Official accounts of KyzPU were recognized as the best

    • Official accounts of KyzPU were recognized as the best

       ALMATY. December 22. Press center – The Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University on Facebook and Vkontakte were recognized as the best in terms of information attractiveness.

      This was announced at a meeting organized by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken».

      The analysis was conducted by «TVM SMM» of Kazakhstan's «TV Media Digital». The study involved 70 public and private universities in Kazakhstan. The analysis was conducted on the parameters «Attraction Rate (ER)», «Number of subscribers», «Decoration of official accounts» and «Number of publications».

      According to the «Attractive Ratio (ER)», the official page of the Women's University on Facebook was 13.2 percent, and the official page on Vkontakte was 1.36 percent.

      Today, social networks are an important mechanism of communication with the public in any field. They are the main source of information. It goes without saying that they are students who regularly and actively use social networks. In this regard, today all universities give priority to the development of social network pages. This will greatly increase the image and potential of the educational organization in society and make it more popular, – say the company.

      It's worth noting that the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University has consistently been among the best in terms of the results of previous examinations conducted among public universities on social networks and the media.

      Press and Public Relations Department

      Contact phone: +7 727 237 00 07

