Teachers of the Department of chemistry

        • Myrzakhmetova Nurbala

          Position: Leader of educational program, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Myrzakhmetova Nurbala

        Position: Leader of educational program, candidate of sciences


        Winner of an international scholarship under the program "Bolashak 500 scientists". Nigde Omer Halisdemir University. Turkiye (2021)

        Winner of the state grant "The best teacher of the university" (2017).

        2021-22 academic year leader of educational programs of the Department of Chemistry of the Institute of Natural Science of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.

        From September 2013 to September 2021, head of the Department of Chemistry.

        2013-1994 Senior Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry.

        1993-1990 post-graduate student at St. Petersburg State University.

        1990-89 intern at the Department of Chemistry, Leningrad State University.


        • Specialty "chemistry" (Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, 1983-1988) red diploma (№ 077666);
        • Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 04.00.03 "Physical Chemistry" (No. 0002908) - the scientific degree was awarded by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Attestation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 17, 1997 (Protocol No. 1).


        • Study of the sorption properties of polymer hydrogels;
        • Ways of applying innovative methods in the study of chemistry.


        1. Модернизация - формы контроля качества знаний выпускников средней школы Республики Казахстан. Международный научный журнал «Школа Науки» №10 (10), Ноябрь 2018 – Москва.
        2. влияние времени на процесс модификации гуминовых кислот. Евразийский научный журнал, РИНЦ, декабрь, 2018.
        3. Жаһандану жағдайында оқушылардың химия сабағында функционалдық сауаттылығын қалыптастырудың әдіс-тәсілдері. «Жаратылыстану-география ғылымдары» сериясы. Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, Хабаршы. №4(58), Алматы 2018ж.
        4. Дизель отынын гидротазалау үрдісіне катализатордың әсері. Промышленность Казахстана ,№2 (106) 2019 ж.
        5. «ЖОО-ның жастар бірлестіктерінде инновациялық ортаны қалыптастыру» атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция Алматы, 16-17.03. 2017ж.
        6. «Қазіргі мектепке дейінгі және бастауыш білім беру: теориясы, әдістемесі мен тәжірибесі» атты халықаралық конференция, Алматы, 28.04.2017 ж.
        7. On the sulphidation of anthropogenic copper raw materials with elemental sulfur. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy.55(1), с. 228-232, 2020
        8. Synthesis and Heavy‐Metal Sorption Studies of N,N‐Dimethylacrylamide‐Based Hydrogels. Polymers 2021, 13, 3084. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13183084
        9. Kinetic Analysis of Methane Hydrate Formation with Butterfly Turbine Impellers, Molecules 2022, 27, 4388. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27144388, 3-13p.
        10. A Short Review on the N,N-Dimethylacrylamide-Based Hydrogels, Gels 2021, 7, 234. https://doi.org/10.3390/gels7040234, p 2-12.
        11. Study of the chemical composition of raw alcohol obtained from the tuber of dahlia, Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan Volume 2, Number 78(2022), 92-98. https://doi.org/10.51580/2022-2/2710-1185.68


        1. Modern directions of development of education and science in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology and geography»  international scientific and practical conference. 27.10.2017 y., Almaty.
        2. International Congress on Social Sciences, China to Adriatic –V EJONS - International Congress on Engineering, Mathematic and Natural Sciences – II Date & Place, Tokyo Summit - September 18 -25, 2017.
        3. I. Uluslararasi kazak tarihi – kültürü ve edebiyati sempozyumu 20-23 Mart 2018 Antalya
        4.  V Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World,  11-13.10.2018, Almaty.
        5. Thirteenth International Conference on Modern Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology 2018.Eighth International Research Conference on Management, Engineering and Science 2018.Dubai.
        6. IV Al-Farabi International Congress of Social Research II. Abai Kunanbayuly Symposium on the history, culture and literature of Kazakhstan, (9-15. 11. 2018/ Ankara/Turkia
        7. Conference of students and young scientists dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute of Combustion Problems. Almaty, 2017 y.
        8.   XXI International Science and Technology Conference Part 1. Technology, . 20-21 April, 2018y. Severodonetsk.
        9.  «Proceedings of the VIII  international symposium on specialty polymers» August 23-25,Karaganda 2019.
        10.  " Systemic aspects of the modernization of science and knowledge " Materials of the international scientific and practical conference, 26. 11.2021
        11.  The role of huminum compounds in medicine. Cukurova 8th international scientific researches conference April 15-17, 2022 Adana 1321-1324 p.
        • Mataev Mukhametkali

          Position: Professor, doctor of sciences

        • Information

        Mataev Mukhametkali

        Position: Professor, doctor of sciences


        Corresponding Member Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Mining Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of the Atomic Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

        Doctor of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01 "Inorganic Chemistry" (No. 0001293) - the degree was awarded by the decision of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated April 11, 2011 (Protocol No. 2), the topic of the dissertation research: "Synthesis, structure and thermodynamic characteristics of complex mixed ferrites, manganites, bismuthites ”.

        The academic title of professor was awarded by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 17, 2018 (order 770).

        Graduated from the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, (1980-1985) diploma with honors (ЛВ № 106466); Specialty "Chemistry".

        He began his career in 1976.

        •  1976-1977 - chauffeur - 3 classes. Amankaragay motor depot
        •  1977-1979 - service in the ranks of the Soviet army
        •  1985-1988 - Engineer of the problem laboratory of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketova
        •  1988-1991 - Senior Researcher, KarSU named after E.A. Buketova
        • 1991-2001 - Senior lecturer - associate professor of KarSU named after E.A. Buketova
        • 2001-2005 - Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Karaganda State University E.A. Buketova
        • 2005-2006 - Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, KarSU named after E.A. Buketova
        • 2006-2013 - Head of the Department of Chemistry, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University
        • 2013-2015 Head of Laboratories for New Materials and Nanotechnologies of the Institute of High Technologies of NAC Kazatomprom JSC
        • 2015-2021 - Senior Researcher of the In-situ Leaching Laboratories at the Institute of High Technologies of NAC Kazatomprom JSC.
        • From September 2021. Professor of the Department of Chemistry, KazNacZhenPU


        • Graduated from Karaganda State University with a degree in Chemistry (1980-1985), by the decision of the State Examination Commission dated June 20, 1985, he was awarded the qualification of a chemistry teacher (Diploma LB No. 106466);
        • scientific internship in 1991, Moscow State University. Lomonosov
        • By the decision of the regional specialized council at the Central Kazakhstan branch of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 1995 (protocol No. 15), the academic degree of candidate of chemical sciences was awarded (Diploma NB No. 0001776, 02.00.01-inorganic chemistry), the topic of the candidate dissertation: " Synthesis and physicochemical studies of mixed lead bismuth oxogenides ";
        • By the decision of the Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 25, 2002 (Protocol No. 1), he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty of chemistry (Diploma NB No. 0004620);
        • By the decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 11, 2011 (protocol No. 2), the academic degree of Doctor of Chemistry was awarded (Diploma NB No. 0001293, 02.00.01 - inorganic chemistry), topic of doctoral dissertation: "Complex combined manganite, ferrite, bismuthite synthesis and physical and chemical research";
        • By the order of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 17, 2018 (No. 770), he was awarded the academic title of professor in the specialty of chemistry (Diploma NB No. 0000195).


        • "Synthesis and physicochemical studies of complex nanomaterials based on complex oxide ferrites, manganites, bismuthites", "Intensification of the processes of underground leaching of uranium using multifunctional chemicals"


        • No. АР05130165 "Development and physical foundations of new crystalline systems in the class of multiferroics". (2018-2020) - MES RK
        • ГФ / 4 “Grant financing. Synthesis and physicochemical research of new generations of multifunctional magnetic materials ”. (2015-2017) -MON RK.
        • AP08856422 "Development of an innovative technology for the intensification of downhole uranium production using a hydrodynamic decolmatation device in combination with a complex of multifunctional chemical reagents." (2020-2022) -MON RK.


        Teaching and teaching aids:

        • Кристаллохимия негіздері. Учебное пособие.М.М. Матаев, М.К. Алдабергенов- Караганда: Изд-во КарГУ, 2002.-90с.
        • Химия зертханалық практикумы. Оқу құралы Алматы: ҒБО КҚУ, 2008-. – 80 б.
        • Тотығу-тотықсыздану реакциялары. Оқу құралы. Матаев М.М.,Мырзахметова Н.О.,         Арғынбаева З.М.Алматы: ҚазхмемҚызПУ, 2011,-144 б.
        •  Органикалық химия есептер мен жауаптарда. Оқулық. Пірәлиев С.Ж.,Бутин Б.М.Матаев              М.М.,Алдабергенова М.Т.,Байназарова Г.М. Алматы:  Абай атындағы ҚазҰПА «Ұлағат баспасы», 2012.-243б.
        • Органическая химия в вопросах и ответах. Оқулық. Пірәлиев С.Ж.,Бутин Б.М.Матаев              М.М.,Алдабергенова М.Т.,Байназарова Г.М. Алматы:  Абай атындағы ҚазҰПА «Ұлағат баспасы», 2012.-243б.
        • Химиялық термодинамика және ерітінділердегі тепе-теңдік. Оқу құралы. Матаев М.М., Нурбекова М., Абдраймова М.Р. Алматы: ҚазмемҚызПУ, 2013, -175 б.
        • Полимерлер химиясының негіздері. Оқу құралы. Менлигазиев Е.Ж. Алматы: ҚазмемҚызПУ, 2013, -235 б.
        • Химиялық кинетика және электрохимия. Оқу құралы. Матаев М.М., Нурбекова М., Абдраймова М.Р. Алматы: ҚазмемҚызПУ, 2014, -223 б.
        • Күрделі ферриттер, манганиттер,висмутиттердің синтезі және физика-химиялық қасиеттерін зерттеу. Монография. Матаев М.М., Абдраймова М.Р., Тусипова Ж.И., Кездикбаева А.Т.

         «Web of Science»  

        • Нанокаталитические системы на основе сополимеров полиэтиленгликоль малейната с акриламидом//Журнал прикладной химии,-2015,- №2(88), стр,313-319;
        • Calorimetric and Thermodynamic Studies of Complex. Ferrites in the Temperature Range of 298,15-673K//Oriental jornal of chemistry,-2015,- Vol. 31, No. (1):Pg. 441-445.
        • Manganite synthesis by different methods   Печат. (статья)          Oriental jornal of chemistry,-2018,- Vol. 34, No. (3):Pg.1312-1316
        • Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Crystals Bi 2 BaFe 4 O 10               Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 2018, 11(4), p.411–41
        • 1.Synthesis and Analysis of Chromium and Calcium Doped YMnO3       Печат. (статья)          Oriental jornal of chemistry,-2019,- Vol. 35, No. (3):Pg.1162-1166.
        • Composition and structure of bismuth doped dysprosium manganite.        Bulletin of Karaganda University.”Chemistry” series. 2018,3(91),p.99-105.          
        • Magnetic and Resonance Properties of the Y0.5Sr0.5Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Polycrystal Печат. (статья)          Physics of the Solid State, 2020, Vol. 62, No. 8, pp. 1350–1354.
        • Magnetic Properties of the DyMn2O5–Mn3O4 Nanoparticle Composite              Technical Physics, 2021, Vol. 66, No. 4, pp. 603–609
        • Синтез и рентгенографическое исследование сложного феррита состава BiMe3IIFe5O12 (MII = Mg, Ca, Ba)// КАРГУ «Вестник»,  Серия «Химия». № 2(86)/2017 ISSN 2518-718


        • Synthesis and X-Ray Analysis of Complex Ferrites // Key Engineering Materials/ISSN: 1662-9795, Vol. 744, pp 393-398/doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/ KEM.744.393/© 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
        • Thermodynamic Properties of Complex Ferrite BiCa3Fe5O12  //ORIENTAL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY www.orientjchem.org An International Open Free Access, Peer Reviewed Research Journal ISSN: 0970-020 X CODEN: OJCHEG 2017, (2017) Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 33 (6), pp. 3200-3203;
        • Исследование минералогическогосостава осадкообразований в условиях скважинной добычи урана            Печат. (статья)          Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень 2019;(7):с.123-131
        • Influence of chemical reagent compllex on intensification of uranium well extraction      Печат. (статья)            Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2019, № 6,p.25-31
        • Magnetic and Resonance Properties of the Y0.5Sr0.5Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Polycrystal Печат. (статья)          Physics of the Solid State, 2020, Vol. 62, No. 8, pp. 1350–1354.
        • The Study of the Kinetic Characteristics of Sorption of Scandium of Ion Exchanger Purolite MTS9580 from Return Circulating Solutions of Underground Leaching of Uranium Ores.Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 22 (2020) 135‒140

        KKSON base:

        • Теплоемкость сложных ферритов состава BiMe3IIFe5O12 (MII = Mg, Ca, Ba) // Химический журнал Казахстана 2 (58) АПРЕЛЬ – ИЮНЬ 2017 г. ISSN 1813-1107 № 2 2017 стр.315-322.
        • «The composition and structure of bismuth-doped doped dysprosium manganite» BULLETIN OF NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN.2018, 6(376), p. 134 – 138  
        • Synthesis and X-ray diffraction study of the chromite - manganites Chemical Journal of Kazakhtan,-2019,-№3(67) –с. 207-216
        • Раздельная десорбция скандия и примесей Химический журнал Казахстана,-2020,-№1(69) –с. 169-183
        • Выбор сорбента для концентрирования скандия из растворов многокомпонентного состава. Химический журнал Казахстана,-2020,-№1(69) –с. 183-
        • Синтез и структурные исследование мультиферроиков в системе CdxBi1-xCr0,5Fe0,5O3 (x=0,1,0,2,0,5) Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н.Гумилева. –2020. -№1(130). -С.81-88.
        • Cинтeз и физикo-химичecкиe хapaктepиcтики фaзы Y 0,5 Sr 0,5 Cr 0,5 Mn 0,5 O 3 Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н.Гумилева. –2020. №2(131). -С.31-38.


        • Состав для декольматирущей обработки скважин подземного выщелачивания урана//РК №97571, от 03.11.2015г;
        • Передвижная установка для проведения химической обработки непосредственно фильтровой части технологических скважин//РК на полезную модель №2153, бюллетень №8 от 28.04.2017г.;
        • Способ интенсификации подземного скважинного выщелачивания урана //РК №32822, от 28.04.2018 г;
        • «Способ получения висмуто-феррита состава YbBiNaFeO5». Патент РК №104109, от 28.04.2018г
        • Способ интенсификации подземного скважинного выщелачивания урана.Патент РК №32822, от 28.04.2018г
        • YbBiNaFeO5 құрамды-ферритті алу әдісі. Патент РК №104109, от 28.04.2018г
        • Способ получения манганита диспрозия, допированного висмутом состава Bi0.1Dy0.9MnO3. Патент на изобретение РК №33891, от 09.09.2019г
        • Способ подготовки технологических блоков для скважинной добычи урана (варианты).. Патент на изобретение РК №34738, от 27.11.2020г
        • Способ получения перовкситоподобного манганита диспрозия, легированного висмутом составаBi0,2Dy0,8MnO3 Патент на изобретение № 35240 от 26.11.2021


        • • Forecasting the mining of hanging ores using the modeling process // Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Works. conferences "Actual problems of the uranium industry" 3-5 August 2017 Astana, pp. 126-129;
        • • Development of a methodology for intensifying uranium mining in the case of UWP of uranium at the Irkol deposit // Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Works. conferences "Actual problems of the uranium industry" 3-5 August 2017 Astana, pp. 158-162;
        • • Innovative methods of carrying out repair and restoration works of technological wells at UWHP // Proceedings of the VIII International scientific and practical. conferences "Actual problems of the uranium industry" 3-5 August 2017 Astana, pp. 169-173;
        • • Thermodynamic properties of complex ferrite BiMg3Fe5O12 // III International Scientific and Practical Conference // fundamental scientific research: theoretical and practical aspects // West Siberian Scientific Center January 29-30, 2017. II-th, pp 137-142. conference@sibscience.ru;
        • • Study of complex ferrites of composition Bi2BaFe4O10 using TGA and XRF methods // XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Chemistry and Chemical Technology in the XXI Century" XXT-2017 May 29 - June 1, 2017, Tomsk. p. 73;
        • • Thermodynamic properties of complex ferrite BiBa3Fe5O12 // "Zhastar zhune kylym: bogini men bolashaky" 189-191 b;
        • • Synthesis of complex ferrite YbBiNaFeO5 // "Theoretical and experimental chemistry", Abstracts of the VI th scientific conference, dedicated to EXPO -2017, 15-17 June, p.87. Karaganda 2017 ISBN978-9965-07-990-0;
        • • Influence of chemical reagents on filtration characteristics of productive formations of downhole uranium mining. Collection of Proceedings of Int. Scientific-practical conference "Rational use of mineral and technogenic raw materials in the conditions of Industry 4.0", March 14-15, 2019, Almaty, pp. 263-266
        • • Synthesis and electron microscopic examination of chromite-ferrites Gd (1 -X) MgCr0.5Fe0.5O3, (X≈0.7) Print. (article) Zbirnik to the center of science publications "Veles" for materials of the V international scientific-practical conference: "Vesnyani naukovi chitannya", Kiev: collection of articles (equal to the standard, academic routine). - K.: Center for Science Publications, 2019.p.117-121
        • • Study of the dependence of heat capacity on the temperature of the Y (1 -X) phase BaCr0.5Mn0.5O3, (X≈0.7) Print. (article) Zbirnik to the center of science publications "Veles" for materials of the 5th international scientific and practical conference: "Vesnyany naukovi chitannya", Kiev: collection of articles (standard, academic). - К .: Center for Science Publications, 2019.c. 121-125
        • • Study of the process of leaching of scandium from uranium ore by the filtration method. Advances in chemistry and chemical technology: collection of scientific tr. Volume XXXIII, U78 №21 (211) .- M.: RKhTU im. D.I. Mendeleeva, 2019. Pp. 74-77
        • • Magnetic and resonant properties of the Y0.5Sr0.5Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 polycrystal Print. (article) Materials of the XXIV International Symposium "Nanophysics and Nanoelectonics" March 10-13, 2020 Nizhny Novgorod, p / 247-249


        • • Awarded with the name of the scholarship of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University named after academician N. Bazanov,
        • • Diploma of the Akim of the Kazybekiy district of Karaganda
        • • Diploma of the Akim of Almaty,
        • • 40th anniversary medal of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov,
        • • 70th anniversary medal of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
        • • Honorary badge "Honored Worker of the Nuclear Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" III degree.
        • • Diploma of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken"
        • • Algys khat - E.A. Boketov atyndaғy Қarmu rectors
        • • Honorary badge "Best Scientist" Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
        • • Member of the Supervisory Board of KSU named after E.A. Buketov (2015-2019)
        • • Member of the dissertation council for the defense of PhD dissertations at KazNU named after Al-Farabi (2015-2019)
        • • Chairman of the Dissertation Council for the defense of PhD theses in chemistry, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
        • • Expert of projects for the commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities of the grant program of JSC "National Agency for Technological Development".
        • • Expert of projects of the National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise.
        • • Chairman of the Dissertation Council for the defense of PhD theses of Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
        • Dzhiembaev Bulat

          Position: Professor, doctor of sciences

        • Information

        Dzhiembaev Bulat

        Position: Professor, doctor of sciences


        Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education, Doctor of Chemical Sciences in the specialty "02.00.03 - organic chemistry and 02.00.10 - bioorganic chemistry, chemistry of natural and physiologically active substances" (No. 003227) - the degree was awarded by the decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 26, 2003 (Protocol No. 6), the topic of the thesis “Oxy- and aminophosphonates of six-membered (N, O, S, Se), structure, transformations and properties.

        «Creation of new medicinal products based on active components of licorice root».

        Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology. M.V. Lomonosov (1965-1971), diploma (No. 1135); specialty - "chemical technology of biologically active compounds".

        He began his career in 1971.

        • 1971-1975 - Engineer of the Acetylene Chemistry Laboratory of the Institute of Chemical Sciences of the ANKazSSR;
        • 1975-1985 - Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Acetylene Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Sciences, ANKazSSR;
        • 1985-1991 - Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Acetylene Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Sciences, ANKazSSR;
        • 1992-1994 - Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Chemical Sciences. A.B. Bekturova MES RK;
        • 1994-2009 - Head of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Compounds of the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturova MES RK;
        • 2006-2008 Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Chemical Sciences. A.B. Bekturova MES RK;
        • 2010 - Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural and Synthetic Medicinal Substances.
        • From September 2011 to the present  Professor of the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


        • Specialty - "Chemical technology of biologically active compounds" (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology named after M.V. Lomonosov (1965-1971), diploma (No. 1135);
        • Doctor of Chemical Sciences in the specialty "02.00.03 - organic chemistry and 02.00.10 - bioorganic chemistry, chemistry of natural and physiologically active substances" (No. 003227) -  the degree was awarded by the decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 26, 2003 (Protocol No. 6).


        • Synthesis, structure and properties of new molecular structures of oxy-, aminophosphonates and N-amidophosphonates of the aliphatic, alicyclic, aromatic and heterocyclic series and their chemical modification in order to create substances with practically useful properties;


        1. Chemistry of plant substances and the creation of preparations on their basis for the needs of agriculture and other sectors of the national economy (1994-1996);
        2. Search and development of new biologically active drugs and compositions based on natural compounds and their derivatives modified, F.0100 (1997-1999);
        3. Synthesis, structure and properties of new functionally modified plant raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan, F.0185 (2000-2002);
        4. Scientific basis for the creation of physiologically active substances on the basis of synthetic and natural plant raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F.0298 (2003-2005);
        5. Fundamentals of purposeful search and creation of new physiologically active compounds based on synthetic and natural raw materials of Kazakhstan, Form 0354 (2006-2008);
        6. Modern aspects of creating new biologically active compounds from synthetic and natural raw materials, Form 0500 (2009, 2010);
        7. Development and creation of new phytopreparations based on triterpenoids of licorice root (within the framework of the program International cooperation, 2007-2009);
        8. Development and development of industrial production of bioslasticin, isolated from licorice root, to create new types of products with increased biological value, C 0135 (1996-2002);
        9. Creation of therapeutic and prophylactic agents based on bioslasticin, glyderinin from licorice root, Ts0075 (1197-2001);
        10. Republican scientific and technical program "Development and introduction into production of original phytopreparations for the development of the pharmaceutical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, (RNTP Ts.0253) 1996-2000, 2002-2006;
        11. Development and creation of new domestic drugs based on natural triterpene and carboxylic acids (PFI F0500, 2009,2010 answer.ispol);
        12. Design of nanoparticles based on natural alkaloids from plant raw materials of the flora of Kazakhstan (within the framework of the program International cooperation, 2007-2009, contract No. 146, response. Execution);
        13. Development of methods and technologies for obtaining new domestic medicines and plant growth regulators for the needs of practical medicine and agriculture (MIT, 2007);
        14. Development of new efficient, environmentally friendly domestic products based on natural and synthetic raw materials for advanced storage technologies for perishable food and processing industry products (KN MES R, 2007);
        15. "Identification of new inhibitors of HCV and HIV-1" under the grant of INTAS-Uzbekistan (2005-2007);
        16. "New polyfunctional organophosphorus compounds based on heterocyclic ketones, the search for biologically active substances" together with the staff of the Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata (2012-2014).
        17. Innovative approach to the joint processing of solid and liquid waste into adsorbents for waste water purification, AR05134356 (2018-2020)


