QyzPU students in the Kazan Summer University project

    • QyzPU students in the Kazan Summer University project

      Program leader of the department "Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technologies" Sandibayeva Nazira Abdikadirovna and students of "6B01505-Physics Informatics" Ayazkhan Akmaral, Oman Balzhan, students of "6B05302-Physics" Ermakhanova Gulnar, Sagyndyk Altynai, student of "6B01504-Physics" Amankeldy Zeynep participates in the project "Summer University" for international students, which takes place at Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Tatarstan). 

      The Summer University is a dynamic Academic and rich cultural program. This is a great opportunity to gain new educational experience, meet with the best students from other countries and share their experiences, gain new knowledge. The federal project "Summer University" was organized on the initiative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The event is attended by more than 400 participants from 23 countries.  The project is aimed at popularizing education abroad, establishing interpersonal, intercultural and international relations, and developing ties between countries, Russian and foreign students.
