Deprtament of Professional Foreign Language Training
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
About the department
The Department of Professional Foreign Language Training trains bachelors in the educational program "6B01705 - Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages""(students of the 3rd and 4th years), masters of pedagogical sciences in the educational program "7M01705 - Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages, PhD doctors in the educational program "8D0170300 - Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages."
The purpose and objectives of the department: training of competitive specialists - undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate students, professionals with appropriate knowledge and skills, developed foreign-language communicative competencies in the field of teaching foreign languages for subsequent effective professional activities in the multilingual and multicultural environment; ensuring the intensification of scientific activities of the teaching staff, expanding international relations, developing the mobility of students and teachers. The activities of the department are organized in accordance with the declared mission, goals and objectives of the University’s development strategy and are aimed at their implementation.
The department includes the following highly qualified specialists: 3 candidates of sciences, 3 PhD doctors and MBA. The teaching staff of the department actively participates in academic mobility programs abroad and international projects
Educational programs
Duisebayeva Fatima Sautbekovna
Position: Leader of educational program, acting рrofessor, Associate professor, candidate of Sciences
- Information
Duisebayeva Fatima Sautbekovna
Position: Leader of educational program, acting рrofessor, Associate professor, candidate of Sciences
“Foreign Philology”- Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov (1982-1987)
Professional experience:
Taraz State University named after M.Kh.Dulati, KazNAU, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Ablai Khan
Area of scholarly interests:
Academic English, Professionally Oriented English, Intercultural Communication, Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Regional Studies (UK, USA). Foreign/English/American Literature
Scientific achievements:
Published 65 scholarly papers, 20 of them in foreign editions, 2- in Scopus journals. Participated in international conferences in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Russia. Completed scientific internships in the framework of Bolashak (UK, the Netherlands), Fulbright (USA), IREX (USA) , Open Society Institute/OSI (Hungary, Turkey, USA) programs.
Nurtayeva Aisulu
Position: senior lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences
- Information
- From September 1994 to August 2007 worked as a teacher at the Department of Teaching Foreign Languages at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after S. Abylai Khan (Almaty);
- From September 2005 to August 2018 worked as a teacher of special disciplines at the Kazakh-Turkish Humanitarian and Technological College (Almaty);
- From September 2007 to August 2019 worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of methods of teaching foreign languages of the Kazakh national women's teacher training university
- Since the 2022 academic year, she has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of foreign language teaching methods of the Kazakh national women's teacher training university
- Specialty English-Russian languages (Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, 1989-1994), the decision of the State Examination Commission on May 30, 1994 awarded the qualification of the teacher of English-Russian languages (ZhB-I No. 0029471);
- The educational program "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" (University of Foreign Languages and Business Careers 2011-2013), the decision of the State Attestation Commission on May 17, 2013 (Minutes No. 33) was awarded the Master's Degree in Pedagogical Sciences (ZhOK-M No. 0040933) ;
- From 2019-2022 academic year Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University in doctoral studies in the EP 8D02301 – «Philology»
Refresher courses
- Al-Farabi Kazakh National University «Из опыта применения результативных методик обучения иностранному языку» 14-20.02.2021 72 часов,
- Regional English Language Office U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan «For completion of a 20- hours virtual training on English Language teaching methodology and content development of online classes» 14.09-30.10.2020,
- Аl-Farabi Kazakh National University and Suleyman Demirel University «Diversity and Education: crossed views» 2020,
- .InterPress «Using Effective Techniques for Developing Main Language Skills in the ELT Classroom» 22.01.2020,
- «Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools» ДББҰ Педагогикалық шеберлік орталығы әзірлеген ҚР орта білім мазмұнын жаңарту шеңберінде педагог кадрларды даярлайтын 80 академиялық сағат көлемінде курс 2019 ж. 22.04-03.05,
- Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, «Pedagogy and Inclusive education» Chimine Arfuso 04.12-08.12.17г. 72 hours,
- EDUSTREAM «General English and Teaching Methodology» 180 сағат,
- Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 05.01.- 06.01.2018 «Modern methods of teaching foreign languages and translation» 72 сағат
Publications (monographs, textbooks, scientific publications recommended by Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, International conferences)
- Teaching online enantiosemia and word diffusion aspect to the language students during corona virus. Xlinguae European Scientific Language Journal (Scopus)
- Сөзжасамдық антонимияның уәждемелік сипаттары. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың «Хабаршы-Вестник (Филологиялық ғылымдар сериясы)» журналы №2,
- Энантиосемияның түрлері және олардың мағыналарын шектеуші құралдар. С.Торайғыров атындағы ПМУ ғылыми журналы («ПМУ Хабаршысы»№3
- Тілдік оппозиция: антонимдер мен қарама-қарсы мәндес сөздердің пайда болу диалектикасы.
