Department of geography
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
About the department
Since its inception and at all stages of its activity, the department has contributed to the training and education of highly qualified specialists.
The Department of Geography is one of the leading departments of the university with over 75 years of development history. During its existence, the department has trained thousands of geography teachers for secondary schools of the republic. Today graduates of the department can be found in all corners of our republic.
From the first days of its formation, the department was headed by prominent Kazakhstani scientists. Over the years, the department was headed by venerable scientists, such as:
- Bayandin N. -Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
- Konkashbaev G.-Candidate of Geography Sciences, Professor
- PopolzinA.G.-Candidate of Geography Sciences, Professor
- Birmagambetov A.B - Candidate of Geography Sciences, Professor
- Mashanova R.-Candidate of mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor
- Akhmedova K.B. -Candidate of Geography Sciences, Associate Professor
- Karmenova N.N.-Candidate of Geography Sciences, Associate Professor
- Kasenov S.K. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
- Mamirova K.N.-Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting professor
- LayskhanovSh.U.-PhD
- TulegenovE.A.-PhD, since September 2020 he has been acting as the head of the Department of Geography.
Mission of the department and strategy
Training of educated, competitive specialists who own the updated content of education, innovative methods, modern technologies, capable of realizing their professional competencies and skills on the labor market.
- improving the quality of training competitive specialists in the labor market;
- effective use of innovative methods, teaching technologies;
- preparation of textbooks, teaching aids and methodological guidelines, organization of scientific and methodological seminars;
- improvement of the program of academic mobility of students, undergraduates;
- inviting foreign scientists to conduct lectures, write scientific works and textbooks in collaboration with foreign colleagues;
- development of joint scientific research with foreign and domestic scientific organizations, universities;
- participation in international scientific projects, trainings, scientific seminars.
To increase the academic mobility of students and the implementation of scientific internships, the Department has concluded a memorandum of cooperation with the following republican and foreign universities:
- Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai;
- Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov;
- Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov;
- Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketova;
- Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow, Russia);
- Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia);
- Moscow Pedagogical State University (Moscow, Russia);
- Niide Omer Halisdemir University (Niide, Turkey).
Educational programs
Tulegenov Yerdaulet
Position: Leader of eductional program , PhD
- Information
Tulegenov Yerdaulet
Position: Leader of eductional program , PhD, associate professor
- Since 2013-2014 academic years, he worked as a teacher of the Geography Department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University.
- In the 2014-2016 academic years, he served as deputy dean for educational work.
- In September 2016, he entered doctoral studies at the Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilyov, specializing in «6D060800» - Ecology, in 2020 he defended his doctoral dissertation on theme «Ensuring the hydroecological safety of water bodies in the Akmola region». By the decision of the Dissertation Council of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov on May 14, 2020 by order No. 656 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty «6D060800-Ecology».
- Erdaulet Askarbekovich - a prominent member of the Association of Young Scientists and Teachers of Kazakhstan. Author of over 60 scientific papers. In particular, 2 articles were published in «Poravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences», registered on the basis of Scopus.
- Since September 2020 - Head of the Department of Geography of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- Since September 2021, the program Manager of the Department of Geography of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.Winner of an international scholarship under the program "Bolashak 500 scientists".
- 2007-2011. Faculty of Geography and Ecology of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, specialty 050116 – «Geography», specialization – «Economics». ЖБ-Б № 0283226
- Graduated from the institute of magistracy and doctoral studies at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai with a degree in 6M011600 – «Geography». ЖООК – М № 0037145
- Received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree from the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, specialty 6D060800-Ecology. ФД № 0000053
- Member of the association of young teachers-scientists of Kazakhstan
- Member of the board of trustees of the republican scientific and pedagogical journal "Geography and Nature".
- "Scientific and methodological foundations for improving the content and methods of updating geographical knowledge"
- "Applied foundations of the scientific theory of its restoration and effective use with the identification of changes in natural and anthropogenic geosystems."
- "Ecotoxicological study of fishery hydrobiocenosis in the Ishim river basin in the Akmola region."
- "Study of the effect of soil salinity in the Otrar district on the growth of corn and the development of a space method for forecasting crop yields" 2021-2023.
- Applied geography. Study guide «WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY» publisher City of Almaty 2017-198 pages.
- Natural science. Textbook for the 2nd grade of primary education / «Arman-PV», 2022-112 pages.
- Toponymy. Study guide «Smart University Press». City of Almaty 2022г. 224 pages.
- Chara algae of Maybalik Lake in the conditions of changing the solarity of water and anthropogenic influence of Astana. 21- Meeting of the Group of Europian Charophytologists. Valencia, Spain, 2017. P.39
- Изучение патоморфологии рыб ряда озер Акмолинской области Республики Казахстан. Материалы всероссийской научно –практической конференции с международным участием. Барнаул 14-16 сентября 2017 г.
- Экологические аспекты озера майбалык в окрестностях Астаны. Материалы всероссийской научно – практической конференции с международным участием. Барнаул 14-16 сентября 2017 г.
- Аналитический обзор применения стойких органических загрязнителей на территории Акмолинской обасти и прилегающих районов. Сборник трудов международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы географии», ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева, 17 ноября 2017, Астана 2017.- С. 57-61.
- Влияние измененного гидрохимического режима водоемов на жизнедеятельность рыб. Сборник трудов международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы географии», ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева, 17 ноября 2017, Астана 2017.- С.320-322.
