Department of Mathematics
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
About the Department
The history of the Department of Mathematics begins with the opening of the Institute in 1944.
Heads of the Department of Mathematics in 1950-1963:
- 1950-1957 - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor M.R. Reshetov;
- 1957-1959 - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor M.O. Amirbayev;
- 1959-1962 - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor L.N. Ermolaeva;
- 1962-1963 - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor G.T. Uzakov.
1963 - In September, the department was divided into "Higher Mathematics" and "Elementary Mathematics". Heads of departments from 1963 to 2003:
- 1963-1968 Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor G.T. Uzakov
- 1963-1968 Head of the Department "Elementary Mathematics" - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor M.O. Amirbayev
- 1968-1970 Head of the Department "Elementary Mathematics" - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor S.K. Kaniev
- 1970-1972 Head of the Department "Methods of Teaching Geometry and Mathematics" - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor S.K. Kaniev
- 1972-1975 Head of the Department "Mathematical Analysis" - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor S.K. Kaniev
- 1972-1986 Head of the Department "Methods of Teaching Geometry and Mathematics" - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor D.U. Umbetzhanov
- 1986-1990 Head of the Department "Mathematical Analysis" - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor K.M. Suraganov
- 1990-1995 Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor S.Zh. Maisakanov
- 1995-1998 Head of the Department "Mathematics and Informatics" - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor R.B. Baymakhanov
- 1998-2000 Head of the Department "Mathematics and Informatics - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M.E. Eskaliev
- 2000-2002 head of the department "Mathematics and Physics" – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.Zh. Zhamalov
In 2003, "Mathematics" was allocated as a separate department within the faculty. Heads of the department in 2003-2020:
- 2003-2006 - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor R.B. Baymahan
- 2006-2008 - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor A.K. Iskakova
- 2008-2012 - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor B.Zh. Zhakashbaev
- 2012-2013 – Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor B.D. Duzenbetov
- 2014-2015 – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N. Kurmanbekovna
- 2015-2019 – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher A.U. Dauletkulova
- 2019-2020 - PhD doctor, Senior teacher K.M. Shiyapov.
Currently, the head of the program of the department "Mathematics" is PhD doctor, senior teacher Mekebaev Nurbapa Otanovich.
Teachers of the department: Khanzharova Bayan Serikbaevna, Kokazhaeva Amangul Bazarbekovna, Bekbolganova Alma Kusainovna, Yesimova Alma Telmanovna, who have worked at the department of mathematics for many years and made a significant contribution to the education of students.
Currently, the department "Mathematics" employs candidates of sciences - associate professors: Khanzharova B.S., Kokazhaeva A.B., Esimova A.V., Minglibaeva B.B., Bekbolganova A.K., Bakirova E.A., Mekebaev N.O., Shiyapov K.M., senior teachers: Toleukhanova Z.M., Batyrbaeva G.A., Sagynbaeva E.E., Slyamova M.S., Betov K.Kh. and teachers: Doldykan M. , Omarbaeva B.
- Tasks of the department - training of highly qualified specialists through the use of innovative teaching methods and scientific achievements, the development and publication of textbooks and teaching aids for secondary and higher educational institutions, making a worthy contribution to the development of science and education in Kazakhstan.
- The teaching staff of the department is 15 teachers: 2 doctors of sciences, 6 candidates of sciences, 5 senior teachers, 2 master teachers. 3 of them teach in English.
- Double-degree education: agreements have been concluded with the universities of Turkey and Alberta.
The department has close ties with research centers, institutes, universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, countries of the near and far abroad: the University of Berlin (Professor G. Beger), Istanbul University of Culture (Professor Hasan Atik), Tamagawa University of Japan (Professor Seidishi Murio), Academy of Economics Radom Poland (Professor Antonio Pardala), Riga Technological University (Gaida Petere), Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Professor Rozanova S.A.), Omsk State Pedagogical University (Professor Dalinger V.A.), Tashkent State University and Turkish University Anadolu and etc.
- Meetings were held with teachers of school-gymnasium №141 in Almaty, with whom agreements were concluded on the organization and control of the educational process as an experimental base. In recent years, the scientists of the department took part in scientific reports at conferences, symposia and congresses in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Germany, China, Japan, Australia.
- They take part in international, republican scientific and practical conferences, scientific works, make a significant contribution to science. In international, republican, urban debates, students express their opinions. At sports competitions, our students are at the forefront, lead a healthy lifestyle and set an example for their ranks.
- In 2019, he won first place at the Olympiad in the subject of Mathematics among 3rd year students held at the Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov in the city of Taldykurgan, Almaty region.
- Every year, 95% of graduates are employed in their specialty.
Students master the following educational programs
Training of specialists in the areas 6B01501-Mathematics, 6B015020-Mathematics-Physics, 6B01503-Mathematics-Informatics meets the requirements of the classifier of higher professional education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The preparation of masters in the specialty 7M01501-Mathematics is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the state standard developed by the Abay Kazakh National University and the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Preparation of doctoral students in the specialty 8D01505 - Mathematics is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the state standard developed by the Kazakh National University named after Abai and the
Educational programs
Esimova Alma
Position: Senior lecturer, candidate of sciences
- Information
Since 2013 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Department of Mathematics (Senior Lecturer)
Kazakh State University named after Al-Farabi, Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics (senior lecturer, september 1995- august 2008).
Alma-Ata architectural and construction institute, department of higher mathematics (teacher, may 1990- desember 1991).
Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after Lenin, Department of Applied Mathematics (engineer, desember 1987- april1990).
The Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (Junior Researcher of the NIS, september 1986- desember1987).
The Republican Computer Center of the Central Statistical Office of the Kazakh SSR (engineer, august 1984- september 1986).
- 1979-1984. Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. Specialty: mathematician
- 1992-1994. Alma-Ata State University named after Abay, full-time postgraduate study, the department of mathematical analysis.
- 1996. Was received the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.
- Mathematical analysis.
- Equations of mathematical physics.
- Higher mathematics.
- The theory of singularly perturbed differential equations.
- - Estimates of the solutions of a singularly perturbed boundary value problem with an initial jump of order zero: Vestnik of KazSU. Ser. Math. Almaty, 1993. №1.140-145;
- - Estimates of solutions of a boundary-value problem with an initial jump of the first order for linear differential equations of the third order: Izv. NAS RK. Ser. phys. -math. Almaty, 1995. №1. No. 3.
