About Us
- Ibraeva Azhar Khakimovna
From 1959 - 1962 - Rector of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute
- Career
Ibraeva Azhar KhakimovnaAzhar Ibraeva was born in 1928 in the former Sergeev district of the North Kazakhstan region. After graduating from high school in the Saryagash district of the Turkestan region, in 1949 she was enrolled to the history department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute. Having graduated with honors from an educational institution, she joined the ranks of the Communist Party.
From 1949 to 1961 she worked as a teacher at the department of Marxism-Leninism.
In 1950 - 1959, Azhar Khakimovna was the head of the Komsomol organization, worked as the secretary of the Alma-Ata city committee of the Komsomol, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Kazakhstan.
From 1959 to 1962 – she became the rector of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, from 1962 to 1967 - rector of the Institute of Foreign Languages.
In 1967 - 1975 - Member of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Kazakh SSR, since January 1975 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of CPSU History at the Almaty Institute of Foreign Languages.
For many years, Azhar Ibraeva wrote scientific works on the topic "Leadership of the Communist Party in the education of youth during the XX and XXII Party congresses." Based on the written work, she defended a scientific dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences.
More than 30 scientific papers and scientific-methodical works have been published under her authorship. The merits of Azhar Khakimovna were highly appreciated by the government of Kazakhstan, she was awarded the Order of the Sign of Glory, the medal "For Valiant Labor", the diploma of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, the prize of the All-Union Youth Union of the Lenin Komsomol. Azhar Khakimovna was elected twice to the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, Almaty city (regional maslikhat).
- Kunantaeva Kulyash Kunantaevna
From 1968 - 1984 - Rector of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute
- Career
Kunantaeva Kulyash KunantaevnaKulyash Kunantaeva was born on March 4, 1931 in the Ulan district of the East Kazakhstan region.
In 1952 she graduated with honors from the philological faculty of the Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute. She began her career as a teacher of the Russian language and literature at the Oktyabrskaya secondary school of the Zhambyl district of Almaty region.
In 1954-1956 she worked as the head of the school department of the Lenin district committee of the Komsomol in Almaty;
In 1956-1959 - the secretary of the Alma-Ata regional committee of the Komsomol;
In 1959-1964 - the secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the Kazakh SSR, chairman of the council of the pioneer organization of Kazakhstan;
In 1964- 1967 - Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Kazakh SSR;
In 1967-1968 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Alma-Ata Institute of Foreign Languages.
K. Kunantaeva in 1968 was appointed to the post of rector of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute. For 16 years Kulyash Kunantaeva headed the unique educational unit, over the years the educational institution has risen to a new level. During this period, modern educational buildings and three hostels were built and put into operation. In addition, a canteen, a library and sports complexes have been commissioned. With the direct assistance of Kulyash Kunantaeva, there were built 80-apartment residential building, which was handed over to the employees and teachers of the institute who are without housing. During this time, the material base of the educational and scientific work of the Women's Institute updated over time, there were opened 12 new laboratories. They were equipped with the latest equipment and allowed students to engage in scientific work. In this regard, qualified specialists were invited to the educational institution.
During the years of K. Kunantaeva's leadership of the institute, the number of students raised from 3600 to 6200 people. Also, the number of faculties has increased from 4 to 6, the number of departments from 19 to 28. Currently, there is a medical center for students and a recreation area for teachers and staff at the Kapshagai reservoir.
With the direct assistance of Kulyash Kunantaeva, there was created the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Aigul". "Aigul" is one of the very first instrumental ensembles, which included only girls on the Kazakh stage. In the 60s-70s, of the twentieth century, the ensemble performed Kazakh songs on stage in more than 10 countries of the world, made a huge contribution to the development of national art. In several contests «Жүзден – жүйрік, мыңнан – тұлпар» became the best.
In 1984-1997. – she became Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Pedagogy of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, Head of the Department of General Pedagogy.
In 1975-1985 she was elected as a deputy of the 9th and 10th convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR.
Kulyash Kunantaeva - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Academy of Educational Sciences of Georgia, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, Honorary Worker of Education of Kazakhstan.
Scientist-teacher in 1966 defended her thesis on the topic "Some extracurricular labor and educational associations of students in Kazakhstan" and in 1981 defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Development of female education in Kazakhstan (1920 - 1975)". More than 400 scientific papers on the development of women's education and the development of education in Kazakhstan have been published. Among them are teaching aids, textbooks and monographs. Under the leadership of Kulyash Kunantaeva, 24 candidates and doctors of sciences were trained. At present, the continuity of the "Kunantaeva Scientific School" has been preserved.
K. Kunantaeva was awarded numerous state awards for scientific and pedagogical activities, services in the development of science and education and training. Among them are the Order-Medal "Badge of Honor", "Friendship of Peoples", the title "Excellence in Public Education of the Kazakh SSR", "Excellence in Higher School of the USSR", "Person of the Year", "Honored Worker of Kazakhstan" and certificates of honor.
Kulyash Kunantaevna is the first doctor of pedagogical sciences among women in Kazakhstan. She is an outstanding scientist, an outstanding teacher who made a fundamental contribution to the development of domestic pedagogical science, who made her contribution to the development of higher education in the country.
- Elemesova Zhamilya Toktarbekkyzy
1984 - 1989 - Rector of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute
- Career
Elemesova Zhamilya ToktarbekkyzyZhamilya Yelemesova was born on March 8, 1939 in Karatal district of Almaty region. In 1957, after finishing 8-year school, she studied at the Kyzylorda Pedagogical School named after I. M. Mametova.
She started her career in 1961 as an elementary school teacher at the Koksu station, the former Taldykorgan region. Zh. Yelemesova in 1964 passed into the philological faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute. During her student days, she actively participated in the Komsomol social work of the Institute. In 1968 she graduated with honors, worked as a secretary of the Komsomol committee of the institute and at the department of pedagogy and psychology. In 1978 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, held the position of assistant professor.
From 1978 to 1984 she worked as the director of the Alma-Ata preschool educational school No. 1, also at the school for the training of teachers in primary classes No. 2. Over the years, as qualified specialists, she has prepared many teaching aids for educational institutions, teaching aids for secondary special schools. She prepared the relevant teaching aids, didactic materials on pedagogy, on the problems of educational institutions of preschool organizations, primary and special schools.
In 1984 - 1989, Zhamilya Elemesova worked as the rector of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute.
In 1984, the building of the scientific library and reading rooms were put into operation. In addition, in 1987 at the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy was opened a specialty in training choreographers.
In 1988 on the initiative of Zhamili Yelemesova the folklore-ethnographic ensemble "Ұлар" was created with the purpose of promotion the Kazakh folk songs and kuev in the Kazakh national musical art.
Zh. Elemesova is the author of many textbooks “«Қазақ тілін оқушыларушыларға көмекшілерге», “Teaching the Russian language at the national school”. For her services in the field of education, she was awarded diplomas of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, the medal "Veteran of Labor" and the certificate of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Құрмет».
