Department of Vocational Education
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
About the department
In the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Department of Physics and Labor in 1992 the specialty "Labor and Modeling of Clothes" was opened. The teachers S.Muktarov, A.Zh. Zhamalov, T.Zh. Shilibaeva, Sh.A. Abdualieva, R. A. Darmenova, N.B. Rakhmetova, K.K. Altynbekov. In 1997, the Department of Labor and Modeling of Clothes was established. In 2008, the department was renamed Professional Education” and the department was headed by Ph.D., Acting Professor R.A. Darmenov until 2021. Since 2021, a candidate of art history, associate professor, acting professor has been appointed to the position of program leader (head) of the Department of Professional Education. Professor Krykbaeva Sara Mukashevna. Based on the group of educational programs B007 Training of teachers of artistic work and drawing, according to educational programs 6B01404 Vocational training and entrepreneurship, 6B01402 Visual arts, artistic work, graphics and design and 7M01402 Vocational training, 7M01403 Artistic work, graphics and design, the department trains specialist teachers. The above educational program at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University according to the ratings of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR), the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" among higher educational institutions in 2020, the educational program 7M01402 "Vocational Training" took 1st place, in 2021 the educational program 6B01404 “Vocational Training” took 3rd place, in 2022 Educational program 6B01406 “Vocational Training and Entrepreneurship” took 1st place. Scientific and creative works of undergraduates and students, prepared under the guidance of the teaching staff of the educational program, win prizes at international and national conferences and symposiums, exhibitions, competitions and olympiads held annually. Scientists and professors of the Department of Professional Education are the authors of monographs, school textbooks and educational programs, excellent students in the field of culture of Kazakhstan, members of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, the Union of the Russian Academy of Artists and the Union of Eurasian Designers. The department received copyright certificates for textbooks and monographs registered in the state register of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Professor S.M. Krykbaeva, acting professor, Ph.D. N.B. Rakhmetova, Ph.D., acting assoc. Professor L.B.Imankulova, Master, Senior Lecturer G.A. Abdurakhmanova, acting professor, Ph.D. R.A. Darmenova and received a state patent for the invention, master, senior teacher U.N. Begeshova. The educational program includes the “Korkem ART” center, the “DARA ART” gallery, and a creative course for students “The World of Fashion”. In the elective courses “Magic Brush” and “Ledy ART”, students of the specialty “Vocational Education” and “Visual Arts, Artistic Work, Graphics and Design” improve various skills and develop an interest in art and creativity.
International communications
- Akdeniz University, Türkiye
- Hacı Bayram Veli University, Ankara, Türkiye
- University of Hong Kong, China
Nprovision of competitive pedagogical and scientific personnel
Strategic aim
Training of highly qualified personnel who will bring professional benefits for the development of human capital of the country.
Educational programs
Krykbayeva Sara
Position: Leader of educational programm, Candidate of ArtsStudy
- Information
Krykbayeva Sara
Position: Leader of educational programm, Candidate of ArtsStudy
Sara Krykbayeva – Graduate of Almaty State University named after Abay. In 1996, she was awarded the qualification of a teacher of fine arts, artistic work and drawing at the Almaty State University named after I. Abai (Diploma of distinction No. ЖБ-I 0007489). In 1998-2001 she graduated from the postgraduate course of the Almaty State University named after Abai, specialty 13.00.02 - "Tizo and PO". In 2011 she received a Ph.D. degree in art history from the Control Committee in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2021, he was awarded the scientific title of Associate Professor (Associate Professor) of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
She began her career as a teacher of fine arts and drawing at school-gymnasium №86 named after G. Musrepov and №138 Kazakh school named after M. Zhumabaev in Almaty.
From 2001 to 2010 she worked as a teacher of fine and applied arts at the Center for Children's Creativity at KTU No. 14, from 2001 to 2009 she worked as a teacher of art history and special disciplines at the College of Decorative and Applied Arts named after U. Tansykbaev, from 2008 to 2009 she worked as an assistant at the Almaty State University named after Abai with a degree in Fine Arts.
From 2009 to 2012 she worked as a senior lecturer at the design department of the Almaty Humanitarian and Technical University, and since 2012 - Associate Professors of the Institute of Social Sciences and Arts of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
Sara Krykbayeva has been working continuously in the field of education, scientific research and creativity.
She was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science for her contribution to the development of national science in international scientific conferences, symposia and topical articles in scientific journals and monographs, as well as a diploma and badges of the winner of the XI Republican Independent Public Competition "Best Teacher". Winner of the grant "The best teacher of the university - 2016", an excellent student in the field of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a laureate of the II International Exhibition.
- Associate Professor (Associate Professor), Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Candidate of Arts Study, Control Committee on Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Qualification of a teacher of fine arts, art work and drawing, Almaty State University named after Abay (Kazakhstan).
- Member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan). 2012 .
- Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers (Kazakhstan). 2013
- Head / compiler of EP in specialty 6B01402 - "Visual art, artistic work, graphics and design"
- Member of the project team in the field of teacher training (art education, graphics and design) with the subject specialization of general development, Abai KazNPU, 2021.
- Leader of the project "Creation of an experimental platform for the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies and EP (PGCE) in the field of teacher training in the subject of general development." 2021.
- Member of the jury of the city ecological competition of painting and handicrafts "DARYN EKOART". Almaty. RSE "Daryn". Feb 2020
- Chairman of the State Electoral Commission for the specialty 6M041700 - Decorative arts. KazNAI them. T. Zhurgenova. 2017-2020
- Member of the appeal committee of the university competition "The best teacher of the university". KazNacZhPU. Feb 2020
- Moderator of the VII International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World, Turkey. Niide University. October 20-23, 2020
- Moderator of the scientific seminar "The Voice of Colors". KazGosZhenPU. (Kazakhstan), 2017.
- Member of the Commission of the Republican competition of scientific research work of KazNAI them. T. Zhurgenova. 2016
- Member of the jury of the International exhibition "Urpana amanat", Taldykorgan, ZhSU. 9.12.2016
- Member of the teaching and methodological subsections in the specialty 5B (6M, 6D) 010700-IZO and drawing. KazNPU named after Abai of the structure of the UMO in the specialties of the group "Education" RUMS of higher and postgraduate education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the 2016/2017 academic year.
- Reviewer of the international scientific electronic journal "SCIENCE" 2015/2021
- T. Zhurgenov Doctor of Art Criticism in the direction 6M041600 - "History of Arts" KazNAI.
- The official opponent of the scientific dissertation is Doctor of Art History (PһD) in the direction 6M041600 - "History of Arts" of the T. Zhurgenov KazNAA. (2015-2021)
- Member of the jury of the Republican scientific-practical conference "Talented generation - the future of the nation" in secondary school № 6 named after A. Moldabekov. Letter of thanks. April 29, 2015
- Moderator of the scientific and practical seminar "The creative path of the master of crafts Darkembay Shokparovich". 25.12.2015
- Secretary, moderator of the organizing committee of the International Symposium of Creative Works "Crossroads of Arts". KazGosZhenPU. March 28, 2014
- Topical issues in the field of art management and industrial art.
- The essence of the value of Kazakh women's clothing in arts and crafts.
- History of Kazakh crafts, the essence of spiritual and cultural values.
- Methodology of art criticism.
- Methodology for the development of national artistic traditions in the educational process based on innovative technologies: 2020-2021.
- "Improving the professional competence of future specialists in the field of art on the basis of a 12-year education system" in 2015.
- Murataev K.K., Krykbayeva S.M.. Issues of the development of ethnocultural traditions in modern art practice. "Art education and science" scientific journal №4 (20) / 2020
- Krykbayeva S.M., G.A. Abdurakhmanova, Z.M. Ermaganbetova. Сontent archetypes and images in the works of surrealists artists of modern Kazakhstan. Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences # 11-12 2020
- Krykbayeva S.M., Abdurakhmanova G.A. Transformation of Contemporary Traditional Art. Astana: International scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan", No. 8 2020. - P. 236-240.
- Krykbayeva S.M., Bakirova L. Sh., Zhedelov K.O. Prerequisites and plot-compositional features of the direction of surrealism in the visual arts. Eurasian Union of Scientists (ESU). Monthly scientific journal №10 (79) / 2020
- Krykbaeva S.M., Kaldybaeva G.A. The manifestation of archetypal images and symbols in the fine arts of Kazakhstan. Astana: International scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan", No. 8 2020. - pp. 232-236.
- Krykbayeva S.M, Tokkulieva U. Features of outerwear of the peoples of Central Asia of the 6th-8th centuries. Scientific journal №45 / 2019 2 part С.9-13 ISSN 2413-5291 National Association of Scientists (NAU) DOI: 10.31618 / nas.2413-5291.2019.2.45
- Krykbayeva S.M, Serikbay B. Formation of project thinking of design students in landscape design of the territory of the University. Scientific almanac 2019 N 7-1 (57) P.218-221. RSCI (contract No. 255-04 / 2015) ISSN 2411-7609
- Krykbayeva S.M, Isaeva A. National values that unite art. "GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019: CENTRAL ASIA" V Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (VOL X). Astana, 2019 .-- S. 144-148.
- Krykbayeva S.M, Zhumabayeva K. Stylistic-abstract design of ornament. Astana: International scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" No. 7 (70) 2018. P. 94-197.
- Semantic meaning of traditional women's clothing. Monograph/Almaty. «Rose», 2017. – 160 р. ISBN 978-601-224-915-6
- Krykbayeva S.M*, Rakhmetova N.B, Zhedelov K.O. Color Scope Imaginative-Aesthetic Fea-tures in Modern Design of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Global Media Journal ISSN 1550-7521. Vol. 14 No. 27: 54. 2017
- “Artistic direction in works of contemporary art”. Materials of the correspondence scientific-practical conference of the I International European Congress Official center of the Turkish Research Center IKSAD - Institute for Economic Development and Social Research Kiev - Turkey. 10-13.08.2017 p. 23-32.
- Krykbayeva S.M., Bakirova L.Sh. "The role of the symbol in the artistic image of the fine arts." Postulate. 2017. No. 5 ISSN 2414-4487,edselr.29450605
- "Artistic features of ancient sculptures." Almaty: Bulletin of the Kazakh Main Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering. No. 3 (65) 2017. р. 56-62.
- "Scope of application of traditional materials in modern clothing design." Almaty: Bulletin of the Kazakh Main Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering. No. 2 (64), 2017. р. 63-68.
- Kazakh national costume as a source of creativity of modern designers. Astana. ENU them. L.N. Gumilyov. Bulletin. No. 1 (110), 2016
- Krykbayeva S.M., Bakirova L. The sacred meaning of jewelry. Astana: Science and Life of Kazakhstan. International popular science journal. No. 3 (38) 2016. - 393 p. р. 143-147.
- Krykbayeva S.M., Kaldybaeva G.A. Ideological features of traditional folk costumes in the image of the "model of the world". Almaty: T. Zhurgenov KazNAA. Central Asian Journal of Art History, No. 2 (2) 2016. - 170 pp.
- Karatayev G., Krykbayeva S., Ubniyazova Sh. Informative activity in future specialists competence formation.Collective monograph – ‘East West' Association for Advances Studiesand Higher. Education GmbH. Австрия, Viena, 2016.-122 p. ISBN 978-3-903115-22-4
- "The history of traditional Kazakh women's clothing, the essence of spiritual and cultural values." Monograph / Almaty, "ONON", 2016. - 188 p. ISSN 979-601-224-808-1
- Traditional felt art is an indicator of nomadic culture. Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay. No. 1 (45), 2015
- Attracting future teachers to national spiritual values using information technology. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference. Astana, 2015
- Sign in the context of petroglyphs in the art of Kazakhstan. Journal "Scientific Almanac" ISSN 2411-7609, RSCI, DOI: 10.17117 / na.2015.