- - A boundary value problem with an initial jump for a nonlinear singularly perturbed differential equation. Current state and prospects for the development of mathematics within the framework of the programs "Kazakhstan in the third millennium". Almaty, 2000;
- - On the non-splitting boundary value problem for a linear integro-differential equation of the third order with a small parameter: Vestnik MES RK, NAN RK Almaty, 2000. №5.
- - "Establishment and evaluation of solving solituted singular problems" : Vestnik of the ASU named after Abai. Ser. fiz.-mat. Almaty, 2017, No. 2 and in other articles.
Khanzharova Bayan
Position: Professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Khanzharova Bayan
Position: Professor, candidate of sciences
- Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute named after Abay, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Mathematics Department (diploma number П №698098, June 30, 1974);
- Graduate school at the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov;
- Defense of a Ph.D. dissertation at the Research Institute of TOPO and APN of the USSR (CD No. 043111, September 4, 1991); Associate Professor (, 27 November 1998)
- Defense of the candidate dissertation at the Research Institute of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (КД№043111, September 4, 1991); Associate Professor (ДЦ №0002900, 27 November 1998)
- 1979-1991 lecturer in the Department of Geometry and Mathematics Teaching methods;
- 1991-1997 senior lecturer at the Department of Higher Mathematics;
- 1997-1998 senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science;
- 1998-2014 Associate Professor of Mathematics;
- 2014- to the present, acting professor of the Department of Mathematics
During her work at the university, she gave lectures and conducted practical training in the following disciplines: methodology for teaching mathematics, workshop on solving mathematical problems, the history of mathematics, higher mathematics, computer science, numerical methods, algebra and number theory, geometry, descriptive geometry, differential geometry and topology, selected issues of the school geometry course, linear algebra and analytical geometry, foundations of projective geometry, multidimensional geometry, fundamental issues of geometry, theory of curves and surfaces, innovative methods of teaching mathematics at higher school.
- Short course of differential geometry: // Printing house of Kazakhst State National University,2013
- Developmentinverter FET together with Solar Panels// Advances in Environmental Biology /8(13) August 2014
- Methods teaching the theory valid variable functions//« Modern concepts of new developments » Х1Х International Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow,30-31oct.2015
- Improvement of the training content of professionals to innovative professional work in the conditions of informatization of society// Eastern european scientific journal.Augabe 1-2016
- Differential geometry // Tutorial. Almaty, Printing house of Kazakh State National University, 2016
- Geometry Basics // Tutorial. Almaty, Printing house of Kazakh State National University. 2016
- On teaching the basics of the theory of real variable functions//pedagogy series "Bulletin" of Karaganda University, N1 (85)/2017
- On teaching of bases of real variable functions theory// BLLETIN of the Karaganda university. PEDAGOGY Series N 1(85)/2017
- Multi-level learning in mathematics lessons as a means of enhancing learning activities of students // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Iternational scientific news 2017», декабрь,2017
- Differential geometry // monograph ,2017
- Features of environmental education and student education in the teaching of mathematics //Science and life of Kazakhstan N 4/1 2020
- "Education and pedagogical science in the social modernization of Kazakh society" - International Scientific and Methodological Conference 2012.
- Information educational space of the world is in the hands of a competitive teacher -Рес-публиканская научно-практическая конференция-Алматы, 2013 г.
- «2015Modern Concepts of Scientific Research »- Х1Х international scientific and practical conference. Moscow, October 30-31, 2015
- «MATHEMATICS: Innovative Methods in Science and Education» - Republican Scientific and Practical Conference - Almaty, May 2015г.
- «Problems of mathematical education in the information society "- Scientific and practical conference of Almaty, April 8, 2016
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Iternational scientific news 2017"- December 2017
- Fifth Turkic World Research Symposium - Almaty, October 11-13, 2018
- Turkic World Congress on science and Engineering- Nidge, Turkey, 2019
Bakirova Elmira
Position: Acting professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Bakirova Elmira
Position: Acting professor, candidate of sciences
Bakirova Elmira Ainabekovna graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute in 1996. In 2007, he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. In 2011, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor in mathematics.
He started his career as a mathematics teacher at secondary school No. 30 in Almaty. Bakirova's main research area is linear two-point foreign problems for integral-differential, conducted differential seas.
To date, about 150 scientific papers of the project have been published and have been comprehensively discussed at international and republican scientific conferences and meetings for many years.
Based on the obtained scientific results, 2006-2008. He became the owner of the state scientific scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for talented young scientists.
Bakirova E. A. was awarded the badge and the name of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "the best study at a university in 2016".
Since 2018, he has been a member of the editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University".
- Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics;
- Postgraduate study of the Institute of Mathematics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Foreign problems for differential, differential and integral differential equations;
- Basic and numerical methods for solving foreign problems for differential and integral differential equations.
- Grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2017: "qualitative properties and methods of solving boundary value problems for differential and integro-differential equations"
- Grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020: "numerical methods for solving process control problems with differential and integral differential equations"
- Bakirova E. A., Iskakova N. B. on one approach to the choice of the initial approximation of the solution of a nonlinear regional problem for differential equations // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series Mod. - 2016. - №4 (84). - S. 8-17.
- Dzhumabaev D. S., E. A. Bakirova He tze unique solvability of of Tkhe of boundary value problems for equations Fredholm integradet wth the degenerate kernel / / journal of mathematical Sciences (United States). -2017. V. 220.- But 4. - P. 440-460.
- Bakirova E. A., armeiskaya T., Iskakova N.B. the solution of a linear foreign problem for differential equality of the second order / / "messages" NAS RK phys.- mate. series. - 2015. - № 2 (300). - Pp. 83-88.
- Bakirova E. A., Zhumakunova A., Mametzhanova N.H. On the unambiguous decision of the trilateral foreign report for the tenge differential / / Bulletin of Kazpu. Phys. - mate. series. - № 1 (53) - 2016.- Pp. 13-17.
- Bakirova E. A., Iskakova N. B.Algorithms for solving a linear boundary value problem for the Fredholm integro-differential equation with an integral condition based on spline approximation // Almaty Mathematical Journal. - 2016. - Vol. 16. - No. 1. - pp. 17-34.
- Bakirova E. A., Kadirbayeva Zh. M. on the solution of a linear multipoint boundary value problem for differential equations / / Izvestiya NAS RK. Physics and Mathematics series. - № 5 (309). - 2016. - Pp. 168-175.
