Department of Distance Education
The Department of Distance Education is a division that carries out activities to ensure and expand access to educational services provided at the university for various categories of people, as well as organizes the educational process using information and telecommunications networks in the interaction of the faculty and students.
The main tasks of the Department of Distance Education are:
- ensures the efficiency and quality of the learning process;
- prepares documents for licensing the organization of online learning at the university;
- monitors the transparency and openness of examination sessions held in the form of testing and online;
- monitors the completeness and workload of the educational complex for conducting training in all areas;
- monitors the mastery of disciplines by students on academic mobility;
- organizes and provides methodological recommendations for the development of massive open online courses for the teaching staff.
The university implements distance learning technologies using the automated information system "Platonus".
Starting from 2023, the Department of Distance Education provides technical support to students within the framework of the pilot project "Coursera – қазақ тілінде", ensuring their successful registration on the platform, course completion and receipt of a certificate. Monitors the learning process on the platform and analyzes student performance.
The department also helps teachers record high-quality video lectures for massive open online courses at a professional level without an editor in the new interactive video studio "Online Learning Studio", monitors the upload of MOOCs to modern platforms.
DLT educational programs for the 2021-2022 academic year (the second higher - the term of study is 2 years) and after college (the first higher is shortened - the term of study is 3 years).
Білім беру бағдарламасы атауы
Название образовательной программы
Name of the educational program
6В01501 - Математика
6В01501 - Математика
6В01501 - Mathematics
6В01502 - Математика-Физика
6В01502 - Математика-Физика
6В01502 - Mathematics-Physics
6В01503 - Математика-Информатика
6В01503 - Математика-Информатика
6В01503 - Mathematics - Computer Science
6В01506 - Информатика
6В01506 - Информатика
6В01506 - Computer Science
6В01504 – Физика
6В01504 – Физика
6В01504 – Physics
6В01505 – Физика – Информатика
6В01505 – Физика – Информатика
6В01505 – Physics- Computer Science
6В01514 - Информатика және робототехника
6В01514 - Информатика и робототехника
6В01514 - Computer Science and Robotics
6В01508 - Химия-Биология
6В01508 - Химия-Биология
6В01508 - Chemistry-Biology
6В01509 - Биология
6В01509 - Биология
6В01509 - Biology
6В01510 – География
6В01510 – География
6В01510 – Geography
6В01511 - География-Тарих
6В01511 - География-История
6В01511 - Geography – History
6В01512 – География – Биология
6В01512 – География – Биология
6В01512 – Geography – Biology
6В01701 - Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті
6В01701 - Казахский язык и литература
6В01701 - Kazakh language and literature
6В01702 - Қазақ тілінде оқытпайтын мектептердегі қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті
6В01702 - Казахский язык и литература в школах с неказахским языком обучения
6В01702 - Kazakh language and literature with non-Kazakh language learning
6В01703 - Орыс тілі мен әдебиеті
6В01703 - Русский язык и литература
6В01703 - Russian language and literature
6В01704 - Орыс тілінде оқытпайтын мектептердегі орыс тілі мен әдебиеті
6В01704 - Русский язык и литература в школах с нерусским языком обучения
6В01704 - Russian Language and Literature with non-Russian language learning
6В02302 - Филология
6В02302 - Филология
6В02302 - Philology
6В01705 - Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі
6В01705 - Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка
6В01705 - Foreign language: two foreign languages
6В02301 - Аударма ісі
6В02301 - Переводческое дело
6В02301 - Translation Studies
6В01507 - Химия
6В01507 - Химия
6В01507 - Chemistry
6B05101 - Биология
6B05101 - Биология
6B05101 - Biology
6B06102 - Ақпараттық жүйелер
6B06102 - Информационные системы
6B06102 - Information Systems
6В02302 - Цифрлық аналитикалық білім беру жүйелерін жобалау
6В02302 - Вычислительная техника и программное обеспечение
6В02302 - computing and software technologies
6В01407 – Құқық негіздері, экономика және кәсіпкерлік
6В01407 – Основы права, экономика и предпринимательство
6В01407 – Fundamentals of Law, Economics and Entrepreneurship
6В01401 – Музыкалық білім
6В01401 – Музыкальное образование
6В01401 – Musical education
6В03201 – Кітапхана ісі
6В03201 – Библиотечное дело
6В03201 – Librarianship
6В01402 - Визуалды өнер, көркем еңбек, графика және жобалау
6В01402 - Визуальное искусство, художественный труд, графика и проектирование
6В01402 - Visual arts, art work, graphics and design
6В01406 – Кәсіптік оқыту және кәсіпкерлік
6В01406 – Профессиональное обучение и предпринимательство
6В01406 – Vocational training and entrepreneurship
6В01601 – Тарих
6В01601 – История
6В01601 – History
6В02201 – Тарих
6В02201 – История
6В02201 – History
6В02102 – Хореография
6В02102 – Хореография
6В02102 – Choreography
6В01801 – Әлеуметтік педагогика және өзін-өзі тану
6В01801 – Социальная педагогика и самопознание
6В01801 – Social pedagogy and self-knowledge
6В01901 – Арнайы педагогика
6В01901 – Специальная педагогика
6В01901 – Special Pedagogy
6В03102 – Психология
6В03102 – Психология
6В03102 – Psychology
6В01101 – Педагогика және психология
6В01101 – Педагогика и психология
6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
6В01202 – Мектепке дейінгі ұйымның тәрбиешісі және логопеді
6В01202 – Воспитатель и логопед дошкольных организаций
6В01202 – Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
6В01301 – Бастауышта оқыту педагогикасы мен әдістемесі
6В01301 – Педагогика и методика начального обучения
6В01301 – Pedagogy and methodology of primary education
6В01201 – Мектепке дейінгі оқыту және тәрбиелеу
6В01201 – Дошкольное обучение и воспитание
6В01201 – Preschool education and training
6В01602 – Тарих – Дінтану
6В01602 – История - Религиоведение
6В01602 – History - Religious Studies
6В11102 – Мәдени-тынығу жұмысы
6В11102 – Культурно-досуговые мероприятия
6В11102 – Cultural and leisure activities
6B11101 - Туризм
6B11101 - Туризм
6B11101 - Туризм
Head of the Department of Distance Education
Senior manager of the Department of Distance Education
Alieva Balausa Tanzharykovna
Managers of the Department of Distance Education
Zhasuzak Gulshahar Abaykyzy
Managers of the Department of Distance Education
Kozhakhmet Uldana Kairatkyzy
Managers of the Department of Distance Education
Tanzharykyzy Aiym