A study room named after Rysbek Baymakhanuly was opened at QyzPU

    • A study room named after Rysbek Baymakhanuly was opened at QyzPU

      A classroom named after Professor Rysbek Baymakhanuly, a Doctor of Technical Sciences in the Department of Physics, has been opened in the main academic building of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Additionally, a scholarship named after Rysbek Baymakhanuly will be awarded.


      Academic staff attended the ceremony including Gulmira Kanai, rector, Zakir Dzhumakulov, Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations, lecturers and director of Intitue Physics, mathematics and digital technologies, and the family of the scientist.


      The family of Professor Rysbek Baymakhanuly sponsored and helped financially equip the office. The room is intended for laboratory and teaching sessions for students enrolled in the "Physics" educational programs. Students can scan a QR code in the classroom to access the biography and works of the scientist. We believe that in the near future, there will be followers who will continue the scientific path of the scientist.


      In addition, the scientist's son, Aidar Baymakhanuly, expressed gratitude for the university's support in opening the office and noted that a personal scholarship named after Professor Rysbek Baymakhanuly will be awarded.

