Young people need financial literacy

    • Young people need financial literacy

      With the organization of the Center for Women's Leadership and Entrepreneurship of the Department of Strategic Development and with the support of the AMANAT party, a 3-day project to improve financial literacy “Karyzsyz Kogam” was held for employees and students of the Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University. The speaker of the course is the financial expert of the “Karyzsyz kogam” project - Brasilov Zhandos Rakhmetullaevich.


      During the course, students learned how to raise funds and make plans for the future. We received useful information about our personal budget and safety rules.


      A financial literacy course plays an important role in teaching people to effectively manage their finances and plan for the future. Financially literate people tend to have a better understanding of their financial options and risks, which helps them avoid financial problems and reduce the likelihood of falling into a debt trap.

