Department of Theory and Methodology of the Kazakh Language
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
About the department
The Department of "Theory and Methodology of Kazakh Linguistics" is one of the oldest fundamental departments with a rich history.
In 1944, at the time of its formation, the department had the the name Department of "Languages". In 1946 there was a separation which became the beginning of the emergence of new departments – "Russian language", "Kazakh language", "Russian and foreign literature", "Foreign language".
The department has worked with such famous scientists in the field of Kazakh linguistics and Turkology as A. Margulan, N. T. Sauranbayev, M. Balakayev, S. Amanzholov, T. Kordabayev, A. Tuleuov, A. Kuryshzhanov, G. Aidarov, G. Madina, M. Duisebayeva, H. Kozhakhmetova, R. Syzdyk, Z. Beisembayeva, R. Shoibekov and others.
In different years, the department was headed by Academician N. Sauranbayev, Doctors of Sciences, professors A. Iskakov, G. L. Madina, S. Isaev, A. Ablakov, B. Khasanov, R. Shoibekov, Z. Beisembayeva, T. Ermekova, Zh.Suleimenova, K. Kalybayeva, Zh. Otarbekova.
In 2016, the departments of "Kazakh Linguistics” and”Theory of Language and teaching methods” were combined into one department– “Theory and Methodology of Kazakh Linguistics".
Currently, the department is headed by the Candidate of Philological Sciences, Acting Professor G.K. Abdirassilova.
Educational programs of the department
The Department trains education programs in the following spheres:
- 6B01702-Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction" (BA)
- 6B02302-Philology (BA)
- 7M01702-Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction" (MSc)
- 7M02301-Philology (MSc)
- 8D02301-Philology (PhD)
Our graduates are in demand in the system of science and education (in universities, colleges, schools, scientific institutes), in the press (in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, publishing houses, radio and television), in the public service (Foreign Ministry, archives, libraries, museums), in travel agencies, in firms of various profiles.
Mission and International relations
The main objective of the department is to prepare a mobile, competitive, tolerant, creative, highly moral, competent specialist in the field of pedagogical science and practice who is in demand in the labor market and capable of effective professional self-improvement, ready to take responsibility for the training, education and development of the younger generation.
Professors and teaching staff of the department cooperate closely with colleagues from foreign universities such as: the Research Institute "Eurasian Perspective" (Netherlands), the University of Paris (France), Istanbul University (Turkey),Gazi University (Turkey), the University of Nowhere. Omar Halisemir (Turkey), Kazan Federal University (Russia).
Educational programs
Abdirassilova Gulmira
Position: Leader of educational program, acting рrofessor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Abdirassilova Gulmira
Position: Leader of educational program, acting рrofessor, candidate of sciences
Abdirassilova Gulmira - is a scholar engaged in fundamental research on topical issues of Kazakh linguistics.
G.K. Abdirassilova is the author of more than 200 scientific and methodological works, textbooks, scientific articles (2 textbooks, 10 textbooks, 5 standard programs and 8 scientific articles in high-rating publications (Scopus)) educational programs in the specialties 8D02301-Philology, 7M02301-Philology.
Author of the textbook "Kazakh Tili" approved by the Ministry of Culture, Information and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan (textbook for compatriots abroad, Almaty "Arda", 2005).
Organizer of the international scientific and practical conference "Kuryshzhanov readings", which is held annually at the Department. The winner of the grant "The best teacher of the university" in 2019.
- Kandidat of Philology (2003), Professor (2015);
- Bachelor's degree in Kazakh language and literature, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan6 Almati).
Member of the editorial board in foreign publications
- Millî Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi (MİKAD), Turkey
- Al-Farabi International Journal on Social SciencesISSN - 2564-7946 Turkey
- International Journal of Kurdish Studies Turkey
- Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Dergisie-ISSN 2651-5180 Turkey
- member of the dissertation Council for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D020500 - "Philology" at Karaganda university named after academician E. A. Buketov
- In 2012-2015, he worked as an associate professor at Niide Omer Halisdemir University of the Republic of Turkey for academic mobility on the basis of a bilateral contract.
- Nevsehir Kazhy Bektash Veli university "application of multimedia technologies in the education system" 05.07-05.08.2018 1-month course of mutual exchange of experience (Turkey)
- From October 26 to November 08, 2020, she completed an international scientific online internship at the Institute of Humanities of Karlov University (Prague, Czech Republic), which is one of the top 500 groups according to the results of the QS World University Rankings.
- Theoretical problems of linguistics
- Teaching the Kazakh language in secondary school
- Turkology
- International project "Turkic languages on the verge of extinction" (Tehlikedeki Turk Dilleri) within the framework of a special UNESCO program. Ankara Turkey 2016 year.
- Basic English for elementary and pre-intermediate learners. Textbook (the license Number of Publicator: 2014/31220) TURKEY TR: +90 342 606 06 75 USA: +1 631 685 0 853 email: It is responsibility of the author to Monument by the publishing ethics rules. Iksad Publications-2018 © ISBN: 978-605-7510-62-4 366 P Berkutbaeva M.Z., Nazarbaeva T.
- Basic English for elementary and pre-intermediate learners. Textbook. Patent. Certificate of entering information in the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright. The Purpose Of The Seminar:,
- Practise your English. Training manual. Certificate of entering information in the State Register of rights to objects protected by patent copyright. The Purpose Of The Seminar Is To Improve The Quality Of Education Of Students
- Content of theoretical and practical classes on the course modern Kazakh language (word formation). Patent. Certificate of entering information in the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright.
In publications with a non-zero impact factor in the database of the information company Thomson Reuters (Web of Science,Thomson Reuters):
- The role of historic-linguistic factor in development of Turkic civilization in meddle ages (Yermekova T., Odanova S., Issabekova U.)//Life Science Journal 2014; 320 lifesciencej@gmail.comLife Science Journal. April 25, 2014. life1104s
- Economy in the Kazakh language: law or phenomenon?S. Odanova, G. Shoibekova, T. Yermekova Life Science JournalActa Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition(Life Sci J)ISSN 1097-8135 (print); ISSN 2372-613X (online), doi:10.7537, Monthly Volume 14 - Number 8 (Cumulated No. 79), 25, 2017.
- Artistic-Style Features of Marat Kabirov's Intellectual Prose. Journal of History Culture and Art Research (ISSN: 2147-0626) SPECIAL ISSUETarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi Vol. 6, No. 5, November 2017 Revue des Recherches en Histoire Culture et Art Copyright © Karabuk University مجلة البحوث التاريخية والثقافية والفنية
- The national and cultural peculiarities of stereotyped precedent names. (on the base of Kazakh,Russian, and English languages) Forthcoming XLinguae issue: June 2018 Please, use the TEMPLATESocial sciences: Language and Linguistics - Rank: 154/628, Quartile 1) (Murzinova, A., Tymbolova, A., Yelshibaeva, K.Kushkimbayeva, A., Mirov, M.)
- A.B.Nurtayeva, M.A.Karbozova, Süer Eker, S.K.Rakhimzhanova Teaching online enantiosemia and word diffusion aspects during the coronavirus pandemics XLinguae Journal is a European, scientific, Issue n_1_2021 January issue 2021, Arts and Humanities: Linguistics and language - Rank: 101/702, Quartile 1 DOI:10.18355/XL.2021.14.01.21 Pages:-289-298
- S. A. Odanova, A.T.Fazylakhmetova, Zh.K.Darkenbayeva,A.A Satbekova Evolutionary Process Of The Turkic Word Formation: Phonetic And Morphonological Structures Of The Turkic Root Talent Development & Excellence Vol.12, No. 1, 2020, 01-14
- G. Nurbekova, A. Koshekova, R. Suleimenova, B. Sabdenov. Linguodidactic principles of teaching derived words using interactive technology PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(6), 827 - 837. Retrieved from (Original work published November 29, 2020)Vol. 17 No. 6 (2020): PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology
- М.Әуезовтың «Абай жолы» тарихи романындағы бейвербалды амалдардың ұлттық-мәдени ерекшеліктері. Монгол улс, Баян-Өлгий аймгийн засаг даргын тамгын газар ХИС-ийн Баян-Өлгий аймаг дахь салбар сургууль Мақалалар Жинағы Хурлын Эмхэтгэл №1(01) 370-376беттер ISBN 978-99973-880-7-0 Өлгий 2015.03. 20-22.
- Қарайым тілі жоғалу алдында. Tehlikedeki Türk Dilleri кітабы/ Editörler:Prof. Dr. Süer Eker vе. Түркия. Анкара 2016.
- Word formation: theory of motivation and nominations. AL FARABI international journal on social sciences ISSN - 2564-794625th January 2017
- Eski Türk devletçiliğinin bağimsiz devlet kurma felsefesinin günümüz Kazakistan politikasina yansimalari. Millî Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi (MİKAD) Cilt: 1- Sayı: 2- Aralık 2017 ISSN: 2587-13315.
- The Beauty Of Novel “Shakan-Sheri” Journal of social, humanities and administrative sciences Indexed ISSN 2630-6417.24.08.2018
- Түркі тілдес халықтардың кірме сөздерді, терминдерді игерудің тәжірибелері. Millî Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi (MİKAD) Cilt: 4- Sayı: 4- 85-93бб Aralık 2020 (Түркиялық әріптес профессор Хикмет Қорашпен бірлестікте)
Articles published in scientific publications of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- Қазақ балалар әдебиеті – ұлттық мәдениетіміздің рухани іргетасы //«Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі» Халықаралық ғылыми-көпшілік журнал №2 (44); Астана, 2017.-242-245б;
- М.Тиесов прозасының лингвотанымдық әлемі.// «Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі», №2 (44). Астана, 2017.-147-150б;
- Түркі фразеологизмдеріндегі «Құс» концептісі. // Көкшетау МУ Хабаршысы» Филология сериясы №1(1) 2018.-153-157б;
- Ресей құрамындағы түркі халықтары фразеологизмдерінің құрылымдық өзгерістері.// Ш.Уәлиханов ат.Көкшетау МУ Хабаршысы» Филология сериясы №1(1), 2018ж.-163-166б;
- Кредиттік оқу жүйесінде жаңа технологияны қолдану// «Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі» Астана, №3(58) 2018.-301-304б;
- Қазақ және ағылшын тіл-гі мақал-мәтелдердің зерттелуі //«Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі» Астана, №3(58) 2018.-347-351б;
- Сөзжасам қосымшаларының қолданыстық тілде сипаты// «Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі», Астана, №4 (59) 2018.-213-216 б;
- Сөзжасамдық ұяның құрамындағы туындылардың омонимдік мағыналық ерекшеліктері.// «Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі» журналы Астана, №4 (60) 2018ж.-34-39б ;
- Орта ғасыр жазба ескерткіштер тіліндегі етістік жұрнақтарының сөз тудыру ерекшеліктері // Абай ат ҰПУ-Хабаршысы. «Филологиялық ғылымдары» сериясы, Алматы.- №2 (68), 2019.-8-13 б;
- Латын әліпбиіне көшу және оны тұрақтандырудың әлеуметтік және лингвистикалық алғышарттары. // Абай ат ҰПУ Хабаршысы. «Филологиялық ғылымдары» сериясы //Алматы.- №2 (68), 2019ж; 173-177б;
- Аналитикалық тәсіл - сөздердің бipiгy, қосарлану, тіркесу арқылы жаңа мағына тудыру жолы //ПМУ Хабаршысы Филологиялық сериясы. №3 (2019).-12-23б;
- Қазақ тіліндегі ине-жіп атауларының семантикасы.//ПМУ Хабаршысы Филологиялық сериясы. №3(2019).-23-33 б;
- Қазақ қолөнеріндегі тігін-тігіс түрлері, атаулары.// ПМУ Хабаршысы Филологиялық сериясы. №3(2019).-365-376 б;
- Қазіргі коммуникация құралдарының тіл тазалығына әсері//ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы. «Фил-қ ғыл.» сериясы //А.- №4 (70), 2019ж.