- Designing women's clothing based on folk costumes. Journal "Scientific Almanac" ISSN 2411-7609, RSCI, DOI: 10.17117 / na.2015. N 9 (11) - 1628 pp.
- Formation of the professional competence of the future specialists.Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 185 (2015 ) 141 – 145.
- The artistic language of the image of a Kazakh woman in painting. Almaty: Bulletin of KazNPU im. Abay. No. 4 (44). 2014
- Krykbayeva S.M., Kaldybayeva G.A. Features of academic and creative still life. Uralsk Science Bulletin. Scientific-theoretical and practical journal. "Typography Server" LLP No. 32 (111) 2014
- Krykbaeva S.M., Kaldybaeva G.A. Development of students' spiritual knowledge through the portrait genre of Kazakh artists. Almaty: Bulletin of KazNPU. Abay. No. 4 (44). 2014
- Mombek A. Krykpayeva S., Madalieva Zh., Tleulinova M., Tuleshova U.Scientific and methodical bases of professional key competence formation results in education process. The collection 4th International Conference on Science and Technology. Held by SCIEURO in London, 26 June 2014.V.2 (р 72-79) ISBN 978-9-908616-80-7
- The use of traditional women's costumes in modern clothing design. Central Asian arts and crafts. International journal. Almaty. No. 3 (4) 2014. р. 29-34.
- Methods of making felt products in the national style. Almaty: Kazmemkyzpu. Bulletin No. 6 (54) 2014.
- Artistic activities to form the creative abilities of young people through traditional Kazakh crafts. International scientific and practical conference. Almaty, 2013 .-- 275 p.
- Compositional solution of national ornaments and colors in traditional clothes. “Formation of important professional qualities of an officer-engineer. Materials of the III Interdepartmental Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Military Pedagogical Aspects". Almaty, 2013.
- Analysis of stylistic and semantic features of the image of heroes in the work of Kazakhstani artists. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Formation and modern stages of development of the fine arts", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2013 .-- 275 p.
- Biography. Scientists of Kazakhstan. Encyclopedia, 2013. - p. 123. ISВN 9965-593-42-6
- Pedagogical conditions for the successful formation of the individual style of a student-designer. Materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ethno-didactics of the peoples of Russia: multidimensional managerial competences." Russia, 2013
- «Artistic and aesthetic development of students taste based on traditional falk art»The Strategies of Modern Science Development. II International scientific-practical conference. Yelm, WA, USA: Science Book Publishing House, 2013.–143 p. (119-123 pp.)
- II International Exhibition-Competition of Professional Artists and Craftsmen "Golden Hands", dedicated to the Teacher's Day. Has a 1st degree diploma in the "Applied Arts" category. 10/05/2021. Tobolsk. Internet portal "Art Bird":
- "Spiritual and cultural values of reed art", Republican methodological round table (online). Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. 17 February 2021
- Influence of surrealism on the development of fine arts in modern Kazakhstan. VII International Symposium "Turkic World". Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. October 20-23, 2020
- Persons who have formed a meaningful artistic language and features of national music and fine arts. V International Scientific and Practical Online Conference "Innovations in Art and Design". Innovative Eurasian University, Department of Culture of Pavlodar region. 11-12 February 2021
- Winner of the online exhibition within the framework of the V International Scientific and Practical Online Conference "Innovations in Art and Design". Diploma Innovative University of Eurasia, Department of Culture of Pavlodar region. February 11-12, 2021
- The essence of the meaning of women's clothing in traditional rituals. VII International Symposium "Turkic World". Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. October 20-23, 2020
- Problems associated with the use of distance learning in education (for example, creativity lessons). Republican methodological online seminar "Ways of self-fulfillment of creative work of students in distance learning." Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanova 2020
- "Organization of retraining courses in the field of art education." Sectional online meeting of the project team in the field of teacher / pedagogical training (art education, graphics and design) with the subject specialization of general development. KazNPU named after Abay, December 24, 2020
- Amina Nugmanova is a unique person who studies the Kazakh singing tradition. "The role of the great steppe beauties in the history of Eurasia." International scientific conference. Atyrau: Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedova. Dec 2019
- The artistic character of the national ornaments of the Kazakh people. V International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. Almaty: Kazmemkyzpu, 11-13.10. 2018.
- Republican exhibition-competition "People's still life". Winner of the Republican exhibition-competition "People's still life". Diploma. National Central Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty. 26.11-8.12.2018
- "Folk crafts of the Kazakh people". IV International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. Turkey, NIYDE University. 26-28.04. 2017
- "The main trends in the development of visual images in the art of Kazakhstan." International scientific conference. Bratislava, 2017.
- "Contemporary art trends in the fine arts of Kazakhstan". International scientific and practical conference "Actual research in the modern world." Symbat Fashion Academy. May 18, 2017.
- Topic "Updated knowledge - a new approach". Republican online seminar. KazGosZhenPU, 2017
- Within the framework of the National Program "Spiritual Revival" dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Eternal country, my Kazakhstan!" Winner of the Grand Prix at the Fashion Art Competition. Diploma, medal. 2017.
- Scientific seminar "The Voice of Colors". KazGosZhenPU. (Kazakhstan), 2017.
- Republican exhibition "Orpana amanat" in the nomination "Ceramics" Diploma of the II degree, Letter of thanks. Taldykorgan, ZhSU. 9.12.2016
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the nomination "Painting" of the International Symposium of Artists "Great Steppe". Union of Artists of Kazakhstan Almaty, 2016
- The upbringing of the applicant is the responsibility of the teacher. As the world changes, so do we. Center for Advanced Studies of the AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools". Astana, 2015
- Professional development program of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" for teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed jointly with the Faculty of Education of the University of Cambridge, PCO. Seminar. Nazarbayev Center of Excellence, Astana. February 2 - March 20, 2015
- Seminar-training "Training of specialists for special accreditation organizations and institutions". Demirel horse. Kazakh-Turkish University, 15.05.2015
- International Symposium of Creativity "Crossroads of Arts". 1st degree diploma. Almaty, KazGosZhenPU. March 28, 2014.
- "Preconditions for the formation of the Turkic worldview in traditional dress." I International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. Turkey. Niide University. 18-21 March 2014.
- "Ways of civilizational and cultural development and renewal of traditional clothing in the art of modern Kazakhstan." Teachings of Auezov-11: "Kazakhstan on the path of public education: education and culture, innovative directions for the development of science." International scientific and practical conference, Chimkent, 2012.
- "Improving the aesthetic tastes of students through the artistic features of traditional colors in art lessons." International scientific and practical conference "Development of quality education and science - the need for an hour." Almaty, KazGosZhenPU. 2014.
- The value of Abylkan Kasteev's creativity in the fine arts of Kazakhstan. International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of A. Kasteev. Almaty: RK CX and KazNPU them. Abay. 2014.
- Pedagogical possibilities of aesthetic education of young people through national costumes. Family values: history and modernity. Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference. Almaty: KazGosZhenPU. 2014.
- “Gelenekten Modernlige” dokuma sergi katalogu. Katalog. Turkia. Akdeniz universitesi, Guzel Sanatlar Fakultesi Dekanligi. 07.01-26.01.2014.
Darmenova Rakhiya
Position: Candidate sciences
- Information
Darmenova Rakhiya - by the decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2007, the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences was awarded. dissertation topic: "Pedagogical conditions for the development of aesthetic taste of students on the basis of intersubject connections"
By the decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2010, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty of pedagogy. Awarded the academic title of Professor of the Russian Academy
Labor activity: from 1992-1994, a teacher at a technological technical school in Almaty. (1985-1992) Engineer - technologist of the garment factory named after V.I. May 1, Almaty
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Professional Education 1994. Currently, the acting professor of the department, since 2008 he is the head of the department"Professional education" of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty.
2010 Associate Professor of Pedagogy, 2008 "The best teacher of the university" Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan., 2010. Association of Universities of Kazakhstan medal named after A. Baitursynov. 2014
Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University medal "Sign of Honor", 2016. Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object, 2016
2016 Diploma of the European Chamber of Commerce.
2018 Educational scientific and technical portal "Orleu" badge "Excellence in Education".
- Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, specialty "Technology of garments", process engineer.
- Innovative methods in light industry and connection with pedagogy list of published works: Methodical ways of teaching future specialists to applied craft named after Abai. Kazakh National Pedagogical University, "Series of Pedagogical Sciences", Bulletin No. 3, 2015 S. Krykbaeva
- Formation of professionalism and creative abilities of future specialists through the history of arts and crafts, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, 2015
- "Formation of the competence of future vocational education specialists through design approved for publication in the collection of materials of the conference" Science, technology and higher education "2015, Canada.
- Improving the competence of future specialists, Primary School No. 2 2015. Professionalism of a teacher of vocational education as a condition for improving the quality and training of students, International Journal of Scientific and Technical Research (IJSTR) Impact Factor: 3.023, 2015 AshirbekovaZh.B., Otegenova B.N., BakirovaL.Sh.
- The role of pedagogical practice in increasing the competence of a future specialist in professional training, Republican scientific and practical conference "Interaction of the history and experience of the Kazakh Khanate with the idea of an" Eternal Country ", 2015
- Aesthetic education of youth with traditional arts and crafts. International Journal of Applied and Basic Research. - 2015.
- Folk applied crafts: stages of formation and connection with the original history, History of Kazakhstan, scientific and methodological journal, No. 7, 2015
- Pedagogical directions of aesthetic education of schoolchildren through Kazakh national costumes, Bulletin, Bulletin "Pedagogical sciences" series №4, 2015.
- Formation of the national culture of the young generation using the technology of sewing clothes from felt, the magazine WALIA 31 (S7): 2015, available on the website ISSN 1026-3861, Formation of the national culture of the younger generation using wool clothing production technologies, Modern trends in the development of fine, decorative and applied arts and design, 2015.
- STUDYING NEW TECHNOLOGIES - INFLUENCE ON THE PROFESSIONAL FORMATION OF FUTURE TEACHERS, UNION OF TRANSPORTS OF KAZAKHSTAN "KAZLOGISTICS" 2015 Development of the artistic culture of students in the study of national dress, International scientific-practical conference "Achievements and problems of modern science" 2016 St. Petersburg Formation of aesthetic tastes of students through applied arts, Republican scientific-practical conference of undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists on the topic "Youth and Science: Present and Future", 2016.
- History of crafts of the Kazakh people, History of Kazakhstan, No. 2, 2016.
- Formation of aesthetic tastes of students on the basis of arts and crafts, III International Symposium "Studies of the Turkic World", 2016.
- Methodological foundations for the preparation of future business specialties based on pedagogical technology, No. 2, 2016. KNPU im. Abay.
- Preparation of future teachers of vocational education for the design of pedagogical technologies, No. 2 (50), 2016. KNPU im. Abay
- About fashion and design, Higher School of Kazakhstan No. 4,2016.
- Raising the level of education of the generation based on national values. Bulletin of KNPU them. Abay, 2016
- Formation of aesthetic tastes of students of vocational education on the basis of applied crafts, Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. Zhurgenova, 2016.
- Training of specialists based on pedagogical technology, XX student scientific conference, 2016. Completion of fruitful work, Great colors of the steppe, International Symposium of Artists 2016
- Formation of the aesthetic tastes of future professionals through decorative arts, Great Steppe Colors, International Symposium of Artists, 2016.
