Teachers of the department of Physical Education and Sports
Yeselbaeva Aliya
Position: Educational program leader, candidate of sciences
- Information
Yeselbaeva Aliya
Position: Educational program leader, candidate of sciences
Eselbaeva Aliya is a graduate of the Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture. Candidate for Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Aliya Yeselbaeva began her professional career as a sports instructor for the Taldykurgan Regional Committee for Youth Affairs in 1992. In 1996 - 1998 she worked as a rhythmic gymnastics coach in the city of Taldykurgan voluntary physical culture sports society "Labor Reserves". From 1998 to 2004 – Senior Lecturer in Physical Culture and Sports at the University named after D.A. Konayev, Almaty sity. From 2004 to 2013 - senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. From 2013 to the present day, program leader of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. The total work experience in scientific and pedagogical activities is 31 years. Work experience at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University - 20 years. Throughout her entire career, Aliya Yesselbaeva has been promoting a healthy lifestyle and sports among students and teaching staff, conducting scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports. “For the popularization of big-time sports and contribution to the development of scientific and methodological work” in 2014 she was awarded a badge from the National Scientific and Practical Center for Physical Culture of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. No. 149 of February 14, 2014. Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның рухани және әлеуметтік дамуы жолында білім беру жүйесін дамытуға және білім беру сапасын арттыруға қосқан үлесі үшін " Nur-Sultan, 2021 No. 00612021. She was awarded the medal “Патриоттық және азаматтық белсенділігі үшін” by the editors of the Republican magazine “Спорт жұлдыздары”. November 24, 2023, beat No. 191.
- Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture, Almaty, qualification: physical education teacher.
- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences – 13.00.04 – Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, recreational and adaptive physical culture. Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek city.
- acting associate professor
- Member of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council for group of educational programs 6B01403-Physical Culture and Sports;
- Member of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University Professional Union.
- Formation of students’ motor culture by means of rhythmoplasty
- Physical Culture and sport.
- Training center “Global professional development”, Almaty, Professional competence of a physical education teacher, 72 hours, 01/13-24/2020
- SOFT SKILLS QAZAQSTAN, Almaty, Effective management in education.
- In the amount of 72 hours, 10-22.02.2020 No. 00081
- Almaty. ISO Implementation Agency, Training of specialists in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO37001:2016 “Anti-corruption management systems” with qualification: Anti-corruption management system manager, 72 hours, No. 571-AVISO-20. 10.2020.
- Almaty. Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, “Organization of distance learning in primary school.” In the amount of 72 hours, 01/20/2021 -02/05/2021 No. 63 Almaty city. Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Modern physical culture and health technologies in therapeutic physical culture. In the amount of 72 hours, 01.-12.03.2021 No. S-2749
- “Development of professional competencies of a physical education teacher within the framework of the updated content of education” in the amount of 72 hours, 2022 June 6 to August 2.
- From May 24 to June 4, 2022 “Psychological - pedagogical and methodological support for children with special educational needs in inclusive education” for 72 hours.
- From August 12 to August 25, 2020, “Fundamentals of cyber pedagogy. Methods and technologies of distance learning” for 72 hours.
- From March 01 to March 12, 2021 “Modern physical education and health technologies in therapeutic physical culture” for 72 hours.
- In the amount of 72 hours within the framework of the project “Strengthening the Capacity of Teacher Education” KZEMP/QCBS -03, coordinated by Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland. 01/31/2023.
- “Development of professional competencies of a physical education teacher within the framework of the updated content of education” in the amount of 72 hours from 19.09. until October 15, 2022
- From November 15 to November 26, 2022 in the amount of 3 credits (90 hours) on the topic “Modern approaches and the potential of physical culture and sports in universities and colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”
- At the Kyrgyz State University named after. I. A. Arabaeva “Innovative methods of teaching students in physical education classes” in the amount of 72 hours 01/04-01/18/2023
- “Modern system of medical and biological support for the training of athletes in higher educational institutions” in the amount of 72 hours from 05/28 to 04/07/2023.
- Eselbaeva A.K., Pedagogical foundations for the formation of motor culture of future teachers by means of rhythmoplasty, Monograph, Almaty: Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, 2017. - 162 p. Recommended for publication by Republican educational and methodological council (protocol No. 2 of April 20, 2017) for the specialty “Physical Culture and Sports”.
- Eselbaeva A.K., Physical education and health technologies for correcting the health of girls. Recommended by the decision of the meeting of the educational and methodological council Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Publishing house " Қыздар университеті ", Almaty, 2011. – 193 pages.
- Eselbaeva A.K., Formation of students’ motor culture by means of rhythmoplasty in the conditions of a pedagogical university. Recommended for publication by RISO Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Univ. Publishing house " Қыздар университеті ", Almaty, 2013. - 125 pages.
- Yeselbaeva A.K., Volleyball. Methods of teaching technique and tactics of the game. Toolkit. Publishing house “Қыздар университеті”, Almaty, 2015. – 83 pages.
- Eselbaeva A.K., Gymnastics at school (grades 1-10), Methodological manual for secondary schools (grades 1-10). Recommended for publication by RISO Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Univ. Publishing house " Қыздар университеті ", Almaty, 2017. - 250 - p.
- Orlov A.I., Eselbaeva A.K. Scientific and methodological foundations of pedagogical control of motor abilities: textbook. – Almaty: Almanac, 2022. – 204 p. ISBN 978-601-346-137-3.
- Orlov A.I., Eselbaeva A.K. Let's talk about pedagogy and education. - Almaty: Almanach, 2023. – 193 p. ISBN 978-601-7686-54-3.
- Marshalkhan Ayat, Bakytzhan Elmira, Jigarbayev Bakytzhan, Ospankulov Yernar, Toleshova Ulmeken, Yesselbayeva Aliya, Application of secondary education sports lessons with blended teaching method, World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 14(1), p.243–254. Published: Jan 31, 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18844/wjet.v14i1.6722, ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6313-9611 Процентиль: 56, https://un-pub.eu/ojs/index.php/wjet/article/view/6722
- Yesselbayeva A., Abdykadyrova D., Tverdovskaya G., Otaraly S.,Alikey A. Formation of students'' motorial culture by mens of “Rhythmic gymnasticks” Asian social science.-2015.-Vol/.11.-No.18 August. 2015- Iss.18.-P.-320-325 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education,Toronto, ISSN 1911-2017 (Print) ISSN 1911-2025 (Online) www.ccsenet.org/ass. ISSN 1911-2025 (Online) www.ccsenet.org/ass.
- Methods for preventing uncontrolled muscle contractions during physical activity from the point of view of a trainer and sports pharmacologist / A.I. Orlov, L.M. Gunina, A.K. Eselbaeva, Orlov A.I. V.N. Avsievich, K.A. Tutibaev // Theory and methodology of physical culture. – 2023. – No. 4(74). – P. 99-110.
- Selected aspects of women’s self-defense classes in the program of the club system of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University / Orlov A.I., Eselbaeva A.K., Doskaraev B.M., Artyushenko A.A., Burkitbaeva M.Zh. // Theory and methodology of physical culture. – 2023. – No. 2(72). – pp. 169-177. DOI: 10.48114/2306-5540_2023_2_169.
- Features of the periodization of training loads of student youth at different stages of training in the martial art of Jujutsu / Orlov A.I., Eselbaeva A.K., Abdykadyrova D.R., Tauasarova D.A., Tutibaev K.A. // Theory and methodology of physical culture. – 2022. – No. 4(70). – pp. 123-132. DOI: 10.48114/2306-5540_2022_4_6.
- Orlov A.I., Avsievich V.N., Eselbaeva A.K., Kukharenko A.B., Andreytsev V.N. Multi-stage planning of means and methods of pedagogical influence in teaching martial arts to students of higher educational institutions // Theory and methodology of physical culture. – 2023. – No. 3(73). – S.. DOI: 10.48114/2306-5540_2023_3_...
- Eselbaeva A.K., Abdykadyrova D.R., The influence of educational and training sessions in rhythmoplasty on the physical qualities of students of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. “Science and life of Kazakhstan” No. 7/3, Astana, July 2020. – pp. 19-23. ISSN 2073 – 333Х.
- Results of the research on the influence of the experimental program on rhythmoplasty on the physical qualities of students. KAZAK KULTURU TARIHI VE EDEBIYATI SEMPOZYUMU. İKSAD - Institute of Economic Development and Social Research. НАВРУЗ – САММИТ. 20-23 March 2018. – С. 40-45. Turkey, Antalya. ISBN 978-605-9885-98-0. Yesselbayeva A., Tutibaev K.A., Nauryzbekova S.M.
- Yesselbayeva A., Multi-cycle preparation of high qualification boxers. V Халықаралық Түркі Әлемі зерттеулері симпозиумы. Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. III Volume. 11-13 October, Almaty, 2018. – С.23-26 , ISBN 978-601-224-964-4. Anarkulov Kh.,Tutibaev K.A.
- Formation of mass sports and physical education and health activities at school. Republican scientific and practical conference of scientists and teachers on the topic: “Innovations in education, physical culture and sports”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. Eselbaeva A.K., Abdykadyrova D.R. Almaty, April 12, 2019. – pp. 242-246. BBK:75, ISBN 9965-653-83-6, Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.
- Features of activating the motor mode of secondary school students in the physical education program by means of rhythmic exercises. Collection of materials of the Republican scientific and theoretical conference with foreign participation “Improving physical training in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, UDC 355/359:378 BBK 68.4:74.58 C 84 National Defense University named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, 04/30/2020. – pp. 57-62. ISBN 979-9965-601-84-4. Tutibaev K.A.
