Sustainable development of the university
Sustainable development of the University
Sustainable development is a set of actions aimed at meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Sustainable development draws attention to the need to balance economic growth, social development and environmental factors, and recognises the importance of conserving natural resources and biodiversity and ensuring the equitable distribution of benefits in society.
The Sustainable Development Goals are 17 global goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to achieve the principles of sustainable development in all its dimensions by 2030.
The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals cover a wide range of priorities such as eradicating poverty, ending hunger, providing access to clean water and sanitation, ensuring quality education, promoting gender equality, combating climate change, ensuring justice and equity, and many more.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the United Nations Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals noted that the UN 2030 Agenda is the only chance given to the current generation to build a prosperous future. Also, the President stressed that for Kazakhstan, achieving the SDGs is a national priority and that the principles of sustainable development have become the basis of the country's national strategies and programmes.
For 80 years, the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University has maintained its sustainability and ability to develop. Our long and deep history testifies to our ability to adapt to change while maintaining the values and goals of sustainable development. Over the decades, the University has educated more than 70,000 educators who have contributed to our country's "knowledge economy" and continues to focus its efforts on building and improving the intellectual capacity of future leaders of change.
Our University, in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Programmes, annually develops and increases its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals through social, economic and environmental initiatives. In many respects, the University is a "teacher training centre", and as it focuses entirely on enrolling only women, mostly from rural areas, it actively promotes and facilitates barrier-free access to quality education for all, thereby reducing gender and social inequalities.
At the same time, the University has developed an eco-campus strategy that implements activities aimed at environmental protection, waste collection and recycling, water and energy conservation, and environmental habits. The Eco-Campus supports students in research and project work on environmental issues and carries out social initiatives to increase the capacity for environmental awareness and responsibility among students, faculty and staff of the University.
Goal 1: No poverty
What is the goal?
Eradicating poverty in all its forms everywhere by 2030.
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Sustainable Development Goal 1 aims to eradicate poverty and ensure a decent life for all. It aims to ensure universal access to basic services such as education, health and adequate housing, especially for the most vulnerable.
Our University, recognising the importance of this goal, is committed to creating equal educational opportunities for all, regardless of social status or financial means. The University is distinctive in that it has a strong social focus on admitting students from regional and rural areas, who are more likely to face additional challenges in pursuing higher education. A significant proportion of our students enrol on a bursary, which makes study affordable. We also have a system of tuition discounts.
We believe that affordable and quality education is a key factor in fighting poverty and creating a sustainable society. Therefore, our university offers a wide range of support programmes, including assistance with housing, nutrition, mental health and other vital areas, to ensure a comfortable and stimulating educational environment for all our students.
Goal 2: Zero hunger
What is the goal?
Eradicate hunger, ensure food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
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Sustainable Development Goal 2 focuses on providing affordable and healthy food for students and promoting sustainable practices in community catering. We recognise the importance of healthy lifestyles and a sustainable approach to food that contributes to the wellbeing of our students and the environment.
Our university is the first and only in the country where the cost of student meals is covered by the government. We also ensure that our students receive high quality, varied meals that meet high standards.
The University has a number of catering outlets run by external caterers who meet strict qualifications, including environmental management certificates. This demonstrates that the food offered to our students meets high standards of quality and environmental sustainability.
We also strive to offer a variety of menus, including vegan and vegetarian options, to cater for the different preferences of our students. We believe that healthy eating is an integral part of overall wellbeing and our University is proud to offer students the opportunity to choose from a diverse and sustainable range of food options. At the same time, our university employs an expert in healthy eating - a nutritionist.
Goal 3: Good health and well-being
What is the goal?
To provide healthy lifestyles and promote wellbeing for people of all ages.
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Our University's Sustainable Development Goal 3 focuses on supporting the health and wellbeing of students, as well as raising awareness of the importance of mental health and supporting students in this area. We recognise that health is a fundamental aspect of a successful educational experience and we aim to provide our students with comprehensive opportunities in this area.
