-601-346 -084-0

        30.    Формирование этнокультурной компетентности будущих педагогов начальной школы. КазНПУ им. Абая Международная научно-практическая конференция. 19.05.2021. - С. 37 – 42.  (Левченко Т.А., Агранович Е.Н.) ISВN 978-601-353-023-9

        31.    Karasheva, Z., Amirova, A., Ageyeva, A., Jazdykbayeva M., & Uaidullakyzy, E. (2021). Preparation of future specialists for the formation of communication skills for elementary school children. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues. 13(3), 467-484.

        32.    Iskakova, L., Amirova, A., Ospanbekova, M., Zhumabekova, F., Ageyeva, L., & Zhailauova, M. (2021). Developing the Future Primary School Teachers Intellectual Skills in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Instruction, 14(3), 755-770.

        • Agranovich Yelena Nikolaevna

          Position: Acting Associate Professor PhD

        • Information

        Agranovich Yelena Nikolaevna

        Position: Acting Associate Professor PhD


        Yelena Agranovich graduated from Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University in 2005, received a master's degree in 2007, and was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in 2021. She started her career as a teacher of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (2007) 2007-2017 Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, teacher of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education (since 2011 – senior teacher) 2017-2020 Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, doctoral student of spec. 6D010200-Pedagogy and methods of primary education Since 2020 Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, senior lecturer of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education (since 2021 – acting associate professor of the department)


        • Almaty Pedagogical College No. 2, "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" (2000-2003)
        • Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" (2003-2005)
        • Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Master's degree in "Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education" (2005-2007)
        • Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, doctoral program "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" (2017-2020)


        • Formation of the skills of primary school teachers to pedagogically accompany the research (project) activities of primary school students
        • Self-organization of students ' educational activities based on the "time management"technology

        Научные публикации:

        • Agranovich, Ye., Amirova, A. Ageyeva, L., Lebedeva, L., Aldibekova, Sh., Uaidullakyzy, E. The Formation of Self-Organizational Skills of Student’s Academic Activity on the Basis of ‘Time Management’ Technology. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), (December, 2019), 14(22), 95-110.
        • Kariyev, A. D., Fishman, B. E., Agranovich, Ye. N., Fokina, O. A., Ageyeva, L. E., & Krezhevskikh, O. V. (2022). Development of primary school teachers` skills to accompany pupils in projects and research. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education, 56 (2), 591-607. doi: 10.32744/pse.2022.35
        • Maralov, V.G., Kariyev, A.D., Krezhevskikh, O.V., Kudaka, M.A., Ageeva, L.E., Agranovich, E.N. (2022). Students’ Subjectness, Self-Efficacy and Psychological Well-Being: Comparative Research of Russian and Kazakhstan Students. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia. Vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 135-149, doi: 10.31992/0869-3617-2022-31-810-135-149 (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)
        • Maralov, V. G., Sitarov, V. A., Kariyev, A. D., Krezhevskikh, O. V., Kudaka, M. A., Ageyeva, L. Y., & Agranovich, Y. N. (2023). Strategies of Self-Improvement for Students with Different Agency Levels. Journal of Organizational Behavior Research, 8(2), 15-26.
        • В.Г. Маралов, М.А. Кудака, А.Д. Кариев3 , О.В. Крежевских, Е.Н.Агранович, Л.Е. Агеева Роль самоэффективности и психологического благополучия в выборе студентами стратегий самосовершенствования. Образование и саморазвитие. Том 18, № 3, 2023 (135-151). DOI: 10.26907/esd.18.3.09 EDN: SMGTWS
        • Knissarina, M., Valikhanov, Sh.,Agranovich, Ye., Zhulaeva, A., Mukhamejanova, B. Self-Management of Students in the Conditions of Vocational Training. Talent Development & Excellence (JTDE), Vol.12, No.1, 2020, Р.726-734.
        • Агранович Е.Н. Теоретические основы тайм-менеджмента как средства организации учебной деятельности будущих педагогов// Вестник ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева. ISSN 2616-6895, Серия Педагогика. Психология. Социология.  – Астана, №1 (122)/2018. - С.38-44.
        • Агранович Е.Н. Самоорганизация учебной деятельности студентов средствами RP-технологий взаимодействия// «Вестник КазГосЖенПУ». ISSN 2306-5079,  №4(76), Алматы 2018, cтр. 124-130
        • Агранович Е.Н. Самоорганизация учебной деятельности студентов на основе технологии «тайм-менеджмент»// Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая. Серия «Педагогические науки». - № 2(62). – Алматы, 201 - С.137-141.
        • Агранович Е.Н. Модель самоорганизации учебной деятельности студентов в контексте реализации технологии «тайм-менеджмент»// Вестник КазГосЖенПУ. -  №2 (78). - Алматы, 2019, С. 190-196.
        • Агранович Е.Н. Технология тайм-менеджмент как средство самоорганизации учебной деятельности  студентов // «Вестник КазНацЖенПУ». - №1 (81). - Алматы 2020, cтр. 196-201
        • Агранович Е.Н., Уайдуллақызы Э. Организация самостоятельной учебной деятельности учащихся начальной школы// «Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая», №2 (66) Алматы 2020, cтр. 342-348
        • Kariyev A. D.,  Agranovich, Ye.N., Baynazarova T. B., Ageyeva, L. Ye., Iminova Yu. B. About development of skills of elementary classes teachers to pedagogically support the research (project) activity of students // Вестник Торайгыров университета: Педагогическая серия, № 3 (2021). - Павлодар, 2021, стр. 369-380.
        • Kariyev A. D.,  Agranovich, Ye.N., Baynazarova T. B., Ageyeva, L. Ye., Iminova Yu. B. On the results of the development of the skills of primary school teachers to pedagogically accompany research (project) activities // Вестник Торайгыров университета: Педагогическая серия, № 4 (2021). - Павлодар, 2021, стр. 369-380.
        • Агеева Л.Е., Агранович Е.Н. Проблемы организации дистанционного обучения в начальной школе// Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая Серия «Педагогические науки», № 1 (73), 2022. – С. 263 – 272
        • Агеева Л.Е., Агранович Е.Н. Образовательные программы в вузах как фактор совершенствования дополнительных компетенций студентов// Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Педагогические науки». 77, 1 (апр. 2023), 40–50. DOI:
        • Агранович Е.Н., Агеева Л.Е., Кариев А.Д. Формирование учебной самостоятельности студентов //“Известия КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана”, серия “Педагогические науки, Том 70 № 3 (2023)
        • Агранович Е.Н., Оразаева, Г., Агеева, Л. Анализ образовательных программ подготовки будущих педагогов (по формированию здоровьесберегающих компетенций) (2023).Теория и методика физической культуры, 73(3), 6–16.
        • Агранович Е.Н. Самоорганизация учебной деятельности будущих педагогов // Приоритетные направления развития науки и образования: сборник статей международной научно-практической конференции. ISBN 978-5-907046-28-3Ч. 2, 2ч. – Пенза: МЦНС «Наука и Просвещение». –2018. –242с., (с.159-161)
        • Агранович Е.Н. Уточнение понятия «Самоорганизация учебной деятельности» в контексте подготовки будущих педагогов»  // Материалы международной научно-методической конференции на тему «Инновации в образовании и науке» организованной кафедрой управление и качество образования ФАО «НЦПК «Өрлеу» «Институт повышения квалификации педагогических работников по Алматинской области». ISBN 978-601-276-570-0, І - часть / Алматы, 2017.- 600 стр., (с. 149-151)