- The role of the teacher in the formation, preservation, strengthening and restoration of the health of preschool children. Modern problems of education in the field of physical education, life safety and biology. Eselbaeva A.K., Orlov A.I., Artykbaev R.D., Tutibaev K.A. Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, March 14-15, 2022
- Current state and problems of development of the system of physical education and sports in Kazakhstan / A.I. Orlov, B.M. Doskaraev, S.Zh. Syzdykova, A.K. Yeselbaeva // Collection of materials from the international scientific and practical conference of university teachers, school teachers, students and young scientists “Problems and prospects for the development of physical education and sports”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, February 10, 2023 ISBN 978-601-04-6183- 3 – Almaty: Kazak University, 2023. – pp. 9-11
- Orlov A.I., Eselbaeva A.K., Tauasarova D.A., Tutibaev K.A. Studentterdin salauatty omir saltyn kalyptastyruyndagy dene zhattygularyn aseri / Eselbaeva A.K., A.I. Orlov, D.A. Tauasarova, K.A. Tutibaev // Global Science and Innovation 2023: Central Asia: series “Pedagogical Sciences”, vol. XI. - No. 1 (19), April, 2023. ISSN 2664-2271 Astana: 2023.– P. 59-61.
- Yesselbayeva A., Results of studies of the physical and functional readiness of students of the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University, Materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Education, Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism”, Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Almaty, May 14, 2021. – pp. 54-57. ISBN 978-601-7964-90-0
- Yesselbayeva A., Abdykadyrova D.R., Tutibaev K.A., Scientific and pedagogical research on the physical preparedness of students of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, International scientific and practical conference “Modern trends in science and education”, V section “Prospects for physical culture and Sports" Almaty, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University 04/23/2021. – P.290-293. ISBN 978-601-346-084-0.
- Yesselbayeva A., Abdykadyrova D.R., Tutibaev K.A., Formation of a healthy lifestyle for students through rhythmic physical exercises, Materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Problems of Theoretical and Practical Psychology”, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, February 24 , 2021. - pp. 494-499. ISBN 978-601-346-071-0.
- Yesselbayeva A., Abdykadyrova D.R., Tutibaev K.A., Scientific and pedagogical research into the physical fitness and functional state of female students at the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University, Proceedings of the XV International Conference “Global Science and Innovation 2021: Central Asia” National movement "Bobek". “Global science and innovations 2021: central Asia.” Series “Pedagogical Sciences” No. 4(15). RSCI. Nur-Sultan, December 10-15, 2021. – pp. 11-15. ISSN 2664-2271.
- Yesselbayeva A., Orlov A.I., Artykbaev R.D., Usbanov N.S., Konaev T.A., On the influence of the Moon on the physical performance of students during physical exercises,” 3rd international scientific – practical conference “Innovations in education, physical culture, sports and tourism”, Almaty, Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, 2022.
Doskaraev Baurzhan
Position: Professor
- Information
Doskaraev Baurzhan Meldebekovich graduated from the Kazakh State University of Physical Culture in 1974, with a degree in coach – teacher. Currently, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the APN of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Full member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts of St. Petersburg, Honored Coach of the Kazakh SSR, Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Author of more than 100 scientific works on the theoris and methods of physical culture and sports, including 12 textbooks and monographs, 12 scientific and methodological recommendations. Over the past 5 years, 21 scientific articles of the Higher Attestation Commission have been published.
In 1974-2004. He worked as a physical education teacher, a football coach, served in the Soviet Army, taught at the Kazakh Chemical Technology Institute in Shymkent. He was the head of the team-senior coach of the masters of football team "Meliorator", head of the regional department of tourism and sports of Shymkent, head of the Directorate of full-time national teams, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Tourism and Sports of Astana, director of the Department of Tourism and Sports of Astana, and was also a deputy.the head of the Household Management Department of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
From 2004 to 2020. He worked as a professor of the Department of "Sports Games" of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Deputy General Director of the National Scientific and Practical Center for Physical Culture and Sports of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy. Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Almaty, Deputy. Director of the Directorate of the World Universiade 2017, the First Vice-Rector of the Engineering and Pedagogical University "Friendship of Peoples", Shymkent, Director of the Center for Advanced Training of Football Coaches of the Kazakhstan Football Federation and Director of the Kaz AST Sports Research Institute. He has passed many advanced training courses and has several native and foreign (Russia, Northern Ireland, Germany) certificates.
- Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture
He is a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg.
- История спорта Казахстана и Центральной АзииСвидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, 25.02.2021 г. Доскараев Б.М. Алдабергенова Ш.А. Спанов Ж.Б.
- Паралимпиадажәнеадаптивті спорт негіздері (Арнайы Олимпиада жәнеСурдлимпиада) Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, 29.03.2019 г. Доскраев Б.М.Алтынбек Е.Т. Караков С.Б.
- Велосипед спорты Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, 29.03.2019 г. Доскараев Б.М. Алтынбек Е.Т. Сейсенбеков Е.К.
- ҚазақстандағыОлимпиадалықбілімжәне спорт тарихыныңочерктері Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, 10.01.2019 г. Доскраев Б.М. Алтынбек Е.Т. Сейсенбеков Е.К.
- Бұқаралықжәнебалалар мен жасөспірімдерфутболыныңжалпыәдістемесі Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, 26.01.2018 г. Доскараев Б.М. Алтынбек Е.Т.
- История физической культуры в Казахстане ThehistoryofphysicalcultureinKazakhstan Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, 19.09.2017 г.
In international peer-reviewed scientific or Scopus journals included in the Web of Science databases:
Sport as an important factor of strengthening tolerance (The case of ПечатныйRevista ESPACIOS, Vol. 38 (Nº 46) Year 2017. Page 40, Received: 22/09/2017 •Approved: 25/09/2017. 0,8 Doskaraev B.M. A. Kulbayev
Kazakhstan). El deportecomo factor importante de fortalecimiento de la tolerancia (El caso de Kazajstán) Venezuela. ISSN 0798 1015
In other scientific publications (which are included in the recommended HAC):
Халықаралық спорттық іс-шаралар – толеранттылық пен бейбітшілікті нығайтудың маңызды факторы Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №2. -2017. – С. 61-68. ISSN 2306-5540 0,9 Доскараев Б.М. Алтынбек Е.Т.
ТәуелсізҚазақстанфутболыныңдамуы, футбол ойындарынашолу, талдаулар мен әдістемелер. Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №4. -2017. – С.17-23. ISSN 2306-5540 0,9 Доскараев Б.МАлтынбек Е.Т.
СпорттықіріктеугеарналғангенетикалықәдістердіқолдануарқылыҚазақстанфутболшыларыныңфизиологиялықкөрсеткіштері мен I/D ACE және R/X ACTN гендеріполиморфизмдеріарасындағыбайланыстардызерттеу Печатный ҚазақстанРеспубликасыҰлттықҒылымиакадемиясының «Өсімдіктердіңбиологиясыжəнебиотехнологиясыинститутыныңхабарлары». - №4 (328). – 2018. - С. 77-85. ISSN 2518-1629 (Online), ISSN 2224-5308 (Print) 1,0 Доскараев Б.М. Мурзатаева, А. В. Перфильева, К. Б. Джантаева, С. Т. Тулеуханов, Р. А. Бекембетова, Б. О. Бекманов, Л. Б.
Жоғарыдәрежеліспортшылардыдайындаудағыолимпиадалықбілім мен тәрбиеніңорны Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №4. -2018. – С. 6-9. ISSN 2306-5540 0,6 Доскараев Б.М. Алтынбек Е.Т. Лесбекова Р.Б.
Роль тренера и основные положения планирования подготовки юных теннисистов Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №1. - 2019. – 61-70. ISSN 2306-5540 0,9 Доскараев Б.М. Алтынбек Е.Т. Бекембетова Р.А.
13. Қазақстандағы теннис жәнеойындыдамытудыңқұрылымы мен тенденциялары Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №1. - 2019. – С.71-77. ISSN 2306-5540 0,9 Доскараев Д.Б. Алтынбек Е.Т.
14. ҰЛЫ ДАЛАНЫҢ ЖЕТІ ҚЫРЫ» АЯСЫНДА БОЛАШАҚ ДЕНЕ ШЫНЫҚТЫРУ МҰҒАЛІМДЕРІН ДАЯРЛАУДАҒЫ ҚАЗАҚ КҮРЕСІНІҢ ТАРИХИ МАҢЫЗДЫЛЫҒЫ Печатный Абай атындағыҚазҰПУХабаршысы «Педагогика және психология», №2-2019. -С.292-298. ISSN 2077-6861 0,9 Доскараев Б.М.Мұхиддинов Е.М., Алтынбек Е.Т.
15. Системы оценки спортивно-технических результатов в футболе вольной борьбе во время тренировочных занятий в предсоревновательном периоде Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №2. -2019. – С. 200-209. ISSN 2306-5540 1,0 Доскраев Б.М., Бодрунов А.А., Нильдыбаев А.А., Е.Б. Крушбеков, Н.М. Утешева
Развитие туризма в регионах Казахстана через спортивные мероприятия Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №2. -2019. – С. 102-108. ISSN 2306-5540 0,9 Доскараев Б.М. Алтынбек Е.Т.
