Department of The Russian Language and Literature
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
- College
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- 6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology
- 6B01201 – Pre-school Training and Education
- 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Training
- 6B01403 – Physical Education and Sport
- 6B01801 – Training of specialists in social pedagogics and self-knowledge
- 6B01901 - Special pedagogy
- 6В03102 — Psychology
- Educator and speech therapist of preschool organizations
Institute of Philology
- 6B01701 – Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6B01702 – Kazakh Language and Literature at schools with non-Kazakh Training
- 6В01703 – Russian Language and Literature
- 6B01704 – Russian Language and Literature at schools with non-Russian Training
- 6В01705 – Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages
- 6В02301 – Translation studies
- 6В02302 – Philology
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- 6В01501 – Mathematics
- 6B01502 – Mathematics-Physics
- 6B01503 – Mathematics-Informatics
- 6В01504 – Physics
- 6B05302-Physics
- 6В01505 – Physics - Computer Science
- 6В01506 – Computer science
- 6В01513 – Physics-Electronics
- 6В01514 – Computer Science and Robotics
- 6В06101 - Design of digital analytical educational systems
- 6В06102 – Information Systems
- Institute of natural science
- Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Graduate
- Doctorate PhD
- Institutes
- College
- Student Assistance Center
- Center for Pedagogical Excellence
- Educational and methodical association
- Coordination Council
- Career and Employment
Educational programs
About the department
The Department of Russian Language and Literature is one of the oldest and most prospective structural units of the Institute of Philology.
The department was one of the first established in 1944. In different years, the department was headed by well-known philologists in the republic: L.A. Fedulova, K.Sh. Kanafieva, Z.A. Akhmetov, H.U. Ishanov, D.Tursynov, N. Dzhuanyshbekov, G.N. Sadykov. From 1998 to 2004, the head of the department was Valentina Zhumagulova, an outstanding teacher and scientist.
Currently, the department is headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences Eleonora Mirzagaevna Khankishieva.
The Department consists of highly qualified specialists, philologists, who research the current problems of Russian language and literature.
Mission and International cooperation
Providing students with a sufficient level of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of Russian language and literature, considering the direction of training, training in the application of the acquired knowledge in professional activities.
The faculty of the department is in close cooperation with colleagues from foreign universities: RUDN University (Russia), Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin (Russia), University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland), Higher School of Foreign Languages in Svecz (Poland), Niide Omer Halisdemir University (Turkey).
The sphere of professional interests of teachers includes topical problems of modern Russian language, cultural linguistics, ethnolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, the history of Russian literature, problems of modern Russian and foreign literature, modern methods of literary analysis of a literary text, as well as mythopoetics, linguopoetics.
The department conducts research in the field of Russian linguistics, comparative typology, literary studies and sociolinguistics. So, under the guidance of Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education V.I. Zhumagulova members of the department took an active part in scientific fundamental and applied research, including: "Linguocultural interactions of Kazakh and Russian languages in the conditions of sovereign Kazakhstan" (2006-2008), "Optimization of educational and methodological support in Russian language and literature in higher education" (2006 -2008), "The Russian language as a translator of special terminology in the science of Kazakh literary language" (2009-2011), "Scientific and methodological foundations for the modernization of the content of philological education as a condition for the formation of a multicultural personality" (2012-2014), "Formation of linguistic competencies of pedagogical personnel in the context of the implementation of the policy of multilingualism in Kazakhstan"(2015-2017)," Mass media of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization and their impact on the modernization of public consciousness (linguistic aspect) "(2018-2020). Work has begun on a new project "Creating digital content for methodological support of Kazakh rural teachers of Russian language and literature in organizing the educational process in a distant format" (2021-2023) under the leadership of Doctor of Philology, Professor Zh.K. Kiynova.
Graduates can perform the following types of professional activities:
- educational (pedagogical) – teacher of Russian language and literature at secondary educational schools, secondary special educational institutions, vocational schools, as well as in educational institutions of other types and forms, at various training courses;
- experimental research–as a teacher-researcher, employee of various foundations and projects;
- organizational and managerial–as the head of various levels in state and non-state institutions and organizations;
- editorial – editor of the publishing house;
- announcer – as media workers.
Educational programs
Khankishieva Eleonora
Position: Leader of educational program , acting associate professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Khankishieva Eleonora
Position: Leader of educational program , acting associate professor, candidate of sciences
Khankishieva Eleonora graduated from Taraz State University named after I. M.Kh. Dulati with a degree in Russian language and literature.
- teacher of the Russian language and literature at the secondary school named after Abai, Shu (1999-2002);
- Postgraduate student of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (2002-2005);
- Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (2006-2009);
- Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (2009-2016);
- Head (program leader) of the Department of Russian Language and Literature (2016 - present).
- Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati, qualification “teacher of the Russian language and literature”;
- candidate of philological sciences, specialty 10.02.01 - Russian language.
- cognitive linguistics, media discourse
«Linguocultural interactions of the Kazakh and Russian languages in the conditions of sovereign Kazakhstan» (2006-2008),
«Russian language as a translator of special terminology in the science of the Kazakh literary language» (2009-2011),
«Scientific and methodological foundations for the modernization of the content of philological education as a condition for the formation of a multicultural personality» (2012-2014),
«Formation of linguistic competencies of teaching staff in the context of the implementation of the policy of multilingualism in Kazakhstan» (2015-2017),
«Kazakhstan media in the context of globalization and its influence on modernization of public consciousness (linguistic aspect)» (2018-2020);
«Formation of multilingualism of teachers-philologists in the conditions of digitalization of education» (2021).
- Концептуальная модель полиязычного образования / Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. Серия филологическая. – №3 (57). – 2016. – С. 236-240.
- Компетентностный подход как фундамент преобразования профессиональной подготовки полиязычных педагогических кадров // Материалы II международной конференции «Многоязычие и межкультурная коммуникация: Вызовы ХХIго века» (г. Пула, Хорватия) 16-23 июля 2016 г.. – С. 113-117.
- Содержание филологического образования в условиях формирования поликультурной личности: методология, теория, практика. Монография. – Алматы; Издательство «Қыздар университеті», 2016 г. 140 с.
- Языковые компетенции в контексте внедрения полиязычного педагогического образования // Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Концептуальные основы формирования языковых компетенций полиязычных педагогических кадров». – Алматы, 2017. С.179-185.
- Разработка профессионального стандарта и модульной образовательной программы для подготовки полиязычных педагогических кадров» Методические рекомендации. Алматы, 2017. – 84 с.
- Система дескрипторов, критериев и контрольно-измерительных материалов по оцениванию результатов обучения полиязычных педагогических кадров. Методические рекомендации. – Алматы: «Центр Оперативной Полиграфии», 2017. – 40 с.
- Методология уровневого развития языковых компетенций педагогов в контексте требований ОРК в сфере образования. Методическое пособие. Алматы: «Центр Оперативной Полиграфии», 2017. – 96 с.
- Языковые компетенции в контексте внедрения полиязычного педагогического образования. Методическое пособие. Алматы: «Центр Оперативной Полиграфии», 2017. – 68 с.
- Формирование языковых компетенций педагогических кадров в условиях реализации политики полиязычия в Казахстане: Метод. Пособие. Алматы: КазгосЖенПУ, 2017. – 128 с.
