+ List of documents
Required documents for admission
1. When applying to the University:
- application to the rector in any form;
- document on General secondary, technical and professional, post-secondary or higher education (original);
- identity document (required for identification);
- 6 photos measuring 3 x 4 centimeters;
- a medical certificate in the form 086-U in electronic format, approved by the order of the acting Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2010 No. 907 "on approval of forms of primary medical documentation of healthcare organizations" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts under No. 6697) (hereinafter-order No. 907);
- UNT certificate;
- an extract from the statement (for applicants for higher education programs that require special and (or) creative training, including in the fields of education " Pedagogical Sciences»;
- electronic certificate of awarding an educational grant.
Service recipients – citizens from among the disabled of groups I, II, disabled from childhood, disabled children, persons equated by benefits and guarantees to participants and invalids of the great Patriotic war, persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan from among the youth who have lost or remained without parental care until adulthood additionally submit documents confirming the granting of preferential rights and quotas.
Persons who have documents on technical and professional, post-secondary education, who have confirmed their qualifications and have at least one year of work experience in the specialty, additionally submit one of the following documents:
- employment record (the original is provided for verification);
- service record (list of information about the work, work activity of the employee), signed by the employer, certified by the seal of the organization (if available);
- an archived certificate containing information about the employee's employment,
- an extract from the unified accumulative pension Fund on the listed mandatory pension contributions and information from the State social insurance Fund on the social contributions made;
- an employment contract with the employer's mark on the date and grounds for its termination;
- extracts from the employer's acts confirming the emergence and termination of employment relations based on the conclusion and termination of an employment contract;
- extracts from the payroll statement for employees.
The document listed in sub-paragraph 1) is provided in the original and copies, after verification of which the sub-document is returned to the service recipient.
2. When accessing the portal:
- an application in the form of an electronic document signed by the service recipient's EDS;
- an electronic copy of documents on General secondary (secondary General), technical and professional (primary and secondary professional, post-secondary) or higher education (if there is no information in the information systems);
- digital photo size 3x4;
- medical documentation on form 086-U in electronic format, approved by order no. 907;
- UNT certificate;
- electronic certificate of award of an educational grant (if available).
Information about the identity document, General secondary (secondary General), technical and professional (primary and secondary professional, post-secondary) education, medical certificate, UNT electronic certificate and electronic certificate of awarding an educational grant (if available in information systems), the service provider receives through the information system from the relevant state information systems through the gateway "e-government".
After receiving a "personal account" by the applicant on the website of the notice on acceptance of documents for enrollment in Oita the service recipient provides the service provider the original documents from 10 to 25 August of the calendar year.
+ Deadline for submitting documents-
Terms of enrollment for the 2023-2024 academic year
Category of participants
Deadlines for accepting applications
Terms of the UNT
1) students of the final 11 (12) classes of secondary education organizations for admission to the UNIVERSITY on a paid basis at will;
from 1 to 15 December
from 15 to 20 January
2) persons enrolled in full-time higher Education institutions on a fee-based basis before the end of the first academic period;
3) students of higher Education institutions in a group of educational programs that require creative training and want to transfer to other groups of educational programs.
students of the final 11 (12) classes of secondary education organizations for admission to the UNIVERSITY on a paid basis at will;
from 1 to 15 February
from 26 to 31 March
1) graduates of secondary education organizations of the current year to participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant at the expense of the national budget or the local budget and (or) to enroll in the UNIVERSITY on a paid basis at will;
from April 1 to may 10
from June 20 to July 5
2) graduates of organizations of secondary education of previous years, technical and professional or post-secondary education to participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant at the expense of the national budget or the local budget and (or) to enroll in the UNIVERSITY on a paid basis at will;
3) graduates of technical and professional or post-secondary education who are enrolled in educational programs of higher education that provide for reduced terms of study to participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant at the expense of the national budget or the local budget, if desired.
graduates of secondary education institutions trained through international exchange students abroad, and persons of Kazakh nationality which are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan have graduated from educational institutions abroad to participate in competition on award of an educational grant at the expense of the Republican budget or local budget and (or) for admission to the UNIVERSITY on a fee basis on request
from 1 April to 15 may
from 20 June to 5 July
1) graduates of secondary education organizations of the current year for admission to the UNIVERSITY on a paid basis at will;
from July 25 to August 3
from August 17 to August 20
2) graduates of organizations of secondary education of previous years, technical and professional or post-secondary education for admission to the UNIVERSITY on a paid basis at will;
3) graduates of secondary education organizations who have studied through the international exchange of students abroad, as well as persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who have graduated from educational institutions abroad for admission to higher EDUCATION institutions on a paid basis at will;
4) students of higher Education institutions in a group of educational programs that require creative training and want to transfer to other groups of educational programs.
Special exam
Receiving incoming documents and conducting a special examination for admission from June 20 to August 24 of the calendar year.
Art exams
Accepting applications:
conducting the exam:
From June 20 to July 7
from July 8 to July 13
Competition for awarding an educational grant of higher education
Accepting applications:
From 13 to 20 July
from 21 July to 1 August
Unified national testing (UNT) for University enrollment on a fee-based basis
Learn more http://www.testcenter.kz/ru/shkolnikam/ent/edinoe-natsionalnoe-testirovanie-ent/
Admission Committee: +7 727 237 00 77
Required documents for admission