- Bakirova E. A., Kadirbaeva Zh. M., Iliyasova G. B. on the solution of a linear boundary value problem for a system of differential equations with a multipoint integral condition // Bulletin of Issyk-Kul University. Bishkek. -2016. - No. 42. - pp. 5-11.
- Bakirova E. A., Kadirbaeva Zh. M., Kenzhebaeva K. P. and an unambiguous solution of a chronic multithreaded foreign report for a system of differential seas / / Bulletin of the Treasury. - № 6 (118). - 2016. - Pp. 332-338.
- Bakirova E. A., Kadirbaeva Zh. M., Momynzhanova K. R., Kenzhebaeva K. P. numerical superiority of multipoint foreign accounting for a system of differential marine systems / / Bulletin of Kazpu. Phys. - mate. series. No. 1 (57). 2017. - pp. 8-15.
- Bakirova E. A., Iskakova N.B., Uaisov B. on one algorithm for solving a linear boundary value problem for Fredholm integro-differential equations // Izvestiya NAS RK. Physics and Mathematics series. № 3 (313). - 2017. - Pp. 173-180.
- Assanova A. T., Bakirova E. A. Kadirbayeva Z. M. Numerical of the solution realization a boundary value problem for a system of loaded differential equations with a parameter / / Nevs of THE us RK. - 2019. №3(325). - Pp. 77-84.
- Dzkhumabaev D. S., Bakirova E. A., Mynbayeva S. Method T. A of a solution of a nonlinear boundary value problem with a parameter for loaded differential equations / / mathematical methods in applied science. - 2020. - Vol. 43. - P. 1788-1802.
- Bakirova E. A., Ikakova N. B., and Assanova. T. Numerical method for solving linear boundary value problems for integro-differential equations based on spline approximation / / Ukrainian Mathematical journal. -2020. - Vol. 71, No. 9. - P. 1341-1358.
- Assanova A. T., Bakirova E. A. Kadirbayeva Z. M. Numerical solution, then control of the problem of integral differential equations / / Journal of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. - 2020. - Vol. 60, No. 2. - pp. 203-221.
- Assanova A. T., Bakirova E. A. Kadirbayeva Z.M., R. E. Computational method, and for solving the problem of parameter a in the case of linear systems of integro-differential equations / / Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. - 2020. - p.39. No. 248.
- Assanova A. T., Bakirova E. A., Pobedshova R. E. A new approach for solving the problem of multipoint boundary value for integro-differential equations / / Mathematical Journal of Kazakhstan. - 2020. - Vol. 20, No. 1. - p. 103 -124.
- Bakirova E. A., Kadirbaeva Z.M. Of the numerical solution of boundary value problems for loaded differential Fredholm and integro-differential equations / / International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies. -2020. - Vol. 1, No. 2. - PP. 77-86.
- Bakirova E. A., Iskakova N.B. on the correct solution of an approximate boundary value problem for a system of integro-differential equations // abstracts of international reports. scientific. conf. "Actual problems of mathematics and mathematical modeling" Almaty. June 1-5. - 2015. - p. 30.
- Bakirova E. A., Iskakova N. B. On the application of spline approximation for the numerical solution of the limit problem for Fredholm integro-differential equations // Materials of the III International Scientific.- method. conf. "Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science", dedicated to 70-year-old Prof. E. Y. Bidaibekov and the 30th anniversary of school informatics. Alma-Almaty. October 1-2. - 2015. - pp. 285-289.
- Bakirova E. A., Iskakova N.B. Approximate solution of a linear boundary value problem for Fredholm integro-differential equations // International scientific materials. conf. "Differential equations, problems of analysis and algebra". Aktobe. October 8-9. 2015. - pp. 13-17.
- Dzhumabaev D. S., Bakirova E. A. Algorithms for solving a nonlinear boundary value problem for the Fredholm integro-differential equation / / International scientific materials. Conf. "Algebra, analysis, differential equations and their applications", 60th anniversary of A. S. Zhumadildaev, Almaty. April 8-9. - 2016. - pp. 141-143
- Dzhumabaev D. S., Bakirova E. A. Algorithms for solving a nonlinear boundary value problem for the Fredholm integro-differential equation / / Proceedings of the International. conf. "Computer Science and Applied Mathematics", dedication. 25th anniversary of the Institute of Information and Computing Technologies. September 21-24, 2016. - pp. 262-269.
- 11 Dzkhumabaev D. S., Bakirova E. A. necessary and sufficient conditions, of the existence of an isolated solution of a nonlinear boundary value problem and then for the Fredholm integral differential equation / / Materials, of the International Scientific method. conf. "Mathematics in Kazakhstan - the past and prospects," we said. 100-anniv. KH.I. Ibrashev, 2016. - pp. 29-31.
- Dzkhumabaev D.S., Bakirova E. A. Unique solvability of a family of boundary value problems for Fredholm integro-differential equations// Theses of Ann. ski. April. conf. IMMM, we said. then yes and TH science scientific and methodological seminar "differential operators and of modeling of complex systems" (DOMKS-2017), we said. 70-anniv. prof. M.T. Dzkhenalyev, Almaty (April 7-8, 2017) -2017. - p.60.
- Bakirova E. A., Urganchiev A. E. He is the solvabilityof the second order multipoint boundary value problem for The Volterra integro-differential equations // He is the point boundary value problem for THE Fredholm integro-differential equations // International Scientific and Practical Conference "of Weight estimates of differential and integral operators and their applications", Astana (May 4-6, 2017) -2017. - p. 121-124.
- Bakirova E. A., Kadirbayeva Zh.M. An approximate method of solving the problem of for a border for value Fredholm integro differential equations wth degenerate kernels / / materials of the international office. Conf. "Differential equations and their applications", 'ianets '-Podil', Ukraine (Маы19 -21, 2017) -2017. - P. 14-15.
- Dzhumabaev D. S. Mynbayev S. T. solving nonlinear boundary value problem for THE Fredholm integro-differential equations / / International conference, mathematical analysis, differential equations and applications of MADEA-8, Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic, 2018. - p. 56.
- Bakirova E. A., Pobedshova R. E. A solutions of the boundary value problem for a nonlinear loaded equations of vith veak of nonlinearity / / traditional International scientific and practical conference April in honor of the science of THA Da. Almaty, 2018. - pp.25-26.
Batyrbayeva Gulniyet
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Batyrbayeva Gulniyet
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics in Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
2007-2021 Senior Teacher of the Department of Mathematics in Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University.
Teacher of the Department of Mathematics in Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, 2003-2007.
