QYZPU and the Almaty Akimat began the fight against the "digital plague"

    • QYZPU and the Almaty Akimat began the fight against the

      According to psychologists at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, society is faced with the phenomenon of "Digital Plague" (addiction to gadgets), which leads to loss of concentration, impaired perception of information, and the creation of false attention. Coaching psychologist Sara Musina pointed out an important task before the psychologists of the country - to carry out mass work with the awareness of citizens.

      In this regard, the Centre for Mental Health of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University and the City Scientific and Methodological Centre for New Technologies in Education of the Almaty City Education Department conducted training on the introduction of neuropedagogical assistance for 120 novice psychologists, social pedagogues and defectologists.

      Training on introducing neuropedagogical assistance in the work of specialists to improve efficiency is also designed to help solve actual problems arising in the process of schoolchildren's education.


      The master class, which took place under the title "Psychology, Technologies, Ideas", was organised as part of the city scientific and practical project "Modular Training for Beginning Psychologists". It was attended by graduates of the Psychological Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, as well as great specialists in the field of mental health, who were invited as speakers.

      The main goal of the master class was to help graduates and young professionals apply methods and new technologies of neuro-pedagogical assistance in the fight against the "digital plague".


      The main speakers of the event were professor, practicing psychologist, psychotherapist of the Centre for Mental Health Raushan Karimova, social pedagogue, graduate of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University Lyazzat Kaldan and HR+ system manager Karlygash Tukenova.

      Karlygash Tukenova spoke about the effectiveness of the Automated System of Psychological and Pedagogical Monitoring (ASPPM) for educational psychologists. She joined the event online from Karaganda and spoke about the importance of introducing monitoring into the work of specialists.

      Raushan Karimova, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, psychoneurologist and psychotherapist, shared her experience and knowledge on the topic of psychological characterisation of various forms of neuropsychiatric developmental disorders in children. She also touched upon the topic of primary psychological and pedagogical correction of special children.


      Lyazzat Kaldan, a graduate of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, spoke about her experience of using the Google sites platform to develop partnerships with parents. She works in one of the secondary schools in Almaty and conducts important work with children and their parents.

      As a result, the participants of the master class - teachers, school psychologists and students - gained valuable knowledge and skills to combat the "digital plague" and psychological processes. Such training contributes to the development of professional competence of specialists and the health of society.