- History of the development of carpet weaving culture, Great Steppe Colors, International Symposium of Artists, 2016. History of Applied Crafts
- The main aspects of preparing students for vocational training using elements of arts and crafts, Republican scientific and practical conference "Youth and Science: Present and Future" 2017.
- Embroidery technology, tutorial publishing house Evero, 2016. FOLK COSTUMES, ART AND CRAFTS - ONE OF THE MAIN ETHNO-CULTURAL SOURCES", "INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH" No.3, 2017 -Preparation of students for the teaching profession, History of Kazakhstan №6. 2017
- Decorative and Applied Arts, Study Guide, 2017
- Pedagogical conditions for the development of aesthetic tastes of students on the basis of interdisciplinary communication, monograph, 2016. History of Applied Crafts History of Kazakhstan 2017.
- The use of innovative technologies in vocational education in twelve-year schools, the international scientific-practical conference "Astana - a symbol of spiritual renewal and achievements of independent Kazakhstan", to the 20th anniversary of Astana in 2018.
- International scientific and practical conference "Astana - a symbol of spiritual renewal and achievements of independent Kazakhstan" will be held within the framework of the "Nurpei Readings" 2018.
- Training of future specialists on the basis of pedagogical technology "Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists" Youth and science: present and future "2018
- The need for decorative arts in the preparation of future art teachers, V International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World, 2018, Almaty.
- Ways of developing students' creative abilities in the vocational education system, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, "Art education: art-theory-methodology" Almaty, 2018.
- Problems of modernization of professional education of future specialists, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abaya 2020
- Professional competence of future specialists and its formation through domestic art, Kazakh historical-scientific-methodical journal. No.7, 2020
- Enhancing the creative abilities of teachers of a new format in the vocational education system, International Scientific and Practical Conference in memory of S.I. Ospanova 2020
- The value of applied crafts for students in the use of innovative technologies, VII. International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World, XVIII, 2020
- Tool for the formation of traditional crafts and cultural identity, History of Kazakhstan, No.2 2021
Rakhmetova Nurziya
Position: Acting professor
- Information
Rakhmetova Nurziya Baytukeshevna – 1980 - 1982 g. Cutter of women's light and outer clothing (Pavlodar)
- 1982 - 1986 g. Cutter of women's, men's light and outerwear (Charsk, VKO)
- 1986 - 1993 g. Master of educational training and teacher of special. disciplines of the Professional Technical School (Charsk, VKO)
- 1993 - 2006 g. Senior teacher of KazGosZhenPI
- 2006 - 2012 g. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences., Associate Professor of the Department of "Decorative and Applied Art", CNPU them. Abay
- 2012-2016 g Head of the Department of "Professional Training" KazGosZhenPU.
- 1986 u. Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, process engineer. "Technology and design of sewing products".
- 2006 u. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
- 2010 u. associate professor in the specialty of pedagogy.
- "The best teacher of the university" for 2010;
- Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers;
- Member of RUMS SKSU im. M. Auezova;
- Author of teaching aids, textbooks and programs on the subject "Artistic work" for 12 - year and secondary schools. Author of the program "Artistic Labor" for grades 1-4 of secondary schools.
- As part of the authors of the educational program on "Artistic Labor" together with secondary schools, "Nazarbayev Intellectual School", NAO im. I. Altynsarin.
- Expert of educational programs of school educational-methodical complexes and universities.
- Training of future teachers of art work;
- Integrated educational and methodological complex "Artistic Labor" in the school based on updated education.
- Theory аnd practice of professional training in dual education. Монография. Austria, Vienna 2016 –120 p. ISBN 978-3-903115-03-3;
- «Кәсіптік оқыту әдістемесі (сала бойынша)» пәніне оқу құралы және электрондық оқу құралы «Қыздар университеті» баспасынан. 2020 ж 15,25 б.т;
- «Болашақ мұғалімдер ді көркемдік-конструк торлық іс-әрекетке кәсіби даярлау» Монография.2020 ж. «Бизнес полография» ЖШС баспасы 8,5 б,т;
- «Компьютерлік графика және жобалау» Оқу құрал. «Қыздар университеті» баспасынан. 2020 ж. 11,25 б.т.
- «Кәсіптік оқыту әдістемесі пәнінен электрондық оқу құралы.
- Педагогические условия формирования компетентности будущих педагогов профессионального образования Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований ISSN 1996-3955. РИНЦ = 0,764. №4 (ч.5) за 2016 г 987-991 стр;
- The requirements of foundation of future fine art teacher`s pedagogical competence. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. ISSN:0974-6846. №4, 2016;
- Применение инновационных технологий в профессиональном оброзование. Актуальные научные исследова ния в современном мире. Переяслав-Хмельницкий. 2016г 90-95 стр;
- «Формирования компетентности будущих педагогов профессионального оброзования». Российский государственный аграрный университет-МСХА имени К.А.Тимирязева. Международная научная конференция «Актуальные проблемы педагоги ки и психологии: вызовы ХХІ века». г.Москва.27.04.2017г. 2-101 стр.
- Color Scope Imaginative-Aesthetic Features in Modern Design of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Global Media Journal ISSN 1550-7521.Vol. 14 No.27:54. 2017 1-8 р.
- Творческий подход учителя к педагогической деятельности. Инновационные подходы в развитии науки и оброзование. Bratislava 2017. ISSN: 978-80-972920-0-37. 107-116 стр;
- Perfection of the Creative Activity of Specialists in Artistic Work. Международный симпозиум, научные проблемы и решения тюркского мира. Тркия. Кастамонский университет 8-9 октября. 2018г С. 193-196;
- Выбор и обоснование оптимального комплекта спецодежды штукатура. Россия. № 6 (378) Технология текстильной промышленности 2018.
- Математическая модель технологического процесса производства спецодежды. I Международной научно-практической конференции «Устойчивое развитие произ водства новых волокон и текс тильных изделий» 15.05. 2019 г 113-114 стр;
- Разработка методов обработки спецодежды с использованием приемов малооперационной технологии. I Международной научно-практической конференции «Устойчивое развитие производства новых волокон и текс тильных изделий»15.05. 2019 г 104-105 стр;
- Болашақ технология пәні мұғалімдерін кәсіби даярлауда педагогикалық іс-әрекеттің мазмұны. Вестник имени Абая, МВК. Серия «Педагогические науки» №1(49), 2016 г. С. 179-183;
- Ұлттық киім әзірлеу арқылы студенттердің кәсіби білімдерін жетілдіру. ЕНУ им. Л. Н. Гумилева вестник №1 (110), Астана - 2016г.С. 335-338;
- Дизайнер мамандары на кәсіптік білім беру арқылы көркемдік-конструкторлық іс-әрекетке даярлау мүмкіндіктері. ҚМҚПУ. Хабаршы №01 (61) 2016. 182-186 бет;
- Болашақ технология пәні мұғалімдерінің кәсіби педагогикалық даярлығы. Казахский университет между народных отношений и мировых языков им. Аблайхана. Вестник №3 (42) 2016г.с. 44-51;
- Болашақ көркемөнер мамандарының кәсіби біліктілігін арттыру мүмкіндіктері; Л. Н. Гумилева атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршы. №1, Астана-2017ж.234-238б;
- Мектептегі кіріктіріл ген көркем еңбек пәніндегі пәнаралық байланыстың рөлі мен маңызы. КазНПУ имени Абая. Вестник серия» педагогичес кие науки " №4 (56), 2017 г. С. 178-182;
- Кәсіби білім беруде саласында білімгер лердің креативті ойлау қабілеттерін жетілдіру. Вестник Казахского государ ственного женского педагогического университета №6 (71) /2017 ISSN 2306-5079. С. 133-136;
- Болашақ мамандардың кәсіби шеберлігін өзіндік жұмыстарды орындау арқылы жетілдіру. ЕНУ. им. Л.Н.Гумилева Вестник №2 (123)/2018 Астана. ISSN 2616-6895 С. 131-136;
- Болашақ көркем еңбек пәні мұғалімдері нің шығармашылық жобалар орындау мүмкіндіктер. КазНПУ имени Абая. Вестник серия "педагогические науки",№3 (59), 2018 г. ISSN 1728-5496;
- Болашақ кәсіптік білім педагогтарының креативті қырлары мен креативтілік потенциа лын дамыту жолдары. КазНУ имени Абая. Вестник серия "педагогические науки",№ 1 (61),2019 г. ISSN1728-5496.196-201с;
- Инклюзивті білім беру жағдайында мүмкіндігі шектеулі балаларды кәсіпке және әлеуметтік ортаға бейімдеу. Наука и жизнь Казахстана. №4/3 2020 ж. . ISSN 2073-333. 309-314 с;
- Білім сапасын дамытудағы халықаралық зерттеулердің маңызы. Наука и жизнь Казахстана. №4/3 2020 ж. ISSN 2073-333X. ВАК 305 -309 с;
- Кәсіби біліктілікті кешенді бағалау (Болашақ қолөнер мамандарының мысалында). «Казахская история» №4(181),2020ж. ККСОН 71-74 с;
- Болашақ кәсіптік оқыту педагогтарының зерттеушілік функциясының қалыптаструдың тұжырымдамалық негізі. «Казахская история» №6 (182), 2020 ж. ККСОН;
- Болашақ мамандарды конструктивтік – шығармашылық қызметке бағыттау. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. Халықаралық ғылыми журнал. №12/1. 2020 ж. 480-485 бет. ISSN 2073-333Х;
- Конструктор - модельерді өндірістік қызметке кәсіби даярлаудың педагогикалық негіздері. Хабаршы. Педагогика ғылымы. 2-ші сериясы. Абылайхан атындағы ҚХҚӘТУ.30.06. 2021ж.
- "Development of the activities of specialists in the field of artistic creativity" International symposium on scientific problems and solutions of the Turkic world. Trkia. Kastamon University October 8-9. 2018;
- "Improvement of the creative activity of art specialists". V International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. Alma-Almaty. KSPU October 13. 2018;
- "Modern school textbook in the context of the updated content of education" for authors on the subject Artistic work at school from 01.03 to 12.03.2021 and from 26.04 to 06.05.2021.
Begeshova Ulzhan
Position: Teacher, Master of Technical Sciences
- Information
Begeshova Ulzhan
Position: Teacher, Master of Technical Sciences
Begeshova Ulzhan - in 1990-1995 she studied at the Almaty technical school of consumer services and light industry. In 2004, she entered the Almaty Technological University, specializing in "050726 Technology and design of light industry products." And in 2009 she successfully graduated from the magistracy of the Almaty Technological University in the specialty "6N0726 - Technology and design of light industry products" with an academic Master's degree.
1995-1998 Kazakh-Canadian joint venture in the sewing workshop as a foreman. 2000-2007 in KKKP № 357 kindergarten was the head of the economic department. In 2009-2011 she worked at ATU as an assistant at the Department of Light Industry and Design. From 2010 to the present, I have been working at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University in the Department of Professional Education.
- Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, head of the SÀN
- ÀLEMI center, Gold medalist of the republican competition "Asar".
- Almaty technical school of consumer services and light industry
- Almaty Technological University
- 1990 Almaty Technological College of Consumer Services and Light Industry, Specialty "Sewing Production"
- 2004 Almaty Technological University, bachelor's degree
- 2009 Almaty Technological University, Master of Science degree
- Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Gold medalist of the republican competition "Asar".
