1. Seminar on the promotion of women in political activity (Organizer: UNDP Bureau "Gender and Development", the international community of the Swedish Agency, Astana, 2001 and Sweden, 2002);
2. UNICEF Global Education Seminar (2001-2003);
3. EFA Forum for Central Asia and Kazakhstan (Bishkek, 2003; Tashkent, 2004; Dushanbe, 2005);
4. Seminar-training for CARC countries and Southeast Asia on gender education (Thailand, 2003; Vietnam, 2005);
5. EdNet USAID on an educational project, the staff of the SRI SGI made analyzes and conducted gender trainings in summer camps for teachers from universities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. 2006;
6. Symposium on Gender Policy for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand, 2011);
7. Republican scientific-practical conference "Тәуелсіздік және қазақтың қайраткері қыздары", Almaty, KazGWTTU. March 25, 2011;
8. International scientific and practical conference "Gender aspects of social modernization of society". Almaty, KazGWTTU. May 18, 2012;
9. International Forum "Woman and Religion". Almaty, KazGWTTU, March 4, 2013;
10. Scientific and practical conference "Woman and family values: the experience of traditional family policy." Almaty, KazGWTTU, 2013;
11. Republican Conference "Towards Gender Equality: UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women". Almaty, KazGWTTU, 2013;
12. Republican scientific and practical conference "Family values: history and modernity". Almaty, KazGWTTU, 2014;
13. Republican scientific and practical conference "Family and family values at the present stage of development of Kazakhstan". Almaty, KazGWTTU, May 20, 2016;
14. Republican symposium "The role of women's organizations in the prevention of religious extremism among young people". Almaty, KazGWTTU. April 21, 2017;
15. Interactive seminar on the topic: "Protecting the gender rights of women", Fund "Не Молчи KZ", Almaty, April 12, 2019;
16. Seminar - training on the topic: "Prevention of early and forced marriage" Public Association "Women's League of Creative Initiative" (Training for students), Almaty, May 20, 2019;
17. Lecture on the topic: "Gender education" (Lecturer - Professor M. Ergebekov / F. Ebert Foundation), Almaty, 22.10 - 22.11. Dec 2019.;
18. International action "16 days without violence". Seminar-training within the framework of the action within the university, Almaty, KazGWTTU, 26.11 - 10.12.2019.;
19. Psychological training for women teachers within the framework of the project: "Stress Factors for Female Teachers at Distance Learning Environment in Conditions of COVID-19: The Case of Central Asian Countries" at universities in Central Asia. Almaty, September 23-27, 2021.