• Education

    • About the department

      The physics department one of the first departments opened at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. The department with 80 years of history consists of highly qualified, experienced teachers. During these long years of formation and development, the physics department not only provides high-quality education and research activities for the young generation, but also, along with the traditional upbringing characteristic of our people, creates all conditions conducive to the modern, comprehensive and continuous development of our beautiful girls. The students of the department are engaged not only in the academic program of the university, but also take an active part in all non-class events organized by the university in the field of art and sports. Students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the department take part in physical and interdisciplinary research projects, start-up projects, various subject Olympiads, debates, competitions for student and master's theses, attend various foreign language courses, entrepreneurship courses and other courses aimed at developing critical thinking and comprehensive personal development. In the department of A.K. Ershina, G.I. Salgaraeva, A.M. Tatenov, G.T. Tugelbaeva, N.D. Zaurbekova, N.A. Sandibaeva, G.A. Kaptagay, Dalelkhankyzy Anar, scientist-professors work successfully, teaching students science and supervising scientific work.

      Under the guidance of a highly qualified teaching staff, students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the department receive high-quality fundamental education and actively participate in scientific research on topical issues of modern physics and technology.

      The research work of the department is carried out within the framework of the theme “Modern scientific directions in physics”. Under the guidance of Professor A. Tatenov, design work is being carried out within the framework of scientific research on the topics: “Obtaining secondary EMF to increase efficiency, studying the braking effect of the magnetic field of inductive current during rotation of Three-phase electric generators”, “Modeling the parameters of physical processes in ferromagnetic materials” at the department. P.h.D., senior lecturer G.A. Kaptagay is engaged in a research project funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Science on the topic “Development and investigation of new multifunctional vdW structures of 2D transition metal films.”

      The department is in close contact with schoolchildren. Schools № 109, №. 43, as branch schools of the department, organize many events during the learning process. Republican Olympiads “BILIM SHYNY” in physics, mathematics and computer science are held annually among 11th grade students. Olympic winners can enter the university for free.

       The department is equipped with a modern material and technical base. In the laboratories of mechanics, electricity and magnetism, molecular physics and thermodynamics, atomic and nuclear physics, microelectronics, methods of teaching physics, astronomy belonging to the department of physics, students consolidate in practice the theoretical knowledge gained in lectures and practical classes, performing laboratory work. In 2020, the laboratory "Physico-technical research" was opened to conduct scientific research of the teaching staff and on theses of undergraduates and doctoral students of the department. Laboratories "Alternative energy sources" is optimally integrated into the educational process for conducting elective disciplines and research work of the teaching staff of the department. A small model of the Plenatary observatory created at the university is equipped with a moving map of the heavenly world. Also, as part of the digitalization program, laboratories are being held in the Robotics laboratory. The work of the scientific circle "Smart Physics" is carried out in connection with the innovations of the 4th industrial revolution. The purpose of the circle: to awaken students' interest in education and science, to form a worldview, to master scientific and technical innovations, to follow the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, to consider the application of world changes in the development of our country

      The first head of the Department of Physics M.Z. Zhylkybaev has been working since 1945. Also the heads of the department were: F. Polatbekov, S. Mukhtarov, A. Zhanalinova, U. Zhadraev, G. Egizbaeva, A. Akylbekov. The department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A. Zhamalov in 1992-2007, in 2007-2011. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.K. Ershin, from 2011 to 2015 candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor O. Parmanbekov, in 2015-2018 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor E. Tasbolat, in 2018 PhD G. Kaptagay. In 2020, in connection with the transformation of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics into the Higher School of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technologies, the post of head of the Physics Department was transferred to the position of program leader of the Department of Physics. PhD T.R. Myrzakul, who since 2019 headed the department as head of the Physics Department, In 2020-2021, she held the position of program leader of the Department of Physics. Since September 2021, the acting associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences Sandibaeva  N. A. has been heading the program leader of the Department of Physics.

      The Department of Physics prepares specialists for educational programs 6В01504 Physics, 6B01505- Physics-Сomputer Science, 6В05302 Physics, 7М01502 Physics, 7М05301 Physics, 8D01501 Physics, 8D05302 Physics. 567 students, 54 master's students, 6 doctoral students, a total of 627 students study in the department under the mentioned educational programs

      Educational programs

        • Sandibaeva Nazira

          Position: Leader of educational program, аcting аssociate professor, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Sandibaeva Nazira

        Position: Leader of educational program, аcting аssociate professor, candidate of sciences



        • Graduated from the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University in 1996, Ph. D., Acting Associate Professor


        Since 2003, he has been a teacher, senior lecturer, acting Associate Professor of the Department of Physics. Work experience at the Women's University is 18 years. Teaching experience of 25 years. From September 2016 to November 2017, he was the Secretary of the Supervisory Board of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. From March 2013 to November 2017. Responsible editor of the scientific journal "Vestnik", from August 2012 to November 2017, until November, he was the chief scientific secretary of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. 2011-2012. Head of the Department of Science and International Relations of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 2010-2011. she held the position of head of the Department of Science and International Relations, In 2006-2007 she worked as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics for educational work. 1997-2003 teacher of physics at the Koszhan Musrepov Secondary School.

        Since 2003, she has been working at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. In 2010, she successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Formation of creative activity of students through an educational experiment at school" and received the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Since 2015, he has been acting associate professor of the university, since September 2021 he has been the leader of the program.

        Sandibaeva N. A. is a member of the expert commissions of the MES on tests, was the chief scientific secretary of the Academic Council of Kazgoszhenpu from November 2011 to November 2018, secretary of the Supervisory Board of Kazgoszhenpu from November 2016 to November 2018, a member of the Rector's Office of Kazgoszhenpu from November 2011 to November 2018, a member of the UMS of Kazgoszhenpu, chairman of the UMS of the faculty, a member of the Rukhani Zhangyru Program Implementation Group of the university, a member of the Academic Council of the faculty.

        2012-2018-editor of the scientific journal «Vestnik» of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, in 2014-editor and organizer of the Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference «Quality education, advanced science, green economy-the future of the planet», in 2017-editor and organizer of the Collection of materials of the republican scientific and practical conference «Methodological problems of teaching natural science disciplines and modern pedagogical innovative technologies», dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Ph. D., Professor N. I. Ilyasov.

        Sandibaeva N. A.:

        • Winner of the T. Myrzabekova Scholarship;
        • The best university teacher 2018;
        • Winner of the Bolashak Grant 2021.


        • Physics in secondary and higher, postgraduate education;
        • Problems of trilingual teaching of physics;
        • Ways to increase the creative abilities of students


        The contractor of the scientific project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic «Study of the influence of nitrogen on the catalytic activity of cobalt oxide from the first principles» (№0118RK00514, 2018-2020). He was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan».


        1. G.Kaptagay, N.Sandibaeva, Yu.A. Mastrikov, N.Koilyk, A.Dutbaeva Quantum-cemical simulation of water adsorption on N-doped Co3O4  20th International conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators. Nur-Sultan, р.155.19-23.08.2019
        2. G.A.Kaptagay, Yu.A.Mastrikov, E.A.Kotomin A.U.Abuova, N.A.Sandibayeva, L.S.Baikadamova Theoretical investigations of  the nitrogen doping of Co3O4 for electrode materialsJournal of Physics: Conference Series, 1115(3),032032, ISSN:1742-6588E-ISSN:1742-6596, Scopus
        3. G.A.Kaptagay, Y.Mastricov, A.Kopenbaeva, N.Sandivaeva First principles investigation on catalytic properties of bulk Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House  374s.16-18 September 2018
        4. A.M.Tatenov, G.Tugelbayeva, N.Sandivaeva, U.Baitukayeva, G.Bibosynova. Interactive virtualization in the program Delphy environment of algorithms and phenomena of the section of physics of «Electricity», for highly effective tutoring. Қазақстан Республикасының ұлттық ғылым академиясының хабарлары. №3(325)., 2019, 176-187 pp. ISSN 2518-1726
        5. A.M.Tatenov, L.S.Baykadamova, N.Sandivaeva, V.V.Savelyeva, D.Baitukayeva Interactive virtualization in the environment of flash-cc, java script of algorithms the phenomenon of thermophysics and molecular physics, as achievement of highly effective training News of the academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. №2(324)., 2019 – 53-59pp. ISSN 2518-1726
        6. Environmental Education and education of young people Science and life of Kazakhstan. Musina A. S., N.Sandivaeva, Baitasheva G.U., Amantay G.E. 2019. No. 8/2. B111-116. ISBN 2073-333X
        7. History of Physical Science: yesterday, today. N.Sandivaeva, V.V.Pak Bulletin Of KazUKPU №4  2019.
        8. Development of a laboratory experiment to determine the speed of sound in solids for junior students. N.Sandivaeva, V.V.Pak KazUKPU Khabarshysy №4  2019.
        9. Use of innovative teaching methods in natural science disciplines. Mussina A.S., N.Sandivaeva, Makhanbetova S.E. Bulletin of the Issyk-Kul University, №48
        10. Methods of teaching natural science subjects in English. Mussina A.S., N.Sandivaeva, Makhanbetova S.E. Bulletin of the Issyk-Kul University, №48


        • Test tasks on general parts of physics G.A.Kaptagay, Sandіbayeva N., G.Tugelbayeva, The main problems of teaching physics school Kurmanbekkyzy N., Sandіbayeva N. 400  / 270 p. Methods of teaching physics (in English) Alimbekova G.B., Sandibayeva N.A., Mahanbetova S.E.


        • Sandіbaeva N. Fundamentals of creative acтivity of School children,  
        • Mussina A.S., Yeleussizova M.Kh., Baitasheva G.U., Sandibayeva N.A., Imanova E.M. On ecology of the new millennium and environmental education of the younger generation JIPTO (Editions), 98 p., September 2019, ISBN 978-2-35175-065-0 EAN 9782351750650


        • In 2019, she completed an internship at the University of Hoxha Teppe, Ankara, Turkey and at Tomsk State University, which entered the TOP-500 and took 268th place in the ranking according to the results of World University Rankings, located in Tomsk, Russia


        At the Institute «Smart Materials and Technologies» of Tomsk State University in Tomsk (Russia) , which according to the results of World University Rankings entered the TOP-500 and ranks 268th in the rating, held a 72-hour course of lectures for undergraduates from November 3 to 20, 2019 «Industry 4.0. in teaching the discipline of physics and in the content of updated education».


        1. G.Kaptagay, Yu.A.Mastrikov, N.Koilyk, A.Dutbaeva Quantum-cemical simulation of water adsorption on N-doped Co3O4. 20th International conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators. Nur-Sultan, р.155.19-23.08.2019;
        2.  Ways of teaching university students on the updated content of education in physics. Materials of the VI International Symposium «Studies of the Turkic world» June 11-13, 2019 Almaty. 516-520 p.;
        3. Methods and approaches in the teaching of natural sciences. Mussina A.S. Bulletin d'eurotalent-FIDJIP Publishing house CONCORD International Academy (Editions du JIPTO) (Romilu sur Seine) №3, 2019, Р.30-35.  ISSN:2101-5317;
        4. Innovative methods and technologies of teaching physics "Man in the modern world: Identity and intercultural communication" Materials of the international scientific conference / July 8-11, 2019 Materials of the international scientific conference. Comp. ed. N. B. Mikhailova, I. E. Sokolovskaya. Dusseldorf, Germany: Drukhaus Duisburg; Encyclopedist-Maximum, 2019. - 600 p.;
        5. G.Kaptagay, N.Koilyk, A.Utebaeva Energy efficiency of the nitrogen-doped Сo3O4 (100) surface for water dissociation. 11th International conference «Chaos and structures in nonlinear systems. Theory and experiment», E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, 22-23 november, 2019 – pp. 253-273;
        6. The main directions of the transition of teaching natural science disciplines to the updated content of education. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference «XI Orazbaevskie readings» / Ed. by A.T.Tuleubaev. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2019. - 518 с. ISBN 978-601-04-3969-6;
        7. «The formation of general educational skills and abilities in physics lessons». Republican Scientific and methodological Conference Karaganda State Industrial University ISBN 978-601-7917-57-9 UDC 378 (063), BBK 74.58 203-209 p.
        8. The rebellious girls of the Great Steppe. Makhanbetova S. E., Sandibayeva N. A. Materials of the international scientific and practical online conference «The Great Steppe-the common land of the Turkic peoples» (Almaty, December 12, 2019) ISBN 978-601-346-001-7.
        • Tatenov Adambek

          Position: Professor, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Tatenov Adambek

        Position: Professor, candidate of sciences


        • 1967-1972 – the student of KAZGU of S.M. Kirov
        • 1972-1974 – service in the ranks of the Soviet Army – the officer, the commander of a fire platoon, the commander of a radar platoon battery of a regiment of an antiaircraft artillery
        • 1974-1991 – the laboratory assistant, the engineer, the senior engineer, the junior researcher, the assistant, the satellite navigation system, the associate professor, professor of department of physical hydrodynamics of physical faculty of KAZGU of a name S.M. Kirov
        • 1991-1995 – The director of Republican physical and mathematical school boarding school for exceptional children of O.A. Zhautykov
        • 1995-1998 – the first deputy director of the Republican Center of New Technologies in education for informational technologies of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
        • 1998-2005 – The director of the Almaty city Center of New Technologies in formation of the Device of Akim of Almaty
        • 2005-2010 – Director of Information and education technologies LLP (InfoTech)
        • 2010-2011 – Director of the Kazakhstan-Korean IT center of KAZNTU of K.I. Satpayev
        • Since 2010 deputy director of Department of Informational Technology KAZNTU of K.I. Satpayev
        • Since March, 2012 head of the department of Computer facilities and software of the Almaty Humanitarian and Technical university
        • 2013-2014 - the director of Department Innovation and to public relations of JSC National training center "Orleu" of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK.
        • Since 2014 - 2017 the head of the department "Informational technology and naturally scientific disciplines" the Euroasian Technological University.
        • From 2017 g professor of department « Vocational education and general education disciplines» to the common course of physics, by it was published the book on physics for technical specialties in Russian, are prepared for printing in the Kazakh and English languages.
        • From 2015 g the Director of InfoTech LLP it is simultaneous.
        • Since September, 2018  professor of department of physics of the Kazakh state teacher training university.


        • The highest, KazNU of Al-Farabi, physical faculty, ended in 1972, the decision of State Examination Board of 27.06.1972 qualification was appropriated – the Physicist . Teacher of physic. (Diplom No. 256570).
        • The highest certifying commission at Council of ministers of the USSR, is awarded by the decision of dissertation council at the Kazakh State university of S.M. Kirov of May 13th, 1986 (protocol No. 26) an academic degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, (the Diploma of CD No. 005803), a thesis: "Hydrodynamics and heat exchange of cylindrical bodies at flow with a two-phase dispersible stream".
        • The decision of the State committee of the USSR on national education of December 28, 1989 (protocol No. 1487/d) gave an academic status of the associate professor in a physical hydrodynamics, DTs No. 018348.
        • The decision of the Academic council of the University of D.A. Kunayev of February 28, 2005 (protocol No. 06) gave the rank of honorary professor, No. 071 software.
        • The international Academy of Informatization - it is elected the academician of the International Academy Informatizatsii-24 of February, 1997 of g, No. 20-8730.


