Vacancies were offered to the attention of graduates

    • Vacancies were offered to the attention of graduates

      ALMATY. May 13.  Press Service - In order to make opportunities for employment of graduates of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University in their chosen professions, a "Job Fair" was held.

      More than 800 students and representatives of educational institutions from 32 districts of Almaty and Aktobe regions participated in the event, which was organized on the official Instagram page of the university.

      Kymbat Balazhanova, director of the Department for Academic Affairs, was the speaker at the online fair. In her speech, Yerkin Zhumankulova, Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work, noted that the fair was one of the main mechanisms for promoting the employment of graduates in pedagogical specialties.

      The traditional event was organized in order to form a unified Kazakhstani educational space of domestic pedagogical universities, create a common platform for dialogue on youth employment and provide information in job searching opportunities, as well as promote employment of graduates. President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his address "Growth of welfare of Kazakhstani people: increase of income and quality of life" noted that the main criterion of university success assessment is graduates' employment, highly paid job. In this regard, the job fair for pedagogical specialties is the mechanism of the optimal solution to the youth unemployment problem, - said Yerkin Zhumankulova.

      The fair published a list of vacancies in educational institutions in Almaty and Aktobe regions and provided complete and reliable information in this area. For example, 251 subject teachers are needed in Aktobe region, and 1,196 teachers and educators are needed in Almaty region.

      During the event, students were able to communicate directly with the specialists from the Departments of Education of Iliysk, Zhambyl and Panfilov districts of Almaty region, who gave detailed answers to their questions.

      There were about 400 questions at the fair, which lasted more than two hours. Most of the questions concerned benefits for young specialists, the state program "With diploma - to the village ", about scarce specialties.

      Organizing job fairs is important not only for young specialists, but also for employers. It allows graduates to receive interesting information about vacancies, and for us to assess their business acumen. After these activities, we provide information to graduates. The school assigns mentors to young specialists who initiate young educators into the intricacies of the professions.  If today's graduates are ready to start working, we are always ready to support them. We have not abandoned anyone - we will support everyone," education officials added.

      According to statistics, 1,548 students graduated from the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University in the 2017-2018 academic year, and 95% of them were employed.



      Contact phone number:  8 (727) 237-00-07


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