- Е.А.Букетов атындағы КарУ ғылыми журналы (ҚарУ Хабаршысы) филология сериясы №3Қазіргі коммуникация құралдарының тіл тазалығына әсері. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың «Хабаршы-Вестник (Филологиялық ғылымдар сериясы)» журналы №4(69) «Building intercultural competence in the language classroom» Материалы ХІV международной науно-практической конференции, Cофия 15-22 февраля 2018 «Мәдениетаралық қатысымдық құзіреттілікті қалыптастыру жолдары» Материалы международной конференции, Польша 07-15 марта 2018 «Мәдениетаралық коммуникативтік құзіреттілікті қалыптастыру ұғымы» «Ағартушы» республикалық қоғамдық ғылыми-танымдық газет журналы №1, наурыз 2018- 2017 «Мәдениетаралық коммуникация халықаралық қатынастар факторы» Оңтүстік Қазақстан Мемлекеттік педагогикалық университеті, «Экспо-2017: кәсіби педагог мамандарды даярлаудағы инновациялық бағыттар - Байтанаев оқулары – 5» атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференциясының материалдары, ІІ бөлім, Шымкент-2017 «Effective CLIL lesson planning: what lies behind it?» ҚазМҚПУ-нің хабаршысы, №2 (68) 2017«Оқу үрдісінде бастауыш сынып оқушыларының қабілетін дамытудың маңыздылығы» Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Филолоия және әлем тілдері факультеті, Шет тілдер кафедрасы, «Көп тілділік пен тілдік емес университеттерде шетел тілдерін оқытудың ауқымды мәселелері» атты халықаралық ғылыми-әдістемелік конференция материалдары, Алматы, 20 сәуір, 2017 ж. «Коммуникация теориясының негізгі қағидалары мәдениетаралық коммуникация құзыреттілігі» Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті, Қазақ филологиясы және әлем тілдері факультеті, «Мемлекеттік тіл саясаты – қазақстандықтардың бірігуінің факторы» атты республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары, 2016 жылғы 29 қараша, Алматы қаласы «What causes culture shock?» News of Science and Education, №18 (42), 2016, ISSN 2312 – 2773, Science and Education Ltd, Sheffield, UK
Janserkeyeva Eldana
Position: senior lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences
- Information
Janserkeyeva Eldana
Position: senior lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences
- Specialty 5B011900- Foreign language: two foreign languages (Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, 2002-2005), qualified teacher of English-Chinese languages;
- The educational program "6M011900-Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" (University of Foreign Languages and Business Careers 2005-2006), the Master's Degree in Pedagogical Sciences.
- Curriculum and structure
- Professional development of pre service teachers of a foreign language
- Methods of learning a foreign language
- Janserkeyeva E, Sadykova A «Formation of socio-cultural competence of future foreign languages teachers» KazNU «Хабаршы», 2020ж ISSN 1563-0226
- Janserkeyeva E, Karbozova M «Development of the structure of socio-cultural competence in vocational education and training» Journal "Science and Life" №6.2020г
- Sadykova R, Janserkeyeva E «Ways of development of Kazakh and Persian literary connections». KazNU «Вестник», №1(84) 2018, 197 ISSN 1563-0226
- Janserkeyeva E «The advantages of promoting writing skills to young learners» KazNaWTTU вестник, №2 (68) 2017.
- Janserkeyeva E «Competence formation in professional development of future specialists» 6th The International Conference ‘Social Science and Humanity’ Held by SCIEURO in London 23-29 March 2017
- October 18-20, 2017, Singapore "WTO Membership: Prospects for Scientific Research and the International Technology Market" II International Scientific and Practical Conference, "The Importance of Using New Information Technologies in Education»
- 15 - 22 November 2017, Bulgaria Materials XIII international scientific practical conference Achievement of High School - 2017 "The role and significance of lexical interference"
Snabekova Marita
Position: senior lecturer, Master of Translation Studies
- Information
Snabekova Marita
Position: senior lecturer, Master of Translation Studies
Marita Snabekova started her career as an English teacher at secondary school # 1 in Talgar.
From 2007 to 2012 she worked as an English teacher at the Kazakh-Turkish Humanitarian and Technological College.
In the 2010-2012 academic year she studied for a master's degree in "Translation Studies" at the University of Foreign Languages and Business Career.
In the 2018-2021 academic year she completed a PhD in "Philology" at Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University.