- О межкультурном диалоге в содержании полиязычной подготовки специалистов Вестник КазНУ. – Серия филологическая. № 2 (166). – Алматы, 2017. – С. 274-279.
- Main Methods of the Impact of the Kazakhstan Russian-Language Media on Modernization. Opción, Año 35, Especial No.23 (2019): 1155-1170, ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385. (Scopus). SJR-0,1.
- The concept of people and new ideological concepts in Kazakhstan`s media. Opción, Año 36, Regular No.91 (2020): 601-621 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385
- Новый тип языковой личности как продукт социокультурной модернизации: коллективная монография / Под общей ред. Жумагуловой В.И. – Алматы: «Центр Оперативной Полиграфии», 2020. – 148 с.
- Экспериментальный словарь концептов модернизационной парадигмы казахстанских СМИ. – Алматы: «Центр Оперативной Полиграфии», 2020.– 92 с.
Kiynova Zhanar
Position: Professor, doctor of sciences
- Information
Zhanar Kiynova - Fellow of the international program "Bolashak"; holder of the title "Best University Teacher" in 2018; project manager AP 08855826 "Creation of digital content for methodological support of Kazakhstani rural teachers of the Russian language and literature in the organization of the educational process in a distance format" 54 million tenge (2020-2022); author of textbooks for secondary schools with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, textbooks with the stamp of UMO RUMS, monographs, scientific articles in journals indexed in the international scientometric databases Web of Science and SCOPUS (h index = 2).
- Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology; specialty - Russian language and literature at the national school; qualification - Philologist. Teacher of the Russian language and literature at the national school.
- full-time postgraduate study at the Department of General Linguistics, KazNU named after al-Farabi
- classical doctoral studies at the State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin (Moscow)
- Historical Russian studies
- Media linguistics
- Digital pedagogy
- Linguodidactics and Interactive Teaching Methods
- Translation and intercultural communication
- Member of the Kazakhstan Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature
- Member of the Russian Association of Cognitive Linguists
- Member of UMO RUMS specializing in Philology on the basis of Al-Farabi KazNU
- Expert in checking TEP in the specialty "Philology" on the basis of Al-Farabi KazNU
- Chairman of the network competition for the defense of scientific projects in the Russian language and literature among students of NIS
- Creation of a multilingual electronic associative dictionary of modern Kazakhstani realities in the context of translational and transcultural contacts: 2018-2020.
- Creation of digital content for methodological support of Kazakhstani rural teachers of the Russian language and literature in the organization of the educational process in a distance format : 2020-2022.
- Russian language and literature. Textbook for grade 10 of secondary schools with non-Russian language of instruction. - Mektep, 2019.-230 p.
- Russian language and literature. Reader for the 10th grade of secondary schools with a non-Russian language of instruction. - Mektep, 2019.-270 p.
- Russian language and literature. Methodical guide for the 10th grade of secondary schools with non-Russian language of instruction. - Mektep, 2019.-150 p.
- Интерпретация художественного текста: лингвистический аспект: Учебное пособие. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2017. – 120 с.
- Pushkiniana of Kazakhstan: Textbook. – Аlmaty: Kazakh Universiti, 2018. – 100 с.
- История русского литературного языка: Учебное пособие. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2018. – 96 с.
- Methods of scientific research: Educational manual. - Аlmaty: Bilim, 2019.- 164 p.
- Axiological characteristics of ethnocultural realities in cross-cultural communication. // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki. 2017. - No. 3. P. 142-147. DOI: 10.20916 / 1812-3228-2017-3-142-14
- The tendency of word usage in the modern Russian and Kazakhstan media // XLinguae. -2018. -Vol. 11. Issue 2. - P. 686-702. DOI: 10.18355 / XL.2018.11.02.54
- Kazakhstan Realities in the Perception of Representatives of American Ethnolinguoculture // Space and Culture, India 2018, Vol 6 No 3. - P. 71-81.
- Риторический аспект изучения языка // Вестник Кокшетауского государственного университета им. Ч. Валиханова. Серия филолог. 2017. – № 2. – С. 260-266.
- Казахстанская Пушкиниана как направление отечественной филологической науки // Вестник Кокшетауского государственного университета им. Ч. Валиханова. Серия филолог. 2017. – № 3. – С. 237–241.
- Semantic-stylistic originality Slavonic words in language of modern newspapers// Вестник Казахского национального университетаим. аль-Фараби. Серия филолог. – Алматы, 2018. -№ 1.– С.102–107.
- Феномен творческой транскультурной личности современных казахстанских писателей// Вестник Павлодарского государственного университета им. Торайгырова. Серия филолог. 2018. – № 1. – С. 135–141.
- Транскультурный подход в рамках изучения национальной литературы // Вестник Казахского национального университета им. аль-Фараби. Серия филолог. – Алматы, 2018. – № 1. – С. 47–51.
- Старославянский язык как язык культа и культуры // Наука и жизнь Казахстана.2018. – № 6 (66). – С. 358–361.
- Способы семантизации стилистически маркированных архаизмов в русско-казахских переводных словарях // Вестник Павлодарского государственного университета им. Торайгырова. Серия филолог. –2018. – № 4. – С. 152–162.
- Сакральная семантика числа в мифо-поэтической картине мира // Вестник Карагандинского государственного университета. Серия филолог. –2019. – № 2 (94). – С. 53 –58.
- Контент-анализ письменных текстов казахстанских русскоязычных СМИ // Вестник Казахского национального педагогического университета им. Абая. Серия филолог. –2019. – № 3 (69). – С. 403–407.
- Антропоцентричная картина мира в семантике фразеологизмов старославянского происхождения // Вестник Кокшетауского государственного университета им. Ч. Валиханова. Серия филолог. – 2019.– № 4.– С.65–70.
- Числовой код во фразеологической картине мира различных лингвокультур: опыт сопоставительного анализа // Вестник Карагандинского госрударственного университета. – 2020.– № 4 (97). – С.27 –30.
- Окказиональная семантика слова в поэтическом тексте // Наука и жизнь Казахстана. – 2020. – № 12.
- Образы этнокультурного языкового сознания транскультурной личности в процессе изучения русского языка. III межд. научно-практ. конф. под эгидой МАПРЯЛ «От билингивзма к транслингвизму: про и контра».– Москва, 2017.
- Старославянская лексика как источник формирования русской научной терминологии. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Русский язык и литература в современном образовательном пространстве: теория и практика». – Алматы, 2018.;
- Соматический код культуры в семантике фразеологических единиц // Международная научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные проблемы современной лингвистики и литературоведения», посв. 95-летию со дня рождения проф. В.А.Исенгалиевой. – Алматы, 2019.
- Социокультурная маркированность тюркизмов в русскоязычной прессе Казахстана. XIV Конгресс МАПРЯЛ «Русское слово в многоязычном мире». – Нур-Султан, 2019.;
- Казахстанская школа переводоведения: традиции, преемственность и современность. Международной научно-практической конференции «Образ мысли. Актуальные вопросы русско-испанского и испано-русского перевода». – Малага (Испания), 6-7 сентября 2019 г.