- «Ине» хрематонимінің табиғаты /ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы. «ФҒ» сериясы //А.- №4 (70), 2019.
- Вклад В.В. Радлова и Н.Ф. Катанова в изучение фольклора сибирских татар. Қарағанды университетiнiң Хабаршысы Филология Сериясы. 2020. №1 (97).-114-123 бб //
- Қазақ сөз мәдениетін зерттеу мен оқытудың антропоөзектік үрдісі. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. Филология ғылымы. 2020ж. №1.- 155-159 бб
- Жер-су атаулары мазмұнындағы ұлттық мәдени ақпарат жайында. Қарағанды университетiнiң Хабаршысы Филология Сериясы. 2020. №2, (98).- 44-51бб
- Сөзжасамдық антонимияның уәждемелік сипаттары. Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетi Хабаршысы. «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы. 2020. №4, (74).- 149-153 бб
- Сөз мәдениетінің этикалық аспектісі. Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетi Хабаршысы. «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы. 2020. №4,(74).- 15-20 бб
- Жаңа әліпби негізіндегі қазақ тілі емлесінің ережелеріндегі біріккен сөздердің орфограммасы. Торайғыров ПМУ ғылыми журналы «ПМУ Хабаршысы» Филологиялық сериясы. 2020. №3. 24-32 бб
- Латын графикасына өту жағдайындағы кірме сөздердің орфограммасы. Торайғыров ПМУ ғылыми журналы «ПМУ Хабаршысы» Филологиялық сериясы. 2020. №3. 33-41 бб
- Энантиосемияның түрлері және олардың мағыналарын шектеуші құралдар. С.Торайғыров атындағы ПМУ ғылыми журналы «ПМУ Хабаршысы» Филологиялық сериясы. 2020. №3. 361-369 бб
- Қазақ тіл білімінде сөзжасамдық ұяның көрінісі.//Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет Международная научно-практическая конференция 18-19 ноября 2016 г.Казан.-3-6 б;
- Антропологиялық тіл біліміндегі «тілдік тұлға» теориясына қатысты таным-түсініктер. ІҮ Халықаралық Түркі Әлемі Зерттеулері симпозиумы Түркия,2017ж.-519-524б;
- Ұлттық мәдениеттің тілдегі көрінісі//ІҮ Халықаралық Түркі Әлемі Зерттеулері симпозиумы Түркия,2017ж.-541-546 б;
- Ұлы Отан Соғысы Жылдарындағы Жамбыл Жырлары.// Congress book innovation and global issuesin. Antalya, 2017.-263-268 б;
- Ұлттың қалыптасуында тіл басты этностық құндылық:түркі тілдерінің қалыптасу кезеңдері.// I.Uluslararası Sempozyumu 2018 Antalya, Türkiye
- Ұлттық тәрбие және жаһандану үдерісі.// ICSSCAInternational Congress on Social Sciences, China to Adriatic
- Жергілікті тілде сөз мағынасының кеңею және тарылу жолдары// Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет Международная научно-практическая конф.
- Қазақтың көшпелі мал шаруашылығы кезеңіндегі жер-су атауларының қызметі.// International Altay Communities Symposium –2019, Bishkek/IsykKöl, Kyrgyzstan
- Рухани жаңғыру: Географиялық атаулардың этнолингвистикалық сипаты. «Ұлы дала тұлғалары: академик Шора Сарыбаев және ұлттық тілтаным тағылымы» Халықаралық ғылыми-теориялық конференция мат. Алматы: «Қазақ кітабы» баспасы, 226-231б.-25 мамыр 2020ж
- Қазіргі халықаралық қатынастардағы мәдениетаралық коммуникацияның өзекті мәселелері. «Ұлы Дала тұлғалары: академик Шора Сарыбаев және ұлттық тілтаным тағылымы» Халықаралық ғылыми-теориялық конференция мат. Алматы: «Қазақ кітабы» баспасы, 231-235б.- 25 мамыр 2020ж
- Representation of aphorisms raised to the level of “human recognition - Abai”. Абай Құнанбаевтың әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың көзқарасы Халықаралық ғылыми онлайн-конференция. Нұр-Сұлтан – Алматы, 2020 жыл 9 қазан
- Қазақ тіліндегі ұрысу-жекіру тілдік бірліктері. Белгілі түрколог ғалым, «Парасат» орденінің иегері, профессор Әбжан Құрышжанұлының 90 жылдығына «Түркологиялық кеңістіктегі гуманитарлық ғылымдар: тарихи сабақтастық пен өзара ықпалдастық» атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық on-line конф.151-156 б. 4 желтоқсан 2020
- Абай Құнанбайұлы афоризмдеріндегі әлемнің тілдік бейнесі. YI Түркі Әлемі Зерттеулері симпозиумы Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi қазан, 2020 (онлайн)
- 2. Абайдың кемел адам, толық адам ілімі мен жантану ілімі хақында. YI Түркі Әлемі Зерттеулері симпозиумы Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi қазан, 2020 (онлайн)
- әл-Фараби 1150жылдығы: еңбектері, нақыл сөздері. Al Farabi Uluslararasi Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi 21-22.07.2020 (онлайн)
- 2.Йасауи Хикметтеріндегі етіс жұрнақтарының берілу жолдары мен мағыналық ерекшеліктері. International OECD Studies Conference on Transformative Educational Sciences held in March 19-21, 2020 Ankara, Turkey.-28-35 бб (онлайн)
- 3. Йасауи Хикметтері етістіктеріндегі етіс жұрнақтарының дыбыстық алмасулары арқылы дамыған морфтары. Al Farabi Uluslararasi Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi 3.05.2020 Bursa, Turkey. - (онлайн)
Yermekova Tynyshtyk
Position: Professor, Doctor of Sciences
- Information
Yermekova Tynyshtyk
Position: Professor, Doctor of Sciences
- Doctor of Philology (2007), Professor (2010);
- Bachelor's degree in Kazakh language and literature, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan).
Yermekova Tynyshtyk Nurdauletovna is a scholar engaged in fundamental research on topical issues of Kazakh linguistics, the author of school textbooks according to the updated curriculum.
In 1995, under the dissertation council at the Institute of Linguistics named after V.I. A. Baitursynuly defended her thesis on the topic: "Nominal predicates in the modern Kazakh language" under the guidance of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A. Ablakov, 10.02.06 in the field of Turkic languages. In 2007, under the guidance of Professor R. Amir in the Dissertation Council at the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi defended her doctoral dissertation 10.02.02 in the field Kazakh language on the topic: "The pertinence of the structure of components to the semantic and grammatical description of a complex sentence"
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor T.N. Yermekova worked as the head of the department of Kazakh linguistics (2004-2015, 2018-2020), coordinator of the project office (2017-2018), director of the Institute of Philology (2020-2021). The scholar has published 6 monographs, 27 textbooks and 69 study guides for 12-year education and a new generation, the updated education of the publishing houses "Arman-PV" and "Almatykitap", also for universities, namely: "The system of complex sentences of the modern Kazakh language", " The content of theoretical and practical lessons on the course of the modern Kazakh language (syntax)", "Syntax of complex sentences". Yermekova T.N. is the author of about 200 articles devoted to topical issues of Kazakh linguistics; the winner of the grant "The best teacher of the university" in 2008, 2014; Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The recipient of the "Honored Worker of Education" medal, established by this academy, won the third place and a bronze medal at the scientific and analytical championship held by the International Academy of Science and Higher Education (Great Britain, London); holds 5 copyright certificates.
- Expert of the IAAR
- Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council
- Theoretical problems of linguistics
- Teaching the Kazakh language in secondary school
- Turkology
- Communicative grammar: theory and practical implication: 2012-2014.
- Word formation of modern Turkic languages at the intersection of cultures: the process of interaction and development: 2015-2017
- Linguistic foundations and multimedia technologies for creating interactive educational programs related to the transition to Latin graphics: 2018-2020
- Development of a series of updated normative dictionaries and academic publications providing translation of the state language into the national alphabet based on the Latin script: 2021-2022
- Teaching the Kazakh language through digital resources based on a national brand: 2021-2023
- Vowel harmony is a basic phonetic rule of the Turkic languages Shoibekova, G.B., Odanova, S.A., Sultanova, B.M., Yermekova, T.N. 2016 International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 11 (11), p. 4617-4630
- THE INFLUENCE OF THE GENDER PARAMETER ON THE ASSOCIATIVE BEHAVIOR OF THE SUBJECTS (ON THE MATERIAL OF THE TATAR LANGUAGE) (Gabdrakhmanova, Fanuza H .; Sattarova, Madina R .; Yermekova, Tynyshtyk N.) // AD ALTA-JOURNAL OF INTERDISARY RESAR 2017.Vol: 7 Issue: 2 Special Issue: 2 Pages: 31-33
- Phraseologisms - the main object of research in ethnolinguistics and cultural studies// KHABARSHY. KHABARSHY. Kazakh National University named after Abai. “Philology Series,” №2 (52). - Almaty, 2015. pp. 36-41.
- Punctuation in the system of linguistics // Abai. Bulletin of KazNPU. №3 (61), "Philological Sciences" series. Almaty, 2017. ISSN 1728-7804
- Alphabetical composition of the new Kazakh script with Latin characters// Bulletin of KazNKPU. №3. Almaty, 2019.
- Cultural linguistics and ethnolinguistics - interrelated branches of science // BULLETIN d'EUROTALENT-FIDJIP, no. 2015.24-28.
- Issues of cultural linguistics and well-wishes in the Kazakh language // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. No. 11 (part 2). Moscow, 2015
- ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE DURING THE TRANSITION TO THE LATIN SCRIPT // Журнал "European Journal Of Natural History". - 2018. - № 4 ст 98-102
- SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY OF THE LINGUISTIC NATURE OF ETHNOGRAPHIES, RELATED TO WOMEN //Журнал "European Journal Of Natural History". - 2018. - № 3, стр 86-90
- Experimental system of teaching the discipline "Communicative and pragmatic function of punctuation" // AL-FARABI 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIENCES 269-276. May 11-14, 2017. Gaziantep / TURKEY, 269-276
- The ethno-linguistic characteristics of the concept of the “shanyrak” in people’s cognition //AL-FARABI 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIENCES 269-276. May 11-14, 2017. Gaziantep/TURKEY.
- Interviewing students about the significance of punctuation marks among modern youth // Xlinguae 2020 Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020 (O Yеskermessova, G.a, Yermekova, T.a, Nurmuhametova, K.b, Abnassyrova, R.c, Zhubaeva)
- Report at the plenary session. International scientific and practical online conference "Modernization of philological education: experience and problem." Portrait of an elite linguistic personality of Professor R. Emir // materials of the Republican online conference. December, 2020.