- Berkimbaeva Shamsha Kopbaevna
2003 - 2011 - Rector of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute
- Career
Berkimbaeva Shamsha KopbaevnaShamsha Berkimbaeva was born on October 10, 1942 in Kaskelen district of Almaty region. In 1966, she graduated from the philological faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, and in 1984 from the Academy of Social Sciences of the CPSU Central Committee. She began her career in 1966 as a teacher of Russian language and literature at the eight-year school named after Kirov in Almaty region. In 1968-1970 she became the secretary of committee of Komsomol of the Almaty cooperative technical school, in 1970 - 1971 - the head of department of Alma-Ata regional committee of Komsomol, 1971- 1977 - the first secretary of Kaskelen regional committee of Komsomol, in 1977 - 1987 - the first secretary of the Soviet regional committee of party, secretary of Alma-Ata regional committee of party.
In 1987 - 1989 she was the first secretary of the Soviet District Committee of the Komsomol, the secretary of Alma-Ata Regional Committee of the Party.1987 - 1989 - headmaster of secondary school No. 12 . Almaty, 1989-1997. - Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1997-1999 - First Secretary of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in the Kyrgyz Republic, head of Almaty Regional Education Department.
Shamsha Berkimbaeva, as a member of the Senate of the Parliament, was the only initiator of the transition to the higher legislative body in the state language. Gradually, this trend has developed. All deputies asked questions in the state language and began making deputy requests.
Shamsha Berkimbaeva began her work as Minister of Education and Science with the implementation of the program «Ауыл мектебі». For the first time the program«Ауыл мектебі» was adopted at the level of the government, during the same period 226 schools were built in villages, hundreds of schools were repaired, the chemistry and physics classrooms were reconstructed. In fact, in 2002, 77% of schools in the country were rural schools, where 65% of them were small schools. Sh. Kopbaikyzy raised not only social and living conditions of the rural school, but also the quality of education and raised concerns about teachers' educational knowledge and initiated a number of activities. At that times, Akim of Semey region Aibek KARIMOV held reporting meeting with the population of three settlements at once: Novobazhenov, Shulbinsk and Prirechnyi. At the same time, 18.4% of rural teachers who teach Kazakh language and literature are holders of other specialties. In this regard, the personnel problem was gradually solved under the control of the Ministry. In addition, school buildings have been renovated, equipped with the latest equipment, closed boarding schools have been opened, and museums have started functioning in schools.
Shamsha Berkimbaeva worked as a rector of the Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute from 2003 to 2011. During the years of her leadership, the educational institution rose to one level higher and received the status of an university. Besides, Sh. Kopbaikyzy managed the educational process, and also took part in updating of administrative, economic and educational work.
In those years, a 9-storey "Student House" with 450 seats of modern type was built at the University, and the educational buildings, hostels and canteens were overhauled. The number of bachelor's specialties was increased and master's degree was opened. The training laboratories are fully equipped with new equipment and furniture.
Shamsha Kopbaevna urged the educated youth to bring up morality, to provide the University in accordance with the requirements of the present time material and spiritual benefits. For this purpose, personal scholarships were awarded, which contribute to the development of youth education. To date, the significant work of Shamsha Berkimaeva has become an example for teachers and management activities in a unique educational environment.
Shamsha Berkimbaeva became a deputy of the 10 convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, a delegate of the XV-XVI Congresses of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, a member of the Political Council of the Party "Nur Otan", and the National Council of Kazakhstan.
For services in the development of the country she was awarded the Order of Honor, the Order of the Labor Red Banner, "Құрмет", medals «Ерен еңбегі үшін», "For Excellent Service", and the honorary diplomas named after Y. Altynsarin and A. Baitursynov.
Sh. Berkimbaeva is an academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education, the owner of the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the RK", "For merits in the development of science of the RK".
One of the most famous poetess Fariza Ongarsynova wrote about Shamsha Kopbaevna - "Қыз-ғұмыр шынарым-ай, Халқымның шырағындай". In particular, she noted that the purposeful work on realization of the state program of development of public health services "Саламатты Қазақстан" for 2011 - 2015, approved by the decree of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan from November 29, 2010 № 1113 "About the state program of development of public health services of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020".
- Badesh Khamzanovna
The main character of the poem «в Алматы есть улица Гоголя»
- Career
Badesh KhamzanovnaBadesh Khamzaevna was born in 1928 in Zatabol district of Kustanai region. In 1947 she graduated with honors from Turgen pedagogical college of Almaty region, in 1952 - from Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute.
After graduation,she taught Kazakh in Russian schools for many years. From 1952 to 1957 she worked as a junior researcher of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, from 1967 to 1970 - as an employee of the Department of Protection of State Secrets in the publishing houses of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR.
Badesh Khamzaevna - the main hero of poems wirtten by national poet Gabu Kairbekov.
«Алматыда көшесі бар Гогольдің» and «Қаракөз қыздар».
- Nurshaikhova Halima Kaliakparovna
The main character of the novel «Любовь, любимые годы»
- Career
Nurshaikhova Halima KaliakparovnaNurshayikova Halima Kaliakparovna (Uzbakanova) was born in 1925 in Zhurekadyr village of Semipalatinsk region. In 1951, she graduated from the Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute. She began her career as a secondary school teacher. In addition, H. Kaliakparovna participated in World War II and on the fronts of the war was the best radio operator of the 12th Army of Air Troops with the 581st Communications Battalion.
She is the wife of the People's Writer of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize named after Abay and laureate of the International Prize named after Fadeyev Azilhan Nurshaikhov. The famous novel "Махаббат, қызық мол жылдар» and prose poem "Eternal Love" are dedicated to Halima Nurshaikova.
- Ryskul Makatova
Holder of the title "Hero of Socialist Labor".
- Career
Ryskul MakatovaRyskul Makatova was born in 1921 in Keles district of former Chimkent region. Since 1939, she worked at the collective farm "15 years of Kazakhstan" as a cotton grower. In 1941 she became a member of the group of cotton growers, consisting of 4 people. In 1945, she produced up to 111.5 centners of cotton and was awarded the Order of Lenin for this work. In 1948, she published a book about her cotton growing experience.
After the World War II, she passed into the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute. The first Secretary of the Communist party of Kazakhstan Zh. Shayakhmetov recommended to the rector of the Institute Tursun Myrzabekov to train the Hero of Socialist Labor, the world record holder of cotton.
In 1955 R. Makatova graduated from the historical faculty of the Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute.
After returning to her homeland, she worked as a teacher until the end of her life and raised to the position of school director.
Kalmakan Abdykadyrov wrote a story about Ryskul Makatova «Келес қызы», who during the war worked collecting cotton. In addition, Ryskul Makatova is the main character of the song «Оңтүстікте ақ мақта».
She was awarded two Orders of Lenin and a gold medal "Sickle and Hammer". R. Makatova was awarded the title of "Hero of Socialist Labor".
- Kulenova Zhauhar Safinovna
One of the first graduates of the Institute, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR
- Career
Kulenova Zhauhar SafinovnaZhaukhar Kulenova was born in 1923 in East Kazakhstan region. In 1945 she was enrolled to the historical faculty of the Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute. She graduated from the educational institution with honors in 1949.
From 1949 to 1952 she was a postgraduate student of Institute of history, archeology and ethnography of Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR, and from 1951 to 1955 she has been the deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR.
From 1952 to 1959 she worked as an employee of the sector of rare records of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, from 1959 to 1984 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan at the Kazakh State Teacher Training Institute.
Zhaukhar Kulenova was awarded medals "For Valorous Labor in the Great Patriotic War", "Veteran of Labor.
