Teachers  of the QyzPU were trained within the framework of the World Bank's project "Modernization of Secondary Education"

    • Teachers  of the QyzPU were trained within the framework of the World Bank's project

      Teachers of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University were trained within the framework of the World Bank's Project "Modernization of Secondary Education" aimed at developing teacher education in Kazakhstan. The event was attended by 32 teachers who took courses on the development of innovative syllabuses, the introduction of STEAM/CLIL technologies, and the development of leadership skills in education. The training took place from January to May 2024.

      The courses were specially designed to improve the skills of teachers and introduce modern teaching methods and approaches. Professional development of the University's teaching staff is an important step towards the large-scale modernization of higher pedagogical education in Kazakhstan. The high qualification of university teachers ensures high-quality training of students who will become professional teachers in the future. Thus, improving the training of university teachers directly affects the quality of secondary education in the country.

      The training program included a variety of modules focused on the integration of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM), as well as using the subject-language integrated learning (CLIL) approach. Special attention was paid to developing leadership skills among teachers, which will allow them to more effectively manage the educational process and introduce innovative educational technologies in their institutions. The participants noted the high level of organization and the usefulness of the acquired knowledge, which they plan to actively apply in their future professional activities.

      The certificates were signed on behalf of HAMK University (Finland), which underlines their international status and recognition, and were awarded in a solemn ceremony within the walls of the university.

      Thanks to the project of the World Bank and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University continues to develop its educational programs and improve the skills of its staff, which ultimately contributes to enhancing the quality of education in Kazakhstan.