- Report at the breakout session, moderator. Comparative characteristics of sociolinguistic definitions given to the term "second language" // VIII ULUSLARARASI TÜRK DÜNYASI ARAŞTIRMALARI SEMPOZYUMU. 20-23 EKİM 2020 - NİĞDE
- Report at the plenary session. Kazakh language: problems of implementing the results of scientific research into the educational process. Materials of the international scientific and practical online conference "language and intercultural communication". May, 2021.
- Report at the breakout session, moderator. Features of some natural physiological mechanisms implemented in the process of teaching the state language as a second language/ / ІІІ ULUSLARARASI TÜRK DÜNYASI ARAŞTIRMALARI SEMPOZYUMU.
- Report at the plenary session, moderator. International scientific and practical on-line conference "Humanities in the Turkic space: historical continuity and interaction". 12/2020
- Report at the plenary session. Linguistic units to the concept of "girl" in the mental system of the nation // International scientific and theoretical online conference "Human civilization: integration of education, science, reason". 05/2021
- Phraseomatic expressions: functional potential and cognitive nature / / Monograph. - Almaty: Publishing house "Securities", 2015.
- Ethnocultural character of linguistic units in relation to “girl” / / Monograph. - Almaty: Publishing house "Merey", 2015.
- Syntactic paradigms in the modern Kazakh language / / Textbook-monograph. Institute for the Development of the State Language. - Almaty, 2016.
- A compound sentence of the Kazakh language. Electronic textbook. Almaty, 2016.
- Comparative grammar of Turkic languages / / study guide. - Almaty: Publishing House "Women's University", 2015.
- Language units in the communicative space. Monograph. - Almaty: Publishing House, "Nur-print", 2014.
- Historical periodization of Turkic languages. - Almaty, 2013
- Kazakh language (tabular grammar) Almaty: Nur-print publishing house, 2015.
- Kazakh language: language learning. - Almaty: KazGosZhenPU Publishing House, 2015
- Kazakh language. EMC for the 5th grade (textbook, teacher's book, didactic material, collection of dictations and narrations). Publishing house "Arman-PV". A., 2017
- Kazakh language. EMC for the 7th grade (textbook, teacher's book, didactic material, collection of dictations and narrations). Publishing house "Arman-PV". A., 2017
- Kazakh language. EMC for the 6th grade (textbook, teacher's book, didactic materials). Publishing house "Arman-PV". A., 2018
- Kazakh language. EMC for grade 8 (textbook, teacher's book, didactic material, collection of dictations and narrations). Publishing house "Arman-PV". A., 2018
- Kazakh language. EMC for the 9th grade MOU (textbook, teacher's book, didactic materials). Publishing house "Arman-PV". A., 2019
- Kazakh language. EMC for grade 10 (textbook, teacher's book, didactic materials). Social and humanitarian direction. Publishing house "Arman-PV". A., 2019
- Kazakh language. EMC for grade 10 (textbook, teacher's book, didactic materials). Natural and mathematical direction. Publishing house "Arman-PV". A., 2019
- Kazakh language. EMC for grade 11 (textbook, teacher's book, didactic materials). Social and humanitarian direction. Publishing house "Arman-PV". A., 2020
- Kazakh language. EMC for grade 11 (textbook, teacher's book, didactic materials). Natural and mathematical direction. Publishing house "Arman-PV". A., 2020.
- 2017, November-December, lecturing, Central University of Nations (PRC, Beijing)
- 2020, March, Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov. Guest lecture.
Atabayeva Mereke
Position: Professor, doctor of Sciences
- Information
Atabayeva Mereke Satylganovna was born on February 28, 1950 in the village of Koram, Shelek district, Almaty region. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (№8762 0504,2016)
- 1966-1977 primary school teacher, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature in Shelek district of Almaty region;
- In 1982-1989 Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor at Kokshetau Pedagogical Institute named after Sh.Valikhanov;
- 1989-1991; 1994-2008 - Associate Professor at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan;
- From the 2008-2009 academic year to the present, from the 2008-2009 academic year, she is a professor at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
- By the decision of the State Examination Commission of the Faculty of Philology of the Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov on June 29, 1974 was awarded the qualification "Philologist, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature" (Diploma Я № 222480).
- In 1977 she was a mentor-researcher at the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai, in 1980-1982 she was a postgraduate student.
- In 1986 she defended herdissertation on the theme "The meaning of dialectal words." She was awarded the degree of Candidate of Philological Scienceson January 9, 1986 (Protocol №24)by the decision of the Dissertation Council of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov. She got the title of Associate Professor of Kazakh Language and Literature (ДЦ № 027506; Protocol № 1860/Д, Moscow) on December 13, 1990 by the decision of the State Committee of the USSR.
- In 2006 she defended her doctoral dissertation on "Ethnolinguistic basis of dialectal lexicon in the Kazakh language." She was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philology (FD № 0000122)on October 31, 2007 (protocol №5) by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and gother professor degree on specialty linguistics (protocol №3) on May 13, 2011 (ПР №0000574). Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (№87622016). Scientific Research interests - dialectology of the Kazakh language, lexicology, ethnolinguistics and linguocultural studies.
- Diploma and medal "HONORARY EMPLOYEE" (02.07.2018, №574)of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (2016)
- In 2015 (June 1-9) she passed a training course under the auspices of the Center for Professional Development "Orleu" (ISEP) in Porto, Portugal.
For undergraduate students:
- General Linguistics, Introduction to Linguistics
- For master's and doctoral studies: New directions in linguistics, Functional linguistics, Kazakh toponymy, Discourse theory, Fundamentals of Grammar theory. System of morphemes of the modern Kazakh language, Linguoecology in the communicative space.
According to the program "New generation textbooks",shewrote a textbook and "Methodical instructions"for 9th grade "Kazakh language" together with prof.R.Amirov, ("Mektep" publishing house 2000, 2005, 2009, 2013); “Kazakh language. Collection of Dictation”Grade 11 (“Mektep” Publishing House, 2002, 2007, 2011, 2015) and “Collection of Dictation and Summary” for Grades 5-9 (“Bilim” Publishing House, 2000, 2004). Monographs "The meaning of dialectal words" (1996), "Ethnolinguistic basis of dialectal lexicon of the Kazakh language" (2006), "Kazakh language" (1999), "Business Kazakh language" (2000, co-author) and more than 200 scientific and methodical workswere published.
Murzinova Aigul
Position: Senior Lecturer, PhD
- Information
- 2010-2012 Translator in the Scientific-Production Centre «Mekensak» LLP:
- 2012-2016 Teacher in the department of Kazakh Philology at the Kazakh Ablai khan University of international relations and word languages:
- Since 2018, she has been working as a teacher of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Kazakh Linguistics at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. 2021 The jury of the republican subject Olympiad
- - 2004-2008 Bachelor of Philology of Kazakh national pedagogical university after named Abai
- - 2008-2010 Master's degree of Philology of Kazakh national pedagogical university after named Abai (Master of humanitarian scince)
- - 2015-2018 doctoral degree of Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University (PhD doctor)
- Intercultural communication
- Comparative linuocultural studies
- Cognitive linguistics
- Linguoaxiology
- Research project "The national character of background knowledge in Turkic linguocultural units (based on the languages of the Kypchak-Oguz group)" for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects. (2021-2023)
- Trilingual Policy and Objectives of Possession of These Three Languages Simultaneously: A.Almetova, A.Tymbolova, A.Murzinova, etc./ Current science, Vol. 112, Issue 8 (2017).
- The National and Cultural Peculiarities of Stereotyped Precedent Names (A Case Study of the Kazakh, Russian, and English Languages): A.Murzinova, A.Tymbolova, K.Yelshibaeva, etc./ XLinguae, Vol. 11, Issue 2 (2018).
- Prosodical means applied in communicative relations: K.Elshibaeva, A.Murzinova, etc./ Vol. 34, №85-2 (2018).
- Әлемнің тілдік бейнесіндегі ұлттық-мәдени архетиптер мен стереотиптер: А.О.Тымболва, А.С. Мурзинова, А.С.Әлметова/ Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ, Хабаршы журналы, №2 (166), 2017.
- «От-су» оппозициясы: аксиологиялық салғастыру моделі: А.О.Тымболова, А.С.Мурзинова, А.Е.Садықова/Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ, Хабаршы №1 (59), 2017.
- Стереотиптенген тілдік образдардың ұлттық-мәдени сипаты: А.О.Тымболова, А.С.Мурзинова/Ш.Уәлиханов атындағы Көкшетау Хабаршысы №2, 2017.
- Тілдік санадағы стереотиптердің ұлттық-мәдени ерекшелігі («отбасы» концептісі негізінде): А.О.Тымболова, А.С.Мурзинова, А.Е.Садықова/Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ, Хабаршы №2 (60), 2017.
- Ұлттық-мәдени стереотиптердің тілдегі көрінісі (Т.Ахтановтың «Шырағың сөнбесін» романы негізінде): Г.Қ.Абдирасилова, А.С.Мурзинова/ІV. Халықаралық Түркі Әлемі Зерттеулері симпозиумы, 2017.
- Көркем шығарма кеңістігіндегі ұлттық-мәдени стереотиптер (Б.Момышұлының «Ұшқан ұя» повесі негізінде): А.С. Мурзинова, А.Е.Садықова/ "Prospects for the Development of Modern Science": materials of the II international scientific-practical conference, 2017.
- Ұлттық-мәдени фитостереотиптердің лингвистикалық сипаты: А.С. Мурзинова, Қ.З.Елшібаева, Г.Қ.Абдирасилова, А.О.Тымболова/ CSSCA-V 5th International Congress on Social Sciences 2017.
- National-cultural peculiarity of stereotype-concept// Ү Халықаралық түркі әлемі симпозиумы материалдары. Т.1. Алматы, 2018. Б.221-225.
- Этникалық стереотиптердің лингвомәдени аспектісі// Тіл әлемі. Алматы, 2021. Б. 112-119
Asanbaeva Saule
Position: Associate Professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Asanbaeva Saule
Position: Associate Professor, candidate of sciences
In 1992 she graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Al - Farabi Kazakh State National University with a degree in Philologist, teacher of Kazakh language and literature, Arabic language.
In 1999, under the guidance of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor B. Khasanov, she defended her thesis on the topic "Actual sociolinguistic problems of advertising in the state language" in the specialty 10.02.19-general linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics.
Since 2000 he has been working at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute. In 2001-2003 she worked as deputy dean of the philological faculty for educational work.
2003-2012 - Head of the Department of Practical Foreign Languages.
In 2012-2017, she worked as the director of the Center for the Development of Multilingual Education of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
Since 2017, he has been teaching at the Department of Theory and Methods of Kazakh Linguistics of the Faculty of Kazakh Philology and World Languages.
S. Asanbaeva has more than 80 research papers, of which 61 were published after the defense of the dissertation and 4 textbooks.
In 2010, S. Asanbayeva became the owner of the B. Boltirikova scholarship in the field of foreign languages “for experienced professors and teachers of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Also, Saule Asanbayevna was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the successes achieved in the spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan and contribution to education.