- Символика числа «семь» в межкультурной коммуникации. X межд. конф. «Русский язык и культура в зеркале перевода». – Салонники (Греция) 2020.;
- Применение цифровых образовательных ресурсов на уроках русского языка и литературы в условиях дистанционного обучения. Первые международные педагогические чтения, посв. 100-летию со дня рождения Нуртазиной Р.Б. «Школа – Учитель – Инновации в современном мире». – Павлодар, 2021
Guest lectures(Berlin, Germany, june 2019): A series of lectures "The language situation in modern Kazakhstan" for students of the Institute of Slavic Studies at the Berlin Humboldt University, which is included in the TOP-500 according to the results of the QS World University Ranking.
Bazylova Baglan
Position: Acting professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Bazylova Baglan
Position: Acting professor, candidate of sciences
Baglan Bazylova – graduate of the Karaganda State University, 1990.
By the decision of the Dissertation Council at the Almaty State University named after Abai was awarded the academic degree of candidate of philological sciences on January 18, 1999 (protocol No. 1) (Diploma FK №0004746).
By the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the Education and Science field of the Ministry of Education and Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 23, 2005 (Protocol No. 8), the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty "Literary Studies" was awarded (Diploma DC №0000122).
2016 – present – Executive Professor of Russian language and literature Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty
2011-2016 – Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University
2005-2011 – Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University
2000-2004 – Senior Professor, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University
1994-1999 – Graduate student at ANU named after Abay
1990-1994 – Professor at the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature at the Zhezkazgan Pedagogical Institute
Baglan Bazylova constantly conducts research in the field of literature and education.
She is the owner of the state grant "The best teacher of the university" (Ministry of Education and Science, RK, 2014).
She was awarded the medal “For efficiency in labor activity” (National Business Rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013).
Specialty "Russian language and literature in the national school" (Karaganda State University, 1985-1990). Philologist and teacher of Russian language and literature qualifications were awarded (Diploma TV № 764597)
Almaty State University Abai, 1995-1998. Postgraduate studies
Expert of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Expert of the National State Center for Scientific and Technology Evaluation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Expert of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating
- Problems of literary criticism
- Issues in the field of education
- Scientific projects:
- "Linguocultural interaction of the Kazakh and Russian languages in the conditions of sovereign Kazakhstan" (2006-2008).
- "Optimization of educational and methodological support for the Russian language and literature in the higher education" (2006-2008).
- "Russian language as a translator of special terminology in the science of the Kazakh literary language" (2009-2011).
- "Scientific and methodological foundations for the modernization of the content of philological education as a condition for the formation of a multicultural personality" (2012-2014).
- "Formation of linguistic competencies of teaching staff in the context of the implementation of the policy of multilingualism in Kazakhstan" (2015-2017).
- "The idea of statehood and the concept of the historical personality of the era of the Golden Horde in the context of fiction" (2021-2023).
- Kazakh historical novel of the twentieth century. Monograph. ISBN 978-601-280-769-1
- Concepts of “Faith” and “Knowledge” in the ancient Turkic language consciousness // Journal of Language and Literature. 2015. Vol.6, No.4. November. ISSN: 2078-0303. – P.355-363. (Scopus)
- Fact of life and fiction in a historical novel // Bulletin of ENU. N. Gumilyov. Humanities Series. No. 1 (116). 2017.
- Typology of the genre of the historical novel // Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay. Philological series. No. 4 (62). 2017. ISSN-1728-7804
- Place of personality in history and its artistic re-creation // Bulletin of KazNU named after al-Farabi. Philological series. No. 3 (167). 2017. ISSN 1563-0223
- Formation of linguistic competencies of teaching staff in the context of the implementation of the policy of multilingualism in Kazakhstan. Team. Method. Allowance. ISBN 978-601-224-919-4
- Linguistic competencies in the context of the introduction of multilingual teacher education. Team. method. allowance. ISBN 978-601-224-921-7
- Methodology of level development of language competences of teachers in the context of the requirements of the sectoral framework of qualifications in the field of education. Team. method. allowance. ISBN 978-601-224-918-7
- Features of the composition of a historical novel // Bulletin of KazNU named after al-Farabi. Philological series. No. 1 (173). 2019. ISSN 1563-0323
- The role of speech etiquette in the intercultural communication // Bulletin of KazNU im. al-Farabi. Philological series. No. 4 (176). 2019. ISSN 1563-0323
- Speech etiquette and national cultural traditions // Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay. Philological series. No. 4 (70). 2019. ISSN-1728-7804
- Literary-Based Stylistic Devices in Linguacultural Competence Development // Opción, Año 35.2019. No. 88. ISSN 1012-1587. (Scopus).
- Subjective understanding of the student when using open educational resources // Periódico Tchê Química. 2019. Vol.16 (n°33). ISSN 2179-0302. (Scopus).
- The artistic level of the historical novel // Bulletin of PSU named after S. Toraigyrova. Philological series. No. 1 (2020). 2020. ISSN 1811-1823
- Features of speech formulas of greeting-farewell // Bulletin of KazNU named after al-Farabi. Philological series. No. 1 (177). 2020. ISSN 1563-0223
- The concept of national character in a historical novel // Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay. Philological series. No. 3 (73). 2020. ISSN 1728-7804
- The system for assessing learning outcomes // Bulletin of KU named after Sh. Ualikhanov. Philological series. No. 4 (1). 2020. ISSN 1608-2206
- The Formation of Linguacultural Competence of Students in the Process of Teaching // Talent Development & Excellence. 2020. Vol.12, No.1. ISSN 1869-2885.
- The problem of the specificity of the genre of the historical novel and the artistic reflection of the concept of the historical personality // International Journal of Experimental Education. No. 3. 2021. ISSN 2618-7159
- 2015, July 20, 21. Presentation of the article «Gender Specific Nature of the Fiction Conflict in Modern Feminine Prose» on the International Scientific Conference «International Conference on Human and Social Sciences: World Akademy of Science, Engineering and Technology». France, Paris.
- 2017, January 25, presentation of the article "The system of multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan" at the International scientific and practical conference "Conceptual foundations for the formation of language competencies of multilingual teaching staff." Almaty city.
- 2017, November 27, presentation of the article "Innovative teaching technologies" at the International scientific and practical conference "Information and graphic technologies in professional and scientific activities." Russia, Tyumen. ISBN 978-5-9961-1646-1
- 2018, April 19, presentation with the article "Development of multilingual education in technical universities of Kazakhstan" of the International scientific-practical conference "Humanitarization of engineering education: methodological foundations and practice." Russia, Tyumen. ISBN 978-5-9961-1723-9
- 2018, October 11-13, presentation with the article "Artistic reflection of the national character in the historical novel" at the V International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. Almaty city. ISBN 978-601-224-964-4
- 2020, October 20-23, presentation of the article "Ulttyk Mnezdі Tarihi Romandardard Tusinu Muselesi" at the VII International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. Niide, Turkey. ISBN 978-605-70218-3-0
- 2021, May 20-21, presentation with the article "Preparation of multilingual teaching staff in accordance with modern requirements" at the International scientific and practical conference "Problems of engineering and socio-economic education in a technical university in the context of modernization of higher education." Russia, Tyumen.
