Registration for the Republican Olympiad «Bilim shyny» on subjects Physics, Mathematics, Informatics for pupils of grades 10-11 (12) has started

    • Registration for the Republican Olympiad «Bilim shyny» on subjects Physics, Mathematics, Informatics for pupils of grades 10-11 (12) has started

      Dear pupils! We invite you to take part in the annual Republican Subject Olympiad «Bilim Shyny» in Physics, Mathematics and Informatics for pupils of grades 10-11(12), conducted by the Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technologies of the Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University.

      To participate in the Olympiad, you must register before February 20, 2025 by scanning the QR codes below:




      The Olympiad Date and time:

      Stage I - February 28, 14:00-15:00 (online)

      Stage II - March 29, 09:00-15:00 (offline)

      The Olimpaid venue: Almaty, Gogol street 114, building 1.

      Information letter 