In 2012 she received the academic title of professor at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
- Sociolinguistics
- Intercultural communication and translation
- Psycholinguistics
- Scientific project of the Science Committee, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on grant financing of scientific, scientific and technical projects on the topic "Analysis of the statements of persons of the Great Steppe on the problems of" language and society "(sociolinguistic research)". Project leader A. Abasilov. Cost-4 585 668 tenge Contractor.
- Competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan). The topic is "Functioning of the state language in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (sociolinguistic research)", time of execution: for 2020-2023. Project manager: S. Bayandina. Executor.
- «Modern language situation in Kazakhstan, development opportunities»: S.A. Asanbayeva /World Turkic and Kazan University. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kazan, April 26–28, 2018
- «Basics of the legal use of the state language in the sphere of de-production»: S.A. Asanbayeva /International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Formation of speech and skills in the state language and advanced experience of the professional Kazakh language", April 20, 2018.
- «Project technologies in the process of teaching the Kazakh language as a basis for the formation of a professional personality of a teacher» Collection of scientific articles based on the results of the international scientific and practical conference. St. Petersburg, Kultinformpress Publishing House, March 30-31.2015.
- «Socio-linguistic problems of advertising functioning in the state language», Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.3 (301) May-June 2015.
- «Homonymic semantic features of works as part of the word-formation nest SCIENCE AND LIFE OF KAZAKHSTAN. International Popular Science Journal. No. 4(60).
- «Actual sociolinguistic problems of the state language in the Republic of Kazakhstan» II-volume collection of materials of the International scientific and practical Conference «Innovative management and technologies in the era of globalization» 8-11yanvar, 2018. Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
- «Sociolinguistic prerequisites for the transition to the Latin alphabet» SCIENCE AND LIFE OF KAZAKHSTAN International popular-science journal.№6 (66) 2018.
- «The pragmatic aspect of Kazakh advertising texts». V International Symposium for the Study of the Turkic World. October 11-13, 2018, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-964-4.
- «The teaching of philosophy in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness – the basis of the technology of project-based teaching of the Kazakh language» Bulletin of the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences No. 1 (January-February), 2019.
- 10. "The importance of speech etiquette in the formation of professional competence of teaching staff». Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai. Series "Pedagogical sciences". No. 1 (65) 2020g.
- Formation of the professional personality of the future teacher as the intellectual potential of the country in the conditions of modernization of pedagogical education (based on the technology of project-based teaching of the Kazakh language)/ / SCIENTIFIC COLLECTION «INTERCONF» No. 1(37) Scientific Collection" InterConf", (37): with the Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference «Recent Scientific Investigation» (December 6-8, 2020). Oslo, Norway: Dagens naeringsliv forlag, 2020. 530-539 p. ISBN 978-82-7346-353-1 contact e-mail: webpage:
- Multilingual education is a requirement of the time. Scientific and methodological seminar «The use of interactive methods for accelerated language learning». Almaty, 2015.
- Problems of the development of language competence in multilingual education. International scientific and practical ON-LINE Conference«Trilingual Education:searches, problems and prospects of development», organized by the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers in the Aktobe region . October 27, 2016.
- Actual problems of multilingual education. Republican training seminar «Method, experience, innovations in accelerated learning of the Kazakh language and the National (native)languages in Sunday schools», organized by the cultural institution Republican Coordination and Methodological Center for the Development of Languages named after Sh. Shaimerdenova of the Committee for the Development of Languages and Socio-political work of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. June 29, 2017. Ust-Kamenogorsk.
- Problems of teaching foreign language units within the framework of Rukhani zhangyru. Republican scientific and methodological training seminar « Topical issues of accelerated learning of the Kazakh language and the National (native) languages in Sunday schools».14-16kazan, Almaty, 2018.
Ryskulbek Didar
Position: Senior Lecturer, master of Sciences
- Information
Ryskulbek Didar
Position: Senior Lecturer, master of Sciences
Since 2002, he has been working as a teacher of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Kazakh Linguistics at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Since 2009, he has been a developer of the Kaztest Center. The jury of the republican subject Olympiad, the author of a school textbook.
- 1997-2001 Bachelor of Kazakh Language and Literature of Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
- 2003-2005 postgraduate course of Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
- 2012-2014 Master's degree of Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University (Master of Pedagogical Sciences)
- 2017-2020 doctoral degree of Kaznaszhenpi (specialty 6D020500-philology)
- Turkic languages
- New learning technologies
- Research project "Mastering the Kazakh language on the basis of the national brand through digital resources" for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects. (2021-2023)
1.Түркі тілдеріндегі бірлік нумеративті фразеологизмдер Uluslararası türklerın dünyası sosyal bilimler sempozyumu. 20-22 сәуір, 2018 жыл
2.«Қазақ» атауына қатысты сандық метафоралар V ХАЛЫҚАРАЛЫҚ ТҮРКІ ƏЛЕМІ ЗЕРТТЕУЛЕРІ СИМПОЗИУМЫ. 11-13 қазан,2018.
3.Түркі тілдеріне ортақ сандық ұғымдар «Серікбол Қондыбай мұралары: әлемдік мифологияның дамуына жаңаша көзқарас» тақырыбына халықаралық ғылыми-теориялық конференция. 29-31 мамыр, 2018
4.Халықтық өлшем атауларының түркілік сипаты III. INTERNATIONAL WORLD OF TURKS SYMPOSIUM OF SOCIAL SCIENCES. Grand Park – Lara 12-14 april, 2019
5.Киелі сандардың символдық мәні Абай ат.ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы №3, 2019
6.Қазақтың аймақтық сандық ұғымдары Абай ат. ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы №4, 2019
7.Қазақтың көшпенділік мәдениетіндегі сокральды сандар шеруі Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. №6/1, 2020
8.Жеті санының танымдық сипаты Bengı журналы. №2, 2020
Kaidarova Gulyaim
Position: Associate Professor, сandidate of Sciences
- Information
Kaidarova Gulyaim
Position: Associate Professor, сandidate of Sciences
- He graduated from the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after N.K. Krupskaya with a degree in Kazakh language and literature (1982-1986).
- By the decision of the committee for supervision and certification in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 26, 2007 (protocol No. 4), the academic degree of candidate of philological sciences was awarded.
- By the decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 26, 2011 (protocol No. 2), he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty of linguistics. (DC No. 0002008).
- Responsible for educational practice at the department
- Problems of phonetics of the modern Kazakh language
- Signs of sound production in the modern Kazakh language
- Articulation of syllables in the Kazakh language
- Kaidarova.G. By 1986-1992. Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature. (Semipalatinsk region, Taskesken district).
- 1992-1994 She worked as a teacher of the Kazakh language department of the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after Shakarim.
- 1994. Teacher of the Kazakh language Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (Almaty).
- 1995-Senior lecturer of the Kazakh Language Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (Almaty).
- 2008-2011. Acting Associate Professor of the Kazakh Language Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (Almaty).
- 2011. Associate Professor of the Kazakh Language Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (Almaty).
- Since 2016-Acting Professor of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University (Almaty).
- Kaidarova G. K. For her works in the field of science and education
- 2014 Medal "Badge of Honor" (for the 70th anniversary of the Women's University)
- 2015. Certificate of Honor of the Foundation for the Culture of the Turkic Peoples
- 2016-2017.She was awarded a Certificate of Honor, a letter of Thanks for her active participation in events organized by the university.
- 2018-winner of the medal " Excellent Student of Education "(Republican Council for Public Awards and Titles). 12.03.2018.
- Spelling biases in the Kazakh language / / Journal of the Kazakh language and literature No. 1 2010, pp. 7-14.
- The study of sound expressions in the Kazakh language/ / journal "Ult tagylymy" No. 1 2010. pp. 200-203.
- Phonetic character of orthoepic expressions / / Journal of the Kazakh language and literature No. 3 2010
- Composing words from a labial vowel syllable / / Tiltanym No. 4 (44) 2011 pp. 77-81
- Articulatory features in consonant syllables / / bulletin of kaznu philology series No. 1 (135) 2012, pp. 135-138
- The study of sound expressions in the Kazakh language / / Bulletin of Kazgoszhenpu series philology No. 5 (41) 2012, pp. 108-111
- The sound composition of the Kazakh language / / journal "Kazakh tili men adebieti" No. 5 2014
- A. Baitursynuly about the sounds of the Kazakh language/ / journal "Kazakh language and literature" No. 3 2015 (3-11)
- K. Zhubanov's researches on Kazakh phonetics / / journal "Kazakh language and literature" No. 4, 2015 (3-10)
- Consideration of sound expressions as text-forming language units// Bulletin named after Abai. KazNPU "series of Philological sciences" No. 2 (56), 2016
- Concept as the Main Research Object of Cognitive Linguistics International journal of environmental & science education 2016, Vol. 11, No. 10, 3167-3178 K. S. Abdikalyka, Z.A. Abitzhanova, Zh.K. Otarbekova, G.K. Kaidarova, G.A. Seidullayeva
- Research of the category of syllables in the Kazakh language / / Bulletin of the Abai Kazultpedsky University series "Philological sciences" No. 3 (73) 2020
- About the syllable in the Kazakh language and its sound composition/ / Materiały YIII Międzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji "Naukowa myśl informacyjnej powieki-2012" Volume 12. Pedagogiczne nauki.: Przemyśl. Nauka I studia
- Creating words beginning with the Ezul vowel syllable/ / "Actual problems of phonetic sciences: sources and prospects of development" A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics October 12, 2012, pp. 84-88.
- Articulation of sounds of the Kazakh language / / materials of the International scientific and practical conference "the state language in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the current state and problems of intercultural integration" on March 29, 2013, pp. 106-110.
- Views on the theory of generations in Kazakh linguistics / / materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference" the Kazakh language and the common Turkic space: achievements and prospects " named after Al-Farabi.Kaznu of Almaty, April 24-25, 2014 (104-108)
- Signs of sound production of the Kazakh language in the studies of K. Zhubanov / / materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Professor K. K. Zhubanov and scientific and methodological research in the field of modern linguistics, literary studies and methodology". A. Baitursynuly.Institute of Linguistics named after Abaya Kazakh National Pedagogical University Almaty, February 26, 2015 (161-165)
- Phonetics of creation in the Kazakh language: development and formation/ / The second International Symposium of Studies of the Turkic world May 20-22, Almaty 2015
- The articulatory nature of the sounds of the Kazakh language in the studies of S. Myrzabekov / / materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference "State language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the national idea in the Kazakh literature"Departments for the development of languages,archives and documentation of Kazgoszhenpu and Almaty.Almaty 2015, November (241-245)
- The articulatory nature of the sounds of the Kazakh language in the works of A. Baitursynov/ / " Professor A. Kuryshzhanovich and the Turkic world: language.History.Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference "Rukhaniyat" Almaty, November 27, 2015 (297-300)
- . About the stages of studying the sounds of the Kazakh language/ / II International scientific and practical conference "Prospects for the development of modern science". April 19-21, 2017, Busan, South Korea. In pechat. RSCI
- Phonetic features of the sounds of the Kazakh language in the research of K. Zhubanov / / materials of the international scientific and practical conference "conceptual foundations of the formation of linguistic competence of multilingual teaching staff" Almaty, October 25, 2017
- A. Baitursynuly signs of sound production of the Kazakh language in research / / Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference " Language and spiritual space of the Great Steppe:past and present", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, Professor S. M. Isaev.Almaty, March 29, 2018
- About the study of the sounds of the Kazakh language//.Materials of the International scientific and methodological conference "New scientific directions in the field of Kazakh linguistics", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, Professor Nurzhamal Oralbai of KazNPU.Abaya May 15, 2018 163-167
- Research of sound transformation in the Kazakh language / / KAZGEMKYZPU Omer KHALISDEMIR University Baku Eurasian University Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. AYMULLA materials of the IV International Symposium on the study of the Turkic world VOL. 11-October 13, 2018
- A. Baitursynuly "on the articulation product of the sounds of the Kazakh language" / / international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of Kazakh linguistics", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Bayynkol Kaliev, January 25, 2019, Almaty, pp. 105-109
- Views on the study of the sounds of the Kazakh language/ / international scientific and theoretical conference "Uly dala tulgalary : zhubanovtyn tagylym zhane zhazu realimi", held jointly by the A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics , the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University and the Eurasian Research Institute, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of K. Zhubanov and the 90th anniversary of his son E. Zhubanov on December 19, 2019
- Philological terms developed by A. Baitursynov. / / Yi Turkic World of Research Symposium Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Öiversitesi October, 2020 (online)
- Reflection of the concept of "space"in the folklore of nomads (based on Kazakh fairy tales)//. Yi Turkic World Studies Symposium Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Öiversitesi October, 2020 (online)
- Research of sound transformation in the Kazakh language / / Kazgoszhenpu Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Öiversitesi Baku Eurasian University named after M. Azhmulla. ped. materials of the V International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World VOLUME 1, October 11-13, 2018
- The collection of tests in the modern Kazakh language A., 2003 11,4 P. L.(adjuvant), (ed. units).