        1. Helianthus tuberosus өсімдігінің жемісінен пектинді заттарды бөлу және құрамы, құрылысын зерттеу//Fourth International Scientific Conference of young scientists and students "prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy", Shymkent, December 9-10, 2016;
        2. 1-этинил-1-аминоциклогексан және оның фосфорлы модифицирленген туындыларының синтезі// Search, Natural Sciences series: ISSN– 1560-1730, №1(1) / 2016 G;
        3. Синтез α-аминофосфоната на основе октаналя, 4-аминопиридина и диметилфосфита// International scientific and practical conference on trends in the development of Science and education in the field of Natural Sciences, op 138-141, Almaty, October 7-8, 2016;
        4. Методические подходы к синтезу новых аминофосфонатов// International scientific and practical conference on trends in the development of Science and education in the field of Natural Sciences, op 146-149, Almaty, October 7-8, 2016;
        5. Взаимодействие гексаналя, октаналя и нонаналя с диалкаилфосфористыми кислотами// International scientific-practical conference on trends in the development of science and education in the field of natural sciences, pp. 150-152, Almaty, October 7-8, 2016;
        6. B.Zh. Dzhiembaev., G.E.Azimbaeva, G.N.Kudaybergenova, The study of amino-acide composition of helianthus tuberosuse blooms and organic solvents extract by physic-chemical methods/ International journal of advanced research 5(1), 112-117, 2017;
        7. Dahlia eveline өсімдігінің элементтік құрамын зерттеу/ Status "Modern trends in the development of science and education in chemistry, biology, ecology and geography." scientific-practical conf. Almaty, October 27, pp. 100-102, 2017;
        8. Синтез 1-диэтокси-фосфорилциклогексана и его диацетиленового производного/ Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Modern directions of development of education and science in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology and geography", Almaty, pp.37-39, 2017;
        9. Синтез аминоалкилфосфонатов карбоциклического ряда/ Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Modern directions of development of education and science in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology and geography", Almaty, pp.39-41, 2017;
        10. Синтез новых аминофосфонатов в условиях двух и трех компонентной конденсации/ Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Modern directions of development of education and science in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology and geography", Almaty, pp.46-49, 2017;
        11. Синтез новых ацети-ленсодержащих ами-нофосфонатов али-циклического ряда/ Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Modern directions of development of education and science in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology and geography", Almaty, pp.56-58, 2017;
        12. Синтез новых ацетиленсодержащих аминофосфонатов / Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Modern directions of development of education and science in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology and geography", Almaty, pp.70-72, 2017;
        13. Химические модификации на основе аминопиридинов/ Higher School of Kazakhstan, pp.208-211, 2 (1) / 2017;
        14. Синтез новых фосфорилированных производных аминопиридина/ Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Formation of innovative environment in youth associations", Almaty, pp.78-81, 2017;
        15. Chemistry of phosphorous-organic compounds of an ethynylcyclohexane series// Монография, Қызылорда, «Zhienay», 349 б, 2017.
        16. The study of the amino acid composition of helianthus tuberosus flowers// Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2018, Pages 1953-1955.
        17. Функциональные фосфорорганические производные 1-этинил-1-аминоциклогексана// International scientific journal-supplement of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Search search", 2019, №2, 142-146.
        18. Processing of rice husks and straw into active coal// South-West University „NeofitRilski”, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences Eighth International Conference "Modern Trends in Science" (FMNS-2019), Blagoevgrade, Bulgaria, June 26-30, 2019 Р 36
        19. METHOD OF RECEIVING ACTIVATED COAL FROM RICE SHELUKHI AND NEFTESHLAMA (Күріш қауызы мен мұнай шламынан белсендірілген көмір алу әдісі) – 05.04.2019 ж. №38212, Патент на полезную модель.
        20. Пудовик Синтез новых α-аминофосфонатов на основе циклогексиламина// X International Beremzhanov Congress, Almaty, October 24-25, 2019. pp. 158-159.
        21. Функциональные фосфорорганические производные  1-этинил-1-аминоциклогексана// X International Beremzhanov Congress, Almaty, October 24-25, 2019. pp. 138-139.
        22. Синтез новых аминофосфонатовв условиях реакции Пудовика// X International Beremzhanov Congress, Almaty, October 24-25, 2019. pp. 113-114.
        23. Синтез n-алкилированных производных 1-этинил-1-аминоциклогексана и химические модификации на их основе// Bulletin of the National Academy of Engineering of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019, №4 (74), pp.66-72.
        24. Пудовик Синтез новых α-аминофосфонатов на основе циклогексиламина // Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, Volume 90, №6, p. 980-984
        25. Synthesis of New α-Aminophosphonates Based on Cyclohexylamine// ISSN 1070-3632, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2020, Vol. 90, No. 6, pp. 1100–1103.
        26. Growth regulator of table dill icartophelia based on 2,6-diphenyl-4-dimethoxyphosphyrylpiperidine-4-ola // Patent for a utility model. №4826, 2019/1114.2, 19.12.2019, 26.03.2020
        27. Growth regulator of table dill ikartofel on the basis of 2,5-dimethyl-4-dimethoxyphosphorylpiperidine-4-olа // Patent for a utility model. №4827, 2019/1115.2, 19.12.2019, 26.03.2020
        28. Синтез новых α-аминофосфонатов на основе циклогексиламинов в условиях реакции Кабачника-Филдса// Journal of Chemistry of Kazakhstan, pp. 126-133, 1 (73), January-March 2021.
        29. Rice straw and husk oil sludge for processing though the use of lignosulfonate as a binder with activated charcoal// D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry, pp. 65-71. 2 (446), March-April 2021.
        30. Күріш қалдығымен мұнай шламын бірге өңдеуде байланыстырушы крахмал негізінде брикеттелген белсендірілген көмір алу// D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry 3 (447) May-June 2021
        31. Obtaining granular activated carbon using a binder gelatin in the joint processing of rice and oil waste//Ninth International Conference “Modern Trends in Science” FMNS-2021, 15 - 19.09.2021, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA, P 37, 2021
        • Kishibaev Kazhmukhan

          Position:  Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry сandidate sciences

        • Information

        Kishibaev Kazhmukhan

        Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry сandidate sciences


        Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.15-Catalysis-By the decision of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 21, 2008 (Protocol No. 1), the academic degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences (Diploma of GC No. 0001288) was awarded, the topic of the dissertation: "Synthesis and catalytic properties of immobilized catalysts of palladium and potassium humate".

        He graduated from the Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov, (1981-1986), Specialty "Chemistry", by the decision of the State Examination Commission of June 28, 1986, he was awarded the qualification of chemistry teacher (Diploma KV No. 180910);

        He started his career in 1986.

        • 1986-2002-Teacher, Deputy director of the N. K. Krupskaya secondary school of the Karasay district of the Almaty region.
        • 2002-2005 Full-time postgraduate study at al-Farabi KazNU in the specialty "Catalysis".
        • 2005-2008-Senior Lecturer of the Department of Catalysis, Colloid Chemistry and Petrochemistry of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Moscow).
        • 2008-2012-Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Chemical Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        • 2012-2021-Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
        • Since September 1, 2021, senior lecturer of the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. 
        • Since September 1, 2022, he has been an associate professor of the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


        • Specialty "Chemistry" (Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov, 1981-1986), by the decision of the State Examination Commission of June 28, 1986, the qualification of chemistry teacher was awarded (Diploma KV No. 180910);
        • Candidate of Chemical Sciences in the specialty 02.00.15 " Catalysis "(Diploma of GC No. 0001288) - By the decision of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 21, 2008 (Protocol No. 1), the academic degree of Candidate of chemical Sciences was awarded.


        • Kinetics and catalysis "Synthesis and catalytic properties of immobilized catalysts of palladium and potassium humate".


        •  S. A. Efremov, K. K. Kishibayev, A. T. Kabulov, R. R. Tokpayev, A. A. Atchabarov, S. V. Nechipurenko, M. K. Nauryzbayev, Kh.S. Tassibekov, K. O. Kishibayev, N. L. Voropaeva, V. V. Karpachev, C. K. Rojas-Mayorga, J. Silvestre-Albero, F. Rodríguez-ReinosoPreparation and investigation of active carbons based on furfural copolymer: / Russian Chemical Bulletin, June 2018, Volume 67, Issue 6, P. 997–1001, ISSN 1066 5285
        • K.K. Kishibayev, K.O. Kishibayev et al. And study of growth stimulating activity of 1-propil-4(3-amino-1,2,4-triazolo-36-thiopropinyl) piperidin-4-ol StudiaChemia, № 5, 2020ISSN (online) 2065-9520, Romania
        • The use of an assessment system based on criteria is a way to improve the quality of education: K. Kishibaev, N. M. Myrzakhmetova / Republican scientific and practical conference "Mathematical and computer modeling and modern technology of teaching natural sciences", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of Professor Murat Iskaliyev Materials of the scientific and practical conference. Almaty, 2017. ISBN978-601-224-422-9
        • Formation of students 'cognitive activity in the process of chemistry: K. Kishibaev, N. Myrzakhmetova, Zh. Kalbaeva /Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Modern directions of education and science development in chemistry, biology, ecology and geography" (Almaty, October 27, 2017) ISBN 978-601-224-925-5
        • Formation of students ' functional literacy in the context of globalization: K. Kishibaev, N. Myrzakhmetova, G. Baytasheva, B. Islamova /International scientific research "Modern directions of education and science development in chemistry, biology, ecology and geography" practical materials of the conference (Almaty, October 27, 2017) ISBN 978-601-224-925-5
        •  Social education for students Sh.Beibitshievna, K. Kishibayev / International Scientific Studies "Modern areas of education and science development in Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and geography" practical materials of the conference (Almaty, October 27, 2017) ISBN 978-601-224-925-5
        • Formation of Kazakhstan's patriotism in the modern education system (on the example of chemistry): K. Kishibayev, N. Myrzakhmetova, G. Ganievna /international scientific research conference "modern areas of education and science development in Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and geography" (Almaty, October 27, 2017) ISBN 978-601-224-925-5
        • Application of elements of modular technology in Chemistry Lessons K. Kishibayev, N. Myrzakhmetova, A. Abdikaim /International Scientific Studies "Modern areas of education and science development in Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and geography" practical materials of the conference (Almaty, October 27, 2017) ISBN 978-601-224-925-5
        • K. Kishibayev, N. Myrzakhmetova, A. Ersin in teaching chemistry in secondary schools /International Scientific Studies "Modern areas of education and science development in Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and geography" practical materials of the conference (Almaty, October 27, 2017) ISBN 978-601-224-925-5
        • Transfer of interdisciplinary links in the teaching of chemistry: K. O. Kishibaev, A. S. Musina, M. H. Eleusizov, G. U. Baitasheva / International Forum "cognitive education and development of Science-demand time" (September 15, 2014)
        • Superhydrophobic SiO2/Trimethylchlorosilane Coating for Self-Cleaning Application of Construction Materials. Coatings 2022, 12, 1422. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/coatings12101422
        • Catalytic activity and selectivity of Palladium and Nickel catalysts in hydrogenation reactions of nitro- and acetylene compounds. Chimica Techno Acta (eISSN 2411-1414) 2022 | Vol. 9 | No. 3
        • Meldeshov Amangeldi Abdikhalikovich

          Position: Associate Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences

        • Information

        Meldeshov Amangeldi Abdikhalikovich

        Position: Associate Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences


        Academician of the International Academy of Environmental Sciences and Life Safety, St. Petersburg, Russia. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.13 "Petrochemistry" (No. 0001115) - the academic degree was awarded by the decision of the Committee for Control in the field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated June 29, 2010 (Protocol No. 5), the topic of the dissertation research: "Obtaining high-octane components of motor fuels by catalytic conversion of C4-C6 alkanes". He graduated from the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (now Al_farabi Kazakh National University) (1978-1983) diploma (ZHV No. 0073453); Specialty "Chemistry".

        He began his career in 1976

        • 1976-1978 – a worker at the Kok-su state farm in the Shardarinsky district
        • 1978-1983 - studies at S.M.Kirov Kazakh State University
        • 1984-1990 - Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology
        • 1990-1992 - Postgraduate studies, Gubkin Academy of Oil and Gas, Russia
        • 1992-1994 - Senior lecturer at Shymkent Pedagogical Institute
        • 1994-1997 - Institute of Chemistry named after Bekturova, Research Associate
        • 1997-2002 - KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry;
        • 2002-2012 – Kazakh-British Technical University, tutor, Senior lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering;
        • 2013-2014 – Head of the laboratory. "Chemistry of Petroleum and petrochemical Synthesis" of the A.B.Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences at KBTU;
        • 2014-2023 KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva (now the Academy of Logistics and Transport) is a professor of the Department of Ecology and Life Safety, Head of the Department of Ecology and Life Safety, Director of the Training Center Labor Protection and Industrial Safety, Director of the Distance Learning Center, Director of the Institute of Basic and Distance Education.
        • Since 09/01/2023, Associate professor of the Department of Kaznatszhenpu


        •  Graduated from the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (now Al_farabi Kazakh National University) with a degree in Chemistry (1978-1983), by the decision of the state certification Commission dated June 30, 1983, he was awarded the qualification of a chemistry teacher (Diploma of ZHB No. 0073453);
        • Scientific internship in 1992 at Gubkin Russian State University.
        • By the decision of the Council at the State Academy of Oil and Gas dated November 19, 1991 (Protocol No. 11), the academic degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences was awarded (Diploma XM No.023875, 02.00.13 - petrochemistry, 02.00.03 – organic chemistry), the topic of the candidate's dissertation: "Hydrogenation of aldehydes on deposited catalysts"
        • By the decision of the Chairman and the Committee for Supervision and Certification of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 05, 2006 (Protocol No. 11), he was awarded the academic title of Associate professor in chemistry (Diploma of DC No.0000582);
        • By the decision of the Committee for Control in the field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2010 (Protocol No. 5), the academic degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences was awarded (Diploma GD No.0001115), 02.00.13 – petrochemistry), the topic of the doctoral dissertation: "Obtaining high-octane components of motor fuels by catalytic conversion of C4-C6 alkanes".


        • "Development of catalytic systems for deep processing of petroleum distillates to produce fuels", "Development of catalytic systems for the production of high-octane components of motor fuels from light alkanes".


        • 0549-GF3 / Development of scientific foundations of catalytic hydrodearomatization technology for the production of environmentally friendly fuels (2011-2013) – Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
        • 0204-GF1 / Development of catalytic systems for deep processing of petroleum distillates in order to obtain high-quality rocket and diesel fuels (2014-2016) – Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


        • Production of high-octane components of motor fuels on modified aluminosilicate catalysts. Almaty: KazATK, 2017. -98 p.
        • Catalytic conversion of light alkanes on natural aluminosilicates with a columnar structure. Almaty: KazATK, 2018. -104 p.
        • Modification of natural aluminosilicates to produce alkylbenzene. Part 1. Lambert Academic Publishing House, Saarbrücken (Germany), 2015, part 1. 104 pages.


        Educational and teaching aids:

        • Enbekti korgau zhane ondiristik kauipsizdik. Meldeshov A.A., Baykenzheeva A.S., Torgaev A.A. Okulyk. Almaty: KKA, 2020, ROOMS of KarSTU. -430 b.
        • Laboratory workshop on inorganic chemistry. Almaty:KazATK, 2019. 90 p.
        • "Analytikalyk chemistry" pani boyynsha tajiribelik sabaktardy oryndauga arnalgan adistemelik nuskau. Almaty: KazKKA,2018. 55 b.
        • Analytical chemistry. Meldeshov A.A., Alimzhanova A.A. Laboratory workshop on quantitative analysis. Almaty: Lantar Trade LLP, 2019. -92 p.
        • Fundamentals of qualitative analysis. Meldeshov A.A., Alimzhanova A.A. Textbook. Almaty: Lantar Trade LLP, 2019. -224 p.
        • Zhalpa zhane beyorganikalyk chemistry. Meldeshov A.A., Alimzhanova A.A. Laboratory workshop. Almaty: Lantar Trade LLP, 2019. -261 b.
        • Zat kuramyn anyktau. Meldeshov A.A., Alimzhanova A.A. Laboratory workshop. Almaty: ADAL KITAP LLP, 2023. -261 b.
        • Zat mulsherin anyktau. Meldeshov A.A., Alimzhanova A.A. Laboratory workshop. Almaty: ADAL KITAP LLP, 2023. -261 b.
        • Laboratory workshop on qualitative analysis. Meldeshov A.A., Alimzhanova A.A. Textbook. Almaty: ADAL KITAP LLP, 2023. -224 p.
        • Laboratory workshop on general chemistry. Meldeshov A.A., Alimzhanova A.A. Textbook. Almaty: ADAL KITAP LLP, 2023. -115 p.
        • Physico-chemical methods of analysis. Meldeshov A.A., Alimzhanova A.A. Textbook. Almaty: ADAL KITAP LLP, 2023. -130 p.

        Publication in foreign journals:

        • Features of freezing of recuperators in the temperature conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. American Journal of Science, No.21, 2018, volume 1.
        • The effect of metal dispersion on the formation of high-octane components of motor fuels. International Scientific Journal "Actual Science", Russia, Volgograd, 2017, No.4. pp. 7-13.
        • Preparation of alkylbenzene by catalytic alkylation. International scientific journal "Actual Science", Russia, Volgograd, 2022, No.2(49). pp. 80-83.
        • Ush tildi bilim berudi iske asyrudyn sapasy zhane karkyndylygyn koteru. Higher School of Kazakhstan Magazine", №1(17), 2017. Pp. 43-45.
        • Isomerization of n-butane on rhodium catalysts deposited on natural bentonite. Scientific and theoretical journal "Bulletin of Modern Science", Russia, Volgograd, 2018. pp.20-23.
        • Production of environmentally friendly high-octane fuel components from light alkanes. International Scientific Journal "Actual Science", Russia, Volgograd, 2019, No.3(20). pp. 12-17.

        Publications in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

        • COXON base of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
        • • Adsorption characteristics of activated Kelesian clay. Bulletin of KazATK, No.2(101), 2017. pp. 48-52.
        • • High temperature chemical resistant materials. Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No.4(180), 2020. pp. 12-19.
        • • Refractories from the ores of the Kempirsai deposit. Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No.7, 2020. pp.33-38.
        • • Features of domestic bentonite for the production of alkylbenzene. Bulletin of KazATK, No.2(109), 2019. pp. 30-35.
        • • On some issues of the use of advanced technologies for cleaning equipment and mechanisms in railway transport. Industrial Transport of Kazakhstan, No.1(62), 2019. pp.60-68.
        • • Occupational safety management system in higher education institutions. Bulletin of KazNITU, No.3(133), 2019. pp.78-81.
        • • The Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and environmental protection measures. Bulletin of KazNITU, No.3(133), 2019. pp.156-160.
        • • Development of a heterogeneous alkylation catalyst for light hydrocarbons based on domestic bentonite. Bulletin of KAZGAS, No.4(74), 2019. pp.205-209.
        • • Electrokinetic characteristics of the applied catalysts. Bulletin of KAZGAS, No.4(74), 2019. pp.209-214.
        • • Oligomers as raw materials for additives and oils. Bulletin of KazATK, spec. issue, 2019, volume 1. pp.104-108.
        • • Features of domestic bentonite for the production of alkylbenzene. Bulletin of KazATK, 2019, No.2, pp.30-35.
        • • Molecular kinetic characteristics of high viscosity oil flow through pipelines. Bulletin of KAZGAS, No.4(78), 2020. pp.311-315.


        • Hydrodearomatization catalyst. A.S.No.7759 RK., 2012
        • Hydrodearomatization catalyst. Innovation Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No.26908.. 2013, Issue No. 10.
        • A method for producing cyclohexane from benzene. Innovation Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No.27475. 2013, Issue No. 10.
        • A method for producing alkylbenzine and a catalyst for its implementation. Innovation patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No.27740.. 2013.
        • A method for producing high-octane components of motor fuels and a catalyst for its implementation. Innovation Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No.29837. 2015, Issue No. 5.


        • Development of a heterogeneous alkylation catalyst for light hydrocarbons based on a domestic catalyst. // Materials of the XIII conf. of young scientists "Innov. the development and demand of science in modern times. Kazakhstan, Taraz, 2019, II vol. pp. 95-97.
        • Obtaining columnar structures of natural clays for the purpose of their application in catalytic transformations. Collection of articles based on the materials of the MNPC "Modern scientific research and development", Russia, St. Petersburg, (12/14/2017). pp.74-77.
        • Adsorption and structural characteristics of the deposited catalysts. Collection of articles based on the materials of the XV MNPC "Innovations in science and practice", Russia, Barnaul, 2019. Part 1(2), pp.74-77.
        • Probable routes of conversion of light hydrocarbons on modified bentonite. Materials of the MNPC "The role of transport science and education" , Almaty, KazATK, 2016. pp.135-138.
        • Waste-free technology for the production of alkylbenzene. Materials of the XLI MNPK KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva, Almaty, 2017.Volume 3, pp.303-305.
        • Methods of regeneration of used oils. Materials of the XLII MNPK KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva, Almaty, 2018.Volume 4, pp.306-310.
        • The use of natural bentonites in petrochemistry. Materials of the First Central Asian Forum "Safety in Railway Transport", Almaty, 24-25.10.2019. – pp.170-172.
        • Waste-free technologies for the production of gasoline components. Materials of the First Central Asian Forum "Safety in Railway Transport", Almaty, 24-25.10.2019. – pp.172-173.
        • Environmentally friendly high-octane fuel components. Materials of the International Conference "Innovations in education, science, transport, logistics and telecommunications industries". Almaty, 24-25.11.2021. –PP.145-148.


        • Certificate of commendation from the Mayor of Almaty
        • Jubilee medal of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, 90th anniversary
        • Thank you letter– National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
        • Thank you letter– Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
        • Thank you letter– President-Rector of the Academy of Logistics and Transport
        • Chairman of the Intra-University Control Committee
        • Thank you letter – President-Rector of KBTU
        • Honorary badge "The best teacher" of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
        • Member of the Dissertation Council for the defense of PhD dissertations of K.I.Satpayev KazNTU (2014-2017).
        • Moldabaev Amirbek

          Position: Senior lecturer, candidate of chemical sciences

        • Information

        Moldabaev Amirbek

        Position: Senior lecturer, candidate of chemical sciences


        The work path:

        • 1983-1988. S.M. A student of the chemistry faculty of Kirov KazMU.
        • 1988-1990. Secondary school named after Moyinkum district, Zhambyl region. K. Mynbayeva is a teacher.
        • 1990-1993. "Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Catalysis" named after Sokolsky - researcher.
        • 1993-2004. School-gymnasium named after M. Makataev, Almaty - chemistry teacher
        • 2004-2010. Lecturer of the chemistry department of KazNAU
        • 2010 He defended his candidate's thesis on the topic "Catalytic hydrogenation of coal in the Taldykol deposit and its thermodynamic, kinetic laws". More than 23 scientific articles have been published in domestic and foreign publications.
        • 2010-2023, KazNU faculty of chemistry and chemical technology - leading specialist and specialized school - chemistry teacher.
        • From September 1, 2023, senior lecturer of KazUkyzdarPU


        • S.M. He graduated from Kirov Kazakh State University with a specialty in chemistry (1983-1988) (now KazNU named after al-Farabi). According to the decision of the State Examination Commission dated June 27, 1988, "Chemist. "Teacher" qualification was awarded. (Diploma - RV No. 110703);
        • By the decision of the Control Committee in the field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2011 (protocol No. 3), the scientific degree of candidate of chemical sciences was awarded, the thesis topic: "Catalytic hydrogenation of coal in the Taldykol deposit and its thermodynamic, kinetic laws." 02.00.15 - candidate of chemical sciences in the specialty "Catalysis" (Diploma - SC No. 0006664). (Al-Farabi KazNU, 2011).


        Publication in foreign journals:

        • Determination of optimal conditions for hydrogenation of Taldykol coal (Ekibastuz deposit) and calculation of thermodynamic functions of organic mass of Central Kazakhstan coal. Development prospects of coal chemistry and chemistry of carbon materials in the 21st century. A collection of abstracts of the conference of Russia and the CIS countries. Zvenigorod, 2005. - P.30.
        • Kinetic and thermodynamic properties of hydrodimethylation of heavy oil (Republic of Kazakhstan). Russian International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics. Moscow, 2005. - p. 46-48.

        Publications in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

        • Study of kinetics of thermal degradation of coals of Kendirlik and Shubarkol deposits. Problems of chemistry of Central Kazakhstan (Collection of scientific works). - Karaganda, 1998. - pp. 208-212
        • Study of catalytic activity of iron sulfide solid solutions during hydrogenation of coal with heavy oil. Problems of chemistry of Central Kazakhstan (Collection of scientific works). -Karagandy, 1998. -P.213-216
        • Hydrogenation of anthracene iron sulfide in solid solutions. Bulletin of KazMU, chemical series. - Almaty, 1999, No. 4(16). -C112-114.
        • Kinetics of catalytic hydrogenation of petroleum asphaltene. Problems of 21st century catalysis. Almaty, 2000. - P.26.
        • Kinetics of catalytic hydrogenation of anthracene using equilibrium-kinetic analysis (ECA). The state of chemistry and chemical technology in the Central Kazakhstan region and the future of development. Karaganda, 2000, p. 37-40.
        • Boiler fuel of Shubarkol deposit coal. Theoretical and experimental chemistry. Karaganda, 2004.-S. 271-273.
        • Thermal damage without catalytic hydrogenation of asphaltene of "Ortalyk Kazakhstan" utility enterprise. Bulletin of KazNU, No. 4 (36) - Almaty, 2004, p. 46-49.
        • Hydrogenation of coal and petroleum oil using iron sulfides as catalyst additives. Bulletin of KazNU, No. 4 (36) - Almaty, 2004, p. 49-51.
        • Modification of the line of iron sulfide catalysts for catalytic hydrogenation of coal and heavy oil residues. Bulletin of KazNU, chemistry series. - Almaty, 2005, No. 1 (37) - P. 37-41.
        • Hydronegation of coal with the presence of iron sulfide catalysts. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of E.A. Boketov. Volume 3. Karaganda, 2005. - P. 291-298.
        • Calculation of multi-component adjustment using Excel. International V.I. on chemistry and technology. Works of Birimzhanov. Karaganda, 2008. -P. 76-79.
        • Thermogravimetric analysis of kinetic parameters of thermal decomposition of Taldykol coal according to data. Chemical journal of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2008. P.-177-180.
        • Thermodynamic functions of organic mass of coals of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Chemical journal of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2008. P.-181-187
        • Optimizing the hydrogenation process of Taldykol coal with the support of factor planning. Chemical journal of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2008. P.-187-190.


        • Medal "For meritorious service" - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        • Certificate of honor - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        •  Thank you letter - Akim of Almaty city



        • Mussina Aytzhamal

          Position: Associate professor, doctor of sciences

        • Information

        Mussina Aytzhamal

        Position: Associate professor, doctor of sciences



        • In 2019, she received the title of "Best Teacher of 2018".
        • She was awarded the bronze medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR and the badge "Inventor of the USSR".
        • 2019 received the title of Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences "Concord".
        • 2014 awarded - a medal for the 70th anniversary of Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, as an excellent student of scientific and pedagogical activity,
        • In 2018, she was awarded a medal and a certificate "Білім беру саласының үздігі ".


