Qyzpu students became winners of the «best student of the republic of kazakhstan-2024» competition

    •  Qyzpu students became winners of the «best student of the republic of kazakhstan-2024» competition

      The Republican competition among the youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan is held with the aim of popularizing the message of the Head of State K.K. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “An honest person - honest work - honest success.”

      From QyzpPU, 2nd year students in the specialty 6B01507-Chemistry Zhuginisova Zhanerke and Koshkimbaeva Ayana took part in it and won the first prize.

      The organizers of the competition were the national innovative research center “Bilim-orkenieti” and the Academy of the Best Students. According to the conditions, students from all regions of the country sent the organizers of the competition an autobiography about themselves and copies of supporting documents (letter of gratitude, diploma, etc.) in three languages. As a result, active student youth who have achieved success in the field of science, art, and sports were selected. They were included in the book collection of talented students "The best student of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2024".

      Congratulations to the winners! We wish you further success!