- Guidelines for part-time students on the course of modern Kazakh language A., 2003. 4,8 p. L. (auxiliary manual (ed. units).
- The collection of tests in Kazakh linguistics A., 2004. 12,5 P. L. (benefit), (ed. units).
- Guidelines for the Kazakh linguistics. A., 2004 4,5 p. L. (guidance), (ed. units).
- The language and culture textbook RBC Алматы2005 6,74 P. L. copyright Association
- The content of theoretical and practical classes on the course "modern Kazakh language (phonetics)" textbook Almaty 2009. 11.3 p. l.
- Methods of teaching the Kazakh language in higher educational institutions.Almaty, 2009. p. 277. Textbook. (author's ed.).
- Tasks on branches of the modern Kazakh language. Training manual. Almaty: Kazgoszhenpu, 2012. - p. 85.10, 6 p. l. author's association
- Methods of organizing joint independent work of a student and a teacher. Training manual. Almaty: Kazgoszhenpu, 2012. - 159 p. 9.9 p. L. author's association
- The content of theoretical and practical classes on the course "modern Kazakh language (phonetics)" textbook Almaty 2015. 2 Edition 11.3 p. L.
Shoibekova Gaziza
Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Shoibekova Gaziza
Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences
- Семантикалық тәсіл арқылы жасалған туынды сөздердің мағыналық ерекшелігі мен уәжділігі. А., 2021. ОНОН баспасы, 10 б.т.
- Шойбекова Ғазиза т.б. ЛАТЫН ГРАФИКАСЫНА КӨШКЕННЕН КЕЙІНГІ ҚОҒАМДЫҚ ЖӘНЕ ЖАРАТЫЛЫСТАНУ ПӘНДЕРІ КІРМЕ СӨЗДЕРІНІҢ ОРФОГРАММАЛАНУЫ // AL FARABI JOURNAL 8th International Conference on Social Sciences 21-22 July 2020 / Almaty, Kazakhstan Virtual Conference. ISBN: 978-625-7898-13-3
- Латын графикасына негізделген қазақ әліпбиін үйретудің инновациялық әдістері. Оқу құралы. – Алматы, 2020, - 128 б.(Ермекова Т.Н., Шойбекова Ғ.Б., Ескермесова Г.А.);
- «Bil, balam» балаларға арналған энциклопедия. «Тіл-кие» лингвоелтанымдық орталығы, А., 2020. Ермекова Т.Н., Шойбекова Ғ.Б., Қалиева Н.Ш.
- «Bil, balam» лингвокультуремалар сөздігі. «Тіл-кие» лингвоелтанымдық орталығы, А., 2020. Ермекова Т.Н., Шойбекова Ғ.Б., Қалиева Н.Ш.
- G. Shoibekova, T. Yermekova, A. A. Satbekova, S. Odanova, Latin borrowings as a linguistic problem: approaches, reasons, typology
- XLinguae. European Scientific Language Journal, (ISSN 2453-711X online, ISSN 1337-8384 print), DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.02.12. P-s: 149 – 156
- Абдирасилова Г. Қ., Шойбекова Ғ. Б. Қазақ тіліндегі ине-жіп атауларының семантикасы// С. Торайғыров атындағы ПМУ Хабаршысы, Филология сериясы. №3, 2019, 23-33 бб.
- Ермекова Т.Н., Шойбекова Ғ.Б., Абдирасилова Г.Қ. Латын әліпбиіне көшу және оны тұрақтандырудың әлеуметтік және лингвистикалық алғышарттары // Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы. Филология ғылымдары сериясы. № 2 (68) 2019 ж. 173-178 бб.
- Тіл біліміндегі энантиосемия құбылысы / Science and life of Kazakhstan №1 (54) 2018. 65-68 - с., ISSN 2073 – 333Х;
- Word-formation in turcology theory of motivation and nominations // European Journal of natural History. 42-47 –s.
- Otarbekova Zh., Shoibekova G. Қазақ тіліндегі деривативтік қосымшалардың функциялық сипаты жайында. Bulletin of the Kokshetau state university of Ch. Valikhanov. Philological series. No. 1. 2018. 122-127-ss.
- Қазақ тілі. Дидактикалық материалдар. // Didactic materials for 5 classes of comprehensive school. Almaty: prod. "Armand PV", 2017. (in collaboration with T.N. Ermekova., S.A. Odanova).
- Shoibekova G., Otarbekova Zh. Көне түркі сөздігіндегі соматикалық фразеологизмдердің жасалуы мен уәждемесі. Euroasian National university of L. Gumilev. Messenger. No. 5 (120). 2017. 622-626
- Атаужасам теориясындағы семантикалық тәсілдің рөлі (сөзжасам және үнем заңының байланыстары) // Bulletin of the Kazakh national pedagogical university of a name of Abay No. 1 (59) 2017. 135-140. (in collaboration with. A. Odanova).
- Eski türk devletçiliğinin bağimsiz devlet kurma felsefesinin günümüz Kazakistan politikasina yansimalari // Milli Külür Araştimalari Dergisi. №1 2017yıl.
- Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті курсы бойынша бейіндік пән бағдарламалары // Merey publishing house, And., 2017. 2,5
- Vowel Harmony is a Basic Phonetic Rule of the Turkic Languages // Article Number: ijese. 2016.337 Published Online: August 06, 2016
- Тілдік құзіретке ие тұлғаның сөз үнемдеу, жасау мүмкіндіктері // Euroasian National university of L. Gumilev. Messenger. No. 5. 2016.
- Түркі тілдеріндегі дыбыстари сәйкестігінің сөз жасаудағы қызметі // Al-Farabi uluslararasi sosyal bilimler dergisi. International journal on social scienses. 2016 9-16 sayfa.
- Тарихи сөздік жасау мәселелері // «Мемлекеттік тіл саясаты – қазақстандықтардың бірігуінің факторы» republican a teoriko-practical conference A., 2016, on November 29.
- Ұстаз. Ғалым. Тәлімгер. // Biobibliographic index. А., 2016.
- Уәждеме теориясының сөзжасамдағы орны // 2015 ж.
- Phenomenen of Changing Adjectives to Verb Additional Ingredients in Ahmad Yassavi's Proverbs // In Xinjiang public journal, Urumqi, 2015. No4.
- Ортақ түркі тілі: жеке тілдердің жіктелуі // ІІ International symposium of the Turkic world. Almaty, 2015.
- Тілді тарихи-типологиялық жіктеудің алғышарттары // Bulletin of the Euroasian National university of L. Gumilev. No. 1 (105). 2015.
- Семантикалық сөзжасам. Textbook. А., 2015.
- Қазақ тілінің семасиологиясы. Textbook. А., 2015
Ibraymova Lira
Position: Acting associate Professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Ibraymova Lira
Position: Acting associate Professor, candidate of sciences
Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігінің Білім және ғылым саласындағы бақылау комитетінің 2010 жылы 23 қыркүйектегі шешімімен (№8 хаттама) – филология ғылымдарының кандидаты дәрежесі (ҒК № 0005079) берілді. Л.Ә.Ибраймова 50-ге жуық ғылыми еңбектері, оның ішінде 3 оқу құралы, 1 монография, 2 электронды оқу құралының авторы. Scopus базасында Хирша индексі – 1. 2021-2023 жылдарға AP09259496 «Қазақ тілін ұлттық бренд негізінде сандық ресурстар арқылы оқыту» мемлекеттік гранттық қаржыландырылған жобаның жетекшісі.
- Formation of the intercultural competence of polylingual specialists in the process of studying of integrative disciplines. Journal of Language and Literature, ISSN: 2078-0303, Vol. 7. No. 4. November, 2016 DOI: 10.7813/jll.2016/7-4/34 Received: 10 Oct, 2016 Accepted: 20 Nov, 2016 (Baghlan Bazylova1, Gulzhan Kazhigaliyeva1, Zhanna Zhusupova2, Feruza Erzhanova1, Raikhan Dabyltayeva3).
- Nominations of the plant world lingo-cultural
aspect. Opción, Año 35, Regular No.89 (2019): 607-623
ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385 (бірл.авт.: ArailymShormakova,
Aizhan Shormakova, BotakozNurzhanova, Laura Daurenbekova). - Мақал-мәтелдердегі гендерлік стереотиптердің танымдық және ареалдық сипаты. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысының 2016 №1 (55) «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы (бірл.авт.:ЕлемесоваА.).
- Синергетика – лингво-мәдени шиеленістерді шешуші құрал. Хабаршы. «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы, № 4 (62), 2017 Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетiнiң «Ұлағат» баспасы. (бірл.авт.:Тымболова А.).
- Стереотиптердің ғылымдағы орны мен мәні. Қазақ бiлiм академиясының
баяндамалары 2 /2017. (бірл.авт.:А.Ердебекова). - Тілдік сананы зерттеудің кейбір қырлары. Ш.Уәлиханов атындағы Көкшетау мем.университетінің Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы. № 1 (1) 2018. (бірл.авт.:А.Шормакова).
- Тілдік ареалдардың таралуы мен пайдаболу факторлары. Қазақ білім академиясының баяндамалары №1 2018. (бірл.авт.:Д.Сапарова).
- Қазақ тіліндегі туыстық атаулардың қолданыстық
ерекшелігі Қазақ білім академиясының баяндамалары № 1, 2020(бірл.авт.:А.Шормақова). - Бренд негізінде тілді меңгерту. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. № 9 2020. (бірл.авт.:Б.Молдағали).
- Тілді оқытудағы сандық трансформациялаудың бес алғышарты. ҚазҰҚПУ «Хабаршысы» №3 (83) 2020.
- Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы терминдерінің ғылыми қолданыстағы орны. Қазақ білім академиясының баяндамалары № 3, 2020. (бірл.авт.:А.Ақжігітова).