        • In 1968 she graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Kazakh State University. S.M. Kirov, specialty: chemistry, chemistry teacher.
        • In 1991 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of chemical sciences. Topic of Ph.D. thesis: "Interaction of metals of the iron family and alloys based on them with mercury" in the specialty: 02.00.04 - physical chemistry of KhM No. 0232402, Moscow 06.11.1991, protocol No. 38 of 28.07.1991.
        • Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialties: 05.17.01 - technology of inorganic substances and 05.17.03 - technology of electrochemical processes and protection against corrosion. ҒD No. 0003459, Almaty. Protocol No. 6 of 24.06.2004, topic of dissertation research: "Theoretical and technological foundations for the creation of liquid metal reed switches and indicator electrodes from new materials."
        • In 2003 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the specialty of chemistry. DC No. 0005327. Minutes No. 4 dated March 21, 2003.
        • Passed specialization in the course "State control in the field of environmental protection and nature management", October 2014.
        • She took advanced training courses from July 1 to 10, 2015 in the amount of 72 hours at the International Academy "CONCORDE" (France).
        • Completed an internship in the Czech Republic (Prague). CERTIFIСATE Charles University husite theological faculty. This is to certify that Mussina Aitzhamal has successfully completed the scientific-research traineeship organized in Prague. betweenNowemder, 3- Nowember 20, 2019.
        • Asociace Studentu a Podnikatelu. CERTIFIСATE Aitzhamal Mussina Evropska teching a 15-hour lecnure course for a group of advanced training participants from 5 to 7 November 2019. The topic of the course is Modern problems of environmental education in the contecxt of globalization. Prague, November 7, 2019. European Association of Students and Entrepreneurs.
        • Passed refresher courses at the Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, at the faculty of retraining and advanced training of personnel. 2019 - certificate "Improvement of pedagogical skills" in the amount of 72 hours.


        • After graduation, she worked as a chemical engineer at the Dzhambul double superphosphate plant; In 1970. - Head of the school department of the Ayaguz RK Komsomol.
        • From 1971 to the end of 2009 she worked in the laboratory of amalgam chemistry: first as an engineer; since 1978 - junior researcher; since 1989 - researcher; since 1991 - senior researcher; from 1992 to December 2009 as the head of this laboratory.
        • From December 2009 to August 2011 she was the deputy chairman of the ecological union of associations and enterprises of Kazakhstan "Tabigat".
        • In August 2011, she began teaching as a professor at the Department of Ecology, and then at the Department of Chemistry, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, where I work to the present.


        Scientific activity of Mussina A.S. associated with research in various fields of chemistry, as well as in the field of environmental ecology. The main scientific direction is the development of theoretical foundations for the creation of new highly sensitive sensors of analytical signals and contact parts for liquid metal switching devices of various modifications and functional purposes.

        The developed import-substituting indicator microelectrodes were successfully introduced in the determination of mercury, silver, lead and other heavy and non-ferrous metals at the Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I.Satpayev (act of introducing indicator electrodes made of carbon fiber, 2001), in the determination of lead, thallium, copper, cadmium and zinc in environmental objects at IOKE. D.V. Sokolsky (act of testing indicator microelectrodes, 2005) and in the practice of analytical work of the analytical control department of the Almaty city territorial department of environmental protection (act of implementation 2005).

        Research has been carried out on the development of technological schemes for the processing of mercury-containing wastes, excluding their accumulation and storage.

        For more than 15 years, scientific interests have been associated with environmental ecology, including the ecology of flora and fauna, human life safety in the natural environment, rational nature management and sustainable development, greening of all science, including its technical areas. She took an active part in research work on demercurization of sites contaminated with mercury and amalgams.

        During the period of work, more than 300 scientific works have been published, including 3 monographs, 5 copyright certificates of the USSR, 8 patents and 6 prepatents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are 15 acts of implementation, is the initiator of the conclusion of Agreements and agreements on creative cooperation with universities and research institutes of neighboring countries (Russia, Ukraine).

        Under her leadership, two dissertations were defended for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, and prepares master students and PhD doctoral students for defense at the Institute of Natural Sciences of Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


        • 1. NPO "Almatyekologostroy" "Creation of an indicator (express method of analysis) for the qualitative determination of lead in gasoline" No. 18-95 dated 26.12.1995.
        • 2. Almaty City Department of Ecology "Development and implementation of an express method of analysis for lead content with a lower limit of sensitivity 0.013 mg / ml" No. 4-98 dated 02. 1998
        • 3. Creative cooperation between the Scientific Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene. A Sysina RAMS on the topic "Methods of analytical control of toxic chemicals and assessment of their environmental hazard in environmental objects and industrial waste." 1992-2004, 2016-2018; No. 77 dated 05.01.2005, Moscow.


        • 1. Musina A.S., Bukhman S.P. On the behavior of hardly soluble metals in mercury. Monograph. Almaty, "School of the 21st century", 2004, 187s.
        • 2. Mussina A.S., Yeleussizov M.Kh., Baitasheva G.U., Sandibayeva -N.A., Imanova E.M. “On Ecology of the New Millennium and Environmental education of the younger generation”: Monograph –2019. 98 RUR Editions du JIPTO, Bibliothegue nationale de France, ISBN 978-2-35175-065-0.
        • 3. Baitashev G.U.,. Mussina A.S, Ashirova Zh.B. Teaching modern tendency technologies of biology and ecology. Monograph / ONON, Almaty. 2017.p149. ISBN 978-601-06-4658-2
        • 4. Eleusizov M.Kh., Smirnov V., Musina A.S. Ecology of Kazakhstan: political science and sociological analysis. Almaty, Publishing House of Interligal. 2011. 411s.
        • 5. Mussina A.S., Imanova E.M., Baitasheva G.U., Bitursun S.S., Sartaeva A.A. Methods of Teachning Biology and ecology, Darkhan, Almaty. 2019, 90 p.
        • 6. Musina A.S. Ecology and sustainable development. Textbook. Izd. "Kyzdar University". 2015.172 p. ISBN 978-601-224-300-0 .; (2nd edition). - Karaganda "Medet Group". 2016.235 c. ISBN 978-601-224-300-0
        • 7. Musina A.S. Ecology of Kazakhstan. Textbook . Karaganda "Medet Group". 2016.144 p. ISBN 978-601-224-300-0. (2nd edition). - Karaganda "Medet Group". 2016.235 c. ISBN 978-601-224-300-0
        • 8. Baytasheva G.Y., Musina A.S., Imanova E.M. Electronic study guide: Kazakhstan landscapes zhene ecology. Almaty. 2018.296 b. Copyright certificate No. 985 12/14/2018
        • 9. Baytasheva G.U., Musina A.S., Sartaeva A.A. Electronic study guide: Ekolgiya zhәne tұraқtydamu workshops / Almaty. 2019, 290 b. Copyright certificate ҚР №6687 2019 27.11
        • 10. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U., Kalekeshev A.M. Қorshakan orta zhәne uly metaldar / Oқu құraly. Darkhan 2019., ISBN 978-601-7243-65-4. 122 b.
        • 11. Myrzakhmetova N.O., Kishibaev U.O., Musina A.S., Akimbaeva N.O. Nanochemistry of Negizderi / Оу Araly. Darkhan 2019. 162 b. ISBN 978-601-309-915-1.
        • 12. Baytasheva G.Y., Musina A.S., Imanova E.M., Berik N.T. Ecology, I take negative losses. Kazakh-orys-aғylshyn tіlderіndegi ғylymy tusіndіrme sozdіk. Almaty, "Darkhan", 2018.146b. ISBN 978-601-7243-08-4.
        • 13. Musina A.S. A course of lectures was delivered - "The topic of the course is Modern problems of environmental education in the contecxt of globalization."
        • 14. Patent: Kalmenova G.A. Mussina A.S., Kulmanov M.A. KZ20639-B; KZ20639-A / Producing indicator electrodes used to guantitative voltammetrik analysis, comprises impregnation of carbon fiber bu oligoavide- acid and has specific sensitivity of the electrode. Patent holder; kaza nat nuclear cent radiation safety: kaza geosciences metallurgy & benficiat / Derwent: 2019-36705Y.


        • 1. Anatomical and morphological changes of the juniper under the influence of heavy metals in condition of man-induced load. Access this advance article // Aitzhamal S. Mussina1; Gaukhar U.Baitasheva1; Meruyert S. Kurmanbayeva2; Galia J. Medeuova1; Adilhan Mauy1; Elmira M. Imanova3; Akbota Zh. Kurasbaeva3; Zaida S. Rachimova3; Yerlan S. Nurkeyev4 and Kanat Orazbayev3 Source: Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution Available online: July 2018 Document Type: Research Article. Publication Year: 2018
        • 2. Water use efficiency of rice and soybean under drip irrigation with mulch in the southeast of Kazahstan // Applied Ecology and Environmental Research /. Open Access International Scientific Journal. 2018. AEER 15 (4), P.1581-1603. Ospanbayev Zh.O. Kurmanbaeva M.S. Abdukadirowa Zh.A.Doszhanowa A.S. Nazarbekova S.T. Inelova Z.AQ. Ablaikanova N.T. Kenenbayev S.B. , A. S. Mussina, ISSN 1589 1623 (Hrint). ISSN 1785 0037.
        • 3. Highly sensitive methods for determining trace amounts of mercury in the environmental objects // News of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, series of geology and engineering sciences / A.S. Mussina, G.U. Baitasheva, N.O. Myzakhmetova, M.A. Zholmaganbetova, E.S. Mussina (Scopus) SSN 2518-170X (Online), ISSN 2224-5278.
        • 4. Mussina A. S., Musina E. S., Baitasheva G. U., Kalmenova G. A., Kuansheva Zh. Control of next amounts of metals in objects of the environment with the use of mercury-film indicative microelectrics.// News of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, series of geology and engineering sciences / 2018, No. 4 (430 ). P.195-200. SSN 2518-170X (Online), ISSN 2224-5278 (Print)
        • 5. Musina A.S. On ecological education and education of students in Kazakhstan. // G ∙ • GLOBAL. 14.01. 2017, 283, 7s.
        • 6. Musina AS, GU Baitasheva "Formation of environmental skills among the younger generation" / "Approbation" - L 65-68. No.1 (52), 2017.
        • 7. Musina A.S., Eleusizov M.Kh. On solving the problems of solid household waste in the metropolis of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Collection of reports. "Problems of reclamation of household waste, industrial and agricultural production" Krasnodar. 2015. part 1, pp. 412-418. (.) ISBN 978-5-94672-889-8.
        • 8. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U. Zhumakenova A.T. Formation of an ecological worldview. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Geology, Minerageny and prospects for the development of mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I.Satbaev. 738-741 bet. -Almaty: Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I.Satbaev November 26-27, 2015
        • 9. Musina A.S., Kurmanbaeva M.S. The influence of toxic metals on the structure of leaves of vegetable and woody plants. // Bulletin d'EUROTA-LENT-FIDJIP, 2015, No. 7, P.58-62. Polydisciplinary. work experience Int. academy CONCORD "International organizations and scientific collaborators" Monaco-Nice-Lyon-Paris. 1-10. 07.2015, p. 9. ISBN 2101-5317
        • 10. Mussina A.S., Baitasheva GU, Beisenova GS, Zholmaganbetova MA, Zakirov BS, Myrzakhmetova N.O. / Study of a microelectrode manufactured of a new material - kovar, and a mercury - film electrode on the basis of this material ... / Of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences, 2019 No. 6 (438) P.77-84. ISSN 2224-5278
        • 11. A.S. Musina, Baytasheva G.U. G.A. Kalmenova, T. Mauletuly. Peculiarities of behavior of nickel material in mercury. h.ғ.d., prof. B.M.Butin 70-f. merey toyn arnalgan "Zharatylystanu panderi salasyndagy gylym men bilimnin lady tendencies" atta Halyk. ylymi-praktily conf. B. 334-337.-Almaty: Kyzdar University, 7-8 Kazan 2016.
        • 12. Baytasheva G.U., Musina A.S., Sharipbaeva A.M. OBSZH, SӨZH sabaқtarynda innovationlyқ tekhnologiyalardy қoldanu ұtymdylyғy. BҚMU Khabarshysy, KKSON. 2018, no. 3, p. 81-87. ISSN 1680-0761.
        • 13. Mussina A.S., Baitasheva G.U., Myrzakhmetova N.O. Zholmaganbetova M.A., Imanova.E.M, Sartayeva A.A. Highly sensitive methors for determining trace amounts of mercury in the environmental objects / Of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences, 2019 No. 1 Volume 1, Number 433, 127-132. ISSN 2224-5278
        • 14. Nussibaliyeva A; Mussina, A; Carbone, G; Tultayev, B; Balbayev, G Neurorobotic Investigation by Using a Basic Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex System Algorithm New trends in medical and service robotics: advances in theory and practice 6th International Workshop on Medical and Service Robots (MESROB) Univ Cassino & S Latium, Sch Engn, Cassino, ITALY
        • 15. Mussina A.S., Sandibaeva N.A. Methods and approaches in the teaching of natural sciences Bulletin d'eurotalent-fidjip Publishing house Concorde International Academy (Editions du JIPTO) (Romilu sur Seine) # 3, 2019, Р.30-35. ISSN: 2101-5317.
        • 16. Mussina A.S., Imanova E.M., Baitasheva G.U., Bitursyn S.S., Sartaeva A.A. Methods of teaching biology and ecology Biology and Ecology for everyone "Darkhan" 2019., ISBN 978-601-724341-2. 88 b.
        • 17. Musina A.S. Ecologylyқ dүnietanymdy alyptastyrudyң keibir mәseleleri / Kazakstannyң ғylymy men mirі. 2019. No. 7/2. B. 356-359. ISBN 2073-333X.
        • 18. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U., Sandibaeva N.A. Amantai G.E. Environmental upbringing and education of youth / Kazakhstani kylymymen umiri. 2019. No. 8/2. B111-116. ISBN 2073-333X
        • 19. Mussina A.S., Yeleussizov M.Kh., Baitasheva G.U., Sandibayeva N.A., Amantai G.Ye. Some approaches to ecological education of youth / of the national academy / Series of social and human sciences. 2019.No. 6 (328) P.57-64 ISBN 2224-5294
        • 20. Mussina A.S., Yeleussizov M.Kh., Baitasheva G.U., Solomentseva S.M. Problems of municipal solid wastes in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Of the national academy / Series of biological and medical. 2019.No. 6 (336) S. 28-34 ISBN 2224-5308.
        • 21. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U., Gorbulicheva E.P. Methods for cleaning the surface of metals of the iron group and alloys based on them before applying galvanic coatings. Kazakh ulttyk kyzdar pedegogikalyk universityinin khabarshysy. No. 3 (79) 2019. pp. 38-45.
        • 22. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U., Kalmenova G.A., Myrzakhmetova N.O. Carbon-containing materials and methods of their production. / Industry of Kazakhstan. 2019. No. 4 (108). (
        • 23. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U., Gorbulicheva E.P. Amantai G.E. Chemical resistance of the nickel indicator electrode material in various media. III. Uluslararsi Abay Kunanbayoglu Kazak kulturu, tarichi ve edebiyati simpozymu. 20-23 mart 29 \ 019, Antalya. Simpozyum kitabi, 2019, C. 57-63. ISBN 978-605-7875-62-4
        • 24. Zholmaganbetova M.A., Mussina A.S. Enrichment of humus soil iayer soluble salts. / ICSSCA International Congress on Social Sciences, China to Adriatic Uluslararasi cinden adriatike sosyal bilimler kongresi. 20-23 March 2019 AntalyTurkiye. Kongre tam metin kitabi, P.386-390. ISBN -978-605-7875-52-
        • 25. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U., Imanova E.M. Ecologylyk bilim men dunietanymdy kalyptastyru yrdisteri. VI Khalykaralyk Turki Alemi Zertteuler Symposia (13-15 Mausym 2019). T.3. B. 351-356. Mamandyyma sykes sectionada maderator boldym. Baғdarlamans of Kosa tirkedim.
        • 26. The accumulation of heavy metals in leaves of woody and vegetable plants // Dubai 04,2018. G. Baitasheva, A. Musina, N. Myrzakhmetova, H. Kobegenova. Proceeding of ICMETSET & IRCMES 2018. P.13-17.
        • 27. Almaty alasyң ecology aқualy // Erdem shinzhilageeniy bichig №5 (05) Mongolia, Өlgiy, 2015. Б.227-231. ISBN 978-99962-972-8-1
        • 28. Baytasheva G.U. Imanova E.M. Simdikter Alemin Korgau taқyrybyn INSERT Adisin paidalanyp talқylau // Erdem shinzhila Paris-Nice, 1-10 juillet 2015geniy bichig №5 (05) Mongolia, Ulgiy, 2015. Б.236-239. (.ISBN 978-99962-972-8-1
        • 26. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U Khatta Qaldyktarmen lastanudyk Korshagan ortaqa Userin baqalau // Erdem shinzhila Paris-Nice, 1-10 juillet 2015geeniy bichig No. 5 (05) Mongolia, Өlgiy, 2015. B.220-226. ISBN 978-99962-972-8-1.
        • 27. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U. Avtokulikterdin shekten thousand shoғyrlanuynyң mәseleleri // Industry of Kazakhstan. KXON. No. 3 (104) 2018.P.52-56 ISSN 1608-8425
        • 28. Musina A.S., Myrzakhmetova N.O., Baytasheva G.U. Aral tenizinin ecologialyk museleleri // Industry of Kazakhstan. KXON. No. 3 (104) 2018, pp. 56-60. ISSN 1608-8425.
        • 29. Baytasheva G.U., Musina A.S., Sharipbaeva A.M. OBSZH, SӨZH sabaқtarynda innovationlyқ tekhnologiyalardy қoldanu ұtymdylyғy. BҚMU habarshysy, 2018, No. 3, pp. 44-48.
        • 30. Musina A.S., Imanova E.M., Sharipbaeva A.M. International popular scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" (KKSON) No. 6 (66) 2018. 93-99 pp.
        • 31. Baytasheva G.U., Musina A.S., Imanova E.M. Electrondy oқu kralyn zhuyeleude pikir talastyk maңyzdylykyn aygyndau. "ModeHed-ZHOO-densaulyk sahtau boyin-sha onu kurstaryn modernizationlau" atta khalygaralyk gylymi tjribelik conferencezhinaғy, Fergana. 2018, B.225-228.
        • 32. Mussina A.S., Baitasheva G.U., Myrzakhmetova N.O. Zholmaganbetova M.A., Imanova.E.M, Sartayeva A.A. Highly sensitive methors for determining trace amounts of mercury in the environmental objects. Of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences, 2019 No. 1 Volume 1, Number 433, 127-132. (Web of science) ISSN 2224-5278
        • 33. Mussina A.S., Baitasheva G.U., Beisenova G.S., Zholmaganbetova M. A., Zakirov B.S., Myrzakhmetova N. O. Study of a microelectrode manufactured of a new material - kovar, and a mercury - film electrode on the basis of this material. Of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences, 2019 No. 6 (438) P.77-84. (Web of science) ISSN 2224-5278
        • 34. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U., Kalmenova G.A., Myrzakhmetova N.O. Carbon-containing materials and methods for their production. Industry of Kazakhstan. (KKSON) 2019. No. 4 (108). Pp. 33-39.
        • 35. Musina A.S., Baytasheva G.U., Sandibaeva N.A. Amantai G.E. Ecological education and education of young people in Kazakhstan. 2019. No. 8/2. B111-116. (KXON) ISBN 2073-333X
        • 36. Mussina A.S., Yeleussizov M.Kh., Baitasheva G.U., Sandibayeva N.A., Amantai G.Ye. Some approaches to ecological education of youth. Of the national academy / Series of social and human sciences. 2019.No. 6 (328) P.57-64 (KKSON) ISBN 2224-5294
        • 37. Mussina A.S., Yeleussizov M.Kh., Baitasheva G.U., Solomentseva S.M. Problems of municipal solid wastes in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Of the national academy / Series of biological and medical. 2019.No. 6 (336) S. 28-34 (KKSON) ISBN 2224-5308
        • 38. Musina A.S., Eleusizov M.Kh., Baytasheva G.U., Kurmanbaeva M.S. Complex solution of environmental problems - the best way for sustainable development // Bulletin d'EUROTA-LENT-FIDJIP, 2015, No. 7, R.58-62. Polydisciplinary work experience Int. academy CONCORD "International organizations and scientific. co-operation "Monaco-Nice-Lyon-Paris. 1-10. 07. 2015, No. 8, Р.28-30. ISBN 2101-5317
        • 39. G.K.Baytasheva, E.M. Imanova, M.Shurupi Interbelsendi doristi atkizudin tiimdi zholdary: / Kazakh memlekettik Kyzdar pedagogy of universityinin Habarshysy, "Zharatylystanu" series, no.
        • 40. Kishibaev K.O., Musina A.S., Aidarova H.A.Almaty kalasyk aua basininine autokulik shyngyndylarynyk tikelei әser etui // Industry of Kazakhstan 2014. No. 5 (86), - pp. 52-54. ISSN 1608-8425.
        • 41. Kalmenova G.A., Musina A.S., Mukhamedinova N.A., Baytasheva G.U. Method of implantation as regulation of the process of applying a mercury film to the surface of electrode materials Frantsevich National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, series: Composite, layered and gradient materials and coatings. Electrical contacts and electrodes. Kiev, Issue 2014 .-- P.148-153.
        • 42. Musina A.S., Kalmenova G.A., Mukhamedinova N.A., Baytasheva G.U. Peculiarities of behavior of a contact material made of nickel in mercury // Collected Works of the Institute for Problems of Materials Science named after I.N. Frantsevich National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, series: Composite, layered and gradient materials and coatings. Electrical contacts and electrodes. Kiev, Issue 2014 .-- P.162-166.
        • 43. Baytasheva G.U., A.S. Musina, A.U. Isaeva, Zh.K. Myrzabaeva, A.A. Sartaeva Bilim alushylardyk biology penin kyzygushylykyn arttyruda zhobalap ogytu tekhnologiya son paidalan erekshelikterі. Abay atyndagy Kazakh ulttyk pedagogical university. "Pedagogy zhane psychology" ISSN 2077-6861. № 3 (44) 2020 B. 172-182
        • Azimbayeva Gulbayra

          Position: Acting professor, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Azimbayeva Gulbayra

        Position: Acting professor, candidate of sciences



        • 1. 1983-1988 - senior laboratory assistant, engineer, junior researcher at the Laboratory of Inorganic Salts of the Institute of Petroleum and Natural Salts of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR in Guryev.
        • 2. 1988-1992 - engineer in the Laboratory of Surgical Polymer Materials NIIHTI in Tashkent.
        • 3. 1992-2003 - leading engineer, senior lecturer of the Department of General Chemistry and Ecology at ATU.
        • 4. 2003 - senior lecturer of  the Department of Chemistry Kazakh State Women’s University
        • 5. 2009 - Associate Professor of  the Department of Chemistry Kazakh State Women’s University.
        • 6. 2017  - professors responsibility of  the Department of Chemistry Kazakh State Women’s University.


        • 1978-1983 Kazakh State University named after SM Kirov with a degree in Chemist and Chemistry Teacher.