Футбол ойыныбойыншажарыстардыұйымдастыру мен өткізудіңкейбірмәселелері Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №4. -2018. – С. 69-77. ISSN 2306-5540 1,0 Доскараев Б.М. Алтынбек Е.Т. Унтаев Х.К. Жуманова А.
Оценка алактатно-анаэробной работоспособности спортсменов, специализирующихся по греко-римской борьбе Печатный Журнал «Педагогика и психология» КазНПУ имени Абая, №2 (39), 2019. –С. 153-162. ISSN 2077-6861 Доскараев Б.М. Бекембетова Р.А. Мухиддинов Е.М. Егизбаева А.Н. Макогонова Т.А.
Состояние и развитие науки о спорте в Казахстане Печатный Вестник Академии Пед наук РК. -№6, 2019. – С.135-141. ISSN 2070-4046 0,9 Доскараев Б.М. Бекембетова Р.А. Сапарбаева Ж.К. Утешева Н.М.
Договорный результат в футболе и средства его преодоления Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №3. -2019. -С.99-110. ISSN 2306-5540 1,0 Доскараев Б.М. Бодрунов А.А., Саутов Р.Т., Даумов А.А., Адамбеков Е.К.
Қазақстандағы спорт ғылымыныңбүгінгіжай-күйі мен дамуы Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №3. -2019. -С. 21-25. ISSN 2306-5540 0,6 Доскраев Б.М. Бекембетова Р.А., Алтынбек Е.Т.
Показатели скоростной выносливости футболистов юношеской сборной Республики Казахстан Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №4. -2019. -С.115-121. ISSN 2306-5540 0,8 Доскараев Б.М. Бекембетова Р.А., Алтынбек Е.Т., Егизбаева А.Н., Байгарина М.М.
Қазақстанфутболындамытудыұйымдастыру мен басқарудыңкейбірмәселелері. Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №1. -2020. -С.112-117. ISSN 2306-5540 0,7 Доскараев Б.М. Алтынбек Е.Т., Хайдаров Х.С., Игибаев Ж.О.,
Футбол будущего (Часть I). Экономика, размер поля, состав команды, продолжительность игры Печатный Теория и методика физической культуры. - №2. -2020. -С.131-140. ISSN 2306-5540 1,0 Доскараев Б.М. А.А. Алтынбек Е.Т. Игибаев Ж.О.
1. Доскараев Б.М. (в соавт). - «Бұқаралық және балалар мен жасөспірімдер футболының жалпы әдістемесі» Печатный Учебное пособие, ЖС «Тантеев» баспасы, Алматы, 2018 г.-326 с. 17,0 Алтынбек Е.Т. Байсеитов Б.Д.
2. Доскараев Б.М. (в соавт) - «Велосипед спорты» Печатный Учебное пособие, ЖС «Тантеев» баспасы, Алматы, 2019 г. -160 с. 13,0 Алтынбек Е.Т. Сыздыков С.О. Аязбаев М.М.
3. Доскараев Б.М. (в соавт). - «Олимпиадалық білім және спорт тарихының очерктері» Печатный Учебное пособие, ЖС «Тантеев» баспасы, Алматы, 2019 г. -400 с. 25,0 Алтынбек Е.Т. Сейсенбеков Е.К.
4. Доскараев Б.М., (в соавт). – «Паралимпиада және адаптивті спорт негіздері» Печатный Учебное пособие, ЖС «Тантеев» баспасы, Алматы, 2019 г. -164 с. 10,5 Алтынбек Е.Т. Караков С.Б.
5. Доскараев Б.М. (в соавт). – «Теннис ойыны» Печатный Учебное пособие, «Қазақ Университеті» баспасы, Алматы, 2020 г., - 194 с. 16,5 Кошеров С.Н. Доскараев Д.Б. Алтынбек Е.Т.
6. Научно-вспомогательные пособии при подготовке дипломной работы Печатный Учебное -методические пособие, «Лантар Трейд» баспасы, Алматы, 2021 г., - 45 с Доскараев Д.Б. Алтынбек Е.Т. Серикова С.С.
According to the copyright of the 2020-2021 academic year, 5 electronic textbooks were published
Abdykadyrova Dina
Position: Associated professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Abdykadyrova Dina
Position: Associated professor, candidate of sciences
- 1969-1973 Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture. Almaty city.
Specialty - physical culture and sports,
Qualification - teacher of physical culture and sports;
- 1998 - candidate of pedagogical sciences;
- 2000 - Associate Professor in Pedagogy;
- 2002 - Corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education;
- 2009 - awarded the academic title of professor.
For higher educational institutions of physical culture "professional development, certificate «Туризм спорт».
Courses "Professional development of physical culture personnel of higher educational institutions" in 2019
National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture, specialty 0311 "Physical culture and sports" 2014
For the time worked at the university: textbooks, teaching aids on physical culture and sports, articles recommended by the KKSON MES RK, Scopus, more than fifty international conferences.
Mukhiddinov Yergali Mukhiddinovich
Position: Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
- Information
Mukhiddinov Yergali Mukhiddinovich
Position: Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Born on July 1, 1950 in Karaspan State Farm, Ordabasinsky District, South Kazakhstan region. He started his career in 1978-1983 as a teacher of "Wrestling and fencing" at the Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture and sports. 1996-2005-head of the Department of "physical education" of the Kazakh National Agrarian University. 2005-2008-head of the Department of "physical education" of Kazatk. 2008-2009-head of the Department of "Oriental martial arts" of the Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism.2009-2018-head of the Department of NVP of the Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism. 2018-2022-head of the Department of Physical Education and sports of the Abai National University. Since 2023, she has been a professor at the Department of Physical Culture and sports of the Kazakh National Women's teacher training University.
- 1974-1978 Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture. Specialty physical education. Qualification physical education teacher. Services:
- In 1974, he entered the pedagogical Faculty of the Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture in Almaty, and in 1978 he graduated with honors as a teacher in physical education.
More than 100 articles have been published, as well as the author of 11 manuals: 1)Kazakh kures 1984; 2)program for general education schools on Kazakh kures Almaty 1995; 3)Kazakh kures (together with P. F. Matuschak) Rauan 1995; 4)Teacher of wrestlers. Almaty 1997; 5) installations for Kazakh wrestling. Almaty 2004; 6) theory of Sports and physical education (with S. Dairabayev); 7) Kazaksha kures (with P. F. Matuschak) Almaty. School 2011; 8)Kazakh kuresi. Almaty. School 2012.9) concepts and terms in national sports (together with K. N. Zhanganatova) Almaty. Ulagat 2018; 10) nutrition of young athletes ( together with Sh.A.Balgimbekov) Almaty. Ulagat 2022; 11) Asyk – the national game of the Kazakh people ( together with K. N. Zhanganatova) Almaty. Ulagat 2023.
in 1990, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor for his pedagogical and scientific activities. In December 1999, he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. In March 2001, by the decision of the Presidium of the High Commission, he was awarded the academic title of Professor in the specialty "teacher" (SRPR). Master of sports (1980) judge of the Republican rank (1983), honored coach of the Kazakh SSR (1984), member of the Olympic Committee of Kazakhstan (1990), first chairman of the Kazakh Wrestling Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1981-1991), first president of the Kazakh Wrestling Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1991-1995).
Honorary diploma of the USSR State Committee for Merits in the field of education (1989, Moscow), the medal "Kazakh kuresi maktanyshy" of the Kazakh Wrestling Federation of Almaty (2007), the badge of the World Kazakh Wrestling Federation for contribution to the development of "Kazakh Kuresi" (2010), in 1991 the medal for the 120th anniversary of Kazhymukan Munaitpasov, 2011 with the medal "140 years of Kazhymukan Munaitpasov", In 2014 the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded the silver medal named after A. Baitursynova for her contribution to the development of the higher education system in the country and fruitful work on the training of highly qualified specialists. In 2016, he was awarded the medals "145th anniversary of Kazhymukan Munaitpasov". In 2019, he was awarded the jubilee medal "50 years of the Institute of Art, Culture and Sports" for his contribution to the development of the university. In 2019, for his contribution to the development of the Academy, he was awarded the jubilee medal "Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism 75 years".
Orlov Alexander I.
Position: Senior teacher, candidate of pedagogical sciences
- Information
Orlov Alexander I.