In 2019, she underwent a scientific internship in the Kingdom of the Netherlands and worked on the research topic "Linguocultural basis of folk cosmonymes" in the Kazakh and English languages.
- 2004-2007 University of Foreign Languages and Business Career, bachelor's degree in "Foreign language: two foreign languages"
- 2010-2012 University of Foreign Languages and Business Career, Master's degree in Translation Studies
- 2018-2021 Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University, PhD in Philology
- Onamastics (origins of names of celestial bodies)
- Linguoculture (world linguistic image of folk cosmonyms)
- Comparative linguistics (expression of folk cosmonyms in phraseology in English and Kazakh)
- Snabekova M.M. Lexico-semantic features of the “Stars” nominations in English, Russian and Kazakh languages (ART ACADEMY scientific journal # 4 (9) 2018 (71-76) ISSN 2523-4684
- Snabekova M.M. The role of legends in the promotion of our national culture Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of Kazakh linguistics" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor B.K. Kaliev 25.01.2019 Almaty - pp. 404-407.
- Snabekova M.M. Folk cosmonyms in the framework of the program "Seven Edges of the Great Steppe" in the framework of the XXII "Akhanov readings" of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi and a well-known turkologist International workshop dedicated to the 85th anniversary of A.S. Amanzholov "Turkic world: great steppe specimens" April 24-27, 2019. pp. 187-189. Almaty-Taraz.
- Snabekova M.M. Thesis "The role of folk cosmonymes in the development of nomadic animal husbandry" International Symposium of Altai Communities - VIII: Animals and Livestock, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, August 19-23, 2019
- Snabekova M.M. Cosmonims - an integral part of onomastics Proceedings of the international scientific-theoretical conference "Persons of the Great Steppe: Zhubanov's teachings and writing reform" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Professor K.K. Zhubanov and the 90th anniversary of Professor E. Zhubanov 19.12.2019 Almaty - pp. 160-162 .
- Snabekova M.M. Folk cosmonids - ethnocultural source. International scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan", №7, 2020. ISSN: 2073-333X, Paris, March, pp. 167-169.
- Snabekova M.M. The problem of the linguistic image of the world in cosmological names Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai, series "Philological Sciences" - №2 (72), 2020. ISSN: 1728-7804, Almaty - pp. 269-273.
- Снабекова М.М. FUNCTION OF NATIONAL COSMONYMS IN ABAY KUNANBAYEV'S APHORISMS Black Sea International Scientific Journal Volume: 47, Autumn 2020, p. (73-90) ISSN: 1308-6200 DOI Number: AN INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY JOURNAL
- Snabekova M.M. Folk cosmonids. Bulletin of KPU named after Sh. Valikhanov, philological series - №4 (2) / 2020, pp. 12-17
Abildaeva Karlygash Nurzhanovna
Position: Senior Lecturer, master of Pedagogical Sciences
- Information
Abildaeva Karlygash Nurzhanovna
Position: Senior Lecturer, master of Pedagogical Sciences
Work experience: Total work experience in a higher educational institution – 18 years.
In 2005, was hired as an English teacher at the Department of “Practical foreign languages”of the Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, in 2012 was transferred to the position of Deputy dean for educational work of the faculty, in 2013 was transferred to the position of senior teacher at the Department of “Methods of teaching a foreign language”, in 2014 she worked as a leading specialist at the Center for the development of multilingual education. Currently, a senior teacher of the master’s degree at the Department of Professional Training of Foreign Languages of KSWTTU.
- In 2001-2005, graduated from Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages degree of “Foreign Language: two foreign languages”, qualified as a teacher of English and Japanese languages.
- In 2011-2013 graduated from Central Asian University in the Department of the master’s degree in the specialty 6M011900- “Foreign Language: two foreign languages” and received the academic degree of Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
- In 2019-2022, graduated from the Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University with a degree in 8D0170100 – “Kazakh language and literature”.
Published articles:
- K. N. Abildaeva Scientific magazine Caravan. The image of the wolf in prose and its importance in dialogue preparation". November, 2021
- K. N. Abildayev International Journal of Turkish world studies. Relations of Kazakh and world literature 29.01.2022.
- K. N. Abildaeva HAK NAN RK Teaching the novel about the fate of women by Sh. Bronte 30.04.2022
- K. N. Abildaeva “International scientific and practical online conference values of the Great Steppe: language and independence”. Formation of professional skills of students.2022
- K. N. Abildaeva scientific journal caravan teaching Ernest Hemingway's Story “The Old Man and the sea”. 01.11.2022
- K. N. Abildaeva International Turkish World Research Symposium. Ways to use digital tools in Language Teaching.03.05.2023
- HAK S. Toraigyrov. Formation of students’ value attitudes in the process of studying foreign literature 2023
Advanced training courses:
- Institute for the development of modern education. 72 hours 04.10 2021- 07.05.2022. program of non-professional development of teachers
- Scientific and theoretical problems of Kazakh linguistics and Turkish Studies. 72 hours 15-21. 112021 Kaznpu
- “Development of professional competencies of teachers of the English language” 80 hours 14-25. 11 2022.Center for improving the qualification of Orleu.