- Development of workwear for assemblers
- Women's costume made of felt by modifying details
- Women's dress in the technique of nuno-felt design
- Ethno cultural traditions of a national suit in design of modern clothes, Life Science Journal (США, импакт-фактор IF =0,165) SOURCEThomson Reuters, стр. 82-85
- The current state of supplying installation personnel witn working clotnes in accordance witn the conditions of numan vital activity: U.N.Alashabaeva/ "Science and Society" Held by SCIEURO in London, s. 9-13, 23-30 March, 2015 - ISPC ISBN: 978-1-90866-49-4S87-92
- The current state of supplying installation personnel with working clothes in accordance with the conditions of human vital activity: U.N. Alashabaeva / The International Conference on Social Science and Humanity London, 27-28 September, 2013. ISPC ISBN: 978-1-90866-49-4S87-92
- The role of youth in defining our national code: U.N. Alashabaeva / THE ROLE OF THE FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN N.A.NAZARBAYEV IN THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY'S FOREIGN POLICY the Materials of International Conference. – Aktobe: Baishev University BU 2020. -137 б. ISBN 978-601-7649-17-3
- In professional education, the use of the experience of a thinker: W.N. Alashabaeva / "MAN. KNOWLEDGE. CREATIVITY" International scientific and practical conference / in memory of Professor S. I. Ospanov / November 11, 2020 / Publishing house "Girls' University." Almaty, 2020. - 113 pages
- Features of the spiritual values of the traditional culture of Eurasia: U.N. Alashabaeva / Republican scientific-practical symposium "Innovative technologies for the development of national spiritual values." I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu State University, April 5-6, 2018
- Modernization of the language issue to increase the potential of the nation: U.N. Alashabaeva /
- Materials of the XLII International Scientific and Practical Conference of KazATC named after M. Tynyshpayeva on the topic "Innovative technologies in transport: education, science, practice", 18.04.2018, ISBN 978-601-325-028-1
- My goal is to awaken hearts: U.N. Alashabaeva / Republican scientific and practical conference on topical issues of youth with the participation of foreign experts "Professions of the future: what to prepare for generations Y, Z". Astana April 27, 2018.
- Ways of solving the requirements for children's clothing in Kazakhstan: U.N. Alashabaeva / 71st Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Undergraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists "Youth and Science: Present and Future" Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, pp. 620-624, April 12, 2018
- Modern presentation of design ideas:: W.N. Alashabaeva / 72nd Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Undergraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists "Youth and Science: Present and Future" Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, pp. 410-411, April 9-10, 2019
- Using group work in technical and vocational education: U.N. Alashabaeva / IV International Science and Innovation, International Scientific and Practical Conference January 21, Astana, pages 77-81, 2019.
- The use of information and communication technologies in professional education: U.N. Alashabaeva / Kazak National Pedagogical University named after Abai, "Bulletin" No. 4 (60). 2018.204-208bet, ISSN 1728-5496
- Influence of information technologies on the formation of values of modern youth: U.N. Alashabaeva International scientific-practical conference "Historical problems of the President" p. 60-64, Taraz, 2019
- Ways to increase teacher motivation: U.N Alashabaeva "Development of effective practices for a culture of quality in higher education" Abylai Khan International University, pp. 159-162. Almaty, 2019
- Education plays an important role in youth media: U.N. Alashabaeva "Distance education: new global challenges" LN Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, ISBN 978-601-337-389-8. Nur-Sultan, 2020, pages 42-45
- Development of students' critical thinking in clothing design: U.N. Alashabaeva / Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, "Bulletin" No. 4 (64). 2019.204-208bet, ISSN 1728-5496
- Elements of the transformation of the Kazakh national costume: UN Alashabaeva IV International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World in Turkey and Nigde, p. 955-958. April 26-28, 2017
- Features of differentiated training of students in the national system of education: U.N. Alashabaeva III International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World, Baku, pages 535-538, May 25-27, 2016
- Transformation of national costumes in Kazakh art testifies to good taste: У.Н. A.Alashabaeva / International scientific-practical conference "Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XXI century: political, economic, socio-cultural aspects of development." Pages 5-7. T. К. Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after him. Zhurgenova, November 28, 2016.
- Study of the impact of the parameters of the puncture on the fabric: U.N. Alashabaeva / International Scientific Conference "Science and Youth Innovation" Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - President, p. 31-34, 2015.
- Directions of professional training of innovative thinkers in education II International Studies of the Turkic world, Symposium KazGosZhPU, p. 267-269, May 20-22, 2015.
- Influence of information technologies on the formation of values of modern youth., International scientific-practical conference "Historical mission of the President: Security and stability in a globalized world" Taraz, 2019
Marat Turgymbai
Position: Senior lecturer
- Information
- 1973-1979 - Almaty Art College named. N.V. Gogol
- 1980-1985 - Almaty State Theater and Art Institute named after T. Zhurgenov, in the specialty "Art Textiles" qualification; decorative art artist
- Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 1988.
- Academician of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2016.
- Honorary Member of the Union of Arts of the Russian Federation and Armenia
- The participant of the International art exhibitions, symposiums and plein-airs in Hungary, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Armenia, South Korea, Turkey and Kazakhstan.
- The title of "The best teacher of the university" -2015.
- The title " Мәдениет саясының үздігі " - 2018.
- Technology of artistic weaving", a textbook, printing house Evero, 2016 8.75 lp ISBN 978-601-310-787-5 "Folk costumes cultural sources "
- Decorative and Applied Arts, Study Guide, 2017 8.75 pp ISBN 978-601-224-903-3
Kulmaria Kaldybayeva
Position: Acting Associate Professor
- Information
Kulmaria Kaldybayeva
Position: Acting Associate Professor
Kulmaria Kaldybayeva – In 1992, she graduated from the Almaty State Institute of theater and painting named after T. Zhurgenov.In 1985, she graduated from the Alma-Ata art school named after N. V. Gogol.
In 2017, she received a master's degree in art history from the Regional Social Innovation University. She started her career at the Department of «Painting» at the Faculty of Art and graphics of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay in 2004-2011, where she worked as a senior lecturer.
Kulmaria Kaldybayeva constantly works in the field of scientific research and creative search in the field of Education. She was awarded a letter of thanks and a badge of the University for her contribution to science and education, as well as for the number of relevant articles in international scientific and practical conferences and symposiums, scientific journals.
- Almaty art school named after N. V. Gogol, 1981-1985, by the decision of the State Examination Commission on July 25, 1985, she was awarded the qualification of theater decorator.
- Almaty State Institute of theater and painting named after T. Zhurgenov, 1987-1992, by the decision of the State Examination Commission of June 26, 1992, he was awarded the qualification of stage artist -"art of theater decoration
- Regional Social Innovation University, 2015-2017-specialty "design". by the decision of the State Examination Commission dated June 22, 2017, the master's degree in art history was awarded.
- Member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan. (Kazakhstan) 2012.
- Leading compiler of EP in the specialty 6B01402 – «Visual arts, fine arts, graphics and design»
- Developer of educational programs for teaching practice.
- Student advisor.
- Member of the jury of the city ecological competition of painting and handicrafts «DARYN ECOART» Almaty. RSE "Daryn". Feb 2020
- Scientific seminar "The Voice of Colors". Moderator. (Kazakhstan), Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University, 2017.
- Secretary, moderator of the organizing committee of the International Symposium of Creativity «Crossroads of Arts» Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University, March 28, 2014
- Topical issues in the field of art management and production art.
- The essence of color and composition in painting
- Methodology of artistic knowledge.
- • The developer of an applied research project of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme "Development of the historical and cultural fund of the Kazakh language according to written and ethnoarchaeological sources." 01.01.2008 to 31.12.2009 KazNPU named after Abai.
- • Kaznatszhenpu. A series of comics based on the heroic epics of the Kazakh people.
- "Sultan Beybarys". ӘOZH94 (574) KBZH63.3 (5KazS85)
- G.T. Aldambergenova, F.B. Asilbaeva. ISBN978-601-346-002-4. Almaty 2019
- Krykbayeva S.M, Zhedelov K.O , Serikbai B.F , Imankulova L.B , Kaldybaeva G.A, Bakirova. L.S Color Scope Imaginative-Aesthetic Features in Modern Design of the Republic of Kazakhstan:. /Global Media Journal /1-8 р.Web of Scienct: Journal of social philosophy. Сингапур, 2017 y. ISSN 1550-7521.
- Darmenova R. A., Rahmetova N.B., Krykbayeva S.M., Kaldibaeva G., Abdurahmanova G.«Formation of national culture of young generation, using the technology of makingclothes from felt» WALIA journal 31(S7): 1-3, Available online at ISSN 1026-3861. Darmenova R. A., Rahmetova N.B., Krykbayeva S.M., Kaldibaeva G., Abdurahmanova G. 2015ж.
- Kambarova G. “Tabigat ayasynda keskindeme zhazuday қoldanylatyn disterdin zhyesi” Turkey symposium. International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. Vii. Uluslararasi Türk dünyasi araştirmalari sempozyumu certificate. 2020
- G. Kambarova. International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. VII. Uluslararasi Türk dünyasi araştirmalari sempozyumu certificate. 2020
- "The peculiarities of thr educational still lift" Features of educational still life) 3- Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Scientific society. Hamburg. Germany. 224s. 2021
- Makhanova G.M., Kaldybaeva G.A., Ospanali A.E. "Brief description of the professional terminological dictionary" Published in the International scientific journal "School of Science" No. 2 (27). UDC 391.2M31. • February. Russia. Moscow / 2020
- Mizanbaev R.B., Kaldybaeva G.A. "Kasіptik bilimgerlerge nobay onerinin maңyzdylyky" "Bulletin" KazҰҚPU. No. 1 (81) .. ISSN2306-5079. Index 75138. Manifestation of archetypal images and symbols in the fine arts of Kazakhstan. Astana: "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" international scientific journal, No. 8 2020. - 232-236
- "Zamanaui Kazakhstan beineleu Onerindegi" Scythian-sa stilinin "nyshandary"
- Science and life of Kazakhstan. International scientific journal. No. 11/2 (145) .ISSN2073-333Х.227-233str. 2020.
- "Teaching students by the peculiarities of the regularity of composition. Innovative approaches in the development of science and education." Slavakia Bratislava 146-151 bet. 2017g.
- Krykbaeva S.M., Galdybaeva G.A. Dusturlі khalyk kiiminin "Alemdi algisі" T. Zhurgenova, Almaty, No. 2 (2) 2016. ISSN 2414-4177.
- "Kazakhstan beineleu onerindegi tormysty genre tuyndylarynyk tanymdyk zhane turbielik muni" XI International scientific conference. Actual scientific research in the modern world. Pereyaslav Khmelnitsky. Ukraine. Issue 11 Part 5. Contacts of the organizing committee: Website e-mail: March 26-27, 2016
- Krykbaeva S. M., Kaldybaeva G.A. "Kazakhstan beineleu onerindegi archetyptyk obrazdar men belgіlerdin beineleuі karinisі". Science and life of Kazakhstan. International scientific journal. (қ.ғ.d. Professor Duisenov Erkin Ermanovich 60). No. 8. ISSN2073-333X. 2020g.
- Krykbaeva S. M., Kaldybaeva G.A. Keskindeme Onerinde Kazak Ayel beinesinin Ulttyk nayshtagy kurkemdik izdenister :, / International scientific journal. Astana, No. 5 (41), 2016 Website: е-mail:
- Aygabyl A. Kaldybaeva GA, Mektep ogushylaryna keskindeme zhazudyk adis tusilderin uiretu: Youth and science: today and the future. 68th Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty, April 29, 2015.