        • Агранович Е.Н. Педагогическая технология «тайм-менеджмент» в подготовке будущих специалистов// Труды международной научно-практической конференции «Феномен Н.А. Назарбаева: политическое кредо и инициативы».  ISBN 978-9965-03-584-5, 2 Т./ Шымкент: ЮКГУ им. М.Ауэзова, 2018. -  305 с., (с.3-5)
        • Агранович Е.Н. Самоорганизация учебной деятельности студентов посредством реализации самостоятельной работы в вузе // Эффективные инструменты современных наук  – 2018: сборник XIV   Международной научно-практической конференции, Publishing House “Education and Science”. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6, Чехия, Прага. - 2018.- 124с., (с.11-16)
        • Агранович Е.Н. Формирование компетенций самоорганизации у студентов посредством применения современных информационных технологий // НОВИНАТА НАПРЕДНАЛИ НАУКА - 2018: сборник ЗА XVI   Международной научно-практической конференции: Педагогические науки,  Publishing House “Education and Science”. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6, София «Бял ГРАД-БГ ОДД». -2018.- 82с., (с.3-9)
        • Агранович Е.Н. Тайм-менеджмент как технология самоорганизации учебной деятельности студентов // Материалы Международного Форума Евразийской Ассоциации Педагогических Университетов «Проблемы непрерывного образования: традиции и инновации» I том, октябрь 2018, Алматы. - стр. 278-281 
        • Агранович Е.Н., Амирова А. Педагогические возможности самостоятельной работы студентов в самоорганизации учебной деятельности // Образование и Мегаполис: партнерство для устойчивого успеха / Сборник статей по итогам Первого ежегодно-го международного симпозиума «Образование и Мегаполис: партнерство для устойчивого успеха». ISBN 978-5-907057-93-7, – М.: Изд-во «Экон-Информ», 2019. – 190 с., (С.126-129)
        • Агранович Е.Н. Формирование умений самоорганизации учебной деятельности в процессе профессиональной подготовки педагогов // XXII Международная научно-практическая конференция «Российская наука в современном мире». Научно-издательский центр «Актуальность РФ, сборник статей, часть -1, 31 мая 2019. – 296с. (стр. 240-241)
        • Агранович Е.Н., Дмитриев Ю.А., Агеева Л.Е. Преемственность дошкольного и начального образования как условие успешности развития личности ребенка// «Ғылым мен білім саласындағы заманауи трендтер» атты Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік онлайн-конференциясының жинағы = Материалы Международной научно-практической онлайн-конференции «Современные тренды в науке и образовании» – Алматы: «Қыздар университеті» баспасы, 2021. - 342 - бет.- қазақша, орысша. (С.216-220)
        • Т.А.Левченко, Л.Е.Агеева, Агранович Е.Н. Формирование этнокультурной компетентности будущих педагогов начальной школы// Абай атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық педагогикалық университеті Педагогика және психология институты «Кәсіби даярлау: бастауыш білім бағдарламалары» бөлімінің ұйымдастыруымен өткізілген «Заманауи жастарды этномәдени тәрбиелеу – ұлттық кодты сақтаудың негізі» тақырыбында халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдарының жинағы. – Алматы, 19-мамыр, 2021ж. - қазақ, орыс, түрік және ағылшын тілдерінде. (С.37-42)
        • Кариев А.Д., Фишман Б.Е., Фокина О.А., Байназарова Т.Б., Агранович Е.Н. Модель процесса, обеспечивающего формирование и развитие умений учителя осуществлять педагогическое сопровождение деятельности учащихся // Мир науки. Педагогика и психология, 2021 №2, (доступ свободный). 
        • Кариев А.Д., Фишман Б.Е., Агранович Е.Н., Фокина О.А., Пицюк И.Л. Апробация модели развития способности учителей начальных классов сопровождать проектную и исследовательскую деятельность учащихся // Мир науки. Педагогика и психология, 2021 №4, (доступ свободный). 
        • Агеева Л.Е., Агранович Е.Н. Мектепалды даярлық педагогтерінің кәсіби құзыреттілігін жетілдіру// "Заманауи педагогикалық білім берудің өзекті мәселелері мен перспективалары": Педагогика ғылымдарының докторы, профессор, ХҒПБА академигі Корлан Қабикенқызы Жампейісованың 70 жылдық мерейтойына арналған халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары – Алматы: Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ, «Ұлағат» баспасы, 2022. – 493 б. (C.349-353) ISBN 978-601-269-179-5
        • Тойбаев А.Ж., Левченко Т.А., Агеева Л.Е., Агранович Е.Н. Диагностика качества учебных достижений студентов педагогических специальностей. Алматы, Издательство «Қыздар университеті», 2018. – 108с. ISBN 978-601-224-975-0
        • Левченко Т.А., Агеева Л.Е., Агранович Е.Н. Научно-исследовательская деятельность магистрантов педагогических специальностей. Методическое пособие. Алматы, «Қыздар университеті»,  2020,  - 80 с. ISBN 978-601-346-053-6
        • Агранович Е.Н. Основы тайм-менеджмента (для студентов специальности 5В010200 –Педагогика и методика начального обучения). Алматы, Издательство «ОНОН», 2019. – 122с. ISBN 978-601-346-006-2
        • А.Д. Кариев, Б.Е. Фишман, Агранович Е.Н., Т.Б. Байназарова, Л.Е. Агеева  Педагогическое сопровождение внеурочной исследовательской (проектной) деятельности учащихся начальных классов. Учебное пособие. Алматы: ТОО «Полиграфия сервис и Ко», 2022.- 286 с. ISBN 978-601-211-381-5


        • Формирование умений учителей начальных классов педагогически сопровождать исследовательскую (проектную) деятельность учащихся начальной школы (2020-2021).

        Continuing Professional Development Courses:

        • 07.12015-20.11.2015г  «Новые подходы в образовательном процессе».  Под руководством почетного профессора, доктора PhD Дениз Луиз Хэвей и старшего лектора, магистра образования Элеонора Тесзени Университет Нортхэмптона (Великобритания). Алматы 2015г. ,72 часа
        • 23.11.2015ж.-27.11.2015г.  «Учебная деятельность в соотношении с ментальными уровнями познавательного процесса» (Казахская ассоциация по чтению). Мирсеитова С.С.,46 часов10.12015 «Как электронные политекстовые базы EBSCO влияют на повышение качества научных работ и исследований». Чехия - Прага (Крейцарова И.) Алматы НЦНТИ
        • 30.04.2016-14.05.2016     «Дистанционные технологии обучения в Казахстане» (Б.К.Жуманова) Астана, НМЦ «ZIAT»
        • 01.11.2016-23.02.2017г.» English for teachers», «EDU-Stream», learning language center, 80 часов, 23.02.2017 № 149
        • 18.04.2019 «Теория и методика обучения и педагогической науки», Университет Гази, Турция и КазНПУ им. Абая, 72 часа
        • 03.02019 «Дошкольное образование в соответствие с требованиями ФГОС», г.Москва, Форум «Педагоги России», 8 часов, № 042692
        • 04.06.2019 Начальное образование в соответствие с требованиями ФГОС», г.Москва, Форум «Педагоги России», 8 часов, № 044310
        • 27.05.2019-09.06.2019 Научная стажировка на базе МПГУ (дошкольный факультет и факультет начального образования), г.Москва (Россия), МПГУ, 90 часов
        • 107.2020 – 23.07.2020 Курсы повышения квалификации Центр преподавателей Microsoft - Развитие компетенций 21 века в учебных проектах (10 сертификатов) сертифицированный участник Программы педагогов-новаторов корпорации Microsoft
        • 27.07-31.07.2020 Курсы повышения квалификации Учусь учить дистанционно. Center of Excellence NIS, сертификат № 483143
        • 18.05-06.2020 - Курсы повышения квалификации «English for Teaching Purposes» (
        • 20.07-31.07.2020 Курсы повышения квалификации. Совершенствование педагогического мастерства. Академия педагогов и психологов. Серия № 001083
        • 20.01-05.02.2021 Организация дистанционного обучения в начальной школе. 72 часа. (National Teacher Prize Kazakhstan). Сертификат № 21 от 06.02.2021
        • 05.09.2022-16.09.2022, 80 часов, «Методология проведения прикладных исследований», АОО «Назарбаев интеллектуальные школы» ЦПМ, РК, № 34496b439.
        • 31.01.2023, 72 часа, «Усиление потенциала педагогического образования KZEMP/QCBS-03», координатор Хяме университет прикладных наук, Финляндия.
        • 10.05 – 19.05.2023 г., 80 часов,  «Развитие предметных компетенций по предметам «Математика», «Русский язык» и «Литературное чтение» учителей нвчальных классов (1-4 классы)», АО «Национальный центр повышения квалификации «ӨРЛЕУ», РК, № 0633320.
        • Seidualieva Arailym

          Position: Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

        • Information

        Seidualieva Arailym

        Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

        + 7778 352 2505

        Seidualieva Arailym -Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University;


        • Kazakh Women's Pedagogical Institute (1996-2000), specialty pedagogy and methods of primary education by the decision of the State Qualification Commission of June 13, 2000, the qualification of primary school teacher, teacher of the pedagogical college was awarded (ZHB-I No. 0134373);
        • KazNPU named after Abai (2011-2013), by the decision of the State Attestation Commission of January 31, 2013 (Protocol No.1) Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 6M010100-preschool education and upbringing (joc-M No. 0021304);
        • KazNPU named after Abai, PhD doctoral student in the specialty 6D010200-Pedagogy and methods of primary education.


        • Development of project activities of future primary school teachers based on a collaborative environment

        Scientific publications:

        Author of about 35 scientific publications

        • Seidualieva A. N. The role of a work of art in the formation of the language competence of children in pre-school training. Bulletin of the Abai Kazakh National University series "Pedagogical sciences", No. 1 (53), 2019
        • Seidualieva A. N. The essence of information competence in the formation of the professional level of students. Bulletin of KazNPU named after. Abaya, " Series of pedagogical sciences, No. 2., 2019
        • Seidualieva A. N. The importance of organizing a collaborative environment in the educational process. "Science and life of Kazakhstan" No. 4/4 2020
        • Seidualieva A. N., Stambekova A. S. Improving the quality of primary school education on the basis of a collaborative environment. "Science and life of Kazakhstan" No. 6/1 2020.
        • Syzdykbaeva A.D., Seidualieva A. N.Assessment of the quality of additional education of children in school conditions (experience of Kazakhstan) BULLETIN OF KazNPU named after. Abaya, series "Pedagogical Sciences", No. 4 (72), 2021
        • Assel Stambekova, Kulbarshyn Meterbayeva, Bakhytzhamal Arzanbayeva, Elmira Aitzhanova, Aigerim Sekenova. Development of the project activities of future primary school teachers based on a collaborative environment. Journal of Educational Sciences (JES), 2023
        • Methodology of inclusive education in modern foreign practice:
        • The essence of the concepts of "project activity", collaborative environment": // International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of modern education" - Moscow: International Institute of Professional Development of a Teacher, 2019, -pp. 215-219.
        • Theoretical foundations of the development of project activities of future primary school teachers: //GEVHER NESIBE 4.ULUSLARARASI SAĞLIK BILIMLERI KONGRESI 23-24 Kasım 2019 ANKARA - pp. 372-376.
        • The essence and structure of students' project activities//"Global Science and Innovation 2021: Central Asia" No. 3(14). October 2021 episode"Pedagogical Sciences"
        • Conditions of inclusive education in general education schools // CUKUROVA 8 TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONFERENCE April 15-17, 2022 ADANA


        • Winner of the "Kurmet" medal for the 70th anniversary of the University (2014)
        • Letter of thanks from the rector of the University Nuketaeva D. Zh. (2017)
        • Letter of thanks from the rector of the University Aldabergenova G. T. (2018)
        • Letter of thanks from the rector of the University Kanaya G. A. (2023)
        • Salgarayeva Gulaiym 

          Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Salgarayeva Gulaiym 

        Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences


        Gulayim Salgarayeva graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute in 2004, with a bachelor's degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education. In 2006, she received a master's degree in Pedagogy and Psychology at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute.

        He started his career in 2008 as a teacher of the Department of "General Psychology" of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. From 2011 to 2018, he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Special and Social Pedagogy

        From 2018 to 2021, he studied at the PhD doctoral program in the specialty 6d010200 - "pedagogy and methods of primary education" at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

        Since the 2021-2022 academic year, he continues to work as a senior teacher of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education


        • Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
        • Pedagogy and methods of primary education, Bachelor's degree


        • Development of social skills of primary school students
        • Spiritual and moral education
        • Training of university teachers
        • Information competence of teachers at the university
        • Psychological and pedagogical impact on the formation of personality


        1. Салгараева Г.И., Исаева Л.Т. Бастауыш сынып оқушыларының әлеуметтік мінез-құлқының даму мәселесі. «Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі» халықаралық ғылыми журнал. №11 2020 жыл. 256-260 бет
        2. Салгараева Г.И., Бастауыш сынып оқушыларының әлеуметтік дағдысын дамытудың психологиялық. Вестник Академии Педагогических Наук  Казахстана №2 (наурыз-сәуір), 2020 жыл
        3. Салгараева Г.И., Бастауыш сынып оқушыларының әлеуметтік дағдыларын дамыту ерекшеліктері. Хабаршы-Вестник-Bulletin №4 (80), 2019
        4. Салгараева Г.И., Бастауыш сынып оқушыларының әлеуметтік дағдысын қалыптастыру мәселелері. Хабаршы-Вестник-Bulletin №1 (77), 2019
        5. Салгараева Г.И., Г.С.Бейсебекова. Жоғары сынып оқушыларының рухани-адамгершілік құндылықтар негізінде әлеуметтенуі
        6. Салгараева Г.И., Оқушылардың рухани-адамгершілік дамуына «өзін-өзі тану» пәнінің ықпалы. ҚазмемқызПУ «Хабаршы»  №6 (71) Алматы қ, 2017 ж.
        7. Салгараева Г.И., Г.Б.Токтагулова, Г.Ысқақ Информоционная компетентность преподователья высшей школыИмпакт-факторРИНЦ = 0,705Современные наукоемкие технологии №6, 2016  Часть 1, ISSN 1812–7320      УДК 378.046 Издательство и редакция: Издательский Дом «Академия Естествознания»г. Москва, Подписано в печать 27.06.2016
        8. Салгараева Г.И.,, Құдайбергенова Ә.М., Агрессивті мінез-құлықты жасөспірімдерді әлеуметтік педагогикалық қолдау. АПНК Вестник Академии Педагогических Наук Казахстана №5 (қыркүйек-қазан) 2015 жыл.
        • Tasbulatova Nazerke Urazgalievna

          Position: Teacher, master of Pedagogical Sciences

        • Information

        Tasbulatova Nazerke Urazgalievna

        Position: Teacher, master of Pedagogical Sciences



        Tasbulatova Nazerke Urazgalievna is a graduate of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University from 2010 to 2014. In 2014, she was awarded the academic degree of Bachelor of Natural Sciences in the specialty 5B060600-Chemistry. 2016-2018 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai awarded the degree of Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 6M010200-pedagogy and methods of primary education.

        In professional work:

        From 2018 to 2019, she worked as a teacher at the Kaskelen Humanitarian and Technical College. From 2019 to 2023 she worked as a primary school teacher at Altyn Auyl secondary school. 2023-Lecturer at the Department of Humanities of Suleiman Demirel University.


        • Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (2010-2014)
        • Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (2016-2018)


        • Synthesis of new radiation-resistant composite materials based on local clay
        • Development of the methodology of teaching the Kazakh language in primary classes (1990-2016)

        Scientific publications;

        • Materials of the forum of young scientists "living legends of the native land" dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the city of Almaty in 2016. Article: "The current state of teaching the Kazakh language in primary school".
        • Collection of materials of the republican contest 2018 "The best teacher -2018" and "The best young specialist -2018 " article: "my favorite profession"
        • Narbekova Marzhan Ergabylovna

          Position: Teacher, master of Pedagogical Sciences

        • Information

        Narbekova Marzhan Ergabylovna

        Position: Teacher, master of Pedagogical Sciences


        Narbekova Marzhan Ergabylovna is a graduate of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (2011-2015). In 2015, she successfully graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Awarded the academic degree of Bachelor of Education in the specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education". In 2016, she entered the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, and in 2018 she was awarded a master's degree in pedagogical sciences in the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education". 2018-2023 - began her professional career as a elementary school teacher at Gymnasium No. 15.


        • Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (2011-2015)
        • Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (2016-2018)


        • development of creative abilities of junior high school students through the subject of artistic   work.
        • formation of national and universal values among primary schoolchildren.

        Scientific publications;

        • International scientific and practical conference "Issayev readings", organized by the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University in honor of academician, Professor Issayev Seilbek Mukhamedzharovich. Article: "The current state and possibilities of organizing independent work during the lesson".
        • 2019 Republican magazine "Zerde Pedagogy". Article: "Symbols of my pride".
        • The contest "The best article", held in November 2019 with the support of " and methodological center" among the pedagogical worker of the Republic. Article: "The effectiveness of applied group work in elementary school lessons".
        • Tolkynbayeva Aigerim Kenzhekhankyzy

          Position: Teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

        • Information

        Tolkynbayeva Aigerim Kenzhekhankyzy

        Position: Teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences



        In 2011-2015, Tolkynbaeva Aigerim Kenzhekhanvina studied at the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarin, majoring in “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” and received a bachelor’s degree. In 2015-2017, she received a master's degree in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University and received a master's degree in pedagogical sciences. In the period from 2021 to 2024, he studied at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in Geography Teacher at the Department of Ph.D.


        • In the 2016-2017 academic year, he worked as a primary school teacher at school-gymnasium No. 13 in the Auezov district of Almaty.

        • In 2017-2024 Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, candidate of technical sciences, teacher of the department “Theoretical foundations of physical education.” • Since 2024, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher of the department of “Pedagogy and methods of primary education.”


        Formation of research skills of primary school students through STEM, STEAM education.  


        •The importance of inclusive education // KazNUPU named after Abai, Khabarshinsky Bulletin, 2018.

        •Author's program "World of Mathematics" // Author's program "World of Mathematics", Almaty 2021

        •Comparison of inclusive education // Research of young scientists: physical education, sports, tourism (15) 2021.

        •Psychological preparation of athletes // Research of young scientists: physical education, sports, tourism (15) 2021

        •Innovative teaching technologies in higher educational institutions // Pedagogy and psychology 4(49) 2021 Khabarsha journal.

        •Fundamentals of developing students’ research skills when teaching geography // IX INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FORUM “GREEN BRIDGE FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION” // Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 21-22, 2022.

        •Introduction and development of STEM education in Kazakhstan // Materials of the international forum “EDUCATION: INNOVATIVE METHODS, TOOLS AND APPROACHES”, May 13, 2022.

        •The use of STEM education in teaching geography // Collection of the international scientific conference “Scientific potential of modern youth - 2022”. Astana, 2022.

        •Fundamentals of developing students’ research skills // Collection of the international scientific conference “Scientific potential of modern youth - 2022”. Astana, 2022.

        •Application of STEM education in natural sciences // Collection of materials of the international scientific conference “Modern trends in the development of education”. Almaty, 2022.  

        •Development of students' research skills through STEM education in teaching a geographical subject (grade 7): author's program // Tolkynbaeva A.K., Sagimbay O.Zh. Almaty: “Taylan”, 2023. ISBN 978-601-02-1083-7.

        •Development of students' research skills through STEM education in teaching a geographical subject (7th grade): workbook // Tolkynbaeva A.K., Sagymbay O.Zh. Almaty: “Taylan”, 2023. ISBN 978-601-02-1083-7.

        •Problems of introducing STEM education into the subject “Geography” // 3rd international meeting within the framework of the scientific and practical conference “Youth and Science: Present and Future”, April 14, 2023.

        •The importance of economic education in the organization of preschool education // Collection of materials from the international scientific conference “Trends in the development of modern education”. Almaty, 2022.

        •Time management in preschool education // Collection of materials of the international scientific conference “Trends in the development of modern education”. Almaty, 2022.  

        •Stressful psychophysiological state of an athlete before competitions // International scientific conference “Current problems of modern science – 2023”. May 11–12, 2023

        •Stabilization of the psychological state of preschool children through soft skills

        •Formation of functional mathematical literacy in primary school // International scientific conference “Priority directions of scientific research: analysis and management”, April 18-19, 2023.

        •Developing students’ ability to think logically in a mathematics lesson // International scientific conference “Priority areas of scientific research: analysis and management”, April 18-19, 2023.

        • Features of using triz technologies in an introduction to work lesson // International scientific conference “Current issues of modern science - 2023”. May 11-12, 2023


        • Aigerim Maratovna Nurumbetova

          Position: Teacher, master of pedagogical sciences

        • Information

        Aigerim Maratovna Nurumbetova

        Position: Teacher, master of pedagogical sciences


        Nurumbetova Aigerim Maratovna - from 2015 to 2019 studied at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, in 2019 she received a bachelor's degree in the specialty 5B01200 - "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education". 2020-2022 Received a master's degree in pedagogical sciences at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, specializing in 6M010200 - "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education".

        For professional work experience:

        From 2019 to 2024, she worked as a primary school teacher at Altyn Auyl Secondary School.

        • Since 2024, she has been a teacher at the Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


        Organization of group work in primary school mathematics lessons (2015-2019)

        • Group work as a tool for forming the cognitive activity of primary education teachers (2020-2022)

        Scientific publications:

        2022 International scientific journal "Science and Education: New Time" Group work is a tool for forming the cognitive activity of primary education teachers.

        • Khudoyarova Moldir Kiyasovna

          Position: Teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

        • Information

        Khudoyarova Moldir Kiyasovna

        Position: Teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences


        Khudoyarova Moldir Kiyasovna is a graduate of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (2011-2015). In 2015, she successfully graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.

        In 2020, she entered Shymkent University, and in 2022, she was awarded a master's degree in pedagogical sciences in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology". He began his professional career as a primary school teacher at Gymnasium No. 108 of KMM in 2021-2022.


        • Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (2011-2015).
        • Master of Shymkent University (2020-2022).