For students of Tyumne Industrial University (Russia):
1. "Culture of professional communication" (17-21.04.2018);
2. "Technical service documentation. Drafting and editing of the text "(27-31.05.2019);
3. "Communication tactics in modern business rhetoric" (10-15.05.2021, online).
Kazhigalieva Gulzhan
Position: Acting associate professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Kazhigalieva Gulzhan
Position: Acting associate professor, candidate of sciences
Kazhigalieva Gulzhan is a graduate of the Almaty State University named after Abai. 1994 to 1997 studied in full-time postgraduate study at the Almaty State University, after which she defended her thesis in the specialty "Russian language".
1998 to 2007 She worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of General Linguistics at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after S. Abylai Khan.
2010 to 2014 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
From 2015 to the present - acting Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
Author of over 130 scientific papers, including 15 textbooks.
- Almaty State University named after Abai, qualification “teacher of Russian language and literature”;
- candidate of philological sciences, specialty 10.02.01 - "Russian language" (Almaty State University named after Abai).
emotiveness of artistic means of language, topical issues of cultural linguistics and comparative linguistics, media discourse.
- Kazakhstan media in the context of globalization and its influence on modernization of public consciousness (linguistic aspect) (2018-2020);
- Formation of multilingualism of teachers-philologists in the conditions of digitalization of education (2021).
- Концепт «Мәңгілік Ел» и репрезентация лингвистических средств воздействия на модернизацию общественного сознания в СМИ // Вестник КазНУ имени аль-Фараби. – Серия филологическая. - №1 (173). – 2019. – С.59-65. ISSN 1563-0323
- Лингвокультурные особенности метафоризации неба и небесных светил в русском поэтическом дискурсе // Вестник КазНУ имени аль-Фараби. – Серия филологическая. - №2 (174). – 2019. – С.145-151. ISSN 1563-0323
- Main Methods of the Impact of the Kazakhstan Russian-Language Media on Modernization // Opción, Año 35. Especial – No. 23 (2019) - P. 1155-1170 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385
- О лингвокогнитивных технологиях и методах воздействия на модернизацию общественного сознания в казахстанских русскоязычных СМИ // Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. Серия «Филологические науки». – 2019. - №4 (70). – С.451-459. ISSN 1728-7804
- Subjective understanding of the student when using open educational resources // PeriódicoTchêQuímica. 2019. Vol.16 (n°33). ISSN 2179-0302. (Scopus).
- Бинарные оппозиции в языковой категории времени // Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. Серия «Филологические науки». – 2020. - №1 (71), - С.138-147. ISSN 1728-7804
- Аксиологические ориентиры модернизации общественного сознания в казахстанском дискурсе СМИ: лингвокогнитивный аспект // Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. Серия «Филологические науки». – 2020. - №2. – С.50-57. ISSN 1728-7804
- СМИ Казахстана и их влияние на модернизацию общественного сознания (лингвистический аспект). Монография. - Алматы: Центр оперативной полиграфии, 2020. ISBN 978-601-346-032-1
- Новый тип языковой личности как продукт социокультурной модернизации. Коллективная монография. - Алматы: Центр оперативной полиграфии, 2020. ISBN 978-601-346-034-5
- Экспериментальный словарь концептов модернизационной парадигмы казахстанских СМИ. Алматы: Центр оперативной полиграфии, 2020.
Tazhibaeva Shynar
Position: Acting associate professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Tazhibaeva Shynar
Position: Acting associate professor, candidate of sciences
In 1994, Sh. A. Tazhibayeva graduated from the Philological faculty of Kazgoszhenpi (specialty "teacher of Russian language and literature in the Kazakh school"). In 2003, she defended her PhD thesis on the specialty 10.01.02-Kazakh literature.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Since November 1994, she was accepted as a teacher of the department of MPRL Kazgoszhenpi, in 1997 she was transferred to the preparatory department of Kazgoszhenpi, and from September 2003 to the present, she has been working as an acting assoc. prof. at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Kaznatszhenpu.
- Candidate of Philological Sciences;
- Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Intitut.
- Literary studies;
- Methods of teaching literature.
- Идейно-нравственная проблематика в художественных и философских произведениях Шакарима Кудайбердиева. – Вестник Кокшетауского государственного университета им. Ш. Уалиханова. – Серия филологическая, 2018, №1 (1), 59-66 с.
- О лингвокультурологическом аспекте формирования межкультурной компетентности. – Вестник Кокшетауского государственного университета им. Ш. Уалиханова. – Серия филологическая, 2018, №1, 75-83 с. (в соавторстве с Орынхановой Г.А.).
- Особенности организации и проведения факультативных занятий по русской литературе в национальной школе. – Вестник Казахского национального университета им. Аль-Фараби. Серия филологическая, 2019, №1 (173), 240-254 с. (в соавторстве с Ержановой Е.Е.).
- Лингвокультурные особенности метафоризации неба и небесных светил в русском поэтическом дискурсе. – Вестник Казахского национального университета им. Аль-Фараби. Серия филологическая, 2019, №2 (174), 145-151 с. (в соавторстве с Кажигалиевой Г.А.).
- Символика числа семь в казахской литературе. – Вестник Казахского национального университета им. Аль-Фараби. Серия филологическая, 2019, №3 (175), 451-459 с.
- О лингвокогнитивных технологиях и методах воздействия на модернизацию общественного сознания в Казахстанских русскоязычных СМИ. Вестник Казахского национального педагогического университета им. Абая. Серия филологическая, 2019, №4 (70), 451-459 с. (в соавторстве с Г.А. Кажигалиевой).
- V Международная научно-практическая конференция «НАУКА И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ В XXI ВЕКЕ: ДИНАМИКА РАЗВИТИЯ В ЕВРАЗИЙСКОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ» (23–24 апреля 2020 г., Павлодар);
- ХІІ международная научно-методическая конференция «ИННОВАЦИИ В ОБРАЗОВАНИИ: ОРИЕНТИРЫ И ТЕНДЕНЦИИ» (16 ноября 2019 г., Алматы);
- Международная научно-практическая конференция «ГУМАНИТАРИЗАЦИЯ ИНЖЕНЕРНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ: МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ И ПРАКТИКА» (28 – 29 мая 2020 г., Тюмень);
- Международная научно-практическая конференция, приуроченная к 175-летнему юбилею Абая Кунанбаева «Лингвистика и литературоведение на переломе тысячелетий» (27 апреля, 2020 г., Атырау);
- X Международная научная конференция «Русский язык и культура в зеркале перевода» (2020 г., Москва).
Onalbaeva Aigul
Position: Аcting professor, doctor of sciences
- Information
Onalbaeva Aigul
Position: Аcting professor, doctor of sciences
From 1999 to 2004 worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Comparative Grammar and Translation of the KazNPU named after. Abay;
Since July 2004 - Associate Professor, since 2013 Professor of the Department of Russian Philology for Foreigners KazNPU named after Abay;
From 2015 to the present time - Professor of the Department of « the Russian Language and Literature», Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
In 1994 graduated with honors from the Almaty State University named after I. Abai with a degree in “Teacher of the Russian language and literature at the national school”.