        • Development of methods for the integrated use of inulin-containing raw materials in Kazakhstan


        • “Integration of the "EDUPLAY," "MULTIKID" into the educational and corrective process” – Israel/ Tel Aviv, (2007), certificate for coaching; EDUSOFT Project (Israel): Training (in English)


        Teaching and teaching aids:

        • • Textbook for students of the specialty "Chemical technology" (2007, Almaty, Women's University, ISBN 978-601-224-429-8),
        • • "Workshop of Chemical Technology" (Almaty, Women's University, 2012, ISBN 978-601-224-905-7);
        • • "Chemical synthesis", (ISBN 978-601-7243098, 2015, stamp


        • 1. 1986 -  Medal WLSMM "Young Guards XI Five-Year Plan."
        • 2. 2009 - for scientific achievements was awarded the breastplate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For merits in the development of science in Kazakhstan".
        • 3. 2013 - "The best teacher of the university in 2013".
        • 4. 2014 - Awarded with a breastplate "Kurmet", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
        • 5. 2014  February 18 - June 6 the Certificate - the English language and passed the course "Basic English Course" of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
        • 6. 2014 April 2 - July 2 Certificate - "95-hour course of the Turkish language."
        • 7. 2014 On October 9-22, the certificate - according to the Mevlana program, delivered a lecture to students of the Master's Degree in Chemistry on the topic "Electrochemical Processes".
        • 8. 2014 April 29 - May 11 Certificate - "72-hour seminar of the International Academy of the International Confederation CONCORDE-CONCORD" in France.
        • 9. 2014 November 14-21 - Medal "European Scientific and Industrial Consortium - Wilhelm Leibniz" in an international conference in Munich Germany.
        • 10. 2014 November 14-21 - Medal "European quality" in the Russian Federation in Moscow.
        • 11. 2014 November 24 - December 6 Certificate - advanced training for university teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
        • 12. 2015 - Gratitude letter - "For the preparation of winners and prize-winners in regional and republican competitions by scientific projects in chemistry as a scientific leader" to the Branch of the Public Fund "Education Fund of Nursultan Nazarbayev" specialized lyceum "Arystan".
        • 13. 2016 Certificate - "Member of the Scientific Committee of the IKSAD Institute Economic Development and Social Research in the Republic of Turkey."
        • 14. 2017 February 6 - May 1, the Certificate - an online course on the topic "Beyorganikalı chemists" ta-damaly museleleri "at the Institute of New Educational Technologies of the KazNU. Al-Farabi.
        • 15. 2017 April 12 - "Altys Khat" as the supervisor of the student, undergraduate and postgraduate students of Kazakh State Women’s University.
        • 16. 2017 - Gratitude letter "For the preparation of winners and prize-winners in regional and republican competitions by scientific projects in chemistry as a scientific leader" to the Branch of the Public Fund "Education Fund of Nursultan Nazarbayev" specialized lyceum "Arystan".
        • 17. 2018 on January 5-6 - Member of the jury in the Republican Olympiad and scientific projects in the Nazarbayev Intellectual School.
        •  "Scopus": The study of the amino acid composition of helianthus tuberosus flowers,Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 10(12), с. 3365-3367 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0
        • Research of amino acid content of Cichorium intybus L. And Urtica dioica L. By means of gas-liquid chromatography//BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KARAGANDA-CHEMISTRY 95, 8-13



        Journal of Kazakhstan:

        • Zhumanova Nurgul

          Position: Acting Associate Professor PhD

        • Information

        Zhumanova Nurgul

        Position: Acting Associate Professor PhD

        Since September 2007 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University;

        2006-2007 - Senior Lecturer at the College of the Almaty Technological University;

        From 2000 to 2006 - senior researcher at the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov MES RK;

        1997-2000 - Post-graduate student of the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov MES RK;


        • Qualification Chemistry (Kazakh State University named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Chemistry, 1989-1997, diploma ЖБ-II No. 0065839)
        • By the decision of the dissertation council of the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after Bekturova of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 10, 2000 was awarded the degree of candidate of chemical sciences. 02.00.03-Organic Chemistry (ҒК№0007828)
        • Master of the specialty M-019-Training of teachers of foreign languages ​​(Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylaikhan, ЖOOK-M No. 0182250)


        • Synthesis of diazabicyclonones
        • Synthesis of dienones


        • Performer of international grants: USA CRDF AWARD KS2-445 "Mono - and cyclic azaheterocycles with local anesthesia and antiarrhythmic activity" at the University of Oklahoma (1997-2000)
        • INTAS-97-217 "New methods of cyclization to obtain potentially physiologically active heterocycles" - University of Ghent, Cardiff University (UK), Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry (Russia) and Belarusian State University (Belarus). (1997-2000)
        • "Directed design of prevention and / or adaptogens for Plants in the range of elemental organic systems " A.B. Bekturov (2018-2020)


        • Myrzakhmetova N.O. Kishibaev Қ.O. Analytical chemistry. Oқulyқ.- Almaty. 2018y. -180 p
        • Tazhikulova K. Zhumanova N.A., Typology of chemistry lessons // "Zamanaoui zhastardyk gylymi pikir talasy: өzekti museleleri, zhetistikterі zhane innovatsialary" Almaty, 27-28 february 2019, 304-306 p.
        • Zhumanova N.A., Malmakova A.E., ZhumakovaS.S., Koshetova Zh.A., Makasheva  D., Praliyev K.D., Yu V.K.//3,5-BIS(ARYLIDENE)PIPERIDIN-4-ONES  AS SYNTHETIC CURCUMIN ANALOGUES// Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan  2   (66) 2019 р. 49-56
        • Malmakova A.E., ZhumakovaS.S., Koshetova Zh.A., Makasheva  D., Praliyev K.D., Yu V.K.Triazabicycles as potential spasmolitics XXI Mendeleev congress V.3., Saint Petersburg, p.352 9-13 september, 2019
        • Seilkhanov T.M. 1, Yu V.K. 2, Seilkhanov O.T. 1, Malmakova A.E. 2, Zhumanova N.A. 2,3 CHEMICAL MODIFICATION OF POLYMERS WITH CYCLODEXTRIN AND ITS DERIVATIVES // KAKHAK 2019
        • J.A. Koshetova1, N.A. Zhumanova1, A.E. Malmakova2, K.D. Praliev2, T.M. Seilkhanov3, V.K. J2 // NEW DERIVATIVES OF PYRAZOLINOPYPERIDINES AS POTENTIAL SEROTONIN MODULATORS AND / OR ANTI-INFLAMMATORY MEDICINES // Proceedings of the X International Beremzhanov Congress on Chemistry and Chemical Technology - Almaty, KazNU 2019. p. 136-137
        • J.A. Koshetova1, N.A. Zhumanova1, A.E. Malmakova2, E. Turak, V.K. Yu2 // BIOPOLYMER MATERIALS CONTAINING NEW SYNTHESIZED CURCUMIN-LIKE 3,5-bis-ARYLIDENPIPERIDONES // Khalygaraly Bilim take my wife innovations Symposium, Ankara, 23-24 Kazan 2019
        • Zhumanova N.A. Yerezhepova A.Beknazarova A.Use of case-study method for forming intercultural and professional competencies in studying chemical disciplines in English” Известия КазУМО иМЯ -4(55)2019, стр. 80-87
        • Zhumanova N.A.«Interdisciplinary approach to teaching chemistry in English» доклад на круглый стол «Актуальные проблемы иноязычного образования» 05 мая 2020 г
        • N.ZHUMANOVA 1, N. AKIMBAYIEVA 1, A.YEREZHEPOVA1   « Models of formation of students’ ICC  in professionally-oriented foreign language teaching in profiled study of Chemistry» Scientific works of the Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics and Communications No. 3 (41) September 2020. Pages 146-151
        • Utility model patent ҚР №2021 / 0035.2 dated 01/12/2021 Koshetova Zh. A., Malmakova AE, Praliev KD, Yu V.K., Li Tamara., Zhumanova NA Seilkhanov T. M . 1- (2-Ethoxyethyl) -3,5-di- (2-fluorobenzylidene) -piperidin-4-one with growth-stimulating activity
        • Patent for invention ҚР No. 2021/0138. 1 dated 03/02/2021 Yu V.K., Koshetova Zh.A., Praliev K. D. Dulet G. D., Zhumanova N. A. Ten A. Yu. 5-benzyl-7- (o-fluorobenzylidene) - 2,3-bis (o-fluorophenyl) -3,3а, 4,5,6,7-hexahydro-2n-pyrazolo [4,3-c] pyridine and its complex with β-cyclodextrin, which has leukopoiesis-stimulating activity, and its intermediate product  retardant
        • Patent for invention ҚР No. 2021 / 0006.1 dated 06.01.2021 Koshetova Zh. A., Malmakova A.E., Praliev KD, Yu V.K., Li Tamara., Zhumanova N.A. N-Benzyl 3, 5-di (p-fluorobenzylidene) piperidin-4-one and its complex with β-cyclodextrin, which has retardant properties
        • Novel 7-Aryliden-3,3a,4,5,6,7-(hexahydro-5-(2-ethoxyethyl)-2-phenyl- 3-aryl-2H-pyrazolo[4,3-c]pyridine Hydrochloride: Synthesis and Structure// Zh.A. Koshetova1,2, V.K. Yu1*, T.K. Iskakova1, N.A. Zhumanova1,2, K.M. Beketov1, A.E. Malmakova1, K.D. Praliyev1, T.M. Seilkhanov3 and K.D. Berlin4// Eurasian Chem.-Technol. J. 24 (2022) 43‒50
        • Novel 3,5-di(fluorobenzylidene)piperidin-4-ones  as regulators of  wheat growth // Koshetova Zh.А.1,2, Praliyev K.D.1, Yu V.K. 1, Li T.Е. 3,
          Zhumanova N.A. 2 , Ersen Turaç4//International Journal of Biology and Chemist 14, #2, 117 (2021
        • Kuanysheva Zhanar

          Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Kuanysheva Zhanar

        Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences



        • Specialty "Chemist, teacher", (Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, 1988-1993, diploma FV No. 671250:
        • Awarded the academic degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences (ҒК 0000931) in the specialty 13.00.02-theory and methods of teaching and education (chemistry) by the decision of the Committee for supervision and certification of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 23, 2007 (protocol No. 8)


        • Optimization of the teaching process of chemistry


        • “Integration of the "EDUPLAY," "MULTIKID" into the educational and corrective process” – Israel/ Tel Aviv, (2007), certificate for coaching; EDUSOFT Project (Israel): Training (in English)


        Teaching and teaching aids:

        FOREIGN PUBLICATIONS (2016-2021):

        • Methods of Environmental Education in Teaching Chemistry, III International Symposium of Turkic World Research, May 25-27, 2016, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku.
        • Possibilities of using modern technologies in teaching chemistry, 3 rd international congress on social sciences, china to adriatic october 27-30, 2016 antalya congress book.
        • Modernization - forms of quality control of knowledge of secondary school graduates of the Republic of Kazakhstan, pages 57-58 "School of Science" No. 10 (10) RSFSR, November 2018.
        • Formation of student competencies in the study of chemistry in interdisciplinary communication, Uluslararasi kazak tarihi - kültürü Ve edebiyati sempozyumu 20-23 March 2018 Antalya.

        Publications in journals included in the list of scientific journals recommended by the Committee for the Control of Education and Science:

        • Formation of experimental skills in chemistry among students, Bulletin of  KNPU im. Abay, series "natural and geographical sciences", №1 (47) 2016, p. 112-116.
        • Improving the cognitive activity of students in the process of teaching chemistry, Bulletin of the KNPU named after Abai, series "natural and geographical sciences", No. 4 (54) 2017.
        • Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the methodological system for the development and formation of general educational skills of students, Bulletin of the KNPU named after Abai, series "natural and geographical sciences", No. 3 (53), 2017.
        • Training on the updated chemistry curriculum, p. 136-140 ISSN 2073-333X International scientific journal Science and Life of Kazakhstan №2 (77) 2019
        • The problem of the formation of creative activity of students in teaching chemistry, p. 62-67 KazNPu, bulletin, No. 1, 2019
        • Game technologies in teaching chemistry in the context of renewed education, p. 58-62, bulletin, No. 1, 2019
        • The value of integrated teaching of chemistry in English, International scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" No. 12, 2020, p. 372-376
        • Experience in the formation of experimental skills in chemistry in the context of the updated program International scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" No. 12, 2020, 384-392 b.
        • Аkimbayeva Nazgul

          Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Аkimbayeva Nazgul

        Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences


        1991-1996 – student of the Faculty of Chemistry, KazNU named after al-Farabi

        1996-2002  –Rector's secretary, senior laboratory assistant, methodologist of the KazNAA named after T. Zhurgenova

        2002-2005 - postgraduate student of the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturova

        2006-2018  - junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher with lab. "Chemistry of physiologically active compounds" of the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturova

        Since November 2018 - Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, KazNWPU


        • Specialty "Chemistry-Physics" (КаzNU named after аl-Farabi, 1991-1996) diploma with honors (No. 0067009);
        • Candidate of Chemical Sciences in the specialty  02.00.03 "Organic chemistry" (No. 0001233) – the degree was awarded by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated Aprel 26, 2006  (Protokol No. 6).
        • Associate Professor in the specialty  "Chemistry"  – the degree was awarded by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated Mai 04, 2011  (Protokol No. 4).


        • Synthesis, organics, plant growth regulator, flotation


        • 2015-2017 . – scientific supervisor of the project. “Research and development of "green" conditions for the synthesis of domestic highly efficient and selective flotation reagents based on local raw materials for enrichment of refractory polymetallic and gold-bearing ore”.
        • 2015-2017. –Development of biogenic metal nanocomposites as feed additives for animal husbandry
        • 2014. - Development of a low-tonnage production of a domestic plant growth stimulator KN-2 (akpinol-alpha) and its testing on various plant species to combat desertification.
        • 2013-2015. -  Development of biological products based on natural polysaccharides and a domestic plant growth regulator to increase wheat productivity
        • 2012-2014. - Development of scientific foundations for the creation of new biologically and surface-active products based on carbonyl and acetylene compounds


        • Teaching and teaching aids:

        • Myrzakhmetova N.O., Kishibaev U.O., Musina A.S., Akimbaeva N.O.Nanochemistry of non-deterioration. - Almaty, 2019. - "Darkhan" - 160 p.
        • Akimbaeva N.O., Vizer S.A., Erzhanov K.B. Domestic innovative flotoreagents. - Almaty, 2017. - FE "Kudaibergenov". - 186 p.

         Scientific publications recommended by Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

        • 1. Акимбаева Н.О., Визер С.А., Сейлханов Т.М., Ержанов К.Б. Синтез n-(С16, С18)-алкил-n-этаноламинов и их дитиокарбаматов // Химический журнал Казахстана - №2. – 2017. – С.94-101.
        • 2. Акимбаева Н.О., Визер С.А., Сейлханов Т.М., Ержанов К.Б. Синтез s-алкилированных (С 10 ,С 16 , С 18 ) эфиров дитиокарбамата диэтаноламина //Химический журнал Казахстана - №2. – 2017.– С.166-178.
        • 3. Акимбаева Н.О., Сычева Е.С., Визер С.А., Ержанов К.Б. Применение методов «зеленой» химии в синтезе фосфорилоксиэтилкарбамата натрия //Химический журнал Казахстана - №2. – 2017.– С.243-250.
        • 4. Визер С.А., Акимбаева Н.О., Муканова М.С. и др. Флотореагенты, созданные в лаборатории ХФАС Института химических наук им. А.Б.Бектурова // Химический журнал Казахстана - №3. – 2017. – С.252-286.
        • 5. Н.О. Акимбаева, Визер С.А. Ержанов К.Б. Получение ксантогенатов фосфамидов диэтаноламина // КБТУ Хабаршысы – 2017. – 33-40 б.
        • 6. S.A. Vizer, N.O. Akimbayeva, I.N. Anuarbekova K.B. Yerzhanov.“Green chemistry methods in synthesis of flotation agents // ҚарМУ Хабаршысы– 2017. – 95-103 б.
        • 7. Н.О. Акимбаева, Ж.С. Асылханов, С.А. Визер , К.Б. Ержанов, Н.К. Тусипбаев. Синтез и флотационная активность реагентов-собирателей на основе дитиокарбонильных и фосфорильных производных аминоспиртов //Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы – 2017. – 32-40 б.
        • 8. S.A. Vizer, N.O. Akimbayeva, T.M. Seilkhanov, K.B. Yerzhanov. Alkylation of sodium ethane-1,2-diyldicarbamodithioate // Химический журнал Казахстана - №2. – 2018. – 172-180 б.
        • 9. I.N. Anuarbekova, N.O. Akimbayeva, S.A. Vizer, K.B. Yerzhanov. Selective monoalkylation and ditiocarbonylation of ethylenediamine //Химический журнал Казахстана - №2. – 2018. – 28-35 б.
        • 10. Мухаметкалиева Г.Ж., Аубакирова Р.А., Саурбаева Б.С., Акимбаева Н.О. Анализ электролита цинкового производства на содержание фтора //ШҚМТУ Хабаршысы -– 2020. №2. – 43-48 б.
        • 11. Қуанышева Ж.Қ., Амангелді Н., Н.О. Акимбаева, З.М. Арғынбаева. Жаңартылған білім беру мазмұны жағдайында оқушылардың өз оқу әрекетін бақылауы // Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. «Педагогикалық ғылымдары» сериясы.– 2020. –№2(63).
        • 12. Жуманова Н.А., Ережепова А.Ш., Акимбаева Н.О. Models of formation of students’ ICC  in professionally-oriented foreign language teaching in profiled study of Chemistry //«Научные труды ВИИРЭиС» Алматы. - №2, 2020.
        • 13. Акимбаева Н.О., Әбдімомын Ж. Состояние инклюзивного образования в Казахстане // Наука и жизнь Казахстана. - Алматы. 2020. –– С. 135-139.
        • 14. Акимбаева Н.О., Н. Сейтхан. Химия пәнінде критериалды бағалауды дескрипторлар арқылы жүргізу// Наука и жизнь Казахстана. - Алматы. 2020. – 337-340 б.

        published in foreign publications:

        • Акимбаева Н.О., Ержанов К.Б., Сотникова В.В., Никольский М.А., Панкин М.И., Курманкулов Н.Б. Результаты международного научного сотрудничества по поиску новых регуляторов роста растений // Анапа, Россия. – 2010. – С.252-258
        • Бектурганов Н.С., Тусупбаев Н.К., Акимбаева Н.О. Применение новых собирателей при флотации золотосодержащих руд месторождения Балажал // Известия КГТУ им. И. Раззакова – Бишкек, 2014.№33. – С.305-307
        • I. Anuarbekova, N.Akimbaeva, Ye. Sycheva,  B.G.Sukhov. Flotation activity of alkylaminoethanols and their xantogenates // International Journal of Chemical Sciences, No. IJCS/15/2349. – Р. 1869-1876
        • I. Anuarbekova, N. Akimbaeva, K. Yerzhanov. Synthesis of xanthates on the basis of diethanolamine and dimethylphosphite// Anatolian Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Antalya, Turkey. 2015. - 202 р.
        • Ержанова Ж.А., Тусупбаев Н.К., Билялова С.М., Акимбаева Н.О. Проведение синтеза композиционных реагентов и изучение их физико-химических свойств // «Научные основы и практ. пере-работки руд и техногенного сырья» ХХII  межд. конф. -Екатеринбург, 2017. – С. 318-320.
        • Акимбаева Н.О., Ануарбекова И.Н. Сындаркулов А.Б. Синтез дитиокарбаматов на основе арилоксипропинаминов // Труды межд. конф. «Тау-кен металлургия кешендерінің инновациялық дамуы».  -Алматы- 2017. – С.157-159.
        • Ержанова Ж.А. Тусупбаев Н.К. Билялова С.М. Акимбаева Н.О. Екпинова Ж.Т. Проведения синтеза композиционного ксантогената, тионокарбомата, аэрофлота, вспенивателя и изучение их физико-химических свойств // Труды Международных Сатпаевских чтений «Научное наследие Шахмардана Есенова». – Алматы,  2017. - С. 375-379.
        • 5. Н.О. Акимбаева, Е.С. Сычева, С.А. Визер, К.Б. Ержанов. «Зеленые» условия дитиокарбонилирования n-алкилированных производных моноэтаноламина //«Достижения, проблемы и современные тенденции развития горно-металлургического комплекса» межд. конф. - Навои. – 2017. – С. 343.
        • 6. М.С. Муканова, Н.О. Акимбаева, Н.Е. Дей, К.Б. Ержанов. «Достижения, проблемы и современные тенденции развития горно-металлургического- комплекса» - межд. конф. - Навои. – 2017. – С.291.
        • 7. Akimbayeva N.O., Vizer S.A. Asylkhanov Zh.S. Yerzhanov K.B. Green conditions for the interaction of monoethanolamine’s N-alkylated derivatives with carbon disulfide //«Theoretical and experimental chemistry» - VI Inter. Scientific confer.Karaganda – 2017. – P. 59.
        • 8. Akimbayeva N.O., Vizer S.A. Yerzhanov K.B. Synthesis of N-(C16 ,C18) alkyl-N-(2-hydroxy-ethyl)amines dithiocarbamates // «Theoretical and experimental chemistry» - VI Inter. Scientific confer. Karaganda – 2017. – 58 б.
        • 9. Акимбаева Н.О., Құлжанова К. Белсендендірілген көмірдің алынуы мен қолданылуы. /Респ. научн. конференция – Алматы, 2019. – С. 53-56.
        • 10. Акимбаева Н.О., Сейтхан Н.Б., Мырзахметова Н.О. Критериалды бағалау жүйесін химия сабағында қолдану // «Түркі әлемі»  Ұлы түркі дүниесі  симпозиумы. Түркия. – 2020. – 148-153 б.
        • 11. Акимбаева Н.О., Әбдімомын Ж., Мырзахметова Н.О. Мүмкіндігі шектеулі балаларға химияны оқытудың инновациялық тәсілдері // «Түркі әлемі»  Ұлы түркі дүниесі  симпозиумы. Түркия. – 2020. – 424-426 б.


        • Предпатент № 18910 от 15.11.2007, бюл. №11.  Акимбаева Н.О., Басенова А.Т., Курманкулов Н.Б., Ержанов К.Б. Гидрохлорид 1-(4-ацетиламинофенокси)-4-пиперидиниламинобут-2-ина, ингибирующий агрегацию эритроцитов в цельной крови человека.
        • Инновационный патент №22965 от 15.10.2010, бюл. №10. Ержанов К.Б. Акимбаева Н.О. Ермагамбетов Р.Р. N-(3-фенилпроп-2-ин-1-ил)-N-бутилдитиокарбамат натрия, корнеобразующей активностью.
        • Инновационный патент № 24702 от 17.10.2011, бюл. №10. Ержанов К.Б. Акимбаева Н.О. Жельдыбаева А.А. Султанова З.К. Дигидрохлорид 1,4-ди(2-диэтиламиноэтил)-D-тартрата обладающий корнеобразующей активностью.
        • Инновационный патент  № 25744 от 15.05.2011, бюл. №5. Ержанов К.Б. Акимбаева Н.О. Ануарбекова И.Н. Султанова З.К Регулятор роста семян дикорастущих лекарственных растений.
        • Патент №22965 от 15.03.2012, бюл. №3. Ержанов К.Б. Акимбаева Н.О. Ермагамбетов Р.Р. N-(3-фенилпроп-2-ин-1-ил)-N-бутилдитиокарбамат натрия, корнеобразующей активностью.
        • Инновационный патент №26889 от 15.05.2013, бюл. №5. Ергожин Е.Е. Ержанов К.Б. Акимбаева Н.О. N,N-Ди(2-гидроксиэтил)-аминононан, обладающий флотационной активностью при обогащении сульфидных руд.
        • Инновационный патент № 26888 от 15.05.2013, бюл. №5.  Ержанов К.Б. Акимбаева Н.О. Ануарбекова И.Н. Динатриевая соль N-октил-N,N-бис(2-ксантогенатэтил)амина, обладающий флотационной активностью при обогащении сульфидных руд.
        • Патент № 25744 от 18.12.2013, бюл. №12. Ержанов К.Б. Акимбаева Н.О. Ануарбекова И.Н. Регулятор роста семян дикорастущих лекарственных растений.
        • Инновационный патент №28114 от 17.02.2014, бюл. №2. Ержанов К.Б. Акимбаева Н.О.  Ануарбекова И.Н. N-(гептил)-N-(2-гидроксиэтил)амино-2-этилксантогенат натрий,  обладающий флотационной активностью.
        • Патент 31764 РК. от 30.12.2016. Бюл. № 12. Визер С.А. Ержанов К.Б. Сычева Е.С. Асылханов Ж.С. Акимбаева Н.О.   Способ получения ацетиленового аминоспирта.
        • Патент на полезную модель №2896 25.06.2018, бюл. №23. Акимбаева Н.О., Ержанов К.Б., Визер С.А., Ануарбекова И.Н., Тусупбаев Н.К. Флотореагент для селективного обогащения золотосодержащих сульфидных руд.
        • Aldabergenova Maira 

          Position: Associate professor, PhD

        • Information

        Aldabergenova Maira 

        Position: Associate professor, PhD


        In 1992 he graduated from M.V. Lomonosov M.V. MIT (Lomonosov Moscow Institute of Tonal Chemical Technology) with a degree in Chemical Technology of Organic Substances.

        In the laboratory "Chemistry of Natural Compounds" of the Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences in 1997-2002. 

        In the laboratory "Chemistry of natural compounds" of the Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences in 1997-2002 - Engineer, 2000-2005 - junior researcher, performed research work.

        In 2003, at the academic council of the above-mentioned institute, he defended his thesis on the topic: "Synthesis, design and sewerage of aromatic and culinary glaze with glycerin and sucrose".

        From the 2005-2010 academic year she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of the Kazakh State Institute of Women's Pedagogy "Chemistry and Punctuation" of the Faculty of Natural and Geographical Sciences.

        By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 4, 2011, the associate professor in chemistry was awarded a scientific title.


        • In 1992 he graduated from M.V. Lomonosov M.V. MIT (Moscow Institute of Tonal Chemical Technology) with a degree in Chemical Technology of Organic Substances.


