Meeting with students on the topic "The religious situation in a secular state"

    • Meeting with students on the topic

      In lecture hall №L-5 of the Main Academic Building, in order to prevent the spread of religious extremism and terrorism among students, the ideology of a destructive religious trend, the theologian of the Center for Mental Health Development Sagyndykov Akylbek Abdulkadyrovich held a meeting on the topic "The religious situation in a secular state".

      The meeting was attended by 2nd year students of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Sciences and Arts under the guidance of senior lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines R. S. Saurbayeva.


      During the event, the concept of religious extremism, its main causes, forms of manifestation, and threats were discussed. In addition, during the event, students were provided with extensive information about the missionary activities of destructive religious movements, their ideological signs and threats, as well as information about the need to be careful with information promoting a radical religious idea on the Internet.


      The students were also informed that, in accordance with Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Religious Activities and Religious Associations", it is prohibited to conduct worship services, religious ceremonies and meetings on the territory and in buildings of educational organizations, as well as missionary activities.

      At the end of the event, the students asked interesting questions and received specific answers.