- Гидрохимические характеристики и видовой состав планктона в озера Майбалык вблизи города Астана, Республика Казахстан. Весник ЮУрГУ.Серия «Химия». 2018. Т.10,№3. С. 16-23 (Челябинск)
- Актуальность исследования закономерностей самоочищения поверхностных вод гидробионтами. ВКГУ имени С. Аманжолова,
г. Усть-Каменогорск
- Экотоксикокинетика ряда тяжелых металлов в некоторых озерах Акмолинской области. Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н.Гумилева Серия Химия.География.Экология №3 (124)/2018 С.19-27
- Изучение самоочистительной способности водоемов Акмолинской области по среднегодовым показателям. Вестник Карагандинского университета Серия Биология.Медицина.География №4(92)/2018 С.39-45
- Ecotoxicological studies of Akmola region lakes. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences vol.13, 2019, no.1,p.25-31
- Hydro biological indicators of reservoirs of the Akmolo and Karaganda regions for 2017. Вестник Карагандинского университета Серия Биология.Медицина.География №1(93)/2019
- Seasonal dynamics of self-cleaning ability of watercourses of the Akmola region. ACTUAL QUESTIONS AND INNOVATIONS IN SCIENCE Conference Proceedings Craiova Romania May 12,2019
- Сезонная динамика самоочищающей способности водоемов Акмолинской области. Ежеквартальный научно-технический журнал «Гидрометеорология и экология» №2/2019 С.121-130
- Bioaccumulation of some heavy metals in the lakes of Akmola region. Intern. Scient. and Pract.Conf. Erasmus + TREASURE WATER project “Trans-Regional Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Usage of Water Resources” Nur Sultan -2019. Р.6
- Оценка пригодности сортообразцов картофеля для переработки. Казахский Национальный Аграрный Исследовательский Университет Search results № 1/2021
- Алматы облысындағы топонимдердің мағынасы мен қалыптасу ерекшеліктері. «География және табиғат» Scientific and pedagogical magazine 2/2021 March-April
- Разработка технологии выращивания риса сортов «Айкерим», «Фаворит» и «Янтарь» методом гидропоники. Вестник ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева. серия биологические науки № 1(138)/2022
- Study of the effect of mineral and organic substrates on the Growth of rice oryza sativa l. In hydroponics. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им. С.Сейфуллина № 1(112) 2022
- Study of the self-cleaning ability of a reservoir and watercourses by hydrochemical indicators of Akmola region for 2018. Вестник ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева. серия биологические науки №2 (139)/ 2022
- Mapping of Cornfield Soil Salinity in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions. Jurnal Ecological Engineering ISSN 2299-8993
Method of growing rice on hydroponic plants REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN №7140 // 27.05.2022 г.
- 7 TH INTERNATIONAL EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES held on April 22-24, 2022/ Antalya, Turkiye with the paper entitled «Features of tourism marketing in central asia and Kazakhstan»
- 2021 May 28 article «Place names of Almaty region are a mirror of our history». International scientific-practical conference.
- 2021 article «The concept of developing research skills of students». "III International Book Publishing House of the Commonwealth of Independent States" THE BEST YOUNG SCIENTIST - 2021 "
- 2021 March 25 article «Spiritual shrines of Kazakhstan as objects of study in the university course of local history. Kolpino readings on local history and tourism. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation.
- 2020 November 16 article Education of students in patriotism through the course "Local studies" - modern problems of nature protection and sustainable development as a driving force of sustainable development. International scientific-practical conference.
Mamirova Kulash
Position: Acting professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Kulash Mamirova is a graduate of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University. In 1979 she graduated from the natural-geographical faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University with a degree in geography-biology (Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University. Diploma (ЕВ №095832). Qualified as a teacher of geography and biology.
She began her career in school № 16 in Almaty as a teacher of geography and biology.
1983-1992 - worked as a junior researcher, then as a senior researcher at the laboratory for teaching history and geography at the Research Institute of the content and teaching methods of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. 1992-2003 being a senior researcher of the laboratory for teaching natural sciences and head. laboratory of teaching in small schools (MKSH) NAO them. Y. Altynsarina researched the selection of the content of education and the use of educational technologies in the educational process
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.01 - "Pedagogy". The academic degree was awarded by the Decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 23, 2003 (Protocol No. 7). The topic of the dissertation research “Didactic foundations of building a school geography textbook / on the example of a geography textbook of Kazakhstan /. The academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty 13.00.01 - "Pedagogy" was awarded by the Decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 (Minutes No. 4). Winner of the title "The best teacher of the university in Kazakhstan -2018" (Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed by the Minister K. Shamshidinova).
- Specialty " Geography-Biology "( Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University (1974-1979). Diploma (EB #095832). He was awarded the qualification of a teacher of geography and biology.
- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.01 - "Pedagogy". The academic degree was awarded by the Decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 23, 2003 (Protocol No. 7). The topic of the dissertation research is «Дидактические основы построения школьного учебника географии / на примере учебника географии Казахстана/.
- The academic title of associate professor in the specialty "Pedagogy", was awarded by the Decision of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 ( protocol No. 4).
- Member of the scientific direction No. 24 "Natural and Cultural Heritage" of the Faculty of Geography of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (St. Petersburg);
- Member of the editorial board of the journal "Geography in schools and universities of Kazakhstan";
- Member of the editorial board of the journal "Geography and Ecology of the XXI Century" / Russia, Moscow /;
- Member of the editorial board of the journal "Modern Scientist" / Russia, Belgorod /;
- Member of the editorial board of the magazine "Intoba". Humanitarian and social journal. /Turkey/.
- Scientific and pedagogical foundations of school textbooks. Responsible executive of the project. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2010-2012.
- Conceptual model of activation of rural areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the development of agritourism ". Responsible executor of the project. Al-KazNU them. Al-Farabi. 2015-2017
- Natural and cultural heritage in education and tourism systems. Member of the research group of direction No. 24 of the Department of Geography Teaching Methods of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg. 2018-2021.
- "Scientific and didactic foundations of the content of school students in geography."
- "Formation of the content of geographical education at the university."
- "Questions of training specialists - future teachers of geography."
1.Mamirova K.N., AizhanSkakova. Assessment of Chandes in the Maximum Flow of Kazakhstan Plain Rivers. Journal of Ecological Engineering (JEE). Volume 20, Issue 5, May 2019, pages 229-234 Verification - 05/30/19.
2.Mamirova K.N., Galina S. Samigullina ,Renat I. Gaisin The Development of Teacher Competencies in the Preparation of a Lecture and Seminar Course in Geography . Proceedings IFTE-2020, 2199-2211 doi:10.3897/ap.2.e2199№. VI International Forum on Teacher Education№Сб.VI. Казанский федеральный университет. /Спецвыпуск журнала «Образование и саморазвитие»/. Verification- 07.09.21.
3. Theoretical foundation of the elective course “Cultural geography”. Word journal on educational Technology: Current Issues. Ghjwtynbkm 37 процентов 779/1254 education. Q3.Turkey. Скопус. Верификация 22.11.21.