- Nurtazina Rafika Bekenovna
Holder of the title "Hero of Socialist Labor"
- Career
Nurtazina Rafika BekenovnaRafika Nurtazina was born on March 8, 1921 in Pavlodar region. In 1949, she was enrolled to the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Philology and in 1951she graduated with honors from the educational institution.
From 1951 to 1971, she worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature; she has been the Head and Director of Kazakh secondary school № 12 in Almaty.
Rafika Bekenovna in 1973 - 1978 was elected as a Chairman of the Presidium of the Republican Council of the Pedagogical Association of Kazakhstan, participated in the development of the program of teaching Russian language and literature in Kazakh schools.
She is a candidate of pedagogical sciences. She is the author of more than 300 scientific and educational works, including 15 books and textbooks for secondary schools.
Р. Nurtazina is an excellent student of the system of public education in Kazakhstan, a prominent scientist, teacher, innovator, and public figure.
The owner of the title "Honored Teacher of Kazakh SSR", "Hero of Socialist Labor", "Honorary Citizen of Almaty". She was awarded the "Order of Lenin", the gold medal "Sickle and Hammer", twice with Orders "Badge of Honor", honorary diplomas of the "Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, Ministry of Education and Science of the USSR".
Rafika Nurtazina really became "The Best Teacher". She devoted about 60 years of her life to her favorite cause. Her students are over ten thousand. Today they work in different parts of Kazakhstan.
- Asangazy Orazgul Asangazykyzy
Public figure
- Career
Asangazy Orazgul AsangazykyzyOrazkul Asangazy was born on February 22, 1952 in Shu district of Zhambyl region. In 1973 she graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Kazakh State Teacher Training Institute.
She began her career in 1973 as a teacher of secondary school named after Zhambyl, Saryagash district, Chimkent region (now Turkestan region). 1979 - 1982 she worked as a Director of K. Marx Secondary School, Saryagash district. In 1985-1988 she was the secretary, the second secretary of Algabas district party committee; In 1988-1990 she became the chairman of executive committee of Algabas district council of people's deputies, 1990-1992 - head of ideological department of the Chimkent regional council of people's deputies, head of department of language, culture and interethnic relations, 1992-1993 - akim of Saryagash area of the South Kazakhstan region, 1993-1995 - the deputy head of the South Kazakhstan regional administration. From January to March 1995 - deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from 1995 to 1996 - Akim of Al-Farabi district of Shymkent city, from 1997 to 1998 - Deputy Akim of Shymkent city, from 1998 to 2006 - Deputy Akim of Saryarka district of Astana city (now Nur-Sultan), from 2006 to 2012 - Head of Astana Language Development Administration.
Since January 20, 2012 worked as a deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the fifth convocation, a member of the Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security.
Orazkul Asangazy was appointed the head of the Department for language development of Astana. New names were given not only to old name objects in the capital of the country, but also to old name streets. In general, this is also the first issue raised by the head of state in moving the capital. Nursultan Nazarbayev, visiting Astana, before moving to Saryarka, visited Tselinograd, said: "The names of these streets are outdated and must be replaced. In 2006, after visiting the city language development department, all old and new streets were renamed under the influence of Orazkul Asangazy.
She devoted all stages of her life, moral upbringing of young generation, increase of role of Kazakh language in preservation of national traditions, definition of role of family in society. She made a great contribution to the name of the streets of the capital that have become majestic Kazakh names.
Orazkul Asangazy also raised topical issues in the field of language, religion, spirituality within the walls of Parliament, and contributed to their development of optimal solutions. In her book «Говорю тебе о нем», the state language policy, expansion of its sphere of application, the role of language in education of young generation and preservation of national traditions, the role of family, women in society are widely covered. She is the author of 53 articles on amendments to the Law "On languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the Code "On administrative violations".
Orazkul Asangazy was awarded the Order "Құрмет", medals "For Labor Valor", "For Active Work", "10 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "20 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", signs "Excellent Education of the Kazakh SSR", «Тіл жанашыры» and letters of gratitude. She is an "Honorary Citizen" of Turkestan region, Saryagash, Baidibek district and Shu district of Zhambyl region, a cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As a mentor, qualified manager Orazkul Asangazy, raising several generations, she left her contribution to the preparation of qualified and educated teachers in our country. And today the pupils of the school, who have achieved high success, start their working way and become an example to follow.
Orazkul Asangazy has a sacred word of Mashkhur Zhusip Kopeev «Гауһар ізіне гауһары – қазақ тілі», known as the "Алты Алаша", the Golden Bridge of Old and New Time. While we cannot use such a diamond language at the proper level, the left-wing policy of the Soviet power has influenced us, namely, nowadays there should be a high status of the Kazakh language in all spheres of society. In general, if the language situation in any country changes, the language policy is also supplemented by new requirements and in all countries knowledge of the state language is obliged by law. The time has come to speak with each other only in the state language.
- Jadrina Maqpal Zhumabayqyzy
Professor, excellent student of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Career
Jadrina Maqpal ZhumabayqyzyJadrina Makpal Dzhumabayevna was born on November 19, 1951 in Zhambyl district of Almaty region in a family of teachers.
In 1974, she graduated from the Natural Geography Faculty of the Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in chemistry and biology.
In 1982, she entered the full-time postgraduate department at the Research Institute of the SiMO APN of the USSR in Moscow, majoring in "Methods of teaching chemistry", where she studied until 1985
In 2000, M.J. Jadrina defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences on the topic "Didactic foundations of the construction of the content of variable education" in the specialty "General Pedagogy".
In September 2001, she was appointed Vice-President of the KAO named after Y.Altynsarina and worked in this position until 2006.
In 2003, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded the academic title of professor in the specialty "Pedagogy".
Labor activity:She started her career as a teacher of chemistry and biology at the Ungurtas secondary school of Zhambyl district of Almaty region.
In 1979, she was invited as a methodologist to the Central Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers in Almaty. In 1980, she was transferred as a researcher to the Kazakh branch of the Research Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (hereinafter - the Research Institute of SiMO APN USSR).
From 1988 to 1992, she was the head of the laboratory of "Forecasting the content of education in the national school". In 1992, after the merger of the Kazakh branch of the SiMO Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences with the Y. Altynsarin Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, she was appointed head of the Laboratory of "Theory of Pedagogy" of the Y. Altynsarin Kazakh Institute of Educational Problems (KazIPO).
In 1997, she was transferred to the position of head of the laboratory of "Didactics", and in 1999 she was appointed deputy director of the Institute of Secondary Education of the Kazakh Academy of Education (hereinafter - KAO) named after Y.Altynsarina.
In September 2001, she was appointed Vice-President of the KAO named after Y.Altynsarina and worked in this position until 2006.
In 2003, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded the academic title of professor in the specialty "Pedagogy".
From 2006 to 2009, she was the director of the Institute for Harmonious Human Development of the National Scientific and Practical Educational Center (NNPOC) "Bobek".
In 2009, Makpal Dzhumabayevna was again appointed Vice-president of the National Academy of Education (NAO) named after Y.Altynsarina.
In 2010, she was invited to the position of senior manager of the Department of Educational Policy and Programs of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" in Almaty and worked in this position until 2013.
In July 2013, Makpal Dzhumabayevna was transferred to the position of Deputy director for scientific and methodological work of the branch "Center for Educational Programs" of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" in Astana.
Awards:Medal named after Y. Altynsarin (1993;
Excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1998);
Jubilee medal "Kazakhstan Republikasynn tauelsizdigine 10 zhyl" (2001);
Order "Kurmet" (2004);
Badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2014).
