Sustainable Development Goals and ecology

    • Purpose: to create a general ecological picture of the surrounding world and to identify the human influence on it.

      Quality education

      The development of new values of science in the XXI century raises the development of human society to new heights and closely connects the world of mankind with each other. A new age of high technologies, information, and the development of the world economy has come. In this regard, the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University is carrying out fruitful work on the implementation of a new national model of education and upbringing of the younger generation, the development of new methods and technologies, scientific and pedagogical research of environmental education and upbringing. The teaching staff conducts open lessons and master classes at a high level using the latest modern technologies, teaches students. m. E.N., senior lecturer Sadykova Damezhan Adilkhanovna conducts lectures at a high level using group learning technologies Rivina-Bazhenova, Ph.D., associate professor Baytasheva Gauhar Omiralievna of the Eduard-de-Bonet method, Ph.D., Medeuova Galiya Zhumakhanovna of the Zh. Karaeva method.

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      The main goal is education through the development of new approaches and new methods for the development of intellectual efforts of students in the educational process, stimulating critical and creative thinking of students.

      The development of creative abilities of students on the project, training using traditional and innovative learning technologies, by determining the originality and differentiation of criteria that determine the results and time spent on its implementation, types aimed at the formation of professional competence of students. The teaching staff of the University Batasheva G. U., Musina A. S., Sadykova D.A. and others work hard in this direction, publish textbooks and teaching aids that allow students to gain in-depth knowledge.

      The University has organized a center for research on problems of natural science.

      The main purpose of the center is to organize work with institutions engaged in scientific, public and other research work, as well as research projects and their implementation, as well as improving the knowledge of public education workers and production workers in the center.

      Main tasks:

      • formation of the material and technical base and improvement of conditions for scientific and educational activities at the modern level;
      • participation in the implementation of scientific and scientific-technical programs and projects, including fundamental and applied research;
      • training and specialization of the Center's employees working on modern high-class experimental equipment;
      • the use of the results of scientific activity in the educational process, participation in the execution of course, diploma, master's, PhD dissertations;
      • participation in the formation of scientific and educational programs both within the country and abroad in order to develop the infrastructure of scientific, educational and scientific activities;
      • establishment of direct links with scientific, educational and industrial organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership, implementation of joint projects and implementation of scientific cooperation in the areas of the Center's activities;
      • development of scientific and technical relations and cooperation with specialized scientific centers of foreign countries, participation in the work of specialized international organizations in the areas of the Center's activities;
      • provision of services to interested third-party organizations and enterprises on a contractual basis for joint scientific research;
      • conducting physico-chemical and biological analyses of a research nature using available laboratory equipment;
      • participation in the training of specialists in the main branches of science, such as chemistry, biology, nanotechnology and biotechnology;
      • preparation of samples for physico-chemical and biological analysis is carried out according to approved methods and GOST standards; on the basis of the available equipment, the staff of the Center conducts educational and scientific-practical classes for students, undergraduates and PhD students of the university, as well as from other universities, schools and research centers;
      • metrological support of the instrument park and equipment of the Center.
      • on the basis of the available equipment, the staff of the Center conducts educational and scientific-practical classes for students, undergraduates and postgraduates of the university, as well as from other universities, schools and research centers;
      • мет metrological support of the instrument park and equipment of the Center.people in their daily lives face difficulties when trying to access even the most basic services
      • There are about 1.8 billion worldwide. people use drinking water sources infected with fecal bacteria
      • About 2.4 billion people do not have access to basic sanitation services such as toilets or latrines
      • The search for sources of clean water or the development of modern purification technologies is an urgent topic of today. In this direction, research is being conducted by the teaching staff of the university.1 out of 4 medical institutions does not have basic water supply services
      • 3 out of 10 people do not have access to safe drinking water services, and 6 out of 10 people do not have access to safe sanitation facilities.
      • Women and girls are responsible for collecting water in 80% of households that do not have access to indoor water.
      • Between 1990 and 2015, the share of the world's population using improved drinking water sources increased from 76% to 90%.
      • Нехватка Water scarcity affects more than 40% of the world's population and is projected to grow. Currently, more than 1.7 billion people live in river basins where water consumption exceeds recharge.

      2.4 billion people do not have access to basic sanitation services such as toilets and latrines

      More than 80% of wastewater generated as a result of human activity is discharged into rivers or the sea without any removal of pollutants.

      About 1,000 children die every day due to preventable diarrheal diseases related to water and sanitation.

      Approximately 70% of all water taken from rivers, lakes and aquifers is used for irrigation.

      Floods and other water-related disasters account for 70% of all natural disaster-related deaths.

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       Ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy sources for all.

