The winners of the olympiad

    • The winners of the olympiad

      Chair of the Managing Board – Rector  Gulmira Qanay awarded the winners and scientific supervisors of the republican subject Olympiads and other Olympiads of 2023-2024.

      Winners of the Republican subject Olympiad in 2024 under the program "Foreign language: two foreign languages" (Turkish) among university students:

      1st place - Abdikadirova Diana Adilzhanovna

      2nd place-Mukhametzhanova Nazyla Kairbekovna

      3rd place - Khasanova Ramzia Raufovna

      Rotova Gulderai Naipullayevna took the 3rd place in the "Translation business".

      At the Republican subject Olympiad among students of other nationalities of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the subject "Kazakh language" in 2024, the 2nd place was taken by Erpolatova Diera Sherazbekovna, Khaytenova Nafisa Ozodbekovna, Anarchonova Diena Shukhratovna.

      The winner of the 2nd place of the XI Republican Olympiad "The best linguist" in 2024 is Bayken Togzhan Manarbekovna. The winners of the language Olympiad among students studying Persian as a second foreign language in higher education institutions in 2024:

      1st place-Slam Ayakoz Aidarkhanovna.

      2nd place-Madiospan Ayazhan Kairatovna, Ayazhan Bazarbaevich

      3rd place -Bekmurzina Aida Askhatovna, Abdrakhman Raizhan Akzholovna.

      In the XVI Republican student subject Olympiad on the group of educational programs for the training of biology teachers-B015 among university students of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held at the Uzbekali Zhanibekov South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University, Adilzhan Zhuldyz Maratovna, Umbetulla Ayaulym took 3rd place, in the course "Tourism" Nygmetzhan Amina Maksatovna, Muratova Anel Muratovna, Nishanbayeva Malika Akhrarovna, Mamyrkhan Akelik, Toylibaeva Dinara took the 3rd place.

      At the XVI Republican Student subject Olympiad in the discipline "Theory and methodology of physical culture", 2nd-year students Arsinova Dilnaz Arsinovna, Kenes Gulnaz Almatovna, Ibraeva Nurai Serikovna, Sterlikova Maria Stanislavovna and 3rd-year students Saderdinova Angelina Rashitovna, ni Kristina Andreevna took 2nd place in the team competition.

      At the Republican Pedagogical Olympiad for students of pedagogical specialties "Abai's legacy in pedagogy of the XXI century" at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, 3rd year students of Pedagogy and Psychology Autalip Akniet Dinmukhametovna, Uataeva Ayazhan Yerlanovna took 3rd place in the course "Informatics" Kelgenbai Zhanerke Aibekovna, Tolentai Nazerke Nurlanovna. And in the nomination "Pedagogical excellence" was awarded a member of the group Kelgenbai Zhanerke Aibekovna.

      In the competition of scientific projects ”IT Startup" of Nur-Mubarak University Amerkulova Arai Maidanovna took the 3rd place.

      At the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, the 1st place at the XVI Republican Student subject Olympiad on educational programs "Library Information Systems" among university students was taken by Dzholtukova Zarina Bakytovna, Nurmagambetova Nazim Yerkinovna, Omarova Riza Yerkinovna, Pernebek Dana Ramazanovna, Umirzakova Marzhan Bakhtkyzy and at the International Youth Forum "Green Bridge from Generation to generation generation" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU Kadirkhan Akerke, Absalim Aknur took 2nd place.

      At the Physics Olympiad among university students dedicated to the Year of Socio-cultural Initiatives aimed at improving the lives of Young people, Kamila Mukatova, Barat Shugyla, Lida Almaganbetova took 1st place and Kuanysh Karakat took 2nd place at the Olympiad among 1st year students of the Physics Department. At the I city Student Olympiad among universities in the field of Physics, Madiyarova Anel took 3rd place.

      At the traditional Pi-2024 Olympiad "Physics and Mathematics in Engineering", organized by the Academy of Logistics and Transport (ALT), Kenesbek Akbota, Kadirbek Asemai, Kalkabai Zhansaya were awarded 3 places. Omirbai Uldanai was awarded 1st place at the Mathematics Olympiad among students of the Department of Mathematics and 2nd place at the competition "Best Student -2024" among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States.  It was with this award that Yerbolovna Zhanar took 2nd place in the competition "The best student -2024".

        Among the students of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the National Innovative Research Center "Bilim-orkenieti" and the Academy of the Best Students, Kopjasar Aruzhan Zhanysbekovna and Iriskulova Nozli Turarovna took 1st place. At the Republican subject Olympiad of schoolchildren and students in general education subjects "Zharkyn Bolashak" dedicated to Independence Day, Tursunova Zaitunam Tylepaldievna took 1st place and at the Republican competition "The best student of New Kazakhstan", held by the national innovative research center "Bilim-orkekenieti" Beisembai Zhansaya Bakytovna took 1st place.

      At the Republican competition of the 100 best students, the 1st place was taken by students of "Librarianship" Batyrova Aziza Serikovna, Uteniyazova Aisulu Abayevna, Pernebek Dana Ramazanovna, Nurmagambetova Nazim Yerkinovna, Abdirahman Shugyla Nurzhanovna, Abdiakhapovna Ayzere, Beisembai Zhansaya Bakytovna. The main prize was awarded to students of the educational program "Information Systems" Abdiakhapovna Ayzere, Abdirahman Shugyla Nurzhanovna, Ermekova Dinara Sanzharbekkizi.

      Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts to our students and supervisors!