- Specialty "Mathematics" (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, 1995-1999), by the decision of the State Qualification Commission of June 30, 1999, was qualified as a mathematician, teacher of mathematics with an academic degree of bachelor (MS No. 0057933)
- Specialty "Mathematics" (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, 2001-2003), by the decision of the State Attestation Commission of June 20, 2003 awarded the qualification and academic degree Master of Mathematics (MTB No. 0007963)
- Methods of teaching mathematics
- Enhancement of math skills of people with ID in education process. Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment, 2019, 7 Batyrbaeva G.,Kokazhaeva Amangul, Kulzhagarova Bazarkul, Tugelbayeva Gulmira
- Devolopment of Students Creative Thinking through the Comparative Analysis of Methods of Functions Studing: Batyrbaeva G., Baetov К./ Germany. Eastern European Scientific Journal, 2016, February.
- Арнайы функциялардың интегралдық есептеулері: Batyrbaeva G.,/ Search. Science journalism education and science. Series of natural and technical sciences. №2(1) / 2015. ISSN: 1560-1730
- Анaлитический oбзop paзвития педaгoгических измеpении кaчествa шкoльнoгo oбpaзoвaния: Batyrbaeva G., Bekbolganov Е., Parmanbekov U./ Scientology partnership "Scientia", one-year journal "Scientia. Psychology and Education ", № 6 / 2016. Moscow. ISSN: 2414-3790
- The main types of educational and cognitive activity of students, International scientific news: Batyrbaeva G.., Slyamova M./XXVIII International scientific-practical conference. 22.12.2017, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-6040286-5-0
- Тraining of future teachers of mathematics to the formation of research skills of students: Batyrbaeva G.., Kaskataeva B./ International Journal of Engineering Technology and Research. 28.12.2017. India. ISSN: 2454-1907
- Psychologist - pedagogical bases of development of logical thinking: Batyrbaeva GA, Bekbolganov E. J., Cyltangazieva J /. Sciences of europe №12 (12), 2017, Pedagogical sciences. Czech Republic. ISSN: 3162-2364
- Separated differences in the issues of construction of stable spectral structures: Batyrbaeva G. / Bulletin of KazNITU, №4, September 2016. ISSN: 1680-9211
- The aims and objectives of environmental education of schoolchidren in learning mathematics. Batyrbaeva G., Khanzharova B., Kokazhaeva A / Russian-Chinese scientific journal "Commonwealth"», №8(7), 2016
Аkhatova Zhanar
Position: Senior lecturer
- Information
Karaganda State University - 1987, qualification - Mathematician. Teacher
- Certificate of advanced training on the topic of Multilingual Education: Teories and Practices, University Ss Cyril and Methodius (Trnava, Slovakia) Arkalyk, 2017 у
- Certificate of Advanced training has successfully completed the Philosophy of Education in the context of the processes of globalization and European integration, g . Arkalyk , 2016у
- Certificate on the educational program of advanced training in the general education discipline "Mathematics" within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, online course, 2020у.
- Certificate of online learning I am studying distance learning,
- Active teaching and learning methodsд
- The introduction in the educational process new pedagogical technologies - // Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. I.Altynsarin republican scientific-practical conference "Modern methods and technologies in the modernization of the education system"
- Small rural school: current status, problems and prospects- // Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. I.Altynsarin republican scientific-practical conference
- On the basis of training future teachers teaching information technology // "Information and communication technology smart - Strategy" Kazakhstan - 2030 "First International Scientific and Practical Conference. 7-8 June 2013 Neu, Astana
- Solution to the problem of maximum flow in a network using MS Excel- // Karaganda , Bolashak, 22-23 febrary 2013 year, International nuchno-practical conference
- The use of computer and information technology in teaching - // Astana 6-7 desember 2013 year, International nuchno-practical conference
- Graphic learning a programming language Turbo Pascal // "Tulegenovskie read" Republican Scientific and Practical Conference Arkalyk. 2014. April 11
- The application of information technology in the study of the subject Informatics // International scientific-practical conference. Karaғanda 2014. April 25
- Information and innovation technologies in education // "Science and Education in the XXI Century: Theory, Practice, Innovation" International extramural scientific-practical conference. Consulting company "Ar-Consult". Moscow. May 29, 2014
- Especially the use of new communication technologies and innovation in the educational process //"Actual problems of education and science in the context globolizatsii" on December 19-20, 2014, Almaty, Bulletin of the University "Kaynar"
- The methodology of the integrated lessons in a school ungraded // "Methodological and methodical problems of modern education in the school malokomplektnogy" materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Altynsarinskik Reading 2014" Arkalyk city
- Application informative to technology in the study of the article of Информатика // the International research and practice conference. Кaraganda 2014y. 25 аprel
- Methodology of realization of the integrated lessons in the conditions of littlecomplete school // the "Methodological and methodical problems of the modern educating at малокомплектногй school" materials of the Republican research and practice conference of " I.Altynsarin republican scientific-practical conference-2014"
- Features of the use of new innovative and of communication technologies in an educational process // "issues of the day of development of education and science in the conditions of глоболизации" of December, 19-20, 2014, Алматы, Announcer of University of "Кайнар"
- Innovative progress of modern formation // of II trends the International research and practice internet-conference of "Tendency and prospect of development of science and education in the conditions of globalization" of March, 30-31 of 2015г.г.Переяслав-ХмельницкийТекст for translation
- Innovative methods of educating in institution // of higher learning the International in absentia research and practice conference "issues of the day of development of modern science and education" Magazine "Almanac of world science" Moscow, 2015г
- A role of laboratory works is in the educational process // of XII International scientific and practical conference. "Science and civilization" 30 January - 07 February 2016
- Decision of mathematical tasks, of functions in Turbo Pascal, Delphi ина Excel // "АКМЕ" - ғылыми зерттеушілік орталығы. "Innovation in education theory and practice" 25.03.2016
- Innovative technologies in educating // the International in absentia research and practice conference "issues of the day of development of modern science and education" Magazine "Almanac of world science" Moscow, 2015
- Creating applications connected to Delphi // e-learning material ArkGPI, RBB
- Workshop on Open // teaching aids ArkGPI, RBB
- Programming languages // The Altynsarin State Pedagogical Institute Аrkalyk 2015 y., The electronic educational and methodical complex.
