Republican meeting of young scientists will be held

    • Republican meeting of young scientists will be held

      Republican scientific-practical conference of young scientists «The world information educational space in the hands of a competitive teacher» will be held on November 27 this year, organized by the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.

      The meeting, initiated by the Higher School of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technologies, will be held in three areas.

      In particular, young teachers and applicants from Kazakhstani universities and research institutions will study "Problems and prospects of using information technology in modern education", "Modern technologies and tools of teaching in secondary and special secondary education" and «Problems of methodological support of distance learning». Will share important information on the sections and present their research to the public.

      You can download the information letter of the Republican scientific-practical conference of young scientists "The world information educational space is in the hands of a competitive teacher", which will be held online.

      Press and Public Relations Department
