QYZPU guides organized an exciting trip to the mountains

    • QYZPU guides organized an exciting trip to the mountains

      Students of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University experienced an exciting adventure in the picturesque mountains of Ile-Alatau National Park. A group of guides, consisting of 3rd year tourism students, organized a trip for their comrades to the Ayusai waterfall. The sound of water, fresh air and amazing views created a unique atmosphere, leaving unforgettable impressions for each participant of the hike.

      Before starting their hike, the guides gave a detailed briefing on mountain safety. This included the basics of orienteering, safety rules on the trails, use of necessary equipment and techniques for safe ascent and descent. The main purpose of this trip is not only to enjoy nature and society, but also to provide students with an opportunity to learn more about the professional activities of the guides and the QYZPU Tour organization.

      Surrounded by majestic mountains, the students had a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with the work of the guides, their duties and responsibility for the safety of the group. The guides shared their experience in organizing tours, told interesting facts about the nature and history of the area through which they led the students.

      Kenzhebek Bolat, head of the QYZPU Tour student organization, noted that such trips not only contribute to the diversity of student life, but are also part of the training of future tourism professionals. "This trip not only strengthened friendships between students, but also gave them practical experience in the role of a tour guide," he said.

      Cohesion, new knowledge and inspiring scenery made this Ayusay Falls trip unforgettable for the participants. They returned from the mountains with new impressions and knowledge, ready for new adventures and challenges that the future in the world of tourism will bring.
