• Non-formal Education Center

      The main objectives of the Center are: creating conditions for the implementation of educational services and diverse human needs in advanced training and the development of new knowledge and technologies, providing opportunities for young, adults and elderly people to master personal and professional competencies.

      The main objectives of the Center are:

      • provision of educational services in order to meet the cognitive needs of students and citizens;
      • implementation of educational programs of additional education, educational programs of postgraduate education;
      • professional development of students and citizens to maintain, expand, deepen and improve previously acquired professional knowledge, skills and abilities;
      • formation of convenient flexible personalized directions of education.

      The document confirming the results of the training is the certificate of completion of the course. Students of courses on additional educational programs of non-formal education can be both university students and persons wishing to study under non-formal education programs.

      Persons wishing to be trained in non-formal education programs submit the following documents to the responsible employee of the Center:

      • Applications in the form according to Appendix 1
      •  A copy of the identity document

      Address: 114 Gogol str., office 324, Almaty city

      Banking details: BIN 990240005438

      IIC KZ128562203125036057 JSC "Bank Center Credit"


      KBE 16