4.Географическое образование: проблемы конструирования учебника географии для средней школы magazine.Vestnik, geographical series, KazNU named after Al Farabi. No 2,2018. 5.Орталық Азия елдері экономикалық интеграциясының өзекті мәселелері.Ж.Хабаршы Вестник, КазНацЖенПУ,№2,2018.Topical issues of economic integration in Central Asia. magazine. Habarshy -Bulletin, KazNazShenPU, No. 2,2018.
6.Традиционные и современные методы географического исследования сельского хозяйства.J. Bulletin, aseriesofgeographicalKazNUnamedafterAlFarabi. No.1,2019.
7.Содержание географического образования как основа подготовки будущих специалистов Ж.Хабаршы - Вестник. magazine. Habarshy - Bulletin. KazNazShenPU, No. 1.2019.
8.Формирование содержания образовательной программы в высшем учебном заведении. Ж.Вестник АПН РК №2,2020.Habarshy - Bulletin of APN RK No. 2,2020.
9.Баламалы энергияны қолдану. Ж.Наука и жизнь.»№7/2,2020/.magazine. ScienceandLife. "No. 7 / 2,2020.
10. Педагогические исследования : опыт и перспективы развития. Ж.Хабаршы АПН РК, № 4,2020. Vestnik.APN RK, No. 4,2020.
11.Метаметодические аспекты реализации творческой деятельности в обучении эколого-географическим дисциплинам. Ж.Хабаршы АПН № 5, 2020.magazine. Habarshy - Bulletin. APNNo. 5,2020.
12.Вопросы подготовки квалифицированных кадров в педагогическом вузе / на примере монографии КазНацЖенПУ/. Ж.Наука и жизнь. № 12/1 ,2020.magazine. ScienceandLife. "No. 12 / 1,2020.
13.Формирование экологической и краеведческой культуры студентов в высшем учебном заведении ж.апн РК , Хабаршы –Вестник АПН РК , № 1,2021.magazine.APNRK, Habarshy –Vestnik. APN RKNo.1.2021.
14. Литосфералық катаклизмдердің себеп-салдарлық байланыстары.Magazine .Bulletin, aseriesofbiologyandgeographyoftheKARGUnamedafterBuketov. "No. 2,2020
- Speech with a report "Issues of selection and structuring of the content of the course of local lore" in a higher educational institution "at the International scientific conference. "Kazakhstan and its regions in the system of geopolitical and geoecological transformations." A.KazNU them. al-Farabi, 70th anniversary of Sh.Nadyrov, Kazakh University. 5 mausim 2019.
- Speech with a report "GEOGRAPHY OF OҚULYKYNYK YYLYM - ӘDISTEMELIK EREKSHELIKTERI". Turki elderi zertteulerinin Symposia. Niide University. January 30, 2020.
- Speech with a report "SCIENTIFIC AND DIDACTIC APPROACHES TO DESIGNING THE CONTENT OF GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOKS IN KAZAKHSTAN". International Pedagogical Forum "Strategic guidelines for modern education". Ural State Pedagogical University. November 5-6, 2020 Yekaterinburg, Russia.
- Speech with the report "SCHOOL TEXTBOOK - INFORMATION AND ACTIVITY MODEL OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS". International geography symposium. October 2021. Turkey. 14-15 oct. 2021. -
Toksabayeva Makpal
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Toksabayeva Makpal
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
Toksabayeva Makpal- Since September 2010, he has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Geography of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- 2004-2008 studied at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, specialty 050116-geography, received a bachelor's degree and a geography teacher specializing in tourism. (diploma №0000605).
- 2008-2010 studied at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, specialty 6N0609-Geography, received a qualification and an academic degree of a Master of Geography. (diploma № 000 7452
- The Almaty Region Natural-Recreation Recources and their Tourism development potentials
- Aigaikum- history and secrets of the natural monument. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. SMART NATION.KZ collection of materials of the scientific marathon within the framework of the 71st Republican scientific and practical Conference of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Youth and Science: present and future". Almaty: Editorial and Publishing Department, April 12, 2018, pp. 438-441.
- Names of localities in the Panfilovsky district. Geography and nature. Scientific and pedagogical journal. No. 4 (106) 2020. pp. 9-14.
- River-lake geography of the Panfilovsky district.Geography and nature. Scientific and pedagogical journal. No. 1 (109) 2021. pp. 6-8
- The place of the geography department in the training of a specialist. Geography and nature. Scientific and pedagogical journal. No. 1 (109) 2021. P. 11-14.
Tleubergenova Kenzhekey
Position: Candidate of sciences
- Information
Tleubergenova Kenzhekey
Position: Candidate of sciences
1991 To this day, he works at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, associate professor of the Department of Geography.
1982-1991 worked as a junior researcher at the Kazakh branch of the Research Institute "Content and teaching methods" of the Academy of Ped. Sciences of the USSR
1974-1982 worked in the laboratory of "radiation cytogenetics" of the Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
1972-1974 worked as a teacher at the "Tatty" secondary school, Zhambyl region.
- 1972 she graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, specializing in geography-biology. No. 5566, July 5, 1972
- 1998 Awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. NS No. 0003965. January 30, 1998
- 2004 Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty "Pedagogy". DC No. 0005831. May 21, 2004
- Consideration of the methodology for teaching geography and the benefits of innovative technologies.
- Practical Work Conducted on the Physical Geography of Kazakhstan (2015),
- Methods of teaching geography (2020),
- Russian-Kazakh-English reference book of geographical terms and concepts (2020).
- The AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE dated January 3, 2021 No. 14400, Was issued for the teaching aid "Methods of Teaching Geography".
- Toponymika (2022).
● "Assessment of the demographic situation in the Kurmangazy district of the Atyrau region"
undergraduates, doctors and young scientists. Conference of the 30th Anniversary of
Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Business of the people. Collection of
materials m/conf. April 5, 2021
● "Interactive methods for developing the mental abilities of a schoolchild" Digital
transformation of education: education, science, production International scientific and
practical online conference. KazNKPU, October 25, 2021, Almaty
● "Sacred and healing power of East Kazakhstan" Natural and cultural heritage:interdisciplinary
research, conservation and development. COLLECTIVE MONOGRAPH Proceedings of the
X Intern. scientific-practical. conf. St. Petersburg October 27-28, 2021
- The role of the resort area Shchuchinsk-Borovoe in the development of tourism in Kazakhstan. - Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of JSC "SHAKARIM UNIVERSITY OF FAMILIES" "MODERN ISSUES OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT". Semey, Kazakhstan, November 16, 2020
- Natural monuments and stone sculptures of a small hilly region of Kazakhstan. “The Great Steppe is the common home of the Turkic people” People. scientific practice Materials of the online conference. Almaty, December 12, 201.
