QYZPU students have invented a new kind of rubbish bin

    • QYZPU students have invented a new kind of rubbish bin

      Four students from the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University have developed a unique concept of a rubbish bin with an automatic waste separation function. Their invention, which is a modern tank equipped with a sensor, can recognise the type of waste in 0.7 seconds and distribute it into different bins corresponding to each type of waste: metal, plastic, paper and glass.

      Once the waste is recognised, the baskets with the appropriate type of waste start moving with the help of the integrated motor. The tank is also equipped with a special lid for convenient and environmentally friendly removal of the contents.


      Second year students on the Computer Science and Robotics programme, Amina Imanova, Meiramgul Kuatova, Dinara Bulkinbek and Khayatkhan Satymbekova, continue to work on the project, completing a 3D model of the container. They plan to complete the model in a fortnight, after which the designers will be able to start creating the container body. As for the internal mechanism, the students will install it themselves.

      The creation of the modern tank became possible thanks to the Startup-Tomiris competition held at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. Shortly before the competition, the students first met in a robotics course and became friends; after the foursome decided to contribute to environmental protection and conservation and won first place in the competition, thus receiving start-up financial support from the university.


      The girls plan to install the first copy of the rubbish bin at the university, and in the future they dream of launching their own production.
