About Us
- Dr Gulmira Qanay
The Chair of the Managing Board – Rector
Personal reception: Thursday from 15.00 to 17.00
Room: The main building, Room №107
Reception: +7 (727) 2 33-18-36, ext. number: 40-02 - Rector’s Blog
Dr Gulmira QanayDr Gulmira Qanay is the Chair of the Managing Board-Rector. She taught English for specific purposes and worked as an administrative staff member in higher education institutes in Kazakhstan prior to completing the «Talap» scholarship funded PhD in Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
In her thesis, she explored the facilitation of teacher leadership in schools in Kazakhstan. Dr Qanay’s current research interests include the development of teacher leadership in mainstream schools in Kazakhstan. She has published in both international and local journals.
- PhD, Education, University of Cambridge, (UK);
- MA, Educational Leadership and Management (with Distinction), University of Warwick, (UK);
- MA, Translation studies (with Distinction), Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, (Kazakhstan);
- BA, Linguistics: teaching English (with Honours), Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, (Kazakhstan).
- Member of the International Professional Development Association (IPDA) (2020-present), (UK);
- Member of Kazakhstan Educational Research Association (KERA), (Kazakhstan);
- Member of American Educational Research Association (AERA), (USA);
- President of Cambridge University Kazakh Society (2017-2018), Cambridge, (UK).
- School leadership and management
- Teacher leadership and professional learning
- Organisational learning
- School funding
- Social justice
- The Teacher Leadership in Kazakhstan initiative (2019-2021) - principal investigator;
- Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Research Grant on “Per-capita funding model in Kazakhstani public and private schools and issues of adequacy, equity and accountability” (led by Dr Ali Ait Si Mhamed) - сo-principal investigator;
- NU Collaborative Research Grant on “Equitable access to education in the time of COVID 19 in Kazakhstan: experiences, outcomes, challenges and possibilities” (led by Prof. Naureen Durrani) - co-researcher.
- Professional Identity (with Dr Duishon Shamatov);
- Introduction to Educational Leadership (with Professor Elaine Sharplin);
- Work-Based / Internship Project (with Professor Naureen Durrani);
- Master’s in Educational Leadership and School Improvement (ELSI) programme (with Dr Peter Dudley).
- English for Specific Purposes: International Law (Year 3);
- English for Specific Purposes: International Relations (Year 4).
- Qanay, G., Courtney, M., & Nam, A. (2021). Building Teacher Leadership Capacity in Schools in Kazakhstan: A mixed method study. International Journal of Leadership in Education. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13603124.2020.1869314
- Qanay, G., & Frost, D. (2020). Teacher Leadership in Kazakhstan initiative: professional learning and leadership. Professional Development in Education, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2020.1850507
- Qanay, G., Ball, Sh., Anderson-Payne, E., Barnett, P., Kurmankulova, K., Mussarova, V., Kenzhetayeva, G., & Tanayeva, A. (2019). Developing teacher leadership in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Teacher Leadership, 10(1), pp.53-64. https://www.cpp.edu/~ceis/education/international-journal-teacher-leadership/current-issues.shtml
- Qanay, G., Botabekova, K., Kaparova, A., Popova, A., Duisenbayeva, D., Yeskendirova, S. (2021). School Leadership and Teacher Leadership Development During the Pandemic. Pedagogical dialogue. Issue №1 https://cpm.kz/ru/pedagogical-dialogue/magazine-pedagogical-dialogue/668552/
- Qanay, G. (2021). Teacher professionality and leadership: Developing teacher leadership in four schools in Kazakhstan. Al-Farabi University Journal of Educational Sciences. 1(66), pp. 42-55. https://bulletin-pedagogic-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-ped/article/view/941
- Qanay, G., Ball, Sh., Mauletova, Kh., Shubina, O., Talasspayeva. G., & Kurmankulova, K. (2020). Emotional intelligence and teacher leadership development in schools in the UK and Kazakhstan. Pedagogical dialogue. Issue №3. https://cpm.kz/ru/pedagogical-dialogue/magazine-pedagogical-dialogue/668447/?fbclid=IwAR3DBVaHi3-BhD3g_SrH0DikmGtA2yVcwd35OHveONag4uNYr0-_nwH-DSY
- Kanayeva, G. & Tulegenova, B. (2017). The teacher-led development work approach: developing criteria-based assessment for 9th form biology classes. Pedagogical dialogue, 1(19), pp. 110-119.https://cpm.kz/ru/pedagogical-dialogue/magazine-pedagogical-dialogue/643787/
- European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 2021 Annual conference, 6-10 September, Geneva, Switzerland. Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations;