Position: Senior teacher, candidate of pedagogical sciences
In 1987 he graduated from the Higher Komsomol School (Moscow) with a degree in socialist construction. After graduating from high school, he occupied. various positions related to youth education. In 1994 he graduated from the Pedagogical Institute. G.S. Skovoroda (Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine), worked at the department of theory and methods of physical education, combining this with practical work on training students in martial arts; in 2013 he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. A.I. Orlov − Honored Coach of Ukraine in Wushu (2012), from 2010 to 2016 he was the senior coach of the Ukrainian national team in Wushu-Sanda and trained several winners and prize-winners of world, European and CIS champions in martial arts; candidate master of sports of the USSR in boxing. A.I. Orlov is an international category judge in martial arts and among bodyguards, a national category judge in wushu. He has numerous sporting achievements, including being an Honored Instructor of Mei-yo Shidoin Bushinkai, Renshi, Shihan, winner of the VII DAN Black Belts International Martial Arts Masters Union, VII DAN Black Belts the Georgian Kempo National Federation, VI DAN Bushinkan-ryu ju-jutsu, III DAN Gosoku-ryu karate, I DAN traditional judo, instructor of the Vietnamese Tiger school, representative of W.E.B.B.S. (World Elite Society of Black Belts) in the Republic of Kazakhstan, bodyguard category “B”. Alexander Orlov is the creator, ideological inspirer and for 30 years the permanent leader of the Alliance self-defense club, many of whose graduates today carry out the important mission of protecting government officials from different countries. In December 2023 Alexander Orlov confirmed his qualifications as a coach of the highest category by completing an internship in the course “Modern technologies in the work of coaches in preparing athletes (in a chosen sport)” for 73 hours (2.5 ECTS credits). From 2019 to 2021 A.I. Orlov worked at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism (Almaty). Since 2021, she has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. His significant sporting achievements are realized in both teaching and scientific activities. Alexander Orlov regularly takes part in scientific and methodological conferences on physical culture and sports, conducts advanced training courses for coaches at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. In the last year alone, Alexander Orlov took part in the work of four International scientific and practical conferences, conducted a master class “Ju-jutsu as an effective art of self-defense” as part of a scientific and methodological seminar with international participation “Modern prospects for the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine” on the basis of the State Tax University of Ukraine (Irpen’, November 24, 2023). He also constantly improves his professional qualifications - in 2023 he completed a scientific and pedagogical internship “Modern forms of organizing the educational process in the context of digital transformation” in the amount of 180 hours (3 ECTS credits), and also improved his judicial and technical qualifications as a martial arts master. Alexander Orlov regularly conducts scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports, the results of which are displayed in numerous publications. Alexander Orlov is the author of more than 65 scientific works, including the creator of a published unique methodology for teaching martial arts to students of higher educational institutions. His scientific background includes articles in scientific periodicals included in the Scopus and Index Copernicus scientometric databases and published in the Republic Kazakhstan and abroad (Spain, Lithuania, Ukraine). Alexander Orlov’s has one monograph, one textbook, three teaching aids, which are in steady demand among students, coaches and athletes and are stored in many libraries of higher educational institutions of the Union of Independent States.
- Pedagogical Institute named after. G.S. Skovoroda (Pereslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine) qualification: physical education teacher
- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of teaching (physical culture and basics of health) The topic of the dissertation is «Methodology of teaching martial arts to students of higher educational institutions», 2013 Ukraine, Kiev, National Pedagogical University named after. M.P. Dragomanov
- Member of the International Bodyguard Federation, member of the Kyiv Bodyguard Association
- Head coach of the self-defense club "Alliance-Kazakhstan" on the basis of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
- Formation of students’ motor culture through martial arts
- Physical education, sports and health
- History of physical culture and Kazakh national sports
- Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical education
- Theory and methodology of physical culture and sports
- Methods of teaching basic sports (according to the school curriculum)
- Women's self-defense
- Certificate of completion of advanced training courses “Training in remote technologies of LMS systems and software of Microsoft, Google” in the amount of 72 hours (2.4 ECTS credits). Issued April 28, 2020
- Certificate No. 501 on completion of advanced training courses in the field of physical culture and sports with a specialization in “jiu-jitsu” in the amount of 72 hours (2.4 ECTS credits). Issued 05.11.2020
- Certificate of advanced training No. SPK 32/1-066/006/2023; Advanced training in specialty 017 “Physical Culture and Sports” under the program “Modern technologies in the work of coaches in preparing athletes” (in the chosen sport); volume 75 hours (2.5 ECTS credits), qualification category “highly qualified trainer”. Issued 11.06.2023
- Certificate of advanced training No. PS 32/1/002/033/2023; Scientific and pedagogical advanced training (internship) in distance learning according to the program “Modern forms and methods of organizing the educational process in the context of digital transformation”; volume 180 hours (6 ECTS credits), final control with the result “excellent”. Issued 12.14.2023
- Gunina L. M. Markers and algorithms for laboratory diagnosis of maladaptation in sports: monograph; under general ed. L.M. Gunina, A.I. Orlova / L.M. Gunina, A.I. Orlov, G.S. Orazaeva, V.V. Bezuglaya. − Almaty: Almanakh Publishing House, 2023. 281 p.
- Orlov A.I. Ju-jutsu: Methods of initial training in martial arts for students: textbook. – Almaty: KazAST., 2020. – 223 p. ISBN 978–601–7964–51-1.
- Orlov A.I., Eselbaeva A.K. Let's talk about pedagogy and education. − Almaty: Almanakh, 2023. – 193 p. ISBN 978-601-7686-54-3.
- Orlov A.I., Eselbaeva A.K. Scientific and methodological foundations of pedagogical control of motor abilities: textbook. – Almaty: Almanac, 2022. – 204 p. ISBN 978-601-346-137-3.
- Orlov O.I. Methodological basis for students’ initial learning of martial mysteries: Basic methodological handbook. – Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky: “Vidavnitstvo K S V”, 2014. – 92 p.
- Orlov A. Forming the professional culture of a future specialist in the field of adaptive physical education and sport / G. Kopzhanov, A. Doshybekov, A. Belegova, A. Orlov, A. Duisembek // Retos. − 2024. − N 51. – P. 800−807. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v51.100940
- Gunina Larisa. Laboratorinių parametrų panaudojimas diagnozuojant pervargimo sindromą sporte / Larisa Gunina, Aleksandras Orlovas, Milašius Kazys. Sporto Mokslas / Sport Science. – 2023. – N 2(104):58−68. https://doi.org/10.15823/sm.2023.104.6 ,
- Orlov A.I. Methods for the prevention of uncontrolled muscle contractions during physical activity from the point of view of a trainer and sports pharmacologist / A.I. Orlov, L.M. Gunina, A.K. Eselbaeva, V.N. Avsievich, K.A. Tutibaev // Theory and methodology of physical education. 2023. – V. 74, No. 4. – P. 99−109. DOI: 10.48114/2306-5540_2023_99.
- Tokareva S.V. Organizational, managerial and pedagogical conditions influencing the professional training of coaches in universities in the field of psychological and pedagogical support for athletes / S.V. Tokareva, V.N. Avsievich, S.V. Sokolovskaya, A.B. Gabdullin, A.I. Orlov // Theory and methodology of physical culture. – 2023. – V. 74, No. 4. – P. 169−177. DOI: 10.48114/2306-5540_2023_2_169.
- Orlov A.I. Multi-stage planning of means and methods of pedagogical influence in teaching martial arts to students of higher educational institutions / A.I. Orlov, V.N. Avsievich, A.K. Eselbaeva, A.B. Kukharenko, V.N. Andreytsev // Theory and methodology of physical culture. 2023. – V. 73, No. 3. – P. 120−133. DOI: 10.48114/2306-5540_2023_3_12.
- Orlov A.I. Selected aspects of women's self-defense classes in the program of the club system of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University / A.I. Orlov, A.K. Yeselbaeva, B.M. Doskaraev, A.A. Artyushenko, M.Zh. Burkitbaeva // Theory and methodology of physical culture. – 2023. – No. 2(72). – P. 169-177. DOI: 10.48114/2306-5540_2023_2_169.
- Orlov A.I. Features of the periodization of training loads of student youth at different stages of training in the martial art of Jujutsu / A.I. Orlov, A.K. Yeselbaeva, D.R. Abdykadyrova, D.A. Tauasarova, K.A. Tutibaev // Theory and methodology of physical culture. – 2022. – No. 4(70). – P. 123-132. DOI: 10.48114/2306-5540_2022_4_6.
- Orlov A. On the method of monitoring the psychophysiological state and determining the functional readiness of those involved in martial arts / A. Orlov // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Innovations in education, physical culture, sports and tourism”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, April 24, 2020 – Almaty: KazAST, 2020. – P. 128–132.
- Eselbaeva A.K. The role of the teacher in the formation, preservation, strengthening and restoration of the health of preschool children / A.K. Eselbaeva A.I. Orlov, R.D. Artykbaev, K.A. Tutibaev // Modern problems of teaching in the field of physical culture, life safety and biology: materials of the II International Scientific Conference, Ural State Pedagogical University,. Ekaterinburg, March 14-15, 2022 Electronic document. – Ekaterinburg: UrSPU, 2022. – P. 304−310. 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 978-5-7186-2025-2.
- Orlov A.I. Formation of emotional stability of female university students using methods of development and improvement of body and consciousness reserves in martial arts / A.I. Orlov, A.E. Satybaldieva // World Student Games: history, modernity and development trends. Materials of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference on Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2 parts. Volume 1, Part 2. September 16-17, 2022 Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University. – P. 480-488.
- Orlov A.I. Personal characteristics of athletes influencing the success of competitive activity / T.A. Konaev, Zh.I. Zhunusbekov, A.I. Orlov // Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Education, Physical Culture, Tourism and Sports”, Kazakhstan, Almaty, May 06, 2022 − Almaty: KazAST, 2022. – pp. 61–64. . ISSN 978-601-7964-90-0.
- Orlov A.I. Formation of a health-preserving environment in institutions of higher education when mastering the martial art of Jujutsu / A.I. Orlov // Report at the II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical Internet conference “Modern health fitness as an innovative form of organizing the educational process for higher education applicants”, dedicated to the 123rd anniversary of the National University “Zaporozhye Polytechnic”. Zaporozhye, November 23, 2023 Zaporizhzhya, Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic, 2023; P. 90−92. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h37a1rutNDf4_9ftRV7eZ1YyDBrsZBwk/view?ts=656f0dc1
- Orlov A.I. Current state and problems of development of the system of physical education and sports in Kazakhstan / A.I. Orlov, B.M. Doskaraev, S.Zh. Syzdykova, A.K. Yeselbaeva // Collection of materials from the international scientific and practical conference of university teachers, school teachers, students and young scientists “Problems and prospects for the development of physical education and sports, Almaty, Kazakhstan, February 10, 2023 – Almaty: Kazak University, 2023. – P. 9-11. ISBN 978-601-04-6183-3.