Seitbekova Gulzhan
Position: Senior lecturer, candidate of sciences
- Information
Seitbekova Gulzhan
Position: Senior lecturer, candidate of sciences
In 1991, he graduated from Zhambyl Pedagogical Institute. In 2015, he received a master's degree in technical sciences from Almaty Technological University in the specialty 6m070300 - information. He started his career in 1992 as a mathematics teacher at secondary school No. 4 in Taraz. 1999-2001 Kainar University, teacher of mathematics and computer science, 2001-2003 Taraz State University, teacher of the Department of Mathematics. 2003-2020 Almaty Technological University senior lecturer of the Department of Information Technology. Since 2021, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics.
- Mathematics and computer science, Zhambyl Pedagogical Institute.
- Master’s degree programme in Information Systems, Almaty Technological University.
- New approaches of learning and assessmen t.
- SCOPUS. Detection of heartbeat abnormalities from phonocardiography using machine learning. Proceedings of the Confluence 2021: 11th international Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering, Virtual, Nodia, 2021, 167955. ISBN: 978-073813160. Page: 843-847. Omarov B., Gamry K., Baturbekov A., Dauytova Z.
- Application of parallel computations by modern cryptanalysis methods "INTERNAUKA" Scientific journal № 17 (146) May 2020 Moscow. Part 1.P.26-29. ISSN 2687-0142., Zhusipbek B.K., Koishieva T.K.
- Application of Algorithms of the method of quasi-inversion to the solution of some applied problems. VI International scientific and practical competition. - Penza: ICNS "Science and Education". - 2019.S. 22-26., May 5, 2019 Penza. Nurzhau A, Taibai D.
- Solution of the boundary inverse problem of heat conduction by the method of quasi-inversion International journal "Science in figures" No. 2 (3), ISSN 2500-1353, Cheboksary, May 24, 2017, pp. 28-33. 0.38 Atanbaev S.A., Sydykova M.M.
- Methods for solving an incorrectly posed problem of metallurgical heat engineering / Bulletin of ATU No. 1 (106), ISSN 2304-5681 2015, p.74-77.
- Mathematical modeling of moisture balance in the atmosphere. / Materials of XI International research and Practice conference “Areas of Scientific thought -2014/2015”, vol. 20. Decembaer 30,2014 - January 7, 2015 - Sheffield UK, 2015 .-- 13-16 pp.
- Mathematical modeling of the influence of the active layer of the soil cover on the pollution of the region, taking into account the aerology of the limited area in the lower layer of the atmosphere / International Satpayev Readings - 2015 "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan" Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, April 10, 2015, pp. 285-288.
- Methods for solving the inverse problem of metallurgical heat engineering / PROJECTS "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan" International Satpayev readings Volume IV - Almaty., Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, April 10, 2015, Article 386-389.
- Problems and risks of information security. / Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference of young scientists "Science, education, youth". April 21-22, 2016, Almaty 2016.
- Characteristics of information and communication technologies used in the education system. / Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "independence: history, modernity, future" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Semey., December 9, 2016, ІІ volume, art. 23-25.
Rysbaeva Akmaral
Position: Lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Rysbaeva Akmaral Altynbekovna-from 2002 to 2006 received the title of Bachelor of Mathematics and Computer Science in the specialty "Mathematics and Computer Science" at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
- From 2006 to 2008, she worked as a mathematics teacher in Kazakh-Turkish lyceums.
- From 2007 to 2009, he studied at the South Kazakhstan State University and became a Master of Computer Science.
- From 2009 to 2018, he worked as a deputy director at the Dostyk Education Center.
- From 2018 to 2020, I was a mentor at Ustaz UPLC for 78 science teachers on a trilingualism project.
- From 2020 to 2021, he worked as an expert in the Elbsa Medal project.
- 2018-2021 graduated from the PhD program at the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
- He studied at the South Kazakhstan State University, Master of Computer Science.
- He completed his PhD at the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
- Methods of teaching geometry
- Methods of teaching mathematics to high school students
- Development of spatial thinking in teaching geometry: psychological aspect. MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND INFORMATION Technologies in Education and Science: IX International Festival dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Professor E. Y.Bidaibekov and the 35th anniversary of school Informatics collection of materials of the scientific and methodological conference, Almaty, 2020.
- Mentoring in education. In the world of knowledge In the world of education, No. 3 (6) 2018.
- Types of mathematics and science integration. VI International Scientific and Practical Conference"GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019:CENTRAL ASIA". Nur-Sultan. –2019.
- Development of spatial thinking in geometry lessons in high school. LVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Approaches in Modern Science". - Moscow, 2019.
- Development of spatial thinking in geometry lessons. "Mathematics and Natural Science: problems of modern education technology in the context of digitalization", an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Aliyeva Sharshenali on the topic: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.2021
- The use of innovative technologies in teaching geometry. XI International Scientific and Practical Conference"GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019:CENTRAL ASIA". Nur-Sultan. -2020.
Minglibaeva Bayan
Position: Senior lecturer, candidate of sciences
- Information
Minglibaeva Bayan
Position: Senior lecturer, candidate of sciences
Minglibaeva Bayan graduated from the Mathematical Faculty of the Kazakh State University in 1987. In 2007, he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
She started his career at the Institute of Seismology of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 2000-2003, he studied at the graduate school of the Mathematical Institute. In 2007, Doctor of Ph.D., Professor. Under the guidance of D. S. Dzhumabaeva, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: "boundary value problems with singular parameters for systems of ordinary differential equations and their approximation." Since 2003, researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling
- S. M. Kirov Kazakh State University, Faculty of Mathematics
- Postgraduate study of the Institute of Mathematics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Qualitative theory of differential equations
- Grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2022: "boundary value problems and their application for partial-hyperbolic equations with a stable argument in a generalized form"
- Dzhumabaev D.S., Minglibaeva B.B. Properties of an isolated solution of a nonlinear boundary value problem with parameters // Third International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICAAM. Almaty (September 7-10, 2016) -2016. - p.55.
- Dzhumabaev D. S., Minglibaeva B. B. On one numerical implementation of the parametrization method for solving a control problem for a differential equation / / Mater. XIV International. Asian school-seminar "Problems of optimization of complex systems". Kyrgyz Republic, Cholpan - Ata, 2018. - pp. 200-207.