- The Network on Education Quality Monitoring in the Asia-Pacific (NEQMAP) Webinar for the KIX-EAP Hub and Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training (NORRAG) 2021, February 24, Geneva, Switzerland, Teachers as Agents of Change: Supporting, Enabling, and Empowering;
- International Professional Development Association (IPDA) online conference 2020, November 27-28, Birmingham, UK;
- International Virtual Teacher Leadership Conference 2020, June 27, Stevenage, UK – Teacher Leadership in Kazakhstan initiative;
- Leadership for Professional learning 2019, Leadership for Professional Learning symposium, 17-18 June, Cambridge, UK. Leading and enabling sustainable professional learning cultures;
- HertsCam Network Annual Conference 2019, June 22, Stevenage, UK – Facilitating teacher collaboration and networking in Kazakhstan;
- Murray Edwards College Annual Conference 2019, March 9, Cambridge, UK – Women and social activism in Kazakhstan;
- American Educational Research Association, 2018 Annual meeting, 13-17 April, New York, USA. The dreams, possibilities, and necessities of public education;
- 5th Annual Research Forum for Central Asia 2018, 23 March, UCL, London, UK. Working together for a sustainable future;
- European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 2017 Annual conference, 21-25 August, Copenhagen, Denmark. Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and educational research;
- Dewey Conference 2016, 28 September - 1 October, Faculty of Education, Cambridge, UK. Dewey’s ‘Democracy and Education’: 100 years on – organisation team member;
- Graduate symposium 2016, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge University, UK. 16 February.
- Arshabekov Nurgali Rakhimgalievich
Advisor to the Rector on Financial and Economic issues
Personal reception: Friday from 15.00 to 17.00
Room: The main building, Room №108
Reception: +7 (727) 233-18-45
Email: arshabekov.n@qyzpu.edu.kz
Arshabekov Nurgali RakhimgalievichPosition: Advisor to the Rector on Financial and Economic issues
Arshabekov Nurgali Rakhimgalievich - Doctor of Philosophy
- In 1975 he graduated from the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay with a degree in “Teacher of the Russian language and literature”.
- In 2011 he graduated from the Central Asian University with a degree in jurisprudence.
State awards, honorary titles:
- Order of Honor, 2015;
- Medal of Merit, 2008;
- Holiday medal "10 years of Astana", 2008.
Work activity
- From 1970 to 1971, he was a teacher of the Russian language and elementary school in the Kirov secondary school of the Kordai district of the Zhambyl region.
- From 1975 to 1977 he worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Krasnogorsk State Farm College in Zhambyl region.
- Russian Russian From 1977 to 1982, he worked at the Zhambyl Pedagogical Institute as a teacher of the Department of Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature, as well as a research intern at the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature.
- From 1982 to 1985 he studied at the graduate school of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai.
- From 1985 to 1991 he worked as a teacher of the Russian language Department of the Almaty Institute of National Economy, and after that as a senior lecturer and deputy dean.
- From 1991 to 1993, he worked as Deputy Dean of the Planning and Economics Faculty of the Kazakh State University of Economics, Almaty
- From 1993 to 1997 he worked as Deputy Dean, Deputy Director and senior lecturer at the Faculty of Planning and Economics of the Kazakh State Academy of Management, Almaty
- From 1997 to 1998 he worked as Deputy General Director of the joint Kazakh-Spanish-Korean enterprise in Almaty
- From 1998 to 1999, Director of Alma Mater Business Center LLP, Almaty
- From 1999 to 2002, he worked as Director and Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of the Taraz branch of the Central Asian University.
- From 2002 to 2011 he worked as a chief specialist of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, head of various departments, Director of the Department of Astana
- From 2011 to 2016, he worked as the rector of the RSE at the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute.
- From 2016 to 2018, he held the position of Chairman of the Board of NAO Kasipkor Holding.
- From 2019 to 2021, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of the RSE at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
- From 2021-2022 to Acting Chairman of the Management Board
- Currently: Advisor to the Rector on Financial and Economic Issues
- Dusipov Erkin
Vice-Rector for Infrastructure Development
Personal reception: Thursday from 15.00 to 17.00
Room: The main building, Room №105
Reception: +7 (727) 237-00-11, ext. number: 41-48
Email: dusipov.e@qyzpu.edu.kz
Dusipov ErkinDusipov Erkin - Kazakh statesman, Doctor of Law.
Jurisprudence: Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov Faculty: Law.