      • our daily life depends on: reliable and inexpensive energy services,бесперебойности и равноправ equal development.
      • The energy system contributes to the development of all sectors of the economy.
      • Lack of access to energy supply and energy conversion systems is an obstacle to the development of human potential and the economy.
      • The research works of the University scientists are aimed at studying the use of alternative energy sources.According to the state scholarship "Bolashak", the University teachers were trained in the laboratory "Unconventional energy Sources" of Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov.
      • The international scientific online conference "Innovative development of education, high-tech production and alternative energy sources" was held at a high level.Интернет ресурсы:
      • "Sustainable energy for all"
      • Energy and climate change (UNIDO)
      • UN-Energetics Network
      • Global Network of Sustainable Energy Centers

      Zambia - Renewable Energy, 8:03

      The construction of a small hydroelectric power plant in Sivangandu will benefit more than 25,000 people by providing electricity for lighting in homes, schools and hospitals and stimulating income-generating activities in rural communities that cannot be achieved through the national grid. It is the first power plant built in Zambia since the 1970s and is part of a renewable energy project implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

      CTCN - Center and Climate Technology Network, 4:05

      CSTIC facilitates access to operational and practical knowledge in the field of climate technologies through its worldwide network of technical experts. Through CTCN, developing countries can access support to achieve their goals, from identifying technological needs to implementing technologies and attracting financial resources to scale up meaningful solutions.

      Ensuring the transition to rational consumption and production models

      One of the directions in the center is the production of substances used as a plant growth stimulator based on organophosphorus compounds. Organophosphorus compounds (fos) are currently widely they are used in various sectors of the national economy. They are used as antioxidants, photo - and thermal stabilizers for polymer materials, lubricating oils, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. Many of them are used in agriculture as plant protection and weed control. A number of medicines based on FGOS began to be used in medicine. When some FOS are added to synthetic resins, they give them non-flammable properties, which opens up the possibility of obtaining valuable, new refractory polymers with operational properties. It has been established that the obtained new phosphoric organic compound is effective for increasing crop yields. As a result of the study, it was found that vegetables affect yields, a patent for an invention, a utility model was obtained.    

      If the world's population reaches 9.6 billion in 2050, then the resources of the three planets of the Earth are required to provide all the necessary resources.

      With the increasing use of non-metallic minerals in construction and infrastructure, the volume of the "material footprint" of humanity has increased. In developing countries, from 5 tons in 2000 to 9 tons in 2017.

      93% of the world's largest companies report production sustainability.


      Climate change caused by human activity threatens our way of life and the future of our planet. By solving the problem of climate change, we can build a sustainable world for everyone.

      But we need to act now. In 2015, the global volume of investments in renewable energy sources amounted to $286 billion, which is more than twice the volume of investments in fossil fuels.

      One of the urgent global problems of mankind at the world level is the environmental problem. Changing the relationship between man and society affects the level of environmental pollution and the formation of anthropogenic landscapes. Excessive consumer attitude to nature, natural resources causes enormous damage to the environment, the consequences of which have an impact on living organisms and people. As a result, acid rain, soil erosion, malignant diseases and thinning of the ozone layer, etc. occur on Earth. the level of dangerous consequences is growing and global environmental problems are emerging. In this regard, the States of the world are comprehensively considering ways to solve global environmental problems using new technological approaches. Kazakhstan's location in an arid climatic zone, excessive use of underground and surface resources, reduction of forest resources, development of desert zones, the use of factories, landfills have affected the emergence of environmental problems in the country. Scientists of the University carry out measures to improve the environmental situation every year. The moment of planting seedlings grown using an inexpensive method of growing oak, juniper, in the courtyard of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. The city action "Let's protect the city air!", organized by the "Kazakh Society for Nature Protection" in the Medeu tract of Almaty, the city administration, students and teaching staff actively participated in the action. 1000 trees were planted in the Medeu tract, a clean-up day was organized in order to protect the environment, where the city administration was awarded a "Certificate of Honor" for their contribution to improving the ecology of the city of Almaty. Also, a tree planting campaign was held in the Ile-Alatau National Park, in which university scientists were awarded a "Letter of Thanks" by the city administration for their active participation in an event dedicated to improving the environmental situation of Almaty.


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      • About 31% of the land on our planet is covered with forests.
      • Forests supply us with vital resources - from air to drinking water and food.
      • For 1.6 billion The forest is a source of livelihood for people.
      • Almost 75% of the world's population living below the poverty line is directly affected by land degradation.
      • More than 80% of all species of animals, plants and insects living on land are concentrated in forests. Of the 8,300 known animal species, 8% are extinct, 22% are on the verge of extinction. For about 1.6 billion . The forest is a source of livelihood for people.

      Biodiversity and ecosystem services dependent on it are the basis of strategies for adaptation to climate change and disaster risk reduction, as they create benefits that reduce people's vulnerability to climate change. Natural landscapes are closely connected with spiritual values, religions and traditional teachings.

      The University makes a significant contribution to the greening of the environment. Together with public organizations, they carried out actions to protect the environment, such as "Tabigat", "Environmentally friendly transport". As part of the organizers of the action, Professor Musina Aida Slyamkhanovna led the active leadership.


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