- Imanchiev A.E., Abildaeva A.D., Minglibaeva B.B. Dzhumabaev parametrization method for solving the initial boundary value problem for partial differential equations of higher order// International journal of information and communication technologies, Volume 1, issue 2, June 2020, pp. 16-22. IITE, Almaty, 2020
- Abildaeva A. D., A. T. Assanova, B. B. Menglibaev the SOLUTION to the problem of PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION FOR EQUATIONS of HIGHER ORDER, international journal of mathematics and physics 11, №1, 28 (2020), p. 28-35
- Elmira A.Bakirova, Bayan B.Minglibaeva, Asemgul B.Kasymova Algorithm for solving a multipoint boundary value problem for loaded differential and integro-differential Fredholm equations. Kazakh Mathematical Journal, Volume 20, No. 4(2020), pp.107-118
- B.B.Minglibayeva and A.T.Assanova The existence of an isolated solution of a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem with a parameter//Mathematical Journal named after Lobachevsky, 2021, vol.42, No. 3, pp.587-597
Iliyassova Gulaim
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Iliyassova Gulaim
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics in Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
Program Leader of Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics in Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, 2020-2021
March - August 2010 - Acting Head of the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics in Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University,
2008-2017 Senior Teacher of the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University.
Acting Head of the Chair of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, March - August 2010.
Teacher of the Department of Mathematics in Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, 2003-2008.
The Trainee researcher in Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, 2002-2003.
- Bachelor’s degree programme in Mathematics and Computer Science, Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University
- Master’s degree programme in Information systems, Almaty Humanitarian-Technical University, 2009-2011.
- Master’s degree programme in Mathematics, Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, 2012-2014.
- PhD programme in Mathematics, Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, 2017-2020.
- Methods of teaching mathematics
- Salgarayeva G.I., Iliyasova G.B., Makhanova A.S. The Effects of Using Digital Game Based Learning in Primary Classes with Inclusive Education. European Journal of Contemporary. Education. 2021.10 (2): 450-461. DOI: 10.13187 / ejced.2021.2.450
- Iliyasova G.B. Usage of systems of dynamic mathematics in the formation of mathematical concepts in the course of mathematical analysis in a pedagogical university. International scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan", No. 1 2020. –P.70-75
- Iliyasova G.B. Possibilities of using computer mathematics systems in teaching mathematical analysis at a pedagogical university. // Bulletin of KazNPU, Series "Physics and Mathematics", No. 3 (67), 2019. - P.44-48
- Possibilities of formation of the teacher's competence in the field of information and communication technologies in conditions of continuous teacher education: G.B.Iliyassova. "V Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists on the theme "Competitive Teacher as the Fundamental Link in the World Information Educational Space». Аlmaty, 2017.
- On the solvability of a linear boundary-value problem for systems of loaded differential equations with a multipoint integral condition: G.B.Iliyassova, Je.A.Bakirova, Zh.M.Kadirbaeva. Bulletin of Issyk-Kul University, №42, 2016. ISSN 1561-9516.
- Ways to develop spatial representations of students using computer mathematical systems: G.B.Iliyassova, A.S.Mahanova. Bulletin of KazNTU, №3, 2016 -pp. 674-679.
Iskakova Akzholtay
Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Iskakova Akzholtay
Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences
09.2013 to present – Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling. Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G.Daukeev.
08.2013-11.2011 - Head of the Sector of Professional Practice and Employment. Kazakh National Agrarian University.
11.2011-09.2010 - Head of Science and International Relations Department. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
09.2010-09.2008 - Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Algebra and Geometry. KazNPU named after Abai.
07.2008-11.1991 - Head of the Department of Mathematics, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
11.1991-09.1988 – Teacher. Almaty Power Engineering Institute.
12.1987-10.1983 - Trainee teacher, postgraduate student of the Department of Computational Mathematics. Kyrgyz State University.
09.1983-08.1979 - Software Engineer. Kyrgyz branch of the CSO of the USSR
- Specialty – applied mathematics; Qualification – mathematician. Diploma number ZHB No245773 issued on June 26, 1979.
- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (GK №0010379, May 16, 2003), specialty 01.01.02 - Differential equations and equations of mathematical physics.
- PhD (Docent) (DC No0002609, December 07, 2011), specialty – 01.01.00-Mathematics.
- Field of research - applications of the theory of narrowing to boundary value problems of differential equations and equations of mathematical physics;
- the methods of teaching mathematical disciplines.
RESEARCH OUTPUT (2016-2021):
- 1) Iskakova A.K., Batyrbaeva G. Introduction to the theory of functions of a real variable. Textbook. Almaty: "Kyzdar Universitetі" baspasy. 2016. p. 80.
- 2) Iskakova A.K., Beksultanova A.M. Some aspects of teaching mathematical disciplines in English. Vestnik AUES. №4(35). 2016. 101-106p.
- 3) Iskakova A.K., Baysalova M.Zh., KimК.E. Some aspects of teaching mathematical disciplines in English in non-linguistic universities. Materials of the II International scientific – practical conference “Integration of the scientific community to the global challenges of our time”. March 7-9, 2017. Osaka, Japan. Volume III. 154-159р.
- 4) Iskakova A.K., Khanzharova B.S., Kokazhaeva A. On teaching of bases of real variable functions theory. Bulletin of Karaganda University. №1(85). 2017. 76-80p.
- 5) Iskakova A.K., Baysalova M.Zh. On professionally oriented training of specialists in non-linguistic universities on the example of mathematics. II World Congress in real and virtual mode: East-West intersection of cultures. Japan, Kyoto, Kyoto Sangyo University. October 2-6, 2019. Vol.2. P.484-489.
- 6) Iskakova A.K., Abdullanova Zh.S. about one method of distance teaching of mathematics. Search. №3(1) C.10-15. Almaty. 2019.
- 7) Iskakova A.K., Anar Iskakova. Digital literacy - efficient system of professionalization of education. The American scholarly journal Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science (CCS&ES). Volume 4, Р.85-90. Issue III, November 2019. Vermont, USA.
- 8) Iskakova A.K., Baysalova M.Zh. Problems that lead to the development the integral calculus. Materials of the XI International Scientific and Technical Conference "Energy, Info-Communication Technologies and Higher Education" of the AUES named after G.Daukeev. Almaty, 2020. P.261-263.
- 9) Iskakova A.K., Baysalova M.Zh. On the integral as the limit of the sum and the integral as the original. UDC 001.1 Scientific Collection «InterConf», (50): with the Proceedings of the 8 th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific Horizon in The Context of Social Crises» (April 11-12, 2021). Tokyo, Japan: Osuki Press, 2021. Р.160-166. ISBN 978-4-272-00922-0.
- 10) Iskakova A.K., Baysalova M.Zh. Two branches of integral calculus. Bulletin of KazNRTU named after K.Satpaev. No 2. 2021. P.85-91.
