The Center for youth policy annually announces the competition" 100 best students"

    • The Center for youth policy annually announces the competition

      In honor of the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National Women's teacher training University, the first stage of the competition "100 best students-2024" has begun.

      At the II stage, the decision of the meeting of the University Commission determines the winners of the prizes.

      III stage – the winners of the competition in all areas will be announced at the final party, a letter of thanks from the chairman of the management board-Rector and prizes will be awarded with financial certificates.

      Directions of the competition:

      • Academic performance;
      • Scientific achievements;
      • Social and social activity;
      • Sports achievements.

      Students of 1-4 courses of full-time education with high achievements in Educational, Research, social and social activities, sports and cultural life of the university can take part in the competition.

      To participate in the competition and submit an application, you must submit an application to the management of the institute within the time limits specified on the Instagram page @qyzpu_zhastary according to the attached template.

      The candidate with the highest rating (the number of points for assessing competencies, personal and professional achievements) will receive a special certificate and his portfolio will be published on the website of Kyzpu and displayed on the information boards of the University.
