QyzPU took 8th place in the overall ranking of universities in Kazakhstan "TOP 20"

    • QyzPU took 8th place in the overall ranking of universities in Kazakhstan

      The Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University "Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating" achieved 8th place in the overall ranking of the top 20 higher education institutions in Kazakhstan based on the results of quantitative differentiation of educational programs. This year, the university's educational programs showed significant achievements across various disciplines:

      Bachelor's Degree Programs:

      • 1st place – 6B03201 Library Science
      • 1st place – 6B11102 Cultural and Leisure Activities
      • 1st place – 6B01504 Physics
      • 1st place – 6B01601 History
      • 1st place – 6B01402 Visual Arts, Artistic Labor, Graphics, and Design
      • 2nd place – 6B01506 Informatics
      • 2nd place – 6B01301 Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education
      • 2nd place – 6B01703 Russian Language and Literature
      • 2nd place – 6B01507 Chemistry
      • 3rd place – 6B01701 Kazakh Language and Literature
      • 3rd place – 6B01401 Music Education
      • 3rd place – 6B02201 History
      • 3rd place – 6B03101 Sociology
      • 3rd place – 6B11401 Social Work
      • 3rd place – 6B02102 Choreography
      • 3rd place – 6B01510 Geography

      Master's Degree Programs:

      • 1st place – M001 Pedagogy and Psychology
      • 1st place – M002 Preschool Education and Training
      • 1st place – M017 Training of Teachers in Kazakh Language and Literature
      • 2nd place – M021 Special Pedagogy Training
      • 2nd place – M066 Psychology
      • 3rd place – M006 Music Teachers Training

      Doctoral Programs:

      • 2nd place – D014 Training of Biology Teachers
      • 2nd place – D060 Philology

      In addition, we have demonstrated strong performance in pedagogical programs, educational programs in pedagogy and psychology, physics, history, library science, and preschool education. Next year, we plan to achieve even higher standards and break into the top 5.

      Since 2014, the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (NAAR) has conducted the "National Ranking of University Demand" in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This national ranking is based on the principles of transparency, objectivity, verification, and accessibility of information sources, aimed at assessing the quality of educational programs across different levels and fields of professional training.

      Furthermore, Kazakhstan considers the specific characteristics and diversity of higher education institutions. These ranking studies aim to evaluate the quality of educational programs at various educational levels and fields, enhance the quality and competitiveness of educational services, provide society with information on the degree to which educational quality meets market demands, and recognize the effectiveness of scientific research activities conducted by higher education institutions.