- 1) Iskakova АK., Satygulova S., Aitzhanov S.E. Mathematical analysis - 1. Tutorial. Al Farabi KazNU. -Almaty: Kazakh University, 2020. -236 p. ISBN 978-601-04-4714-1
- 2) Iskakova A.K., Kokazhanova A.B., Baysalova M.Zh. Theory Probability Lectures. Textbook. Kazakh National State women’s teacher training university. 2020 - 88 pp. ISBN 978-601-346-051-2
- 3) Iskakova A.K., Baysalova M.Zh. Probability Theory. Electronic textbook. Certificate No. 11672 of 18.08.2020.
- 4) Iskakova A.K., Khanzharova B.S. Differential geometry. Monograph. Almaty:"Onon" baspasy. 2017. p. 220.
- 5) Iskakova A.K., Batyrbaeva G. Introduction to the theory of functions of a real variable. Tutorial. Almaty: "Kyzdar University" baspasy. 2016. p.80.
- 6) Iskakova A.K., Slyamova M.B., Sydykov A.A. Methods of solving typical problems of mathematics. – 2. Textbook. Almaty: Kyzdar University. 2016. p. 129.
LECTURE NOTES (2016-2021):
- 7) Iskakova A.K. Equations of mathematical physics Lecture notes for students of educational programs 6B07111 – Space engineering and technology, 6В07112 – Space engineering. – Almaty: AUES, 2021. – 64p. In Russian language.
- 8) Iskakova A.K. Equations of mathematical physics Lecture notes for students of educational programs 6B07111 – Space engineering and technology, 6В07112 – Space engineering. – Almaty: AUES, 2021. – 64p. In Kazakh.
- 9) Iskakova A.K., Esbotaeva E.S. Applied statistics. Lecture notes for students of the specialty 5B070400 - "Computer Engineering and Software". Almaty: AUES named after G. Daukeev. 2020. p. 78. In Russian language.
- 10) Iskakova A.K., Esbotaeva E.S. Applied statistics. Lecture notes for students of the specialty 5B070400 - "Computer Engineering and Software". Almaty: AUES named after G. Daukeev. 2020. p. 78. In Kazakh.
- 11) Iskakova A.K. Numerical methods and their computer implementation. Lecture notes for students of the specialty 5B071800 - Electric Power Engineering. Almaty: AUES, 2019. p.42. In Russian language.
- 12) Iskakova A.K. Numerical methods and their computer implementation. Lecture notes for students of the specialty 5B071800 - Electric Power Engineering. Almaty: AUES, 2019. p.42. In Kazakh.
- 13) Iskakova A.K., Esbotaeva E.S. Mathematics 2. Lecture notes for students of the specialty 5B070200 - Automation and Control. Almaty: AUES. 2018. p. 55. In Kazakh.
- 14) Iskakova A.K., Esbotaeva E.S. Mathematics 2. Lecture notes for students of the specialty 5B070200 - Automation and Control. Almaty: AUES. 2018. p. 55. In Russian language.
- 15) Iskakova A.K., Esbotaeva E.S. Mathematics 1. Lecture notes for students of the specialty 5B070200 - Automation and Control. Almaty: AUES, 2017. p. 71. In Kazakh.
- 16) Iskakova A.K., Esbotaeva E.S. Mathematics 1. Lecture notes for students of the specialty 5B070200 - Automation and Control. Almaty: AUES, 2017. p. 73. In Russian language.
- 17) Iskakova A.K., Beksultanova A.M. Probability theory and mathematical statistics 2. Lecture notes for students of the specialty 5B074600 - Space Engineering and Technology. Almaty: AUES, 2016. p.47. In Russian language.
- 18) Iskakova A.K., Beksultanova A.M. Probability theory and mathematical statistics 2. Lecture notes for students of the specialty 5B074600 - Space Engineering and Technology. Almaty: AUES, 2016.p.41. In Kazakh.
Kokazhaeva Amangul
Position: Acting associate professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Kokazhaeva Amangul
Position: Acting associate professor, candidate of sciences
- Specialty "Physics and Mathematics" (Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after NK Krupskaya, 1982-1987) By the decision of July 10, he was awarded the qualification of a teacher of mathematics and physics (PB 21 0213585).
- And about. associate professor. By order No. 43 of 03/04/2014 by the decision of the Control Committee in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 22, 2009 (protocol No. 4), the academic degree of candidate of biological sciences was awarded (Diploma SC No. 0002912), thesis title: Assessment of the ecological state oil-contaminated gray-brown soils.
- Methods of ecological education of students in the process of teaching mathematics;
- Interdisciplinary communication in the school mathematics course;
- STEM training.
- From November 29, 2015 to January 29, 2016, he passed a training course for trainers in the amount of 232 academic hours under the “Program of additional education for graduate students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed on the basis of a level program. professional development of teachers ”. Center of Excellence TO TO 000037;
- From June 12 to August 31, 2017, the certificate confirms that he has passed the language courses "Foreign language for pedagogical specialties" starting from. 12.06.17.-31.08.2017 ". Conducted English language courses for university teachers. Almaty, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylai Khan. Certificate - 160 hours
- From December 16 to December 28, 2017, organized by the Republican Scientific and Methodological Center "Horizon", "Effective technologies and methods for solving problems of increased complexity in mathematics" (72 academic hours) was held.
- From 11 to 23 December 2017, organized by the Republican Scientific and Methodological Center "Horizon", "Development and use of multimedia educational resources" (72 academic hours) was held.
- From 15 to 25 November 2017, organized by the Republican Scientific and Methodological Center "Horizon" held "Psychological and pedagogical technologies for the development of cognitive activity of students" (72 academic hours).
- From 10 to 22 December 2017, organized by the Republican Scientific and Methodological Center "Kokzhiek" "Pedagogical technologies in the organization of the educational process" (72 academic hours).
- "Theory and practice of professional oriented education" Tolenova U., Baltabayeva / "East West" Association for Advances Studies and Higher. Education GmbH. Monograph, Vienna, 2018. –Austria, Vienna, ISBN 978-3-903197-16-9
- “Model of formation of professional competence of future specialists”, Ospanova D, Kurmanbayeva A, Zulkarnaeva Dzk, Koishygulova L. / Social Science and Humanity, published in the conference reports 8th The International Conference “Social Science and Humanity” 23-29 March 2018
- "Criteria evaluative approach in the study of a foreign language" / "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" international popular science journal №2 (57) 2018, Astana.