In 1999, defended Ph.D. thesis "The syntax of a phrase in a comparative aspect and translation problems" in the specialty 10.02.01 - Russian language, 10.02.02 - Kazakh language;
In 2010 defended doctoral dissertation on the topic "Stratification of non-verbal communication in a socio-cultural context" in the specialty 10.02.19 - theory of language.
- Comparative grammar
- Intercultural communication
- Non-verbal semiotics
- Ethnolinguistics
- Russian-language media, mass media discourse, modernization of public consciousness, linguo-cognitive technologies, ideological concepts, key cognitive models, 2018-2020.
- Creation of digital content for methodological support of Kazakhstani rural teachers of the Russian language and literature in the organization of the educational process in a distance format, 2021-2023.
More than 200 scientific articles (including 3 publications in journals included in the Scopus database), 6 monographs, 10 manuals and 1 electronic textbook: "Non-verbal communication: national-cultural context "(2010) "Social and cultural aspect of non-verbal communication" (2013), "Culture in the mirror of language" (2014) “Communicative and cultural functions of gastric units of the Kazakh language” (2017); «National and cultural features of non-verbal communication» (2020); "The syntax of the phrase in the comparative aspect" (2005); "Practical course of the Russian language" (2012); "Textbook of the Kazakh language for Foreigners "(2013); "Practical course of the Russian language". Electronic textbook (2013);" Russian—Kazakh thematic dictionary "(2014); «Methods of scientific research. Educational manual» (2019) etc.
- The use of non-verbal means of communication in the practice of teaching RFL as a means of enhancing the cognitive activity of students // Problematic and informational approach to the implementation of the goals of modern education: theory and practice "Materials of the XI international scientific and practical conference" Education on the verge of millennia ", Nizhnevartovsk, November 5, 2015;
- National and cultural features of the Kazakh non-verbal language // III International Symposium on Turkic World Studies, Baku;
- Phatic non-verbal communication // International scientific-practical conference "Innovations in Education and Science", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of Suleyman Demirel University, Kaskelen, SDU, October 14, 2016;
- Professional competencies of a digital teacher of rural schools // XII International Conference "Kazakhstan in the international educational space", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on April 7, 2021;
Nagieva Anar
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Nagieva Anar in 1993 graduated from the philological faculty of the Almaty State University named after Abay. In 2014 she received a master's degree in pedagogy from the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University.
She began her career as a teacher of the Russian language and literature at school-gymnasium №140 named. M. Makataev, Almaty.
Until 2006, she worked as a teacher of the Russian language and literature, then as deputy director for scientific and methodological work at the school-lyceum №131 named after B. Momyshuly, Almaty.
2006-2016 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University.
2016-2019 – Senior Lecturer at the Linguistic Center of the Narxoz University.
From 2020 to the present, senior lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- 1987-1993 – Almaty State University named after Abay ШВ №316107. Qualification: teacher of the Russian language and literature at the national school.
- 2012-2014 – Master's degree at the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University. PGE-М № 0052028. Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
- "National and cultural features of the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls". "Bulletin of KazNatZhenPU", 2021 (in press).
- "Style of periodic publications of Kazakhstan". Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay. Philological series. – №2(76), 2021. – P. 70-76.
- "Concept "Time" in the ancient Türkic linguistic picture of the world". News of the National Academy of Sciences. A series of social sciences and humanities. - No. 3(307). May-June 2016. – P. 190-192.
- Verbalization of the concept "sky" in Russian linguoculture. Bulletin of KazNU named after al-Farabi. Philological series. – No.1(153). – Almaty: “Kazakh University, 2015. – P. 154-159.
- "Lexicology and phraseology of the modern Russian language." Collection of exercises. Tutorial. In collaboration with G.A. Kazhigalieva, A.N. Shmanova, G.A. Kazhigalieva. – Almaty: Evero, 2013. – 104 p.
- "Professional Russian language". Tutorial. In collaboration with Zhumagulova V.I., Bazylova B.K., Kazhigalieva G.A. – Almaty: "Kyzdar University", 2013. – 228 p.
- “Concept “heaven” in Russian linguoculture”. Bulletin of KazNU named after al-Farabi. Philological series, No. 1-2 (141-142). Almaty: "Kazakh University", 2013. – P. 24-28.
- "Language communication as the most important factor in language development." Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of literary criticism and linguistics, methods of teaching language and literature." – Almaty, April 28, 2021. – P. 80-85.
- "National and cultural specificity of phraseological units." Materials of the republican scientific-theoretical conference "Actual problems of philological education in the modern socio-cultural space." – Almaty: "Kyzdar University", 2016. – P. 96-100.
- "Leningraders, my children!" Zh. Zhabaev as a masterpiece of patriotic poetry”. Materials of the international scientific-theoretical conference "Zhambyl Zhabayev – People's Poet of the Great Steppe". – Almaty: "Kyzdar University", 2016. – P. 218-220.
- "The mythological basis of the concept "sky" in the Kazakh language consciousness." Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Kuryshzhanov readings". – Almaty: "Kyzdar University", 2014. – S. 68-72.
- "Modern innovative technologies in education." Materials of the republican scientific-theoretical conference "Modernization of the content of philological education in the Republic of Kazakhstan". – Almaty: "Kyzdar University", 2014. – P. 214-217.
- “Ethno-cultural originality of the concept “heaven”. Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference "Linguistic personality in the multicultural space of Kazakhstan". – Almaty: "Kyzdar University", 2013.–P. 227-231.
- "Traditional implementation of the elements of the linguistic structure as the basis of the culture of speech in the process of communication." Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Independence and theoretical problems of literary criticism". – Almaty: "Kyzdar University", 2012. – P. 393-396.
Orynkhanova Gibadat
Position: Acting associate professor, candidate of sciences
- Information
Orynkhanova Gibadat
Position: Acting associate professor, candidate of sciences
Since 1996 – acting Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature in the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University.
In 1996, she graduated from the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical Institute, specialty: "Russian Language and Literature in the National School".
In February 1999, she defended her Candidate Dissertation (ҒК №0006111).
- Проблемы перевода
- История русской литературы
- Введение в литературоведение
- СМИ Казахстана в условиях глобализации и их влияние на модернизацию общественного сознания (лингвистический аспект). 2018-2020 жж.
- Научно-методические основы разработки и внедрения системы критериев апробации учебной литературы 2020-2023 жж.
- Создание цифрового контента для методической поддержки казахстанских сельских учителей русского языка и литературы в организации образовательного процесса в дистанционном формате 2020-2022 жж.
1. On the formation of professional competence of future social pedagogues. - International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020, pp. 268-275
2. The concept of people and new ideological concepts in Kazakhstan`s media. - Opción, Año 36, Regular No.91 (2020): 601-621
3. The metaphoric conception of national character in Abay Kunanbayev’s works. - Opción, Año 36, Regular No.91 (2020): 622-638
4. Linguistic and communicative aspects of argumentation in the business field of communication. - Opción, Año 36, Regular No.91 (2020): 684-701
5. Linguacultural types of personalities: leader, authority.- Opción, Año 36, Regular No.91 (2020): 639-651
6. О лингвокультурологическом аспекте формирования межкультурной компетентности. – Вестник Кокшетауского государственного университета им. Ш. Уалиханова. – Серия филологическая, 2018, №1 (1), 75-83 с. (в соавторстве с Г.А. Кажигалиевой, Ш.А. Тажибаевой).