- Reasearch and project competencies of a modern teacher. 72 hours. KNWTTU.
Mukhan Asem Azamatkyzy
Position: Teacher of English, master of Pedagogical Sciences at the Department of "Methods of teaching foreign languages"
- Information
Mukhan Asem Azamatkyzy
Position: Teacher of English, master of Pedagogical Sciences at the Department of "Methods of teaching foreign languages"
- Educational institution: Central Asian University, 2019-2021 Specialty: "Foreign language: two foreign languages" Degree: Bachelor
- Educational institution: Central Asian University, 2016-2018 Specialty: "Foreign language: two foreign languages"Degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences
- Educational institution: Central Asian University, 2012-2016 Specialty: "Computer Science" Degree: Bachelor
- International and Global Education;
- Program Evaluation & Staff Development;
- Higher Education and Administration;
- Curriculum and Instructional Leadership;
- Educational Partnership and Community Relationships
Participation in conferences:
- 12-13 ноября 2020 г. и 21-22 января 2021 г. - 72 hours international scientific and methodological conference dedicated to the «Internationalization of education: contemporary methods of teaching foreign languages for specific
- March 27, 2019-participation in work with gifted youth within the framework of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- April 22, 2017-participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference of students, undergraduates and young scientists on the topic: Youth and the third modernization of Kazakhstan: science, technology and innovation"
List of scientific publications:
- Educational process and social cooperation of university students. \ Bulletin of the MAN RK 2019
- Formation of the communicative culture of schoolchildren on the example of pedagogical discourse \ Bulletin of the CAU 2017
- Methods of formation of communicative skills in schoolchildren \ Bulletin of the CAU 2017
- Teaching English grammar to schoolchildren in the framework of a communicative approach \ Bulletin of the CAU 2017
Yermekkyzy Akniyet
Position: teacher, master of pedagogical sciences
- Information
Yermekkyzy Akniyet
Position: teacher, master of pedagogical sciences
- May- 2017- March 2019 Algabas Educational Center Teacher of English and Turkish languages
- September- November 2019 Enbekshi Secondary School English teacher
- September 2019- August 2020 Freelance translator from English into Kazakh (technical translations)
- September 2020- June 2022 • Private tutor for English and Turkish
- Since September 2022, a teacher of the department "Methods of teaching foreign languages" of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
- 2015-2019 University of Foreign Languages and Business Career (Almaty, Kazakhstan) Faculty of Philology, Two foreign languages (English-French)
- 2020-2022 Suleiman Demirel University (Kaskelen, Kazakhstan) Faculty of Pedagogical and Humanities, Two foreign languages
- Methodology of foreign language education
- Certificate of publication of the article (Using ICT applications in EFL teaching: Challenges and Experiences of Novice vs. Experienced English Teachers) in the international scientific journal “Problems of Pedagogy”
- Publication of an article (Using ICT applications in EFL teaching: Challenges and Experiences of Novice vs. Experienced English Teachers) on the website “EdArXiv Preprints”
Aitpaeva Meruert Dauletkalievna
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
- Information
Aitpaeva Meruert Dauletkalievna
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai khan (2004-2008)
Professional experience:
Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylaikhan, Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University.
Area of scholarly interests:
- Professional English;
- Professionally oriented English;
- Methods of foreign language education;
- Methods of teaching foreign languages;
- Business English;
- Turkish.
Scientific achievements: 15 scientific papers have been published. Participated in international conferences.
Kabylbaeva Zhannur Sakenovna
Position: Teacher, master of Pedagogical Sciences
- Information
Kabylbaeva Zhannur Sakenovna
Position: Teacher, master of Pedagogical Sciences
“Foreign languages:two foreign languages”- Taraz State University named after M.Kh.Dulati, (2013-2017)
Professional experience:
Educational center Big Ben, General education school-gymnasium 1
Area of scholarly interests:
Academic English, Professionally Oriented English, Intercultural Communication, Linguistic and Cultural Studies.
Scientific achievements: Participated in conferences in “Current problems of foreign language education, philology, translation studies and communication studies","Current theoretical issues of language and literature in the modern period" within the framework of the international scientific conference "Fiction: testology and translation"