Scientific works:180 scientific publications;
5 monographs dealing with the problems of secondary education;
more than 11 methodological manuals;
10 brochures;
10 textbooks;
more than 100 articles.
Seminars:"Collective approach to the development and publication of textbooks", "Design of school textbooks" and "Methodology of applied research in the field of educational policy", organized by the Soros Foundation – Kazakhstan (1999-2000);
Regional Seminar on Water Education, organized by UN–HABITAT and ADB (Philippines, 2003);
International seminars "Current and future challenges in the field of curriculum development: example and cooperation for change" and "Development of the educational curriculum", organized by the Center "Education 2000+" (Romania, 2005);
Regional seminar on the development of the content of general secondary education for the CIS countries (Belarus, 2005). -
- Asyly Osman Aliyevna
Honored Worker of Kazakhstan
- Career
Asyly Osman AliyevnaAsyly Osman was born on July 13, 1941 in the village of Khavet, Akhalkalak District, Georgia.
In November 1944, her family was repressed and transferred to Tulkubas District of Chimkent Region (now Turkestan Region). In 1957, she graduated from Zhanatalap seven-year school in Tulkubas district, in 1961 from the Turkestan Pedagogical School, and in 1967 from the philological faculty of the Kazakh State Teacher Training Institute. She began her career in 1961 as a teacher of Zhanatalap school.
After graduating with honors from the Pedagogical Institute, she was an assistant at the Kazakh Language Department of this educational institution. From 1969 to 1973 she studied at the postgraduate program of the Institute of linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In May 1973, under the guidance of Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Doctor of Philology, Professor Akhmedi Iskakova defended her PhD thesis on the novel by Mukhtar Auezov "The Way of Abai" on "semantic and stylistic activity of synonymous verbs in the Kazakh language.
In 1973 - 1981 she worked as a junior researcher at the Institute of Linguistics at the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, in 1981 - 1991 as a senior researcher, a leading researcher at the Institute, in 1993 - 1996 as head of the Department of National Languages Development of the Committee on Languages under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, since 1996 as head of the Main Directorate for the development of state language, terminology and onomastics of the Committee on National Policy.
The name of Asyly Osman is widely known throughout the world. In accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 39-3 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2001 "On local state administration and self-governance in the Republic of Kazakhstan", Resolution No. 1106 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2013 "On approval of the standard rules for holding separate meetings of local communities", the regional maslikhat was decided: Many scientific books and works on Kazakh language, on independence were published under her authorship. In particular, under her authorship, in 1991, the monograph "Semantic and stylistic activity of synonymic verbs in the Kazakh language" was published, in 1994 -«Қазақша-түрке – орысша тілашар», in 2011 - «Қазағым барда мен бармын», in 2012 - «Тіл тәуелсіздігі-ел болашағы». She is also one of the developers of a ten-volume "explanatory dictionary of the Kazakh language" published in 1974 - 1986. A. Alikyzy is the author of more than 400 scientific articles covering various topical issues.
During the meeting were discussed issues related to the implementation of the state program of development and functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, as well as issues related to the implementation of the state program of development and functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020. Also there were discussed the main directions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev's Message to the people of Kazakhstan"Нұрлы жол-путь в будущее". It raises the issue of increasing the role and status of the Kazakh language as a state language, its active use in all spheres of society. Since 1998, she has been the Chairman of the Almaty Regional Azerbaijani Ethno-cultural Center, public association «Мемлекеттік тілге – құрмет» and Deputy Chairman of the Public Movement«Мемлекеттік тіл».
А. Osman- Honored Worker of Kazakhstan. She was awarded orders "Dostyk", "Parasat", "Bauyrzhan Momyshuly", medals "10 years of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "10 years of Astana", "Medeniet Kairatkeri", "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan «Бірлік», «Батыр шапағаты», «Сауап», «кітап мәдениетіне қосқан үлесі үлесі үшін» and Diploma of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The owner of the marks «Тіл жанашыры», «Ұлт жанашыры», «Ана тілі» for active work of the party «Нұр Отан».
"Honorary Citizen" of Almaty city and Tyulkubas district of Turkestan region.
- Uzakbaeva Sakypzhamal Askarovna
- Career
Uzakbaeva Sakypzhamal AskarovnaSakypzhamal Uzakbaeva was born on October 16, 1949 in Ayagoz city of East Kazakhstan region. In 1966 she finished Kazakh secondary school № 244, in 1968 - pedagogical courses. In 1972, she graduated with honors from the musical-pedagogical faculty of the Kazakh State Women Teacher Training Institute on specialty "Music teacher of secondary schools and teacher training schools".
After graduation from the educational institution on the direction of the Ministry of Education, she began her carrier as the teacher at the pedagogical institute where she studied. In 1976-1981, she worked as an intern-researcher of the Department of Pedagogy of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay, then enrolled in the postgraduate course at this educational institution. After completing postgraduate studies, she defended her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Professor Grigory Umanov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. From 1982 to 1986, she was head of the department of choral conducting at the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy. Since October 1986, she has been working as an associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay, wrote a doctoral dissertation on "Aesthetic education in the Kazakh folk pedagogy" and successfully defended in 1993 under the guidance of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kulyash Kunantaeva. In 1994, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she was awarded the academic title of professor.
From 2001 to 2008 she was a Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodical Work of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, from 2008 to 2013 - Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay khan, from 2013 - Head of the Department.
The scientist carries out responsible activities for the organization of pedagogical science and education and the system of training of domestic scientific and pedagogical personnel. In 1993-1995, she worked as the Head of the Department of International Relations and World Languages at Abylai Khan University. In 1993-1995, she was the Scientific Secretary of the Expert Council on Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences in the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 1995-2001 - Chairman of the Dissertation Council for awarding the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences at the Almaty State University named after Abay, academic secretary of the Council, in 2016-2018 - Rector of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay khan. She was a member of the Dissertation Council on specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages", since 2018 - Deputy Chairman of the Council.
Sakypzhamal Askarovna is the author of one of the directions of ethnopedagogical science of Kazakhstan. She left her signatures in the development of theory and practice in this field of science and formed a scientific school. Sakypzhamal Uzakbayeva is the author of about 200 scientific works. Among them are monographs, educational, teaching aids, scientific articles. In the system of education, educational aids «Өміршең өнер өрісі», «Тамыры терең тәрбие», «Қазақ халық педагогикалық педагогика», «Педагогика высшей школы», «Қазақ этнопедагогикасы: тәлімдік тағылымдар», «Казахские народные игры», monographs on "Music at School", «Ұлт өнерін өрнектеген», teaching aids "Young Researcher", "Pedagogical Practice in Professional Training of Future Teachers",«Тәрбие өнері».
S. Uzakbaeva is one of the founders of the legendary ensemble "Aigul". For more than 10 years, she was a member of the ensemble with a half-century history at the Women's University, with tours in Germany, Yugoslavia, Poland, France, Japan, Egypt and Mongolia.
For merits in development of science and scientific and pedagogical activity S. Askarovna was awarded with the Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science, the badge "For contribution to development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the breastplate «Ыбырай Алтынсарин», the Badge of Honour "Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay khan 70 years old", the title «Мәдениет қайраткері». She is an academician of the Russian International Academy of Pedagogical Sciences and the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, holder of the title of "The best teacher of the university". Professional competence, spiritual generosity, simplicity and justice-life principle, the main principle of the scientist-teacher Sakypzhamal Uzakbaeva.
