A dissertation council has been opened at QyzPU

    • A dissertation council has been opened at QyzPU

      Dear colleagues, scientists and applicants!  Based on the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 14, 2024  №294 "On approval of the Model Regulations on the Dissertation Council", amendments and additions were made to the Regulations "On the Dissertation Council" of the University.

      We inform you that in accordance with these requirements, the dissertation council for the following educational programs has been reopened at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.

      8D05301 – Chemistry (scientific direction), 8D01503 – Chemistry (pedagogical direction)
      8D01703 – Foreign language: two foreign languages

      In addition, the university has opened a dissertation council on educational programs "8D01502 – Computer Science", "8D01505 – Mathematics". We wish success to the members of the dissertation council and invite applicants to defend their dissertation on the above educational programs!

      Order № 274
