Trainers of the QyzPU conducted training at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism

    • Trainers of the QyzPU conducted training at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism

      Two national trainers, participants in the project of the World Bank and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Modernization of Secondary Education”, Orazaeva Gulzhan Serikovna and Kabysheva Maria Olegovna, conducted training sessions at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism (KazAST).

      QyzPU became one of the leaders in the implementation of the project KZEMP/DS-02 “Implementation of the model of teacher education and strengthening of its content”. This project is the result of cooperation between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the World Bank, which joined forces to modernize education in our country. The project's consultants are the best experts in the field of education: Häme University of Applied Sciences (NAMS) and the University of Applied Sciences of Jyväskylä (JAMK), Finland, Autonomous Educational Organization "Nazarbayev University", Kazakhstan.


      Over the course of two days, trainers introduced teachers participating in the Summer School at KazAST to the main stages of the project and new educational programs included in the list of 30 innovative educational programs (30 EP). Particular attention was paid to the principles of developing academic programs and syllabuses. One of the sessions was entirely devoted to evaluation, since innovation is impossible without updating evaluation methods.


      Cooperation between Kazakh National Teacher Trainig university and Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism began with the Winter School on the basis of QyzPU within the framework of the project “Implementation of the teacher education model and strengthening its content” and continues to develop successfully. Such interaction is aimed at modernizing pedagogical and secondary education, implementing innovative educational programs and strengthening the potential of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University as a leading university in the field of pedagogical innovations.


      We believe that this training will help KazAST in implementing innovative programs and will be an important step towards the modernization of teacher education in Kazakhstan. 