- Өсімдік атаулары негізінде қазақ көркемдік әлемінің символдануы үдерісі. Қазақ білім академиясының баяндамалары № 3, 2020. (бірл.авт.:А.Шормақова).
- Тіл білімінің өзекті мәселелері. Оқу құралы. «Қыздар университеті» баспасы. Алматы, 2017. – 264 б. ISBN 978-601-224-880-70
- Лингвомәдениеттану негіздері. Оқу құралы. Алматы: «Қыздар университеті» баспасы, 2017. – 192 бет. ISBN 978-601-224-891-3 (бірл.авт.:А.Тымболова).
- Тіл білімінің өзекті мәселелері. Электронды оқу құралы. (ЭЕМ-ге арналған бағдарлама) Авторлық құқық куәлігі: 2018 ж., 31қазан. № 368. (бірл.авт.:А.Шормақова).
- Лингвомәдениеттану негіздері. Электронды оқу құралы. (ЭЕМ-ге арналған бағдарлама). Авторлық құқық куәлігі: 2018 ж., 19 қазан. №239 (бірл.авт.:А.Тымболова).
- Сөйлесім лингвистикасы. Монография. Алматы, 2015. 224 бет
Aigul Satbekova
Рosition: Professor, doctor of sciences
- Information
In June 1989 graduated with honours standing the philological faculty of Kazakh Women’s Teacher Training Institute with the degree of “The teacher of Russian language and literature at national schools” omen’s Teacher Training Institute.
- 1989-2021 she was approved as a secretary of the Komsomol committee of Kazakh Women’s Teacher Training Institute, senior lecturer.
- In 2015 to present transferred for the post of professor of department of Theory of Language and Teaching Methods of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
- In August 2004 was acceded as a dean of History and philology faculty of Kazakh Women’s Teacher Training Institute.
- In December 2008 was acceded as a vice-rector on education work of Kazakh Women’s Teacher Training Institute.In 2010 was acceded as a dean of philology faculty of Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.From 2015 to present transferred for the post of professor of department of Theor
In June 1989 graduated with honours standing the philological faculty of Kazakh Women’s Teacher Training Institute with the degree of “The teacher of Russian language and literature at national schools” omen’s Teacher Training Institute.
On November 19, 2009 was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.
December 13, 2011 by the decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she was awarded the academic title of professor in the specialty of pedagogy.
April 23, 2012 was elected Academic of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education (IASPE).
2017, by the decision of the General meeting of the Academy of pedagogical Sciences Of
- In 2004 she was awarded the medal “For contribution to the development of education”, and by decision of the Presidium of the Council, as a participant of the encyclopedia, she was awarded the certificate “For significant contribution to the development of education and upbringing of the younger generation” after “ Y. Altynsarin”
- In 2010 became a holder Holder of a state grant “The best teacher of the university”.
- In 2013 was awarded a national certificate in the nomination “LEADER OF THE YEAR – 2013”.
- In 2014 she was awarded the medal “Ulagat”, “For contribution to the development of education”, and by decision of the Presidium of the Council, as a participant of the encyclopedia, she was awarded the certificate “For significant contribution to the development of education and upbringing of the younger generation”
- 2014 Holder of “Governmental Diploma”
- In 2018 she was awarded the medal “Honour in Education”, “For contribution to the development of education”, and by decision of the Presidium of the Council “Orleu” , as a participant of the encyclopedia, she was awarded the certificate “For significant contribution to the development of education and upbringing of the younger generation”
Taught courses for undergraduate students:
- - Comparative grammar of Kazakh and Russian languages
- - Methods of teaching Kazakh language
- - The technology of projective learning of Kazakh language
for master students:
- - Methods of teaching Kazakh language in Universities
- - The technology of projective learning of Kazakh language
- - Methodological basics of teaching Kazakh language
- - New technologies of teaching Kazakh language
For doctoral students:
- -Scientific priorities of the Kazakh/Russian philology of the second half of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century.
- -Scientific-methodical bases of the kazakh language project teaching in an alien auditorium (the humanitarian department)
- 1.Methodology of project technology and education from a philosophical of view // «Life Science Journal. -2014. –V. 11. –Iss. 4s. P. -301-304. Introduction. ISSN: 097-8135. Impact Factor_2012:0,165» (Journal Citiation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
- 2. Teaching Kazakh language as a foreign language by the blended learning model //Opción, Año 36, Regular No.91 (2020): 477-490 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385. 2020. Esta revista fue editada en formato digital por el personal de la Oficina de Publicaciones Científicas de la Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo – Venezuela. Страницы 477-490.
- 3 “Latin borrowings as a linguistic problem: approaches, reasons, typology”, XLinguae. European Scientific Language Journal, (ISSN 2453-711X online, ISSN 1337-8384 print), 2020;// Латинские заимствования как языковая проблема: подходы, причины, типология//XLinguae, Европейский журнал научных языков, зарегистрированный Министерством культуры Словацкой Республики, № EV2747 / 08 XLinguae © SVO sro ISSN 1337-8384. Выпуск n_2_2020. Страницы 149-156. XLinguae, Volume 13 Issue 2, April 2020, ISSN 1337-8384, ISSN 2453-711X. DOI: 10.18355 / XL.2020.13.02.124. Процентиль -90. f&src=s&sid=831c898e629a45b0e29c92a5d68fbfb0&sot=autdocs&sdt=autdocs&sl=18&s=AU-ID%2856104703900%29&relpos=1&citeCnt=0&searchTerm
- 4. Evolutionary Process Of The Turkic Word Formation: Phonetic And Morphonological Structures Of The Turkic Root. Talent Development & Excellence Vol.12, No. 1, 2020, 3101 – 3114. 01-14 (S. A. Odanova, G.Abdirassilova, A.T.Fazylakhmetova, Zh. K.Darkenbayeva, A.A Satbekova)
- 5.Philosophical and social bases of the Kazakh language project teaching in an alien auditorium // Қазақстанның жоғары мектебі – Высшая школа Казахстана. ҚР Білім және ғылым министрлігі. Ақпараттық – сараптамалық журналы. №2/2018 (22). Стр. 21 – 25.
- 6. Formation of language skills of Primary School students through audio-visual means of teaching in the framework of updated education // MAS INTERNATIONAL EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON APPLIED SCIENCES August 16-18, 2018. Paris, FRANCE.. CONGRESS BOOK. Editors Prof. Dr. Osman ERKMEN Dr. Melahat GÖKTAŞ. 2018. -37 – 45 б. ISBN -978-605-7510-14-3.
- 7. Scientist's honor // MATERIALS International Scientific and Practical Conference «NEW HORIZONS OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION IN THE GLOBAL EDUCATIONAL SPACE» dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician A.K. Kusainov. June 5, 2021
- 8.A person who loves his nationality // MATERIALS of international scientific and practical online conference “GLOBAL AND NATIONAL TRENDS OF ETHNIC EDUCATION OF YOUTHIN THE EPOCHOF DIGITALIZATION AND SPIRITUAL AND MORAL REVIVAL OF THE GREAT STEPPEPEOPLE” dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of the professor, academician of APNK, IANPO, International Pedagogical Academy Kozhakhmetova Klara Zhantureevna March 16, 2021.
- 9. FILOLOJI UZMANLARI IÇIN PROJE ÖĞRETIM TEKNOLOJISINE DAYALI AKMEOLOJIK EĞITIM // VІІ International Research Symposium on Turkic world to be held on 20-23 October 2020. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Niğde, Turkey.
- 10. Formation of the professional personality of the future teacher as the intellectual potential of the country in the conditions of modernization of pedagogical education (based on the technology of project-based teaching of the Kazakh language // SCIENTIFIC COLLECTION «INTERCONF» № 1(37) Scientific Collection «InterConf», (37): with the Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference «Recent Scientific Investigation» (December 6-8, 2020). Oslo, Norway: Dagens naeringsliv forlag, 2020. 530-539 p. ISBN 978-82-7346-353-1 contact e-mail: webpage:
- 11. PROJELENDİRME DİL BİLİMİ VE KAZAK DİLİ’NİN PROJELENDİRME TEKNOLOJİSİ İLE ÖĞRETİLMESİ // VІ International Research Symposium on Turkic world to be held on 13-15 June, 2019, Baku.
- 12. KAZAK DILI PROJE ÖNCESI EĞITIM TEKNOLOJISI-ÖĞRENCILERE KALITELI BIR SEVIYEDE ÖĞRENMENIN ETKILI BIR YOLUDUR // V International Research Symposium on Turkic world to be held on 11-13 October, 2018 Almaty.
Suleimenova Zharkynbike
Position: Professor, Doctor of Sciences
- Information
Suleimenova Zharkynbike
Position: Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Zharkynbike Suleimenova graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute in 1987 with a bachelor's degree in Kazakh language and literature. In 2005 she defended a doctoral thesis, since 2010 - professor.
She began her career as a senior lecturer in Pavlodar Pedagogical University (1987-1989), in 1989-1990 researcher KazNPU named after Abai, in 1990-2012 - a lecturer, professor, head of Theories and methods of teaching of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. In 2012-2016 - Professor at Niide University , Republic of Turkey.
In 2016-2018 head of the department of Theory and methods of Kazakh linguistics of Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University. In 2018-2021 - the Chair of the Dissertation Council in the field of "Kazakh language and literature" , "Philology".
Has the badge "Excellence in Education of The RK" 2-time winner of the state grant "The best teacher/lecturer of university"; (2008, 2020), winner of the Medal of Honor in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University .
- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor , Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University
- Kazakh language and literature, bachelor's degree, Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University
- Member of the International Association of Kazakh Language Teachers. (International Association of Teachers of Kazakh Language , Nazarbayev University)
- Member Turkic languages association (Turkish Republic , Ankara);
- Member of the Association of Teachers of Universities of the Turkic States (Republic of Turkey).
- Chair of the Dissertation Council in the field of "Kazakh language and literature" , "Philology"
- KAZTEST RK (System for assessing the level of proficiency in Kazakh language), compiler.
- Editor of the international scientific journal "Bilimsel Eksen" (Scientific Horizon ) (Republic of Turkey, Ankara)
- Didactic problems of training philologists in higher education.
- Problems of morphology in Kazakh language, communicative linguistics.
- Innovative methods of teaching the Kazakh language.
- Concept of 12-year education.
- Mandatory state standards and modeled programs of higher education.
- Study of the intangible cultures of Turkic nations: spiritual culture of Uyghurs in Almaty region (International project, 2017-2020)
- Learning Kazakh language using digital resources based on a national brand (State grant, 2020-2023)
- E-learning for ungraded schools of Kazakhstan: Experience, implementation, and innovation Education and Information Technologies. 2016/3/1 Springer US p. 443-451. (Kerimbaev N.).
- Teaching Primary School Pupils Through Audio-Visual Means. (Sabdenova B., A. Kok, A.Zhumabaeva, A.Riskulbekova, E. Uaidullakyzy)// International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14/22. 2018.
- Sequence of telephone openings in the workplaces in a Kazakh community. OPSION Universidad del Zulia /Venezuela/ opción/ /ISSN: 1012-1587/ ISSNe 2477-9385. Universidad del Zulia /Venezuela/. 2019. P.332-361(Bekeyeva N., Orazbayeva F.).