- Krykbaeva S. M., Kaldybaeva G.A. Dәstүrlі Kazak Kiimnің Kazіrgi Kazakhstan Beineleu Oneri Men Alemdik Kөrkem Onerdegi Kөrіnіsі: Kaldybaeva G.A., Krykbaeva S.M. / International scientific journal, Astana. No. 1 (35) 2016 Website: е-mail:;
- "Vizualdy Onerdin kurkem beineleu is-ureketterinin negizderi" Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. prof. Aliev S.Қ. International scientific-practical conference "Trends and prospects of modern ethnopedagogy", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth. 1.11. 2019 ISBN978-601-224-998-9.ӘӨJ: 378. KBJ74.58
- “Beineleu oneri zhane syzu mamandykynna arnalgan onu (plein air) practice aryly keskindeme zhazu tekhnologilaryn қoldanu mumkindikterin arttyru” Kaldybaeva GA / Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “Art education at the present stage. National and Global in the Context of Pedagogical Education: Problems, Trends and Prospects "dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abay. Almaty, February 27 ISSN978-601-232-947-6
- Medet M.K. Kaldybaeva GA, "Keskindeme Onerindegi still life genre erekshelikteri" / Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. “The art of education at the present stage. National and Global in the Context of Pedagogical Education: Problems, Trends and Prospects ", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abay, Almaty, February 27, 2018 ISSN978-601-232-947-6
- Krykbaeva S.M. Kaldybaeva G.A., Ogushylarғa kusibi bilim take argyly shygarmashylyk is-ureketin kalyptastyru museleleri: Kaldybaeva G.A., Krykbaeva S.M. / 100th anniversary of the government of Alash and Alash Horde. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenova, Almaty, October 15, 2017
- Krykbaeva S.M., Kaldybaeva G.A., Keskindeme Onerinde Kazakh Ayel beinesinin Ulttyk nayshtagy kurkemdik izdenister: Kaldybaeva G.A., Krykbaeva S.M. / International scientific journal, No. 5 (41). Astana, 2016 Website: е-mail:
- Krykbaeva S.M., Kaldybaeva G.A., Dusturly khalyk kiiminin “Alemdi algisi” beynesindegi denietanymdyk belgilers: Kaldybaeva G.A., Krykbaeva S.M. / Magazine "Central Asian Arts", Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. Zhurgenova, Almaty, No. 2 (2) 2016. ISSN 2414-4177. Website: е-mail:;
- Ulttyk Ondylyktarymyzdy damytudy kurkemunerdin makyzy: Kaldybaeva G.A. / Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Socio-economic and political development of independent Kazakhstan and the role in the peaceful community" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty, December 7, 2016 ISBN978-601-224-838-8
- Meldekhanova A.O., Kaldybaeva G.A. 5В010700-Beineleu Oneri Zhane Syzu Mamandykyn Arnalgan Ou (Plein Air) Practicalsyny Mindetter Men Erekshelikteri: / Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence "Path to the Future - Education and Science" International Scientific and Practical Conference, MONRK. Syrdaria University. Shymkent, 2016 ISBN978-9965-898-73-0.
- Tabigat ayasynda plein airlik keskindeme zhazu zhumystaryna bauludyk mindetterimen erekshelikterі: Kaldybaeva GA / "Paints of the Great Steppe", Materials of the International Symposium of Artists, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty, 2016. ISBN978-601-224-87-37-1
- Bekmyrza A.B. Kaldybaeva G.A., "Beineleu Onerindegi landscape genres argyly studentterdi shygarmashylyk zhumyska bauludyk adistemelik bagyty"/ Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenova, Almaty, April 5, 2016 ISBN978-601-7283-27-8
- Krykbaeva S.M., Kaldybaeva G.A., Keskindeme Onerinde Kazakh Ayel beinesinin Ulttyk nayshtagy kurkemdik izdenister: Kaldybaeva G.A., Krykbaeva S.M. / International scientific journal, No. 5 (41). Astana, 2016 Website: е-mail:
- Krykbaeva S.M., Kaldybaeva G.A. Kazakhstan beyneleu Onepindegі architectures obb. Astana: "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" international scientific journal. No. 8 2020. - 232-236 p.
- Zhas Orpana Ulttyk Ruhani, Mydeni Ondylyktar Negizinde Tulim-Turbie I take: Kaldybaeva GA, / Innovative technologies for the development of national spiritual values. Collection of materials of the republican scientific and practical symposium, Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurova, Taldykorgan, April 5, 2018 SBN978-601-216-442-8
- "Zhas Orpana kurkemdik bilim men turbie berudin pedagogicalyk makyzy" Kaldybaeva GA / President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev "The Third Revival of Kazakhstan", Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty, March 29, 2017. ISBN978-601-224-864-7
- "Beineleu onerine ogytu adistemesinin galyptasuy men satylary lady." 25th anniversary of independent Kazakhstan. KazNPU them. Abaya. Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. 13.02.2017, 189-204 pp. (0.3 b.t).
- "Ulttyk endylyktyarymyzdy damytudy kurkemunerdin makyzy" Kazgoszhenpu. 12/7/2016
- Krykbaeva S.M., Kaldybaeva G.A., “Dusturli khalyk kiiminin“ Alemdi algisi ”beynesindegi denietanymdyk belgilerin / Magazine“ Central Asian Arts ”, Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. Zhurgenova, Almaty, No. 2 (2) 2016. ISSN 2414-4177.
- Beyneleu өnerín zhaңasha kөrkemdík bílím berudíң pedagogikalykˌ teoriyalary: Kaldybayeva G.A., /Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya 80-letiyu vidnogo uchenogo K. Nurpeisa «Lichnost', Uchenyy, Pedagog» v ramkakh «Nurpeisovskikh chteniy», Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty, March 13, 2015. ISBN978-601-224-634-6.
- G-globol. 2017g. "Zhas Urpaktyk Ruhani-Aesthetics for Zhane Onertanu Urisinin Damuy". Category Science and Education. 02/11/2017
- G-globol. "Mektep ogushylaryn shykarmashylyk energe baulu argyly aesthetics tanym-tusinikterin kegeytu". Category Science and Education. 02/11/2017
- G-globol. Makhanova G. "Fundamentals of compositional patterns and features" Category Science and education. 02/23/2017
- G-globol. CM. Krykbaev. "Ulttyk ndylyktarymyzdy damytudaғy kөrkemөnerdin maңyzy". Category Science and Education. 13.02.2017
- "Zhagartylgan bilim take zhadayynda oushylardy kurkem esthetics pander". International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. VII. Uluslararasi Türk dünyasi araştirmalari sempozyumu certificate. 2020
- Kambarova G. “Tabigat ayasinda keskindeme zhazuday қoldanylatyn disterdin zhyesi” Turkey. 2020g. International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World.Vii. Uluslararasi Türk dünyasi araştirmalari sempozyumu сертификат. 2020г Vii. Uluslararasi. Türk dünyasi araştirmalari sempozyumu сертификат.
- "Boyular Oni" scientific seminar of Kazgoszhenpu. (Kazakhstan), 2017.
- "Urpana amanat" Republican exhibition Taldykorgan қ., ZhMU. 9.12.2016
- "Uly Dala Boyulary" International Symposium of Artists Almaty, 2016
- 2020 "A Brief Glossary of Terms for Vocational and Art Students". Kazgoszhenpu publishing house protocol Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Methodical manual (Kazakh-Russ-Angl) Darmenova R.A. Makhanova G.M., Ospanalieva A.E.
Shagirova Kunimay
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Education
- Information
Shagirova Kunimay
Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Education
Shagirova Kunimay is a graduate of the Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry. In 2004 she graduated from the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. In 2013 he received a master's degree in vocational education.
- He began his career in the garment industry. THE 1 OF MAY.
- From 1983 to 1998 she worked as a foreman, a technologist of the garment industry named after I. "MAY 1", from 2000 to 2021 worked as a teacher, senior teacher at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the contribution of Shagirova Kunimai to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016, 02.09.2014 to the 70th anniversary of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. He was awarded the medal "Badge of Honor", in 2014 he was awarded the Certificate of Honor for his contribution to the development of the education system, in 2021 - a letter of thanks.
- Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- For achievements in the field of design. Diploma. In 2012, the Eurasian Union of Designers.
- A letter of thanks for teaching students who are actively involved in school life during the internship.
- Republican competition of diploma works. ІІІ place Diploma of the Republican Methodological Council. February 5, 2016. Shymkent.
- 2015 Taldykorgan. Diploma. 1st place in the nomination for fashion design at the Republican exhibition "Preservation of Generations", dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.
- 1983 Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry. Specialty - Technologist of garments. Qualification - Process Engineer (IB ID 328427);
- 2004 KazZhenPU Specialty "Vocational training" teacher of vocational education, specializing in applied and artistic and decorative production (CU 0060628);
- 2013 Master of Education in the specialty "Professional Education" (MSU-M0124809);
- Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers since October 17, 2012.
- Member of the International Union of Teachers since October 1, 2014 (certificate).
- Sewingtechnology. Tutorial. 2019 w. 2019 ж. ISBN 978-601-346-026-0
- The basis of the technology of artificial processing of clothes at the lessons of technology G globol. Year 2017
- Orientation for the future: spiritual revivalю. G globol. Year 2017
- It's time to learn something new, learn and learn. Pedagogy and Art. 4(66)20177.,
- The main coordinator of the modernization of the country is the youth. G globol 2017;
- Being innovative is my main goal. NIS. The change of the world will change with us. Astana -2016
- Formation of the professional competence of the future specialists
- Prcedia-Sociai and Behavioral Sciences. SBSPRO23289 S1877042815022594. 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.03.466 Baitukaeva A., Baitukaeva D.,Shagirova K.A.
- About of self-education of students of high school .WALIA jounal 31 S6 38-42 2015 Available online. at ISSN 1026-3861 Zhumabaeva Zayda. Zhedelov Kurmangazy. Shagirova Kunimay
- Analysis of the culturally symbolic meaning of color and the graphic design of Kazakhstan. Center for Scientific Publications "VELES" International Conference "IV Autumn Science Reading"(M.Kiiv 12 жовтня 2015 р) Krykbayeva S.M. Шагирова К.А. 082, ББК 94.3, ISSN: 6827-2341
- Efficiency of using design techniques in school technology. A family. Society. Republican public-pedagogical and family journal. №6, 2014
- The use of design methods in teaching technology. Kazakh school. No. 2, 2012.Алматы. ISBN 0206-3409
- Technology textbook 7 class Almaty "Zhazushy" publishing house 2012; Оралбекова Т.Ш., Шагирова К.А. т.б.. ISBN 978-601-200-358-1
- Technology Study Guide / Kaz.Gos.GenPU.2012г.Шагирова К.А. т.б.. ISBN 978-601-200-358-1
- The role of the project of technological preparation of students in sewing. Academy of Design and Technology. Scientific journal "Design and Technology Industry" №4-2012; ISSN 2226-1753
- Technology textbook 5 class Almaty "Zhazushy" publishing house 2011. ISBN 978-601-232-583-6
- Technology textbook 5 class Almaty "Zhazushy" publishing house 2010. Оралбекова Т.Ш., Шагирова К.А. ISBN 978-601-200-256-0
- Technology textbook 6 class Almaty "Zhazushy" publishing house 2010. Оралбекова Т.Ш ., Шагирова К.А.и.д. ISBN 978-601-200-254-6
- Technology textbook 7 class Almaty "Zhazushy" publishing house 2010. Оралбекова Т.Ш ., Шагирова К.А. ISBN 978-601-200-252-2
- Technology textbook 5 class (Russian class) Almaty "Zhazushy" publishing house 2010. Оралбекова Т.Ш., Шагирова К.А.и.д. ISBN 978-601-200-256-3
- Technology textbook 7 class(Russian class) Almaty "Zhazushy" publishing house 2010. . Оралбекова Т.Ш., Шагирова К.А.и.д. ISBN 978-601-200-260-7
- Technology "Project Method" training manual LLP "Printing Service and K" 2010. Darmenova R.A. , Шагирова К.Аand so on. ISBN 978-601-224-182-2
- Participation of students in national applied arts using an interactive interactive whiteboard. Kaz.gos. gen. PU. Khabarshy № 3 2010. Abdikalykova A.