        • Complex esters of organic acids
        • Demonstration experience of teaching organic chemistry
        • Sacred monoesters of aromatic acids


        • 1.A.F.Artamonov. F.S.Nigmatullina. B.Zh.Dzhiembaev.  M.T.Aldabergenova / Synthesis of diethers of natural coumarin and mixed diethers of phenolcarboxylic and coumarinic acids with sucrose  Chemistry of natural compounds, 1998, No4, p. 461-465.
        • 2.M.T.Aldabergenova. A.F.Artamonov. F.S.Nigmatullina. B.Zh.Dzhiembaev/ Synthesis of α-monoglycerides of aromatic acids/Chemistry of natural compounds, 1999, No4, p. 280-281
        • 3.М.Т.Алдабергенова. А.Ф.Артамонов. Ф.С.Нигматуллина. Б.Ж.Джиембаев/Синтез разнокислотных ди- и триэфиров ароматических кислот и сахарозы/ Известия МН-АН РК., серия химическая, 2000, №6, с.63-69
        • 4.M.T.Aldabergenova. A.F.Artamonov. F.S.Nigmatullina. B.Zh.Dzhiembaev/ Synthesis of ether based on D-mannitol, aliphatic and aromatic acids/Chemistry of natural compounds, 2001, No2, p. 109-111
        • 5.M.T.Aldabergenova. A.F.Artamonov. F.S.Nigmatullina. B.Zh.Dzhiembaev/Synthesis of aliphatic and phenolcarboxylic acid esters with sucrose/Izvestiya MN-AN RK., chemical series, 2001, No6, p.76-80
        • 6.M.T.Aldabergenova. A.F.Artamonov. F.S.Nigmatullina. B.Zh.Dzhiembaev/ Synthesis of esters of aromatic acids and polyglycerins/ Izvestiya MN-AN RK., chemical series, 2002, No1, p.9-13
        • 7.M.T.Aldabergenova. A.F.Artamonov. F.S.Nigmatullina. B.Zh.Dzhiembaev/Synthesis of α-monoglycerides of coumarins and their citrates/ Izvestiya MN-AN RK., chemical series, 2002,No6, p.35-40
        • 8.М.Т.Алдабергенова. А.Ф.Артамонов. Ф.С.Нигматуллина. Б.Ж.Джиембаев/Синтез α-моноглицеридов природных кумаринов, ароматических кислот и их цитратов/ Известия МН-АН РК., серия химическая,2002г., с. 32-33
        • 9.K.D.Rakhimov. A.F.Artamonov. F.S.Nigmatullina. B.Zh.Dzhiembaev. M.T.Aldabergenova/Monoester of n-nitrobenzoic acid, which has antitumor activity/Prepatent No. 13024 Bull. No5, 15.05.2003
        • 10.Д.Рахимов. А.Ф.Артамонов. Ф.С.Нигматуллина. Б.Ж.Джиембаев. М.Т.Алдабергенова/Стимулятор роста  картофеля/А.С. №45713 РК. Положительное решение от 28.11.2003г
        • Argynbayeva Zaure

          Position: Senior Lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Argynbayeva Zaure

        Position: Senior Lecturer, master of sciences


        From September 2005 to June 2006, he was a teacher of the Department of "Chemistry and OTB". Since 2007, he has been a teacher of the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. From 2011 to 2014, she worked as the Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

        Since September 2000 , he has been a chemistry teacher at the Kazakh secondary school No. 26 in Almaty


        • In 1995 she entered the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical Institute, in 1999 she graduated from the above-mentioned institute with a degree in chemistry and methods of educational work. By the decision of the State Qualification Commission of June 29, 1999, he was awarded the qualification of a chemistry teacher and a methodologist for educational work.
        • In 2002-2004, she graduated from the master's program in the specialty 517750-chemistry at the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical Institute. By the decision of the State Attestation Commission of June 23, 2004, the qualification and academic degree of Master of Chemistry were awarded.


        • Methods of teaching chemistry


        • Myrzakhmetova N., Argynbaeva Z, Aidynbekova A. solving problems on environmental topics in the discipline" Inorganic Chemistry". Kazakh state women's Pedagogical University Bulletin. Natural Science Series–2010. №1(5), 141-146 Myrzakhmetova N. Argynbayeva Z, Solving problems on the topic" electrolysis". Kazakh state women's Pedagogical University Bulletin. Natural Science Series–2010. №1(5), 144-148 р
        • Myrzakhmetova N., Argynbaeva Z., Baitanova M. solving problems related to the history of Chemistry. Republican scientific and methodological Journal of the School of chemistry of Kazakhstan No. 3 (33) - 2010
        • Argynbaeva Z, Myrzakhmetova N.  the role of educational games in the learning system. Kazakh state women's Pedagogical University Bulletin. Natural Science Series–2011. №1(6), 120-124 р
        • Myrzakhmetova N. O. Argynbayeva Z. M.., Methods of solving numerical problems in organic chemistry. Kazakh state women's Pedagogical University Bulletin. Natural Science Series–2011. №1(6), 134-141 B. B. •
        • Myrzakhmetova N. O., Argynbaeva Z. M.., Baitanova M. M. Chemical secret of precious stones. Chemistry at the school No. 5, 2011, pp. 17-20. * Argynbaeva Z. M. method of preparation of Chemical Technology in the credit system. Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Materials of the I-Y International Russian-Kazakh conference on chemistry and Chemical Technology 26-29 April 2011, Tomsk . 626-629 PP.
        • Argynbaeva Z. M. The Role of chemistry in geology. Izvestia National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan series of chemistry and technology. No. 3 (393) May-June Almaty, 2012 pp. 73-75 *
        • Argynbaeva Z. M. Formation of environmental aspects in Chemical Education. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Chemistry and technology Series. No. 3 (393) May-June Almaty, 2012 pp. 76-78.
        • "I Don't Know," He Said., U. Altynbekova solving problems related to the mixture and yield. Scientific and pedagogical Journal of Chemistry at the school. Almaty, No. 2-2013 pp. 49-52.
        •  Argynbaeva Z. M. The Importance of independent work in Chemical Education. Akpinar Kazim-December 2014 Year: 9 ISSN: 1306-3731 3tl Akpinar Dergisi 52. Sayi Dun Dunya capinda Education / Science in the world stream • Argynbaeva Z. M. Sh. Kashtai. The electronic textbook is a means of deep assimilation of educational materials. Scientific and pedagogical Journal. Chemistry school Almaty, No. 1-2014 pp. 4-7
        • Argynbaeva Z. M. types of problems on the topic" solutions". Chemistry at school. Scientific and pedagogical Journal. Almaty, No. 1-2015
        • Argynbayeva Z. M., Polatova G. chemical experiment as a source of knowledge and environment. Kazguu "Khabarshy". #1-2015
        • Argynbaeva Z. M. methods and methods of solving problems for finding chemical formulas. Kazguu "Khabarshy". #1-2015
        • Amangeldi N., Amangeldikyzy Z., Yerezhepova A.Sh., Argynbaeva Z.M. INTERACTIONS BETWEEN HETERODERA FILIPJEVI AND FUSARIUM CULMORUM Scientific and practical journal of Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University. Science and education. № 3-2 (60) 2020 Amangeldi N.,Amangeldikyzy Z., Yerezhepova A.Sh., Argynbaeva Z.M. SURVEYING WHEAT GROWING AREA IN KAZAKHSTAN FOR PLANT PARASITIC NEMATODES WITH A MAIN FOCUS ON THE CEREAL CYST AND ROOT LESION NEMATODES. Scientific and practical journal of Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University. Science and education. № 3-2 (60) 2020PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCES AND LECTURES AS A GUEST:


        • 1. Mukhamedinova, N. A., Baitasheva.G. U., Argynbaeva Z. M. Social environment and environmental education. Training manual. Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. 2012 - 173 p.
        • 2. Argynbaeva Z. M. Methods of solving problems in chemistry. Training manual. Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.2015 - 200 p
        • 3. Argynbaeva Z. M. Methods of conducting chemical experiments at school. Training manual. Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. 2015-180 p
        • 4. Kuanysheva Zh. K., Argynbaeva Z. M. Chemical ecology. Training manual. Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. 2017 -. 221 s
        • 5. Kuanysheva Zh. K., Argynbayeva Z. M., Myrzakhmetova N. O. Baitasheva G. U. Chemical ecology. Textbook. The center of publishing and printing services "Darkhan", Almaty, 2018 - 241 p


        • During the exchange of experience at the Winter School of Advanced Training" innovative methods and technologies of teaching in the modern education system, a 72-hour program of a short-term course of advanced training of teachers on the topic was developed and conducted: "Features of effective application of methods and techniques of the technology" critical thinking through reading and writing "in chemical education" January 9-13, 2017
        • Innovative information technologies in the chemistry teaching system XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Russia and Europe: the connection of culture and economy" Prague, Czech Republic 27 February 2015
        • Features of the use of electronic textbooks in teaching chemistry. XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Russia and Europe: the connection of culture and economy" Prague, Czech Republic. Prague 29 February 2016
        • Nurbekova Marzhan

          Position: Lecturer, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Nurbekova Marzhan

        Position: Lecturer, candidate of sciences


        2021 Winner of an international scholarship under the program "Bolashak 500 scientists"

        2004-2005- Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute - Head of the Youth Committee

         2006-2009 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute - graduate student

         2010-2011 Institute of Chemical Sciences - engineer

         2011-2016  Kazakh State Women's Teacher Traning University- lecturer

        2016 - to date Kazakh National Women's Teacher Traning University- Seniorlecturer


        • 2002-2006 - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute.
        • 2006-2009 - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, post-graduate course, 020003- organic chemistry.
        • Candidate of Chemical Sciences in the specialty 02.00.03 "Organic chemistry"  - the degree was awarded by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated May 4, 2011 (Protocol No. 4)

        SCOPE OF RESEARCH:    

        •Solid State Chemistry, Naochemistry, Nanoparticles 

        • Navy - Polymers

        • Methods of teaching chemistry.


        • 1. «Некоторые особенности структурообразования комплексов полиэтиленгликоля с тетрафенилборатом натрия» -// XIII международная научно-техническая конференция «Наукоемкие химические технологии-2010» Суздаль, 2010г.  – С. 157
        • 2. «Полиэтиленгликоль (ММ-1500) мен натрий төртфенилбораты жүйесіндегі молекулалық комплекстердің фазалықтүзуіне апротонды-протонды еріткіштер қоспасының әсері» -// Изв. НАН РК Сер. хим. –2010. –№3   142-146 бб.
        • 3. «Полиэтиленгликоль (ММ-1500) мен натрий төртфенилбораты жүйесіндегі молекулалық комплекстердің құрылымтүзуіне апротонды-протонды еріткіштер қоспасының әсері» -// Изв. НАН РК Сер. хим. –2010. –№ 3   153-156 бб.
        • 4. «ДТА, ИҚ- спектроскопия  әдістері арқылы протон-апротон еріткіштер қоспасында алынған полимер-тұз жүйесіндегі молекулалық комплекстерді зерттеу» Химический журнал Казахстана. –2010. №3.  –121-125 бб.
        • 5. «Полимер-тұз жүйесіндегі молекулалық комплекстерінің құрылым түзуіне изопропанол-этилацетат еріткіштер қоспасының әсері» -// Химический журнал Казахстана. –2011. №1.  –108-113 бб.
        • 6. «ҚР тәуелсіздік жылдарындағы дамуы және жеткен жетістіктері» -// «Тиімді мемлекеттік басқару» ІІІ академиялық симпозиум материалдары .-Астана.- 2011. 25  қараша.. ҚР ПРезиденті жанындағы мемлекеттік басқару академиясы.  72-74 б
        • 7. « Орта мектептерде математика пәнін оқыту әдістемесіне шолу» -// «Тиімді мемлекеттік басқару» ІІІ академиялық симпозиум материалдары .-Астана.- 2011. 25  қараша.ҚР ПРезиденті жанындағы мемлекеттік басқару академиясы.  72-74 б
        • 8. «Орта мектептерде математика сабақтарында оқушылардың математикалық сауаттылығын қалыптастырудың және арттырудың теориялық сипаттары» -// ҚР Тұңғыш Президентінің қорының ықпалымен ұйымдастырылған «ғылым білім және мәдениеттің инновациялық дамуына жастардың үлесі » атты жас ғалымдардың республикалық семинарының еңбектері.- Шымкент, 2012. 98-101 б
        • 9. «8 сыныпта химияны оқытуда ойын әдістерін қолданудың тиімділіктері» -// ҚР Тұңғыш Президентінің қорының ықпалымен ұйымдастырылған «ғылым білім және мәдениеттің инновациялық дамуына жастардың үлесі » атты жас ғалымдардың республикалық семинарының еңбектері.- Шымкент, 2012. 101-105 б
        • 10. «Химияны оқытуда ойын әдісі арқылы  оқушылардың таным белсенділіктерін арттыру» -// Ш.К.Беркімбаеваның 70 жылдық мерейтойына арналған  «Қазақстан қоғамының әлеуметтік жаңғырту жағдайындағы  білім мен медагогикалық ғылым» атты халықаралық  ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары. – Алматы, 2012ж. 518-524 б б
        • 11. «Химия пәнін  оқытудағы интерактивті  әдіс-тәсілдерге шолу» -// «Жаһандық бәсекелік ортадағы заманауи білім беру» атты республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік  конференция материалдары. – Астана, 2012, 36-40 б.б
        • 12. « Обучение химии, ориентированное на компетентность учащихся основной школы» -// «Жаһандық бәсекелік ортадағы заманауи білім беру» атты республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік  конференция материалдары. – Астана, 2012, 205-209 б.б
        • 13. «Орта  мектептерде математика пәнін оқытуда интеллектуалдық қабілетті арттыру» -//  Жаһандық бәсекелік ортадағы заманауи білім беру» атты республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік  конференция материалдары. – Астана, 2012, 210-2014 б.б.
        • 14. «Ұстаз мәртебесі өзекті мәселе» Педагогтің  кәсіби құзіреттілігі мен мәртебесін көтеру – білім берудің стратегиялық ресурсы. –Алматы, 2012ж. - 134-137 б.б.
        • 15. «Применение спектральных и рентгенофазового методов анализа для оптимизации технологии получение ряда  неорганических материалов» -// Казмемқызпу Хабаршы. Жаратылыстану сериясы. №1.,(40) -2012.- 39-44 б.б
        • 16. «Протонды-апротонды еріткіштер қоспасындағы полимер-тұз  арасындағы комплекс түзілудегі кейбір құрылымдық ерекшеліктер» -// Казмемқызпу Хабаршы. Жаратылыстану сериясы. №1.,(40) -2012.- 58-61 б.б
        • 17. «Кәдімгі картоп өсімдігі жемісінің және вегетативті бөлігінің  химиялық құрамы» -// Казмемқызпу Хабаршы. Жаратылыстану сериясы. №1.,(40) -2012.- 61-64 б.б
        • 18. «Исследование молекулярных комплексов системы полиэтиленгликоль (М-15000) – тетрафенилбората натрия, полученных  смеси протонно-апротонных растворителей» -//  Химия и химическая технология: достижения и перспективы. Всероссиская конференция.- Кемерово., -Россия.- С.189-192
        • 19. «Күрделі  висмутиттердің фазалық  құрамы және құрылысы» -// Известия НАН РК . Химия және тенология сериясы. №1 (397) – 2013.,101-104 б.б.
        • 20. «R2O – Bi2O3-CaO жүйесіндегі висмутың аралас ферриттері» -// Известия НАН РК . Химия және технология сериясы. №1 (397) – 2013.,97-101 б.б.
        • 21. «Химия пәні оқытушысының заманауи ақпараттық құзіреттілігінің маңызы» -//  «Ғылым және білім - 2013» студенттер мен жас ғалымдар арасындағы VІІІ халықаралық ғылыми-конференция материалдары. Астана,-2013 сәуір., 333-336 б.б.
        • 22. «Апротонды, протонды еріткіштердегі және олардың аралас ерітінділеріндегі полимер-тұз арасындағы комплекстер»-//  «Ғылым және білім - 2013» студенттер мен жас ғалымдар арасындағы УІІІ халықаралық ғылыми-конференция материалдары. Астана,-2013 сәуір., 336-341 б.б.
        • 23. «Сорбционный способ извлечения ионов меди» -// ҚР Әділет министрлігі зияткерлік меншік құқығы комитеті. № 75878. Автордың  куәлігі.  Астана.14.12.2012 ж
        • 24. «Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Functions of Complex Manganites and Ferrites in Temperature Range 298.15 - 673K» -// Middle East jornal of Scientific Research (MEJSR),-2013,-4(1), 5-8р.
        • 25. Methods for intensification of borehole uranium mining at the fields with low filtration characteristics of ores. Mining of Mineral Deposits. Volum 15 (2021),  Issue 3., 95-101p.//https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85118116658&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f
        • 26. Manganite Synthesis by Different Methods. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 34(3),стр.1312–1316//https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85049743576&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f
        • 27. Selection of rational parameters for opening and drilling of technological wells underground uranium leaching. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical scienes ISSN 2224-5278 Volume 3, Number 453 (2022), 115-127 https://doi.org/10.32014/2022.2518-170X.184
        • 28. The composition and structure of bismuth-doped dysprosium manganit. Bulleten of national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ISSN 1991-3494 Volume 6, Number 376 (2018), 134 – 138 https://doi.org/10.32014/2018.2518-1467.36
        • 29. Selecting the rational parameters for restoring filtration characteristics of ores during borehole mining of uranium deposits. Mining of Mineral Deposits Volume 16 (2022), Issue 3, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.33271/mining16.03.001
        • 30. Superhydrophobic SiO2/Trimethylchlorosilane Coating for Self-Cleaning Application of Construction Materials. Coatings (ISSN 2079-6412) on 28 September 2022. Coatings 2022, 12, 1422. //https://doi.org/ 10.3390/coatings12101422   


        1. Synthesis and physico-chemical studies of multifunctional magnetic materials of new generation. (2015-2017y.)
        2. Development and physical basis of new crystal systems in the class of multiferroics (2018-2020 y.)
        3. 2017 -2020 y. –scientific publications recommended by Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan-4, International conferences- 
        4. "Development of a combined technology for the regeneration of production wells and the bottomhole formation zone in the conditions of downhole uranium production" (2020-2022)
        5.  Synthesis of nanoparticles of complex oxide manganites and study of their physico-chemical and catalytic properties during hydrogen production (2023-2025)
        • Saparbekova Indira

          Position: Lecturer, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Saparbekova Indira

        Position: Lecturer, candidate of sciences


        1996-1998 School teacher No.13 Almaty,1998-2002 Chemistry teacher at Almaty Law College, 2002-2005 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute - graduate student, 2005-2008 Institute of Chemical Sciences - engineer, 2008 - to date Kazakh National Women's Teacher Traning University- Seniorlecturer


        • 1992-1996 - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute.
        • 2002-2005 - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, post-graduate course.
        • Candidate of Chemical Sciences in the specialty 02.00.06 " high molecular compounds"  - the degree was awarded by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated January 21, 2008 (Protocol No. 1)

        SCOPE OF RESEARCH:    

        • high molecular compounds; - Polymers
        • Sorption of rare metal ions with interpolymer systems
        • Highly selective intergel systems


        • «Влияние молекулярной массы полимера на диаграмму состояния системы полиэтиленгликоль-тетрафиналборат натрия»// Журнал прикладной химии. -2006.-Том 79.-С. 1148-1152.
        • «Рентгенодифрактометрические исследование молекулярных комплексов полиэтиленгликоля с тетрафенилборатом натрия// Матер. Межд. конф. «Актуальные проблемы химии и физики полимеров» – Ташкент, 2006. –С.118-120.
        • «Синтез диэфиров природных кумариновых и смешанных диэфиров фенолкарбоновой и кумариновой кислот с сахарозой» ///Журнал РАН «Современные наукоемкие технологии» №9, 2014, ст. 56-58
        • «Calorimetric and thermodynamic studies of complex ferrites in the temperature range of 298,15-673K» //Oriental journal of Chemistry. ISSN:0970-020 X. CODEN:OJCHEG. 2015, Vol. 31, No 1.Pg. 441-445.
        • «Синтез α –моноглицеридов ароматических кислот и их реакционная способность» // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований Академии Естествознании РФ. ИФ РИНЦ 0,847 № 3 (2) 2017 г. стр. 232-237
        • «Specific features of praseodymium extraction by intergel system based on polyacrylic acid and poly-4-vinylpyridine hydrogels».// Bulletin of the University of Karaganda – Chemistry Series. No. 3(103)/2021.
        • «Особенности извлечения неодима интергелевой системой на основе гидрогелей полиметакриловой кислоты и поли-4-винилпиридина»// Химический Журнал Казахстана- – 2020. ‒ No1. – С. 54-60.


        • Жоғары молекулалық қосылыстар пәнінен зертханалық практикум.// Оқу құралы Қазмемқызпу баспасы Алматы 2015 ж.


        • «Способ получения ионопроводящего полимерного комплекса», № 16445. Пред.Патент РК.  Бюлл. №11. 15.11.2005г.


        • Kudaibergenova  Gulzira Nursapaevna

          Position: Candidate of chemical sciences, Senior Lecturer

        • Information

        Kudaibergenova  Gulzira Nursapaevna

        Position: Candidate of chemical sciences, Senior Lecturer

        +7 701 306 26 10 

        2005-2008 Postgraduate student of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, specialty 02.00.00 - organic chemistry, 2008-2011Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, 2011-2023 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.


        • 2000-2004 I have graduated from the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and specialty 0303 - Teacher of Biology and Chemistry.


        • Methods for the integrated use of inulin-containing plants growing in Kazakhstan.


               • Anniversary medal dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.


        Publications abroad (2016-2021):

        • The Study of the Amino Acid Composition of Helianthus tuberoses Flowers //Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 10 (12), 3365-3367 Исследование и идентификация пектиновых веществ, выделенных из клубней топинамбура// журнал Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2016. – № 3 (часть 2) – с. 269-274

        Publications included in the list of scientific journals recommended by the Control Committee in the field of education and science:

        • Rakhimova Bibigul Ualievna

          Position:  PhD, Senior Lecturer

        • Information

        Rakhimova Bibigul Ualievna

        Position:  PhD, Senior Lecturer

        +7 777 704 9506

        • 2004-2005 Chemistry teacher at comprehensive school-gymnasium №133. (Almaty)
        • 2009-2018, leading specialist of the Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
        • 2011-2021 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (additional)
        • 2012-2020 Researcher, Zhalyn LLP (part-time)
        • 2013-2016 Researcher, RSE Institute for Combustion Problems (part-time)
        •  2021-2024 Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        • Since 2023, present, research fellow, Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company, Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev (part-time)

        Since September 2024, present, Senior Lecturer at Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


        • 1993 – 2000 гг. КазГНУ им. аль-Фараби, химический факультет (Химик, преподаватель химии, степень бакалавра).
        • 2001-2003 гг. КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, химический факультет (Химия, магистр научно-педагогический).
        • 2018-2021 гг. КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Факультет химии и химической технологии, (6D074000 Докторантура «Наноматериалы и нанотехнологии» докторантура научно-педагогический).
        • 2024 год Доктор философии PhD

        Research area:

        • “IRN AP19679937 “Synthesis and properties of hybrid gels based on cellulose nanofibers with tetracycline/CuO nanoparticles and alginate” (2023-2025, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan)” (executor ).

        Published articles: In a scientific publication presented by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

         1. Б.У.Рахимова, К.К. Кудайбергенов, С.Х. Акназаров, З.А. Мансуров, И.С. Савицкая, О.Ю. Головченко, Г.Т. Смагулова, Наноцеллюлоза: характеристика, модификация и биосовместимость// Новости науки Казахстана. – 2019. –№ 4. (142)– С. 72-92.

        2. Б.У.Рахимова, К.К.Кудайбергенов, З.А.Мансуров, С.Х.Акназаров, И.С.Савицкая, М.И.Тулепов,Г.Т.Смагулова. Бактериальные нанокомпозиты на основе целлюлозы: получение, структура, свойств и применения. Промышленность Казахстана. 2019- № 2. (103)– С. 106-109

        3. Н. Васильева, Г.Т.Смагулова. З.А.Мансуров, Б.У.Рахимова. Мягкий кислотный гидролиз хлопковолокна для получения микрокристаллов целлюлозы. Промышленность Казахстана. 2019- № 4. (107)– С. 67-71

        4. Г.Алибекова, Б.У.Рахимова, К.К. Кудайбергенов, З.А. Мансуров, И.С. Савицкая, Бактериалды наноцеллюлозаны алу және оның физика - химиялық қасиеті, Студенческий: научный журнал. – № 16(102). Часть 4. Новосибирск: Изд. ООО «СибАК», 2020. 93-99

        5. Б.У.Рахимова, К.К. Кудайбергенов, С.Х. Акназаров, О.Ю. Головченко, Г.А.Спанова, Ш.Е.Габдрашова. Электроспиннинг нановолокон на основе целлюлозы и ее производные, модифицированные биомолекулами для заживления ран. Новости Науки Казахстан. -2021. № 3. (150)– С. 67-97.

        6. Л. Е. Абдрахманова*, Б. У. Рахимова, Е. А. Алтынов, Ұ. Е. Жантикеев, К. С. Бексейтова,С. Азат, К. К. Құдайбергенов, А. Дәулетбай, М. Нажипкызы, К. Мoхаммaд3. «БИОМАССАДАН НАНОЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА АЛУ ЖӘНЕ ОЛАРДЫҢ ФИЗИКА-ХИМИЯЛЫҚ ҚАСИЕТТЕРІН ЗЕРТТЕУ» //Вестник НЯЦ РК. — 2024. — В 2 (98), — С 56-63https://doi.org/10.52676/1729-7885-2024-2-56-644

        Publications with non-zero impact factor included in Scopus and Web of Science databases

        1. B.U.Rakhimova, К.К.Kudaibergenov, M.I. Tulepov, L.R.Sassykova G.A.Spanova, Z.A.Mansurov,, I.S.Savickaya. Preparation and determination of the physical and chemical properties of the nano-gel film of bacterial cellulose// Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2021\16\4 Pages 1587-1597. (https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19200156941) (процентиль по базе Scopus - 28).

        2. Bibigul Rakhimova, Кenes Kudaibergenov, Larissa Sassykova Galya Spanova, Sestager Aknazarov and M.I. Tulepov. Preparation of Composites of Antibacterial Materials Based on Bacterial Celulose and Silver Nanoparticles for Wound Healing. Int.J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol.18, No.2, June 2022, pp. 123-133 (https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100913762) (процентиль по базе Scopus - 66.