- 9 Etymology of toponyms of the Asian deserts. Natural and cultural heritage: interdisciplinary research, preservation and development COLLECTIVE MONOGRAPH based on the materials of the IX All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation October 28-29
- "Natural monuments in the Tarbagatai mountains" Materials International Congress on Social Sciences, China to Adriatic -VEJONS - International Congress on Engineering, Mathematic and Natural Sciences . September 18-25, 2017 – Tokyo /Jahan. ISBN – 978-605-9885-48-5.
- Features of the national park "Bayanauyl". Natural and cultural heritage: interdisciplinary research, conservation and development. Materials V Intern. scientific-practical. Confer. St. Petersburg on 27-28October, 2016. ISBN 978-5- 8064 -2424-3.
- Products obtained from natural resources by chemical means. 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIENCES, CHINA TO ADRIATIC October 27-30, 2016 ANTALYA. ISBN –978-605-9885-14-0
- The influence of anthropogenic factors on geosystems in Asia and their solutions. Hovd their surgulian bayan-elgy aymag dah salbar surgul. Ховд их сургууль баян-өлгий аймаг дахь салбар сургууль.The branch university of the khovd stateuniversity in bayan-ulgii Эрдэмшин жилгэ энийбичиг№5 (05) Өлгий, 2015
- "Medical and recreational activities of the Burabai region". Materials of international scientific-prak. conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary and the 47th birthday of R.Sytimbekov, "Specially Protected Areas and Biodiversity". Almaty, 28mamyr, 2015 ISBN-978-601-7478-33-9.
"Opportunities for tourism development in Mangistau region". Materials of international scientific-prak. conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary and the 47th birthday of R.Sytimbekov, "Specially Protected Areas and Biodiversity". Almaty, 28mamyr, 2015 ISBN-978-601-7478-33-9
- KKSON. Features of the landscape of the Zaisan depression Kaz. University Bulletin No. 2, 2018
- KKSON. Through GIS technologies in the South Kazakhstan region. Analysis of the physical and geographical position of the Otyrar district of the KazNU named after Al-Farabi Bulletin No. 1, 2018
- KKSON. Application of interactive teaching methods in the course "Tibetan Plateau". KazNUKPU Bulletin. 2019, no. 4
- KKSON. "Deterioration of pastures and hayfields in the Otrar district of the Turkestan region" LLP "INSTITUTE OF GEOGRAPHY" PROBLEMS OF GEOGRAPHY AND GEOECOLOGY. April- une, №2. 2020.
- KKSON. "Possibilities of using the technology of interactive methods in teaching the subject of geography" Bulletin of ASU. 2021, №3.pdf
- KKSON Tourist brands of the city of Astana: Analysis of the structure and features Astrakhan Bulletin of environmental education Vol. 21 No. 5 (71). Astrakhan, 2022.
- Scopus. Dynamics of microbiological soil activity in natural landscapes of the Shaulder massif (middle course of the Syrdarya river) " J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 10(7), 2018, 1697-1700
- Scopus.Course Students’ Views on the Use of Technology in Geography. International journal of emerging technologies in learning Article submitted 2020-08-30. Resubmitted 2020-10-12. Final acceptance 2020-10-12. Final version published as submitted by the authors. iJET ‒ Vol. 15, No. 23, 2020 51
- Scopus. A Study of the Processes of Desertification at the Modern Delta of the Ili River with the Application of Remote Sensing Data. Journal of Ecological Engineering Published: 2021.02.01 Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(3), 169–178 ISSN 2299–8993, License CC-BY 4.0 Scopus."Methodological foundations for the development of practice-oriented tasks in geography based on the activity approach." World Journal of Educational Technology: Current Issues (WJET). Issue 14 #3 (2022): May I SSN: 1309-0348. .
Nurkeyev Yerlan
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Since 2013-2014 academic years, he worked as a teacher of the Geography Department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, he held the position of Deputy Dean for educational Work
Author of over 15 scientific papers. In particular, 1 articles were published in «Poravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences», registered on the basis of Scopus.
Since September 2021, the program Manager of the Department of Geography of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- 2003-2008. Faculty of Geography and Ecology of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, specialty 050116 – «Geography», specialization – «Economics».
- Graduated from the institute of magistracy and doctoral studies at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai with a degree in 6M011600 – «Geography».
- Member of the association of young teachers-scientists of Kazakhstan
- Problems of Geography Teaching Methods
- Technology for teaching regional economic relationships based on the updated content of education. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 17(2), 531-541//Volume 17, Issue 2, (2022) 531-541
- «Ecotoxicological studies of Akmola region lakes». Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences vol. 13, 2019, no.1, p. 25-31
- «Көлдер жүйесі – табиғи нысан және ресурс». «ХХІ ғасыр: ғылым мен инновация» Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students "XXI century: science and innovation", Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov/ / 2020 3-4 April;
- «Жер қыртысының даму заңдылықтарын геологиялық-геоморфологиялық білім арқылы қалыптастыру». Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University No. 1 (81) 2020, Almaty 2020 "Kyzdar University", 15-22 art.
- «Көлдер жүйесі – табиғи нысан және ресурс». «ХХІ ғасыр: ғылым мен инновация» Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students "XXI century: science and innovation", Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov/ / 2020 3-4 April;
Kuandykova Elmira
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Kuandykova Elmira
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
Elmira Kuandykova from 2005-2007 engineer of the 1st category of the laboratory "Fluid regime of the Earth's crust", Institute of Seismology
from September 2007 to 2018. - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geography of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
- 1999-2003. Geography (Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi) bachelor's degree diploma (No. 0354363);
- 2003-2005. Master of Geography (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University) with honors, master's degree (No. 0009354);
- 2017-2020 doctoral studies in the specialty 6D011600-Geography (Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai).
- Method of teaching
- Практико-ориентированные задания по географии как основа реализации деятельностного подхода. //Сборник научных трудов по итогам международной научно-практической конференции «Новшества в области педагогики и психологии». – № 3. – С. 5-8. г. Тюмень, 2018.
