Mother is the first teacher of every child

    • Mother is the first teacher of every child

      In honor of Mother's Day, the Youth Policy Center organized a meeting with representatives of the association "Kazakh Analary - dasturge zhol".

      The most beautiful and wonderful word in the world is mother. Mom is the person who gives life and does not ask for anything in return, which is in the fate of each of us. Her love is the most tender, the most sincere, the purest and devoted.

      Homeland always starts with family. After all, the family instills love for their country, for the place where you grew up. Only a family can teach you to sincerely love your homeland, make it more beautiful, better and cleaner. The spiritual wealth of offspring depends on upbringing. A special place in the child's heart is occupied by his mother. During the meeting, our guests explained these concepts widely, gave a wonderful direction to the future and warmth to the heart.

      During the vivid conversation, the students also received decent answers to their questions.

      May moms live forever!