- Karimova Beibitkul Sarsembekovna
Scientist, Rector of Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata
- Career
Karimova Beibitkul SarsembekovnaBeibitkul Karimova was born on August 2, 1972, in the Kegen district of Almaty region. In 1989, she graduated from high school named after Alban Asanas in the village of Karasai district of the Narynkolsk with a silver medal. In 1994, she graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute with honors in the specialty "Russian language and literature in the Kazakh school".
She started her career in 1995 as a Deputy Dean of the philological faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute, a teacher of the Department of Russian Philology. During the transition of the Institute to the credit system, the young specialist participated in the development of curricula based on the credit system of training at the faculty. B. Karimova, thanks to her activities, constantly showed herself at the forefront, actively participated in public work within the Institute. Over the years, she was awarded the title of "Best Deputy Dean". He is a member of attestation commissions established by the branch Ministry.
From 2003 to 2008-Vice-rector for academic Affairs of the Almaty University of continuing education, from 2008 to 2011-Director of the College of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, from 2011 to 2019-Director Of the Republican scientific and practical center "Textbook" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2020 — rector of the Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt ATA. During the years of Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna's leadership, the work of the KazNU College has become more active. It not only develops the educational process but also conducts educational work. Thus, at the annual conferences of the University "intellectual breakthrough: Youth, science and innovation" under the leadership of Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna, students were awarded higher degrees and diplomas. College students have consistently won student festivals among the University's 14 faculties, and competitions among state colleges. Thanks to hard work and high organizational skills Beibitkul Karimova center "Textbook" has made a significant contribution to the implementation of priority tasks of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Babul Sarsembekovna is not only a business leader but also one of the qualified scientists engaged in the study of actual problems of linguistics. She has conducted a number of studies in the field of linguistics, comparative grammar, problems of the language personality of a modern Kazakh politician, textbooks. More than 80 scientific papers have been published under her authorship. There are 2 monographs, 16 textbooks and manuals, 4 dictionaries and about 20 articles. Russian Russian language teaching methods, modern Russian language, practical Russian language, and dictionaries of modern socio-political terms are among the mentioned works.
Beibitkul Karimova in 2006 defended her thesis on " the language personality of a modern politician (based on the materials of Russian-language journalism in Kazakhstan)" and was awarded the title of Candidate of Philological Sciences.
During the reign Of the Republican scientific and practical center "Textbook", Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna made a significant contribution to the domestic educational sphere, contributed to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the examination of textbooks and educational complexes. Under her leadership, more than 40 scientific papers have been published: "school textbook: current state and development", "textbook reference dictionary", "textbook: design and expertise", "world educational publications: main trends"," textbook in an innovative educational environment: new requirements", conceptual foundations of the school textbook model", including several articles with a high impact factor.
For long-term work and contribution to the development of education line ministries is highly appreciated, it is awarded by breastplates name "Ybyray Altynsarin", the jubilee medals "20th anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan", "20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "25 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "20 years of Astana" and diplomas of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Kurmet".
- Akushtap Baktygereyeva Baktygereikyzy
Poet, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan
- Career
Akushtap Baktygereyeva BaktygereikyzyAkushtap Baktygereeva was born on August 23, 1944, in Akzhaiksky district of the West Kazakhstan region. A. Baktygereevna in 1966 graduated from the philological faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute (now the faculty of Kazakh Philology and world languages). She started her career in 1966 as a literary employee of the West Kazakhstan regional newspaper "Oral oniri". In 1966-1971 she worked as the literary employee in Taldykorgan Regional newspaper "October Tua", the Republican newspaper "Kazakh adebieti", in 1971-1972 editor of "Kazakhfilm", 1972-1975, a literary assistant at the magazine "Zhuldyz", during 1975-1981 editor of the edition of the translation of the publishing house "Zhazushy". Today, the Director of the West Kazakhstan regional branch of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan.
In 1967 she published the first collection of poems, "Orimtal. In 1969 she published the book "Naz", 1971, "Kanyshim – inkarim", 1973, "Seniman", 1975, "Ak Kanat", 1978, "Bakyt ani", 1980, "Zhayik kyzy", 1981, "White-winged", 1985, "Agile", 1990, "Senimaimyn", 2001 book of selected poems "Ak Shagala" and the 2004 compilation "Swan fidelity". She translated poems of such poets as Silva Kaputikyan, Anna Akhmatova, Veronika Tushnova into Kazakh. Author of many songs.
Baktygereeva's civil melody was expressed in such poems as" Tribune-poet", "Ak Zhayiktyn Koz zhasy"," Eldigi — birligi", "oiran in Uralsk". Love for the native country, the fate of the native language - the main core of the poet's poetry. The works of Akushtap Baktygereevna brought a new expression in Kazakh poetry with poetic power and expressiveness of the language.
Akushtap Baktygereyeva awarded the order "Kurmet", jubilee medals "10 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "10 years of Astana", "20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "20 years of Kazakhstan Constitution", "25 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", honorary badge "30 years of the December events" and "letters of thanks" the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan — Leader of Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev. She is an honored worker of Kazakhstan, the owner of the Presidential scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International literary award "Alash", an Honorary citizen of the city of Uralsk.
- Galina Zhumabekovna Karamoldaeva
Culture worker of Kazakhstan
- Career
Galina Zhumabekovna KaramoldaevaGalina Karamoldaeva was born in the Korday district of the Zhambyl region. In 1964, she studied at the Mametova Kyzylorda Pedagogical College. After that, she continued her studies at the women's University. In 1967, she entered the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute at the faculty of music and education (now the faculty of arts and culture). The Star of Galina Zhumabekovna sounded in this educational institution. In 1971, she graduated with honors and began her career as a teacher of the Department of methodology, theory and history of music at the Institute. From 1969 to 1972 Zhumabekkyzy performed as a part of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Aigul" as a solo guitarist. She is one of the founders of the legendary band.
"Aigul" is a folk ensemble created at the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute. Formed on March 8, 1968, as a Quartet. The repertoire includes Kazakh folk songs, songs and dances of other nationalities. In 1975, the ensemble was awarded the honorary title of folk ensemble. The ensemble, consisting of girls, won the prize of the Komsomol of Kazakhstan and received many awards.
Their songs: "Glorium", "Only girl", "Kamazhai", "Karakozayim", "V yabloko", "Friendship and love". The names of the girls of the ensemble have become popular not only in the Republic but also abroad. In particular, the art collective has glorified Kazakh music on major stages in Japan, France, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Yugoslavia, Mongolia and the CIS countries.
Galina in different years worked as head of the Department of folk music and dance Women's University, Dean of the faculty of music education, artistic Director of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Aigul" and dance group "Tomiris". Currently, he works as an Associate Professor of the Department of private singing at the Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.
She was engaged in teaching at the university, she was engaged not only in music but also in science. The work "program on a musical subject" for Kazakh schools, published under her authorship, contains fundamental works. This program has been implemented in the country's schools and has been highly appreciated by specialists in the CIS industry. In addition, more than 35 scientific papers have been published to date. She said that the Agaisha Isagulova with opened a student Opera. This initiative has become a significant novelty in the cultural life of the country. As a result of painstaking work "Kyz Zhibek" e. Brusilovsky," Birzhan – Sara "by M. Tulebayev," Abay "by A. Zhubanov and L. Hamidi, J. Verdi's operas"La Traviata" was staged. These works were presented in the regions, the birthplace of the great poet Birzhan Karagulla, Sarah Tastanbekova. In addition, the audience hall was demonstrated on the stage of the cultural centers of Almaty, Karaganda, Shymkent, and Kyzylorda.
