Appointment: Zakir Jumakulov

    • Appointment: Zakir Jumakulov

      ALMATY. August 25. Press center – Zakir Jumakulov was appointed to the position of provost of Scientific work and international cooperation of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.

      Zakir Jumakulov is a graduate of the International Program «Bolashak». In 2008, he graduated from the L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University with a bachelor's degree. In 2012, he received a master's degree in public policy (MPP) from the University of Michigan, USA.

      He started his career as a junior researcher at Nazarbayev University.

      In 2017-2018, he held the position of Project Manager of the Center for social interaction and communication of the National Welfare Fund «Samruk-Kazyna», from 2018 to the present, director of scientific programs of the Higher School of education of Nazarbayev University.

      Zakir Jumakulov constantly conducts scientific research in the field of Education. He was awarded the «Scopus Award Kazakhstan 2019» by Elsevier for his contribution to the development of National Science, measured by the number of articles in international scientific journals and their citations, and The Independent Award by Thomson Reuters and the National Center for scientific and technical information for the publication of scientific journals with a high impact factor for 2011-2015.

      Research area – Organizational culture and leadership; Internationalization of higher education; «Borrowing» policy in the field of education; Human development; Financing of higher education.

      Research topics – International scholarship programs’ contribution to the development of human capital; Student mobility in Kazakhstan and Central Asia; Challenges in implementing the principles of the Bologna process; National strategies for the internationalization of education; Internationalization of the study; Student educational loans.

      Press and Public Relations Department

      Contact phone: +7 727 237 00 07