- Мектепте географияны оқытуда жаңартылған білім берудің практикалық бағыты ұстанымын жүзеге асыру. Абай атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық педагогикалық университетi ХАБАРШЫ. «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2(62), 2019 ж.
- Географиядан іс-әрекет тәсілі негізінде практикаға бағдарланған тапсырмалар. «Географияның өзекті мәселелері»: ХҒПК еңбектер жинағы. – Астана, 2017. 399-402 б.
- Practice-centered tasks on geography as a basis for the implementing activity approach. Международная научно-практическая конференция «География: развитие науки и образования» LXХII Герценовские чтения. 379-383 стр. г. Санкт-Петербург, апрель 2019 г.
- География сабақтарында іс-әрекетке бағытталған жағдаяттық тапсырмалар. IV Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019: CENTRAL ASIA». 310-315 б.
- Практикалық бағыттылық негізінде географияны оқыту тиімділігін арттыру. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. №10/2 (142) 2020. 254-259 б.
- Morphofunctional and Hematological Characteristics of Health in Students from the Northern and Southern Regions of Kazakhstan. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021,
Kaleiev Bedel
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
From 2008 to 2014, a geography teacher at the "Kazakh Secondary School" of Chemolgan station, Karasay district of Almaty region.
From 2014 to the present, a teacher of the Department of Geography of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Since 2017, he has been a senior lecturer at the Department of Geography and Tourism.
- 2001-2005 at the Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh received a bachelor's degree in Geography.
- 2012-2014 at Abai KazNPU, IMD graduated from the master's degree in specialization 6M060900-Geography.
- 2017-2020 studied at the Kazakh National Agrarian University under the PhD-doctoral program in the specialty 6D060800 - "Ecology".
- Ecological-phytocenotic and botanical-geographical studies.
- Mapping of vegetation and ecosystems.
- Characteristics of early-spring plant communities with participation of rare species in Zhongar-Alatau national park. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Experimental Biology. №3 (80). 2019. P. 12-25.
- The vegetation types of low mountains and mid mountains of Northern range (macro slope) of the Zhetysu Alatau. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Experimental Biology. №2 (83). 2020. P. 4-13.
- Ecological and physiognomic vegetation types of Zhetysu Alatau mountains. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Experimental Biology. №2 (83). 2020. P. 4-13.
- Introduction and comparative characteristic of Malus sieversii variety clones of the Dzhungarian population. AL-FARABI KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. Experimental Biology. №2 (87). 2021. P. 69-77.
- Educational and field practice in geography [Text]: an educational and methodological manual / B. Sh. Kaliev, E. S. Nurkeev. - Almaty: Otan, 2020. - 128 p. - ISBN 978-601-7860-266-4.
Ziyavdinova Assyl
Position: Senior teacher, master of sciences
- Information
Ziyavdinova Assyl
Position: Senior teacher, master of sciences
Assyl Kadirhanovna from 2007 to 2018-Senior lecturer of the Department of Geography and Tourism of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
From 2020 to the present, Senior lecturer of the Department of Geography of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
- 2000-2004-Aai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Faculty of Geography-Ecology, specialty "international tourism", qualification-tourism manager, 2000-2004, diploma with honors (MB No. 0065348)
- 2004-2006-Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, graduated with a master's degree in Chemistry, 2004-2006, №0014816
- Analysis of the possibilities of tourist potential in the development of domestic tourism, determination of ways of effective use and issues of improving the quality of infrastructure.
- Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen Natural and cultural heritage: interdisciplinary research, preservation and development of the COLLECTIVE MONOGRAPH based on the materials of the VI International scientific-practical conference. October 25-26, 2017 Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the contribution of Herzen University to the State Archive of Valuable Items of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg. “Revival of the Great Silk Road as a Potential for Tourism Development”.
- TOKYO SUMMIT September 18-25, 2017 Tokyo - Japan "Opportunities and needs for the development of ecotourism in Kazakhstan."
- Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Spatial-temporal dynamics of the biota and ecosystem of the Aral-Caspian basin Materials of the II International conference dedicated to the memory of the outstanding naturalist and traveler Nikolai Alekseevich Zarudny. Orenburg, October 9-13, 2017 "The Aral Sea and the reasons for its death."
- Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern trends in the development of education and science in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology and geography." Almaty, October 27, 2017. "Ecological and geographical analysis of Borovsk district."
- Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern trends in the development of education and science in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology and geography." Almaty, October 27, 2017 "Prospects for the development of industry in the West Kazakhstan region."
- "Ways to improve the efficiency of the strategic management system in the hotel complexes of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Start up": theoretical and practical seminars
- • "Methodological bases for the development of practice-oriented tasks in geography based on the activity approach." World Journal of Educational Technology: Current Issues (WJET). Issue 14 #3 (2022): May ISSN: 1309-0348.
- • Opportunities for tourism development in the North-Kazakhstan economic region Astrakhan Bulletin of Environmental Education. Russia, Astrakhan, April, 2022
- Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen Natural and cultural heritage: interdisciplinary research, preservation and development of the COLLECTIVE MONOGRAPH based on the materials of the VI International scientific-practical conference. October 25-26, 2017 Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the contribution of Herzen University to the State Archive of Valuable Items of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg. “Revival of the Great Silk Road as a Potential for Tourism Development”.
- TOKYO SUMMIT September 18-25, 2017 Tokyo - Japan "Opportunities and needs for the development of ecotourism in Kazakhstan."
- Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Spatial-temporal dynamics of the biota and ecosystem of the Aral-Caspian basin Materials of the II International conference dedicated to the memory of the outstanding naturalist and traveler Nikolai Alekseevich Zarudny. Orenburg, October 9-13, 2017 "The Aral Sea and the reasons for its death."
- Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern trends in the development of education and science in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology and geography." Almaty, October 27, 2017. "Ecological and geographical analysis of Borovsk district."
- Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern trends in the development of education and science in the field of chemistry, biology, ecology and geography." Almaty, October 27, 2017 "Prospects for the development of industry in the West Kazakhstan region."
- "Ways to improve the efficiency of the strategic management system in the hotel complexes of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Start up": theoretical and practical seminars
- • "Methodological bases for the development of practice-oriented tasks in geography based on the activity approach." World Journal of Educational Technology: Current Issues (WJET). Issue 14 #3 (2022): May ISSN: 1309-0348.