- The conceptual metaphor of ‘Life is a journey’ in Kazakh cognition. Beknazarova U. etc. //Opción, Año 36, No.27(2020): 1339-1356 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385 No.27(2020) pp.1339-1356. Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo – Venezuela.
- Formation of functional and semantic stability of derivative words of the Kazakh language
- //Bulletin of Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, №3 (75) 2018, p.133-139 (Salkynbay A.).
- Linguodidactic basis for teaching culture of speech to foreign students. //Вестник АПН Казахстана. 2019, №4. (Duysebekova Zh.).
- Студенттердің ғылыми-зерттеу жұмысын тиімді ұйымдастыру жолдары. //Қазақстаннның ғылымы мен өмірі. Халықаралық ғылыми-көпшілік журнал, №2/2 (56), 2018, 94-97 (Акрамова З.).
- Студенттердің ауызша кәсіби сөйлеуін қалыптастырудың кейбір мәселелері. //Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. Халықаралық ғылыми-көпшілік журнал.№6 (62) 2018 (Тұрлыжан Т.)
- Жаңартылған білім беру мазмұны –сапалы білімінің негізгі кепілі. // Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі № 2 2019, 140-146 (Макешева Е.)
- Тұлғаның интеллектуалдық-мәдени әлеуетін арттыру. //Академия Педагогических Наук, 2019, 80-87. (Ермекбаева А.).
- Болашақ мұғалімдердің сөз мәдениетін бағалауда интернет-сауалнама әдісін қолдану //Bulletin KazNPU named after Abai. Series «Рhilological sciences» (Дүйсебекова Ж.) №2(68), 2019
- Татар және қазақ тілдеріндегі қос сөздердің жасалу табиғаты. //Наука и жизнь Казахстана, №6 (50) 2017, 119-124 б. (Сарбалина А.)
- Болашақ маманның кәсіби тілдік құзыреттілігін қалыптастырудың психологиялық қырлары //Bulletin «Bulletin KazNPU named after Abai» Series «Рhilological sciences» №2(68), 2019 (Сарбалина А.)
- Қазақ тілінде буын категориясының зерттелуі «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы. Серия «Филологические науки» Series «Philological sciences» №3(73) 2020 (Қайдарова Г.)
- Қазақ тіл білімі терминдері: когнитивтік негіздері. //Вестник. Серия филологическая. Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби. ISSN 1563-0323 Индекс 75878; 25878,95-101 б. (Жұбаева О., Сарбалина А.)
- Жүсіп баласағұнның «құтты біліктегі» тіл туралы ұжырымдары //БҚМУ Хабаршысы. № 3 (79) (Балтабаева Ж.).
- 2019 , 2 July , topic of the lecture: Жоғары мектепте филолог маман даярлаудың өзекті мәселелері. Қорқыт Ата атындығы Қызылорда университеті, Казахстан, Кызылорда.
- 2019, 28 September, topic of speech: Kutadgu Bilig’deki Söz Sanatlarının Eğiticiliği ve Öğreticiliği Üzerine Görüşler («Құдадғу біліктегі» сөз өнерінің дидактикалық маңызы) //Uluslararası Kutadgu Bilig Kurultayı. Ankara, Түркия, Анкара.
- 2016, 1 June, topic of speech: «Bağımsız Kazakistan'ın yüksek öğretim sistemi» (Тәуелсіз ҚР жоғары білім беру жүйесі»). Университет Нийде, Турецкая Республика
- 2012, 11 June, topic of speech: Активные методы обучения в вузе. «V Международная научная конференци «Русский язык в языковом и культурном пространстве европы и мира: Человек. Сознание. Коммуникация. Интернет» Польша, Варшавский университет.
- Білікті қазақ тілі маманын даярлау - жоғары мектептің біртұтас құрамдас бөлігі //Мемлекеттік тіл саясаты – қазақстандықтардың бірігуінің негізгі факторы» атты халық.ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция, Алматы, 2016, 29 қараша
- ЖОО-да студенттердің зерттеу әрекетін қалыптастыру мәселесінің теориясы //Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасы аясында өткен «Қазақ әліпбиін латын қарпіне көшірудің өзекті мәселелері«» атты республикалық конференция. Алматы, 29 қыркүйек, 2017
- 2017, 4 қараша, тақырыбы: The Cognitive Issues of the Linguistic Terminology // IX. Uluslararasi Dünya Dili Türkçe Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya, Малатья, Түркия Республикасы.
- Türk Dilleri Terimlerin Ortaklık Sorunları // «Yeni Turkiye» Jounal. Page 726. Vol-21. 2018. №101, ISBN 1300-4174
- 2017, 11 мамыр, тақырыбы: Туыстас түркі тілдеріндегі терминдерді ортақтандыру мәселесі //Al Farabi 1st Internashional Congress on social sciences. Gaziantep/ Turkey
- Профессор К.Ж.Қожахметова ұлттық тәрбие туралы. //Әлемдік және қазақстандық білім-ғылым кеңістігіндегі этнопедагогика мен
этнопсихология»: Халық. ғыл-практ. конф. мат.жинағы. 2016 март, Алматы. - Наурыз айы туғанда. //Ұлы даланың ұлттық дәстүрлері халықаралық форумы. Атырау, 2018, 14-17 наурыз, Атырау.
- Профессор Н.Оралбаева 90 жаста // ҚР еңбек сіңірген ғылым қайраткері, ф.ғ.д., профессор Нұржамал Оралбайдың 90 жылдық мерейтойына арналған «Қазақ тіл білімі саласындағы жаңа ғылыми бағыттар» атты халықаралық ғылыми-əдістемелік конф. матер. 15 мамыр, 2018 жыл. Алматы
- Қазақ тіліндегі гүл концептісі. //25-27 Mayıs 2016 tarihleri arasında Azerbaycan’ın başkenti Bakü’de gerçekleştirilecek olan III. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 2016. S.147-150. Әзірбайжан Республикасы, Баку.
- Туыстас түркі тілдеріндегі терминдерді ортақтақтандыру мәселесі. (Ысқақұлы Д., Сарбалина А.). // Al Farabi 1 st Internashional Congress on social sciences. May 11-14, 2017.Gaziantep / Turkey.
- Халқының адал перзенті. // Көрнекті ғалым, профессор Сейілбек Мұхамеджарұлы Исаевтың 80 жылдығына «Ұлы Даланың тілдік және рухани кеңістігі: өткені мен бүгіні» атты халықаралық. ғыл.-практикалық. конф. материалдар жинағы. Алматы, 2018.
- Жоғары мектеп оқытушысының әдістемелік құзыреттілігі моделі // Түркі әлемі зерттеулері халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік симпозиумы, 11-13 қазан, 2018 ж. Алматы.
- Білім беру жүйесінде тілдік құзыреттілік мазмұны // ІІІ Халықаралық түркі әлемі зерттеулері симпозиуымы, Баку, 2016, 25 мамыр.
- Language Picture of The World Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers // JOURNAL Open Access Refereed E-Journal & Refereed & Indexed ISSN: 2630-631X Article Arrival Date: 26.03.2018 Published Date: 21.05.2018 Vol 4 / Issue 8 / pp: 59-63 (Abitova Zh)
- Академик Р.Сыздық еңбектерінің болашақ филолог мамандарының сөз мәдениетін қалыптастырудағы маңызы. // Р.Сыздық феномені: Қазақ тілі білімігіің бүгіні мен болашағы. Халық. ғ-теор. конф. 22 қараша 2019. Алматы.
- Влияние устной литерптуры на развитие детской речи // Материалы межд. научно-прак. конф. общества науки и творчества. РФ, Казань. 2019 (Дуйсебекова Ж.)
- Effectiveness of Formative Assessment of Formation of Speech Culture of Students// Problems and Prospects of Professional Education Development In The 21st Century Materials of the IX international scientific conference on April 10–11, 2019 – (Duysebek Zh.)
- Болашақ маманның кəсіби тілдік құзыреттілігі //Қазақ тіл білімі қазіргі заман кеңістігінде: таным, мəдениет, коммуникация. Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары 15-16 мамыр. 2020. (Сарбалина А.)
- History of Studying the Methodical Competence of Students (Abdyzhalitova A) //3 International Conference On 'Communication in New World' November 13-15, 2020 Manhattan, New York City.
- Мəдениетаралық қатысымдық құзыреттілікті қалыптастырудың дидактикалық моделі (Шериева Г.) // YII Uluslararasi Türk Dünyasi Araştirmalari Sempozyumu, 20-23 Ekim 2020, Niğde, Turkey.
Yeskermesova Gulnar
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Yeskermesova Gulnar
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
In 2013, she defended her master's thesis on the topic "The communicative function of common sentences" in the specialty 6M020500-philology at Almaty State University under the supervision of Professor, Doctor of Philology, Professor G.Kosymova. In 2017, she graduated from the Kazakh Women's State University with a degree in 6D020500-Philology.
G. A. Eskermesova works as a senior teacher of the Department of Kazakh Linguistics. The author of 1 monograph, 3 textbooks, about 40 articles devoted to topical problems of Kazakh linguistics.
- Master of Humanities (2013);
- Bachelor's degree in Kazakh language and literature, Almaty State University (Kazakhstan).
- Theoretical problems of linguistics
- Communicative and pragmatic function of punctuation Yeskermessova, G.A., Yermekova,T.N., Zhubaeva,O.S., Maukanuly,T., Kenzhekanova,K.K. 2017 Man in India.97(7), с. 265-284
- "Experimental system of teaching the discipline " communicative and pragmatic activity of punctuation"// AL-FARABI 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIENCES 269-276. May 11-14, 2017. Gaziantep/TURKEY, 269-276.
- The ethno-linguistic characteristics of the concept of the shanyrak in people’s cognition //AL-FARABI 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIENCES 269-276. May 11-14, 2017. Gaziantep/TURKEY.
- Interviewing students about the significance of punctuation marks among modern youth // Xlinguae 2020 Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020 (O Yеskermessova, G.a, Yermekova, T.a, Nurmuhametova, K.b, Abnassyrova, R.c, Zhubaeva)
- Modern punctuation trends / / KazNPU im.Abaya "Vestnik", Philology Series. - Almaty, 2015. – №1 (51). – B. 24-28.
- Additional functions of punctuation marks at the end of a sentence//Pavlodar memlekettik universitet "Vestnik", Philology series. - Pavlodar, 2017. - No. 2. - B. 43-53.
- Punctuation in the system of linguistic knowledge / / KazNPU im.Abaya "Vestnik", Philology Series. - Almaty, 2017. – №3 (61). – B. 34-39.
- Graphemes outside the alphabet in social networks // Bengi Wold Journal of Yoruk – Turkmen Studies ISSN: 2717-6584. 2020-2
- The cognitive nature of the number seven // Bengi Wold Journal of Yoruk – Turkmen Studies
- ISSN: 2717-6584. 2020-2
- Punctuation in the system of linguistic knowledge / / European conference on Language and Social Sciences Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 1 uia, 2019
- Positions in punctuation marking //International Scientific and Practical Conference "Preservation and development of native languages in a multinational state: problems and prospects", Kazan, 2016. pp. 119-122.
- "The communicative and pragmatic function of punctuation" experimental system of teaching discipline / / Al Farabi 1st international congress on social science. Gaziantep, Turkey. 2017. P. 269-276.
