The exhibition “Kazakh Heroines” was held at QYZPU

    • The exhibition “Kazakh Heroines” was held at QYZPU

      Of the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, an evening exhibition entitled "Kazaktyn Batyr Kyzdary" was held in the coworking hall of the main academic building, organized jointly by the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, the Institute of Philology, the Department of Practical Foreign Language and the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The educational and educational evening is dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

      The purpose of this event is to form love and respect for the our country, to foster patriotism among the younger generation.


      During the event, 1st year students of the speciality "History-religious Studies" Shugyla Shaimuratova, Zhanerke Kadirbek, Charos Saidikarimova and Ayimkhan Aitmakhan made presentations on Kazakh batyr girls. 1st year students Sabina Ali and Nursina Ali performed the kui "Alash amanaty" and "Yerke sylkym", students majoring in Music Education Akerke Alimbekova and Zhanna Nusipova performed the song "Aliya". The event was hosted by students majoring in Music Education Maldybek Zhanerke and Bauyrzhankyzy Aidan. The museum staff introduced the students to the historical exhibits. At the end of the evening, the head of the Department of "Practical Foreign Language" Bimagambetova Zhibek Tobulbaevna thanked all participants and guests for their active participation.

      Organizers of the event:

      • The head of the Department of Practical foreign languages Bimagambetova Zhibek Tobulbaevna
      • Teacher of the Department of Practical Foreign Languages Gabdul-Muttalip Saltanat Magauiyakyzy
      • Head of Exhibition and Exposition Organization Department of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan Musina Aigul Nilkyzy                                                                     