- Methodical instruction on writing the thesis for students of specialty 050120- "Vocational education". LLP "Polygraphy-Service and K" 2009. Darmenova R.A., Abzhabbarova S.K., Шагирова К.А. ISBN 978-601-224-056-6
- Development of creativity with the use of handicraft techniques in the field of skill. Khabarshy No. 3 2009 Kozhabekova GI
- Улучшение творческой работы путем обработки швейных изделий на уроке технологии. Академия моды «Сымбат»
- Educational opportunities of the Kazakh national ornament.ЖенПУ. Khabarshy № 3,2008 Омирбекова С.Т.
- Образовательные возможности казахского национального орнамента. Трудовое образование - республиканский научный методический журнал 2007. № 7-8
- The problem of Kazakhstan's school.№ 9 2006.ISBN 0206-3409
- Organization of the workand the necessity of the modern labor discipline Жен ПУ Хабаршы № 4 2006.
- Formation of the national culture of the younger generation through the production of felt products. International Symposium on the Colors of the Great Steppe 2017;
- Formation of the national culture of the younger generation using the technology of making clothes from felt. All-Russian scientific and practical conference (with international participation) "Art and Pedagogical Education - XXI Century", dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Arts and Graphic Department (Institute of Arts) and the 80th anniversary of the Novosibirsk State University Pedagogical University. Darmenova. 2015;ISBN 978-5-00023-875-2
- Analysis of the culturally symbolic meaning of color and the graphic design of Kazakhstan. Center for Scientific Publications "VELES" International Conference
- "IV Autumn Science Reading" (M.Kiiv 12 жовтня 2015 р) Krykbayeva S.M. Шагирова К.А. 082, ББК 94.3, ISSN: 6827-2341
- Future teachers use the project method in teaching technology. // International Conference / KazGos.GenPU 2013 May 20. ISBN 978-601-224-436-6
- Design technology of technological education international Conference 2011. Каz.NPU. ISBN 978-601-232-583-6
- Increased interest in the work on the preparation of the school uniform in the field of technology. 64 student scientific-practical conferences. 29-April 2011. Gen. PU .Alimzhanova B.
- Enhancing institutional taste through school technology to schoolchildren in the national style. 62 scientific-practical conferences of students. February 21-22, 2009 Female.PU. Tolykbaeva B.
- Improving creative work by processing garments in a technology lesson. The Academy of Fashion "Symbat" International scientific-practical conference.February 15,2008., ISBN 9965-658-14-5
- The educational significance of the processing felt national costumes at the lesson of technology. International scientific-practical conference. February 21-22, 2008., ISBN 9965-658-14-5
- Educational essence of Kazakh national costumes and ornaments. 60 student scientific and practical conferences. May 11-22. 2007г. Жен ПУ. Утелова Р
- Educational essence of teaching national ornaments in the field of technology. "The 21st Century Kazakh school: prospects of development " Republican scientific and practical conference ..28-29 March, 2006Жен ПУ. ISBN 9965-774-33-1
Otegenova Bayan
Position: Master, Senior Lecturer
- Information
Otegenova Bayan - From August 2000 to 2007 she worked as a tapestry master at the Department of Vocational Education, from September 2009 to the present, Senior Lecturer.
For his contribution to the development of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, the commemorative medal "Badge of Honor" was awarded. Certificate No. 260 dated September 2, 2014
The diploma ІІ is adjudged to a level for outstanding operations in the "Creative Operations in Arts and Crafts" nomination on the International art symposium "Art of the Creator". Kazakh state women's pedagogical university, Almaty, 2014
The diploma of the I degree has been awarded in the Painting nomination on a symposium of the international artists under the name "Great Steppe Paints". The Kazakh state women's pedagogical university, on August 26 - on September 02 Almaty 2016
It is awarded with "Letter of thanks" for a contribution to development of the Kazakh state women's pedagogical university. December 27, 2017.
- Qualification teacher of labor and Kazakh applied art (diploma 0134354) was awarded by the decision of the State Qualification Commission of June 15, 2000 in the specialty "Labor and Kazakh decorative art" (Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, 1996-2000)
- The decision of the State certifying commission of June 18, 2009 has appropriated qualification the Master of vocational education with the academic degree of the MASTER. (PZh No. 0006280) (Kazakh state women's pedagogical university, 2007-2009)
- Educational significance of the Kazakh craft: B. Otegenova / «Herald» scientific journal №3 (2), Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institutes, 2007
- Formation of creativity of students through the art of carpet weaving: B. Otegenova / «Herald» scientific journal №3 (2), Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institutes, 2010
- Pedagogical problems of training teachers of the future subject " Technology» : R. Darmenova., B.Otegenova /Materials of the International scientific and practical conference Education and pedagogical science in social modernization of Kazakhstan public figure sh. K. Berkimbaeva, Kazakh state women's pedagogical University, 2012 ISBN 978-601-224-384-0
- "The particular location of the ornamental melodies, the drop-down on the carpet»: B.Otegenova /Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Cultural and intellectual possibility of art education" Kazakh state women's pedagogical University, Almaty may 20, 2013 ISBN 978-601-224-436-6
- Educational value of physical culture and sports in the formation of personality: G. Dosymbek Materials the 69th scientific-practical conference of students, undergraduates, PhD students and young scientists on theme "YOUTH AND SCIENCE – PRESENT AND FUTURE", Almaty, publishing house "Women's University", 12 April 2016 ISBN 978-601-224-746-6
- "Social characteristics of applied art»: B.Otegenova Material international Symposium of artists "Colors of the great steppe". Almaty publishing house "Women's University" 2016 Zh . ISBN 978-601-224-837-1
- Professionalism Of the teacher Of the Vocational Education As Condition Of improvement Of Quality and Training Of Students. Darmenova R, Ashirbekova Zh., B.Otegenova., Bakirova L /International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) Impact Factor:/ 3. 023, 17-20, April 2017. ISSN 2277-8616
- Arts and crafts. Textbook. R.A. Darmenova, B.Otegenova., M. Turgymbay. Publishing house "Women's University", ISBN 978-601-224-903-3. Almaty 2017
- Key prerequisites for the modernization of the best national traditions: B.Otegenova / Journal of Pedagogy and art №4 (66). 2017
- The carpet in the classroom-decorative art: Makhanova G., Askarova Zh. B.Otegenova. International Scientific and Practical Conference. May 22-30, 2018. Prague. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6
Abdurahmanova Galiya
Position: Master, senior lecturer
- Information
Abdurahmanova Galiya
Position: Master, senior lecturer
Galya Abdurakhmanova, a graduate of the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarin, graduated with a bachelor's degree in 1986. In 2008, he graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in 050510-State and local government, economist - manager.
He began his career in 1986-1988 as a teacher of drawing and drawing at the secondary school of Tasty village of Amangeldy district of Kostanay region, from 1988 to 1990 as a kindergarten teacher No. 21 in Arkalyk, from 1990 to 1994 as a drawing teacher at school No. 3 in Tashauz of the Turkmen Republic, 1994-1995. ATC operator No.155/8, Almaty region, school No. 63, Almaty, 1995-2004.teacher of drawing, drawing, since 2004. continues pedagogical work at the Department of Vocational Education, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
Galya Abdurakhmanova continuously conducts scientific research in the field of education. For his contribution to the development of KazNPU, he was awarded the jubilee medal "Kurmet belgisi". In 2014, for his great contribution to the development of the country's higher education system and great work in training highly qualified specialists, he was awarded the bronze medal named after A.Baitursynov in 2019. The number of articles in international, republican scientific journals is 58.
- 2011-2013. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University received a Master's degree in Education 6M012000-Vocational training, in 2013. he mastered the cycle of disciplines of the profile of scientific and pedagogical activity in the specialty 6M012000-Vocational education at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
- member of the Eurasian Union of Designers since 2012, No. 138.
- Organizational culture and leadership
- Individual work with students, taking into account their flexibility and interest.
- Formation of the ethno-culture of future teachers through national crafts
- Combination of cultural skills of students with ancient crafts of the Kazakh people
- Ethnopedagogy is a part of national culture Actual problems of pedagogy, psychology, ethnopsychology in the modern education system. - 416 b. Republican Scientific and practical conference of KazNPU. Abai, (January 16, 2015).
- Formation of national culture of young generation, using the technology of making clothesfromfelt. WALIA journal 31(S7): 1-3, 2015 Available online at ISSN 1026-3861 © 2015WALIA
- Today's Graduates - Tomorrow's Support: "Professionally - orientation work was published in the newspaper "Kostanay morning". 27 may 2016
- The past and modern development of Kazakh folk art and its unique features: /International Symposium "The colors of the great steppe" 62-64 pp. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University 27august -2 september 2016g, ISBN 978-601-224-837-1
- Types of national ornament and their meanings: the International Artists International Symposium "The colors of the great steppe" 91-93 pp. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University 27august -2 september 2016g, ISBN 978-601-224-837-1
- Orientation of youngpeopletowards becoming a professional as a competent speaci alist. Published in the journal Pedagogy and Art 2017
- Ability to apply folk arts and crafts on arts and crafts lessons. g. globyl for children 07.02.2017
- The main means of educating an aesthetic attitude is folk craft. g. globyl for children 07.02.2017
- Orientation of young people towards becoming a professional and competent specialist: /Published in the "Journal of Pedagogy and Art"2017.
- Professional RussianlanguageinKazakhstanuniversities: / 19-21рр. Sciences of Europe VOL 4 No 24 Prague 2018g. ISSN 3162-2364
- The embroidery of thegreatsteppe Leadership and management: current trends in the development of theory and practice collection of international scientific articles KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, 223-225 p. May 14, 2019. ISBN 978-601-298-760-7
- The role of professional competence of future teachers in the education system SCIENCE AND LIFE OF KAZAKHSTAN, International science journal ISSN 2073-333X №2/2, 2020ж. 246-250бет
- Art History EURASIAN UNION OF SCIENTISTS (ESU) Moscow, Luzhnetskaya Embankment 2/4, office No. 17, 119270 Russia Monthly Scientific Journal, No. 2 (71) / 2020g. 2 part
- Transforming Contemporary Traditional Shi Art Scienceandlifeof Kazakhstan, International sciencejournal ISSN 2073-333X, №8 2020, 236-239
- Сontent archetypes and images in the works of surrealist sartistsof modern Kazakhstan. Austria Journ of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12/2020 November-DecemberISSN2310-5593Austria, Vienna
- The World Conference. Scientific foundations of the formation of students' interest in work (based on the Kazakh national dress) Malta, February 2014. the author's association
- Formation of ethno-pedagogical culture among future teachers Pedagogical professionalism in education. Collection of scientific papers XI International Sb
- cientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of NGPUN ovosibirsk (February 18-19, 2015) Part III.
- Transfer of knowledge to future generations through the national ornament The journal of the conference "100 concrete steps - a new stage of strengthening the education and science system of Kazakhstan". 22.12.2015 Syrdarya University.
