QyzPU students took part in the First Youth convention "Kazakhstan - bar gumyrym!"

    • QyzPU students took part in the First Youth convention

      In the EXPO square of Astana, the youth movement "Zhana adamdar" organized the first youth convention "Kazakhstan - bar gumyrym!". More than 15 thousand people applied to participate in the event. As a result, more than 8 thousand participants from 20 regions of the country gathered in the capital.

      The event was attended by 50 students of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. Each student was able to find a world that is close to her: a field of knowledge, a TikTok zone, dancing, streetart, music, geek culture and style zones. The regions of football, wrestling, streetball, skateboarding/bmx and workout worked for sports fans.

      The main feature of the convention is new acquaintances. To create strong horizontal ties, participants were offered a unique mobile application for "mining" friends and a special internal currency of the Convention - DOS coin. The active girls of our university attended this evening, found new friends and got wonderful impressions.

      The convention ended with a gala concert featuring the band Ninety One and Dequine, Aikyn, BONAPART.