        • Since November 2018- Member of the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Science "Phizics and Applications"-Published in New York, USA.


        • Development of the system of management and monitoring of educational process at high school on the basis of new informational technologies
        • Computer virtual laboratory works
        • Creating the production of a Magnetic Induction Generator without an external mover with a built-in transformer


        • Universal grain processing machine "ZPM-01" on the useful model
        • Virtual-interactive research methods for enhanced oil recovery and gas turbine design to increase energy output based on information technology
        • Creating the production of a Magnetic Induction Generator without an external mover with a built-in transformer, obtaining cost-effective energy using Know-How technology
        • Creation of flour and bread production with natural content of microelements iodine, iron, etc. based on a universal grain processing machine, according to patent No. 790 of 17.02.2012.


        • Released in Russian. - Татенов А.М., Савельева В.В. «Учебное пособие по физике для технических специальностей», Almaty, 2017, Medet Group editions.
        • Released in Kazakh. - Тәтенов А.М. «Жалпы физика», Almaty, 2020, Medet Group editions.
        • Out of print textbook. - Tatenov A.M.,Savelyeva V.V.,Toktaugalieva S.T. «General Physics Course», Almaty, 2021, Medet Group editions.
        • Tatenov A.M., Baytukayev U.B., Development of technology of nonconventional types of flour from cereals with a natural contains an iodine structure, News of National Academy of Sciences, Almaty, 6,2015.
        • Tatenov A.M., Bautykaev U.B., Devolopment of  technology of nonconventional types of flour from cereals with natural iodine –containing structure., International journal of Applied engineering research (10.10.2015 ).Scopus.
        • Report on the initiative subject "Production Creation " the Magnetic and Inductive Generator with the Three-phase Transformer, Obtaining Economic Energy on Technology "Know-how" " according to the Preliminary Patent No. (19)KZ(13)A(11) 18663".2017
        • Tatenov A.M., Savelyeva V.V., the Manual on physics for technical specialties, Almaty, prod. "Medet group", 2017.
        • Tatenov A.M., Amirkhanova A.Sh., Savelyeva V.V. Virtually – interactive visualization of mechanisms of atomic structures, electronic configurations, energy levels in a 3D format for creation of virtual and interactive laboratories with mechanisms of chemical reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry, the MESSENGER NAN RK 2016 (117-121 erased) 5.Adambek Tatenov, Akerke  Amirkhanova, Victoria  Savelyeva
        • Virtual-interactive visualization of atomic structures, electron configurations, energy levels in 3D format for the construction of virtual-interactive laboratories with the mechanisms of chemical reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry.- International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 5 (2016) pp 3319-3321 © Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com 3319.- (Scopus).
        • Tatenov A.M. Informational technologies in model operation of processes in oil layers and power stations//Works of the International conference "High Technologies — Guarantee of Sustainable Development".-Almaty: KazNTU, 2011. - Page 312-315.
        • Tatenov A.M., Askarova Sh.M.   Virtual and Interactive Information Technology in Modeling Researches of Processes of Applied Problems of a Science.   World Applied Sciences Journal,-30.(Management, Economics,Technology), 2014.pp.-144-148. ISSN.1818-4952.Scopus/
        • A.M.Tatenov, A.S.Zhunisbekova.  Interactive virtualization in the environment of  Flash-CC, Java script of algorithms of mathematical communications the phenomenon of geometrical optics. Sci.J. NEWS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBJIC OF KAZAKHSTAN,Physico-mathematical series, Volume 2, Number 318, 2018 y, p.-61-65.- (Сlarivaties sciens-Thomson Reuters)
        • A.M.Tatenov, A.S.Zhunisbekova.  Interactive virtualization in the environment of  Flash-CC, Java script of algorithms of mathematical communications the phenomenon of wave optics. Sci.J. REPORTS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBJIC OF KAZAKHSTAN,Physico-mathematical series, Volume 2, Number 318, 2018 y, p.-47-53. -( Сlarivaties sciens-Thomson Reuters)
        • A.M.Tatenov, Sh.M.Askarova Theoretical Foundations of Object –Oriented Education Sistems in Preparing Future Specialists, Thomsons Journal-AENSI- (American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information ). Advances in Environmental Biology. 2014. №8(13),pp. 105-108
        • A.M. Tatenov - the Universal grain processing ZPM-01 car the Patent for the useful model No. 790, 17.02.2012.
        • Татенов А.М., Байтукаев У.Б., Разработка технологии нетрадиционных видов муки из злаков с естественно-йодосодержащим составом, Известия Национальной Академии Наук, Алматы, 6,2017.
        • Tatenov A.M., Bautykaev U.B., Devolopment of  technology of nonconventional types of flour from cereals with natural iodine –containing structure., International journal of Applied engineering research (10.10.2016 ).Scopus.
        • Татенов А.М.,Амирханова А.Ш.,Савельева В.В. Виртуально –интерактивная визуализация механизмов атомных структур,электронных конфигурации,энергетических уровней в 3Д формате для построения виртуально-интерактивных лабораторий с механизмами химических реакций по неорганической и органической химиии, ВЕСТНИК НАН РК 2016 (117-121)
        • Adambek Tatenov, Akerke  Amirkhanova, Victoria  Savelyeva, - Virtual-interactive visualization of atomic structures, electron configurations, energy levels in 3D format for the construction of virtual-interactive laboratories with the mechanisms of chemical reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry.- International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 5 (2016) pp 3319-3321 © Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com 3319.- (Scopus).
        • Татенов А.М. Информационные технологии в моделировании процессов в нефтяных пластах и энергетических установках // Труды Международной конференции «Высокие технологии - залог устойчивого развития».- Алматы: КазНТУ,2017.- С.312-315.
        • Tatenov A.M., Askarova Sh.M.   Virtual and Interactive Information Technology in Modeling Researches of Processes of Applied Problems of a Science.   World Applied Sciences Journal,-30.(Management, Economics,Technology), 2016.pp.-144-148. ISSN.1818-4952.Scopus/
        • A.M.Tatenov, A.S.Zhunisbekova.  Interactive virtualization in the environment of  Flash-CC, Java script of algorithms of mathematical communications the phenomenon of geometrical optics. Sci.J. NEWS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBJIC OF KAZAKHSTAN,Physico-mathematical series, Volume 2, Number 318, 2018 y, p.-61-65.- (Сlarivaties sciens-Thomson Reuters)
        • A.M.Tatenov, A.S.Zhunisbekova.  Interactive virtualization in the environment of  Flash-CC, Java script of algorithms of mathematical communications the phenomenon of wave optics. Sci.J. REPORTS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBJIC OF KAZAKHSTAN,Physico-mathematical series, Volume 2, Number 318, 2018 y, p.-47-53. -( Сlarivaties sciens-Thomson Reuters)
        • A.M.Tatenov, Sh.M.Askarova Theoretical Foundations of Object –Oriented Education Sistems in Preparing Future Specialists, Thomsons Journal-AENSI- (American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information ). Advances in Environmental Biology. 2016. №8(13),pp. 105-108
        • А.М.Татенов - Универсальная зерноперерабатывающая машина «ЗПМ-01» Патент на полезную модель №790, 17.02.2017г.
        • А.М.Татенов, С.Т.Толеуханов-Исследование механизма распознавания раковых клеток Т-лимфоцитами имунной системы. Физика и химия данного механизма. Известия НАН РК,серия –биологическая и медицинская, №6,2017г, стр.65-68,ISSN-2224-5308.
        • И.Блохин, М. Касымбаев, А. Татенов, Г. Цесарский- Исследование воздействия электромагнитных резонансов Шумана на ритмы мозга в процессе сна. Вестник НАН РК, №3, 2017г, стр. 39-42, ISSN-1991-3494.
        • И.Блохин, М. Касымбаев, А. Татенов, Г. Цесарский- Роль оптических процессов в живой клетке.  Вестник НАН РК, №3, 2017г, стр. 77-80, ISSN-1991-3494.
        • А.М.Татенов, У.Б.Байтукаев-Создание виртуально-интерактивной модели нефтепласта с разнопроницаемыми каналами фильтрации нефти. Вестник НАН РК, №2, 2016г, стр.122-125. ISSN-1991-3494.
        • Adambek M. Tatenov and Sultan T. Tuleuhanov,-Research of the Mechanism of Recognition of Cancer Cells by T-limphocyties of Immune System. Physics and Chemistry of this Mechanism.-R Research Journal of Medical Sciences-9(4). p. 237-239, 2017. ISSN:1815-9346.  SCOPUS
        • Известия Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан. Серия физика-математика. A.M. Tatenov, B.S.Bugubaev, V.V.Shilipko, M.N.Akynov, L.S.Baikadamova. /EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES OF JUMP-SHAPED CHANGES OF CURRENT AND VOLTAGE IN TRANSIENT SWITCHING CIRCUITS OF AC GENERATION  - №2(330). 2020г. https://doi./10.32014/2020.2518-1726.18
        • А.М.Татенов1, Т.Р. Мырзақұл1, Т.Г. Гончарова2, Б.С. Бугубаев1, Н.Н. Шиныкулова1, - ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ МОЛЕКУЛЯРНЫХ СИГНАЛОВ И ПОВЕДЕНИЯ ИММУННОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ПРИ РАЗВИТИИ МЕТАСТАЗИРОВАНИЯ РАКОВЫХ КЛЕТОК: ОБЗОР ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ. Научно-практический журнал Казахского НИИ онкологии и радиологии ОНКОЛОГИЯ И РАДИОЛОГИЯ КАЗАХСТАНА, ISSN 1684-93, - №3 (57). 2020г. Стр.: 48-53.


        • I was awarded with the breastplate - the EXCELLENT STUDENT of FORMATION of the REPUBLIC Kazakhstan-for special merits in RK field of education. certificate No. 146 of October 10, 1997.
        • "Mendel's Law" - 12-laboratory works in the Republican scientific and practical exhibition "New Informational Technologies in Education" - 13-November 2003 is awarded with the Certificate of honor of the Minister of Education and Science for development of virtual and interactive laboratory in biology.
        • I was awarded with the Diploma of the International Congress conference "Informational Technologies in Education" for the virtual laboratory works on the physics and biology organized by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Institute of UNESCO on informational technologies in education, Institute of problems of informatics of the Russian Academy of sciences Moscow, on November 16-20, 2003.
        • I was awarded with the International Certificate of conferences exhibitions in the Southern Korea - Seoul "IT TechnoMart 2004" on June-24-28, 2004, for computer trainings - the virtual laboratory works.
        • Author of a number of scientific and practical projects. It is awarded with diplomas of the International scientific and practical conferences exhibitions in Moscow, Seoul, Astana, Helsinki.
        • I was awarded with the Gold medal on science of Switzerland, - Geneva May, 2014 , the Gold medal Institute of Directors of the Queen of England, - London May, 2015 g, the Gold medal-La MEDAILLE D,OR SEIN-of France, for achievements in the field of technical science, Paris November of 2015.
        • By the solution of National business rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of March 14, 2014, it is awarded the order "Қазақстан даңқы" for outstanding merits before the Fatherland in the field of strengthening of the international authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the certificate No. 01062.
        • Tugelbaeva Gulnaziya

          Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Tugelbaeva Gulnaziya

        Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences



        • Tugelbaeva G. T., Physicist, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, 1972. In 1972, she graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical Institute, majoring in physics, a future Lenin scholarship holder, with a diploma of distinction.
        •  From 1972 to 1973, she worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Theoretical Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics at Kazgoszhenpi.
        • 1973-1978 Intern-researcher, post-graduate student of IOKE AS Kaz SSR.
        •  In 1979, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences in the specialty 03.02.12-Physical Chemistry.
        • 1978-2006 Senior laboratory assistant, teacher, senior lecturer, associate Professor of the Department of Physics of Kazgoszhenpi.
        • 2006-2014 Head of the Office Registration Department of Kazgoszhenpu.
        •  From September 2014 to the present, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics of Kazgoszhenpu.
        • She has more than 150 scientific works, including: 2-author's certificates; 2-textbooks, 4-a textbook, as well as scientific articles published in foreign scientific publications and


        Methods of teaching physics;

        Fundamentals of ecologization in the process of professional training of future specialists in higher education.

        Training manual:

        1. G.T.Tugelbaeva, E.O.Kutkeldiyeva «Labjratory workshop on astronomy», Оқу құралы, Алматы: КазМемҚызПУ, 2019. –123б., ISBN 978-601-224-823-4
        2. Түгелбаева Г.Т. «Физика тарихына кіріспе», Оқу құралы, Алматы: КазМемҚызПУ, 2017. – 275б., ISBN 978-601-224-823-4
        3. Tugelbaeva G.T., Kaptagay G.A., Sandibayeva N. Test tasks on general parts of physics. Almaty, 2017,  p.1114
        4. Түгелбаева Г.Т. «Астрономия» // оқулық, Алматы: КазМемҚызПУ, 2015. С.-375, ISBN 978-601-224-673-3
        5. Түгелбаева Г.Т. «Астрономия пәніне арналған зертханалық практикум» // оқу құралы. Алматы:  ҚазМемҚызПУ, 2015. – 205б. ISBN 978-601-224-260-7


        • 1. A.M.Tatenov, U.Baitukayeva, N.A.Sandibayeva, G.Tugelbayeva, G.Bibosynova, Interactive virtualization in the program Delphy environment of algorithms and phenomena of the section of physics of "Electricity", for highly effective tutoring, Қазақстан Республикасының ұлттық ғылым академиясының хабарлары. №3(325)., 2019, 178-189 с.
        • 2. K.Tugelbayeva, M.Kunelbayev, L.Baikadamova, A.Aidarbekova, L.Saginbekova, N.Kabdylgazynova, N.Zaurbekova Hydrogenation of unsaturated compounds to irradiation-quantum Pd/-Al2O3 and Pt/-Al2O3. International Journal Chemical Science, Volume 15 issue 2, 2017 – 135-142рр.