        Participation in conferences: Publication at an international conference

         1. Б.У.Рахимова, К.К.Кудайбергенов, З.А. Мансуров, И.С.Савицкая, Г.А. Спанова, Г.Н.Алибекова, ИК-спектроскопические исследоания бактериальной целлюлозы// XI Международный симпозиум «Горения и плазмохимия» Алматы, 20-22 ноябрь 2019 г. С.237-239

        2. Баймухан А.С., Рахимова Б.У. Кудайбергенов КК. НАНОЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА НЕГІЗІНДЕГІ КОМПОЗИТТІ МАТЕРИАЛДАР АЛУ ЖӘНЕ ОНЫҢ ФИЗИКА-ХИМИЯЛЫҚ ҚАСИЕТТЕРІН ЗЕРТТЕУ // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 20(148). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/148/215157

        3. Б.У.Рахимова, К.К.Кудайбергенов, С.Х.Акназаров З.А. Мансуров. И.С.Савицкая, Г.А. Получение и изучение физико-химических свойств нанокомпозита бактериальной целлюлозы с экстрактом алоэ вера. XVIII Международной научно-практической конференции«Новые полимерные композиционные материалы. Микитаевские чтения» 3-6 июль 2022 г. с.296-297

        4. М.К. Шамшиденов,Ұ.С.Қожахмет, Б.У.Рахимова, Е.А. Алтынов,Ұ.Ғ.Жантикеев, К.С.Бексейтова, К.К.Кудайбергенов. Халықаралық ғылыми тәжірибелік конференция «Экономиканың тұрақты даму жағдайындағы минералдық – индустриялық мегакешендегі ресурс үнемдеуші технологиялар» Алматы, 14-15 наурыз 2024 с-425-429

        • Zhapekova Anar Orazgalievna

          Position: PhD, Senior Lecturer

        • Information

        Zhapekova Anar Orazgalievna

        Position: PhD, Senior Lecturer

        +7 778 436 4252

        Since 04.09.2024, senior lecturer at the Chemistry Department of the Institute of Natural Sciences of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University from 2007-2019, a leading specialist of the Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. from 2009 to the present time Researcher, RSE "Institute of Gorenje problemy" (part-time). from 2012-2020, Researcher, Zhalyn LLP (part-time) from 2021-2024, Senior lecturer at the Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.


        • 1993-2000. Almaty State University named after Abai (chemistry-biology teacher, Bachelor's degree).
        • 2003-2005 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Chemistry (Master's degree in Chemistry, scientific and pedagogical).
        • 2005-2007 named after him.Bekturova B. A.Institute of Chemical Sciences (postgraduate course)
        • 2018-2021 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, (scientific and pedagogical doctoral program 6D074000 "Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology").
        • 2024 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the chemistry field

        Research area:

        • 2023-2025 GF/AP19680089 "Development of technology for the production of thermal insulation bricks based on natural raw materials and man-made waste for industrial and civil construction" .
        • 2023-2025 GF/AP19680387 "Mechanochemical synthesis of high-energy aluminum-based powders to improve military space technologies"

        Published articles:

        Patents and patent applications

        • Патент № Патент на полезную модель №6132 Республика Казахстан 04.06.2021г. заявитель РГП на ПХВ «Институт проблем горения» Комитета науки МОН Республики Казахстан, Способ приготовления гелевых композиций лечебно-косметического назначения / Н.Н. Мофа, А.О. Жапекова, А.Е. Баккара.

        Articles in journals included in the Scopus database:

        1. M.Tulepov; Zh.Myshyrova; R.Busquets; L. Sassykova; G.Tureshova; B. Rakhimova; A.Zhapekova; G. Spanova. Electrically Conductive Sealing Silicone Compositions Filled with Carbon Materials //Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2023, 42(12), стр. 4167–4175

        2. Bakkara, A.; Sadykov, B.; Zhapekova, A.; Oserov, T.; Batkal, A.; Khairullina, A.; Mofa, N. Efficiency and Prospects of the Use of Mechanochemical Treatment to Obtain Innovative Composite Systems. ChemEngineering 2022, 6, 90. https://doi.org/10.3390/chemengineering6060090 (Q1, Процентиль 75)

        3. M Tulepov., L Sassykova., A Kerimkulova ., Tureshova G., F. Abdrakova., A..Zhapekova., Z. Sultanova., G. Spanova., D. Tolep., Sh. Gabdrashova., D.Baiseitov Preparation of briquettes on the basis of sub-standard coal of Kazakhstan fields. Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 2022, 16(1), страницы 118–125.

        4. M.I. Tulepov, L.Sassykova, A. Kerimkulova, G. Tureshova, A. Zhapekova, Z.Sultanova, S. Tursynbek, Sh. Gabdrashova, D. Baiseitov. Preparation of coal briquettes based on non-standard kazakhstan coal with various additives and determination of their quality. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 56, 1, 2021, 123-132

        5. D.A.Baiseitov, L. R. Sassykova, A.O. Zhapekova, F.Yu. Abdrakova, S. Kh. Aknazarov, G.O. Tureshova and G.A. Spanova. Preparation of coal briquettes based on coal fines with the addition of vinyl chloride and polyethylene terephthalate ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2020, 15(20), страницы 2311–2317

        6. N. Mofa, A. Zhapekova, B. Sadykov, A. Bakkara, M. Tulepov, and B. Elouadi. Preparation of Silvered Colloidal Compositions for Nanocosmetic Drugs.//Eurasian Chem. Tech. J., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 11-18, Mar. 2020. https://doi.org/10.18321/ectj925 (Q3, Процентиль 31)

        7. M.I. Tulepov, L.R. Sassykova, A.R. Kerimkulova, G.O. Tureshova, D.M. Tolep, A.O. Zhapekova, G.A.Spanova, F.Yu. Abdrakova, Z.A. Mansurov, Preparation of coal briquettes and determination of their physical and chemical properties, Orient J. Chem., 35, 1, 2018, 180-185, http://dx.doi. org/10.13005/ojc/350120

        List of articles recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

        8. Артыкбаева А.Б., Жапекова А.О., Рахимова Б.У., Тулепов М.И., Кудьярова Ж.Б., Амир Ж. Изучение диффузионных областей исследования горения брикета с воздушными каналами // НОВОСТИ НАУКИ КАЗАХСТАНА НАУЧНО–ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ №1 (152), стр.28-33. 2022

        9. . Н.Н. Мофа, А.О. Жапекова, А.Е. Баккара, Б.С. Садыков, М.Г.Сахан, А.Д.Бекентаева, З.А.Мансуров. Комплексное использование механохимической и ультразвуковой обработки для получения высокодисперсного кремния специального назначения// Горение и плазмохимия №17 (2019) Стр.123-132. Алматы. Казахстан

        10. . А.О. Жапекова, А.Е. Баккара, Р.С.Иминова, B. Elouadi Н.Н. Мофа, З.А.Мансуров //Механохимическая и ультразвуковая обработка – управляемый способ формирования структуры и свойств нанокомпозиционных гелевых систем Издание: «Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологий»., КАЗАХСТАН, рекомендуемый ККСОН МОН РК том 2 №446 : (2021) стр 36-44.

        11. Мофа Н.Н., Жапекова, А.О., Баккара А.Е. // Ультразвуковая обработка – эффективный способ направленного синтеза наноструктурирован-ных систем (обзор) Горение и плазмохимия (2021). 19(2), 117-127. https://doi.org/10.18321/cpc423 Алматы. Казахстан 12. Жапекова А.О., Баккара А.Е., Иминова Р.С., Мофа Н.Н. //Разработка гелевых композиций с агар-агар для лечебно-косметических препаратов Промышленность Казахстана №3(111) 2020., Стр. 71-74 Алматы. Казахстан

        Participation in conferences:

        1. А.Е. Баккара, Б.С. Садыков, А.О. Жапекова, Н.Н. Мофа, З.А. Мансуров. Разработка препаратов лечебно-косметического назначения и управление их свойствами с использованием ультразвуковой обработки//III Всероссийская конференция с международным участием, посвященная 75-летию Института химии твердого тела и механохимии СО РАН.,1-5 октября 2019. стр-250 ТЕЗИСЫ ДОКЛАДОВ Новосибирск, Россия 2.

        2. Жапекова А.О., Баккара А.Е. Разработка гелевых нанокомпозиционных систем с наполнителем// МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙКАЗАХСТАНСКО-РОССИЙСКИЙ СИМПОЗИУМ «Химическая физика и наноматериалы», 8.12.2020 г. Алматы. Казахстан 3.

        3. Н.Н. Мофа, А.О. Жапекова, А.Е. Баккара, Б.С. Садыков. Ультразвуковая обработка–управляемый способ формирования структуры и свойств композиционных гелевых систем.//Материалы XI Международного симпозиума «ГОРЕНИЕ и ПЛАЗМОХИМИЯ» 20-22 ноября 2019 г. Стр 31-32. Алматы. Казахстан

        4. B.S. Sadykov , A. Ye. Bakkara , A.B. Artykbayeva , A.O. Zhapekova , A.S. Khairullina Mechanochemical treatment of aluminum powder with graphite for energy intensive systems //the 2024 World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2024). P.326. Shenzhen. China 14-19 July, 2024. P.326 5. A.E. Bakkara , B.S. Sadykov , A.E. Maten , Artykbayeva A.B. , Zhapekova A.O. Carbon additives on structure formation of thermal insulation materials. // the 2024 World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2024). P.326. Shenzhen. China 14-19 July, 2024. P.327



        • Meiram Atamanov Karatayevich

          Position:  PhD, Senior Lecturer

        • Information

        Meiram Atamanov Karatayevich

        Position:  PhD, Senior Lecturer

        +7 708 705 5070

        2012 – present, Head of Laboratory - Institute of Combustion Problems, Laboratory of Energy-Intensive Nanomaterials (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Since September 2024, she has been a senior lecturer at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


        • 2018-2024, Acting Associate Professor - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

        Published articles:

        •  Sabitov, A., Atamanov, M., Doszhanov, O., Saurykova, K., Tazhu, K., Kerimkulova, A., ... & Doszhanov, Y. (2024). Surface Characteristics of Activated Carbon Sorbents Obtained from Biomass for Cleaning Oil-Contaminated Soils. Molecules, 29(16), 3786.
        • Taurbekov, A., Kaidar, B., Baltabay, A., Imash, A., Ko, W. B., Ko, J. W., Atamanov M., Smagulova, G. (2024). Valorization of Grass Clipping Waste: A Sustainable Approach to Cellulose Extraction and Paper Manufacturing. Applied Sciences, 14(15), 6680.
        •  Korkembay, Z., Toshtay, K., Atamanov, M., Malchik, F., Amrousse, R., Merkibayev, Y., ... & Mansurov, Z. (2024). Determination of the Catalytic Activity of the MXene in the Combustion of Amonium Perchlotrate. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 1-8.
        •  Taurbekov, A., Fierro, V., Kuspanov, Z., Abdisattar, A., Atamanova, T., Kaidar, B., ... & Atamanov, M. (2024). Nanocellulose and carbon nanotube composites: a universal solution for environmental and energy challenges. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 113262.
        • Lesbayev, B., Rakhymzhan, N., Ustayeva, G., Maral, Y., Atamanov, M., Auyelkhankyzy, M., & Zhamash, A. (2024). Preparation of Nanoporous Carbon from Rice Husk with Improved Textural Characteristics for Hydrogen Sorption. Journal of Composites Science, 8(2), 74.
        •  Taurbekov, A., Abdisattar, A., Atamanov, M., Yeleuov, M., Daulbayev, C., Askaruly, K., ... & Atamanova, T. (2023). Biomass Derived High Porous Carbon via CO2 Activation for Supercapacitor Electrodes. Journal of Composites Science, 7(10), 444.
        •  Taurbekov, A., Abdisattar, A., Atamanov, M., Kaidar, B., Yeleuov, M., Joia, R., ... & Atamanova, T. Investigations of Activated Carbon from Different Natural Sources for Preparation of Binder-Free Few-Walled CNTs/Activated Carbon Electrodes. Journal of Composites Science, 2023, 7(11), 452.
        • Harimech, Z., Toshtay, K., Atamanov, M., Azat, S., & Amrousse, R.. Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Dinitramide (ADN) as Green Energy Source for Space Propulsion. Aerospace, 2023, 10(10), 832.
        •  A. Akhinzhanova, S. Sultahan, Z. Tauanov, Z. Mansurov, A. Capobianachi, R. Amrousse, M. Atamanov and Q.-L. Yan Preparation and Evaluation of Effective Thermal Decomposition of Tetraamminecopper (II) Nitrate Carried by Graphene Oxide, Combustion and Flame 2023, doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112672
        • Harimech, Z., Hairch, Y., Atamanov, M., Toshtay, K., Azat, S., Souhair, N., & Amrousse, R. Carbon nanotube iridium− cupric oxide supported catalysts for decomposition of ammonium dinitramide in the liquid phase. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 22(3), 2023.
        •  Ilyin, Y. V., Kudaibergenov, K. K., Sharipkhanov, S. D., Mansurov, Z. A., Zhaulybayev, A. А., & Atamanov, M. K. Surface Modifications of CuO Doped Carbonaceous Nanosorbents and their CO2 Sorption Properties. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 25(1), 33-38. (2023).
        •  Remissa, I., Jabri, H., Hairch, Y., Toshtay, K., Atamanov, M., Azat, S., & Amrousse, R. (2023). Propulsion Systems, Propellants, Green Propulsion Subsystems and their Applications: A Review. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 25(1), 3-19.
        •  Remissa, I., Souagh, A., Hairch, Y., Sahib-Eddine, A., Atamanov, M., & Amrousse, R. Thermal decomposition behaviors of 30% hydrogen peroxide over free noble metal-synthesized solid catalysts. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, (2022) 21(4) 17-29.
        •  Souagh, A., Remissa, I., Atamanov, M., El Alaoui, H., & Amrousse, R. Comparative study of the thermal decomposition of hydroxylammonium nitrate green energetic compound: combination between experimental and DFT calculation. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, (2022) 21(4) 31-38.
        •  Atamanov, M., Lyu, J.-Y., Chen, S., & Yan, Q.-L. (2021). Preparation of CNTs Coated with Polydopamine–Ni Complexes and Their Catalytic Effects on the Decomposition of CL-20 ACS Omega. 2021, 6, 35, 22866–22875
        •  Atamanov, M., Yelemessova, Z., Imangazy, A., Kamunur, K., Lesbayev, B., Mansurov, Z., Yue, T., Shen, R., Yan, Q.-L. The Catalytic Effect of CuO-Doped Activated Carbon on Thermal Decomposition and Combustion of AN/Mg/NC Composite, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2019, 123(37), 22941-22948
        • Atamanov, M.K., Amrousse, R., Hori, K., Mansurov, Z. Experimental Investigations of Combustion: (95 WT.-%) HAN–Water Solution with High-SSA Activated Carbons Combustion Science and Technology. 2019, 191(4), 645-658
        •  Mansurov, Z.A., Atamanov, M.K., Elemesova, Z., Lesbaev, B.T., Chikradze, M.N. New Nanocarbon High-Energy Materials. Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2019 55(4), 402-408
        • Atamanov, M. K.; Amrousse, R.; Hori, K.; B. Ya. Kolesnikovb, Z. A. Mansurova. Influence of Activated Carbon on the Thermal Decomposition of Hydroxylammonium Nitrate, Combustion Explosion and Shock waves    2018, 54(3), 316-324.
        •   M.K. Atamanov, R. Amrousse, J. Jandosov, K. Hori, A.R. Kerimkulova, D. I. Chenchik, B.Y. Kolesnikov Combustion Characteristics of HAN-based Green Propellant assisted with Nanoporous Active Carbons, Euras. Chem. Tech. J. 2017, 19(3), 77‒81.
        •  M.K. Atamanov, I. Noboru, T. Shotaro, R. Amrousse, M. Y. Tulepov, A.R. Kerimkulova, M.A. Hobosyan, Keiichi Hori, K.S. Martirosyan, and Z.A. Mansurov. Investigation of Сombustion and Thermal Analysis of Ammonium Nitrate with Carbonaceous materials, Combustion Science and Technology, 2016, 188(11-12), 2003–2011.

        Статьи в журналах рецензируемые ККСОН

        • Ж. Кoркембай, K. Тоштай, А.Н. Алипбаев, M.K. Атаманов, Ф. Мальчик. Влияние добавок Ti3C2 (MXene) на разложение перхлората аммония Горение и плазмохимия 21(4), 2023, 257-263
        •   Б.Т. Лесбаев, Н.Г. Приходько, З.М. Азизов, Б.А. Мансуров, М.К. Атаманов, Синтез наноматериалов в пламени, Горение и плазмохимия 21(1), 2023, 17−27
        •  Н. Худайбергенов, Г. Ергазиева, К. Досумов, М. Анисова, М. Мамбетова, Н. Макаева, К. Алиев, А. Мендибай, М. Атаманов, Перовскитные катализаторы для углекислотной конверсии метана. Краткий обзор, Горение и плазмохимия 21(1), 2023, 53–70.
        • Н.Г. Приходько, М.А. Елеуов, К. Аскарулы, А.Б. Толынбеков, А.Т. Таурбеков, Ә.Ә. Әбдiсаттар, М.К. Атаманов, Исследование исходной растительной биомассы для объёмного получения графеноподобных структур, Горение и плазмохимия 20 (4), 2022, 221-231
        • Т.С. Атаманова, М. Елеуов, А. Таурбеков, М.К. Атаманов, Разработка гибких электродов без применения полимерных связующих на основе активированных углей и углеродных нанотрубок, Горение и плазмохимия 20 (3), 2022, 239-246
        •  Zh.B.   Beksultan, M.I.   Tulepov, M.K. Atamanov. Development of an elastic cumulative charge based on gel-forming substances. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 2020, 18(3), 133-140.
        •  Zh. Yelemessova, K. Kamunur, M.K. Atamanov, B.T. Lesbayev, R. Shen. Investigation of the transitional metal oxides effects on combustion and thermal characteristics of an/mg/c-activated carbon composites, Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan, 2019, 1(65), 273-279.
        •  С.С. Мадиев, Р.Г. Абдулкаримова, М.К. Атаманов, В.Е. Зарко, Способы обработки призабойной зоны нефтяной скважины генераторами давления, Горение и плазмохимия 17 (2), 2019, 133-139
        • K. Kamunur, J. M. Jandosov, R.G. Abdulkarimova, Atamanov M.K., Keiichi Hori, Z.A. Mansurov. Effect of Cr2O3 on the burning characteristics of AN/ MgAl – based composite solid propellants. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 2016, 14(3), 189-194
        • M.K.Atamanov, A.R. Kerimkulova, Rachid Amrousse, A.E. Bakkara, K. Hori, Z.A. Mansurov. Influence of carbonized rice husk on thermal decomposition of ammoni-um nitrate and hydroxylammonium nitrate. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 2016, 14(3), 195-203
        •  M.K. Atamanov, A.R. Kerimkulova, R. Amrousse, Keiichi Hori, Experimental investigations of enhancement of combustion of HAN-based propellant with K2CO3- activated carbon. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 2016, 14(4), 285-292.
        •  M.K. Atamanov, I. Noboru, T. Shotaro, R. Amrousse, A.R. Kerimkulova, Keiichi Hori, Z.A. Mansurov. Study of The Influence on Carbonized Rice Husk on the Burning rate of Hydroxylammonium nitrate. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 2016,14(2), 113-119.
        • Tulepov M., Sasykova L., Atamanov M., Eshimbetova D., Amir Zh., Mansurov Z. Coal hydrogenation in the presence of catalyst concentrates from the Balkhash deposit. Journal of Industry of Kazakhstan, 2015, 3, 82-86.
        • B.T. Lesbayev, Z.A. Mansurov, Zh.A. Kulekeev,G.K. Nurtayeva, D. B. Bodykov, M.S. Abdikarimov, M.K. Atamanov, S. Tursynbek, G.T. Smagulova Features of combustion of oil containing hydrogen sulphide on the surface of the water. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry 2015, 13(4), 195-203.
        •  M.K. Atamanov. M.A. Khobosyan. K.S. Martirosyan. Z.A Mansurov. Development of pyrotechnic compositions of different color gamma. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry 2013, 11(3), 292-294.


        Research work:

        Synthesis and application of carbon nanomaterials in new functional materials, energy storage systems, as well as study of kinetics of combustion and explosi

        • Yerezhepova Ainur

          Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Yerezhepova Ainur

        Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences


        2010-2015  - Lecturer at the Department of Natural Sciences of the Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology Since September 2018 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University;


        • Bachelor of Education in the specialty «5B0112-Chemistry» (Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 2004-2008) diploma  (ЖБ № 0008186);
        • «Master of Chemistry» (Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 2008-2010) diploma with honors (ЖООК-М № 0007450);


        • Investigation of the structure and composition of biological active substances isolated from the aboveground part of the Sonchus Oleracus L;
        • Organic chemistry, isolation of natural BAS;
        • Ways to apply innovative methods in the study of chemistry.


        • Zhumanova N.A. Yerezhepova A.Beknazarova A.Use of case-study method for forming intercultural and professional competencies in studying chemical disciplines in English” Известия КазУМО иМЯ -4(55)2019, стр. 80-87
        • Мырзахметова Н.О., Қуанышева Ж.Қ., Байташева Г.У., Ережепова А.Ш. «Обучение по обновленной программе обучения химии», с. 136-140 ISSN 2073-333 X Международный научный журнал Наука и жизнь Казахстана №2 (77) 2019
        • N.ZHUMANOVA 1, N. AKIMBAYIEVA 1, A.YEREZHEPOVA1   « Models of formation of students’ ICC  in professionally-oriented foreign language teaching in profiled study of Chemistry» Научные труды военно-инженерного института радиоэлектроники и связи № №3(41)сентябрь 2020г. Стр.146-151
        • Amangeldi N., Amangeldikyzy Z., Yerezhepova A.Sh. «INTERACTION BETWEEN HETERODERA FILIPJEVI AND FUSARIUM  CULMORUM», Scientific and practical journal of Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University. Science and education. № 3-2 (60) 2020. pp.18-22. ISSN 2305-9397
        • Amangeldi N., Amangeldikyzy Z., Yerezhepova A.Sh. «SURVEYING WHEAT GROWING AREA IN KAZAKHSTAN FOR PLANT PARASITIC NEMATODES WITH A MAIN FOCUS ON THE CEREAL CYST AND ROOT LESION NEMATODES», Scientific and practical journal of Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University. Science and education. № 3-2 (60) 2020. pp.22-27. ISSN 2305-9397
        • Ережепова А.Ш., Әлиакбар А. «Химиялық реакциялардың жылдамдығы, химиялық тепе теңдік» Заманауи жастардың ғылыми пікір таласы: өзекті мәселелері, жетістіктері және инновациялары» атты дәстүрлі vі республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция жинағы 27-28 ақпан 2019.5-8б.
        • Ережепова А.Ш., Ізтай Б. «Мырыш оксиді негізіндегі жұқа пленкалар мен құрылғылардың қасиеттері мен қолданылу салалары». INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2020: CENTRAL ASIA» NUR-SULTAN, KAZAKHSTAN, JUNE-JULY 2020. Стр. 35-39
        • Ережепова А.Ш., Шабар Н. «Қазіргі заманғы білім беру саласындағы ақпараттық технологияларды пайдалану мәселелері мен болашағы». «Әлемдік ақпараттық білім беру кеңістігі бәсекеге қабілетті ұстаз қолында» атты республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференция. Алматы 2020. 201-205б


        •  VII. ULUSLARARASI TÜRK DÜNYASI ARAŞTIRMALARI SEMPOZYUMU 20-23 EKİM 2020/ Niğde Omer Halisdemir Universitesi
        • Kurbanbaeva Nurzhamol Maratovna

          Position: Teacher, Master of Science

        • Information

        Kurbanbaeva Nurzhamol Maratovna

        Position: Teacher, Master of Science


        From September 2023 - teacher of the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainning University.


        • Bachelor of Education in the specialty «5B0112-Chemistry» (Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 2008-2012) diploma  (ЖБ №  0331792);
        • «Master of Chemistry» (Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 2016-2018) diploma with honors (ЖООК-М № 0145812);


        * Isolation of biologically active substances of the dicotyledonous nettle plant and phytopreparations based on them (polyphenols, carotenoids, pectin, inulin).


        • Курбанбаева Н.М., Азимбаева Г.Е «Urtica Dioica L (қалақай) – өсімдігінің жер үсті бөлігінің (жапырағы, сабағы) биологиялық белсенді заттарын титриметриялық әдіспен анықтау» Д.И. Менделеевтің туған күніне арналған ЖОО – ң жастар бірлестіктерінде инновациялық ортаны қалыптастыру атты халықаралық-ғылыми  тәжірибелік конференция материалдары. ҚазМемҚызПУ, Алматы, 2017.-61-62бб
        • Курбанбаева Н.М., Азимбаева Г.Е «Urtica Dioica L(қалақай) – өсімдігінің жер үсті бөлігінің биологиялық белсенді заттарын фотоколориметрлік  әдіспен анықтау». «Білім мен ғылым дамуының химия, биология, экология және география бойынша заманауи бағыттары» атты халықаралық ғылыми практикалық конференция материалдары. Алматы қаласы -2017ж.-101-102 бб
        • Izteleu B.M.1, Azimbaeva G.E.1, Kudaybergenova G.N.1, Bakibaeva A.A.2, Kudaybergenova G.N.1, Kurbanbaeva N.M «INULIN – BIOPOLYMER»  Международную конференцию по полимерам, композитам, нанокомпозитам и биокомпозитам-2023 (ICРCNB-2023), в г. Алматы Республики Казахстан
        • Kamysbayeva Aliya

          Position: Teacher, master of sciences

        • Information

        Kamysbayeva Aliya

        Position: Teacher, master of sciences


        Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty " 6M011200-Chemistry "(No. 0067949) - the academic degree was awarded by the decision of the State Attestation Commission of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University on June 02, 2015 (Protocol No. 162), the topic of the dissertation research: "Development of methods for integrated use   Xhanthium  strumarium"

        Graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, (2009-2013) diploma (No. 0601601); Specialty "5B011200-Chemistry".