7. Қазақ алфавитінің мәселесі туралы алғашқы сын пікірлер . – Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы Көкшетау мемлекеттік университетінің Хабаршысы. – Филология сериясы, 2015, №1, 284-289 б. (Әбдіқалық К.С. бірлескен авторлықта).
8. Сұлтанмахмұт өлеңдеріндегі азаттық идея. – М.Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университетінің Хабаршысы. – 2016, № 2 (62), 260-267 б. (Әбдіқалық К.С. бірлескен авторлықта).
9. Зеркальность как прием создания внутреннего мира героя в творчестве М. Булгакова. – Вестник Кокшетауского государственного университета им. Ш. Уалиханова. – Серия филологическая, 2018, №1 (1), 267-274 с. (в соавторстве с Р. Кожасовой).
10. Клим Самгин – зловещий социально-психологический тип, рожденный эпохой революционных потрясений. – Вестник Казахского государственного женского педагогического университета. – 2018, №3 (75), 97-106 с.
11. Бинарные оппозиции в языковой категории времени. – Вестник Казахского национального педагогического университета им. Абая. Серия «Филологические науки», 2020, №1(71), 138-147 с. (в соавторстве с Г.А. Кажигалиевой, А. Шайхадан).
12. Невербальныe лакуны: лингвокультурологический аспект. – Наука и жизнь Казахстана, 2020, №2/2, 345-348 с. (в соавторстве с А.Т. Оналбаевой, Ж.Б. Ибраевой).
13. Изучение рассказа «Старуха Изергиль» в ВУЗе. – Наука и жизнь Казахстана, 2020, №6/4, 270-278 с. (в соавторстве с Ф.Т. Саметовой).
14. Табу и эвфемизмы в казахском языке. – Вестник Кокшетауского государственного университета им. Ш. Уалиханова. – Серия филологическая, 2020, №3, 59-66 с. (в соавторстве с Нусібақын Ж.Е., Оналбаевой А.Т.,).
15. Аксиологические ориентиры модернизации общественного сознания в Казахстанском дискурсе СМИ: лингвокогнитивный аспект. – Вестник Казахского национального педагогического университета им. Абая. Серия «Филологические науки», 2020, №2 (72), 50-57 с. (в соавторстве с Г.А. Кажигалиевой, Б.С. Каримовой).
17. Спор о правде в драме М. Горького “На дне”– Вестник Казахского национального педагогического университета им. Абая. Серия «Филологические науки», 2020, №2 (72), 285-293 с. (в соавторстве с Б.С. Каримовой, Ж.Б. Ибраевой).
Aubakirova Altyn
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Aubakirova Altyn
Position: Senior lecturer, master of sciences
Altyn Aubakirova is a graduate of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. In 1992 she received an academic education with a degree in Russian language and literature. In 2019, she graduated from the master's program of this university in the specialty "Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction", having received an academic master's degree in pedagogical sciences.
She began her career in 1992 as a specialist in the implementation of the state language, i.e. translator of Kazakh-Russian languages and worked in this direction for several years. She is engaged in the translation of business, scientific and technical, journalistic, documentary and literary texts.
In 2017, in order to switch to pedagogical activity, she entered the magistracy, after which she taught Russian literature at the College at the Kazakh Head of Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy, then the Russian language at the Kainar Academy as a Senior Lecturer.
Altyn Aubakirova is engaged in research in the field of linguistics. She took part in a number of conferences, has publications in scientific journals.
- Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan)
- Russian language and literature, academic education, Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abai (Kazakhstan)
- Cognitive linguistics
- Linguistic objectification of concepts сердце / жүрек / a heart: 2019
- Color-denoting vocabulary in Russian and Kazakh languages.
- Выражение человеческих ценностей в русских и казахских пословицах и поговорках /тезисы статьи // Сб.материалов Международной конференции МАПРЯЛ «Русский в социально-культурном пространстве ХХІ века» (Алматы, 10-12 сентября 2001 г.) – С. 203-204.
- Соматизмы как объект лингвокогнитивных исследований // Сб. материалов конференции «Наука России: цели и задачи» (Екатеринбург, 2019) – С. 5-10.
- Соматизмы со значением «вместилище эмоций» в русском и казахском языках // LigvLit: Научный альманах. Вып. 3 (3). – Алматы: ТОО «КОПИТЕК», 2019, с. 28-33.
- К вопросу об осмыслении языковой картины мира как отражения национальной ментальности // Сб. материалов Международной научно-практической онлайн конференции «Независимость Казахстана и духовно-культурные ценности», посвященной 30-летию Независимости Республики Казахстан. 2-том. – Алматы: КазНПУ им. Абая, изд-во «Улагат», 2021 г.
- 2018, November – 3rd place for the report on the topic: «Исследование соматизмов в лингвистике» ("Research of somatisms in linguistics") at the traditional 73-scientific conference of students and undergraduates, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of KazNPU named after Abay "Innovation of philological knowledge: tradition and continuity".
Egizbaeva Zamira
Position: Senior Lecturer
- Information
Egizbaeva Zamira in 1993 graduated from the philological faculty of the Almaty State University named after Abay.
She began her career as a teacher of the Russian language and literature at school-gymnasium № 40 named, Almaty.
1993-1994 – teacher of the Russian language and literature at school-gymnasium № 40 named, Almaty.
From 1994 to the present, senior lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
- 1987-1993 – Almaty State University named after Abay ШВ №316107. Qualification: teacher of the Russian language and literature at the national school.
Throughout 2016-2021 13 scientific articles were published: 1 SKOPUS, 4 - KKSON, 10 articles at international and national conferences.
Seidamat Raushan
Position: Lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Seidamat Raushan
Position: Lecturer, master of sciences
Seidamat Raushan Abylkasymkyzy is a graduate of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. In 2017, he graduated from a bachelor's degree in Russian language and literature. In 2019 he received a master's degree from the same university.
She began her career as a teacher at gymnasium school №188.
- Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction. 2013-2017 (Kazakhstan)
Master's degree
- Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction. 2017-2019 biennium (Kazakhstan)
- Organizational culture and design methods
- "Dialogue learning in the lessons of the Russian language and literature as a way to solve the problems of quality education", № 03 (100) Nauryz 2021zhyl
- «The use of new innovative technologies in the lessons of the Russian language and literature ", № 04 (101) sәuir 2021zhyl, Kazakhstan ұstazdary
- "Tauelsizdik kieli uym" № 01 (04) sәuir 2021zhyl, Ortak til ult birligi
Yersainova Akmaral
Position: Master of Social Sciences
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Yersainova Akmaral Ermekovna graduated from the Kazakh National University named after. Al-Farabi, majoring in Russian language and literature.
- teacher of Russian language and literature at the Almaty College of Technology and Floristry (2020-2022);
- teacher of Russian language and literature at school No. 2 named after. S.Seifullina (2021-2022)
- Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature at the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University (2022 – present);
- Kazakh National University named after. Al-Farabi, qualification “teacher of Russian language and literature”;
- Master of Social Sciences in specialty – M067 Journalism and Information.
