Inclusive education: pedagogical and psychological support

    • Inclusive education: pedagogical and psychological support

      Director of the Center for improving qualifications and additional education, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Khamzina Kamesh Omarovna and associate professor of the Department of special pedagogy, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Orazaeva Gulzhan Serikovna will conduct a 72-Chapel course on improving qualifications in the program "psychological and pedagogical and methodological support of students inclusion of 432 professors of the Central Asian innovative university in the city of Shymkent.

      The purpose of the course: to increase the competence of teachers of universities in the training of students with specific educational needs.

      The main purpose of inclusive education is the implementation of educational programs with reduced opportunities for health education in accordance with their favorable opportunities and opportunities, their socialization, adaptation and integration in the public.

      In the course of improving the qualification, practical technologies will be discussed with students in the institutions of the University, the history and experience of the development of inclusive processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad. All-round analysis of methods and approaches to the creation of a free environment, familiarization with the subtleties of the organization of educational and educational work for people with limited opportunities, activities in different situations, which are followed in the work of private students.