- Orlov A.I. Use of pedagogical testing indicators in the assessment of physical and functional fitness of junior schoolchildren in the Republic of Kazakhstan / A.I. Orlov // Materials of the 7th International Internet Conference “Current problems of physical training, sports and human health.” Odessa, October 17-18, 2023 Odessa, FOP “Bukaev V.V.”, 2023. − P. 136−140. URL: http://dspace.pdpu.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/18001/1/Baigul.pdf
- Orlov A.I. Studentterdin salauatty omir saltyn kalyptastyruyndagy dene zhattygularyn aseri / A.K.Eselbaeva, A.I. Orlov, D.A. Tauasarova, K.A. Tutibaev // Global Science and Innovation- 2023: Central Asia: series “Pedagogical Sciences”, April, 2023. Astana. 2023.– V XI. − No. 1(19). − P. 59-61. ISSN 2664-2271.
- Orlov A. On the method of monitoring the psychophysiological state and determining the functional readiness of those involved in martial arts // Report at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Education, Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, April 24, 2020.
- Orlov A.I. On the influence of the Moon on the physical performance of students during physical exercises // Report at the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Education, Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism”, Almaty, KazASiT, 2022.
- Orlov A.I. The role of the teacher in the formation, preservation, strengthening and restoration of the health of preschool children // Report at the II International Scientific Conference “Modern problems of teaching in the field of physical education, life safety and biology”. Ural State Pedagogical University, Russia, Yekaterinburg, March 14-15, 2022.
- Orlov A.I. Personal characteristics of athletes influencing the success of competitive activity // Report at the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Education, Physical Culture, Tourism and Sports”, Kazakhstan, Almaty, May 06, 2022.
- Orlov A.I. Current state and problems of development of the system of physical education and sports in Kazakhstan // Report at the international scientific and practical conference of university teachers, school teachers, students and young scientists “Problems and prospects for the development of physical education and sports”, Kazakhstan, Almaty, February 10, 2023.
- Orlov A.I. The effect of physical exercises on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students // Report at the Global Science and Innovation 2023: Central Asia. Kazakhstan, Astana, April, 2023.
- Orlov A.I. The use of pedagogical testing indicators in assessing physical and functional readiness of junior schoolchildren of the Republic of Kazakhstan / A.I. Orlov // Report at the VII International Internet Conference “Modern problems of physical education, sports and human health.” Ukraine, Odessa, October 17-18, 2023.
- Orlov A.I. Formation of a health-preserving environment in institutions of higher education when mastering the martial art of Ju-jutsu // Report at the II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical Internet conference “Modern health fitness as an innovative form of organizing the educational process of applicants for higher education”, dedicated to the 123rd anniversary of the National University “Zaporozhye” Polytechnic". Ukraine, Zaporozhye, November 23, 2023.
Artykbayev Raynis Derbisovich
Position: Senior teacher, candidate of pedagogical sciences
- Information
Artykbayev Raynis Derbisovich
Position: Senior teacher, candidate of pedagogical sciences
Eselbaeva Aliya is a graduate of the Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture. Candidate for Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Aliya Yeselbaeva began her professional career as a sports instructor for the Taldykurgan Regional Committee for Youth Affairs in 1992. the Kazakh State Institute of Physical Culture in the specialty "reading physical education". After learning about the Department of" sports facilities", the Department of kazgifk worked. In 1988, he graduated from graduate school (full-time) with a successful birth at the state twice-order Institutes of physical education.P. F. Lesgafta in St. Petersburg. In 1988 he defended his Ph. D. thesis on the topic socio-pedagogical factors of healthy lifestyle formation in sports facilities. Since 1989, he has been working as a senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Culture and sports of Kazifk. From 1989 to 1993, he was the head of the Department of "Physical Education" of KazGAU (now Narkhoz). From 2008-2013, Head of the Department of High Performance Sports, Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Akimat of Almaty. Later, he held senior positions in various government agencies. Since 2020, I have been working at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, as a senior lecturer. He is also constantly improving his professional qualifications, the last advanced training was held on the basis of Kaznatszhenpu in September 2023 under the distance learning program "Digital Teacher" in the amount of 72 hours.
- Kazakh State Institute of Physical Culture, qualification: teacher of physical education.
- PhD in the specialty 14.00.04 – Theory and methodology of teaching (physical culture and the basics of health) Thesis topic "Socio-pedagogical factors of healthy lifestyle formation at sports facilities", 1988 St. Petersburg, GDOIFK named after P.F.Lesgaft.
- I have numerous textbooks on physical education.
There are various publications on the methodology of physical culture and sports on a healthy lifestyle. A.K. Yeselbayeva A.I. Orlov, R.D. Artykbayev, K.A. Tutibayev. The role of a teacher in the formation, preservation, strengthening and restoration of the health of preschool children // Modern problems of teaching in the field of physical culture, life safety and biology: proceedings of the II International Scientific Conference. Ural State Pedagogical University. Yekaterinburg, March 14-15, 2022. Electronic document. – Yekaterinburg: USPU, 2022. – pp. 304-310. 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 978-5-7186-2025-2.
Akhmetov Izgilik
Position: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Sciences
- Information
Akhmetov Izgilik
Position: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Sciences
Izgilik Zholmanovich is a graduate of the Atyrau Pedagogical Institute. In 2009, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "the idea of national patriotism in the development of Kazakh sports" at the University Council. "I Don't Know," He Said. He started his career in the Department of physical culture of Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedova. In 2003, he held the post of chairman of the Sports Club at the University. From 2004 to 2007, the head of the Department of Physical Culture worked. From 2013 to 2014, he was the director of the Center for youth policy. In 2016, he was appointed the first head of the Department of Physical Culture and Initial Military Training. In 2020, H. Dosmukhamedova was appointed head of the Department of physical culture of Atyrau State University.
- - Completed the Faculty of physical culture of Atyrau Pedagogical University
- - candidate of philosophical Sciences
- - In 2017, the course "modern pedagogical technologies" (240 hours) "Orleu"
- Organizational Services
- Commercial management
- Marketing of Physical Culture and sports
- Advertising of sports games of the Kazakh people
1. Historical and theoretical levels of structural and functional foundations of Cossack khalki sports art / / Al-Farabi magazine.-№3 (23).-2008.-39-47bb.
2.In the truth of the enemy, Bahadur, and others.-2008. - No. 7. - 75-78bb. The idea of national patriotism in the development of Kazakh sports //materials of the Republican scientific and methodological conference "academician T. T. Tazhibayev and modern pedagogical science in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 107th anniversary of Academician T. T. Tazhibayev.- Almaty: Kazakh university, 2017. - 236b.-73-75B.
3.Study of biological, aesthetic, ethical aspects of the structure of Sports on a national basis//materials of the international scientific and practical conference"ecological and economic assessment of natural resources of the North-Western Caspian region in the context of a market economy", 2008. -250.-24-25 December.-240-244bb.
4. National sports have a lot of glory / / truth.-2008, - №11. - 131-134bb.
5. Patriotism in the personalism of Sports and national worldview / / Al-Farabi: philosophy. Culture. Religion: material of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of kaznu. "I Don't Know," He Said.- Almaty: Kazakh university, 2009. - 464s.-183-187b.
6.Formation of the philosophy of national sports and the progress of Kazakhstan's Sports// Scientific and practical conference "Past, Present and future of Kazakh kuresi", 2013.-13 November.- Astana, 197b. - 63-68B.
7. Reflection of national feelings of patriotism in the psychology of Sports / / Journal of Zhentanu, 2014.-№2.-24-29bb.
Kukharenko Alla
Position: Senior lecturer
- Information
- Since 1990-Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, senior lecturer. Experience in this university is 31 years
- 1982-1986-Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture, Almaty
- Specialty-physical culture and sports (with honors)
- Qualification-coach-teacher of"FC"
- Title-Master of Sports of the USSR in table tennis
- Badge " honorary worker of Kazgoszhenpu
- Certificate of Honor for contribution to the development of student sports and participation in the Universiade
- Numerous certificates, diplomas
- The university team is the champion of the V, VI, VII, VIII, IX Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan in table tennis
The course on the topic - "Professional development of physical education personnel" in 2019
Institute of professional development of a teacher under the program "Psychological training of athletes" 2020, (72 hours) on the basis of the table tennis Federation
Certificate of advanced training on the topic:
The current state and prospects for the development of adaptive physical culture and sports in 2020
Fundamentals of cyber pedagogy. Methods and technologies of distance learning. 72h 2020g
Conducted courses on the basis of Kaznatszhenpu from March 1 to 12, 2021 on the topic Modern physical culture and wellness technologies in therapeutic physical culture in the volume of 72 hours
International certificate on the topic Physical culture with university students during the pandemic 30.10.2020 Warsaw - Poland
- Specialty "Physical therapy and massage"
- Private massage techniques
- Diagnostics and self-diagnosis
- Methods of mass sports and recreational work
- Therapeutic and adaptive physical culture
"Kazakh national games - as the basis of spiritual and physical education of children". G-Global Internet Portal, 2019
Participation in the international conference on Physical culture with university students during the pandemic (30 October 2020)
Journal of Internauka Moscow 12 (141)
The importance of physical culture in the life of a student in 2020
Journal Internauka Moscow scientific journal 42(171)
Improving blood circulation through exercise
Rukasov Oleg
Position: Senior Lecturer
- Information
From September 2010 to the present - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Culture and Sport, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Kazakh Women's teacher training University, Almaty;
- 1978-1982. Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture. Almaty
- Specialty - "Physical culture and sports".