        She began her career in 2015.

        2015-2018-Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Chemistry at Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University

        Since September 2021-Teacher of the Department of Chemistry at Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


        • Specialty " 5B011200-Chemistry "(Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 2009-2013) diplom (No. 0601601);
        • Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "6M011200-Chemistry" (No. 0067949) - the academic degree was awarded by the decision of the State Attestation Commission of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University on June 02, 2015 (Protocol No. 162)


        • Development of methods for producing ethanol from inulin-and starch-containing plant materials;
        • Chemistry of Natural Compounds


        • Көк-сағыздың тамырынан полифенолды бөлу және құрамын, құрылысын зерттеу // Uluslararasi kazak tarihi – kültürü  Ve edebiyati sempozyumu  20-23 mart 2018 Antalya;
        • Крахмал құрамдас шикізаттан этил спиртін алу әдісі // I. Uluslararasi kazak tarihi –    kültürü    Ve edebiyati sempozyumu 20-23 mart 2018  Antalya;
        • Исследование возможности получения этилого спирта из инулинсодержащего сырья // XXI Международная научно-практическая конференция студентов и молодых ученых «Химия и химическая технология в XXI веке» Имени выдающихся химиков Л.П. Кулёва и Н.М. Кижнера, посвященной 110-летию со дня рождения профессора А.Г. Стромберга, 473.» 21–24 сентября 2020 г. Томск 2020;
        • Топинамбур-  нетрадиционное сырье спиртового производства (Chemical sciences) // 11th International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Modern Movement of Science” 12-14 б., 8-9 October 2020, Dnipro, Ukraine; 
        • Хanthium strumarium өсімдігінің аминқышқылдарының мөлшерін анықтау //  Қазақ хандығының 550 жылдығына арналған «Жас ғалым-2015» атты V халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясының еңбектері. Қазақстан, Тараз, 2015 жылдың 14-15 мамыр. 188-191 бб;
        • Xanthium strumarium өсімдігінің аминқышқылдарының мөлшерін анықтау //  Қазақ елі тәуелсіздігінің  25 жылдығы, А.М. Бутлеровтың құрылыс теориясының ашылуына 155 жылдығына орай өткізілген ЖОО студенттері, магистранттары, жас ғалымдарының дәстүрлі «Заманауи химия ғылымының теориясы мен практикасы» атты республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция Алматы, 2016 ж.;
        • Алюминий фольгасы //  Д.И. Менделеевтің туылған күніне арналған «ЖОО-ның жастар бірлестіктерінде инновациялық ортаны қалыптастыру » атты Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік  конференция. Алматы 16-17 Наурыз, 2017 ж.;
        • Дәрумендер және олардың маңызы // Еліміздің «Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру» атты мақаласы аясында Д.И.Менделеевтің туған күніне орай 2018 жылдың 28 ақпан айында өткізілетін ЖОО студенттері, магистранттары, жас ғалымдарының «Білімді ұрпақ - ел ертеңі» атты дәстүрлі V республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция ;
        • Темір және оның қосылыстарының  халық шаруашылығындағы маңызы // Еліміздің «Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру» атты мақаласы аясында Д.И.Менделеевтің туған күніне орай 2018 жылдың 28 ақпан айында өткізілетін ЖОО студенттері, магистранттары, жас ғалымдарының «Білімді ұрпақ - ел ертеңі» атты дәстүрлі V республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция;
        • Қазақстанның  металлургиясы // Еліміздің «Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру» атты мақаласы аясында Д.И.Менделеевтің туған күніне орай 2018 жылдың 28 ақпан айында өткізілетін ЖОО студенттері, магистранттары, жас ғалымдарының «Білімді ұрпақ - ел ертеңі» атты дәстүрлі V республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция;
        • Xanthium strumarium өсімдігі  тамырының химиялық құрамын анықтау // «Төртінші өнеркәсіптік революция жағдайындағы дамудың жаңа мүмкіндіктері» атты  ҚР Президенті Н.Назарбаевтың Жолдауын іске асыру шеңберінде «Көліктегі инновациялық технологиялар: білім, ғылым, тәжірибе» тәжірибе» атты XLII  Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция;
        • Этил спиртін алу үшін крахмалқұрамдас шикізатты ашыту процессі // «Заманауи жастардың ғылыми пікір таласы: өзекті мәселелері, жетістіктері және иннованциялары» атты дәстүрлі VI Республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция 133-136 б. жинағы.-Алматы, 2019;
        • Инулинқұрамдас өсімдіктердің химиялық құрамын анықтау // «Білім берудегі  инновациялар: ізденіс және шешімдер» атты  VІ Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 617-619б.  Нұр-Сұлтан,  2019 ж 10 Қазан;
        • Obtaining ethanol from Jerusalem artichoke // «Жаратылыстану ғылымдарының даму тенденциясы» атты дәстүрлі VІІ республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция Алматы,23-24Желтоқсан, 2020;
        • Определение инулина и пектиновых веществ в растений относящихся к семействе asteraceae // Химический журнал Казахстана, 2020 г. №1, 205-213;
        • Comparative assessment of the chemical composition of rice and ground rice// Химический журнал Казахстана, 2020 г.№3, 208-214;
        • Gas chromatographic analysis of the chemical composition of ethyl alcohol obtained from plants of the genus Asteraceae // Национальная академия наук. Республики Казахстан.№2, 2021 ж;
        • Биологически активные вещества некоторых видов  рода  asteraceae //Вестник Национальной инженерной академии Республики Казахстан. Серия Химические науки, 2021. № 1 (79), 63-69 бб.
        • Beysenbiyeva Uldana zhomartkyzy

          Position: Teacher, Master of Science

        • Information

        Beysenbiyeva Uldana zhomartkyzy

        Position: Teacher, Master of Science

        +7 776 344 32 18

        From September 2023 - teacher of the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainning University.


        • Graduated from Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, (2009-2013) Diplom (№ 0601587); Specialty "5B011200-Chemistry".
        • Master of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty "6M011200-Chemistry" (№0067945) - academic degree awarded by the decision of the State Attestation Commission of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University on June 02, 2015 (Protocol № 162).


        • Development of methods for ethanol production from starch-containing plant feedstocks;
        • Chemistry of natural compounds


        • «Қызылорда күріші және жармасының биологиялық құрамы мен элементтерінің мөлшерін анықтау» Қазақстан Республикасы халықаралық ғылыми журнал-қосымшасы. ІЗДЕНІС №1(1). 2014. 25-29 бб.
        • «Күріш жармасынан этил спиртін алу әдісі» Көкшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова. III Международная научно-практическая конференция «Наука и мы» г. Кокшетау-2014. II том. с.141-143.
        • «Күріш жармасынан этил спиртін алудың технологиялық үлгісін жасау» Костанайский государственный университет Ахмета Байтурсынова. Байтурсыновские чтения. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. Костанай-2015. Часть 2. с.339-343.
        • «Апробация экстракционных способов для извлечения лития из природных рассолов Казахстана» Вестник КазНИТУ. №5(129),2018 с.374-383.
        • «Modification of the phase composition of low-grade gibbsite-kaolinite bauxites» Комплексное Использование Минерального Сырья. №2 (317), 2021 с.94-102.
        • Moldakhanova Dinara Balgabayevna

          Position: Master of pedagogicial Science

        • Information

        Moldakhanova Dinara Balgabayevna

        Position: Master of pedagogicial Science


        2020-2021- Kazakh National Women's Teacher Traning University - Senior laboratory assistant. From September 2023 - teacher of the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainning University.


        • 2012-2016. Kazаkh National Womens Traning University   
        • Specialty: 5B011200-     Chemistry (bachelor's degree)
        •  2018-2020  Kazаkh National Womens Traning University
        •  Specialty: 6М011200-Chemistry (master's degree)

        SCOPE OF RESEARCH:    

        • Isolation of biologically active substances from the Karelinia caspia plant.


        • Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік фармацевтика академиясы.  «Karelinia caspia өсімдігінен рутинді бөлу әдістері»  Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік фармацевтика академиясының хабаршысы, Том ІV, №4(77), 2016, 116-117 бб.
        • Karelinia caspia өсімдігінің құрамынан инулин мен кемпферолды бөлу әдістері. 3th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIENCES, CHINA TO ADRIATIC, Natural sciences, October 27-28-29-30, Antalia, 2016, pg 39-42
        • Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Евразия Ұлттық Университеті. «Karelinia caspia өсімдігінің химиялық құрамы мен биологиялық белсенді заттарын анықтау» 2015-жылы 10 сәуір күні "Ғылым қызметкерлері күні" аясында өткізілген студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың "Ғылым және Білім-2015" атты X-Халықаралық ғылыми конференциясы. Астана-2015. 60-63 бб.
        • Ақбас шөп өсімдігінің құрамындағы май қышқылдарын газды хроматаграфия әдісімен анықтау. Бәйішев атындағы Ақтөбе университеті,
        • Ақбас шөп өсімдігінің құрамындағы биологиялық белсенді заттарды титриметриялық әдіспен анықтау. Д.И. Менделеевтің туған күніне арналған ЖОО – ң жастар бірлестіктерінде инновациялық ортаны қалыптастыру атты халықаралық-ғылыми  тәжірибелік конференция материалдары. ҚазМемҚызПУ, Алматы, 2017.-72-73бб.

        Participation in conferences

        1.Қызылорда өңірінде өсетін Karelinia caspia өсімдігінен инулин мен фенолды қосылыстарды бөлу. «Жастар және Ғылым: Бүгіні мен  Болашағы»  атты 71 – Республикалық студенттер, магистранттар доктаранттар мен жас ғалымдардың ғылыми тәжірибелік конференциясы аясындағы ғылыми марафоны материалдарының жинағы. ҚазМемҚызПУ, Алматы, 2018, 12- сәуір, -410б.

        • Kerimbay Farida

          Position: Lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Kerimbay Farida

        Position: Lecturer, master of sciences

        +7705 725 71 48

        From September 2019 - teacher of the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainning University.


        • Bachelor of Education in the specialty "5B060600 –Chemistry", Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (diploma JB-B No. 1459372);
        • Master of  Sciences "7M05302 – Chemistry" Al–Farabi Kazakh National University (diploma MD No.00016684419);
        • Master's degree in Chemistry "040401 –Chemistry" , NRU BelSU Russia (Diploma with honors No. 103132 0004833).


        • Production of polymer composites based on proteolytic enzymes


        • «Протеолитикалық ферменттер негізінде полимерлі композиттерді алу". "Химия және химиялық технология бойынша ХІ Халықаралық Беремжанов съезінің еңбектері», Керимбай Ф.Х. Тюсюпова Б.Б. Алматы, 19 – 20 қараша 2021ж.
        • «Биополимер негізінде биоыдырағыш қаптама алу» «Фараби әлемі» атты студенттер мен ғалымдардың халықаралық конференциясы. Керимбай Ф.Х. Алматы, 2019ж
        • «Получение полисахаридной капсулы на основе желатина» Международная научно – практическая конференция «Тенденции, перспективы и инновационные подходы развития химической науки, производства и образования в условиях глобализации» Сборник научных трудов. Керимбай Ф.Х. Тюсюпова Б.Б. Ерлан Г.Е. Алматы. https://pps.kaznu.kz/ru/Main/FileShow2/207326/128/3/19346/0//
        • «Получение полимерных компазитов на основе протеолитических энзимов» ІVмеждународный симпозиум  «Innovations in Life Science» Керимбай Ф.Х. Россия. Июнь 2022г. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48732550

        Participation in conferences

        • 1. International Conference of students and scientists «the world of Farabi». Almaty, 2019
        • 2. «Innovations in Life Science» IV International Symposium 2022.   
        • Abilmazhinova Didar

          Position: PhD,Senior Lecturer

        • Information

        Abilmazhinova Didar

        Position: PhD,Senior Lecturer


        • since September 2008, Secretary of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University;
        • 2012 - 2017 Lecturer at the Department of Biology;
        • 2017-2018. Senior Lecturer at the Department of Biology;
        • 2018-2021 Research Institute of New Chemical Technologies and Materials at Al-Farabi KazNU, Junior Researcher, Researcher, Senior Researcher;
        • From September 2020 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry of KazNWPU.


        • Teacher of "Chemistry-Biology" (Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, 2003-2007) diploma with honors (No. 0004794);
        • Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "6В011300-Biology" (Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 2010-2012), diploma with honors (Decision of the attestation commission, 2012 June 12 Protocol No. 109);
        • Studied PhD doctoral studies in the specialty "6D060600-Chemistry" (Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, 2018-2020).


        • Obtaining humic substances from coal and low-mineralized silt sulphide mud and researching their physical and chemical properties


        • AP05131787-OT-20, "Development of technology for producing low-sulfur diesel fuel from coal distillates using hydrogenation processes";
        • AP05131550-OT-20, "Integrated thermal processing of oil shale and coal";
        • AP09057905 "Development of technology for the production and use of specific organic substances of coal and oil shale of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a source of catalysts and antioxidants of natural origin»


        1. Д.З.Абильмажинова, И.М.Джелдыбаева Практическое применение иловых сульфидных грязей (пелоидов),  «Білім мен ғылымның дамуының химия, биология, экология және география бойынша заманауи бағыттары» атты халықаралық конференция, 27 қазан, 2017 ж.
        2. А.Аманбек, Д.З.Абильмажинова, И.М.Джелдыбаева, Ж.К.Каирбеков.  Емдік батпақтан алынған гуминдік заттардың қасиеттерін зерттеу.«Фараби әлемі» атты студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың халықаралық конференциясы Алматы, 9-12 сәуір, 2018 ж.
        3. Д.З.Абильмажинова, И.М.Джелдыбаева, Э.Т.Ермолдина,  Ж.К.Қаирбеков. Способ получения гуминовых веществ из низкоминерализованных иловых сульфидных грязей (пелоидов).V Халықаралық Фараби оқулары, «Функционалдық материалдардың химиялық технологиясы» атты 4-ші Халықаралық Ресей-Қазақстандық халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 12-13 сәуір 2018жыл
        4. Д.З.Абильмажинова, Әліпқали А.Ә, Ұйқашбаева Г.А., Жумадил  А. Идентификация гуминовых веществ пелойдов. «Фараби әлемі» атты студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың халықаралық конференциясы Алматы, 9-12 сәуір, 2019ж.
        5. Каирбеков Ж.К., Джелдыбаева И.М., Д.З.Абильмажинова, Кішібаев К.О., Баймолда Ж. “Method for producing humic substances of low-mineralized sulfide silt muds (peloids)”, «Қазақстанның химия журналы», №3, 2019
        6. Каирбеков Ж.К., Малолетнев А.С., Джелдыбаева И.М., Д.З.Абильмажинова. Data on antioxidant activity of humic substances of low-mineralized sludge sulphide mud (peloids) and their classification. «РҚ  ҰҒА Хабарлары» №3, 2019
        7. Zh.К. Кairbekov,I.M. Jeldybayeva, D.Z.Abilmazhinova, S.M. Suimbayevа. Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of humic acids of low-mineralized peloids of the tuzkol deposit. «РҚ  ҰҒА Хабарлары» №3, 2021 (Web of science)
        8. Jeldybayeva, Zh.К. Кairbekov, A.S.Maloletnev. I.M. D.Z.Abilmazhinova, S.M. Suimbayevа. Physicochemical and Antioxidannt Properties of Humic Substances Coals of the Oy-Karagay and Kiyakty Deposits in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Solid Fuel Chemistry, 2022, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 471–477. (Scopus)
        • Diyarova Banu

          Position: Lecturer, master of sciences

        • Information

        Diyarova Banu

        Position: Lecturer, master of sciences


        She began her career in 2016.

        • 2016-2017 - Methodist, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural Sciences
        • 2017-2018 - Senior Laboratory Assistant, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry;
        • From September 2021 to the present - Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, Institute of Natural Science, lecturer at the Department of Chemistry.


        • Bachelor of Education in the specialty "5B0112-Chemistry" (Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 2010-2014) diploma with honors (ZhB-B No. 0069876);
        • Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "6M011200-Chemistry" (Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 2014-2016) diploma with honors (ZhOOK-M No. 0089203).


        1. Көк сағыз тамырынан полифенолды бөлу және құрамын, құрылысын зерттеу // "Materials of the 69th republican scientific-practical conference of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists РһD on the topic" Youth and science: present and future "- Almaty,: - 2016. - 243 P.
        2. Көк – сағыздың тамырынан полифенолды бөлу әдісі // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Formation of an innovative environment in youth associations of universities" dedicated to the birthday of D. I. Mendeleev - Almaty: - 2017 - pp. 76-77.
        3. Көк-сағыз (TARAXACUM KOK - SAGYZ RODIN) өсімдігінің құрамындағы фенолды қосылыстарды оптикалық әдіспен анықтау // Collection of materials of the XLII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative technologies in transport: education, science, experience" in the framework of the implementation of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "New development opportunities in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" - Almaty: - 2018 - P. 295- 297.
        4. Көк - сағыз (TARAXACUM KOK - SAGYZ RODIN) өсімдігінің құрамындағы ББЗ титриметриялық әдіспен анықтау // YOUNG SCIENTISTS "SCIENCE. EDUCATION. Collection of materials of the republican scientific-practical conference "Youth" - Almaty: - 2018 - pp. 290-291.
        5. Көк сағыз тамырынан полифенолды бөлу және құрамын, құрылысын зерттеу // I.ULUSLARARASI KAZAK TARIHI – KULTURU VE EDEBIYATI SEMPOZYUMU-ANTALIYA,: - 2018y.- 111-112 p.
        6. Крахмал құрамдас шикізаттан этил спиртін алу әдісі  // I.ULUSLARARASI KAZAK TARIHI – KULTURU VE EDEBIYATI SEMPOZYUMU-ANTALIYA,: - 2018ж.- 111-112 б.
        7. Күріш қалдықтарын белсендірілген көмірге өңдеу // Order of the Red Banner of Labor Joint Stock Company "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Bekturov", chemical journal of Kazakhstan, No. 4 (64), October - December 2018, pp. 259-263.
        8. Processing of rice husk and straw into active coal // Eight International Conference «Modern Trends in Science» 26-30.06.2019y., Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
        9. Получение активированного угля со-термолизом рисовой шелухи и нефтешлама // East Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholova, Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Fundamental scientific research: innovations in chemical education", 12.09.2019, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 40-42b.
        10. Получение активированного угля со-термолизом рисовой соломы и нефтешлама // Joint Stock Company of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Bekturov", Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 4 (64), October - December 2019. S. 46-51.
        11. Получение активированного угля со-термолизом рисовой шелухи и нефтешлама // Joint Stock Company of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Bekturov", Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 4 (64), October - December 2019. S. 46-51.
        12. Получение активированного угля рисовой соломы и нефтешлама // Proceedings of the X International BIRIMZHANOV Congress on Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 24-25.10.2019, Almaty, pp. 99-100.
        13. Күріш қауызы мен мұнай шламын со - термолиздеу арқылы белсендірілген көмір алу // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Natural Science and Natural Science Education", dedicated to the memory of the scientist-teacher, candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Kuanyshbaev Tolybek Dossayevich (1952-1998), excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan November 7-9, 2019, Kyzylorda, S. 39-41.
        14. Күріш сабаны мен мұнай шламынан белсендірілген көмір алу // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Natural Science and Natural Science Education", dedicated to the memory of the scientist-teacher, candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Kuanyshbaev Tolybek Dossayevich (1952-1998), excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan November 7-9, 2019, Kyzylorda, S. 44-45.
        15. Комплексная переработка рисовых отходов с нефтешламом // "Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Natural Science Education" Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University. I. Ya. Yakovleva CHEBOKSARY, 2020, 3-11 st.
        16. Техногендік шикізат пен табиғи көміртекті материалды біріктіріп өңдеу арқылы қатты кеуекті сорбент алу // "Scientific creativity: research practice and priority directions" MATERIALS of the XXII republican scientific conference of students and young scientists dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, April 23, 2020 Kyzylorda, p. 95-96.
        18. Получение гранулированного угольного адсорбента совместной переработкой рисовой соломы и нефтешлама // OIL AND GAS 2021, No. 1 (108-117)
        19. OBTAINING BIOCHAR FROM RICE HUSK AND STRAW // NAS RK JSC "Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry named after D.V. Sokolsky "Series Chemistry and Technology No.1 (445), January, February 2021, pp. 66-74.
        20. RICE STRAW AND HUSK OIL SLUDGE FOR PROCESSING THROUGH THE USE OF LIGNOSULFONATE AS A BINDER WITH ACTIVATED CHARCOAL // NAS RK JSC "Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry named after D.V. Sokolsky "Series Chemistry and Technology No. 2, (446), March, April 2021, pp. 69-71.
        21. КҮРІШ ҚАЛДЫҒЫМЕН МҰНАЙ ШЛАМЫН БІРГЕ ӨҢДЕУДЕ БАЙЛАНЫСТЫРУШЫ КРАХМАЛ НЕГІЗІНДЕ БРИКЕТТЕЛГЕН БЕЛСЕНДІРІЛГЕН КӨМІР АЛУ // NAS RK JSC "Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry named after D.V. Sokolsky "Series Chemistry and Technology No. 3 (447), May, June 2021, pp. 69-71.
        22. Obtaining granular activated carbon using a binder gelatin in the joint processing of rice and oil waste // Eight International Conference «Modern Trends in Science» Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 15-19.09.2021y., 37 P.
        24. A method of obtaining activated carbon from rice husks sludge and oil sludge // USEFUL MODEL NO. 3821, 02.11.2018
        25. A method of producing activated carbon from rice straw and oil sludge // USEFUL MODEL NO. 4435, 29.07.2019
        26. Method of obtaining biochar from rice straw and husk // USEFUL MODEL NO. 5759, 11.11.2020
        • Seitbekova Karima Zhaisanbekovna

          Position:  PhD, Senior Lecturer

        • Information

        Seitbekova Karima Zhaisanbekovna

        Position:  PhD, Senior Lecturer

        +7 707 750 0073

        • 2012-2014 - Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture, senior laboratory assistant.
        • 2015-2017 - Kazakh-Russian Medical University, Department of Medical Chemistry, Master teacher
        • 2020-2024 - Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Bachelor of basic military training, PhD, senior lecturer.
        • 2022-2024 - Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Institute of Art, Culture and Sports, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.


        • 2008-2012 - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 5B011200 - Chemistry(Bachelor of Education).
        • 2013-2015 - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 6M011200 - Chemistry (Master of Pedagogical Sciences).
        • 2017-2020 - Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, 6D060600-Chemistry (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)).
        • 2018-2020 - Regional Socio-Innovative University, 5B011300 - Biology (Bachelor of Education).

        Published articles:

        1. M.M.Mataev, G.S.Patrin, M.R. Abdraimova, Zh.I. Tursinova. Synthesis and Analysis of Chromium and Calcium Doped YMNO3 Oriental jornal of chemistry, -2019,- Vol. 35, No. (3): Pg.1162-1166. India. Web of Science http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/350335.
        2. 2. G. S. Patrin, M. M. Mataev,K. Zh.Seitbekova,Ya. G. Shiyan, S. A. Yarikov, S. M. Zharkov Magnetic and Resonance Properties of the Y0.5Sr0.5Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Polycrystal. ISSN 1063-7834, Physics of the Solid State, 2020, Vol. 62, No. 8, pp. 1350–1354. SCOPUS http://dx.doi.org/10.21883/FTT.2020.08.49602.089.
        3. 3. G.S. Patrin, M.M.Mataev, Ya. G. Shiyan, V.G. Plekhanov. Magnetic and resonance properties of the Y0.5Sr0.5Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 polycrystal Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2103 (2021) 012199 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/2103/1/012199/meta.
        4. 4. M. Nurbekova, M.Matayev, Z. Sarsenbaeva, Zh.Durmenbayeva, M.Zhaisanbayeva. Multifaceted characterization and thermal stability of Y0.5Sr0.5Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 chromite-manganite synthesized via sol-gel method. Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences. Pak. j. life soc. Sci. (2024), 22(1): 70-79 E-ISSN: 2221-7630;P-ISSN:1727-4915. https://doi.org/10.57239/PJLSS-2024-22.1.006.
        5. 5. К.О. Кишибаев. Белсенді катализаторларды жасауда табиғи материалдарды қолдану. Хабаршы-Вестник-Bulletin №5 (59), 2015. 17-25 б.
        6. 6. М.М.Матаев, Г.С.Патрин, М.Р.Абдраймова, Ж.И.Турсинова. Synthesis and X-ray diffraction study of the Chromite-Manganites of the composition Y(1-X)MeCr0,5Mn0,5O3 (Me = Mg, Ba, Sr, x≈0,7). Химический журнал Казахстана, 3 (67), июль-сентябрь 2019 г. Стр. 207-216.
        7. 7. М.М.Матаев, Г.С.Патрин, Ж.И.Турсинова. Cинтeз и физикo-химичecкиe хapaктepиcтики фaзы Y0,5Sr0,5Cr0,5Mn0,5O3. Хабаршы, Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетiнiң хабаршысы, химия. география. экология сериясы, 2(131)/2020, стр. 31-37.
        8.  М.М.Матаев, Г.С.Патрин, Ж.И.Турсинова. Synthesis and magnetic properties of Y0.5Ca0.5Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 compounds Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетiнiң хабаршысы, химия. география. экология сериясы, № 4(133)/2020.
        9. 9. M.M. Mataev, G.S.Patrin, M.A. Nurbekova, M.E.Zhaisanbaeva. Development of a method for producing and studying the structure of spinel-perovxite composite material. News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan series chemistry and technology ISSN 2224–5286 Volume 2. Number 459 (2024), 114–125 https://doi.org/10.32014/2024.2518-1491.226.
        10. 10. M.M. Mataev, G.S.Patrin, A.A. Мeldeshov, M.E.Zhaisanbaeva Synthesis and structure of polycrystals MnCo2O4-GdCrO4. Горение и плазмохимия 22 (2024) 123-130. https://doi.org/10.18321/cpc22(2)123-130.
        11. 11. Қ.О.Кішібаев, Г.Қ.Исахова Использование шунгита в качестве носителя для нанесенных катализаторов реакции гидрирования «Магистрант», Россия (Краснодар), 2015 г. № 1-2.