Research interests: cognitive linguistics
- Көрнекті ғалым, публицист, ұстаз, филология ғылымдарының докторы, профессор НАМАЗАЛЫ ОМАШҰЛЫ ОМАШЕВТЫҢ 70 жасқа толуына арналған «ҰЛТТЫҚ ЖУРНАЛИСТИКА: ЗЕРТТЕУ ЖӘНЕ БІЛІМ БЕРУ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ» атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік онлайн-конференциясының жинағы «Қазіргі журналистиканың дамуындағы әлеуметтік желілердің рөлі» мақаласы
Ivanova Marina
Position: Senior Lecturer
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Ivanova Marina Gennadievna graduated in 1990 from the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology, specialty "Teacher of Russian Language and Literature," diploma with honors
Professional experience:
- teacher of the Russian language and literature of secondary school No. 51 and the Olympic reserve school No. 3 in winter sports of Almaty (1990-1995);
- Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, Military Institute of Border Troops of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995-1999)
- teacher of the Russian language for foreign students of the Higher Cambridge School in Almaty (1999-2005);
- work on a contract basis as a teacher of the Russian language for foreigners (2005-2010);
- Associate Professor of the Section of Language Disciplines, Department of Social and Cultural Technologies, AF SPbGUP (2010-2016);
- Deputy Director of AF SPbGUP for Research (2012-2020);
- Professor, Section of Language Disciplines, Department of Social and Cultural Technologies, AF SPbGUP (2012-2021);
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Russian Language and Literature, KazNZHPU (2023 - present).
- Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology, specialty "Teacher of Russian Language and Literature," diploma with honors;
- candidate of pedagogical sciences
Research interests:
- Russian language and culture of speech, pedagogy and ethnopsychology, methods of teaching the Russian language
Scientific projects:
- Full member of the scientific school of St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Intercultural Communication in the Modern Humanitarian Paradigm," included in the Register of Leading Scientific and Scientific Pedagogical Schools of St. Petersburg (2015-2019)
- Ситуации речевого поведения как показатель национально-культурной специфики этноса. «Образование и общество». Научный, информационно-аналитический журнал для исследователей и организаторов системы образования. ВАК РФ, № 1, 2014 г. – С. 112-115.
- К вопросу о предметной специфике этнопсихологии как науки о межэтническом взаимодействии. «Теория и практика общественного развития». Научный, информационно-аналитический журнал для исследователей и организаторов системы образования. ВАК РФ, № 4, 2014г. – С. 70-73.
- О составляющих понятия «этнос» как основной категории этнопсихологии. Электронный научный журнал «Современные проблемы науки и образования» по адресу ВАК РФ, № 2, 2014г.;
- Особенности русского национального характера в контексте системы верований и языка. «Политическая лингвистика» для филологов, политологов, социологов, журналистов и политиков. ВАК РФ, № 3 (53), 2015г. – С. 199-204.
- Культура как базовое понятие в формировании этнопсихологической компетенции у китайских учащихся при изучении русского языка. «Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики». ВАК РФ, № 11 (35), 2015г. Часть 2 – С. 69-73.
- Актуальность компетентностного подхода в рамках основных тенденций развития Болонского процесса на современном этапе высшего образования. Коллективная монография «Компетентностный подход в образовании» / отв. Редактор А.Ю. Нагорнова. – Ульяновск: Зебра, 2016г. – С. 66-79.
- Взаимосвязь этнической психологии и межкультурной коммуникации в процессе изучения русского языка как иностранного. «European Social Science Journal» (международный научный журнал). ВАК РФ, Педагогические науки, 2016г. – С.285-291.
- Этнопсихологический аспект современной межкультурной коммуникации. Коллективная монография «Культура, язык, литература в современной парадигме». – Алматы: Алматинский филиал НОУ ВПО «СПбГУП», 2017г. – С. 90-107.
- Традиционные особенности русских и китайских именных формул в контексте межкультурной коммуникации. Научный журнал «Филология и человек». ВАК РФ, № 3, 2017г. С. 184-191.
- Фитотопонимы как составная часть языковой картины мира. Коллективная монография «Славяне. Культура. Язык»: Издательство Щецинского университета, Польша. 2018г. – С. 35-48.
- Значение междисциплинарных этнопсихологических исследований применительно к национально ориентированной технологии РКИ. Научный журнал «Филология и человек». ВАК РФ, № 3, 2018г. – С.241-247.
- Концептосфера национального языка как смысловое ядро народной ментальности // XIX Международные Лихачевские научные чтения 23-24 мая 2019 года. «Мировое развитие: проблемы предсказуемости и управляемости» / Секция 2. Человек и культура в эпоху глобальных перемен – СПб, Санкт-Петербургский Гуманитарный университет профсоюзов, 2019г., – С. 340-342.
- Значение особенностей национального менталитета в процессе обучения русскому языку как иностранному. Мир науки, культуры, образования. ВАК РФ, №1(80), 2020г. – С. 56-59.
- Правомочность как архетипическое смысловое ядро профессиональных компетенций студента. Modern Humanities Success / Успехи гуманитарных наук. ВАК РФ, №2, 2020г. – С. 107-112.
- Песня как социокультурный компонент методики преподавания РКИ. Современные наукоемкие технологии. ВАК РФ, № 9, 2021г. – С. 188-193.
Abu Nazgul Izbasarkyzy
Position: Master of sciences, Lecturer
- Information
Abu Nazgul U basarkyzy is a graduate of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. In 2020, he graduated from a bachelor's degree in Russian language and literature. In 2023 she graduated from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai and received a master's degree. She began her career as a teacher at gymnasium school №168.
- Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction. 2016-2020 (Kazakhstan)
- Master's degree Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction. 2021-2023 (Kazakhstan)
- Literature teaching methodology
- The plot of initiation in the fairy tale «Er-Tostik» - Collection of the international scientific and practical conference «Nurgali Readings-XII», Astana, 2023.
- «Female initiation in a fairy tale» - International scientific journal «Young Scientist» No.17(464), 2023.
Igenbay Tokzhan Erbosynkyzy
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
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Igenbay Tokzhan Erbosynkyzy
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Igenbay Tokzhan Erbosynovna, graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute in 2008. 2011-2013 Graduated from a master's degree in Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction.
In 2012, she completed a scientific and practical internship at the Center for Eastern European Studies of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and at the Higher School of Foreign Languages in Świecz in Przasnysz. She began her career as a specialist at the Center for Advanced Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. She has been working at the Department of Russian Language and Literature since 2013.
EDUCATION: Master of Education; Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.
FIELD OF STUDY: Literary studies; Methods of teaching literature.
- С. Жүнісовтің әңгімелеріндегі ұлттық таным. – Қазақ ұлттық қыздар педагогикалық Университеті, Хабаршы, №4 (76) 2018, ISSN 2306-5079, 2018, №1 (1), 59-66 с.
- Әдеби шығармаларды оқытуда интерактивті әдістерді пайдалану (С. Жүнісовтің «Мүгедек» әңгімесі негізінде), Қазақ ұлттық қыздар педагогикалық Университеті, Хабаршы, №4 (80) 2019, ISSN 2306-5079, Индекс 75138.
- Сәкен Жүнісовтің «Өткен күндер белгісі» повесін талдауда Кубизм әдісінің тиімділігі. – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, Хабаршы, №2 (72) 2020, Филология ғылымдары сериясы (Педагогика және әдістеме мәселелері), ISSN 1728-7804, Индекс 75138.
