Presentation of textbooks and teaching aids by Gulnaz Salgarayeva

    • Presentation of textbooks and teaching aids by Gulnaz Salgarayeva

      There was a presentation of textbooks recommended by the Republican Educational and Methodological Council "Python Programming" "Methods and technology of distance learning" and an educational manual "The use of digital technologies in inclusive education for hard of hearing children" developed as part of the implementation of a scientific project of grant funding, Director of the Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technologies of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, a scientist, Gulnaz Ibragimovna Salgarayeva, who has been working tirelessly for about 30 years and is engaged in training specialists in accordance with modern requirements.


      Gulnaz Ibragimovna graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. She became a graduate of the Women's University and began her first career at our university. Gulnaz Ibragimovna's contribution to science is huge. More than 300 scientific papers, monographs, textbooks, textbooks in the field of Computer Science and mathematics contribute to improving the knowledge of the younger generation. Scientific articles and papers have been published at major international scientific forums in Japan, China, India, Ukraine, Austria, Slovakia, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. He is also the author of textbooks "Informatics" recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science for secondary schools.


      The presentation ceremony was attended by Chairman of the Management Board – Rector Gulmira Kanai and Vice-rectors Zakir Dzhumakulov, Kymbat Balazhanova, as well as honorary guests, Chairman of the Management Board – Rector of Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedova Idrisov Salamat Nurmukhanuly, Rector of UIB University Makhmetova Anar Musaevna, editor-in-chief of Arman-PV publishing house Bekbolatova Aigul Nurmukashevna, editor-in-chief of the digital content department of Arman-PV Publishing house Baktigalieva Aisulu Umbetkalivna, Professor of the Department of Teaching Methods of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, PhD. Sagimbayeva Ainur Yesengazievna, Director of the Department of Online Education at the Almaty University of Management, Ph.D. Darazha Nagashibaevna Isabayeva, Professor of the Department of Mathematics at Suleiman Demirel University, PhD Dauletkulova Aigul Utegenovna, Professor of the Kazakh-Russian Medical University, PhD Nurgul Kurmanbekkyzy and the university staff, young scientists, students of the scientist took part and stressed that textbooks and teaching aids published by Gulnaz Ibragimovna, are valuable works that make a great contribution to the training of computer science teachers in the country.


      Also, on the occasion of Gulnaz Ibragimovna's 50th birthday, the participants of the event congratulated the birthday girl and expressed warm wishes. We sincerely congratulate Gulnaz Ibragimovna on her birthday, wish her boundless happiness, family well-being, talented students and success in science.