- Qualification - teacher-trainer of basketball.
Over the years, I have numerous commendations, certificates, diplomas. In 2014, she was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Kazgoszhenpu".
2017. he was awarded the badge "The best teacher".
2015 The program of advanced training for teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National Center for Professional Development "Orleu"
2015 The program of advanced training of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National Center for Professional Development "Orleu"
Advanced training course according to the program: "Dene shynyktyru zhane sport salasyndagy innovatiyalyk tasilder" from June 01 to June 09, 2018, No. 00000 453, (72 hours);
Institute of Advanced Training and Additional Education.
"Fundamentals of cyber pedagogy. Methods and technologies of distance learning", (72 hours).25.08.2020
Center for Pedagogical Excellence.
"Modern physical culture and wellness technologies in therapeutic physical culture" (72 hours).12.03.2021
- "Modern technologies of training in the training of a teacher of physical culture" naming from-VA: materials of the international scientific conference. "Modern preschool and primary education" page 65.
- "Features of Physical Culture for children, women and young people of the age" naming from-VA: Bulletin of Physical Culture No. 2 N-practical Journal, 2014 STR. 38
- The role of teaching the course "sport in the life of a student" naming from-VA: Bulletin of Physical Culture No. 1 h-practical Journal, 2015 STR. 203
- The role of teaching the course "professional orientation of teachers" in the training of teaching staff in modern conditions .Name from-VA: Bulletin of Physical Culture No. 4 N-practical journal, 2016 p. 20
- Second World Scientific and Practical Conference" student sports: the basis of big sports". "Innovations in Education , Physical Culture ,Sports and tourism" KAZAST. 14.05.2021. Almaty
- "Health-improving direction of physical education of students" by name from-VA: journal "Bulletin of Physical Education" No. 1, (42)2016,pp. 97-99
- Advertising for the development of Physical Culture and sports in Kazakhstan from-VA: journal "Bulletin of Physical Culture" No. 1, (42)2016,pp. 46-49.
Tverdovskaya Galina
Position: Senior lecturer
- Information
- 1973-1977 - Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture, Almaty.
- Specialty - physical culture and sports
- Qualification - teacher of physical culture and sports.
For the time worked at the university she was awarded numerous diplomas, certificates of honor, prizes. 2014 was awarded the Honorary Badge "Urmetti Kyzmetkeri" for the 70th anniversary of the city.
- Seminar-training on fitness in Leningrad, 2004
- 2011. Professional development program for teachers of higher educational institutions of the
* Fitness training. The system of comprehensive harmonious development of body functions as a necessary condition of health methodological recommendations. /-Ed., Кazstwompedin Center, 2003, 0.74 p.sh.
* Features of a comprehensive assessment of the physical and functional condition of students of a special medical department: Metd, recommendations /-Ed., Кazstwompedin Center, 2006, 2.5 p.sh.
*Physical culture and wellness technologies for the correction of girls' health. Textbook/-Ed., , Кazstwompediun Center, 2011, 12.1 p.sh.
* Pedagogical practice in the system of professional training of a specialist in physical culture. Study Guide. /Publishing house, Кazstwompediun Center, 2011, 13.2 p.sh.
* International Conference Sport, Youth, Education. Karaganda. 2013 - On the issue of sports-oriented physical training of high school students in school conditions. Help. Publishing house, Кazstwompediun Center, 2013, 0.4 p.sh.
* Diagnostics and self-diagnosis of the state of the body during regular physical exercises and sports. Study guide. Publishing house, Кazstwompediun Center, 2015, 11.1 p.sh
Lesbekova Ryskul
Position: Associated professor
- Information
- 1987, Kazakh state University named. Kirov. Obtaining a diploma of higher education;
- 1994-1997, CAIFC postgraduate;
- 1990 Kazast defense of a thesis on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of biological Sciences;
- 2000 MES Academic title of associate Professor of VAK ;
- Certificate Of the national open University "Intuit" in physiology from March 20 to April 3, 2018. In the amount of (72 hours) from April 3, 2018 registration number 110126037
- Training course on the program: "Modern system of training high-class athletes" from 16-19 April 2018, Professor of the National University of physical education and sports of Ukraine Platonov V. N. (32 hours);
- Лесбекова Р.Б., Aidyn Doshybekov, Amalbek Tshanov «The Developing Features of Physical Qualities of Greco-Roman Style Wrestlers of High Qualication» 17 th International Scientific Congress: Olympic Sport and Sport for All which took place at Capital University of Physical Education and Sports. Beijing, China/ 2nd-6th June,2013
- Lesbekov R. B., Esenbaeva A. K., Kokebaeva R. S., Musaev A. T. "the Role of martial arts and Boxing in the formation of personality in schools," the Scientific journal: international journal of applied and fundamental research №4 for 2013. The impact factor of Russian science citation index 2011=0,144.
- Лесбекова Р.Б., Kulbaev A.,Doshybekov A.,Untaev Z. «Importance of Advertising Physical Education and Sport in the Media to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle of Nation » Научный журнал «World Applied Sciences Journal» (Пакистан) имеет SJR_2012:0,161 (Scopus).// World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2014.- V. 30. - P. 438-441.
- Lesbekov R. B., Kiselev J. S.,Tenizbaev N. M. "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapy premenstrual syndrome oral contraceptive containing drospirenone" VIII student of international correspondence scientific-practical conference "Youth science forum: Natural and medical Sciences", Moscow, 2014. No. 1 (8). P. 103-108.
Bisariev Ibragim
Position: Senior Lecturer
- Information
From September 1993 to the present - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Culture and Sport, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Almaty;
- 1989-1993. Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture. Almaty
- Specialty - "Physical culture and sports".
- Qualification - teacher-trainer of physical education.
During his career he was awarded several diplomas and certificates.
- "For contribution to the development of sports and physical culture. "he was awarded a Certificate of Honor. Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Physical Culture and Sport.
- Awarded a badge"For his contribution to the development and training of football players." Football Federation of Almaty.
- In 2014, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the university, he was awarded the badge "Kurmetti kyzmetker".
- Gratitude of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a great contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan* Awarded for the 1st place in the republican futsal championship among girls in 2017
- Awarded for the 1st place at the VII Winter Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2018
- In 2018, he was awarded the badge "The Best worker of Physical Culture" (National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture)
- Awarded the diploma of the coach of the team that took 1st place at the women's Futsal Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017• Awarded 1st place in the VII Winter Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2018.
- In 2018, the best worker in the field of physical education was awarded a badge (National Scientific and Practical Center for Physical Education).
- 2015 The program of advanced training for teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National Center for Professional Development "Orleu"
- 2015 The program of advanced training of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National Center for Professional Development "Orleu"
- 2015 The program of advanced training of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu"
- "Sports Nutrition.Sports Physiotherapy " Dr. Susan Margaret Shirreffsof
- School of Medicine in the St. Andrews Univesity (United Kindom) 09.04.2018 -13.04.2018
- The effectiveness of the use of innovative technologies in the field of physical culture and sports " 72 hours. 04.05.-18.05.2020
- "Fundamentals of cyber pedagogy.Distance learning methods and technologies".b h. 12. 08-25. 08. 2020
- "Modern physical culture and wellness technologies in physical therapy" 01.03. -12.03.2021
- Participant of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Problems and prospects of physical culture, sports and adaptive physical culture", presented on February 21, 2018, October.
- Participant of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Problems and prospects of physical culture, sports and adaptive physical culture", presented on February 21, 2018, October.
- Participation in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation problems and prospects "physical culture, sports exercises and adaptive physical culture", February 21, 2018, October.
- Scientific conference "Sports achievements of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University" • Kyzylorda, 2018
- Publishing house "Physical culture and active movement". Warsaw, Poland October 2020
- Publishing house "Psychological support of athletes and sports teams". International Scientific Conference on November 26-27, 2020. Pereyaslav, Ukraine
- International scientific conference "Peculiarities of personal developme
Usbanov Nurlan
Position: Senior lecturer
- Information
Since 2000, Nurlan Sultanbayevich has been a senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Kazgoszhenpu. Master of Sports of the Kazakh SSR in Kazakhsha kures. "Coach of the highest level of qualification of the highest category" in Sambo wrestling.
1981-1989. Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture .Almaty, specialty - "Physical culture and sports". Qualification-coach-teacher in Kazakhsha kures.
During his career, he was awarded several diplomas and diplomas.
- Gratitude of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a great contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Certificate «Advanced training in physical culture of higher educational institutions».