- • Opportunities for tourism development in the North-Kazakhstan economic region Astrakhan Bulletin of Environmental Education. Russia, Astrakhan, April, 2022
Bolat Kenzhebek
Position: senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
From the 2015-2020 academic year, he worked as a methodologist at the dean's office of the Faculty of Tourism of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, he worked as Deputy Dean for Education at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.
From September 2021 - Lecturer at the Department of Geography of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
- Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism KazSTA, 2014-2018, Bachelor in the educational program "Tourism" (No. ZhB - B 1264120);
- Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism KazSTA, 2019-2021, Master's degree in the educational program "Tourism" (No. ZhB - B 1264120)
- Member of the international public organization "Academy of Children and Youth Tourism named after A. Ostapets-Sveshnikov".
- «Prospects for the development of sports tourism in the Almaty region»
- «Prospects for the development of a tent camp in the city of Almaty»
- The future of the formation and development of sports tourism in Kazakhstan - Geography in schools and universities of Kazakhstan Almaty 2022, page 55-56
- Mountain tourism is challenging and interesting - Journal of Geography and Nature Almaty 2022, page 3-4
- Tourism in the system of scientific knowledge - traditional VIII Republican scientific-practical conference "Trends of development of natural sciences", Almaty, 2022.
- Educational and cultural tourism in historical and cultural places on the example of Southern Kazakhstan - on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of Kazakhstan, the 5th anniversary of the article Orientation to the future - "spiritual revival", p.b.c. COLLECTION OF MATERIALS of the international scientific and practical online conference "SYSTEM ASPECTS OF UPDATE OF SCIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE", devoted to the memory of docent Rysmakhambeta Konyruly Zheksenbieva Part 2. November 26, 2021.
Karmenova Nursipa
Position: Associate Professor, candidate of sciences, PhD
- Information
Karmenova Nursipa
Position: Associate Professor, candidate of sciences, PhD
Since 1973 he has been working at the Geographical Faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. In 1994 she defended her thesis and received the title of candidate of geographical sciences. In 1996 he was awarded the title of Associate Professor. From 1996 to 2001 she was the head of the Department of Geography. Now she works as a professor at the department. Professor N.N. Karmenova about 300 scientific and methodological works. 40 of them are textbooks and teaching aids.
- In 1972 she graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in geography and biology. Yu [No. 370286]
- Academic degree: by the decision of August 12, 1994 [47 minutes] and the decision of the Supreme Arbitration Court on re-certification on April 26, 1996 [protocol 10] by the decision of the specialized council of the Institute of Geography of the Academy. Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
- Protocol No. 26 of December 6, 1996 by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded the title of Associate Professor.
- In 2010, by the decision of the Academic Council of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, he was awarded the academic title of professor. [Protocol No. 3] December 24, 2010
- Union member
- Conduct research and describe the features of the regions of the territory of Kazakhstan.
- Ways to use some types of innovative technologies in geography lessons.
- Conduct research and describe the features of the regions of the territory of Kazakhstan.
- Ways to use some types of innovative technologies in geography lessons
● 2015 - Textbook "Introduction to Economic, Social and Political Geography". Women's University Publishing House, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-757-2 Toksabaeva M.
● 2011 - Textbook "Economic and Social Geography of Kazakhstan". Publishing house "University of girls" Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-229-4
● 2010 - Textbook "Economic and Social Geography of the CIS". ... Publishing House of the Women's University of Almaty. ISBN 9965-640-66-1
● 2005 - Textbook "Geography of the regions of Kazakhstan". Almaty. ISBN 9965-705-39-9
● Economic and social geography of the CIS. Printing house ZhenPU 2020. Layshanov Sh.U., Kuandykova E.K.
● Geographical Dictionary. Printing house ZhenPU 2020. Mamyrova K.N., Tleubergenova K.A.
● Physical and geographical analysis of the current situation in the Otrar region using geographic information systems technologies. 911.52 (574.5) Bulletin of KazNU named after Al-Farabi No. 1, 2018. Layskhanov Sh.U., Shokparova D.K., Tleubergenova K.A.
● Dynamics of microbiological soil activity in natural landscapes of the Shaulder massif (middle course of the Syrdarya river). Sh.U. Layskhanov1-2, Zh. Mamutov U. 3, Karmenova N.N., Tleubergenova K.A. 2, Ashimov T.A., Kobegenova Kh. N. 2, Zh. M. Smanov4 Sh. U. Layskhanov et al. / J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 10 (7), 2018, 1697-1700
Publications abroad
• Recreational resources of the Almaty region. International conference, Turkey. 2019. Tleubergenova K.A. Ashimov T. Kobegenova H. Medeuova G. Toksabaeva M.
• Ways of development of recreational resources of the Almaty region. St. Petersburg. "Natural and Cultural Heritage: Interdisciplinary Research, Preservation and Development", October 2020 Associate Professor K. Tleubergenova
• Study of desertification processes in the modern delta of the Ili River using remote sensing data. Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22 (3), 169-178 ISSN 2299-8993, CC-BY 4.0 License. Shahislam Uzakbaevich Layskhanov1 *, Maksat Nurbayuly Poshanov, Zhasulan Maratuly Smanov2, Nursipa Nursanovna Karmenova, Kenzhekey Akhmetvalievna Tleubergenova, Tazhihan Ashimovish Ashimov
• NATURAL AND RECREATIONAL FEATURES OF THE KOKSHETAU REGION. "Sat Maid. n \ n conf. "KOLPIN'S READINGS ON LOCAL SCIENCE AND TOURISM" March 25, 2021 St. Petersburg. K.A. Tleubergenova, E.K. Kuandykova, Yu.S. Toktagulova
• "Features of the Bayanaul National Park". Collective monograph. Saturday. V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Natural and Cultural Heritage: Interdisciplinary Research, Preservation and Development", Russian State Pedagogical University. A, I. Herzen. St. Petersburg. October 27-28, 2016 ISBN 978-5-8064-2424-3. Tleubergenova K.
• Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Industrial and innovative directions of development of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan" (Turkey, 2016) ISBN 978-605-9965-05-7.
• Recreational potential of Borovoe National Park. IV International scientific practice conference “Natural and Cultural Heritage: Interdisciplinary Research, Preservation and Development. Collective monograph. October 28-30, 2015 St. Petersburg. ISBN 978-8064-2175-4. Tleubergenova K.
