Training for students on the development of individual skills

    • Training for students on the development of individual skills

      The psychologist of the Mental Health Development Center Amirova Kamshat conducted a training dedicated to improving the pedagogical experience of students.

      The training was organized at the request of the advisor of the Faculty of Social Work Raisa Saurbayeva.

      Within the framework of the event, various tools and formats were used that allow students to gain knowledge and methods of their application in their lives, as well as develop certain skills and abilities. Through these tools and formats, students became familiar with effective methods for setting specific goals for the future, and also learned how to use these methods to achieve desired results in everyday situations.


      Students completed tasks to demonstrate in practice the knowledge accumulated in theory. The task is organized with the help of individual, group observations. During the assignment, the students realized that a "good teacher" is a person with developed mental health.


      The team's resource depends on the scale of the task, the prototyping stage is a preschool educational institution, school, university. The stages of rapid prototyping on paper (drawing up a single outline of a hypothesis or idea) - the presence of children from preschool to adolescence. At each stage, students could become assistants, which allowed them to improve the quality of their ideas and work in a team.