- "Zhalpy bilim beretin mektepterde zheti module boynsha oytudyk erekshelikteri"
- "Professional linguistic competence in the study of military terms", Rakhymgozhin B. B., Bisenbaeva Zh., / "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" international popular scientific journal №2 / 3 (57) 2018,
- "Acquaintance of schoolchildren with the topological properties of figures as a factor in the formation of a stable interest in geometry", Khanzharova BS / "Khabarshy" Abay atyndagy KPU No. 4 (56) / 2016
- "Naқty aynymaly functionar theorysynyң negizdern ogytu turaly", Iskakova A.Қ. Khanzharova B.S. / Karagandy University "Khabarshysy" series pedagogy, №1 (85) / 2017zh
- "Methods of studying mathematical modeling, ensuring the strengthening of the applied orientation of learning in the process of solving plot problems" Bekbolkanova A, Omarbaeva B. / Sciences of Europe, No. 12 (12), Vol 3, 2017 Pedagogical sciences,
- “The aims and objectives of environmental education of schoolchildren in learning mathematics”, Khanzharova B.C., Batyrbaeva G.A. / Russian-Chinese scientific journal "Sodrudestvo" monthly scientific journal of scientific and practical conference № 8 (7) 2016
- "Geometry of Negizderi", Khanzharova BS / Onu kraly, "Kyzdar university" baspasy, 2016 f.
- "Environmental education of schoolchildren in the process of teaching mathematics" UDC 574 (075.8) Monograph, 224 pages. Publishing house "Arda", Almaty 2016 ISBN 978-601-276-456-7
- Kokazhaeva A.B., Khanzharova B.S., Izbasarova M.A. MATHEMATICS PNIN EXPERIENCE OUSHYLARҒA ECOLOGYALYҚ BILIM MEN TORBIE BERUDIS EREKSHELIKTERI, International scientific journal Science and Life of Kazakhstan, №4 / 1 2020, 153-158 p.
- Solution of exponential inequalities by the method of reverse actions. ISSN 1728-7901, KHABARSHY Series "Physics and Mathematics" No. 1 (69) 2020, 32-38 pages.
- INCREASING INTER-SUBJECT RELATIONSHIP IN MATH LESSONS VOL 3, No 47 (2020) Sciences of Europe (Praha, Czech Republic)
- "Orta mektep mathematiciansynda pәnaralyқ bayanist oқytudyң maңyzdylyғy" OECD STUDIES CONFERENCE ON TRANSFORMATIVE EDUCATIONAL STUDIES March 19-21, 2020 Ankara, Turkey
- "Mektep mathematics kursinda oқushylarғa ecologyalyk bilim berudin әdistemelik negizderi" 10-12 Nisan 2020 tarihleri arasında Malatya’da düzenlenen
- Ibragimova Tursunai, Kokazhaeva Amangul, Kuanbaeva Bayan, Batyrbayeva Gulniet, Zhanat Bissenbayeva, Kadyrova Saltanat. Enhancement of Creativity in Math Skills of People with ID in Education Process, Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment, Vol 7, No 4 (2019)
Slyamova Meruert
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
- Master of Mathematics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;
- Mathematics, Bachelor's degree, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
- Relevance of solving environmental content problems in mathematics lessons, Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan No. 4 (July-August), 2020
- VI Republican Scientific AND Practical conference among young scientists "the world information educational space in the hands of a competitive teacher", November 9, 2018, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-422-9
- Socio-pedagogical problems of preparing future specialists for innovative professional activity in the conditions of informatization of education, the republican scientific and practical conference within the framework of the Third modernization of Kazakhstan "BILIM, GYLYM ZHANE zhane zhane BILIMDEGI men akparat-communication technologies", May 16, 2018. ISBN 978-601-224-956-9
- Ways and means of implementing the applied algebra teaching program in the process of solving text problems at the basic school Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Bulletin series "Physical and Mathematical Sciences " No. 1 (61) pp. 48 - 52. 2018. ISSN 1728-7901
- PSYCHO – PEDAGOGICAL BASES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENT OF THE QUALITY OF SCHOOL EDUCATION., VOL 3, No 12 (12) (2017) Sciences of Europe (Praha, Czech Republic) The journal is registered and published in Czech 27-30 pp. ISSN 3162-2364
- Main types of educational and cognitive activity of students, International Scientific news 2017, XXVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, December 22, 2017. ISSN 978-5-6040286-5-0
- Didactic requirements for tasks of production content used for the development of functional mathematical literacy of students, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Bulletin series "Physical and Mathematical sciences" No. 3 (59) 2017 pp. 63-68. ISSN 1728-7901
- Methodology for solving typical problems in mathematics-2, textbook, "Women's University", Almaty, 2016. ISBN 978-6
Bayetov Kairden
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
- Master of Pedagogical Sciences in Mathematics. KazNPU named after. Abay
- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics. Pavlodar University.
- In the field of education
- Find the height of the pyramid. Мақала. ҚазМемҚызПУ Хабаршысы, 2015,
- Students ' creative thinking through the comparative analysis of methods of functions studying, Eastern European Scientific Journal, 2016, Suhanberdieva E. K.
- Кейбір практикалық есептерді шешуде математиканы қолдану. Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, Алматы. 2016, Омарбаев Д. Е.
- Graphing of linear equations. Ай сайынғы "Scientia" журналы, физика және математика. 2016, Кунелбаев М., Майбазарова Б. Ж.
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Doldykan Maralbek
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Doldykan Maralbek
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Higher education, senior lecturer, graduated from Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in 2012 with a degree in Mathematics-050109 (Bachelor's degree), and in 2014 with a degree in Mathematics-6m010900 (master's degree).
- Actual problems of mathematics and geometry
- Independent work on the course of mathematical analysis in The Bachelor's degree" Vestnik"magazine. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. series "physical and Mathematical Sciences". No. 4 (40)-2012. P. 141-144.;
- Material of the IV International Scientific and methodological conference on the topic" mathematical modeling and information technologies " independent work on the course of mathematical analysis * October 25-26. 2013 pp. 119-122;
- Definition of the Riemann integral Journal "myth", No. 2-2014 pp. 4-7;
- international scientific news 2017, XXV B. P. P. international scientific and practical conference, 22.12.2017 "heuristics-the science of creativity and the doctrine of methods of rapid solution of creative problems".
- Ways to use electronic educational resources in mathematics lessons, international scientific and practical conference" innovative technologies, distance learning problems and prospects for the development of modern education " 2021.