- Features of the application of new technologies in the formation of the creative abilities of future specialists: Materials of the regional scientific-practical conference "Scientific basis for designing innovations in professional and pedagogical education" 120-124рр. Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after. Y.Altynsarin 14april 2016. ISBN 978-601-7556-88-4
- The current state of creative abilities of students, using the latest technology: /International Scientific and Practical Conference. 459-461рр. KazNPU named after Abai. 14 may 2016 ISBN 978-601-298-351-7
- Improving students’ creativity through traditional crafts: /Materialofthe XII International Conferenceon the DevelopmentofScienceandTechnology, PedagogicalScienceSofia “byal grad-bg”78-82рр. Volume 5 2016g. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6
- 70 th Republican scientific and practical conference for students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Youth and Science: Present and Future" on the topic of craft and its importance in raising children in Kazakhstan AlmatyApril 12, 2017 Saltanat Esentayeva the student of 1 course
- ХІІІ INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PRACTICE CONFERENCE, “SCIENCE AND СIVILIZATION- 2017” About multilingualism in Kazakhstan: 18-22рр. 30 november-07 december 2017g. Sheffield ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6 G.М.Маhanovа, G.A.Abdurakhmanovа
- MateriályXIVMezinarodnivedecko-praktickakonferrnce «Modernívymoženostivědy - 2018» Cookingintheclassroom: / 56-60рр. Prague 22-30 January 2018. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6
- The importance of Kazakh craft and the role in upbringing: /Vocational training, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University 587-589бб. Manual for students1 course 2018 ISBN 978-224-920-0
- The XLII International Scientificand Practical Conference 18april 2018 - M. Tynyshbaev QKKA1 year student manual59-62рр.ISBN 978-601-325-029-8 Moderninno vativetechno logiesar eth ekeytoim provingthe quality of education:
- Self-realization of students' personality by learning languages: /Materials for the XIV International Scientific Practical Conference That is published by “Byal Grad-BG” Ltd. Republic of Bulgaria “Triadits” district 4 Vitosha Blvd. et.5. 24-28рр. Sofia 15-22 april 2018g. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6
- Ethno-artistic education and education of students. Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference " Socio-economic aspects of Education in Modern Society"/ Volume.2, 20 December 2018, Warsaw, Poland ISBN978-966-8736-05-6
- The use of solar energy in clothing NAUKOWA MYŚL INFORMACYJNEJ POWIEKI – 2019, 07-15 марта 2019, Volume 6 ISBN978-966-8736-05-6 Pedagogicznenauki Psychologia isocjologia Przemysl Nayka 3 studia 2019
- Updating the content of educational programs is a requirement of the time Republican scientific and practical conference "Updated content of education: the experience of the university and secondary school" 4-7pp, Aktobe University. y. 2020 ӘОЖ 37.0 (063) ББК 74.00 Ж26 ISBN 978-601-7818-36-
- Personalities who have formed a meaningful artistic language and the specifics of national music and fine art.66-73pp, International scientific and practical conference "Innovations in Art and Design" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 30th anniversary of the Innovative Eurasian University V International Scientific and Practical Conference Pavlodar, February 11-12, 2021
Tokkulieva Ulbala
Position: Master, Senior lecturer
- Information
1985-1990 He graduated from the Abai Kazakh State University "Drawing and Drawing"
2013-2015. He graduated from the Master of Arts at the Regional Social and Innovative University.
- 1990-1998.Zhambyl Technological University teacher.
- 1998-2003. Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov teacher
- since 2003 social year-Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University senior lecturer
- 2004-2007 Economic Education and Service Faculty Deputy Dean for Educational Work
- 2007-2011 lj. History of Economics Faculty Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
- 2011-2018. organization of educational work in the head of the department of methodological support.
- 2017-2018 Manager of the department for organizing the work of the public.
- Since 2018, I have been working as a senior teacher at the Department of Vocational Education
- - Graphic engineering and design;
- - Engineering graphics and design;
- - Composition;
- - Composition of the costume;
- - Computer graphics;
- - Industrial (pedagogical) practice;
- - Costume composition
- - Costume composition
- - Methods of teaching graphics and design;
Bakirova Lyailya
Position: Master, Senior Lecturer
- Information
Lyailya Bakirova - In 1995 he graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Mathematics and Physics, in 2004 from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in vocational training and labor. In 2013 she received a master's degree in vocational education from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
She has been working at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University since 2001, from 2005 to 2009, a lecturer at the Department of Vocational Training and Labor, from 2009 to the present, a senior lecturer at the Department of Professional Education.
At the end of the 2009-2010 academic year, she was awarded the "Certificate of Honor" from the rector of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
Awarded with a "medal" for the 70th anniversary of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
- Master of Professional Education, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University;
- Professional education, master, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University;
- Vocational training and labor, specialty, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute;
- Mathematics-physics, specialty, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute.
- Formation of a competent, creatively thinking specialist who meets the requirements of a renewed society
- Development of innovative education
- Integration with research activities
- Close connection with the requirements of the social and economic sphere
- Improvement of information and educational technologies, pedagogical techniques, mastery of self-government
- Рrerequisites and plot-compositional features of the direction of surrealism in the visual arts Eurasian Union of Scientists (ESU) Monthly scientific journal № 10 (79)/2020. ISSN 2411-6467. DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.4.79
- Makhanova G.M., Bakirova L.Sh., Muratbai A.Zh. Making garments using solar-powered materials. Journal archive. Scientific journal "european science" Scientific jornal "european science". 19 February 2019№ 1(43) 2019 ISSN PRINT 2410-2865, ISSN ONLINE 2541-786Х
- Makhanova GM., Bakirova LSh., Abdurakhmanova GA. "The subject of cooking in the classroom" International scientific and practical conference, Prague, January 22-30, 2018. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6
- Bakirova L.Sh. Knitting as a kind of arts and crafts. "3 (45)" 2018 collection of conferences. «International scientific review» ISBN 978-1-948507-06-6
- Bakirova L.Sh. Ways of developing students' skills in applied arts lessons: / April 2018 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University
- Bakirova L.Sh., Darmenova R.A. Improving the upbringing of generations based on national values. Article, im. Abay. Journal "Vestnik" KazNPU, Almaty, 2017, ISSN 1728-5496
- Bakirova L.Sh. Development of a collection of sets for girls using elements of Kazakh ornament, hand embroidery. April 2017, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University
- Krykbayeva SM, Rakhmetova NB, Zhedelov KO, Bakirova L. Aesthetic and artistic features of color solutions in contemporary art of design in Kazakhstan. Color Scope ImaginativeAesthetic Features in Modern Design of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Global Media Journal. 2017, 14:28. Scopus. 2017 жыл, Global Media Journal. ISSN 1550-7521
- Bakirova L.Sh. National competitiveness in the modernization of Kazakhstan. Article. Magazine "Pedagogy and Art". 06.2017
- Bakirova L.Sh. Teaching needlework lessons based on new technology. Article. G-Globall. 02/20/2017
- Bakirova L.Sh. The effectiveness of using new technology in handicraft lessons. Article. G-Globall May, 2017
- Bakirova L.Sh. The role of the symbol in the artistic image of the visual arts. Magala, Science and Life. Russia 2017. ISSN 2414-4487
- Bakirova L.Sh. Pedagogical foundations of the use of national crafts in the educational process. Slovak Republic, Eurasian Academy. 0.31 P.L. as of 12.2017. ISBN 978-80-972920-0-3
- Бакирова Л.Ш. Bakirova L.Sh. "The sacred essence of arts and crafts" science and life of Kazakhstan. International popular science journal, . ISSN 2073-333Х
- Makhanova GM., Bakirova LSh. "The history of the emergence of clothing" XVII Khalygaralyk Gylymi conference of maqalasy. Actual scientific research in the modern world: XVII International Scientific Conference. Pereyaslav Khmelnitsky. Ukraine. September 26-27, 2016. UDC 001.891 (100) "20" BBK 72.4 A43
- Bakkirova L.Sh. "The heritage of folk crafts, passed down to generations" "International symposium of artists" Paints of the Great Steppe. "Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. 2016. ISBN978-601-224-87-37-1 60-62 бб.
- Imankulova LB, Abdurakhmanova GA, Bakirova L.Sh. Improving the creative abilities of students on the basis of traditional crafts: "Materials for XII - an international scientific practical conference, inquire from the world for scientific and pedagogical sciences, volume 5.78-82bb. Sofia" byal grad-bg "ood. December 17-25, 2016. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6
- Bakirova L.Sh. Problems of humanization of the content of art and aesthetic education with the values of spiritual culture. Material of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science, Education and Innovation - the Most Important Factors of the Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050 ". Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan, October 23-24, 2015. 129-132 pages. ISBN 978-601-216-340-7
- Bakirova L.Sh. Technology for the development of critical thinking in the vocational education system. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Republican scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of pedagogy, psychology, ethnopsychology in the modern education system." January 16, 2015.
- Bakirova L.Sh. Teaching needlework lessons based on new technology. Material of the international scientific and practical conference. Conference "Nurpeis readings" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outstanding scientist K. Nurpeisov March 13, 2015 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. ISBN 978-601-224-634-6
- Rakhmetova N.B., Қamaқ Ә.O., Bakirova L.Sh. The true path to the profession. Republican Social and Political Newspaper "Bilimdi El". No. 10 (23), May 26, 2015
- Darmenova R.A., Ashirbekova J.B., Otegenova B.N., Bakirova L.Sh. Certificate of Publication. This is tu paper titled ''Professionalism Of The Teacher Of The Vokational Education As Condition Of Improvement Of Qualiry And Training Of Students" submitted by Author(s) has been published in the April, 2015 edition of IJSTR Volume 4 - Issue 04, April 2015 Edition - ISSN 2277-8616. (International Jurnal of Scientific & Technology Research). April 15, 2015. Импофактор. ISSN 2277-8616
- Bakirova L. THE CURRENT STATE OF SUPPLYING INSTALLATION PERSONNEL WITH WORKING CLOTHES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF HUMAN VITAL ACTIVITY. Certificate. This is to certify that, has attended the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Science and Society». РИНЦ Held by SCIEURO in London 23-30 March 2015
- Bakirov L.Sh. Actual problems of using traditional decorative crafts in the process of labor education. Material of the international scientific and practical conference. Values of the Great Steppe and Eurasia: art education and aesthetic education. Eurasian National University. L. N. Gumilyova, Astana, November 5-7, 2015. WITH 393-398 беттер. ISBN 978-601-248-709-1
- Bakirova L.Sh. Integration opportunities and innovative technologies for professional education of future specialists. Turkish world. II International Syposium of Turkic World Studies. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Niide University, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmullah. Kazakhstan / Almaty May 20-22, 2015. Symposium 2015. ISBN 978-601-224-649-0
- Kudaykulov M., Tymbolova A., Bakirova L., Maulenova R. learn to be competitive • Teaching aid, 3.75 (60 pages), December, 2015
- Bakirova L.Sh. The national character of the work of the great artist A. Kasteev. Material of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of A. Kasteev. November 21, 2014
- Bakirova L.Sh. The educational value of textile art for students. "School. A family. Republican social pedagogical and family magazine "Kokam" Almaty, No. 6, 2014
- Bakirova L.Sh. Modern methods of teaching technology. Materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference. Science and Studio magazine. Poland 2013. ISBN 978-966-8736-0506
- Bakirova L.Sh. Place of needlework in technology lessons. Material of the international conference. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty, 2013
- Bakirova L.Sh. The content of applied crafts in the discipline technology. Material of the international conference. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty, 2013
- Bakirova L.Sh. Shi weaving technology. Material of the international conference. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty, 2013
- Bakirova L.Sh. Vocational education through craft. In the collection of scientific articles "Isaev's readings". April 13, 2013
- Bakirova L.Sh. New technological methods of teaching the craft. Conference "Education and Science Without Borders." Poland 2013. ISBN 978-966-8736-0506
Imankulova Lyailya
Position: Master's degree, senior lecturer
- Information
Imankulova Lyailya
Position: Master's degree, senior lecturer
Lyailya Imankulova is a graduate of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. In 2005, he was awarded the qualification of "primary school teacher" of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, specializing in Pedagogy and methods of primary education (diploma with honors No.MB - 0075815). In 2008, she graduated from the master's degree program of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University in the specialty 6N0120 - "vocational training", in 2020 she completed a PhD in the specialty 6d012000 - "vocational training" of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov.