On admission to the University, each student is provided with a health insurance card and all necessary insurance information. We ensure that our students have access to quality health care and services to ensure their physical health and well-being.
Our University operates a Mental Health Centre where students can seek help from qualified psychologists for problems that may affect their health, mood or academic performance. We aim to create a supportive environment where every student feels supported and safe.
The Mental Health Centre, along with student activists, continually organises events with local health organisations on family planning, women's health, sex education and other topics related to mental health. We focus on creating informative events that support and highlight the importance of mental wellbeing.
Goal 4. Quality education
What is the goal?
Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
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Sustainable Development Goal 4 aims to improve education, develop highly qualified educators and expand educational opportunities for all. We recognise the importance of quality education and strive to provide an educational environment that fosters the personal and professional development of our students.
Since its inception, our University has specialised in the training of future educators and has been a leader in teacher education. As part of this goal, we are developing the Centre for Non-Formal Education, which creates conditions for the implementation of educational services and meets the diverse needs of people of all ages to improve their qualifications and master new knowledge and technologies.
We are also actively developing the Institute of Professional Development, where programmes of additional professional education in various fields are implemented in order to deepen the professional knowledge and skills of our teaching staff.
In addition, our University is actively involved in volunteering and outreach activities, contributing to the development of education and culture in our region and supporting educational and social initiatives.
Goal 5: Gender equality
What is the goal?
Ensure gender equality and empower all women and girls.
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Our University's Sustainable Development Goal 5 relates to empowering women in education, entrepreneurship and leadership. We recognise the importance of gender equality and strive to create an educational environment that encourages the active participation of women in different career fields.
Our University was founded to admit only girls and specialises in providing educational opportunities that meet the needs and ambitions of women. We are proud of our contribution to the support and development of women's education, creating an environment conducive to the professional and personal growth of our female students.
The policy of non-discrimination is fundamental to our University and the establishment of a women-centred University has been a proactive anti-discriminatory step in our educational community.
Our University has a Centre for Women's Leadership and Entrepreneurship, which supports female students, qualified professionals and mentors in shaping a new system of entrepreneurial education. We help to increase the innovative activity of female students and maximise their employability through effective mechanisms of interaction with the business sector.
All mentoring programmes at the University aim to support women and girls and contribute to their professional and personal development.
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
What is the goal?
Ensure access to safe water and sanitation for all
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Sustainable Development Goal 6 focuses on safe water and sanitation and environmental action. Our University fully recognises the importance of this goal and is actively working to incorporate environmentally sustainable practices into its operations.
An Eco-Campus Strategy has been established within our University to carry out environmental conservation activities aimed at conserving water and developing environmental habits among students, staff and faculty. We strive to create an environmentally friendly and sustainable environment that promotes the conservation of natural resources and the improvement of the environment.
In line with the Eco-Campus Strategy, the University plans to introduce water-saving devices and conduct educational activities to increase awareness and responsibility in the use of water resources. We aim to be an active participant in promoting sustainable development by taking concrete steps to protect the environment and provide clean water for all.
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
What is the goal?
To ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
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Sustainable Development Goal 7 aims to provide affordable and clean energy. Our University fully recognises the importance of this goal and is actively implementing eco-efficiency practices in its operations.
Our University has established an Eco-Campus Strategy within our University which implements environmental conservation activities that include energy conservation and building environmental habits among students, staff and faculty. We recognise the importance of energy conservation and sustainable use of resources to ensure a green environment.
In accordance with the Eco-Campus Strategy, the University plans to implement energy conservation measures, including the replacement of energy efficient light bulbs, improving the energy efficiency of buildings, and incorporating green standards into the design and construction of new buildings. We aim to play an active role in promoting sustainable development by taking steps to optimise energy use and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the environment.
Our University also has a Renewable Energy Laboratory where research and outreach activities are carried out for undergraduate and postgraduate students, contributing to the development of knowledge and technology in the field of clean energy.