• 2013 - textbook "Economic and Social Geography of Kazakhstan" for the 9th grade of a secondary school. "School" Almaty. ISBN 978-601-293-796-1 Akhmetov E.
• 2017 - Textbook "Recreational Geography". Women's University Publishing House, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-884-5 Satybaldieva A.
• 2005 - Textbook "Introduction to economic and social geography for laboratory work." Almaty. ISBN 9965-705-88-7 Zhaksybekova D.
• "Economic and social geography of Kazakhstan" educational tool for practical lessons. Karmenova N.N., Toksabaeva M. Almaty, 2022.
- Materials of international scientific practice. conferences dedicated to the 75th and 47th anniversary of R. Satimbekov's pedagogical experience "Specially Protected Areas and Biodiversity". "Ways of using natural resources of the Almaty region" Almaty, May 28, 2015 ISBN-978-601-7478-33-9.
- Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Formation of an innovative environment in youth associations of universities" dedicated to the birthday of D.I. Mendeleev. "Ways of using recreational resources in the Zhetysu district" Almaty, March 16-17, 2017. ISBN-978-601-224-863-0 Tleubergenova K. Talipbay M.
- "Light Industry of Kazakhstan", collection of articles. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Charter of a Terrestrial Practical Instrument for Solving Fundamental Problems of Sustainable Development". Kazan. October 27-28, 2016 ISBN 978-5-298-0327-6. Tleubergenova K.
- October 15, 2021, Ata Turk University, Erzurum, Turkey, International conference "The role of national parks in the development of tourism in the Almaty region"
Ashimov Tazhyhan
Position: Associated professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Ashimov Tazhyhan
Position: Associated professor, candidate of sciences
Tazhikhan Ashimov-began his career in 1966-1969 as a biology teacher at the E. Telman secondary school of the Sary-Agach district of the Shymkent region in the direction of. In 1972-1984 he worked as a senior researcher, head of the laboratory of the Kazakh Research Institute of Potatoes and Vegetables. 1984-2015 he worked as a senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of the Department of General Biology of the Faculty of Natural Geography of the Pedagogical University named after Abai. From 2008 to 2013, he worked at the Department of Geography and Tourism of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University as a PhD, associate professor, from 2013 to the present, he has been working on the staff at the Department of Geography and Tourism of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University as a PhD, associate professor.
- 1961-1966 y. studied the Kazakh pedagogical university after Abai in a biology and fundamentals of the agriculture natural geographical faculties.
- 1969-1972 y. passed a postgraduate study East office All-Union academy of agricultural sciences name of Lenin
- 1980 in Belarus Minsk defended the dissertation on educational degree of the candidate of agricultural sciences.
- «Шәуілдер массивінің табиғи ландшафттарындағы топырақтың микробиологиялық белсенділігінің динамикасы (Сырдария өзенінің орта ағысы). J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 10(7), 2018, 1697-1700
- Қашықтан зондтау мәліметтерін қолдана отырып, қазіргі Іле атырауындағы шөлейттену процестерін зерттеу. Published: 2021.02.01 Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(3), 169
- Оценка пригодности сортообразцов картофеля для длительного хранения. ҚАЗАҚ ҰЛТТЫҚ АГРАРЛЫҚ УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ. Ізденістер, нәтижелер. Ғылыми журнал №01 (085) 2020
- "Methodology of field practice in soil geography". T. Ashimov, M. E. Toksanbayeva. Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. The textbook. Almaty 2020
- "Geography of soils". Ashimov T., Mamirova K., Turgumbayeva A. Textbook. 2019
- "Zoning of grain crops depending on geographical location" Geography at school No. 1 2022
- "Underground wealth of Mangystau region". Geography at School No. 2. 2022
- "Pollution of desalinated water reserves". Mendeleev Conference 2022
- "Seed propagation of potatoes". Mendeleev Conference 2022
Lazzat Kiyassova
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
From 2010 to September 31 , 2018 - Senior lecturer at the Department of Geography of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University;
From October 1, 2018 to the present - Head of the Methodological Department of the Department of Academic Affairs.
- In 2008 she graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute Specialty in 050116- Geography . (Diploma ZhB No. 0000604)
- In 2010 she graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, Specialty in 6N0609-Geography (ZhООК –М 0007453).
- В 2017 she graduated from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Specialty in 6D060900-Geography.
- Awarded the medal " Құрмет " for the training of qualified personnel and a high level of the educational process. Kazakh State Women' s Teacher Training Institute, 2014
- Awarded with the diploma "Algys khat" of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2018
- Theoretical and general problems of economic and social geography, land management.
- Education and training at a higher professional school.
- 2013 – Textbook «Географиялық ұғымдар мен терминдер сөздігі». Women's University Publishing House, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-443-4. Mamirova K.
- 2014 - Textbook " Геоэкология және табиғатты қорғау." Women's University Publishing House, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-509-7. Mamirova K., Tokhsabayeva M.
- 2015 Textbook «Өлкетану» Women's University Publishing House, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-664-3. Mamirova K.
- Sustainable Development Agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Aigul Tokbergenova, Lazzat Kiyassova, Shnar Kairova. / Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. Vol. 27, No. 5 (2018), 1923-1933. DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/78617
- Features of formation of landscape of the South-Kazakhstan region: A.Tokbergenova, L.Kiyassova, K.Zulpykharov, Z.Kozhabekova /Al-Farabi Kazakh national university. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management. №1 (44) /2017 ISSN 1563-0234
- Geographical aspects of economic assessment of agricultural lands of Almaty agglomeration: A. A.Tokbergenova, Sh.Kairova, L. Sh Kiyassova / Al-Farabi kazakh national university. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management. №3 (46)/ 2017. ISSN 1563-0234.Причины и последствия деградации земель и опустынивания: на примере Республики Казахстан: А.А.Токбергенова, Ш.Г.Каирова, Л.Ш. Киясова /Вестник КазНУ, серия Географическая 2016 №2 (43)/ 2016 ISSN 1563-0234.