        Participation in conferences:

        1. Қ.О.Кішібаев, Г.Қ.Исахова. Жаңа типті қондырылған палладий катализаторларын жасау және олардың белсенділігін гидрлеу реакцияларында зерттеу. ҚазМемҚызПУ, «Жастар және бүгінгі ғылым: бүгіні және болашағы» тақырыбындағы студенттер, магистранттар, PhD докторанттар мен жас ғалымдардың 68-ші республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференциясы, 29 сәуір, 2015 ж.

        2. М.М.Матаев, М.Р.Абдраймова, Ж.И.Турсинова. Исследование зависимости теплемкости от температуры фазы Y(1-x)BaCr0,5Mn0,5O3 где (x≈0,7). Сборник трудов IV Международной конференци «Весенние научные чтения», 30 апреля 2019 г. Киев, стр. 121-124.

        3. М.М.Матаев, М.Р.Абдраймова, Ж.И.Турсинова. Синтез и исследование теплоемкости манганита иттриядопированного магнием и хромом. имени профессора Л.П. Кулёва студентов и молодых ученых, 20–23 мая 2019 г.Томск 2019, стр. 89-90.

        4. М.М.Матаев, М.Р.Абдраймова, Ж.И.Турсинова. Исследование зависимости теплоемкости от температуры фазы Y0,5Са0,5Сr0,5Mn0,5О3 Химия и химическая технологияв XXI веке, XXІ Международной научно-практической конференции имени профессора Л.П. Кулёва студентов и молодых ученых, 21-24 сентябрь 2020 г.Томск, стр. 125-126.

        5. М.М.Матаев, Г.С.Патрин, Я.Г. Шиян, С.А. Яриков. Магнитные и резонансные свойства поликристалла Y0.5Sr0.5Cr0.5Mn0.5O3. Материалы ХХIVМеждународного симпозиума «Нанофизика и наноэлектроника», 10-13 марта 2020 г. Стр. 247-248. М.М.Матаев, Г.С. Патрин, Ж.И. Турсинова. М.А. Нурбекова, М.Р.Абдраймова, М.Е. Жайсанбаева. Способ получения и исследование структуры шпинельно-перовскитного компазиционного материала. Известия НАН КР, Специальный выпуск Атайын Чыгарылыш. 2023, №7. – С.85-93.

        • Madiyarova Altynay Muratkyzy

          Position: Master of Science, Lecturer

        • Information

        Madiyarova Altynay Muratkyzy

        Position: Master of Science, Lecturer

        +7 702 660 2992


        • "2009-2013 – Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University (Chemistry, bachelor's degree).
        • 2013-2015 – Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University (Master of Natural Sciences). 2021-2024 - Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (doctoral studies).

        Research area:

        • Development of physical and chemical foundations, creation of new complex oxide magnetic materials

        Published articles:

        1. Mataev M.M., Abdraimova M.R., Batyrbekova Zh.D., Madiyarova A.M. Calorimetric and Thermodynamic Studies of Complex Ferrites. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol.835 (2016) pp 260-264.

        2. М.М.Матаев, А.М.Мадиярова, Г.С.Патрин, М.Р.Абдраймова. Кыргыз Республикасынын улуттук илимдер академиясынын кабарлары «Синтез сложного феррита CrLiFe2O5, рентгенографическое и электронно – микроскопическое исследования». 91 – 96 бб. Бишкек. Кыргыз Республикасы 2023. ISSN 0002 – 3221

        3. Mataev M.М., Madiyarova A.M., Patrin G.S., Abduraimova М.R., Nurbekova M.A., Tursunova Zh.I. Synthesis and physico – chemical characteristics of complex ferrite CrNaFe2O5. Chem. J. Kaz., 2024, 1(85), 109-118. DOI: https://doi.org/10.51580/2024-1.2710-1185.11

        4. Mataev M.М., Madiyarova A.M., Patrin G.S., Abdraimova М.R., Nurbekova M.A., Durmenbayeva Zh.D. «Synthesis of New Complex Ferrite Li0.5MnFe1.5O4, Chemical – Physical and Electrophysical Research» тақырыбында Materials. JCR - Q2 (Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering) / CiteScore - Q2 (Condensed Matter Physics)

        5. Mataev M.М., Madiyarova A.M., Patrin G.S., Abdraimova М.R., Nurbekova M.A. «SYNTHESIS AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF A NEW COMPLEX FERRITE». NEWSOF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN SERIES CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2224–5286 Volume 3. Number 460 (2024), 137–146https://doi.org/10.32014/2024.2518-1491.242

        Participation in conferences:

        1. Матаев М.М., Абдраймова М.Р.,, Нурбекова М.А., Турсинова Ж.И.,Батырбекова Ж.Д., Мадиярова А.М. Синтез новых ферритов в системе R2O-Bi2O3-CaO. Материалы III Всероссийской конференции «Актуальные вопросы химической технологии и защиты окружающей среды» Чебоксары,-21-22ноября 2013, с.157-159.

        2. Матаев М.М., Абдраймова М.Р., Турсинова Ж.И., Батырбекова Ж.Д., Мадиярова А.М. Электромагнитті өріске төзімді бейорганикалық композиттердің синтезі. Сборник докладов международного Беремжановского съезда по химии и химической технологии. 9-10 октября 2014г. Усть-Каменогорск, стр.6-10.

        3. Матаев М.М., Абдраймова М.Р., Батырбекова Ж.Д., Мадиярова А.М. Термодинамические характеристики сложных манганитов BiMeMnO5,5 (Me=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba). Сборник материалов II Международного научно-практ. конференций «Современные тенденции развития науки и производства» 15-16 января 2015 г. Кемерово, стр.46-50.

        4. М.М. Матаев, М.Р.Абдраймова, А.М.Мәдиярова, Э.С.Бейсенбай. Жаратылыстану саласындағы ғылыми мен білім дамуының өзекті бағыты атты Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференфиясының еңбектер жинағы» «YbBa0.5CrFeO5 күрделі ферритін синтездеу және рентгенографиялық зерттеу» 119-121 б. Алматы 2022 ж. «_25_» қараша 2022ж.

        5. М.М.Матаев, А.М.Мадиярова, Г.С.Патрин, М.Р.Абдраймова. Казахского – Узбекского Симпозиума «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ НАУКИ О ПОЛИМЕРАХ» CrNaFe2O5 күрделі ферритін синтездеу және физика – химиялық сипаттамалары. 79 – 86 бб. Алматы 2023ж


        • Yskak Layla Kinyazkyzy

          Position: Master of Science, Senior Lecturer

        • Information

        Yskak Layla Kinyazkyzy

        Position: Master of Science, Senior Lecturer

        8(775)154 3231

        • 2016-2019 Chemistry teacher at Almaty Economic College (Almaty);
        • 2019-2022 Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, assistant at the Department of Plant Protection and Quarantine at the Faculty of Agrobiology (Almaty);
        • 2022-2024 Chief specialist of the department of scientific administration and development at the department of science of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University (Almaty);
        • Since September 2024, she is currently a senior lecturer at the Department of Chemistry at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University (Almaty).


        • "2010-2014 – Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University (Chemistry, bachelor's degree).
        • 2014-2016 – Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University (Master of Natural Sciences).
        • 2018-2021 - Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (doctoral studies)"

        Research area:

        • Creation of highly selective polymer systems and structures for lanthanum and cerium ions

        Published articles:

        1. «Ion exchange dynamics in cerium nitrate solution regulated by remotely activated industrial ion exchangers» Materials. Volume 14, Issue 13. 2021. - P. 1-11. DOI: 10.3390/ma14133491, Jumadilov Talkybek, Yskak Laila, Imangazy Aldan, Suberlyak Oleg
        2. «Comparative characteristics of polymethacrylic acid Hydrogel sorption activity in relation to lanthanum Ions in different intergel systems» // Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Volume 16, Number 3, 2022. p. 418 - 431. DOI: 10.23939/chcht16.03.418, Talkybek Jumadilov, Zamira Malimbayeva, Yskak Laila, Oleg Suberlyak, Ruslan Kondaurov, Aldan Imangazy, Laura Agibayeva, Auez Akimov, Khuangul Khimersen, Akerke Zhuzbayeva
        3. «Features of the extraction of yttrium and lanthanum with an intergel system based on hydrogels of polyacrylic acid and poly-4-vinylpyridine» // Bulletin of the Karaganda university Chemistry series, № 1(97), 2020, pp 60-66 6, B.Totkhuskyzy, L.Yskak, I.S.Saparbekova, N.O.Myrzakhmetova, T.K.Jumadilov, J.V. Grazulevicius
        4.  «Features of remote interaction of activated hydrogels of polyacrylic acid and polyethylenimine in scandium and lanthanum sulphate solutions» // ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ ҰЛТТЫҚ ҒЫЛЫМ АКАДЕМИЯСЫНЫҢ БАЯНДАМАЛАРЫ, № 4, 2021, 116 – 121беттер, Jumadilov T.K., Yskak L., Totkhuskyzy B., Askar T., Grazulevicius J.V.
        5. «Sorption of lanthanum ions by the interpolymer system based on industrial ion exchangers «Amberlite IR-120:AB-17-8» // ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ ҰЛТТЫҚ ҒЫЛЫМ АКАДЕМИЯСЫНЫҢ БАЯНДАМАЛАРЫ, № 4, 2021, 137 – 142 беттер, Yskak L.K., Zhambylbay N.Zh., Myrzakhmetova N.O.

        Participation in conferences:

        1. «Some features of the remote interaction of KU 2-8 cation exchanger with AB-17 anion exchanger» II INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL CONFERENCE, Lviv, November 06–08, 2019, pp 89, I.S.Saparbekova, O.V. Suberlyak, L.K. Yskak, Z.O. Malimbayeva, N.O. Myrzahmetovа, T.K. Dzhumadilov

        2. «Особенности дистанционного взаимодействия и взаимной активации гидрогелей полиакриловая кислота и поли-4-винилпиридина» // Труды X международного Беремжановского съезда по химии и химической технологии 24-25 октября, 2019, стр. 89-90, Т.К. Джумадилов, Н.О. Мырзахметова, Л.К.Ысқақ, О.В. Суберляк, И.С.Сапарбекова, А. Жора

        • Kоzhetova Zhanargul Abdrakhmanovna

          Position: Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        • Information

        Kоzhetova Zhanargul Abdrakhmanovna

        Position: Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        +7 747 490 0781

        • 2008-2012 - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Office Registrar
        • 2012-2018 - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Senior Lecturer
        • 2019 – 2024 –Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov, Kazakhstan;  engineer.
        • 2024 - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Senior Lecturer


        • 2001-2004 - Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Traininig University, 0303 –Chemistry and biology  Bachelor, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
        • 2005-2007 - Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Traininig University, 6M060600-Chemistry, Master degree, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
        • 2018-2021 - Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Traininig University, 6D060600-Chemistry, PhD, Almaty, Kazakhstan.Specialty

        Published articles:

        1.Жуманова Н.А., Малмакова А.Е., Жумакова С.С., Кошетова Ж.А.,  Макашева Д., Пралиев К.Д. Ю В.К.  3,5-Бис(арилиден)пиперид-4-оны как синтетические   аналоги куркумина // Химический журнал Казахстана. 2019. №2. С. 49-55

        2.Кошетова Ж.A. , Пралиев К.Д. , Ю В.К. , Ли Т.Е.,   Жуманова Н.А. , Ersen Turaç. Novel 3,5- bis(fluorobenzylidene)piperidin-4-ones as regulators of wheat growth // International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 14 (2):117-22. https://doi.org/10.26577/ijbch.2021.v14.i2.016. (2021)

        3.Koshetova Zh.A., Yu V.K., Iskakova T.K., Zhumanova N.A., Beketov K.M., Malmakova A.E., Praliyev K.D., Seilkhanov T.M. and Berlin K.D. Novel 7-Aryliden-3,3a,4,5,6,7-(hexahydro-5-(2-ethoxyethyl)-2-phenyl-3-aryl-2H-pyrazolo[4,3-c]pyridine hydrochloride: Synthesis and Structure//Eurasian Chem.-Technol. J. - 2022. – Vol.24. -P. 43‒50. https://doi.org/10.18321/ectj1147 (Scopus, percentile 29%; WoS Q4).

        Participation in conferences:

        Synthesis, transformations and properties of fluorine-containing divinylketones

        • Bokenbay Adilet Eszhanqizi

          Position:  Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        • Information

        Bokenbay Adilet Eszhanqizi

        Position:  Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        +7 702 241 8793

        • 2020-2022 - Kazakh National Women's Teacher Traning University - Senior laboratory assistant.
        • 2023-2024-Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University - senior researcher.
        • From September 2024 - teacher of the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainning University.


        • 2010-2014. Kazаkh National Womens Traning University Specialty: 5B011200- Chemistry (bachelor's degree)
        • 2014-2016 Kazаkh National Womens Traning University Specialty: 6М011200-Chemistry (master's degree)
        • Makhmadisan Aizhan Bauyrzhankyzy

          Position: Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        • Information

        Makhmadisan Aizhan Bauyrzhankyzy

        Position: Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        8(705) 187 5665

        Since September 2024 teacher in the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainning University.


        • 2017-2021y.-Bachelor of Education in the specialty "5В011200–Chemistry", Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after A. Margulan
        • 2021-2023y.-Master of  Pedagogical Sciences "7М01503– Chemistry" Al–Farabi Kazakh National University

        Published articles:

        • «Determining the futures of teaching general chemistry at universities through the use of chemical experiments» Makhmadisan A.B., journal of the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi", Almaty, 2022.
        •  " Химиялық эксперименттерді қолдану арқылы жоғарғы оқу орындарындағы жалпы химияны оқыту ерекшеліктерін анықтау " Makhmadisan A.B., Almaty, Republican scientific and methodological pedagogical periodical "Bilim Alemi", Almaty ,May, 2023

        Participation in conferences:

        • International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi", Almaty, April 6-8, 2022;
        • 2. The Twelfth International Conference of Young Scientists "Perspectives of Science and Education", May 20, 2023;
        •  Ziytakhan Marzhan Asilkhankyzy

          Position: Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        • Information

         Ziytakhan Marzhan Asilkhankyzy

        Position: Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        +7 705 351 9409


        • 2017-2021y. – KazNU named after Al Farabi, Bachelor's degree in the specialty "5B011200-Chemistry"
        • 2021-2023y. – KazNU named after Al Farabi, Master's degree in the specialty "7M01503-Chemistry"

        Published articles:

        1.Калыева А.Р., Кудреева Л., Зиятхан М., Мұхамеджан А.Д. Рений негізіндегі сенсорлы электродпен бисфенол-А анықтау// Химия және химиялық технология бойынша, xi халықаралық бірімжанов съезді, 2021, 19-20 қараша, 302.б.

        2.Минажева Г.С., Кудреева Л.К., Зиятхан М.Ә. Химиялық білім берудегі жаңа трендтер// xi халықаралық бірімжанов съезді, 2021, 19-20 қараша, 284.б.

        3.Кудреева Л.К., Зиятхан М.Ә., Көшербай М.М. Аналитикалық химияның практикалық негіздері пәні бойынша жаппай ашық онлайн курсын ұйымдастыру //Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті ТӘШЕНОВ ӘУЕЗХАН КӘРІПХАНҰЛЫН еске алуға арналған «Химия ғылымы мен химиялық білім берудің өзекті мәселелері» атты Республикалық ғылыми конференция, 4-сәуір,2022ж,221бет.

        4.Зиятхан М.Ə., Көшербай М.М., Калыева А.Р., Буршакбаева С.Б. «Аналитикалық химияның практикалық негіздері» пәні бойынша жаппай ашық онлайн курсын әзірлеу//Фараби әлемі, 2022ж,148б.

        5.Зиятхан М.Ә., Кудабаева Н., Рапбек Т., Меңдібай А.М. «ЖББМ химия пәні мұғалімдері Алматы-2022 олимпиадасы 1-тур тапсырмасы»// «Химия мектепте»

        6.Зиятхан М.Ə., Көшербай М.М., «Электрохимиялық сенсорлар» пәні бойынша оқу-әдістемелік кешен даярлау/Фараби әлемі, 2023ж,.

        7. M.M. Mambetova, K.Dossumov, G. Ye. Yergaziyeva, M. Ziyatkhan, I. Kuanysh, B.B. Baizhomartov. Non-oxidative dehydrogenation of ethanol on copper catalysts// International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA Virtually 2021, 15-18 March, р.616.

        8. Мамбетова М.М., Досумов К., Ергазиева Г.Е., Куаныш И., Зиятхан М., Байжомартов Б.Б. Биоэтанол сырье для получения ценных химических соединений// Горение и плазмохимия-2021-№ 3.

        Participation in conferences:

        1.Калыева А.Р., Кудреева Л., Зиятхан М., Мұхамеджан А.Д. Рений негізіндегі сенсорлы электродпен бисфенол-А анықтау// Химия және химиялық технология бойынша, xi халықаралық бірімжанов съезді, 2021, 19-20 қараша, 302.б.

        2.Минажева Г.С., Кудреева Л.К., Зиятхан М.Ә. Химиялық білім берудегі жаңа трендтер// xi халықаралық бірімжанов съезді, 2021, 19-20 қараша, 284.б.

        3.Кудреева Л.К., Зиятхан М.Ә., Көшербай М.М. Аналитикалық химияның практикалық негіздері пәні бойынша жаппай ашық онлайн курсын ұйымдастыру //Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті ТӘШЕНОВ ӘУЕЗХАН КӘРІПХАНҰЛЫН еске алуға арналған «Химия ғылымы мен химиялық білім берудің өзекті мәселелері» атты Республикалық ғылыми конференция, 4-сәуір,2022ж,221бет.

        4.Зиятхан М.Ə., Көшербай М.М., Калыева А.Р., Буршакбаева С.Б. «Аналитикалық химияның практикалық негіздері» пәні бойынша жаппай ашық онлайн курсын әзірлеу//Фараби әлемі, 2022ж,148б.

        5.Зиятхан М.Ә., Кудабаева Н., Рапбек Т., Меңдібай А.М. «ЖББМ химия пәні мұғалімдері Алматы-2022 олимпиадасы 1-тур тапсырмасы»// «Химия мектепте»

        6.Зиятхан М.Ə., Көшербай М.М., «Электрохимиялық сенсорлар» пәні бойынша оқу-әдістемелік кешен даярлау/Фараби әлемі, 2023ж,.

        7. M.M. Mambetova, K.Dossumov, G. Ye. Yergaziyeva, M. Ziyatkhan, I. Kuanysh, B.B. Baizhomartov. Non-oxidative dehydrogenation of ethanol on copper catalysts// International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA Virtually 2021, 15-18 March, р.616.

        8. Мамбетова М.М., Досумов К., Ергазиева Г.Е., Куаныш И., Зиятхан М., Байжомартов Б.Б. Биоэтанол сырье для получения ценных химических соединений// Горение и плазмохимия-2021-№ 3.


        • Barakhat Alma Polatbekovna

          Position:  Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        • Information

        Barakhat Alma Polatbekovna

        Position:  Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        +7 747 795 7935

        Since September 2024 teacher in the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainning University.


        • 2017-2021y. – KazNU named after Al Farabi, Bachelor's degree in the specialty "5B011200-Chemistry"                            
        • 2022-2024y. – KazNU named after Al Farabi, Master's degree in the specialty "7M01503-Chemistry"

        Published articles:

        1. Barakhat A. P., the importance of improving students ' research competence in Chemistry / / Republican scientific and pedagogical journal "Chemistry at school",-2023. – P. 38-40.

        2. Barakhat A. P., Niyazbaeva A. I., "formation of research competencies of students of the educational program 6B05301-chemistry" / / West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov scientific journal "Bulletin of WKU", -2024. - №1. - p. 53-63

        Participation in conferences:

        1.Barakhat A. P., the importance of the formation of research competence of students of the educational program "6b05301-chemistry" / / materials of the conference "Al-Farabi Alemi". - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2023. – P. 307

        2.Flea A. P., The role of chemical experiment in the formation of research competence. Kazakh National Women's teacher training University. - Traditional X International Conference" chemistry and the environment", 2024 – - P. 103-108

        3. Barakhat A.P., Niyazbaeva A., XII International Scientific and practical conference "Competence-based approach to teaching chemistry" / / Petropavlovsk, Surgut, Baku, Tashkent: 2024, - P.312-316

        4. Barakhat A., III International Scientific and practical conference" competence approach in teaching chemistry"," modern aspects of Chemical Science and chemical education: theory and practice", Abai Kaznpu, 2024. – P. 214-219


        • Orynbay Nurgul Amantaikyzy

          Position:  Lecturer, master of Nature sciences

        • Information

        Orynbay Nurgul Amantaikyzy

        Position:  Lecturer, master of Nature sciences

        +7 771 662 3879

        Since September 2024 teacher in the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainning University.


        2015-2019y. – KazNU named after Al Farabi, Bachelor's degree in the specialty "5B060600-Chemistry" 2021-2023y. – KazNU named after Al Farabi, Master's degree in the specialty "7M07122-Nanomaterials and nanotechnology in chemistry"

        Published articles:

        1.«Термосоққы көмегімен композитті материалдар алу және қасиеттері» Орынбай Н.А.,«Химический журнал Казахстана» , Алматы қ., №2, 2021ж.

        • Balkashbay Shynar Zhasulankyzy

          Position:  Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        • Information

        Balkashbay Shynar Zhasulankyzy

        Position:  Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        +7 771 314 3591


        • 2018-2022 – Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (Chemistry, bachelor's degree).
        • 2022-2024 – Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training UniversityKazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (Master of Pedagogical Sciences).

        Published articles:

        1. Balkhashbay Sh. Zh., Azimbayeva G. E., Akhtayeva M. B. Determination of high fatty acids in the composition of bivalve nettle leaves. Collection of works of the international scientific and practical conference "actual direction of development of Science and education in the field of Natural Sciences", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the doctor of historical sciences, professor Bulat Zhazkenovich Dzhiembayev. – Almaty, 2022. - pp. 129-132.

        2.Balkashbay Sh.Zh., Azimbayeva G.E., Aytbay D.Sh., M.B. Akhtayeva. Determination of higher fatty acids in the composition of lerica dioica leaves. Chem. J. Kaz., - 2023, -№4(84), 94-100 p.

        3. Sh. Zh. Balkashbay, G. E. Azimbayeva. Determination of the highest fat content in the list of cichorium intybus L. International project "best issuer of SNG - 2024", -2024. -№3, -pp. 37-40.

        4. Balkhashbay Sh. Zh., Azimbayeva G. E. Cichorium intybus l. Determination of high fatty acids in the composition of leaves. International Conference of students and young scientists" Farabi Alemi", - Almaty, 2024. – pp. 198-200.

        5. Sh. Zh. Balkashbay, G. E. Azimbayeva. Determination of the highest fat content in the list of cichorium intybus L. I urtíca dióica. Traditional X International Conference "chemistry and the environment" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National Women's teacher training University, the 155th anniversary of the periodic table and the 190th anniversary of D. I. Mendeleev's birthday, - Almaty, 2024.- No. 10, - pp. 57-62.

        Participation in conferences:

        1. Balkhashbay Sh. Zh., Azimbayeva G. E., Akhtayeva M. B. Determination of high fatty acids in the composition of bivalve nettle leaves. Collection of works of the international scientific and practical conference "actual direction of development of Science and education in the field of Natural Sciences" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the doctor of historical sciences, professor Bulat Zhazkenovich Dzhiembayev. – Almaty, 2022. - pp. 129-132.

        2. Balkhashbay Sh. Zh., Azimbayeva G. E. Cichorium intybus l. Determination of high fatty acids in the composition of leaves. International Conference of students and young scientists" Farabi Alemi", - Almaty, 2024. – pp. 198-200.

        3. Sh. Zh. Balkashbay, G. E. Azimbayeva. Determination of the highest fat content in the list of cichorium intybus L. I urtíca dióica. Traditional X International Conference "chemistry and the environment" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National Women's teacher training University, the 155th anniversary of the periodic table and the 190th anniversary of D. I. Mendeleev's birthday, - Almaty, 2024.- No. 10, - pp. 57-62.


        • Abdikhamit Akdidar Kambarovna

          Position:  Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        • Information

        Abdikhamit Akdidar Kambarovna

        Position:  Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences

        +7 771 874 5877

        Since September 2024 teacher in the Department of Chemistry of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainning University.


        • 2018-2022 Kazakh National Women's teacher training University Bachelor's degree.Chemistry.
        • 2022-2024 Central Asian Innovation University Master's degree.