Economics: Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati Faculty: Economics.WORK ACTIVITIES
Erkin Shazhievich began his professional career as an assistant at the Department of Civil Law, Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov.
- 1992-1995 - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Law Faculty, Kazakh State University named after al-Farabi.
- 1993-2002 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Civil Law, Kazakh State University named after al-Farabi.
- 2002-2003 – Head of the Department of Civil Law, Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati.
- 2003-2008 – Dean of the Faculty of Law, Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati.
- 2008-2016 – Vice-Rector for General, Economic and Industrial Issues, Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov.
- 2016-2023 – Vice-Rector for Corporate and Financial Activities, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- From 2023 to the present – Vice-Rector for Infrastructure Development at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- Member of the authors' collective of industry scientific terms in the state language on the assignment of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Public Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2002-2006);
- Member of the authors' collective of the Kazakh-Russian industry terminological dictionary on the assignment of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012-2014);
- Deputy Chairman of the public council for combating corruption under the Almaty branch of the Nur Otan party (2009-2016);
- Chairman of the electoral district No. 7 of Taldykorgan for elections of deputies to the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local maslikhats (2009-2016);
- Member of the certification commission under the Department of Justice of the Almaty region for the selection of applicants for the position of lawyers and notaries (2009-2016);
- Member of the specialized council for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations at Osh State University of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan (2016).
- Candidate of Legal Sciences, topic: “Zherge zheke menshik kukygynyn negіzderi” (2002);
- Associate Professor (2007);
- Doctor of Law, topic: “KR auylsharuashylyk kasipkerligin kukukyktyk kamtamasyz etu maseleleri” (2009);
- Professor (2011).
- Zhumankulova Yerkin
Vice-Rector in academic affairs
Personal reception: Thursday from 15.00 to 17.00
Room: The main building, Room №117
Reception: +7 (727) 237-00-13
Email: zhumankulova.e@qyzpu.edu.kz
Zhumankulova YerkinZhumankulova Yerkin – Candidate of pedagogical sciences. In 2007, after defending her dissertation on the topic of «Formation of deontological readiness of future teachers to work with children with deviant behavior», she was awarded the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty «Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education».
Zhumankulova Yerkyn began her career in 1993 as a mathematics teacher at school No. 23 in Ekibastuz, Pavlodar region.
She worked as a college teacher, deputy director for educational work at the state institution «Shelter for children» in Pavlodar, teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor and deputy dean of the Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Art at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, head of the educational and methodological service of the Kazakh National University of Arts, head of academic affairs, Vice-rector for scientific work, Vice-rector for educational and methodological work over the years.
Zhumankulova Yerkyn systematically improves her qualifications and regularly participates in scientific and practical conferences.
In 2009 became the holder of the title «The best teacher of the university» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as a jubilee medal dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Teacher of physics and mathematics of Secondary School, bachelor's degree, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, (Kazakhstan)
- Psychology, bachelor's degree, Toraigyrov University, Pavlodar, (Kazakhstan)
- Zakir Jumakulov
Vice-Rector of Research and International Collaborations
Personal reception: Thursday from 16.00 to 18.00 ч.
Room: The main building, Room №116/1
Reception: +7 (727)237-00-83, ext. number: 43-07
Email: jumakulov.z@qyzpu.edu.kz
Zakir JumakulovPosition: Vice-Rector of Research and
International CollaborationsZakir Jumakulov is a recipient of Bolashaq International scholarship. He holds a Master's degree in Public Policy (MPP) from Michigan State University, USA (2012), and an undergraduate degree from from L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (2008).
He started his career as a junior researcher at Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education in 2008.
In 2017-2018 he worked as a project manager of the Center for Social Interactions and Communications of «Samruk-Kazyna» JSC. In 2018-2021, he was the Director for Research Programs at Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education.
Zakir is an active educational researcher. In 2016 he received “Leaders of Science” award by Thomson Reuters and the the National Center for Scientific and Technical Information for his coauthored publications in the highest cited social science journals in 2011-2015. In 2019 Zakir received “Scopus Award Kazakhstan 2019”, by Elsevier for his contribution to the development of research in Kazakhstan.
- Master's degree in Public Policy (MPP), Michigan State University, (USA).
- Bachelor degree (B.A.) Foreign languages, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
- Member of Kazakhstan Educational Research Association (KERA), (Kazakhstan).
- Member of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), (USA).
- Internationalization of higher education and research
- Motivations for innovation in higher education
- Human capital development
- Access and funding of higher education
- Organizational culture and leadership
- Research ethics in social sciences in Central Asia
- Internationalization of higher educational establishments in Kazakhstan; development of best practices: 2014-2016
- Funding factors for students studying abroad: Evaluation of national scholarships
- Internationalization as a strategic factor in the development of the education and science system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Student education grants as a tool to increase the equality of access to higher education
- A. Mhamed, A. Ashirbekov, M. Hartley, D. Jonbekova, S. Kerimkulova, M. Mussabayeva, Z. Jumakulov (forthcoming) Institutional Motivations for Innovation: Factors Spurring Change at two Universities in Kazakhstan
- D. Jonbekova, J. Sparks, Y. Serokova, Z. Jumakulov (forthcoming) Contribution of international education graduates to their home country: How government scholarship recipients are ‘giving back’ to Kazakhstan?
- Jumakulov Z., Ashibekov. A, Sparks J., Sagintayeva A. (2018) Internationalizing Research in Kazakhstan Higher Education: A Case Study of Kazakhstan’s State Program of Industrial Innovative Development 2015 to 2019. Journal of Studies in International Education. First Published July 26, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1177/1028315318786445 , SAGE Publishing
- Perna, L., Orosz, K., Jumakulov, Z. (2017) The contributions of the Bolashak Program to human capital development in Kazakhstan. In M.Hartley & A. Ruby (Eds.) Higher Education Reform & Development: The Case of Kazakhstan (p. 125- 140). Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press.
- Parmenter L., Sparks J., Li A., Kerimkulova S., Ashirbekov A., Jumakulov Z. (2017) Internationalizing the Curriculum in Kazakhstan: Creatively responding to change. Сhapter in the book The Globalization of Internationalization, Internationalization of Higher Education book series, Routledge
- Jumakulov, Z., Ashirbekov, A. (2016) Higher Education Internationalization: Insights from Kazakhstan. Hungarian Journal of Educational Research
- Sparks J., Ashirbekov A., Li A., Parmenter L., Jumakulov Z., Sagintayeva A. (2015) Becoming Bologna capable: Strategic cooperation and capacity building in International Offices in Kazakhstani HEIs. Chapter in the book The European Higher Education Area: Between Critical Reflections and Future Policies. Springer International Publishing, P. 109-126.
- Ashirbekov A.K Jumakulov Z.D. Implementation of the principles of the Bologna process in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan – 2015. - № 1. – P. 110-115.
- Perna, L., Orosz, K., Jumakulov, Z. (2015) Understanding the human capital benefits of a government-funded international scholarship program: An exploration of Kazakhstan's Bolashak program, International Journal of Educational Development, №40. – P. 85-97.
- Sagintayeva, A. & Jumakulov, Z. (2015) Human capital formation through study abroad programs: Five lessons from Kazakhstan’s Bolashak program International Higher Education, № 79, 21-23
- Perna, L., Orosz, K., Goupal, B., Jumakulov, Z., Ashirbekov, A Kishkentayeva, M. (2014) Promoting Human Capital Development: A Typology of International Scholarship Programs in Higher Education, Educational Researcher, № 43(2), 63-73. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10734-014-9767-4
- Perna, L., Orosz, K., Jumakulov, Z., Ashirbekov, A., Kishkentayeva, M. (2015) Understanding the Programmatic and Contextual Forces that Influence Participation in a Government-Sponsored Student-Mobility Program, Higher Education, № 69(2), 173-188
- Dairova K.N., Ashirbekov A.K Jumakulov Z.D. (2013) Government Support for Student Mobility: Case of Kazakhstan’s international Scholarship Program, Conference proceedings of Eurasian Higher Education Leaders Forum Conference Proceedings, P. 92-101.
- Ashirbekov A.K Jumakulov Z.D. Lisnyak S. (2013) Determination of the factors of participation of students from Kazakhstan in international scholarship programs.Scientific Journal of KazNU al-Farabi, №3(40), P. 37-45.
- 27 April, 2021 presentation of the article “Contribution of international education graduates to their home country: How government scholarship recipients are ‘feedback’ to Kazakhstan?” at the virtual conference of The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
- 2020 - Presentation entitled “Philosophy and future models of universities” at the “Competitiveness of higher education in Kazakhstan”, within the framework of the project industry leaders of change, the panel discussion
- 17-18 May, 2018, Presentation entitled “Labor and social conflicts in Kazakhstan: Lessons learned” at the conference “Non-Traditional Risks and Security Challenges in Central Asia”, OSCE-Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
- September 2016, presentation of the article “Student educational loans as a tool for improving fair access to higher education” at the conference of “All are equal: but some are more equal”
- 22-24 October, 2016, The Conference of 12th QS Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education, Putrajaya, Malaysia
- 22-24 August, 2016, presentation of the article “Characteristics of the internal student mobility: the case of Kazakhstan”, XVI World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Beijing, China
- 7-11 September, 2015 presentation of the article “Motivation, expectations and experience of international students who enrolled the Kazakh universities” at the European Conference on Research in Education (ECER), Budapest, Hungary
- 1-5 September, 2014 presentation of the article “Challenges for new signatories of the Bologna Process: the experience of Kazakhstan” at the European Conference on Research in Education (ECER), Porto, Portugal
- 17-19 December, 2013 presentation of the article “Bolashaq International educational scholarship” conference of BRICS universities “Developing countries: focus on universities” Moscow, Russia
- 9-13 September, 2013 presentation of the article “The role of international scholarship programs in the development of human capital in countries with economies in transition” at the European Conference on Research in Education (ECER), Istanbul, Turkey
- Rysbekova Zhanar
Vice-Rector of Strategic Development and Social Work
Personal reception: Friday: from 15:00 to 17:00.
Room: №1 learning campus, Room №127
Reception: +7 (727) 237-01-02, ext. number: 45-02
Email: zhanar.rysbekova@qyzpu.edu.kz
Rysbekova ZhanarPosition: Vice-Rector of Strategic Development and Social Work
- Kartbayev Timur
Digital officer
Personal reception: Thursday from 16.00 to 18.00
Room: The main building, Room №221а
Reception: +7 (727) 237-00-06, ext. number: 42-00
Email: kartbayev.t@qyzpu.edu.kz
Kartbayev TimurPhD, Associate Professor (Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan), Professor of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Corresponding Member of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, holder of a diploma and nominal scholarship named after Academician U.A. Dzholdasbekov, has a title of "The Best University Teacher 2018" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the badge "Honorary Power Engineer", the medal "For the Development of the Electric Power Industry" of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the title and medal "Honored Worker of Science and Technology" of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, a diploma of quality and a medal for successful professional activity in the field of informatics (Belgium), and was also awarded diplomas and letters of thanks from universities.
Over the years, he worked as a software engineer at NAOMIS-SERVICE.kz LLP, department engineer, assistant, teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, deputy director of the Institute of Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, head of the software sector provision, Deputy Director for the Development of Information Technologies, Head of the World Health Organization KazNMU named after S. Asfediyarov, Head of the Department of IT Engineering, Director of the Institute of Control Systems and Information Technologies, Director of the Institute of Information Technologies of the Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, First Vice-Rector of the Academy of Logistics and Transport.
Within the framework of scientific topics, he had internships in leading foreign countries, such as Portugal, France, Poland, Russia, etc.
Kartbayev T.S. the first participant of the IBM "Best student recognition event 2012" in Brussels (Belgium) from Kazakhstan, and in 2013 was re-invited by IBM experts to the city of Montpollie (France) to participate in the "Best student recognition event 2013".
From 2015 to 2017 was a member of the expert council for the section "Mathematics and Informatics" of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, since 2018 is a member of the expert council for monitoring the implementation of scientific, scientific and technical projects and programs, in different years he was a member of dissertation councils at KazNU named after Al-Farabi, KazNPU named after Abay, Academy of Logistics and Transport.
The total number of published scientific and methodological works is more than 120, of which more than 15 are in the Scopus, Elsevier, Web of Science bibliographic databases, 1 - textbook, 3 - teaching aids, 3 - monographs. And also, he has many certificates of state registration of rights to the object of copyright of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Hirsch-index according to the Scopus database - 3, according to the Web of Science database - 3.
- Bachelor of Informatics (diploma with honors), Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev;
- Master in specialty 6N0704 - Computer Science and Software, Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev;
- PhD in the specialty 6D070400 - Computer Science and Software (ahead of schedule), Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev;
- 2018-2020 – Leading Researcher of the project AP05132723 - "Development of adaptive expert systems in the field of cybersecurity of critical informatization objects"
- 2018-2020 – Leading Researcher of the project AP05131207 "Development of technology for multilingual automatic speech recognition using deep neural networks"
- 2013-2015 – Senior Researcher, topic No.753.MON.SP.13.13. "Research of implementation options and development of an operating laboratory sample of the ON-LINE system for biometric depersonalization of electronic medical records for a medical institution"
- 2015 – Senior Researcher, topic 1022/GF4 "Research, harmonization, modification and registration of a group of standards for biometric support of information security"
- 2011-2013 – performer of the theme "Development and organization of serial production of energy-saving attachments for household refrigerators and freezers".