- Анализ современного состояния земельных ресурсов Республики Казахстан: А.А.Токбергенова, Ш.Г.Каирова, Л.Ш. Киясова /Вестник КазНУ серия экологическая №2/2 (44) 2015. ISSN 1563-034Х
- Основные пути рационального использования сельскохозяйственных угодий Казахстана: А.А. Токбергенова, Л.Ш.Киясова / Вестник КазНУ серия экология №2/2 (44) / 2015 ISSN 1563-034Х
- Sustainable Development Agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Aigul Tokbergenova, Lazzat Kiyassova, Shnar Kairova. / Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. Vol. 27, No. 5 (2018), 1923-1933. DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/78617
- Features of formation of landscape of the South-Kazakhstan region: A.Tokbergenova, L.Kiyassova, K.Zulpykharov, Z.Kozhabekova /Al-Farabi Kazakh national university. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management. №1 (44) /2017 ISSN 1563-0234
- 2013 - Textbook " Географиялық ұғымдар мен терминдер сөздігі ". Women's University Publishing House, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-443-4. Mamirova K.
- 2014 - Textbook " Геоэкология және табиғатты қорғау." Women's University Publishing House, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-509-7. Mamirova K., Tokhsabayeva M.
- 2015 Textbook «Өлкетану» Women's University Publishing House, Almaty. ISBN 978-601-224-664-3. Mamirova K.
- Causes and Impacts of Land Degradation and Desrtification: Case Study of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Aigul Тokbergenova , Gulnara Nyussupova, Shnar Kairova, Lyazat Kiyassova. /GEOMED 2016 4th International Geography Symposium May 23 ‐ 26, 2016 ‐ Kemer, Antalya, TURKEY ISBN 978‐605‐66576‐1‐0
- Features and prospects for the sustainable land use of the Almaty agglomeration:Tokbergenova A. A., Kairova Sh. G., Kiyassova L. Sh. /International Congress On Afro-Eurasian Research I. 12-15 october 2016 Almaty / Kazakhstan. p.20-25. ISBN: 978-605-4931-49-1
Тoktagulova Ulzhalgas
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Тoktagulova Ulzhalgas
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
Ulzhalgas Тoktagulova - started her career in 2004-2007 as a lecturer at the Department of General Legal and Historical Geography of the South Kazakhstan Open University. 2007-2008 worked as a teacher of the Department of Philology and Pedagogy of the Open Institute of the International Humanitarian and Technical University. 2008-2014 worked as an engineer (3rd year methodologist) of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of History and Philology of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. Since September 2019, senior lecturer at the Department of Geography of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Since September 2019, she has been working as a senior lecturer at the Geography Department of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
- 2000-2004. studied at the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.O.Auezov, specialty "030640 history and geography" and qualified as a teacher of history and geography (diploma №0453502).
- 2006-2008 graduated from M.O.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University with a degree in "6N0609-Geography", having received a qualification and an academic degree of Master of Geography (diploma №0015210).
- Preparation of future geography teachers for educational activities
- Methodological foundations for improving the quality of knowledge in geography using project-based learning technology in the educational process
- Theoretical and methodological foundations of training future geography teachers to use new methods in educational activities;
- Dangerous exogenous processes in the mountains of the Western Tien Shan and ways to protect against them. VII Global Science and Innovation 2020: Central Asia. International scientific and practical journal. Series "Earth Sciences", Nur-Sultan. № 3 (3). February-March 2020, p. 46;
- The study of geographical sciences as the main field of natural science. VI International Scientific and Practical Conference " Science and Education in the XXI century "Series" Earth Sciences", Nur-Sultan, April, 2020;
- Soil structure and methods for determining its water resistance. VI International Scientific and Practical Conference " Science and Education in the XXI century "Series" Earth Sciences", Nur-Sultan, April, 2020;
- The anthropoecological system in medical geography. Geography and nature. №1 (109), 2021, January-February, pp. 19-22.
- The place of the geography department in the training of a specialist. Geography and nature. № 1 (109), 2021, January-February, pp. 11-14.
- he importance of sacred and recreational places of the Tolebi district in the development of tourism. All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "IV Kolpinsky readings on local history and tourism" St. Petersburg, March 25, 2021. Volume 3, pp. 3-8.
- Tourist sites of the Mangystau region (Republic of Kazakhstan). All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "IV Kolpinsky readings on local history and tourism" St. Petersburg, March 25, 2021.
- Natural and recreational features of the Kokshetau region. All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "IV Kolpinsky readings on local history and tourism" St. Petersburg, March 25, 2021.
- Altyn-emel is an open-air geological museum. All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "IV Kolpinsky readings on local history and tourism" St. Petersburg, March 25, 2021.
- Regularities of the distribution of exogenous processes on the northern slope of the Trans-Ili Alatau. Geography and nature. № 3 (111), 2021, May-June, pp. 9-12.
- The importance of sacred places and recreational places of the Kazygurt district in the development of tourism. I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Science: present and Future". KazNatTTU, Almaty, April, 2021, p. 308-311.
- The effectiveness of the use of new innovative technologies in geographical education. International scientific and practical online conference "Systemic aspects of modernization of science and education". KazNatTTU, Almaty, November, 2021
- The importance of educational practice in the formation of professional competence of future geography teachers. II international gathering within the framework of the scientific and practical conference "Youth and Science: present and future". KazNatTTU, Almaty, April 2022
- Educational practice is a means of forming professional competencies of students. Bulletin of Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL "Pedagogical sciences", Almaty, 3 (66) 2022, p. 73-86
- Coach for teaching the basics of entrepreneurship to students of higher educational institutions within the framework of the state task, KazNatTTU, 15.10 -14.12.2019
- Trainer on the program of additional professional education for students of universities and colleges, developed on the basis of level programs of advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NIS, 02.08. -17.09.2021.
Оspanbayeva Aidana
Position: Master of Natural Sciences, teacher
- Information
Оspanbayeva Aidana
Position: Master of Natural Sciences, teacher
+7 7023265748
- Since September of 2022, she has been a teacher of the Department of geography of the Kazakh National Women's teacher training University.
- 2009-2013 graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Geography, major 5B060900-Geography. Bachelor's degree: ЖБ-Б № 0034647
- 2013-2015 graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Geography, major 6M060900-Geography. Master’s degree: ЖООК-М № 0067975
- Modern technologies in the process of teaching geography. International scientific and practical conference "Current trends in the development of science and education in the field of natural sciences", Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Institute of Natural Sciences, November 25, 2022
- Historical monuments of East Kazakhstan, Altai region. International scientific and practical conference "Ensuring sustainable development in the context of geography, green economy, ecology and tourism", Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov
- EdCrunch Reload Merging minds & technology Leading International conference 23-24 November 2022