Galina Zhumabekovna was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in 1993. Over the years in the University she made a great contribution to the training of teachers and facilitated the opening of Women's University majoring in "Choreography" and "cultural and leisure work".
Among her students-known artists, laureates of many international competitions. In particular, students of U. Ainakulov, D. Khamzina, G. Omirbayeva, U. Seylbekov, B. Isalieva, S. Abdraimov, U. Belgozieva, D. Sagintayev, A. Utepbergen, M. Taganov, S. Mukashev, A. Gumarov, Zh.Zamanbekov, A. Maxim, A. Madiev.
Galina Zhumabekovna awarded the badge "Excellent worker of national education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", medal "10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", badge "Honorary worker of education of Kazakhstan", the title of "Kazakhstan Madeniet crackers".
- Isagulova Agima (Agaisha) Shermukhanbetovna
Excellent in education, singer, composer
- Career
Isagulova Agima (Agaisha) ShermukhanbetovnaAgima (Agaisha) Isagulova was born on February 3, 1945, in the village of Basshi-Nurum, former Taldykorgan region. In 1963, she entered the music and pedagogical faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute (now the faculty of arts and culture) and graduated in 1967 with a degree in Music and singing. Since then, she has been educating her students and performing her teaching activities with honor.
Ms. Shermukhambetovna was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in 1993, and Professor in 2010. On her initiative, the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Aigul", the ensemble" Shattyk zhyry", the Opera theater" Oner zhastan" and other groups were created. In particular, the creation of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Aigul" has become a familiar phenomenon in the history of Kazakh art. The legendary ensemble performed in many countries of the world made a significant contribution to the development and recognition of the culture of our country. On the Kazakh stage, the first group consisting of girls, in different years, was led by soloists of the sphere of culture and began to actively develop its creativity. Also, several international, national, and regional art competitions, contests and festivals organized by C. Esaulov.
Under her leadership, the ensemble of veterans "Aksunkar" was organized. The team aims to attract the elderly population to the arts. Agaisha Isagulova one of the continuing school singing with syrnai Maira Ualievna that during his speech, sang with syrnai.
"I know two Kazakh daughters: the first is Hafiza Abugalieva with an accordion. The second sister-Agaysha plays the accordion and sings. These girls are wonderful talents who have come to our country," she concluded. "In her songwriting, the music of shamanism sounds. She held us all in her hands and breathed the song."
Today, scientific and methodological works of the Professor, musical works are used in higher educational institutions, General education schools. These include a textbook on the program "Music", phono-chrestomathy, educational manuals for music teachers, collections of folk songs.
She is the author of more than 80 songs, widely distributed among the people. Isagulova dedicated her life to her students, famous pop stars — Galina Karamoldayeva, Tamara Asar, Dina Khamzina, Ulzhan Ainakulova, Altyn Makhambetova and many others.
In the "Golden Fund" of radio "Kazakh", there are more than 250 works performed by C. Esaulovo. She promoted Kazakh art in Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Germany, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Tajikistan, and Russia. In addition, she initiated an evening of author's song and music "Kokpar" and charity events in all regions of the country. Agaysha Isagulova is a winner of international and national competitions "Hello, we are looking for talents", "Zhana Gasyr-Zhana an", "Tar auenderi", "Best music teacher"," Atalar Sazy","Tatar monnary". She was awarded the title" excellent worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan"," Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan"," Kazakh onerin kairatkeri"," best employee of the year"," Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Tauelsizdigine 10 zhyl"," Honorary citizen of Eskeldy district", with medals and breast signs.
- Madina Eralieva Esmalaikyzy
Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Career
Madina Eralieva EsmalaikyzyMadina Yeraliyeva was born on August 2, 1954 in Kazalin district of Kyzylorda region. She passed away on November 27, 2000 in a car accident. She was an Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR, winner of the World Festival of Youth and Students.
In 1974, she graduated from the musical department of the pedagogical college named after Manshuk Mametova in Kyzylorda. In 1978, She graduated from the musical department of the Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute. In 1978 Madina took part for the first time in the entertainment program «Алтыбақан» on Kazakh television and performed Beksultan Baikenzhiyev's song «Ақбаян».
She began her career in 1978 as a research worker at the Institute of Literature and Art of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
From 1985 till the end of her life she worked as a leading soloist of Almaty Regional Philharmonic. She became a favorite singer with a gentle and beautiful voice. Such folk songs as "Айқаракөз", «Акбаян», performed by Madina Yeraliyeva, as well as works by Kazakh composers: «Сағым жылдар», «Күз күз», left a Silver Ghost in the memory of spectators.
M. Yeraliyeva's father Esmalai Yeraliyev was a history teacher, and her mother was engaged in sewing art.
In March 2013, a book about Madina Eralieva was published. The author of the work "Kazakh Culture" is journalist Rauan Turgantai. The collection contains memories about the family and work of the singer M. Yeraliyeva. In recent years, Madina Eralieva sang the song «Күрең күз».It saw like singer said goodbye to her life with this song. The song "Күрең күз" is written using words of the poet Mukagali Makatayev.
- Asar Tamara Kalniyazkyzy
Pop singer, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan
- Career
Asar Tamara KalniyazkyzyTamara Asar was born on July 16, 1976 in Akshukur village of Tupkaragan district of Mangistau region in the family of the teacher. She graduated from the music school in Aktau city. Then she graduated from the Pop and Circus College named after Zhusipbek Elebekov, faculty of musical education of the Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute (faculty of Modern Art and Culture), master's degree and doctoral studies of the faculty of pedagogy and psychology of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. She taught at the vocal department of the Russian Institute of Modern Art. She also completed an internship at the Psychology Department of the Moscow State Pedagogical University.
"Once I was a good dancer. I dreamed of becoming a dancer. After sixth grade I moved from Aktau to a school for gifted children in Almaty. I love Kazakh language and literature. My peers, unlike me, were tall. I realized that despite my abilities, I cannot join dancing groups; I can only dance for myself. This is how I started singing. In principle, both my grandfather and father are singers. But my father did not confirm that I am a singer. They said: "Daughter, you better to be a music teacher. I did not oppose it. Later, without admission exams, I was accepted to the musical faculty of the Kazakh State Women Pedagogical University. At the institute I sang songs in the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Aigul", which became the standard of national culture. In 1997, she joined the folklore ensemble „Ақ жауын“ by Seken Turysbek. Thus, I started tasting singing art and got on my professional way," Tamara Asar said.
I started my career in the Mangistau Regional Philharmonic Society named after Murat Uskimbayev at the Culture Department of Mangistau region. She performed «Отырар сазы», «Ақ жауын», Folk Instruments Orchestra named after Abyl Tarakuly , "Akzharma" Folklore Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra. According to him, the video clips «Ариайдай», «Жалғыз досым», «Ренжімеші», «Жаным неге» are publishing till now. Among them the clip "Zhanym Nege" is the first in the type of animated cartoon in the history of Kazakhstan. For 12 years of creative activity she sings in many genres and directions: «Отырар сазы», «Ақжауын», orchestra of folk instruments named after Abyl Tarakula, folklore ensemble "Akzharma", symphonic orchestra.
For the contribution to popularization of national culture Tamara Asar is awarded by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Order "Құрмет", anniversary medals "10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Badge of Honor" of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay and the prize of the Akim of Mangistau region. She is the owner of the title "Қазақстанның еңбек сіңірген қайраткері", the award of the Union of Youth of Kazakhstan "Serper". "Honorary Professor" of the Kazakh Women's University, "Honorary Citizen of Aktau".
- Ulzhan Ainakulova Ostenkyzy
Pop singer
- Career
Ulzhan Ainakulova OstenkyzyUlzhan Aynakulova was born on October 23, 1958 in Sarybay Bi village of Zhambyl district of Almaty region. She is a singer, Honored Artist of Kazakhstan. In 1976 she graduated from Karasu high school and was enrolled in the musical faculty of the Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute . Within the walls of the Institute she attend lectures by famous Kazakh composers R. Baidildaev, D. Botbaev, as well as vocal lessons with a famous singer, teacher Galina Karamoldaeva. In 1978-1979, she performed in the famous ensemble Aigul and visited tours to many countries.
In 1981, after graduation, she began her career as a member of the ensemble Kulansaz in Zhambyl district, Almaty region. In 1984, she was invited to Moscow on behalf of Kazakhstan to the popular All-Union television project Wider Circle. In 1988, she moved to the Alma-Ata Regional Philharmonic named after Suyunbay as a soloist and developed her creative work. She was the first among the singers who performs folk songs to the accompaniment of the solo instruments sybyzgy, adyrna.
Her repertoire includes more than 50 songs. Among them there are such musical works as «Бүлдірген», «Бозбала», «Гүл-гүл жайна», «Дариғай өткенді аңсап», «Угәй-ай», «Сарыала үйрек», «Ауылым Жамбыл бойында», «Ай-сәулем», «Жылқы ішінде бір ала жүр», «Жеңеше-ай», «Бұл-бұл құсым» and others. She has released 4 collections of her songs.
Ulzhan Aynakulova became the owner of the Grand Prix of the republican television contest «Ән-шашу» in 1994, in 2000 she took the first place in the republican contest of the song «Жаңа ғасырға жаңа ән». She was also awarded the International Zhambyl Prize, medals 10 years of Astana, 100 years of D. A. Kunaev, 75 years of Pavlodar region and «Ерен еңбегі үшін» and a breastplate “Еңбек даңқы”.
- Khamzina Dina Merekeevna
Opera soloist, Honoured Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Career
Khamzina Dina MerekeevnaDina Khamzina was born on January 1, 1972 in the village of Zhana Zhol of the West Kazakhstan region. She is a mezzo-soprano, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a famous opera soloist.
In 1994 she graduated from the musical and pedagogical faculty of the Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute. She began her career as a teacher at the educational institution where she studied. Since 2000 she has been a mezzo-soprano soloist of the Kazakh State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after Abay. During those years she took part in various international competitions. In 2005, she was awarded the Grand Prix of the Republican Singers' Competition named after K. Bayseitova, in 2006 she became a laureate of the International Competition of Romancists. In addition, she won three gold and one silver medals at the World Masters of Art Championship in Los Angeles.
Dina Hamzina performed "Birzhan Sarah" by M. Tulebaev, "Kyz Zhibek" by E. Brusilovsky, "Abay" by A. Zhubanov and L. Hamidi, "Er Targin" by E. Brusilovsky, "Carmen" by J. Carmen. Bizet, "Troubadur" by J. Verdi, "Peacock Lady" by P. Tchaikovsky, "Eugene Onegin" by P. Tchaikovsky, "Iolanta P. Tchaikovsky", Maddalena "Rigoletto", "La Traviata" mezzo-soprano. The roles and concert programs of Dina Merekeeva performed in recent years on domestic and foreign theatrical stages, indicates her heights, latitude to the performing art. The soloist of the State theater of opera and ballet named after Abay and the theater "Astana Opera", the Honored worker of Kazakhstan, the winner of the international competition of singers named after Bibigul Tulegenova, Dina Khamzin is widely known both in the country and abroad. Her voice is a rare mezzo-soprano among Kazakhs.She is very well mastered the technique of voice with full range, timbre.
- Roza Alkozha Abdirazakkyzy
Pop singer
- Career
Roza Alkozha AbdirazakkyzyRoza Alkozha was born on October 1, 1981 in Almaty. She graduated from the faculty of journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the faculty of arts and culture of Kazakh State Women Pedagogical University.
Talented young girl since the beginning of her studies in the school was prone to literature, during her studies in Karachaganak education and science, she took part in various events, activities and competitions, showed her vocal and composing side. After graduation she worked in the art department of the republican public and political newspaper "Akzhol-Kazakhstan".
The first album of the singer was released in 2008 under the name "I gave a scarf". Roza Alkhozha's songs «Жылатқаның неткенің», «Қара күз», «Мен сыйға тартқан орамал», «Жүрек назы», «Ән салшы, Роза», «Мына өмір ғажап қандай» were warmly received by the public and her works were loved by people. There is also "Silk Country" which was performed by Bayan Nurmyshev, "January Rain" by Erkin Nurzhanov, "Unfulfilled Desire" by Akbotha Kerimbekova, "I miss you" by Azhar Tuzelbekovna, "I am happy" and "I miss you" by Lyazzat Zholamanova.
For the first time she wrote the song "I Gave You a Scarf" without anyone's support and talent and immediately attracted people's attention with her delicate character, which is typical for a Kazakh girl. Gradually adding inspiration to her song, Roza Alkozha did not realize that she had become a favorite singer, a favorite daughter of all Kazakhs.
Nowadays, Roza Abdrazakovna has released several albums. She was also awarded with the Medal named after Mukagali Makatayev.
- Gulnur Orazymbetova Manatovna
Pop singer
- Career
Gulnur Orazymbetova ManatovnaGulnur Orazymbetova was born on May 8, 1977 in Karateren village of Aral district in Kyzylorda region. She graduated from Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata and Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Arts and Culture.
In 2000 she won the Grand Prix of the contest of singers "Zhas Kanat", in the same year, third place in the contest "New Songs of Kazakhstan" in the international contest "Asia Dauys". In 2001, she was in the top three at the International Music Festival in Bulgaria, .
Gulnur Orazymbetov's repertoire includes songs by Kazakh folk and contemporary composers: "Korkyt Kobyz" by Ramazan Taimanov, "Tolgau" by Beibit Oraluly, "Sagynysh" and "Dumaimyz Seni" by Seyfullin, "Farewell" by S. Syzdykov.
Culture and art are the core of the nation, the heritage of the people. Intellect and image. The civilized state, first of all, will give spiritual heritage, a significant contribution to the golden fund of world culture. Thousands of graduates have graduated from our faculty so far and received a direction to a great life. Among them are well-known artists, cultural workers. A large number of graduates is a great pride, a great honor. Among such graduates is Gulnur Orazymbetova.
- Alma Amanzholova Tursynbaevna
Traditional vocalist
- Career
Alma Amanzholova TursynbaevnaAlma Amanzholova was born on April 26, 1977 in Almaty. In 1994, she graduated from the Gymnasium named after Amanzholova. In 1998, she graduated from the Elebekov Pop and Circus College, specializing in "singer-dombrist, soloist of the ensemble"; in 2003, she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Kazakh State Teacher Training Institute.
