Motivational training  for students

    • Motivational training  for students

      The Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technologies hosted a seminar on «Self-esteem and human leadership qualities»  in order to form an active life position of students and increase their self-confidence. The event organized by the Institute was held by the psychologist of the Department of Personality Formation, the Center for the Development of Mental Health Amirova Kamshat. The motivational training was aimed at effective management and time planning of students.


      During the psychological training, the students got acquainted with the method of "seeing themselves through the eyes of others" and traveled from childhood to the present.

      The role of time in a person's life is special. It is intended not only for recreation, leisure, but also to compensate for spiritual needs, improve thinking, and general versatility. Working on the qualities of self-esteem, students explained the theories of awareness of the value of their time. In addition, she provided many ideas and recommendations to use time effectively and set specific goals.


      During the training, psychologist Kamshat Amirova presented SMART technology for determining specific goals and clarified that at the goal-setting stage it allows you to summarize all available information, set favorable deadlines, determine the sufficiency of resources, and plan time effectively.
