Awarding of participants and future prospects: International Creative Symposium

    • Awarding of participants and future prospects: International Creative Symposium

      An international creative symposium “Promoting Sustainable Development Goals through Art” was held, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the QyzPU organized by the Department of Professional Education.

      The goal of the symposium is to create and strengthen a professional artistic space through international cooperation on sustainable development goals, promoting the development of the creative potential of talented students.


      The symposium was attended by 25 famous artists from Korea, Slovakia, China, Thailand, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and 30 students from universities.

      On the first day, an international creative symposium (plein air) was solemnly opened in the university assembly hall. Chair of the Managing Board – Rector Gulmira Kanai especially congratulated the participants of the symposium and noted the principles of achieving sustainable development goals through art as the basis for organizing the event.


      The plenary session was attended by specially invited speakers: Zhanar Rysbekova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Social Work; Amandos Akanaev – President of the public association “Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan”; Omirbek Zhubaniyazov – Chairman of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Suriwan Sutham – Thailand, Bansomdetchaopraya Rajabhat University, Associate Professor of Art Education, Doctor of Science; Yuristanbek Shygaev - Kyrgyz people's artist, professor at the Kyrgyz State University named after. I. Arabaeva; Karine Paranyanc – member of the Union of Artists of the State of Latvia, professor. Guests from near and far abroad made presentations and expressed gratitude.


      The main purpose of the symposium was the official presentation and opening of the Center for «Sustainable Development», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the university. In this center, professor from Latvia Karine Paranyanc, a member of the Union of Artists, conducted a training seminar for students and listeners on the topic “Multimedia exhibitions from the white box of a non-standard museum.”

      Professor Melihat Tuzun from the Turkish University of Trakya conducted master classes on “Art education in the field of contemporary art and the use of innovative technologies”, shared his experience of using various teaching methods using modern technologies.


      During the three-day symposium, famous artists and students performed creative works on the topics: “The truth about the secrets of the world”, “Art saves the world”, “Art for preserving the environment”, “Gender equality Family value” and plein air sketches of the nature of the Alatau mountains. Symposium participants painted pictures reflecting the global situation in accordance with the theme.


      Following the results of the symposium, a final exhibition of painting masters and a competition of creative works of student participants were organized. The jury decided to determine the winners of the competition, who were awarded diplomas and valuable prizes. Note: The Grand Prix went to Abeydolla Akbota, a student of KazNAI named after. T. Zhurgenova (head Serik Agataev); I place was taken by Juraev Muhammadkodir, a student of the National Institute of Painting and Design named after Kamoliddin Bekhzod (Uzbekistan) (supervisor Sattorov Muhammadjon). Students from OKPU named after M. Auezov and Turan-Astana University received 2nd place. The third place winners were students from West Kazakhstan University named after M. Otemisov, Omsk State Pedagogical University, Taraz International Innovation Institute named after Sh. Murtaz, International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Kozha Akhmet Yasawi. The rest of the symposium participants were awarded diplomas and prizes in their nominations. All participants received certificates and letters of gratitude to their leaders.


      The results of the international creative symposium (plein air) will be published in the catalog of creative works of the participants. The exchange of experience in the creative achievements of famous artists and the implementation of sustainable development goals through art will continue in the future on the basis of a strategic plan.


      In order to create a creative partnership between domestic and foreign artists and students, an agreement will be concluded with the Faculty of Arts of Trakya University in Turkey.