She began her career in 2005-2006 as an educator at the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology, in 2006 as a clerk at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, in 2006-2008 she studied at the full-time department of the magistracy.From 2008 to 2017, senior lecturer at the Department of Vocational Education of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute. 2017-2020 M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University PhD in the specialty 6d012000 - "vocational training". Since September 2020, Senior lecturer of the Department of Vocational Education of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
LyailyaBolatkulovna is a young scientist who is continuously engaged in scientific research and creative searches in the field of education. She was awarded the diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the best scientific papers and relevant articles in scientific journals, international scientific conferences and symposiums, the diploma of the winner of the contest "Best Young Scientist-2021", badges.
- Master of Professional Education, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan).
- PhD doctoral program M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University (Kazakhstan)
- Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers (Kazakhstan• * 2012
- Head of the Educational program in the specialty 7M01402 - " vocational training • / compiler
- Formation of the research function of future teachers of vocational training
- Decorative and applied art
- Current issues in the field of ART management and industrial art
- "Improving the professional competence of future artistic specialists on the basis of a 12-year education system" 2015
- Possibilities of using computer programs in the design of national products II International Book Edition of the Commonwealth of Independent States "The best young scientist-2021" Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, April 20-21, 2021 55-59 UDC 001 BBK 70/79 W 33 ISBN 978-601-332-991-8
- Krykbaeva S. M., Imankulova L. B., Zholdasbekova S. A. Certificate of state registration of copyright rights No. 13485 "November 25, 2020
- Imankulova L. B., Rakhmetova N. B., Tastanbek D. M. conceptual basis for the formation of the research function of future teachers Kazakh History No. 6 (183), June 2020, pp. 74-76
- G.Karatayev, L.Imankulova, F.Babakhanov,G.Makhmudov, S.Zholdasbekova «Case technology in the process of management of student's scientific-research activity» ournal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment, Volume 8, No. 3, 2020, pp. Canada 298-306
- Imankulova L. B., Zholdasbekova S. A., Tastanbek D. M. improving the project training of future specialists through the research function. - No. 4(64), 2019 Almaty. 236-241
- L.Imankulova, S.Zholdasbekova Use of computer technologies in scientific research work of future teachers professional training Akdenizüniversitesigüzelsanatlarenstitüsüuluslararasilisansüstüeğitimisanatvetasarimsempozyumu 11/12 nisan 2019 Р 161-173
- Imankulova L.B., Zholdasbekova S.A., Kabylbekova Z.B. Didactic conditions for the formation of students' research abilities at art work lessons International Popular Science magazine "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" No. 1 (73) 2019 From 170-174
- L.Imankulova,Оmer Zaimogly, Saule Zholdasbekova Gelenekselsanat Еğitiminde Eğitim Kalitesini Аrttırmaуа Yönelik Uygulama Çalışmaları: Kazakistan Örneği Applicationstudies to Improve the Quality of Education in Traditional Art Education: Kazakhstan Case Yüzyılda Türk Sanatı: Meseleler ve Çözüm Önerileri Milletlerarası Sempozyum, Sergi, Konser, Çalıştay etkinliğine. 08-09 Ekim/Octover 2018 – Kostamonu 245-252
- Saule Zholdasbekova, Оmer Zaimogly, L.Imankulova, Dina MadiyevaScientific and methodological support of experimental work on the formation of the research functions of future teachers//V International conference of industrial technologies and engineering. ICITE. 2018. -Shimkent. 210-216.
- Zholdasbekova S. A. opportunities to improve the research function of students in continuing professional pedagogical education program of the International Forum of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities " Problems of continuing pedagogical education: traditions and innovations " October 4, 2018 Almaty 80-83 p.
- Omer Zaymogly, Imankulova L.B.Bilimsel araştirma faaliyeti için geleceğe yönelik öğretmen eğitimi V Kazgoszhenpu International Research Symposium on the Turkic World. Almaty. 2018. р605-610
- Zholdasbekova S. A., Imankulova L. B., Bektai A. K. "Fundamentals of scientific research in the system of vocational education" (Computer program-electronic textbook)
- Zholdasbekova S.A., Imankulova L.B., Karataev G.S., Mokrousova A.E. "Factors influencing the formation of research abilities of students "Humanities" No. 3 (8), ISSN 2500-1337 2018 From 15-21
- Zholdasbekova S.A., Seidina M.Z., Mokrousova A.E. "Scientific and research abilities of students as a categorical concept and a factor of personal development" Bulletin of KazNPU.Abaya . - 2018.- No. 2 (58) series "Pedagogical Sciences" ISSN 1728-5496. Almaty.2018. From 34-42
- Imankulova L. B., Zholdasbekova S. A."ways of formation of research skills of future specialists in the system of vocational education ""Auezov readings - 16: international scientific and practical conference"The Fourth Industrial Revolution: opportunities for modernization of Kazakhstan in the field of science, education and culture• * Shymkent, 2018. pp. 30-33.
- Zholdasbekova S. A., Imankulova L. B. "Opportunities for the formation of research activities of the future teacher of vocational training" Bulletin of the L. N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University * No. 2(123)/2018 ISSN 2616-68. Astana, 2018. 78-83 p.
- Saule Zholdasbekovaa, RikhsibayMamedova, Zhanat Nurzhanbayevaa, DaniyarBazarbayevb, GalymzhanKaratayeva, Abdimazhit Saipov, L.Imankulova «The level indicators of the professional readiness of future teachers to dual training»Man In India, 97 (21) : 705-714© Serials Publications Scopus.
- Makhanova G.M., Imankulova L.B., Bakirova L.Sh "Knitting as a kind of arts and crafts / Knitting as a kind of decorative and applied art.XLIII international scientific and practical conference «international scientific review of the problems and prospects of modern science and education» (boston. usa. 2018). Р 99-101
- Zholdasbekova S.A., Imankulova L.B. "Formation of research competence of future teachers of vocational training"" Innovative approaches in the development of science and education BRATISLAVA 2017 (SLOVAKIA). From 133-139
- Saule Zholdasbekova, Zhanat Nurzhanbayeva, Оmer Zaimogly Formation of research competence of future teachers in conditions of dual trainingIV International conference of industrial technologies and engineering. October 26-27. 2017 ICITE M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University Shimkent. Kazakhstan. P.339-342
- Krykbaeva S., Bakirova L.Sh. Kipshakov S.A. "The content of professional education of future design specialists in higher educational institutions" Dmitry yavorinitski i. international european congress on social sciences Kiev - Ukraine. 2017 From 14-23
- Krykbayeva S, Rakhmetova N,Zhedelov K, L.Imankulova, Serikbai B, Kaldybaev G, Bakirova L Color Scope Imaginatve-Aesthetc Features in Modern Design of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Askarova Zh. A. "Fundamentals of scientific research in the system of vocational education" "publishing house" "Women's University" Almaty. 2017. -144 P. textbook 50 copies.
- Imankulova L. B. «ways of organizing lessons of applied creativity through independent work» Pedagogy and art No. 4 (66) Almaty. 2017. pp. 37-43
- Spiritual and cultural values of reed art", Republican Methodological Round Table (online). Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. February 17, 2021.
- Askarova Zh.A., Suranshieva M., Imankulova L.B. "Moral and spiritual values of the individual as the most important component of education" Materials of the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference Prague, Czech Republic. 2017. From 87-91
- Zholdasbekova S. A. " the process of involving future teachers in research work in the system of vocational education "materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute " Rukhani zhangyru: national education system and world experience " volume II. Shymkent.2017. 431-437
- Zholdasbekova S.A., Imankulova L.B. "Pedagogical foundations of the formation of the research function of future teachers of vocational training at the university" Actual problems of technological education:school, college, university. Materials of the V International Correspondence scientific and Practical Conference Mozyr. 2017. 43-44
- Zholdasbekova S. A., Imankulova L. B. "the process of involving future teachers in research work in the system of vocational education" materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute "Rukhani zhangyru: national education system and world experience" volume II.
- Imankulova L. B., Rakhmetova N. B., Tastanbek D. M. opportunities for the formation of research competencies of future specialists through independent work International scientific and practical conference "Contemporary Art and education in the context of national and global pedagogical education: problems, trends and prospects" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Almaty. 2018. From 255-258
- Imankulova L.B., Zholdasbekova S.A. "Methods of formation of research functions of future specialists based on information and computer technologies" Education, science and technology: problems and prospects Collection of materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students dedicated to the 75th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War March 26, 2020 58-60 pages Sterlitamak, Russian Federation Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan
Umirzak Ainur
Position: Senior Lecturer
- Information
Umirzak Ainur is a graduate of the T. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts. In 2005 he was qualified as a monumental artist of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. Zhurgenova. From 2010 to 2014 she worked as a teacher at the Eurasian National University named after I. L.N. Gumilov.
Since 2015 he has been working as a senior teacher at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute. Since 2004 she has been participating in national and international exhibitions. Creative works are kept in private collections of the country of Kazakhstan, Germany, France, Turkey, Russia, etc., as well as in the building of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Qualification artist-monumentalist, Kazakh National Academy of Arts (Kazakhstan).
- Member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan). 2013 g.
- Krykbaeva S.M., Umirzak A.R. The role of national ornaments and colors in the composition of traditional clothing. Almaty: Bulletin of KazGASA No. 4 (58) 2015. р. 53-60.
- 2003 V International festival of creative youth "Shabyt". Astana
- 2003 Exhibition of the Atameken dynasty "Okan-Intercontinental". Astana
- 2003 Exhibition of the “Voice of the Steppe” dynasty. Museum of Contemporary Art. Shardenova, Almaty
- 2004 Exhibition of the Musical Art dynasty. RK. Union of Artists. Almaty
- 2004 Small Congress of Kazakhs of the world. Exhibition. Berlin.
- 2005 III Congress of Kazakhs of the world. "Exhibition of Kazakhstani masters of art of the world." Astana
- 2005 Exhibition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. State Art Museum. A. Kasteeva "Breath of Independence". Almaty
- 2011 exhibition of the Atameken dynasty. Kazakh State Central Museum. Almaty
- 2012 Exhibition of the dynasty "Steppe Music". Palace of Independence. Astana
- 2013 Exhibition "Day of Almaty". Kazakh State Central Museum. Almaty
- 2014 Family personal exhibition "LIFE IS BETTER". Luchenburg
- 2015 Museum of the First President "Miss Steppe" Personal exhibition with my sister. Astana
- 2015 "Elim-ai" Exhibition of applied and contemporary artists of Kazakhs of the world. State Art Museum. A. Kasteeva. Almaty
- 2015 Exhibition of artists dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate State Art Museum. A. Kasteeva. Almaty
- 2021 Exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Republican exhibition-competition of masters of the brush "Language and Independence". II degree diploma. Taldykorgan Akimat of Almaty region.