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
What is the goal?
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
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Sustainable Development Goal 8 focuses on decent work and economic well-being. Our University fully recognises the importance of this goal and is committed to providing equal employment opportunities and fair working conditions for all its staff and students.
Our University has a trade union which is actively involved in decisions relating to working conditions and staff rights. We recognise employment rights and do not tolerate any form of discrimination in the workplace. The University has employment rights and pay appeals procedures in place to ensure fairness and social security for all members of the University community.
We are proud that 90% of our graduates are successfully employed in their first year after graduation, thanks to the active work of the Careers and Employability Centre. We are committed to ensuring that our students have opportunities for successful careers and professional development, helping them to identify promising opportunities and develop the skills needed in the labour market.
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
What is the goal?
Build resilient infrastructure and promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and innovation.
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Sustainable Development Goal 9 aims to promote innovation and research. Our University fully recognises the importance of this goal and actively invests in research, contributing to the development of key areas of knowledge.
Science plays a vital role in the life of our University. Every year our achievements are reflected in publications in journals such as Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. We are proud of our scientific research, which spans a wide range of fields, from renewable energy and robotics to chemical and biological sciences and social and gender studies.
Within our University we have the Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Robotics Centre, the Integrated Chemical and Biological Research Centre, the Research Institute for Social and Gender Studies, the Centre for Educational Measurement and Evaluation, the Centre for the Development of Rural Education and many others, which contribute to the development of the University's scientific potential and ensure innovative development in various fields of knowledge.
Goal 10: Reduce inequalities
What is the goal?
Reduce inequalities within and between countries
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Sustainable Development Goal 10 aims to ensure equal and inclusive education for all. Our University fully recognises the importance of this goal and is committed to creating an inclusive environment, free from discrimination, where everyone has equal opportunities for education and career development.
We have a zero tolerance policy towards any form of discrimination, which is reflected in all our legal and regulatory documents. Our aim is to create a university environment where every student and staff member feels accepted and respected, regardless of their background, gender, race, religion or physical characteristics.
Within our University we have a Centre for Inclusive and Special Education which is committed to providing accessible and high quality education for all students, including those with special educational needs. We are constantly working to improve learning conditions and create an inclusive environment where everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their potential and succeed.
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
What is the goal?
Make cities open, safe, resilient and environmentally sustainable
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Sustainable Development Goal 11 aims to achieve sustainable cities and communities. Our University fully recognises the importance of this goal and is committed to providing an accessible and supportive environment for all members of society, including students, staff and the local community.
We are proud to provide public access to our University's buildings, natural heritage sites, cultural assets, museums, exhibition spaces, artefacts and green spaces. We are committed to preserving our cultural heritage and providing opportunities for everyone to experience it.
The University actively engages with the local community, authorities and other educational institutions and organises events to celebrate national and professional holidays. Our University has a Department of Music and Performing Arts which organises annual events within and outside the University to promote cultural life in the community.
We also provide affordable student accommodation, with priority given to pedestrian access on campus. We strive to provide a comfortable and convenient living and learning environment for students, with access to key facilities and green spaces for recreation and leisure.
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
What is the goal?
Ensure a shift towards sustainable consumption and production patterns
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Sustainable Development Goal 12 aims to ensure responsible consumption and production. Our University fully recognises the importance of this goal and is actively implementing measures to reduce its environmental impact and to address negative environmental impacts.
Our University has an eco-campus strategy, implementing environmental measures including waste collection and recycling, and the development of environmental habits among students, staff and faculty. We recognise the need to use resources responsibly and strive to minimise our environmental footprint on the planet.
The University has installed special bins for segregated waste collection to ensure that waste is recycled and disposed of at a later date. We are also proud to be a member of Plastnet, which collects and recycles plastic waste. We are committed to raising awareness of environmental issues and adopting sustainable consumption and production practices among members of our university community.
