Meeting on the topic of personality formation and prevention of domestic violence

    • Meeting on the topic of personality formation and prevention of domestic violence

      Psychotherapist of the Center for the Development of Mental Health, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, psychoneuropathologist Karimova Raushan Beidalievna held a meeting with students of the 1st-2nd year.

      Raushan Beidalievna shared in-depth research and experience that contribute to the disclosure of girls' versatile abilities, knowledge of the soul, psychological readiness of girls for future life, problems of psychology and domestic violence, a better understanding of the mechanisms of violence and the development of methods of its prevention.


      Students were told how to avoid bad habits and prepare for family life. She introduced techniques for self-development, forming personal characteristics: entering into family life, self-knowledge, self-love.

      The students gave feedback, shared their opinions, asked relevant questions and received a clear answer. At the end of the meeting, they shared their impressions and thanked the speaker.