- Normalization (codification) of punctuation marks in the Kazakh language / / II Materials of the International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World . Almaty, 2015. B. 192-196.
- Punctuation: Function and Anthropocentrism International scientific and theoretical conference "Academician Umirzak Aitbayevich and problems of the state language". Almaty, 2016. B. 192-196.
- Innovative methodology of teaching the Kazakh alphabet based on the Latin alphabet / / Textbook. - Almaty: Publishing House, "Kaznatszhen PU" 2020.
- Kazakh language (typological and lexical-grammatical features)/ / Textbooks. Almaty, 2014
- The process of development of Kazakh punctuation depending on the sphere of functioning of the state language / / Monograph. - Almaty: "Publishing house of the A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics, 2017.
Kaidarova Gulyaim
Position: Acting Professor, PhD
- Information
- He graduated from the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after N.K. Krupskaya with a degree in Kazakh language and literature (1982-1986).
- By the decision of the committee for supervision and certification in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 26, 2007 (protocol No. 4), the academic degree of candidate of philological sciences was awarded.
- By the decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 26, 2011 (protocol No. 2), he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty of linguistics. (DC No. 0002008).
- Responsible for educational practice at the department
- Problems of phonetics of the modern Kazakh language
- Signs of sound production in the modern Kazakh language
- Articulation of syllables in the Kazakh language
- Kaidarova.G. By 1986-1992. Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature. (Semipalatinsk region, Taskesken district).
- 1992-1994 She worked as a teacher of the Kazakh language department of the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after Shakarim.
- 1994. Teacher of the Kazakh language Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (Almaty).
- 1995-Senior lecturer of the Kazakh Language Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (Almaty).
- 2008-2011. Acting Associate Professor of the Kazakh Language Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (Almaty).
- 2011. Associate Professor of the Kazakh Language Department of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (Almaty).
- Since 2016-Acting Professor of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University (Almaty).
- 2014 Medal "Badge of Honor" (for the 70th anniversary of the Women's University)
- 2015. Certificate of Honor of the Foundation for the Culture of the Turkic Peoples
- 2016-2017.She was awarded a Certificate of Honor, a letter of Thanks for her active participation in events organized by the university.
- 2018-winner of the medal " Excellent Student of Education "(Republican Council for Public Awards and Titles). 12.03.2018.
- Spelling biases in the Kazakh language / / Journal of the Kazakh language and literature No. 1 2010, pp. 7-14.
- The study of sound expressions in the Kazakh language/ / journal "Ult tagylymy" No. 1 2010. pp. 200-203.
- Phonetic character of orthoepic expressions / / Journal of the Kazakh language and literature No. 3 2010
- Composing words from a labial vowel syllable / / Tiltanym No. 4 (44) 2011 pp. 77-81
- Articulatory features in consonant syllables / / bulletin of kaznu philology series No. 1 (135) 2012, pp. 135-138
- The study of sound expressions in the Kazakh language / / Bulletin of Kazgoszhenpu series philology No. 5 (41) 2012, pp. 108-111
- The sound composition of the Kazakh language / / journal "Kazakh tili men adebieti" No. 5 2014
- A. Baitursynuly about the sounds of the Kazakh language/ / journal "Kazakh language and literature" No. 3 2015 (3-11)
- K. Zhubanov's researches on Kazakh phonetics / / journal "Kazakh language and literature" No. 4, 2015 (3-10)
- Consideration of sound expressions as text-forming language units// Bulletin named after Abai. KazNPU "series of Philological sciences" No. 2 (56), 2016
- Concept as the Main Research Object of Cognitive Linguistics International journal of environmental & science education 2016, Vol. 11, No. 10, 3167-3178 K. S. Abdikalyka, Z.A. Abitzhanova, Zh.K. Otarbekova, G.K. Kaidarova, G.A. Seidullayeva
- Research of the category of syllables in the Kazakh language / / Bulletin of the Abai Kazultpedsky University series "Philological sciences" No. 3 (73) 2020
- About the syllable in the Kazakh language and its sound composition/ / Materiały YIII Międzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji "Naukowa myśl informacyjnej powieki-2012" Volume 12. Pedagogiczne nauki.: Przemyśl. Nauka I studia
- Creating words beginning with the Ezul vowel syllable/ / "Actual problems of phonetic sciences: sources and prospects of development" A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics October 12, 2012, pp. 84-88.
- Articulation of sounds of the Kazakh language / / materials of the International scientific and practical conference "the state language in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the current state and problems of intercultural integration" on March 29, 2013, pp. 106-110.
- Views on the theory of generations in Kazakh linguistics / / materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference" the Kazakh language and the common Turkic space: achievements and prospects " named after Al-Farabi.Kaznu of Almaty, April 24-25, 2014 (104-108)
- Signs of sound production of the Kazakh language in the studies of K. Zhubanov / / materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Professor K. K. Zhubanov and scientific and methodological research in the field of modern linguistics, literary studies and methodology". A. Baitursynuly.Institute of Linguistics named after Abaya Kazakh National Pedagogical University Almaty, February 26, 2015 (161-165)
- Phonetics of creation in the Kazakh language: development and formation/ / The second International Symposium of Studies of the Turkic world May 20-22, Almaty 2015
- The articulatory nature of the sounds of the Kazakh language in the studies of S. Myrzabekov / / materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference "State language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the national idea in the Kazakh literature"Departments for the development of languages,archives and documentation of Kazgoszhenpu and Almaty.Almaty 2015, November (241-245)
- The articulatory nature of the sounds of the Kazakh language in the works of A. Baitursynov/ / " Professor A. Kuryshzhanovich and the Turkic world: language.History.Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference "Rukhaniyat" Almaty, November 27, 2015 (297-300)
- . About the stages of studying the sounds of the Kazakh language/ / II International scientific and practical conference "Prospects for the development of modern science". April 19-21, 2017, Busan, South Korea. In pechat. RSCI
- Phonetic features of the sounds of the Kazakh language in the research of K. Zhubanov / / materials of the international scientific and practical conference "conceptual foundations of the formation of linguistic competence of multilingual teaching staff" Almaty, October 25, 2017
- A. Baitursynuly signs of sound production of the Kazakh language in research / / Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference " Language and spiritual space of the Great Steppe:past and present", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, Professor S. M. Isaev.Almaty, March 29, 2018
- About the study of the sounds of the Kazakh language//.Materials of the International scientific and methodological conference "New scientific directions in the field of Kazakh linguistics", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, Professor Nurzhamal Oralbai of KazNPU.Abaya May 15, 2018 163-167
- Research of sound transformation in the Kazakh language / / KAZGEMKYZPU Omer KHALISDEMIR University Baku Eurasian University Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. AYMULLA materials of the IV International Symposium on the study of the Turkic world VOL. 11-October 13, 2018
- A. Baitursynuly "on the articulation product of the sounds of the Kazakh language" / / international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of Kazakh linguistics", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Bayynkol Kaliev, January 25, 2019, Almaty, pp. 105-109
- Views on the study of the sounds of the Kazakh language/ / international scientific and theoretical conference "Uly dala tulgalary : zhubanovtyn tagylym zhane zhazu realimi", held jointly by the A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics , the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University and the Eurasian Research Institute, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of K. Zhubanov and the 90th anniversary of his son E. Zhubanov on December 19, 2019
- Philological terms developed by A. Baitursynov. / / Yi Turkic World of Research Symposium Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Öiversitesi October, 2020 (online)
- Reflection of the concept of "space"in the folklore of nomads (based on Kazakh fairy tales)//. Yi Turkic World Studies Symposium Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Öiversitesi October, 2020 (online)
- Research of sound transformation in the Kazakh language / / Kazgoszhenpu Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Öiversitesi Baku Eurasian University named after M. Azhmulla. ped. materials of the V International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World VOLUME 1, October 11-13, 2018
- The collection of tests in the modern Kazakh language A., 2003 11,4 P. L.(adjuvant), (ed. units).
- Guidelines for part-time students on the course of modern Kazakh language A., 2003. 4,8 p. L. (auxiliary manual (ed. units).
- The collection of tests in Kazakh linguistics A., 2004. 12,5 P. L. (benefit), (ed. units).
- Guidelines for the Kazakh linguistics. A., 2004 4,5 p. L. (guidance), (ed. units).
- The language and culture textbook RBC Алматы2005 6,74 P. L. copyright Association
- The content of theoretical and practical classes on the course "modern Kazakh language (phonetics)" textbook Almaty 2009. 11.3 p. l.
- Methods of teaching the Kazakh language in higher educational institutions.Almaty, 2009. p. 277. Textbook. (author's ed.).
- Tasks on branches of the modern Kazakh language. Training manual. Almaty: Kazgoszhenpu, 2012. - p. 85.10, 6 p. l. author's association
- Methods of organizing joint independent work of a student and a teacher. Training manual. Almaty: Kazgoszhenpu, 2012. - 159 p. 9.9 p. L. author's association
- The content of theoretical and practical classes on the course "modern Kazakh language (phonetics)" textbook Almaty 2015. 2 Edition 11.3 p. L.
Sembaeva Aigul
Position: Acting Professor
- Information
Sembaeva Aigul Galievna was born in 1967 in the village of Akshi, Alakolsky district of Almaty region.
From 1984 to 1989, he studied at the Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of French, from which he graduated as a teacher of French and German.
Scientific and pedagogical experience - 24 years.
In 1998-2002, Al-Farabi, who completed their postgraduate studies at the universitietinde. In 2003, under the guidance of B. Sagyndykuly, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Emotional and expressive vocabulary in the Kazakh language" (the cipher of the specialty 10.02.02-Kazakh language) and received the degree of candidate of Philological Sciences.
- French and German, Bachelor's degree, Almaty State Pedagogical University of Foreign Languages
- Postgraduate study (Kazakh National University, Almaty)
- Nur Otan Party
- Language theory
- Psycholinguistics
- Neuro-linguistics
- New directions in linguistics
- 1. Culturological and cognitive aspect of translation in the conditions of multilingualism/ / "Innovative management and technologies in the era of globalization". V International scientific and Practical online Conference. (Egypt) 2018. January 307-313 c
- 2. The communicative meaning of neuro-linguistic programming // Materials of the V International Symposium on the topic "Research of the Turkic world".
- 3. Stylistic pragmatic features of the translation of the film discourse / / Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Berikbay Sagyndykuly "History and cognition: the paradigm of studying the language of ancient heritage", May 24, 2019.
- 4. The associative nature of the metaphorization of the meanings of words / / XI Kuryshzhanov readings: "The values of the Great Steppe – the unifying factor of the youth of the Turkic world" materials of the international scientific and practical conference. two thousand nineteen
- 5. Lingua-cultural approach to Kazakh numeral with national code// AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research" ... Impact Factor JCR-V9. 2019
- 6. Neuro-linguistic features of speech activity / / Materials of the V International Scientific-Practical Conference "Integration of the Scientific Community to the Global Challenges of Our Time" February 12-14, 2020 Tokyo, Japan Volume III. pp. 234-239 (February -2020 )
- 7. Neuro-linguistic analysis of the sentence structure // Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference " Personalities of the Great Steppe: pp. 240-243 . (March-2020 )
- 8. Neuro-linguistic features of poetic speech // Abai Bulletin of KazNPU.