Goal 13: Climate action
What is the goal?
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects
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Sustainable Development Goal 13 aims to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Our University fully recognises the importance of this Goal and is actively investing in tackling climate change and achieving ambitious targets for the transition to renewable and alternative energy sources.
Within our University we have a successful Renewable Energy Laboratory, which undertakes research and projects in the field of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). We strive to be at the forefront of developing new technologies and practices that contribute to carbon reduction and environmental sustainability.
With our country setting ambitious targets to source at least half of our total energy consumption from renewable and alternative sources by 2050, our University actively supports and adheres to this strategy. We are proud of our contribution to the development and implementation of new technologies that contribute to sustainable development and the fight against climate change.
Goal 14: Life below water
What is the goal?
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
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Sustainable Development Goal 14 aims to ensure the sustainable use and promote the sustainable management of water resources. Our University fully recognises the importance of this goal and is committed to ensuring the efficient use of water resources and reducing negative impacts on the environment.
An Eco-Campus Unit has been established within our University and is actively involved in environmental conservation activities. We implement a wide range of water conservation measures and also focus our efforts on creating environmental habits among students, staff and faculty. In line with our eco-campus strategy, we plan to introduce water-saving devices to manage water resources efficiently and minimise water consumption.
Our University accepts its responsibility to ensure the sustainable use of water resources and is committed to continuously improving its practices to protect the environment and conserve water resources for future generations.
Goal 15: Life on land
What is the goal?
Sustainable forest management, combating desertification, halting and reversing land degradation and halting biodiversity loss
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Sustainable Development Goal 15 aims to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation. Our University fully recognises the importance of this goal and is actively engaged in activities that promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and the protection of biodiversity.
As part of the University's activities, the Department of Biology has established an Agro-Biological Station, which conducts a wide range of research, including apple growing and production, turfgrass and landscaping, and the cultivation of medicinal, field and ornamental plants. We are committed to sustainable farming and landscaping practices that take into account the conservation of biodiversity and ecological balance.
Our eco-campus strategy also includes increasing the amount of green space and transforming our university into a green university. We are working hard to maintain and enhance green spaces that contribute to a better environment and provide a conducive learning and living environment for students, staff and faculty.
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
What is the goal?
To promote peaceful and open societies for sustainable development, ensure access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and participatory institutions at all levels.
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Sustainable Development Goal 16 aims to promote peaceful and open societies for sustainable development, ensure access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and open institutions at all levels. Our University fully recognises the importance of this goal and strives to create such an environment within the University community.
Our University has an established and recognised Students' Union, a trade union, which is actively involved in the decision-making and management of University activities. Invited stakeholder representatives are also actively involved in University decision-making and activities, ensuring transparency and diverse discussion of important issues.
The University has a clear policy on organised crime, corruption and bribery. The University has a Compliance Service that monitors the compliance of the organisation's internal procedures with international and local regulations. It also identifies breaches of the law and/or the Code of Ethics and Conduct, including cases of fraud, corruption, discrimination, unethical behaviour and other irregularities relating to the University's activities. These measures contribute to ensuring responsible governance and sustainability within our University community.
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
What is the goal?
Revitalise global partnership mechanisms for sustainable development
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Sustainable Development Goal 17 aims to strengthen the means of implementation and the global partnership for sustainable development. Our university is fully aware of the importance of this goal and actively promotes cooperation with various international and national organisations on sustainable development issues.
We are constantly seeking to expand our international network of partners to share knowledge and best practice in the field of sustainable development. Our University's research and projects are closely aligned with international standards and SDG strategies, including plans to reduce inequality, combat climate change, ensure sustainable production and consumption, and promote international cooperation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our University actively supports initiatives to educate students and staff in the fundamentals of sustainability, and to develop and embed sustainable practices within the University community. We aim to be at the heart of the global movement to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by actively participating in international projects and initiatives that contribute to a fairer and more sustainable world for future generations.