- Badge of the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2015
- Badge of the Kazakhstan Sports and Combat Sambo Federation for merits in the development of Sambo wrestling 2019
- Certificate «Еfficiency of application of innovative technologies in the field of physical culture and sports». 2020
- Certificate «Fundamentals of Cyber Pedagogy. Methods and technologies of distance learning». 2020
- Certificate «Modern physical culture and wellness technologies in physical therapy». 2021
- Scientific and practical journal «Bulletin of Physical Education». Topic: «Аssessment of indicators of physical fitness and athletic performance of football players» 2016
- Scientific and practical journal «Bulletin of Physical Education». Topic: «Тhe influence of volleyball players on the ability to master technical and tactical techniques of playing volleyball with general physical training» 2016
- Bulletin of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Topic: «Features of training of young judoists» 2017
- Scientific and theoretical journal «Theory and methodology of physical education». Topic: «Аssessment of special physical fitness and performance of basketball players» 2018
- Collection of scientific papers of the international conference «Modern scientific challenges and trends». Topic «Sports and national Games» Warsaw 2020
- Collection of scientific papers of the international conference «Innovative research and strategy». Topic «Scientific and pedagogical research of physical and functional training of students» Russian Federation Petrozavodsk 2021
Saurbaev Sanat
Position: Senior lecturer
- Information
1989-1994. Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture. Almaty. Specialty coach-teacher in tourism
2015 The program of professional development of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu"
Tutor of disciplines: "Tourism" Functional responsibilities:
conducting practical classes on the discipline "FC and Sport"
Teacher of physical culture and sports.
1994- Kazakh State Women's Teacher training University
- lecturing on discipline;
- conducting practical classes;
- supervising the thesis work;
- preparation of materials for conferences.
Organizational, communicative, responsive, attentive, good diction, ability to work with children, activity, all-round development, love of teaching.
The method of using outdoor games as a means of improving the health of university students. Bulletin of physical culture Scientific and practical journal No. 3 2018
Physical culture bulletin "stages of development of historical Kazakh national games". 3.1 Scientific and practical journal No. 1 2019
»Sports and national games" MODERN SCIENTIFIC CHALLENGES AND TRENDSCollection of scientific works of the international scientific conferwence Issue 2 (24) Warsaw 2020
"The influence of tourism on the human body through physical culture" bulletin of physical culture 3.2 Scientific and practical journal No. 1 2021
Niyazova Gulzara
Position: Senior lecturer
- Information
- Kazakh Women's Pedagogical Institute, majoring in Russian language and literature at the National School.(1983-1989)by the decision of the State Examination Commission of July 1989, he was awarded the qualification of teacher of Russian language and literature at the National School (TV No. 726683);
- He was educated at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, majoring in Physical Culture and sports. (2003-2005) decision of the State Examination Commission of May 20, 2005.teacher of physical culture.Qualified as a volleyball coach (MB #00775560);1989-91 Zhalanashinskaya secondary school of the Kegensky district.Teacher of Russian language and literature.
- 1991-92. g. Almaty, I/s No. 348 educator.
- 1992-1998, Almaty, teacher of d/s No. 21.
- 1998-2000, Zharkent.Physics and Mathematics Lyceum.Physical education teacher.
- 2000-2009 Almaty Regional Boarding School. Physical education teacher.
- 2009-2013. KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty. Teacher of physical culture.
- 2013-2021 Almaty Transport College of KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty. Teacher of physical culture.
2021 "SCIENTIFIC-PEDAGOGICAL studies of the PHYSICAL AND FUNCTIONAL training STUDENTS",pp. 100-105, INNOVATION RESEARCH AND STRATEGY a Collection of articles of International scientific-practical conference held March 15, 2021, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation ICNL "New science", Niyazova G. A. Bisekenov A.
2019. "the methodology of the away games in the classroom at school and in the boarding school," the article, "the journal of physical culture". Niyazova G. A. Estemesov U. 2019, No. 1 41-45str,
2018 "the influence of sports exercises on health promotion", article, journal "Bulletin of Physical Education", Zhursinbekova G. A. Niyazova G. A. 2018, No. 1 109-111bet,
2018 "Principles of the coaching process in competitive activity", Article, All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation.Kazan, February 21, Niyazova G. A., Abdibekov G. A. N. E. S. 308-312.
two thousand seventeen "Volleyball in the system of physical education of technical universities", methodological guidelines.Printing house of Kazkka named after M. Tynyshpaev. 2017. Aldabergenova Sh. A., Bayanbayeva Sh. S., Moldakhmetova R. Sh., Niyazova G. A.
2017. "a healthy person is the most important value of society", Article, journal "Bulletin of Physical Education", 2017, No. 1, pp. 131-133. Niyazova G. A. Orazbekova N. T. Aldabergenova A. O.
2016"Teaching the technique of playing volleyball and its improvement", methodical collection, printing house of Kazkka named after M. Tynyshpaev. 2016, Niyazova G. A. Abutalipov E. Sh. Borkhu K.
2016. the journal "The role and place of physical culture in the formation of personal qualities", 2016, No. 1, pp. 109-111., Merkel O. I., Niyazova G. A., Voynov V. E.,
2015 " Volleyball.Methods of teaching techniques and tactics of the game", methodical collection, printing house "women's University" 2015. Niyazova G. A., Eselbaeva A. K., Nurpeisova S. A.
2015 "Sport in the life of a student", journal "Bulletin of Physical Culture", 2015, No. 1,pp. 203-205, article, Niyazova G. A., Voynov V. E., Rukasov O. N.
2014 "Rhythmic exercises in the school and preschool physical culture program", article, Materials of the international scientific and practical conference " Preschool education in Kazakhstan and the world: experience, current state and prospects "(dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor A. K. Menzhanova).2014 p. 182-183, Saurbekova G. L., Niyazova G. A., Orazbekova N. T.
2014 "Physical culture lessons at school", article, journal "Bulletin of Physical Education", 2014, No. 1, pp. 95-98.Niyazova G. A., Orazbekova N. T. Taasarova D. A.
2013. "Hygiene of trainings and classes", article, journal "Bulletin of Physical Education", 2013, No. 131-35 p. Niyazova G. A. Moldakhmetova R. Sh., Tleukabuylov M. K.
2012 "professional applied physical training of students", article, journal "Bulletin of Physical Culture", 2012, No. 173-75 p. Niyazova G. A. Estemesov U. O., Taibagarov I. T.2011"Dynamics of adaptive processes of children of various somatic types and variants of development engaged in volleyball", article, journal "Bulletin of Physical Culture", 2011, No. 2. Niyazova G. A. Moldakhmetova R. Sh. Segizbayev A. A.
Burkitbayeva Manshuk Zhenisovna
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences., Senior Lecturer
- Information
Burkitbayeva Manshuk Zhenisovna
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences., Senior Lecturer
Burkitbayeva Manshuk Zhenisovna - 1993-1998 Almaty Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry. In 2010-2012, Bachelor of Education of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University in the specialty “Physical culture and Sports". From 2015 to 2017, Master of Pedagogical Sciences of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism in the specialty “Physical Culture and Sports". She started her career in 2001 as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. From 2017 to the present day, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports.
- Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty physical culture at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism
- Physical Culture and Sports, Bachelor, Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism
- 2017 Russia, Altai State University. "Adapted physical education at the university for students with health problems".
- At the Ilyas Zhansugurov Zhetysu University, Taldykorgan,. "Development of professional competencies of a physical education teacher within the framework of the updated content of education" in the amount of 72 hours from 19.09. to 15.10.2022.
- Certificate No. 5846 in the specialty at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism in Almaty from 15.11. to 26.11.2022 for a refresher course in the amount of 3 credits (90 hours) on the topic "Modern approaches and potential of physical culture and sports in universities and colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
- In the Kyrgyz State University named after I. A. Arabaev "Innovative methods of teaching students in physical education classes" in the amount of 72 hours 4.01-18.01.2023
- In the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University on the topic "Modern system of medical and biological support in the preparation of athletes in higher educational institutions" in the amount of 72 hours from 28.05 to 07.04.2023
- At the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, the program of the scientific seminar "Academic Writing" in the amount of 90 hours, followed by the right to teach this course from 6.04.23 to 31.05.2023
- The overall impact and effectiveness of inventory on the human body in physical education lessons. Kazakh National Pedagogical University. - Bulletin, series "Pedagogy psychology", No. 6 (71), Almaty 2017
- Methods of application of therapeutic physical culture in the prevention of vision in students. Scientific and Practical Journal No. 1 of 2019. Bulletin of Physical Culture.
- "Problems and prospects of physical education, sports training and adaptive physical culture" Socio-cultural heritage of the XXVIII World Winter Universiade in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Eselbaeva A.K. / All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation Kazan February 21, 2018.
- III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Development of modern science, experience and trends" article "Physical culture in general cultural, professional and social training of a student" Boston, USA October 11-14, 2022. ISBN 979-8-88796-812-4. DOI 10.46299/ISG 2022.2.3
- Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Arshabekov Nurgali Rahimgalievich "The role of pedagogical universities in the creation of a new Kazakhstan" Almaty, November 18, 2022. Two articles: 1) Increasing the employment of athletes after injury of the musculoskeletal system. 2) The influence of sports games on the development of physical culture in schools.
- XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of the development of science and the view of society" article "General physiological foundations of sports activity" Austria March 21-24, 2023. ISBN 979-8-88896-521-4. DOI 10.46299/ISG 2023.1.11
- Recommended by the Committee for Quality assurance in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan scientific and theoretical journal No. 2 (72) 2023 "Theory and methodology of physical culture and sports" on the topic "The main aspects of women's self-defense in the program of the club system of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University".
- Textbook "Prerequisites for learning to swim" / M.M.Chnybayev., M.Zh.Burkitbayeva.-Almaty: Daryn, 2022-163 p. ISBN 978-601-346-129-8.Daryn Publishing House LLP.