She is he winner of many dombra contests. She began her career in 1996 as a soloist of "Altyn dombyra" art association. In 2000-2002 she worked as a singer-actress in the theater of satirical writer Kopen Amirbek «Kопен келе жатыр», in 2002 - 2009 she was a music editor in the studio "New Film", in 2009-2012 she was a singer at the ensemble «Құлан саз». Since 2015, she worked at the theater of traditional art" Alatau "as head of the department of singers and singer-actress.
«Қара пима» by Alma Amanzholova is a work against alcoholism, an epidemic that has devastated many families. As a result, many citizens are still on the right path, returning to their families.
She is a popular performer of popular songs by her teacher of arts Altynbek Korazbaev, such as«Елге сәлем», «Жан ана», «Туған жерім тамаша», «Қызым саған айтамын», «Қара кемпір», and «Қара пима» .
Alma Amanzholova was awarded with medals "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan",«Өнер қайраткері».
- Marzhan Omirzakkyzy Arapbaeva
Pop singer, Honored worker of Kazakhstan
- Career
Marzhan Omirzakkyzy ArapbaevaMarzhan Arapbaeva was born on February 6, 1978, in Baidibek district of the modern Turkestan region. In 1995, she entered the faculty of music education of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute (now the faculty of arts and culture) and graduated from the institution in 1999. She started her career as a secondary school teacher in 2000. She worked as a soloist of the ensemble of internal troops of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the State Philharmonic of Nur-Sultan.
While studying at an educational institution, due to his performing skills, he takes an active part in many city and national events. She first appeared on stage in 1992 during the "Anshi Balapan" competition.
"No one at school or at the Institute recognizes me as a singer. She studied at the women's Institute, took part in a lot of concerts and auditions. But always warm spent "not bad, we need to prepare". At the school, she took an active part in the KVN games. I was the captain of a girl's team. After graduating from school, she worked as a teacher for almost a year. I work as a primary school music teacher. Supervised dombra and vocal groups. I really enjoyed working with children. But not always, something was missing... I tried a Big stage...", - says the singer.
In 2002, he became a diploma winner of the Republican contest "Zhas Kanat" and since that time has become popular. In addition, in 2004, she performed a duet with people's artist of Russia Nikolai Baskov at the international song contest "Asia Dauysy", received a special prize on behalf of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the nomination "Best Song of the year". This year, she took second place in the international competition"New wave".
In 2003, the first competition on Kazakh music was organized in Astana (now Nur-Sultan). In this competition, the winner was a singer who impressed everyone with her art. After the competition, the media began to talk widely about true talent. M. Arapbaeva became the winner of the XIV festival" Asia Dauysy " and won the competition for young singers in the Chinese city of Shanghai. Winning these competitions allowed him to achieve great success.
In 2004, Marzhan Arapbaeva took second place at the end of the festival for pop singers "Vitebsk". In 2007, as a participant of the show program "Kesh Zharyk, Astana", Arapbaeva, who worked on the way to develop her own creativity, began to publish her songs.
Songs of artistic independence were based on feeling and love. In particular, performed by M. Arapbaeva "Zdravstvui, Tugan El", "The Last waltz", "Kazakstanym", "Gul Sezim", "Armanyma asygyp baramyn", " is this it?Many songs, such as: “Da, solay"," ty myktysyn"," Zhalynshty Sezim"," Kazak Eli"," Zhasasyn Omir","Girls and boys"," Sen edin"," Mazalama"," Suyemin sen"," Jete me " are widely distributed among the population. In addition, the duets with the singer Kairat Baekenov and Saken Baigaziev were positively evaluated by students.
Marzhan Arapbaeva is a well-known pop singer, composer, winner of international and national song competitions. He was awarded by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 5, 2017, with the honorary title "Kazakstannyn Enbek Sinirgen Kayratkeri".
- Гулнур Шәкенқызы Өмірбаева
01.09.2009-2019ж. Өнер және мәдениет факультетінің деканы
- Career
Гулнур Шәкенқызы ӨмірбаеваГулнур Шәкенқызы Өмірбаева 1975 жылы Жамбыл облысы Т.Рысқұлов ауданы, Көкдөнен ауылында (бұрынғы Луговой ауданы, Калинин ауылы) дүниеге келген. Орта мектепті үздік бітірген соң, 1993 жылы Қазақ мемлекеттік Қыздар педагогикалық институтының Музыка педагогика факультеті «Музыка мұғалімі және вокалдан қосымша мамандандыру» мамандығына оқуға түсіп, 1997 жылы жоғары оқу орнын үздік аяқтайды.
Еңбек жолын аталған институттың музыкалық оқытудың теориясы мен әдістемесі кафедрасының ізденуші-стажеры қызметінен бастайды. 1998–2001 жылдары өндірістен қол үзіп аспирантураны үздік тамамдайды.
2002 жылдан бастап атаулы институттың «Вокал және хор дирижерлау» кафедрасының оқытушысы қызметінен бастап, 2006 жылдан мәдени бұқаралық жұмыстардың теориясы мен әдістемесі кафедрасында аға оқытушы, доцент міндетін атқарушы қызметтерін атқарған. 06.01.2009– 01.09.2009 ж. Мәдени-бұқаралық жұмыстардың теориясы мен әдістемесі кафедрасының меңгерушісі міндетін атқарушы, 01.09.2009-2019ж. Өнер және мәдениет факультетінің деканы қызметтерін атқарған
2010 жылы «Мектеп оқушыларының мектептен тыс жұмыс барысында қазақ әндері арқылы патриоттық құндылықтарын қалыптастыру» тақырыбында ғылыми диссертациясын сәтті қорғап, педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты ғылыми дәрежесін алған.
Авторлар бірлестігімен «Ән салу өнері» оқу құралы (2011ж.), «Мектеп оқушыларының сыныптан тыс жұмыс барысында қазақ әндері арқылы патриоттық құндылықтарын қалыптастыру» оқу құралы (2013ж.), «Патриоттық әндер» хрестоматиясы (2013ж.) және көптеген мақалалары жарық көрген.
Гулнур Шәкенқызы ҚР Мәдениет қайраткері, «Білім беру саласының үздігі» медалі, Республикалық «Жаңа ғасырға – жаңа ән» әндер байқауының лауреаты, Халықаралық «Азия дауысы» фестивалі аясындағы «Алтын домбыра» жүлдесінің иегері, «Ұлағат» медалінің иегері, ҚР Білім және ғылым министрлігі «Ы.Алтынсарин» төсбелгісінің иегері және т.б.
Ұстаздық пен әншілік өнерді қатар алып жүрген Гүлнұр Шәкенқызы «Сазген сазы» фольклорлық-этнографиялық ансамблінің әншісі болып жұмыс істеген.
Гүлнұр Шәкенқызы Қытай, Австрия, Түркия, Корей елдерінде, сондай-ақ Қазақстанның барлық қалаларында өнер көрсетіп, қазақ халқының фольклорлық өнерін, мәдениетін насихаттап келеді.
Сондай-ақ, Г.Ш.Өмірбаеваның жетекшілігімен бірнеше шәкірттері республикалық және халықаралық байқауларға қатысып, жүлделі орындардың иегерлері болды.