        • 1. Tugelbayeva G. T., Kaptagai G., Dutbaeva A. quantum-chemical modeling as a method of scientific knowledge of physical and chemical processes№1 (81), 2020, 38-46C., Kaznatzhenpu Bulletin
        • 2. Tugelbaeva G.T, Duisenbaeva D.S. The theoretical prediction the state of atmospheric pollution with laws of statistical physics, science and life of Kazakhstan, No. 12/2 , 2020, 288 C , ISSN 2073-333X.
        • 3. G.T.Tugelbaeva, M.T. Akhmetzhanova, analysis of some factors affecting atmospheric pollution, science and life of Kazakhstan, No. 11(143) 2020, 223 H
        • 4.Tugelbaeva G. T., Rsalieva A. A. formation of the first astronomical concepts in the Great Steppe, KAZNPU, bulletin, series "physical and Mathematical Sciences", No. 1(65) Almaty, 2019, P. 169-175.
        • 5.G. Kaptagai, B. Kerimbek, G. T. Tugelbaeva, N. Sandibaeva, A. Kopenbayeva quantum-chemical modeling of the process of splitting water into cobalt oxide. Science and life of Kazakhstan, International Scientific and popular magazine, No. 6 (68) 2018, 315-320 c, ISSN 2073-333 X,G. T. Tugelbayeva.


        • 1. Tugelbaeva G. T., Baykadamova L. S., Dyusenbayeva D. S. Physical foundations of environmental pollution," science: theory and practice – 2021", collection of materials of the International Scientific Conference, January 28-29, 2021, 398 P.
        • 1. G.Tygelbaeva, G.Kaptagay, N.Sandibaeva, Appliscation of the gibbs randomness law for predicting the state of atmospheric pollution. XI international scientific and technical conference ‘Energy infocommunication technologies and higher education’ dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the foundation of Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev. C. Almaty.  16-18.10.2020
        • 2.Tugelbaeva G. T., Kozhayeva S. K. Some pedagogical aspects of teaching natural and scientific disciplines in bilingual education, II World Congress in real and virtual mode, West-East: culture transfer, Volume II, pp. 573-579, Japan, Kyoto, Kyoto University, 2-6 October 2019, ISBN 978-4-905726-36-4
        • 3. Tugelbaeva G. T., Kozhaeva S. K. theoretical foundations of Environmental Education and upbringing: / / MATERIALS of the III International Scientific-Practical Conference "Integration of the scientific community to the global challenges of our time" February 26-28, 2018 (Kyoto, Japan) Volume III Kyoto, 2018, ISBN 978-601-267-055-4
        • 4.Tugelbayeva G. T., Khanzharova B. S., Baykadamova L. S. theoretical nature of the study of the celestial world in national literature, materials of the V International Symposium on the study of the Turkic World Volume III, pp. 530, October 11-13, 2018, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-964-4
        • 5. A. Zhamalov, M. M.Kunelbayev, S. Issaev and Tugelbayeva Gulnazia Tugelbayevna, Dynamics of the Water in the Loop Micro-Hydropower Plants International Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Substantial Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy (SEERE-15), Abu Dhabi, 13-14 January 2016 – P.49-54. ISBN 978-93-84468-15-6
        • 6. Hour A., Tugelbaeva G. T. environmental impact of solar activity, student and science: looking into the future Collection of materials of the XXI annual Republican student scientific conference, Part III, 236 p , 2021
        • 7. Amangeldieva R., Tugelbaeva G. T. electromagnetic pollution of the environment and ways of protection, student and science: looking into the future  Collection of materials of the XXI annual Republican student scientific conference, Part III, CH. III-205 P., 2021. Almaty ISBN 978-601-7966-82-9 (H. III)
        • 8. Uzakbay M., Tugelbaeva G. T. application of web animation technologies to the study of astronomical phenomena, student and science: looking into the future  Collection of materials of the XXI annual Republican student scientific conference, Part III, 427 P, 2021
      • Yershina Ainakul

        Position: Professor


        1967-1971 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, student of the specialty "Physics".

        1971-1973 Research Assistant at the Kazakh State University. CM. Kirov (now Al-Farabi Kazakh National University).

        1973-1986 Laboratory assistant, senior laboratory assistant, graduate student, junior researcher at KazSU named after CM. Kirov.

        1987 defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "Investigation of the effect of sound on the aerodynamics of a turbulent gas torch" in the specialty 01.04.14 - "Thermal physics and molecular physics".

        1987-2002 Senior lecturer, associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics, KazGosZhenPI.

        In 2001 she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Some tasks of aerohydrodynamics of monitoring the ecology of Kazakhstan" in the specialty: 01.02.05 - "Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma".

        Since 2002 Professor of the Department of Physics.

        2007-2011 Head of the Department of Physics.

        Professor A.K. Yershina has been researching wind power plants that convert wind energy into electricity since 1995. At the first stage, the aerodynamic characteristics of wind turbines were theoretically determined: lift and drag force of the blade, torque, angular velocity, turbine power, wind energy utilization rate, etc. As a result, several models of an improved new design of the Darrieus wind turbine were presented.

        The research results were included in the doctoral dissertation and the monograph "Fundamentals of the Darrieus Wind Turbine Theory" published in 2001 based on the results of a competitive selection of scientific papers for grant funds from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

        Professor Ershina A.K. is the author of over 120 scientific works, including 1 monograph, 1 textbook (with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan), 12 study guides, 2 guidelines, 4 patents for inventions. Articles in journals included in Scopus databases - 6.

        For the best scientific research in the field of natural science, she was awarded the first prize named after K.I. Satpayev, 2004.

        The Committee for the Use of Renewable Energy Sources of the Russian Federation awarded Ainakul Kapasovna Yershina with Certificates of Honor for her great contribution to scientific research on wind energy, training of specialists and in connection with the anniversary. 2012, 2020, Moscow, Russian Federation.


        • Physicist, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, 1971.
        • 2011-2012 Winner of the Bolashak International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She took a one-year scientific internship at the Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Russian Federation.  
        • Multidisciplinary internship under the program: "International organizations and scientific cooperation" in the amount of 72 hours, Concorde International Academy (30.04.2014-10.05.2014, Paris, France).


        • 1. Member of the National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
        • 2. Member of the Russian Committee on the use of renewable energy sources.
        • 3. Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
        • 4. Member of the editorial board of the «International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research» of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
        • 5. Corresponding member of the Concorde International Academy (Paris, France)
        • 6. Expert of textbooks and educational-methodical complexes in physics of the 11th grade.
        • 7. Member of the jury of the competition "Almaty daryny".


        Specialist in the field of: thermal physics, continuum mechanics and hydroaeromechanics.

        Scientific interests of Professor A.K. Yershina are mainly associated with the environmental problems of the world and Kazakhstan, the main scientific research and achievements should include:

        –Work on the control of the aerodynamics of combustion of a diffusion turbulent gas torch with a sound effect on the combustion process in order to optimize and ecological safety;

        –Works on systematization of modern traditional and alternative energy of the world and Kazakhstan;

        –Building the foundations of the Darrieus wind turbine theory, as one of the most promising wind turbines;

        –Development and production of several laboratory models and semi-industrial versions of new versions of wind turbines of the carousel type (Bidarrieus-1, HBI-rotor, Bidarrieus-2) with high utilization rates of wind energy;

        –And also the development of a method for thermal protection of an operating wind turbine, through the use of natural convection of warm air in the hollow elements of the wind turbine due to the action of centrifugal forces;

        –patents for several new promising versions of wind turbines, which are confirmation of the theoretical results of the study.


        • Responsible executor of the project GF MES RK "Development, testing of a semi-industrial model of a wind power plant, carousel type with an anti-icing system and the creation of draft organization standards", 2015-2017.
        • Responsible executor of the project GF MES RK "Development of design documentation and production of a combined wind turbine (WPP) carousel type of industrial design with high technical and economic indicators", 2012-2014.


        • 1. The holder of the International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", 2011-2012.
        • 2. Winner of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best teacher of the university of the RK": 2007, 2013.


        • Ершина Айнагүл Қапасовна, Нұрлыбекова Айдын Әлсейтқызы. Альтернативті энергия көздерін пайдалану – еліміздің тұрақты дамуының кепілі. //«Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі»,  №12/2 (148) 2020. Алматы. 451-456 б.
        • Ершина А.К., Қарымбай А.Н. Айналу өсі вертикаль орналасқан қос роторлы НBI-ротор жел энергетикалық агрегаты. //Қазақ ұлттық қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы (ҚазҰлтҚызПУ хабаршысы) № 4 (80) Алматы, 2019. – 72-79 б.
        • Yershinа А.К.  Ydyrysova A.A. Determining the aerodynamic characteristics of sailing wind turbine. // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 2018, vol. 15, No.2(30) – p. 104-109.
        • Ершина А.К., Сарсембаева А.К. Энергетикалық жəне экологиялық тұрғыдан тиімділігі жоғары ғимараттардың құрылыс материалдарының жылу энергетикалық сипаттамаларын талдау. // Қазақстан - Британ техникалық университетінің хабаршысы. ISSN 1998-6688. Aлматы 2017, том. 14, Issue 1, No.1 (40) – 112-118 б.
        • Ершина А.К., Байсапарова А.К. Использование энергии ветра с целью снижения парникового эффекта. Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті  ХАБАРШЫ “Физика-математика ғылымдары” сериясы № 4 (60) Алматы, 2017.- 126-131б.
        • Yershin Sh.,  Yershina A.K., Ydyryssova A.А. Vertical–axial two–rotor wind power units Вidarrieus-1. // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 2017, vol. 14, No. 2(28) – Р. 108-112.


        • Yershinа А.К., Sakipova  S.E. A method for increasing the efficiency of a wind turbine. // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 2020, vol. 17, No.2 (34) – рр. 73-77. DOI 10.31489/2020No2/73-77 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55849381800
        • Yershinа А.К., Sakipova  S.E.,  Manatbayev R.K. Some design features of the carousel type wind turbine Bidarrieus. // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 2019, vol. 16, No.2 (32) – рр. 63-67. DOI 10.31489/2019No2/63-67 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55849381800
        •  Yershinа А.К., Yershin Sh.A. About high efficiency of two-rotor wind power unit Вidarrieus-2.// Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 2019, vol. 16, No.1 (31) – рр. 82-87. DOI 10.31489/2019No1/82-87. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55849381800
        • A.Yershina, R.Manatbayev, A.Tulepbergenov, A.A.Kuikabayeva, A.E.Tursynbayeva, E.Zulbukharova. Application of Reynolds analogy during study of heat exchange of symmetric airfoil NASA-0021 // Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 12(22) 2017 – рр. 5968-5972.


        • 2008, September 16-20. International scientific-practical conference "Modern energy-saving thermal technologies" - SETT - 2008. Moscow-Tambov, Russia. 2008.
        • 2009, 26 April - 1 May. International symposium on Convective heat and mass transfer in sustainable energy CONV-09. Hammamet, Tunisia.
        • 2009, 27-29 May. 20th International Conference OIL – GAZ AGH 2009 «New Methods and Technologies in Petroleum Geology, Drilling, Geoengineering, Reservoir Engineering and Gas Engineering» Cracow, Poland.
        • 2009, 2013, 2014. VI, Х, ХI International conference “Renewable and Small Energy. Moscow, Russia.
        • 2010, from May 16th to 19th. ASME – ATI – UIT 2010. Conference on Thermal and Environmental lssues in Energy Systems. Sorrento, Italу.
        • 2010, 2012, 2014. All-Russian Scientific Youth School with International Participation "Renewable Energy Sources", Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov. Moscow, Russia.
        • 2011, 2012, 2014. «International scientific conference  Education, science and economics at universities. Integration to international educational Area». Yerevan, Armenia.
        • 2011. XIX International Scientific and Methodological Conference "High Intelligent Technologies and Innovations in National Research Universities". SPbSTU, St. Petersburg.
        • 2012. XIV Minsk International Forum on Heat and Mass Transfer. Minsk, Belarus, 2012.
        • 2014. 24, 25 th of May. International scientific and practical Conference «Creen economy is the future of humanity» Ust-Kamenogorsk.
        • 2014. International Forum "RENEWABLE ENERGY: Ways to Increase Energy and Economic Efficiency". REENFOR –2014. Moscow, Russia.
        • 2014, 18-20 November. International scientific conference. Education and science without borders. Мunich, Germany.
        • 2014, 2015, 2020. І, II, VІІ International Research Symposium on the Turkish World. Nigde, Turkey.
        • 2015, 2019. International Scientific Conference “Chaos and Structures in Nonlinear Systems. Theory and experiment”, KarSU named after E.A. Buketov. Kazakhstan, Karaganda.
        • 2016. 15th "International Scientific Conference" RE & IT - 2016, SMOLYAN – BULGARIA.
        • 2017, April 12-13. "International Conference on Renewable and sustainable energy (ICRSE 2017)" India.
        • 2017, 19-20 june. World Scientific and Engineering Gongress. «Future energy: innovation scenarios and methods of their implementation» WSEC-2017, Astana.
        • 2018, 2021. XIX, XXII  International Scientific and Practical Conference "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the XXI Century". Kiev, Ukraine.
        • 2018, 2019. Second International Scientific Conference (AESMT). Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies. (AESMT). Sofia, Bulgaria.
        • 2020, December 23. International online conference «Innovative development of education, high-tech production and alternative energy sources». Almaty.


        • 1.Provisional patent No. 19114 RK, F03D 3/06 (2006/01). Wind turbine Bidarrieus / A.K. Yershina and others - No. 2006/0166.1; declared 02/15/2006; publ. 15.02.2008, bul. No. 2.
        • 2. Provisional patent No. 20748PK, F032D 9/00 (2006/01). Vertical-axial composite carousel-type wind turbine (options) / A.K. Yershina and others - No. 2006/0165.1; declared 02/15/2006; publ. 02/16/2009, bul. No. 2.
        • 3. Patent "Method for thermal protection of a working carousel-type wind power plant and a device for its implementation (options)". A.K. Yershina et al. No. 2447318 Russian Federation, IPC F03D 3/06 (2006/01). - No. 2008137251/06; declared 09/18/2008; publ. 10.04.2012, bul. No. 10. – 15p.
        • 4. Patent No. 31662 RK, F03D 3/06 (2006/01). "Wind turbine". / Yershin Sh.A., Yershina A.K., Yershin Ch.Sh., Manatbaev R.K. - No. 2016/0337.1; announced 04/11/2016; publ. 15.11.2016, bul. No. 15.


        • Yershina A.K., Ershin Sh.A., Zhapbasbayev U.K. Fundamentals of the Darrieus wind turbine theory. - Monograph. Almaty: KazgosINTI, 2001 .-- 104 p.


        • Yershina A.K., Sheriazdanov G.B. Theoretical bases and classical models of solid state mechanics. Textbook. Almaty. Kazakh University, 2005. –167 p.


        • Ершина А.Қ., Сәндібаева Н.А. Оқу экспериментін ұйымдастыру және зертханалық жұмыстар. Оқу құралы. Алматы. ҚазМемҚызПУ. 2010. – 115 б.
        • Ершина А.Қ., Қаптағай Г.А. Жылу физикасы. Оқу құралы. Алматы. ҚазМемҚызПУ. 2012. – 190 б.
        • А.А. Айдарбекова, А.Қ. Ершина, А. Шакарбекқызы. Механика: Оқу құралы. Алматы: «Қыздар университеті», 2013. – 166 б.
        • Ershina A.K. Theory and Practice of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources: Textbook. - Almaty: publishing house "Evero", 2016.-220.-ISBN 978-601-310-400-3.
        • Ершина А.Қ. Механикалық қондырғылар: Оқу құралы. Алматы: «Эверо» баспасы, 2016.-220 б. -ISBN 978-601-310-400-3.
        • Ершина А.Қ. Жаңарып тұратын энергия көздерінің теориясы мен практикасы. Оқу құралы. Алматы: «Қыздар университеті» баспасы, 2016.-216 б.
        • Ершина А.К., Шакарбек А., Байтұрсын Н., Маханбетова С. Механика пәнінен зертханалық жұмыстар: Оқу құралы. Алматы: «Қыздар университеті», 2016. – 98 б.
        • Б.А.Ташев, А.Қ. Ершина, А. Шақарбекқызы, Н. Байтұрсын. Механика пәнінен есептер жинағы: Оқу құралы. – Алматы: «Қыздар университеті», 2019. – 244 б.
        • Ершина А.К., А.А. Утебаева А.А. «Жаңарып тұратын энергия көздерін пайдалану»: Оқу құралы. Алматы: «Қыздар университеті», 2020. – 158 б.
        • Koshtybaev Talgat Bektasuly

          Position: Аcting аssociate professor, docent

        • Information

        Koshtybaev Talgat Bektasuly

        Position: Аcting аssociate professor, docent

        +7707 172 31 75


        Koshtybaev Talgat Bektasuly - in 1986-1991 he studied at the Faculty of Physics of KazNU named after. Al-Farabi. Qualification: physics teacher.

        • In 1999-2003, he was a senior lecturer and deputy dean of the Shymkent Yasavi State Technical University;
        • In 2003-2004 he was the head of the department at the International Kazakh-Arab University;
        • In 2004-2005, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Ulagat Academy;
        • In 2005-2007, he was the dean of the faculty, head of the department at the Kentau Institute of the Yasawi Russian Technical University;
        • In 2007-2011 he was a professor at the Department of Physics at the Shymkent Institute of International Technical University.

        Academic degree:

        • Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (02/10/1998, KazNU)

        Scientific title:

        • Associate Professor (Higher Attestation Commission, April 17, 2002)
        • Professor of ChSTU (March 2, 2007)

        Scientific works:

        • Was an opponent of 2 candidate dissertations.


        • B.A. Kamal, T.B. Dikambai, TB Koshtybaev. The progressive basis of kinematic and dynamic theories Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series of physical and mathematical sciences, "Modeling of physical processes and mechanical systems" (KOKSON), DOI:https://doi.org/10.51889/2959-5894.2023.84.4.008. Volume 84, Number 4 (2023)
        • M.E. Aliyeva, TB Koshtybayev Mathematical basis of dynamics International scientific journal "Akademik" (Astana) No. 1 (239), 2024. Str. 4‒9. https://journal-academic.com/vypuski.zhurnala https://journal-academic.com/
        • T.B. Koshtybaev, E.O. Kutkeldieva, M.E. Aliyeva Body Falling to Earth International scientific journal "Akademik" (Astana) No. 1 (239), 2024. Str. 28‒33. https://journal-academic.com/vypuski.zhurnala https://journal-academic.com/
        • T.B. Koshtybaev, M.E. Aliyeva, B.A. Kamal, E.O. Kutkeldieva Movement of the wheel International scientific journal "Akademik" (Astana) https://journal-academic.com/vypuski.zhurnala https://journal-academic.com/
        • T.B. Koshtybaev, E.O. Kutkeldieva Theory of connection of flat capacitors International Scientific Journal "Akademik" (Astana) https://journal-academic.com/vypuski.zhurnala https://journal-academic.com/
        • Zaurbekova Nurbike

          Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Zaurbekova Nurbike

        Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences



        • Physicist, Kazakh State University. CM. Kirov, 1988

        Zaurbekova Nurbike Dzhumabaevna since 1988 worked as an engineer of the department "Open pit mining" KazNTU named after K. Satpayeva, since 2002 - the head of the laboratory and for 16 years - a freelance senior teacher.

        Since September 1, 2016 - Senior Lecturer of the Physics Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Since 2019 - Associate Professor.

        In 2010 she defended her Ph.D. thesis in the specialty 25.00.22 - Geotechnology (underground, open and construction) on the topic: "The basics of the stability of the sides of quarries with the expectation of maximum deformation of rocks" and received a PhD degree. D. in technical sciences. Author of over 60 scientific articles and educational materials, including 1 monograph, 1 textbook. Published 4 articles in Thomson Reuters, 4 articles in Scopus, 6 articles in total.


        • Academician of the International Academy of Informatization


        • Physics, methods of teaching physics;
        • Rock Physics;
        • Mathematical modeling of atmospheric air pollution in industrial regions.


        • Research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 0393 / GF4 "Methodology for assessing the impact of the oil and gas industry on the environmental situation of the environment", 2015-2017.



        • 1. Models for forecasting changes in the quality of components of the natural environment of southern industrial regions from technogenic load and their impact on indicators of changes in public health-Monograph, ISBN 978-601-263-350-4. - Almaty, 2016. - 240 p.

        Training manual:

        • 2. Physics: a textbook for students of distance learning and second education-Physics: a textbook for students of distance learning and second education

        Articles in journals included in the Web of Science, Scopus databases:

        • 3. Analysis and mathematical modeling of big data processing  – Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. (2020). - 14 (5) , pp.2626-2634, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-00978-3 Web of Science: Q2;  Scopus: 78 percentile
        • 4. Emission spread from mass and energy exchange in the atmospheric surface layer: Two-dimensional simulation - Energy Sources Part A Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects. volume 40, 2018 - Issue 23. - Pages 2832-2841,  https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15567036.2018.1511656; Web of Science: Q2, Scopus: 75 percentile.
        • 5. Mathematical Modelling of Atmospheric Pollution in an Industrial Region with a View to Design an Information System Software for Ecological Situation - Ekoloji, 2019, Issue 107, Pages: 349-358;  Web of Science: Q4;  Scopus: 37 percentile.
        •  6. The Estimation of Height of the Mouth of the River of Sources and Influence of Building of Industrial Facilities at the Modelling of Pollution of the Atmosphere by the Emissions - Research Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (2): 54-58, 2015 ISSN: 1815-932X © Medwell Journals, Pakistan, 2015 – pp. 54-58;  Scopus: 23 percentile.
        • 7. Informational and Matematical Modeling of the Impact of  Emissions into the Atmosphere on Public Health - Ad Alta – Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, vol. 9, issue 1, special issue V. – Pages:  74-79; Web of Science: there is no percentile


        • 8. Mechanized scaffolds-Patent No. 3398 for a utility model-Conclusion on the grant of a patent of the RSE NIIS of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 39701 dated October 31, 2018 (author's certificate No. 105948)
        • 9. Capture of the manipulator-Patent for an invention-Decision of the RSE NIIS of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1174 dated 30.07.2018

        In Journals recommended by the KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

        • 10. Modeling of the process of propagation of active impurities in the surface layer of the atmosphere, taking into account diffusion, chemical reaction and transfer of matter by air flow-Bulletin of the National Academy of Engineering – Computing Technologies: joint issue. October 2020. Issue 3. Part 2. - p. 161-167.
        • 11. Физиканы оқытуда критериалды бағалау жүйесін қолдану - Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, series of physical-mathematical Sciences, No. 1(65), Almaty, 2019-136-142 bb.
        • 12. Information system for the implementation of the elastic-plastic medium model - Bulletin of KazNITU, No. 5 (129). Almaty, 2018. - P. 349-356
        • 13. Білім беру мазмұнында мұғалімдердің ақпараттық  құзыреттілігін дамыту - Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, series of physical-mathematical Sciences, №4 (60), Almaty, 2017. – P. 240-244.
        • 14. Тау жыныстарындағы акустикалық қасиеттерінің негізгі факторларға әсер етуі  - Abay atinlay ASPU habercisi, Series physics and mathematics № 3(59), 2017ж. – 172-176 BB.
        • 15. Zhana formattagi teacher tulgasyn dayindau - Kazakhstan zhogary mektebi, No. 1/2017 (17). ISSN 2413-5488-pp. 72-74
        • 16. Study of the environmental impact of the activities of NGDU "Zhaiykneft" - Bulletin of KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev, No. 3. - Almaty, 2016. - pp. 316-322


        • 1. Stochastic model for calculating the dispersion of pollutants in the air- 19th International Conference “Aviation and Cosmonautics” (AviaSpace-2020). Abstracts. Moscow, MAI 23-27 November, 2020. – P. 547-548.
        • 2. Modeling the spread of active impurities in the surface layer of the atmosphere taking into account the diffusion, chemical reactions and mass transfer of air flow - abstracts of the international conference "Computer technologies in science, engineering and education" (CITECH-2020) – Almaty, 2020 – p. 35.
        • 3. Білім беру жүйесінде жаңа технологияларды пайдаланудың ерекшеліктері - V Halykaralyk turkialemi zertteuleri symposia, Almaty, 11-13 kazan 2018 zh. Volume 3. - 548-552 bb. In the international conference "Innovative development of education, high-tech production and alternative energy sources", December 23, 2020, Almaty, Kazgoszhenpu, 2020-4 reports:
        • 4. Models of the ecological and economic state of the natural environment under the technogenic load of the atmosphere
        • 5. Bolashak AKT mamandarynn ekologiyalyk kuzyrettiligin kalyptastyru erekshelikteri
        • 6. Mathematical modeling of the state of a rock mass: an ideal plastic medium with an equal-volume flow character
        • 7. Mektepterde fizikany okytuda CLIL technologiyasyn paidalanu In the IX International Scientific and Methodological Conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Professor E. Y. Bidaibekov and the 35th anniversary of school informatics "Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science", Almaty, 2020-3 reports:
        • 8. Mathematical modeling of the influence of the active layer of the soil cover of the slope and the sides of industrial quarries on the air pollution of the region, taking into account the aerology of a limited area in the lower layer of the atmosphere
        • 9. Review of analytical methods and models for analyzing the stress-strain state of the massif during open-pit mining
        • 10. Numerical methods and models for analyzing the stress-strain state of an array during open-pit mining.
        • Mambayeva Altynai Sharbekovna

          Position: PhD, Senior Lecturer

        • Information

        Mambayeva Altynai Sharbekovna

        Position: PhD, Senior Lecturer

        +7 7077767071

         Altynai Sharbekovna graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 1994. In 2014, she earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 2020, she obtained a PhD in "Plant Protection and Quarantine" (6D081100) from the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University.

        She began her professional career at the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev. Between 1996 and 2009, she worked at the university as a laboratory assistant and methodologist.

        From 2010 to 2023, she worked at the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, holding positions as a methodologist, metrologist engineer, lecturer, and senior lecturer.

        In 2023–2024, she worked as an associate professor in the School of "Engineering and Information Technologies" at the Eurasian Technological University.

        Since 2024, she has been working as a senior lecturer in the School of "Engineering and Information Technologies" at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.

        Altynai Sharbekovna continues to actively conduct scientific research in the field of education. She is the author of articles in peer-reviewed journals, publications in high-impact international journals, and theses presented at international conferences.


        • PhD, Kazakh National Agrarian Research University (Kazakhstan);
        • Master’s degree in Physics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan);
        • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan).

        Research Interests:

        • Physical and biological properties of matter;
        • Plant protection from phytopathogens using their physical and biological structures.


        • A. Mambayeva, A. Sadanov, O. Shemshura, U. IbishevB. Lozovicka. Prospects of using fungi of genus Trichoderma as agents of biocontrol for fungal diseases of potatoes and cucumbers in Kazakhstan. OnLine Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research-А. Mambaeva et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 10(11), 2018, 2855-2857. (ISSN0957-1459 India-Scopus) 592999. Scopus
        •    Altynai Mambayeva, Amankeldy Sadanov, Olga Shemshura, Umirbai Ibishev, Bożena Łozowicka. Analysis of the biological activity of Trichoderma asperellum, T. harzianum and T. atroviride. Sesja Nukowa Instytutu Ochrony Roslin-PIB. 13–14 lutego 2019. 159-160. Scopus
        • Мамбаева А., Саданов А., Шемшура О., Ибишев У., Лозовицка Б. Новые штаммы грибов рода Тrichoderma, выделенные из ризосферы огуцов и картофеля, произрастающих в Алматинской области. News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan series of biological and medical ISSN 2224-5308 volume 1, number 325 (2018), 102-106
        • Мамбаева А.Ш., Саданов А.К., Шемшура О.Н., Лозовицка Б. Антагонизм грибов рода Trichoderma  как основа борьбы с грибковыми болезнями огурцов в Казахстане. Ізденістер, нəтижелер – Исследования, результаты. №1 (81) 2019. ISSN 2304-3334. стр. 224-233
        • Мамбаева А.Ш., Саданов А.К., Шемшура О.Н., Лозовицка Б. Продукты синтеза грибов рода Триходерма для защиты растений. Продукты синтеза грибов рода Триходерма для защиты растений. Сборник международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых в рамках зимней международной школы г.Алматы, 11.02.2019 г. – 23.02.2019 г. 170-173
        • Altynai Mambayeva, Ilona Świerczyńska, Amankeldy Sadanov, Olga Shemshura, Bożena Łozowicka. Biologiczna aktywność Trichoderma spp. w badaniach szklarniowych oraz in vitro. Progress IN PLANT PROTECTION 59 (2): xxx-xxx, 2019 ISSN 1427-4337 Received: 07.02.2019 / Accepted: 28.04.2019
        • Altynai Mambayeva, Ilona Świerczyńska, Amankeldy Sadanov, Olga Shemshura, Bożena Łozowicka. Screening of stamms of mushrooms of the sort of Trichoderma and Mortierella for the determination of the growth stimulating activity of the leguminous and forage cultures. N e w s of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan series of biological and medical issn 2224-5308 Volume 1, Number 331 (2019), 48 – 54
        • Мамбаева А.Ш., Саданов А.К., Шемшура О.Н., Лозовицка Б. Использование препарата Триходермин для улучшения роста сельскохозяйственных культур в Казахстане. Сборник материалов XXIІI международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых и студентов «Научная молодежь в аграрной науке: достижения и перспективы» в рамках проведения года молодежи Республики Казахстан 26-27 апреля 2019 года  ТОМ 1. 289-292 А.Б. Алтекей, А.А. Сапарбекова. Мамбаева А.Ш. Биодеградация лигнина соломы культурой гриба Schizophyllum Commune, выделенной с поверхности дерева. Микробиология и Вирусология.  ISSN 2304-585X №1 (40) 2023 www. imv-journal.kz.   doi: 10.53729/MV-AS.2023.01.08
        • А.Апушев, Б.Юсупов, Н.Салыбекова, Мамбаева А.Ш. Предварительные результаты интродукции дикорастущих видов тюльпана в почвенно-климатических условиях Туркестана. Ізденістер, нәтижелер – Исследования, результаты. №4 (100) 2023,  ISSN 2304-3334
        • N.N. Salybekova, А.К. Apushev, B.В. Toyzhigitova, A. Sh. Mambayeva. Phytopathogenic fungi of the genus Penicillium sp. on tulips. MICROBIOLOGY AND VIROLOGY ISSN 2304-585X №4 (43) 2023 www. imv-journal.kz Н.Салыбекова, А.Апушев, А.Мамбаева. Регулирование стрессовых процессов при выгонке тюльпанов в условиях закрытого грунта. №3(103) 2024, Исследование, результаты. https://journal.kaznaru.edu.kz/index.php/research/article/view/632#:~:text=This%20article%20presents%20the%20results%20of%20regulating%20processes%20under%20stressful


        • Umbetov Yerik Serikkalievich

          Position:  Associate Professor

        • Information

        Umbetov Yerik Serikkalievich

        Position:  Associate Professor



        • Novosibirsk School of Physics and Mathematics (by correspondence)
        • Mechanical engineer, specialty 0517 "Physical and technical processes and devices of technological production, Semipalatinsk Institute of Technology, 1981-1986.
        • Postgraduate course, Kazakh Agricultural Academy code 05.20. 02 "Electromechanization of agriculture", 1991-1994.
        • Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty code 05.14.08– Power plants based on renewable energy sources. Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications, 2007.
        • Academic title of Associate Professor (Associate Professor) specialty 05.20.01 "Machines and apparatuses of agroengineering systems", 2012.
        • "Honored Worker of Science and Education" RAE, 2014.
        •  Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2024.

        CAREER: 1986-1990 Mechanical engineer at the design Institute "Kazgiprokhimmyasoprom".

        • 1990-2001 Researcher at the laboratory "Application of solar Energy in agriculture" of the Scientific and Production Association (NPO) "Kazselkhozmehanizatsiya".

        • 2001-2011 Senior lecturer at the Department of "Energy Supply of Agriculture" KazNAU.

        • 2012-2017 Associate Professor of the Department of Thermal Power Plants at AUES, Part-time Chair of Electricity Supply and Renewable

        Energy • 2018-2019 Head of the Department of Technical Physics, AUES.

        2019-2020 Head of the Department of Industrial Thermal Power Engineering, AUES.

        • 2020-2021 Head of the Department "Management and Entrepreneurship in Engineering".

        • 2022-2023 Associate Professor of the Department of Thermal Power Engineering, AUES.

        • 2024-2025 Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, KAZNATSZHENPU.


        • Physico–mechanical processes of grinding, drying, and cooling of dispersed materials.
        • Symmetrical–reactive hydro turbines of microelectric power plants. Assessment of the renewable energy potential. The physical foundations of the conversion of solar energy, bioenergy.
        • Rheology of a non-Newtonian fluid.


        •  Chicherin S., Zhuikov A., Kolosov M., Junussova L., Umbetov E. Optimizing the renewable and fossil-fired generation capacities: Case study of interconnected district-level systems (2021) Energy Reports, 8, pp. 137–144 (Scopus/WOS; SJR 1,2; Q1) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.11.095, процентиль 62.
        • Niyazbayev, A., Garbati Pegna, F., Khazimov, K., Umbetov, E., Akhmetov, K., Sagyndykova, Z. and Khazimov, M. (2022) “Power need of an implement for removing polymer residues from the soil surface in Kazakh horticulture”, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 53(3). doi: 10.4081/jae.2022.1382. процентиль 50.
        • Промышленный энергетический водяной отопительный котел малой мощности. Патент №35521. 2021. Авторы: Умбетов Е.С., Хазимов М.Ж., Бердимұрат А., Кудашева А., Сагындыкова А., Хазимов К., Урамшев Б., Рахман Ш., Погуляев А.
        • АйтбекА., Умбетов Е.С. Расчет теплоты сгорания топлива и подготовки пыли с центробежным двухстадийным измельчителем.// Тенденции развития науки и образования. №73-3.2021 с.87-91.
        • Умбетов Е., Амренова А.Ж., Сагындыкова Ж., Хазимов К., Хазимов М. Интенсификация процесса сушки продуктов растительного происхождения путем усовершенствования конструкции гелиосушилки. // Вестник АУЭС, Алматы, 2020, С.67–70.
        • Канатова А.М., Умбетов Е.С. Модельный прогноз контроля процесса сушки зерна.// Тенденции развития науки и образования. №73-3.2021 с.100-104.
        • 6. Умбетов Е.С., Мажитова Л.Х., Наурызбаева Г.К. К вопросу формирования профессионально ориентированных компетенций инженера теплоэнергетики при изучении естественно научных дисциплин. Вестник АУЭС– Алматы, 2019.–№4(47).–С.128–133.
        • Умбетов Е.С., Нысанбаева С.Қ., Қойшыбаева Ж.Қ. Магнитті жұка SIO2/NIFE (D)/TA және SIO2/NIFE(D)/ RU пленкалы материалдарды алу және қолдану. Вестник АУЭС– Алматы, 2018.–№4(3)(43).–С.139–145.
        • Умбетов Е.С., Балекова А.А. Разработка пылеуловителя на встречных закрученных потоках для очистки воздуха. Рецензируемый научный журнал «Тенденции развития науки и образования»– Самара, июнь 2020г., № 62, часть 5 Изд. НИЦ «Л-Журнал», 2020.–С.37–43.
        • Умбетов Е.С., Епенова. Разработка адиабатного увлажнителя воздуха.//Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук. Новосибирск, №5–1, май 2020г.С.74–80.
        • Усовершенствование работы водогрейного котла КВТС0,2 путем полнослойного сжигания угля с регулируемым темппературным режимом воды. //Вестник АУЭС– Алматы, 2020.–№3(50).–С.6-13.
        • Е.С.Умбетов, Ж. Ерболұлы, Е.С. Байғожа, Е. Серикқали Тепловой модуль солнечного калорифера. //Тенденции развития науки и образования.– Самара, июнь 2023, №98 (Часть10), стр.220-225;
        • Абдулллаева М.Д., Умбетов Е.С., Осмонов Ы.Ж., Серикқали Ермек. Система производства энергетического топлива из биомассы.//Известия национальной академии наук Кыргызской Рес-публики.–Бишкек, 2023, №8, стр. 35-43.;
        •  Умбетов Е.С., Рахимжанова Л.Ш., Энергосберегающие технологии очистки воздушного бассейна города Алматы от смога.//Bulletin de l'Académie Internationale CONCORDE, 2024, N 1.– - Editions du JIPTO, стр. 79-99     
        • Umbetov Yerik Serikkalievich

          Position:  Associate Professor

        • Information

        Umbetov Yerik Serikkalievich

        Position:  Associate Professor



        • Novosibirsk School of Physics and Mathematics (by correspondence)
        •  Mechanical engineer, specialty 0517 "Physical and technical processes and devices of technological production, Semipalatinsk Institute of Technology, 1981-1986.
        • Postgraduate course, Kazakh Agricultural Academy code 05.20. 02 "Electromechanization of agriculture", 1991-1994.
        • Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty code 05.14.08– Power plants based on renewable energy sources. Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications, 2007.
        • Academic title of Associate Professor (Associate Professor) specialty 05.20.01 "Machines and apparatuses of agroengineering systems", 2012.
        • "Honored Worker of Science and Education" RAE, 2014.
        • Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2024.


        • 1986-1990 Mechanical engineer at the design Institute "Kazgiprokhimmyasoprom".
        • 1990-2001 Researcher at the laboratory "Application of solar Energy in agriculture" of the Scientific and Production Association (NPO) "Kazselkhozmehanizatsiya".
        • 2001-2011 Senior lecturer at the Department of "Energy Supply of Agriculture" KazNAU.
        • 2012-2017 Associate Professor of the Department of Thermal Power Plants at AUES, Part-time Chair of Electricity Supply and Renewable
        • Energy • 2018-2019 Head of the Department of Technical Physics, AUES.
        • 2019-2020 Head of the Department of Industrial Thermal Power Engineering, AUES.
        • 2020-2021 Head of the Department "Management and Entrepreneurship in Engineering".
        •  2022-2023 Associate Professor of the Department of Thermal Power Engineering, AUES.
        • 2024-2025 Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, KAZNATSZHENPU.


        • Physico–mechanical processes of grinding, drying, and cooling of dispersed materials.
        • Symmetrical–reactive hydro turbines of microelectric power plants. Assessment of the renewable energy potential. The physical foundations of the conversion of solar energy, bioenergy.
        • Rheology of a non-Newtonian fluid.
        • Sariyeva Aigul Kamzaevna

          Position: Acting Associate Professor

        • Information

        Sariyeva Aigul Kamzaevna

        Position: Acting Associate Professor



        • Higher education, Ph.D. Physicist. Teacher.  № 667446.        

         Kazakh National University named after S.M. Kirov– Faculty of Physics, 1985-1990

        • Postgraduate studies, 13.00.02– Methods of teaching physics, Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences named after I. Altynsarin, 1994-1997

        • PhD thesis defense in specialty 13.00.02 – Methods of teaching physics, 2009


        • 1990-1992 Physics teacher at the Department of Higher Mathematics and Physics at the branch of KazPTI named after Lenin Street in Karatau.
        • 1992 - 1994 Teacher of physics at I.Altynsarin Multidisciplinary Gymnasium No. 159 in Almaty.
        • 1997-2006 Teacher of physics at I.Altynsarin Multidisciplinary Gymnasium No. 159 in Almaty.
        • 2006-2016, Senior lecturer at the Department of General and Theoretical Physics at K.I. Satpayev KazNRTU.
        • 2016-2024 Senior Lecturer at the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 
        • From September 2024 to the present, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Physics at Kazgoszhenpu


        • Theory and methods of teaching physics
        • Renewable energy sources


        • Аpplication of methods of interactive training in the educational environment of higher educational institutions International gy and Mining Ecology Management, SGEMMultidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geolo 2016, р.747-754.  
        • Pedagogical issues of studying professional english for specific purposes. //Наука и жизнь Казахстана., №4, 2018, -стр. 148-151.
        • «Technology and prospects of using solar energy»//News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 2019, № 3, p. 173-
        • Жылуэлектр станцияларындағы су даярлаудың технологиялық процесстерін бақылауды және тексеруді зерттеу//ҚазҰТУ  хабаршысы, № 3, 2020 ж., 175-180.



















        • Kaptagay Gulbanu

          Position: Acting associated professor, PhD

        • Information

        Kaptagay Gulbanu

        Position: Acting associated professor, PhD



        • PhD of 6D060400-Physics, L.N.Gumilev Eurasian national university 2012-2015
        • Master of Physics, Abay  Almaty State University 2001-2003
        • Physics and Computer Science, Bachelor's degree, Abay  Almaty State University 1997-2001


        • Quantum-chemical simulation of new functional materials


        • Study of the effect of nitrogen on the catalytic activity of cobalt oxide from the first principles, Scientifically Supervisor. 055 «Scientifically and  scientifical-technical  research», 101«Grant funding» 2018-2020.
        • The first-principle design of fully compensated ferrimagnetic materials for applications in spintronics.Leading Researcher 2020-2022.
        • Research photovoltaic perspective materials for application in solar energy.Leading Researcher 2020-2022.


        • 1. First principles modelling of the N-doped Co0.5-terminated (001) Co3O4 surface: T.M. Inerbaev, A.T.Akilbekov, N.O.Koilyk, A.U.Abuova /Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research.№6. 2020
        • 2.Simulation of nitrogen doping on Co3O4 for water dissociation catalytically activity: G. Kaptagay, Yu.A.Mastrikov,E.A.Kotomin, S. A. Sandibaeva, A. S. Kopenbaeva, G .O. Baitasheva, L.S. Baikadamova. /Journal of conference Series. 2018.--1115(3). Scopus.
        • 3. Oxygen evolution reaction on the N-doped Co0.5-terminated Co3O4 (001) surface: G. Kaptagay, Sandibaeva N., T.M. Inerbaev, Yu.A. Mastrikov,  E.A. Kotomin/ Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences. 2020
        • 4.First principles modeling of N-doped Co3O4: G.A.Kaptagay, Yu.A. Mastrikov, E.A.Kotomin /Latvian journal of physics and technical sciences. – Riga, 2018. – №5. – Р.36-42. doi:10.2478/1pts-2018-0034. Scopus. IF 0.49
        • 5.Quantum-chemical consideration of nitrogen doping on Co3O4 for water dissociation: G.A.Kaptagay, L.S.Baikadamova /Вестник КазГосЖенПУ. Серия Физика-Математика. – Алматы: КазГосЖенПУ, 2018. – №3(75). – С.54-59. ISSN 2306-5079.
        • 6. Взаимодействие воды с поверхностью (100) Co3O4 с примесью углерода: Каптагай Г.А., Акилбеков  А.Т., Инербаев Т.М. /Вестник. Серия Физика. – Алматы: КазНТУ имени  К.Сатпаева, 2016. – №5(117). – С. 429-434. ISSN 2306-5079.
        • 7.Water interaction with  perfect and fluorine-doped  Co3O4  (100)  surface: G.Kaptagay, T.M.Inerbaev, Yu.A.Mastrikov, E.A.Kotomin, А. Akilbekov /Journal Solid state ionics. – №277. 2015. – P.77-82. Impact  Factor   2.56. doi:10.1016/jssi.2015.03.012. Scopus, Thomson Reuters.
        • 8.Formation of  the creative activity of  students on the basis of  educational experiment in physics: Massyrova R., Sandibayeva N., Kaptagay G., Kopenbayeva A., Аidarbekova A. /Procedia social and behavioral  sciences. Impact Factor   0.215. 177(2015). -P.440-444. 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.391.Web of Science
        • 9.Каталитические свойства поверхности (111) Co3O4 для разложения  молекулы воды: Каптагай Г.А., Акилбеков А.Т., Инербаев Т.М. /Вестник.– Астана: ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева, 2015. №4(107). – С. 17-21. ISSN 1028-9364.
        • Anar Dalelkhankyzy

          Position: Senior Lecturer

        • Information

        Anar Dalelkhankyzy

        Position: Senior lecturer


        Anar Dalelkhankyzy graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 2006. In 2009, he received a master's degree in physics from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 2015, he received a PhD in physics from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

        He started his career as a researcher at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

        In 2009-2013, he worked as a teacher at the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynshbayev, in 2015-2018, he worked as a senior lecturer at the Almaty University of energy and communications. Since 2018, he has been working as a senior lecturer at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

        Anar Dalelkhankyzy constantly conducts scientific research in the field of Education. He has published articles in recessed journals, foreign journals with a high impact factor, and thesis reports at international conferences.


        • PhD, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan);
        • Master of physics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan);
        • Full course of physics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan).


        • Development of human values
        • Raising the spirit and consciousness


        • Structure of collective states of the atomic nucleus, properties: 2011-2014.
        • Microscopic theory of collective states of multi-nucleon systems and its comparison with other methods and experiments: 2011-2014.


        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A., Baktybaev M.K. sd-steam theory of collective excitations and the validity of the model of interacting bosons// Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. - 2012. - Vol. 6, № 28. - P. 1399 -1404. Scopus (IF=0,250).
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A., Ramankulov K., Koilyk N., Baktybaev M.K. The nucleon-pair shell description of collective excitations of spherical nuclei// Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. - 2013. - Vol. 7, №12. - P. 595 -603. Scopus (IF=0,442).
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A., Baktybaev M.K. Description of Collective States of 102,104,106,108,110Pd Isotopes in Nucleon-Pair Shell Model// Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. - 2014. - Vol. 8, №10. - P. 475-484. Scopus (IF=0,433).
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A., Baktybaev M.K.  The scattering processes on spherical nuclei and the strong coupling method channels// Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 9, 2015, no.10, 483-493. Scopus (IF=0,433).
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A., Baktybaev M.K., Koilyk N.O. Fermion theory of collective states of nuclei, its application to the structure of real systems // Известия НАН РК. -2019. №6 (328). С. 43-51. 
        • Бактыбаев К., Далелханқызы А., Бактыбаев М.К. Микроскопическая теория коллективных возбуждений сферических ядер// ҰҒА Хабарлары. Физика-математика сериясы. №2(288).  -2013. -Б.31-34.
        • Бактыбаев К., Далелханқызы А., Раманкулов К.Е., Койлык Н.О., Бактыбаев М.К. Фермионно-динамическая  симметрия и ее бозонное отображение// ҰҒА Хабарлары. Физика-математика сериясы. №2(288). -2013. -Б.85-90.
        • Бактыбаев К., Далелханқызы А., Прочниак Л., Бактыбаев М.К. Возбужденные состояния атомных ядер и матричные элементы эффективного ядерного взаимодействия в нуклон-нуклонном канале// ҰҒА Хабарлары, физика-математика сериясы. № 6(292). -2013. -Б.19-29.
        • Бактыбаев К., Далелханқызы А., Прочниак Л., Бактыбаев М.К. Роль нуклонных пар в образовании  коллективных  возбуждений в атомных ядрах//  ҰҒА Хабарлары. Физика-математика сериясы. №2 (294). -2014. - Б.223-228.
        • Бактыбаев К., Далелханқызы А., Бактыбаев М.К. Метод сильно-связных каналов и неупругие рассеяния альфа-частиц на четных изотопах Ne, Mg //  ҰҒА Хабарлары. Физика-математика сериясы. №2. -2015. - Б.66-72.
        • Бактыбаев К., Далелханқызы А., Бактыбаев М.К. Описание процессов рассеяния на изотопах методом сильной связи каналов ядерных реакций //  ҰҒА Хабарлары. Физика-математика сериясы. №4. -2015. - Б.159-166.
        • Бактыбаев К., Далелханқызы А., Бактыбаев М.К. Применение модели взаимодействующих бозонов в деформированных изотопах ядра урана
        • //  ҰҒА Хабарлары. Физика-математика сериясы. №5. -2016. - Б.195-202.
        • Baktybaev K., Baktybaev M., Naukenov D., Dalelkhankyzy A. Microscopic justification of the model of interacting bosons and a generelizedquasispin formalism in the theory of the nuclei // Известия НАН РК. Серия физ. мат. – 2017. №5(315). – С. 91-100.
        • Ташкеева Г.К., Турманова Қ.Н., Далелханкызы А. Дипломдық жұмыс – студенттің шығармашылық ізденістерінің нәтижесі / Хабаршы «Педагогика ғылымдары», №4 (64). 2019, С. 115-121.
        • Койлык Н.О., Бактыбаев К, Каптагай Г.А., Айдарбеова А.А., Далелханкызы А. Фермионная модель и структура состояний - нестабильных ядер //Л.Н. Гумилев Хабаршысы №4(133) – 2020. –С. 23-32.


        • Baktybaev K., Baktybaev M.K., Dalelkhankyzy A. A. Fermionic structure of collective states of light nuclei and the dyson boson mapping// Халықаралық ғылыми конференция «Nuclear Science and its Application», Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 2012. 101р.
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A., Koilyk N., Baktybaev M.K. Structure of collective excitions in fermion theory of many particles systems// LXIII International Conference «NUCLEUS 2013». – Moscow, 2013, 172р.
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A. The nucleon-pair model of collective excitation of nuclei// X Mezinárodní vědecko - praktická konference «Věda a technologie: krok do budoucnosti - 2014». Прага, -Чехия, 2014. -V. 29.
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A. Steadily steam-shell model and collective excited spherical isotopes of Pd// X Międzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencjI «Naukowa myśl informacyjnej powieki -2014». -Пшемысль, Польша, 2014. - V. 27.
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A., Koilyk N., Baktybaev M.K. The study of nuclear structure on the reaction coupled channels on collective bosonic states nuclear systems// VII Eurasian Conference «Nuclear science and its application. Baku, -Azerbaijan, 2014. 56р.
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A., Koilyk N., Baktybaev M.K. nucleon-pair description of the collective excitations of spherical nuclei// LXIV International Conference «NUCLEUS 2014». Minsk, -Belarus, 2014. 131р.
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A. Collective states of nuclear in the nucleon pair approximation and generalized seniority // LXV International Conference «NUCLEUS 2015» June 29 – July 3, 2015, -Saint-Petersburg, -Russia. -P.135.
        • Baktybaev K., Dalelkhankyzy A. Nuclear shape phase transition at the nucleon state and boson mapping approach // LXV International Conference «NUCLEUS 2015» June 29 – July 3, 2015, -Saint-Petersburg, -Russia. -P.136.
        • Bekalay Nuripa Kyrgyzbaykyzy

          Position:   Senior teacher

        • Information

        Bekalay Nuripa Kyrgyzbaykyzy

        Position:   Senior teacher



        • Higher, Ph.D.

        • Diploma in Physics. Teacher of physics at schools teaching German.  ZHV № 217070. Kazakh National University named after. S.M. Kirov– Faculty of Physics, 1975 – 1981.

        • Postgraduate studies, 04/01/16 - physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles, Kazakh National University. S.M. Kirov– Faculty of Physics, from December 1, 1983. to July 1, 1987.

        • Defense of a candidate's dissertation on the topic: «Formation of cross-subject physical concepts among primary school students (using the example of «Natural Science»)» in the specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of education and upbringing (physics) under the Dissertation Council D 13.13.007 of the Kyrgyz Academy of Education and Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev. The IKD diploma № 001534 of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences was issued by decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic on March 31, 2016 (protocol № 3k-1/27).


        07/1/1987 - 02/1/1992. SNS Laboratory of Cosmic Ray Variations, Faculty of Physics, KazSU named after. S.M.Kirov.

        02/1/1992 - 08/27/2002. Teacher of physics and astronomy of the highest category (14th category) at secondary school №123 named after K.A. Iasawi.

        09/2/1996 - 08/27/1997. Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at the private college of arts "Kokil".

        12/5/2000 - 09/1/2003 Methodist in Physics IPK and PCSO Almaty.

        09/1/2001 - 09/1/2003 Lecturer in physics and astronomy at a multidisciplinary gymnasium №34.

        1.09.2003 - 1.09.2009.   Senior Lecturer at the Department of PTE, Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications.

        09/1/2009 – 09/1/2018 Associate Professor at AUES.

        09/1/2018 – 09/1/2024 senior lecturer at the Department of Physics KazNU named after al-Farabi.

        From September 2024 to this day I have been working at Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University as a senior teacher.



        • Theory and methods of teaching physics
        • Renewable energy sources


        1. Н.К.Бекалай, А.А.Генбач, Н.О.Джаманкулова. Поиск эффективных систем охлаждения для взрывоопасных плавильных агрегатов. «Вестник КазНИТУ» № 1 (119), 2017.- С.230-234.

        2. Н.К.Бекалай. Формирование межпредметных физических понятий у учащихся. Сборник материалов III Международной научно-практической конференции «Интеграция современных научных исследований в развитие общества», том – І, стр. 32-38, Россия, г.Кемерово, ЗапСибНЦ.- 2017.

        3. N.K.Bekalay, A.Usenbekova, K. Nalmischova, Q.Orazymbetova, K.Makash. Formation of Intermediate Physical Concepts of Students of the Basic School (On the Example of “Natural Science”). Man In India, Volume: № 97 (2017), Issue №.: 21(2017), Pages: 661-689. Scopus.

        4. Kondubaeva M.R., Ongarbaeva A. T., Bekalay N.K., Aubakirova A.K., Tolkinbayev A.K. The problem of correctness and reliability of the study in trilingual education. Opcion. – 2018. – V.34. – Iss. 85-2. – P. 517-543. Scopus.

        5. Н.Қ.Бекалай. Теплотехнические измерения и автоматизация теплотехнических процессов: учебное пособие / Н.Қ.Бекалай. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2019. – 270 с.

              6. Бекалай Н. Жылутехникалық өлшеулер және бақылау: Оқу құралы. – Астана: Фолиант, 2014. – 144 бет.

              7. «Жаратылыстану». Жалпы орта білім беретін мектептің 5-сыныбына арналған оқулық. Алматы: Географиядан Республикалық атаулы мектеп, өңделген. Бесінші басылым, 2015.-158 б.  

              8. «Естествознание». Учебник для 5-класса общеобразовательных школ. Алматы: Географиядан Республикалық атаулы мектеп, 5- изд., дораб. 2015.-168 стр.  

              9. «Жаратылыстану». Мұғалімдерге арналған әдістемелік құрал. Өңделген, екінші басылым. Алматы: Географиядан Республикалық атаулы мектеп, 2015.-147 б.

              10. «Естествознание» Методическое пособие для учителей 5-классов общеобразовательных школ. Алматы: Географиядан Республикалық атаулы мектеп, 2015.-128 б.

               11. Abykanova, B.T., Sariyeva, A.K., Bekalay, N.K., Syrbayeva, S.J., Rustemova, A.I., Maatkerimov, N.O. Technology and prospects of using solar energy. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. Volume 3, Number 435 (2019), 173 – 179. (Опубликовано в базе данных СКОПУС.).

        12. Malik N. Abdikarimov, R.Kh. Turgumbayeva, R.A. Musabekov, N.O. Jamankulova, N.K. Bekalay. Modified Materials Based on SKN-40 Butadien-Nitril Rubber  // Key Engineering Materials. (Volume 816). New Polymer Composite Materials. August2019. –P.350- 355. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.816.350.

        (Опубликовано в базе данных СКОПУС).

        13. Malik Abdikarimov, Raushan Turgumbayeva, Saule Sagintayeva, Rasulbek Mussabekov, Nellya Jamankulova, Nuripa Bekalay, Askar Adilbekov. Oil Bituminous Breeds - Raw Materials for Energy. International Conference in Telecommunications, Informatics, Energy and Management (TIEM), Kavala, Greece, September 12 – 14, 2019, Pages: 183-188.

        (Опубликовано в базе данных СКОПУС.)

        14. Нысанова Г.Ж., Бекалай Н.Қ. Күн коллекторларының негізінде тұрғын үйді жылумен және ыстық сумен қамтамасыз ету жүйесін жобалау. Вестник КазНИТУ № 5 (135) Алматы, 2019 октябрь, C. 62-66.

        15. Дүйсен А.Б., Бекалай Н.К. Алматы қаласының тұрғын үйлеріне арналған жылыту қазандығын жобалау. Вестник КазНИТУ № 5 (135) Алматы, 2019 октябрь, C. 439-445.

        16. Бекалай Н.К., Болысова Ж. Комбинированная система отопления с солнечными коллекторами. Материалы 11-ой Международной научной конференции «Хаос и структуры в нелинейных системах. Теория и эксперимент», Караганды, 22-23 ноября 2019г., С. 284-288.

        17. Бекалай Н.К., Усенбекова А.Е. Синергетический подход в техническом образовании в республике Казахстан. Материалы IV-ой Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы теории и практики подготовки педагогических кадров», посвященной 10-летию организации педагогического факультета и 70-летию д.п.н., чл.-корр. МАНПО, профессора Н.О. Мааткеримова, Бишкек, 15-16 ноября 2019г., С.109-112.

        18. Malik Abdikarimov, Raushan Turgumbayeva, Saule Sagintayeva, Rassulbek Mussabekov, Nellya Jamankulova, Nuripa Bekalay and Askar Adilbekov. Investigation Oil Bituminous Sands - Raw Materials for Energy, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review Special Issue on Telecommunications, Informatics, Energy and Management,  February 2020.

        (Опубликовано в базе данных СКОПУС).

        19. Тіршілік әрекетін қамтамасыз етудің энергетикалық жүйелерін Орал қаласы мысалында талдау. "Наука и жизнь Казахстана" Международный научный журнал № 5/1 2020 г.: Алматы, С. 399-405.

        20. Есназарова У.А., Бекалай Н.К., Усенбекова А.Е. Формирование научных понятий у учащихся на основе межпредметных связей. Республиканский научно-методический журнал: Вестник Республиканской именной школы по географии, № 4 /36/ 2020г., С. 12-18.

        21. Бекалай Н.К., Рыскулова А.Б. Алматы қаласында қатты тұрмыстық қалдықтарды қайта өңдеудің заманауи әдістерін енгізу жолдары. Труды Х Международной научно-практической конференции: «Наука и образование в современном мире: вызовы ХХI века», Нур-Султан,  5-10 февраля 2022 г., том 1, С. 125-129.

        22. Бекалай Н.К., Бекен Н.С. Жылумен жабдықтау жүйесін автоматты басқаруда ДЕВ-16-14 (КВГМ-11,63-150) су ысытушы қазандығын қолдану. Труды Х Международной научно-практической конференции: «Наука и образование в современном мире: вызовы ХХI века», Нур-Султан, 5-10 февраля 2022 г, том 1, С. 80-83.

        23. Bekalay N.K., Bolyssova Zh,Dual heating System with Solar collecting Panel. XXXII International Multidisciplinary Conference «Recent Scientific Investigation», Shawnee, USA, 02.05.2022, 62-68.

        24. Бекалай Н.К., Ордаханова А.М. Алматы қаласындағы тұрғын үйді жылумен қамтамасыз ететін аралас жүйені жобалау. Труды университета КарТУ.-2022.-N4(89).-С.506-512.

        25. Бекалай Н.Қ., Еркінбек Ш.Ж. Электродинамика – дүниенің ғылыми бейнесін түсінудің кілті.  Сб. ст. по материалам CCCLXII Международной научно-практической конференции «Молодой исследователь: вызовы и перспективы». – № 24(362). – М., Изд. «Интернаука», 2024.




















        • Aidarbekova Akmaral

          Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Aidarbekova Akmaral

        Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences



        • 1996-2000 Bachelor of Abai Almaty State University (now Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University), specialty «Physics-Informatics»
        • 2001-2003 Master's degree, Abai Almaty University (currently Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University), Master of Physics


        • - 2003-2009 Lecturer of the Physics Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute
        • - 2009-2017 Senior Lecturer of the Physics Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute
        • - 2017-2020 Doctoral student of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
        • - 2020-2021 Deputy Dean for Science and Innovation of the Higher School of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technologies
        • - Since September 2021 Deputy Director for Research and International Relations of the Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technologies


        • - Methods of teaching physics
        • - Molecular physics and thermodynamics
        • - The use of pedagogical technologies in the framework of updated education


        1. Внутренняя энергия, способы изменения внутренней энергии. Познание мира в цифрах (Информатика, математика, физика). Республиканский научно-методический педагогический журнал. №4(25) 2018, с. 20-24.
        2. Особенности организации STEM-образования. «Известия ВУЗов Кыргызстана» (Известия ВУЗов), Импакт-фактор РИНЦ 2017, -0,034. ISSN 1694-7681. www.science-journal.kg., №4, 2018. с. 126-129.
        3. Некоторые возможности развития самостоятельной деятельности будущих учителей физики на аудиторных занятиях. НАУКА И МИР, Международный научный журнал, № 12 (64), 2018. Импакт-фактор -0,325. ISSN 2308-4804. с. 19-22.
        4.  Эффективность организации самостоятельной работы студентов в высших учебных заведениях. Материалы IV-ой Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуалные проблемы теории и практики подготовки педагогических кадров», Бишкек – 2019,  – с. 53-55.
        5.  Некоторые пути экологического образования в преподавании молекулярной физики. Материалы IV Международной научно-практической конференции" Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the xxi century". г. Нур-султан, 2019, с. 360-364.
        6. Formation of general education skills on molecular physics. Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н.Гумилева. Серия Физика. Астрономия. 2020, с. 16-23.


        1. Курс повышения квалификации педагогических кадров по предмету «Физика» в рамках обновления содержания среднего образования Республики Казахстан. 80 часов. Сертификат по № 081621. 2.08-13.08.2018 г. г. Алматы, Центр педагогического мастерства АОО «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы».  
        2. Курс повышения квалификации по теме «Использование современных технологий в преподавании естественных наук». 5.11. -17.11.2018 г. Международный Кувейтский университет, г. Бишкек, Кыргызстан.
        3. Курс повышения квалификации на тему  «Современные педагогические технологии в высших учебных заведениях в рамках обновленного содержания образования». 260 часов. Сертификат № 0320564.с 01.04 по 17.05.2019 г.  АО "НЦПК " ӨРЛЕУ"
        4. Курс повышения квалификации по теме «Основы Киберпедагогики. Дистанционные методы и технологии обучения», 72 часа. 12-25 августа 2020 г. г. Алматы, КазНацЖенПУ.  Регистрационный номер №С-1391
        5. Учебно-методический семинар по теме «Решение сложных задач по физике 10 класса наиболее рациональными способами»  организованный городским научно-методическим центром новых технологий в образовании. 10.01-30.10.2020 г. №51. г. Алматы
        6. Курс повышения квалификации на тему: «Актуальные проблемы преподавания физики на современном этапе» разработанный НЦПР "ASTANA JOBALARY", 72 часа. 2-14 ноябрь 2020 г. № 0214QS20-20445. г. Нур-Султан.
        • Kopenbayeva Amankul

          Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Kopenbayeva Amankul

        Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences



        • higher education, Master of Physics, bachelor's degree, kaznu. KazNU Named After Al-Farabi. Specialty: Physics 1997-2001.
        • magistracy, treasury. KazNU Named After Al-Farabi. Qualification: Physics. In 2001-2003 .
        • doctoral studies, kaznu. KazNU Named After Al-Farabi. Qualification: Physics. 2018-2021


        • spectroscopic factors of nucleons and clusters for 1p shell nuclei and their application in the description of nuclear processes


        • 1. Researcher. Technical and technological solution to the problem of protection of shields operating in winter conditions of Northern, Central and Eastern Kazakhstan. 2009 kaznu. Al-Farabi KazNU
        • 2. research associate. "Development, production and technical and technological tests of a modern research sample of a vertical-axial composite wind turbine in a wind tunnel". 2010 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        • 3. research associate. Quantum chemical modeling of catalytic properties of cobalt oxide with nitrogen addition. Kazgoszhenpu 2018-2021
        • 4. research associate. Victories are cluster, multicluster and nucleon degrees of freedom in the atomic nucleus. 2017-2020KazNU Named After Al-Farabi.


        • 1. Studying the Cluster Structure of the 11B Nucleus Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2020, 84 (10), pp. 1179-1182
        • 2. Cluster Structure of the Ground and Excited States of 9Be and 10B Nuclei Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2020, 238, pp. 259-262
        • 3. Isotopic spin in light nuclei. LXX International conference ”NUCLEUS – 2020. Nuclear physics and elementary particle physics. Nuclear physics technologies”. Section 1. Experimental and theoretical studies of the properties of atomic nuclei. 13 October , 2020
        • 4. International conference "Innovative development of education, high-tech industries and renewable energy sources" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Erik A. K., December 2020
        • Baikadamova Laura

          Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Baikadamova Laura

        Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences



        • Master of Physics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        • Physics, Bachelor's degree, Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical Institute


        • Alternative energy sources


        1. Study of the effect of nitrogen on the catalytic activity of cobalt oxide from the first principles, 2018-2020.
        2. Creation of microhydroelectric power plants for autonomous consumers. 2013-2015


        1. G.A.Kaptagay, Y.A.Mastrikov, E.A.Kotomin, G.O.Baitasheva, L.S.Baikadamova  Theoretical investigations of nitrogen doping on Co 3 O 4 for water dissociation catalytically activity. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 1115(3), 032032
        2. B.S.Baltabay, A.A.Akzholova, L.S.Baikadamova Asynchronous motor – operating principle and device: International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science. p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online), 2018  
        3. K.Tugelbayeva, M.Kunelbayev, L.Baikadamova, A.Aidarbekova Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Compounds to Irradiation-Quantum Pd/-Al2O3 and Pt/-Al2O3. International Journal Chemical Science, ISSN: 0972-768X, Volume 15 issue 2, 2017
        4. A.Zh.Zhamalov, A.Dzh.Obozov, M.M.Kunelbayev, L.S.Baikadamova Capacity and Power Characteristics of Disk Generator with Counter-Rotation of Double-Rotor Wind Turbine / Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 15(12), 2013, – рр. 1655-1662. ISSN 1990-9233
        5. А.Zhamalov, A.D.Obozov, S.A.Issaev, M.M.Kunelbayev, L.S.Baikadamova Simulation Model of Two-Rotor Wind Turbine with Counter-Rotation / World Applied Sciences Journal 22(2): 215-219, ISSN 1818-4952, IDOSI Publications, 2013, P. 215-219
        6. Patent for useful model “Bibalent module based on two-rotor wind turbine”. A.Zh.Zhamalov, M.M.Kunelbayev, L.S.Baikadamova /Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Patent No. 1576 for a utility model, July 8, 2016
        • Toktaugaliyeva Samga

          Position: lecturer, master of science

        • Information

        Toktaugaliyeva Samga

        Position: lecturer, master of science



        • Bachelor of Natural Sciences, al-Farabi Kazakh National university, 2013-2017
        • Master of Science in natural Sciences, al-Farabi Kazakh National university, 2018-2020
        • Doctoral studies, 8B01501-Physics, Kazakh National women's teacher training university, 2020-2023


        • 2017-2024, physics teacher at №43 secondary school in Almaty
        • Since September 2023, a lecturer at the department of Physics of the Kazakh National women's teacher training university


        • Computer simulation of the dynamic properties of dusty plasma near the edges of a thermonuclear reactor
        •  Education (physics)


        • Термоядролық реактордың қабырға маңындағы тозаңды плазманың динамикалық сипаттамаларын зерттеу. “Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the XXI century” атты VI халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференциясы. №6, 2020, б. 20-24.
        • Разработка шкалы измерения оценки знаний по физике на основе проверочных задании по степеням сложности. «Историко – просветительское значение г.Каракол в развитии Кыргызстана» №53 Вестник Иссык – кульского университета. 2023
        • Development of measures, system of assessment of learning process parameters in the secondary education system. Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. №2, 2024
        • Kurbangaliev Ulan Bekbolatuly

          Position: Lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Kurbangaliev Ulan Bekbolatuly

        Position: Lecturer, master of sciences


        Kurbangaliev Ulan Bekbolatuly – graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 2021. In 2013, he received a Master of Science degree in Pedagogical Sciences from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. From 2022 to the present, she has been teaching at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. Kurbangaliev Ulan Bekbolatuly is constantly conducting research in the field of education. He has published articles in reviewed journals and presented papers at international scientific conferences.


        • Bachelor of Science, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan);
        • Master of Pedagogical Sciences in Physics, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay


        • The use of differentiated methods in teaching physics
        • Benefits of differentiated teaching in physics


        • U.B.Kurbangaliev. Okytudy differentialdau adіsіmen orta mektepte physics kursyn oqytu // Respublika gylymi-ədistemelik zhurnal. No. 6(2022). 15-18 better.
        • U.B.Kurbangaliev. Physics kursinda differential okytudy paydalanu // “Geomechanics and computer-mathematics modeldeudi okytudyn zamanaui maseleleri” atty halykaralyk conference. (2022). 194-196 better.
        • Nysanbek Sara Meirambekovna

          Position: Teacher, Master of pedagogical science

        • Information

        Nysanbek Sara Meirambekovna

        Position: Teacher, Master of pedagogical science


        Nysanbek Sara Meirambekovna-okonchila Kazakh National University im. Al-Farabi in 2022. In 2024, she received a master's degree in pedagogical science from the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Nysanbek Sara Meirambekovna regularly conducts research in the field of Education. She published articles in peer-reviewed journals and appeared at international scientific conferences.


        * Bachelor of educational science, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, (Kazakhstan);

        * Master of pedagogical science in physics, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University


        * 02.2024-08.2024 Laboratory Assistant Department "Physics" Kazakh state women's Pedagogical Institute


        Integrated training of foreign languages in physics


        * The importance of teaching physics in English at a higher educational institution // international scientific and practical hybrid conference "actual problems of Natural Sciences and modern approaches to biological Education", organized in honor of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Professor Kozhantaeva Zheniskul Zhunisbekovna. 03.03.2023.P. 452-4457

        * Methods and improving the effectiveness of teaching physics at school in English // collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference “modern problems of geomechanics and teaching computer and mathematical modeling”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of technical sciences, professor Baimakhan rysbek Baimakhanovich. 02.12.2022.P. 443-447

        • Abdykalyk Dana Bakhytbekkyzy

          Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer

        • Information

        Abdykalyk Dana Bakhytbekkyzy

        Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer



        • Physics, Bachelor's degree, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, 2017-2021
        • Master's Degree in Physics, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, 2022-2024


        • 2024 Lecturer at the Physics Department of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


        •  Nuclear gamma resonance and its application in solid state physics
        •  Development of students' research activities in the framework of "Action Research" in school physics


        • Formation of research skills among students in physics lessons. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "MODERN PROBLEMS OF TEACHING GEOMECHANICS AND COMPUTER-MATHEMATICAL MODELING" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Baymakhan Rysbek Baymakhanovich, December 2, 2022, pp. 45-50
        • Action research and development of research skills. Management in Education, No. 2 (109), 2023, pp. 65-68
        • Development of students' research activities within the framework of Action research on school physics. IX All-Russian Scientific and practical conference with international participation "St. Andrew's Readings: Modern concepts and technologies of creative self-development of personality" March 21-22, 2024



        • Abdirasil Nazerke Medetbekkyzy

          Position: teacher, Master of Natural Sciences

        • Information

        Abdirasil Nazerke Medetbekkyzy

        Position: teacher, Master of Natural Sciences



        • Mechanics, Bachelor's degree, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 2016-2020
        • Master of Natural Sciences, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 2020-2022


        • 2020-2021 Physics Teacher at Alginsk Secondary School
        • 2021-2023 Physics Teacher of Secondary school № 36
        • 2023-2024 Mathematics teacher at Lyceum school № 7
        • 09/02/2024 -Lecturer at the Department of Physics of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University


        • Celestial Mechanics - Restricted Three-Body Problem


        • Materials international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi" Almaty, Kazakhstan April 6-8, 2022 pp. 90-91
        • Muratkhan Zhantay

          Position: Lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Muratkhan Zhantay

        Position: Lecturer, master of sciences


        Muratkhan Zhantay  - graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 2016. In 2018 he received a master's degree in natural sciences from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. From 2019 to 2023 he worked as a teacher in the Department of Physics at Satbayev University. From 2023 to the present he has been teaching at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. Muratkhan Zhantay  is constantly conducting research in the field of education. He has published articles in reviewed journals and presented papers at international scientific conferences.


        • Bachelor of Science, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan);
        • Master of physics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan);


        • Development of human values
        • Raising the spirit and consciousness
        • Atomic and nuclear physics
        • Anomalous phenomena


        • Study of the covariant model of quarks 2018-2019.
        • Calculation of form factors of the B→S transition in the covariant quark model 2019-2023.


        • M.A. Ivanov, G.S. Nurbakova. Zh.Muratkhan Calculation of form factors of the B→S transition Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, physical series. – mat. 6, 316
        • G.S Nurbakova, N Khabyl, Zh. Muratkhan Materials of the International Scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician of the NAS RK Abdildin Meirkhan Mubarakovich. Abdildin Readings: Actual Problems of Modern Physics.


        • Zh. Muratkhan. Quarktardyn kovarianttyk modelin negizinde, tort kvarktan turatyn mezondardyn kasietterin zertteu // Khalykaralyk gylymi conference “Farabi Alemi”, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, (Kazakhstan), 2018. 30b.
        • Z Musa, Zh. Muratkhan Kvarktardyn covarianttyk modelin negizinde V-mezonynyn ydyrauyn sipattau // IV Halykaralyk Farabi oculars “Farabi alemi”. Kazakh National University named after. Al-Farabi, (Kazakhstan), 2019. 20b
        • Nyssan Gulshat

          Position: Lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Nyssan Gulshat

        Position: Lecturer, master of sciences


        Gulshat Nyssan - graduated from the Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov in 2016. In 2018, he received a master's degree in physics from the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

        He began his career as a physics teacher at a secondary school in Almaty.

        In 2018-2021 he studied in doctoral studies at the Abai Kazakh National State University in doctoral physics.

        Gulshat Nyssan constantly conducts research in the field of education. Published articles in international scientific journals.


        • Bachelor of Physics, Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov.
        • Master of Pedagogical Sciences in Physics, Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abay.
        • Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (doctoral studies)


        • Using interactive methods in teaching physics.
        • Benefits of the updated educational program


        • G.M. Nysan, J.K. Sydykova, G.S. Arynova (2016) used interactive methods in teaching physics. Correspondent of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Jas alym. Fromdenister. Problems. Research series. 2016 No. 2 (8). 63-66 g.
        • G.M. Nysan, Qozybaı A.Q. (2021) Features of the program "Traditional and Updated Axis" Eurasian National University. L.N. Gimilev. Pedagogical series.
        • G.M. Nysan, Qozybaı A.Q. (2021) Improves the methodological preparation of future physics teachers for innovative work based on a metamethodological approach.


        • May 15, 2017, PROGRAMS of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF TEACHING THE NATURAL SCIENCES AND MODERN PEDAGOGICAL INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES". The use of interactive methods in the study of the magnetic field of permanent magnets
        • 2019, May 25-30, Materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATION 2019: CENTRAL ASIA". NUR-SULTAN, Benefits of the updated educational program
        • June 15, 2019, XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Achievements of Science and Technology". Moscow, Difference between traditional and updated training programs
        • 2019, IV-th International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of the theory and practice of teaching staff training", dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the organization of the Faculty of Education and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Philosophy, Corresponding Member. MANPO, professor N. Maatkerimova. Bishkek, The role of the teacher in the context of the modernized educational content
        • Amirbekova Gulzhanat Samatkyzy

          Position:  Teacher, Master of pedagogical science

        • Information

        Amirbekova Gulzhanat Samatkyzy

        Position:  Teacher, Master of pedagogical science

        +7 7476448213


        •  Bachelor of Engineering and Technology, 2013-2017, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Specialty: Materials Science and technology of new materials
        • Master of Natural Sciences, 2017-2019  The al-Farabi Treasury. Specialty : Physics
        •  Doctoral studies 2019-2024. The al-Farabi Treasury.    Specialty : "Nanomaterials and nanotechnology"


        • 2015-2024 Specialist in the Laboratory of Engineering Profile of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of  Physics and Technology


        • Chalcogenide nanomaterials


        1.  Formation of PbS microstructured films by CBD  method and study of structural properties https://doi.org/10.15251/CL.2023.2012.857
        2. Influence of the distance   between evaporation source and substrate on formation of lead telluride (PbTe) nanostructures by vacuum thermal evaporation method https://doi.org/10.15251/CL.2024.215.431
        3. The effect of plasma surface treatment on the structure of the lead sulfide film
        4. Control of the sizes of lead sulfide (PbS) nanoparticles by plasma treatment method
        5. The influence of the temperature of a mixture of lead nitrate and sodium hydroxide solutions on the growth peculiarities of lead sulfide films
        6. Нанокеуекті алюминий оксиді мембранасын алу мақсатында алюминий фольгасының бет-бедерін жоғары жиілікті плазма арқылы өңдеу
        7. Исследование структурных и электронных cвойств графана из первых принципов
        8.  Chemical deposition of lead sulfide nanoparticles from aqueous solution
        9. Термиялық буландыру әдісімен алынған PbTe қабыршақтарының морфологиясын зерттеу
        10.  Қорғасын сульфидінің (PbS) нанобөлшектерін сулы ерітіндіден химиялық отырғызу режимдерін әзірлеу
        11. Төсенішті ерітіндіде ұстау уақытының қорғасын сульфиді құрылымына əсері
        12.  Etching of the aluminum foil surface using high-frequency plasma to produce a nanoporous aluminum oxide membrane
        13.  Исследование графана типов  boat-1 и  boat-2
        14. Исследование структурных и электронных cвойств графана из первых принципов
        • Kutkeldieva Elzira Orazbekovna

          Position: Senior Lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Kutkeldieva Elzira Orazbekovna

        Position: Senior Lecturer, master of sciences

        8 707 373 3536


        • 2005-2009 Bachelor, 050110-Physics,  Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
        • 2014-2016 master's degree, 6M011000-Physics, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov
        • 2020-2023 doctoral studies, 6D011000-Physics KazNPU named after Abay


        • Methods of teaching physics;
        • Methodology for studying the laws of classical mechanics and thermodynamics.


        • T.Saparbaev, E.O.Kutkeldieva, Zh.K.Doshniyazov, K.E.Alimbetov. Features of folk pedagogy in labor education., XLIV International Multidisciplinary Conference “Recent Scientific Investigation”. Proceedings of the Conference., May, 2023. Primedia E-launch LLC, Shawnee, USA. 2023. pp.
        • T.Saparbaev, E.O.Kutkeldiyeva, S.K.Kakhkhorov, Kh.O.Juraev. Determination of the surface tension coefficient of a liquid using virtual technologies., PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS The scientific-theoretical and methodical journal, Uzbekistan, Bukhara, - 2023, No. 4, pp. 158-164.
        • T. Saparbaev, E. O. Kutkeldieva. Improving teaching methods on the topic “Electric current in metals.”, “National Research Center Bulletin of Science.”, Innovative scientific research: theory, methodology, development trends / Collection of scientific articles based on the materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference., 12/2/2022, Ufa.
        • G.K.Nauryzbaeva, E.O.Kutkeldieva. Pedagogical issues in the formation of technical competencies of university students in physics classes., Japan, Tokyo. SCIENTIFIC HORIZON IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL CRISES. 25-26.11.2021. R.120.
        • L.Kh.Mazhitova, G.K.Nauryzbaeva, E.O.Kutkeldieva. Features of the organization of the process of teaching physics., Materials of the international scientific and practical conference: Issues of modern science: new achievements., Scientific Research Center "World of Science"., Bulgaria, Sofia, 02/17/2020. pp. 8-14.
        • L.Kh.Mazhitova, G.K.Nauryzbaeva, E.O.Kutkeldieva. Pedagogical questions of teaching in physics., Materials of the international scientific and practical conferences: Innovative development and the potential of modern science., Scientific Research Center “World of Science”., Czech Republic, Prague, 02/17/2020. pp. 215-223.
        • B.Ya. Yavidov, T.Saparbaev, A.N.Kurmantayev, E.O.Kutkeldiyeva “A Trick of Finding of Hermitian Conjugate of n /xn Operator”, Australia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST Vol. 29, No. 3, (2020), pp. 14761–14765. http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/issue/view/261
        • B.Ya. Yavidov, T.Saparbaev, S.Tulepbergenov, E.O.Kutkeldiyeva “On increasing the effectiveness of classes in physics by demonstrating historical-financial symbols”, Philadelphia, USA., International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science. p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online) Year: 2020 Issue: 12 Volume: 92 Published: 12/23/2020., pp. 263-272. Indexed by Clarivate Analytics. Scopus ASCC: 3304. http://T-Science.org
        • A.K.Kozybay, E.O.Kutkeldieva., JOO – yes physics of innovation technologies., “Bulletin of PSU”, Pedagogical Series, Pavlodar, -2019, No. 4, pp. 250-257.
        • G.K.Nauryzbaeva, Gabdullina G.L., E.O.Kutkeldieva., Bolashak mamandardyn kasibi kuzyretterin kalyptastyru-bugingi kunnin ozekti maselelerinin biri ret ind., “Bulletin of Abay KazNPU”, Series of Pedagogical Sciences, Almaty. , -2019, No. 2 (62), pp. 92-97.
        • G.K.Nauryzbaeva, E.O.Kutkeldieva. Information activity approach to training competitive personnel at universities. Modern management: theory, methodology, practice: Materials of the II scientific and practical conference with international participation. – Kazan: Information Center of the University of Management “TISBI”, 2019. – 216 p. ISBN 978-5-93593-279-4.
        • E.O.Kutkeldiyeva. Problems of improvement of methodological preparation of future physics teachers in higher education institutes., Germany, Bonn city, International conference of European Academy of science. Section: Social sciences / Higher education. May 21-31, 2019. Page 72.
        • G.T.Tugelbaeva, E.O.Kutkeldiyeva “Labjratory workshop on astronomy”, Oku Kuraly, Almaty: KazMemkyzPU, 2019. –123b., ISBN 978-601-224-823-4
        • E.O.Kutkeldieva., Bolashak physics mugalimderinin adistemelik dayyndygyn zhetildiru., Kazakhstan, Almaty kalasy, Tesister zhinaga, “Farabi alemi” atty student men zhas gal ymdardyn VI Khalykaralyk gylymi conferences, 8.04-11.04. 2019 b.416.
        • T. Saparbaev, E. O. Kutkeldieva., Determination of the viscosity coefficient of a liquid by the Stokes method., Copyright. In 3 languages. Virtual laboratory work. No. 2399, 03/20/2019
        • Kozybay A.K., Iskakova A.B., E.O. Kutkeldieva., Prospects for the development of educational innovative technologies in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan, Almaty, international scientific and practical conferences. Sadykov readings – V. “Current problems of science and education at the present stage.” 09/26/2018 pp.75-78.
        • G.T.Tugelbaeva, E.O.Kutkeldieva Fizikalyk esepterdi shygaru arkyly mugalimnin kasibi kuzyrettililigin kalyptastyru, Abai atyndagi kazupu khabarshysy, Fi zika-mathematics series. No. 4 (60) 2017. – 126-132, ISSN: 1728-5496


        • Course "Methodological models and technologies for teaching physics at universities." Almaty (04.11.2019 – 08.11.2019).
        • Course “Modern approaches in the higher education system.” Almaty (01/06/2020 – 01/18/2020).
        • Course "Design in the Solidworks environment." Almaty (01/23/2021 – 02/13/2021).
        • Course “Application of VR/AR technologies in solving professional problems.” Moscow (20.09.2021 – 06.10.2021).
        • Course "Modern innovative technologies"


        • Baitursyn Nuray

          Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Baitursyn Nuray

        Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences


        Baitursyn Nuray - In 2006, the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, received an academic degree of Bachelor of Education in physics and computer science, in 2013, a master's degree in physics from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.

        Career. From September 2012 to present Lecturer of the department of Physics of Physics and mathematics faculty of Kazakh State Women's Teacher training University

        Deputy dean on educational work (September 2014 – August 2016) of Physics and mathematics faculty of  Kazakh State Women's Teacher training University

        Teacher of physics (September 2006 - August 2012) of Sh.Smagulov Almaty regional boarding school


        • Master of Physics, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute;
        • Bachelor's degree in Physics and Computer Science, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.


        • Improving the efficiency and quality of teaching physics in secondary schools;
        • Development of non-traditional energy sources in Kazakhstan.


        • Laboratory work on mechanics: A.K.Yershina, A. Shakarbekkyzy,  
        • N. Baytursyn, S.E.Makhanbetova /Text edition. Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, 2016. Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-697-1.   
        • Elementary particles and the formation of chemical elements. N.Iliyasov,
        • U. Parmanbekov, N. Baitursyn./ Textbook.Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, 2015. ISBN 978-601-224-687-2
        • Laboratory work on the Physics of the Atom and the Atomic Nucleus:  U. Parmanbekov, A. Shakharbekkyzy,  A.S. Kөpenbaeva, N. Baitursyn /Tutorial. Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, 2015. ISBN 978-601-224-688-9
        • Laboratory Works on Optics: U. Parmanbekov, A.S. Kөpenbaeva, A. Shakarbekkyzy, N. Baitursyn /Tutorial. Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, 2015. ISBN 978-601-224-692-6
        • Laboratory work on Electricity and magnetism: U. Parmanbekov, S.S. Sugurov, A. Shakarbekkyzy, N. Baitursyn. /Tutorial. Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, 2015.ISBN 978-601-224-690-2
        • Laboratory works on Astronomy: G.Т. Togelbayeva, U.Parmanbekov,
        • Shakarbekkyzy, N. Baitursyn / Study Guide. Almaty: "Doir", 2015. ISBN 978-601-224-693-3
        • Laboratory work on the teaching methods of physics:U. Parmanbekov, N. Sandibayeva, N. Baitursyn, A.Shakarbekkyzy /Methodical instructions. Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, 2015.ISBN 978-601-224-618-6
        • Collection of problems in mechanics. Tutorial.  Yershina A. K., Tashev B. A., Baitursyn N. Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, 15,25 P. ISBN 978-601-346-418022-2


        • Альтернативті энергия көздеріне көшу – таза экология кілті. Yershina A. K, N. Baitursyn A. Shakarbekkyzy, , Bizhanova A. «Анадолыдан бір сөз» 1/1 Turkey, In Niyde. OSAC 2015
        • Жасыл экономиканың басым бағыттарының бірі – жаңарып тұратын энергия көздері. N. Baitursyn A. Shakarbekkyzy, Bizhanova A. II International Symposium of Studies of the Turkic World, Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University. 2015
        • Физикалық  есептерді  шығарудың кейбір ерекшеліктері. N. Baitursyn, A. Shakarbekkyzy, А. Baisaparova. II International Symposium of Studies of the Turkic World, Almaty:, Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University. 2015
        • Элементар бөлшектердің классификациясы ұғымына әдістемелік талдау. N. Baitursyn, L.Baykadamova. VІІ International Symposium of Studies of the Turkic World. Nijde G., University of Nijde Omer Halisdemir, 20-23.10.2020.
        • Abdilla Magzhan

          Position: Lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Abdilla Magzhan

        Position: Lecturer, master of sciences


        Abdilla Magzhan  - graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 2019. In 2021 he received a master's degree in natural sciences from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

        From 2019 to 2021 he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. From 2021 to the present, she has been teaching at the Kazakh National Women's University.

        Abdilla Magzhan is constantly conducting research in the field of education. He has published articles in reviewed journals and presented papers at international scientific conferences.


        • Bachelor of Science, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan);
        • Master of physics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan);


        • Development of human values
        • Raising the spirit and consciousness
        • Atomic and nuclear physics
        • Anomalous phenomena


        • Three-body pendant system. 2018-2019
        • Study of helium and tritium emissions from lithium ceramics LiTiO3 with pulse reduction of VVRK reactor capacity: 2019-2021.


        • M. A. Abdilla, E. V. Chikhray, S. K. Askerbekov, A. M. Axanov, A. N. Berguzinov. Monitoring and control system for valves of the «CIRRA» WWR-K installation during irradiation experiments// Торайғыров университетінің хабаршысы. Toraighyrov University, Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan.  Energy series. №1 (2021). Pages 23-35.


        • М.Ә. Әбділлә, А.Н. Базарова. HD+ СУТЕГІ МОЛЕКУЛАЛЫҚ ИОНЫНЫҢ ПРЕЦЕЗИОНДЫҚ ЗЕРТТЕУЛЕРІ // Халықаралық ғылыми конференция «Фараби әлемі», Əл- Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан, 2019. 35б.