- 2017,participation in the FISU conference, Almaty
Niyazakynov Yerdos
Position: Senior Lecturer
- Information
Yerdos Bagdatovich – In 2013, he graduated from the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. In 2015, he received a master's degree in pedagogical sciences in the specialty physical culture at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism
He started his career as a teacher of physical culture at secondary school No. 63.
From 2013 to 2015, he worked as a swimming instructor in kindergarten No. 18. Since 2015, he has worked as a senior teacher at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty physical culture at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism
- Physical Culture and Sports, Bachelor's degree, Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism
- 2019, Completed a course of study under the educational program for advanced training of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions. "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools".
- August 12-25, 2020, mastered the advanced training course under the program " Fundamentals of Cyber Pedagogy. Methods and technologies of distance learning".
- 2020, completed the course "ISO Implementation Agency".
- March 1-12, 2021, mastered the advanced training course "Modern physical culture and wellness technologies in physical therapy".
- Marketing of physical culture and sports
- Fundamentals of sports advertising and marketing in the mass media
- Mass sports
- Advertising of national sports games of the Kazakh people
- Fundamentals of sports advertising and marketing in the mass media 2020
- Scientific and pedagogical research of physical fitness of young people through health-saving technologies 2020
- Особенности развития физических качеств у высококвалифицированных борцов грекоримского стиля высокой квалификации: Дошыбеков А.Б./ Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті. – Хабаршы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №1 (41), Алматы 2014 ж.
- Importance of Advertising Physical Education and Sport in the Media to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle of Nation: Kulbaev Ajbol/ World Applied Sciences Journal.- 2014.V. 30. –Iss. 4. –P. 438-441 (Пакистан ) имеет SJR_2012:0,161 (Scopus)
- Маркетинговая стратегия работы спортивного ВУЗА с учреждениями подготовки спортивного резерва: Андрушишин И.Ф./ Дене тәрбиесінің теориясы мен әдістемесі журналы.- №4, Алматы 2015 ж.
- Казахские национальные игры – основа духовного воспитания детей: ТолебаевДенгильбай/ Международная научно-практическая конференция к 85-ю д.п.н. профессора К.К. Кунантаевой. Казгосженпу 14.10.2016г.
- How to Prepare Modern Specialist in The Sphere of Physical Culture and Sports? Implementation of The Sports Marketing Discipline in Educational Programs: Doshybekov Aydyn Bagdatovich/«International Journal of Environmental and Science Education» (ISSN13063065-Turkey-Scopus) 2016ж
- Дене шынықтыру және спорт жарнамасының қазақстанда қалыптасу әдістері./ ҚазМемҚызПУ, Хабаршысы №1 (61), 2016 ж.
- Дене шынықтыру және спорт жарнамасының қазақстанда қалыптасу негізі/ҚазМемҚызПУ Жастар және ғылым: Бүгіні және болашағы» 69-шы республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция, 12 сәуір, 2016ж
- Развитие рекламы физической культуры и спорта в Казахстане: Саурбекова Г.Л/ Дене тәрбиесінің жаршысы.- №1, Алматы 2016 ж.
- Genesis of Ideas Marketing in the Field of Physical Education and Sport: Doshybekov Aydyn Bagdatovich/ Man In India No.97 (2017) Issue No. :2 (2017)
- Студенттер арасында бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары арқылы қазақтың ұлттық ойындарын жарнамалау./ ҚазМемҚызПУ Жастар және ғылым: Бүгіні және болашағы» 70-ші республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция, 12 сәуір,2017ж
- Маркетинг аясында дене шынықтыру және спортпен айналысу сабақтарының ұйымдастырушылық педагогикалық формалары./ Материалы Всемирной научной конференции ФИСУ. Инновация–Образование-спорт. «Университетский спорт: здоровье и будущее общества» Алматы. Казахстан.стр.,3-4 февраля 2017г.
- Студенттердің денсаулыққа бағытталған өмірлік ұстанымдарын қалыптастыру. International scientific journal «global science and innovations 2019: central asia» nur-sultan, kazakhstan, sep-oct 2019
- Олимпийское образование: взгляд специалистов. Казахская академия спорта и туризма
- Ғылыми-теориялық журнал научно-теоретический журнал. Дене тәрбиесінің теориясы мен әдістемесі №3 (61) 2020
- Болашақ дене мәдениеті маманының кәсіби даярлығындағы акмеологиялық амал. Казахская академия спорта и туризма. Ғылыми теориялық журнал. Дене тәрбиесінің теориясы мен әдістемесі №3 (61) 2020
- Туризмнің дене шынықтыру арқылы адам организміне әсері. Казахская академия спорта и туризма. ІІ Международная научно-практическая конференция на тему «ИННОВАЦИИ В ОБРАЗОВАНИИ, ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЕ, СПОРТЕ И ТУРИЗМЕ» 2021.
- Влияние особенностей тренировочного процесса на развития выносливости дзюдоистов. Казахская академия спорта и туризма. ІІ Международная научно-практическая конференция на тему «ИННОВАЦИИ В ОБРАЗОВАНИИ, ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЕ, СПОРТЕ И ТУРИЗМЕ» 2021
- Болашақ педагогтардың акмеологиялық әлеуеті: дамытудың теориясы мен тәжірибесі. Абай атындағы қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті. Монография. Алматы, 2021
- 2017, participation in the FISU conference, Almaty
- 2017, participation in the Lietuvos Sporto Universitetas conference
- 2019, Participated in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations in education, physical culture, Tourism and sports"
- 2021, Participated in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Education, physical culture, tourism and innovations in sports".
Tauasarova Danara Aikymbaevna
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences., Senior Lecturer
- Information
Tauasarova Danara Aikymbaevna
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences., Senior Lecturer
Tauasarova Danara Aikymbaevna - 2005-2009 Bachelor of Education from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University with a degree in Physical Culture and Sports. From 2010 to 2012, Master of Pedagogical Sciences from Kazakh State University, majoring in “Physical Education and Sports.” She began her career in 2012 as a senior teacher in the Department of Physical Culture and Sports at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- At the Ilyas Zhansugurov Zhetysu University, Taldykorgan,. "Development of professional competencies of a physical education teacher within the framework of the updated content of education" in the amount of 72 hours from 19.09. to 15.10.2022.
- Certificate No. 5846 in the specialty at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism in Almaty from 15.11. to 26.11.2022 for a refresher course in the amount of 3 credits (90 hours) on the topic "Modern approaches and potential of physical culture and sports in universities and colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
- In the Kyrgyz State University named after I. A. Arabaev "Innovative methods of teaching students in physical education classes" in the amount of 72 hours 4.01-18.01.2023
- In the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University on the topic "Modern system of medical and biological support in the preparation of athletes in higher educational institutions" in the amount of 72 hours from 28.05 to 07.04.2023 72 hours on the topic “Educational Leadership” at Nazarbayev University. 14.11.2022-14.12.2022
Features of the periodization of training loads of student youth at different stages of training in the martial art of Ju-jutsu. “Theory and methodology of physical culture” Magazine No. 4 (70), KazAST. Almaty – 2022. – P.123-134. 15 April 2023, Astana, Kazakhstan.S. 59-61. The effect of physical exercises on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students. GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2023: CENTRAL ASIA” International scientific and practical journal “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2023: CENTRAL ASIA”, April 15, 2023, Astana, Kazakhstan. 59-61.
Tuebaeva Lazzat Toktashevna
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher
- Information
Tuebaeva Lazzat Toktashevna
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher
Tuebaeva Lazzat Toktashevna She graduated from the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism from 2004 to 2008. 2020-2022. Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the educational program 7m01401-Physical culture and sports of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. Candidate Master of Sports in Taekwondo Jhoon Rhee (among girls). Champion of Kazakhstan, winner of international competitions. The candidate of the master of sports in karate-do (Kyokushinkai 1 cue among boys) is the champion of the region, the city, the champion of the Republic. The master of sports in boxing (among women) is a champion, a prize-winner of the Republic. The champion of Almaty. She took a course of study at the Customs Broker's School (November, 2012) She began her professional career from 11/10/2005 to 09/01/2006. the security agency "Anaconda Security", Almaty, a private security guard / bodyguard. 01.03.2014-08/19/2014 specialist of the educational department of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. 11/25/2014-08/27/2015 GKP"Almaty State College of Service and Technology", Almaty, head of educational work. Since 09/01/2023, he has been a lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism, Bachelor (2004-2008)
- Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism, master's degree (2020-2022).
Umirzakov Yerbol Abdirasilovich
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher
- Information
Umirzakov Yerbol Abdirasilovich
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher
Umirzakov Erbol Abdrasilovich is a graduate of the Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism from 2004 to 2008. 2020-2022 master of pedagogical science in the educational program 7M01401-Physical Culture and sports of the Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism. He started his professional career from 09.2007 to 08.2011 as a physical education teacher of Secondary School No. 157. He was promoted to teacher of the second category. Coach of Greco-Roman wrestling. In 2019, he was awarded the title of coach of the highest category in Greco - Roman wrestling. 2011-2022 children's and Youth Sports School of Kegen District of Almaty region, trainer of the highest category. Since 09.2023, she has been a teacher of the Department of Physical Culture and sports at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism, Bachelor (2004-2008)
- Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism, master's degree (2020-2022)
- Higher School of coaches 1800 hours 2022 Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan., Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism.
- Greco-Roman wrestling 72 hours 2022 Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan., Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism.