An international scientific conference will be held

    • An international scientific conference will be held

      ALMATY. January 28. Press center – On February 24, the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainig University will host an international scientific-practical conference on «Actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology».

      The traditional online meeting will be organized by the Department of Theoretical and Practical Psychology.

      The meeting will be held in the areas of «Direction Trends in psychology and psychotherapy in pandemic conditions», «Direction Professional activity of a psychologist: in society, in the education system, in the institute of the family» and «Direction Professional self-determination personality and emotional intelligence».

      The conference was attended by St. Petersburg State University of Russia, Pskov State University, Kyrgyz-Russian Academy of Education of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, L.N. LNGumilyov Eurasian National University, S. Scientists from East Kazakhstan University named after Amanzholov, Pavlodar Pedagogical University and Kainar University will take part and share their fundamental research.

      Based on the materials received at the scientific meeting, a special collection will be published in Pdf format.

      The information letter of the international scientific-practical conference «Actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology» can be found here.

      Press and Public Relations Department

      Contact phone: +7 727 237 00 07