Bimurzaeva Gaugar Karimovna
Position: Lecturer
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Bïmwrzaeva Gawgar Kärimqızı 1988-94 jıldarı Almatı qalası, Abay memlekettik wnïversïtetin bitirgen, orıs tili men orıs ädebïeti päniniñ ulttıq muğalimi. Mektep.
- teacher of Russian language and literature, KSU OSH No. 19
- Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical Institute, 2022.
- 1988-94 - Almaty, Abai ASU, teacher of Russian language and Russian literature at the national. school
- 2003-2006 Kostanay, KSU named after. A. Baitursynova, engineer for standardization and certification of agricultural products.
Area of scientific interests: linguistics.
- The concept of “Family” in the process of studying the features of intercultural communication. Integration approach to the education system No. 105/2023 Norwegian Journal for the Development of International Science. ISSN 3453-9875
- Reception of the religious and philosophical issues of the works of F. Dostoevsky from the point of view of American criticism.
- No. 41 2023 Annali d'Italia ISSN 3572-2436 Annali d'Italia (Italian scientific journal).
- No 122/2023 Norwegian Journal of International Science Development ISSN 3453-9875 (English) “Literary text in a modern integrated approach of the education system”.
- No81/2024 ISSN 3375-2389 (English) T.1 “Philological sciences artistic world F.M. Dostoevsky in the aspect of intercultural dialogue", 1000 copies. Danish Scientific Journal (DSJ), Istedgade 104 1650 Copenhagen V Denmark.
Zadayeva Almagul Abdollaevna
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
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Zadayeva Almagul Abdollaevna
Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Zadaeva Almagul Abdollaevna graduated in 2001 from the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute with a degree in Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction.
- teacher of Russian language and literature at the Besterek secondary school of East Kazakhstan region (1996-1997);
- senior laboratory assistant at the department of Russian language and literature of from the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute (2001-2002);
- postgraduate student of the Department of Russian Language and Literature the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute (2003-2005);
- Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature at the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute (2005-2008);
- Master’s student of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University 2013-2015;
- Senior Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (2008-2020);
- doctoral student of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (2020-2023);
- Senior Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (2023 to present).
- Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute, qualification “Teacher of Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction”;
- Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University, Master of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 6M012200 - “Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction.”
- Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, doctoral studies in the specialty “8D01702 Russian language and literature.”
Scientific projects:
- «Linguocultural interactions of the Kazakh and Russian languages in the conditions of sovereign Kazakhstan» (2006-2008),
- «Russian language as a translator of special terminology in the science of the Kazakh literary language» (2009-2011),
- «Scientific and methodological foundations for the modernization of the content of philological education as a condition for the formation of a multicultural personality» (2012-2014),
- «Formation of linguistic competencies of teaching staff in the context of the implementation of the policy of multilingualism in Kazakhstan» (2015-2017),
- «Kazakhstan media in the context of globalization and its influence on modernization of public consciousness (linguistic aspect)» (2018-2020);
- «Formation of multilingualism of teachers-philologists in the conditions of digitalization of education» (2021).
Area of scientific interests:
Professional competencies of a teacher, quality of teacher education, media discourse.
- Языковые компетенции в контексте внедрения полиязычного педагогического образования // Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Концептуальные основы формирования языковых компетенций полиязычных педагогических кадров». – Алматы, 2017. С.179-185.
- Разработка профессионального стандарта и модульной образовательной программы для подготовки полиязычных педагогических кадров» Методические рекомендации. Алматы, 2017. – 84 с.
- Система дескрипторов, критериев и контрольно-измерительных материалов по оцениванию результатов обучения полиязычных педагогических кадров. Методические рекомендации. – Алматы: «Центр Оперативной Полиграфии», 2017. – 40 с.
- Методология уровневого развития языковых компетенций педагогов в контексте требований ОРК в сфере образования. Методическое пособие. Алматы: «Центр Оперативной Полиграфии», 2017. – 96 с.
- Языковые компетенции в контексте внедрения полиязычного педагогического образования. Методическое пособие. Алматы: «Центр Оперативной Полиграфии», 2017. – 68 с.
- Формирование языковых компетенций педагогических кадров в условиях реализации политики полиязычия в Казахстане: Метод. Пособие. Алматы: КазгосЖенПУ, 2017. – 128 с.
- О межкультурном диалоге в содержании полиязычной подготовки специалистов Вестник КазНУ. – Серия филологическая. № 2 (166). – Алматы, 2017. – С. 274-279.
- Main Methods of the Impact of the Kazakhstan Russian-Language Media on Modernization. Opción, Año 35, Especial No.23 (2019): 1155-1170, ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385. (Scopus). SJR-0,1.
- The concept of people and new ideological concepts in Kazakhstan`s media. Opción, Año 36, Regular No.91 (2020): 601-621 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385
- Новый тип языковой личности как продукт социокультурной модернизации: коллективная монография / Под общей ред. Жумагуловой В.И. – Алматы: «Центр Оперативной Полиграфии», 2020. – 148 с.
- Экспериментальный словарь концептов модернизационной парадигмы казахстанских СМИ. – Алматы: «Центр Оперативной Полиграфии», 2020. – 92 с.
- 12. Вопросы обеспечения качества подготовки будущих учителей русского языка и литературы // Научный журнал «Вестник НАН РК», №4(398), 78-93.
- 13. Организационно-методическое обеспечение образовательной программы «Русский язык и литература» // Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева. Серия: Педагогика. Психология. Социология №143 (2). 2023 г. С.111-125.
Akhmetova Sakhidam
Position:Lecturer, master of sciences
- Information
Akhmetova Sakhidam graduated from the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University in 2020 with a degree in Russian Language and Literature.
- primary school teacher named after O. Mukhammadiy (2016-2017)
- teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Literature (2021 – present).
- Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, specialty "Russian language and Literature" (2020);
- Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, EP "7M01703 - Russian language and literature" (2022);
Research interests: cognitive linguistics, media discourse
- Лингвокультурология как область научного знания // Материалы международной научно-практической конференции студентов, магистрантов и молодых ученых «Актуальные проблемы литературоведения и лингвистики, методики преподавания языка и литературы» Алматы, 20 мая 2022 г., 127 с.
Dauletkulova Dinara
Position : Lecturer, master of sciences
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Dauletkulova Dinara
Position : Lecturer, master of sciences
Dauletkulova Dinara Yerzhankyzy is a graduate of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. In 2017, he graduated from a bachelor's degree in Russian language and literature. In 2019 he received a master's degree from the same university.
She began her career as a teacher at gymnasium school №188.
- Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction. 2012-2016 (Kazakhstan)
Master's degree
- Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction. 2017-2019 (Kazakhstan)
• Organizational culture and design methods
- "The project method in the lessons of the Russian language in the framework of the implementation of the policy of multilingualism" - Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Conceptual foundations for the formation of language competence of multilingual pedagogical personnel", Almaty, 2017
- "Design and research activities as a means of developing gifted students" - Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of modern linguistics and literary criticism", Almaty, 2018
- "The role of the project method in the implementation of a new updated educational content", KazSU Vestnik, Almaty, 2019